J ;- c--i- A THE ADVANCE- -I OH 0I.Y- ONE DOLUR ilD FIFTY CENTS - W II EW PAID 101- Cash in Advance. THE STATEMENT or :0: - lUSlt UBSEMEN T3 in LSOX COUNTY. OB A ' ,.rt of the Finances of TTM ( nil nt y From December 1st ss s, to December 1st 18S9, THE J-il, W l S I...: Ili. "LET ALL. THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTHS'." J. VOLUME 19. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 19. 1889. DECEMBER, 1888, , l Polly Ellis monthly allow- , $i 25 j l-d.am Lam monthly allow - G 00 y. :. 15 irrt-ll Perkins monthly al- t;.-e .....12 00 S i V M ny A Tomlinson monthly !!.- 2 20 ance ; 4 00 No 82 W S Pittman Error in tax list.. . 2 50 No 83 Bartlett' Pel kins monthly allowance. . . .12 00 No 84 Wiley Stott poll tax re funded ' ..188 No 85 Dennis Johnston making coffin .'.;2 50 Walston . No 86 Teresie allowance No 87 Wyatt funded ..... .T. . No 88 Henry Kirby making nu.... . v. No 8 J DrU.F 1 "A ieresice Walston roil hi .:i:re. ., s .1 .ill... J monthly ...2 00 v Whitley monthly al- 5 50 Tiiebe Wrenn monthly al- .2 20 11 Ellis rations for Patsv ...3 30 E Pearson Constable fee 1 59 ijt C C Barnes coffin for Hat iliington . .2 50 U J a rues Bryant monthly al f .... ... 10 00 U iv L layior arrest and ex- .) me Moore ; 6 25 H lv'ssiah Flowers monthly incf ..' ..4 00 11. 1 II & W J Newsom re- pi us; Spring branch bridge. .2 95 , i.) J S Bojkiu repairing lii In'.... 15 00" i i ; Bennett Bullock services ' ni bridge &c 5 20 No 17 L F Lucas repairing :,:; .. 37 05 N ) Is Polly Williams 'monthly al-!a-v nil'' i . 1 10 No l : I r. E. G. Moore Coroner's fii.'!i.-r -.7 70 No J a P L Farmer letting and re iv vim; bridge. 3 00 N .1 .1 .1 Farmer registration Nov r' ': " i 3 76 l'J .1 W Lriniui clearing raft 8 00 Bonnet Sharp digging N S. N. N) N i l'I J, imes Mattox clearing raft : ...i so .'" James W. Lancaster Reg r Nov election.. 28 70 20 Joe Blow Sta'e failures .16 30 i .'7 J U Pearson services at house 30 00 '.! C Pearson potatoes fo a' poor bouse. 4 00 I A Batts canvassing vote ,'-.:if i : 2 40 ) :! i Wiley-Barnes cauvassing mi l mileage 2 60 51 1J Thompson canvassing ami mileage. . 2 50 Klia Q Barnes canvassing and mileage 2 70 "! L. F. Lucas canvassing m il mileage....'. .2 40 i W k Oberry canvassing .2 50 canvassing , 2 45 una mileage 35 I u Eatman fid mileage.. . . . William Woodard, Jr can v. mu votes and mileage 2 25 N 17 J J, Farmer canvassing ind mileage .....2 20 N i is W W Farmer registration ; ...........22 43 N ' Dr Nathan Anderson ser- poor house .15 00 No I i J. Fi Farmer paid bauds ;i' hifise and services com.. 27 95 monthly ......... 2 00 Surtlvaut tax re ... ...v....... 62 cof- 8 00 Freeman profes sional services to John Taylor. 7 00 No 90 Mark Hunter tax refund ed. ..-r ......... .,36 qNo 01 Hardy Burress tax Ten funded..... ...2 50 No 92 Nathan Williams poll tax refunded -.I 88 No 93 Mrs. Tomlinsou monthly allowance for Pittman cnild. .. I 10 No 94 Frank Flowers work at poor-house. . .... , . , .2 50 Jno 'Jo A r"liarne8 registering names in Nov elections . .5 00 No 96 C F Finch bridge.. ,.54 00 No 97 Applewhite Lane & Co mdse tor Mrs Veacy .... ..... 1 12 Ssn 98 K 15 ieans services as commissioner 1100 No 98 W P Sn.ikenburg clerk canvassing board..., 2 00 'n TOD .las H AriimR tinll tstr r. funded .'. ........1 88 No 101 Charles Gardner poll tax refunded.... .1 88 No 102 Dc J T Graves registra tion in Nov election .... ... . . . . .326 No 103 Mrs O O Peacock tax on real estate refunded 4 69 No 104 Juo T Barnes tax on refll estate refunded 1 35 No 105 W J Gai market bill poor house.'.....'. 60 No 106 Harreil printing blanks for clerk ...3 00 No 107 J F Eatmaa letting and receiving bridge 2 00 No 10S Wiley Caibet upplifs poor bouse .32 65 No 109 W Sasser work at poor house .160 No 110 J C Pea s jn services at poor house . ......... 30 00 N ill Uadley & Brigs Sup plies poor house. 82 53 No 112 W Sasser mannre poor house ..5 00 No 113 Charles Darden making coffln for child. . ......... . . .1 25 No 114 Or Nathan Anderson medical services poor house. .20 00 No 115 J W Orbwell wood and cleaning conrt house. . ....... .3 00 No 116 Mrs. Redden Bridgers board of pii-oneis ,93 90 No 117 A W Rowland drus poor house ... i ; 8 90 No 118 Branch & Co supplies poor hodse ". 39 37 No 119 Mirror lor printing. 74 94 No 120 D Herring drug bill .K.....1250 No 121 J T Wiggms lumber. 4 02 No 122 E Mj? Nadal drugs. . .4 65 No 123 C C Daniels printing notices for Sheriff .....11 00 No 124 Murrby & Benton work on jail...... 4 -..' 3 50 No 125 J. & ID Oettinfeer cl otb- tng .4 'l J)U No 126 Edwards & Kroughton books. . . . ... :. ... ..... . . .17 40 No 127 Error. No 128 Berrv Savage tax re bouse ., A. . .. . . .64 51 No 172 Dr Nathan VAnderson services poor house . .15 00 No 173 Simon Barnes registra tion Nov election ;..4 77. No 174 WjT Kiiht jail fees Dick Bal er TarMro .... 2 10 No 155 ftW Orowell sundry fees etc '. 32 05 No 166 Mrs Redden Bridgers board prisoners.. . 61 20 No 177 J A Duval coal bin court bouse 1 50 No 178 W W Barnes fees State vsJ R MHST....- ,.; 55 jEfo lrapiobn Mosley. one-half es-State vs J R Turner . 70 io 180 w v onaKemwirg one-nan feewtate vs J R Turner 55 No 181 Martin Lnper one-halt fees vs J R Turner 72 No 182 W H Johnson one-half fee State vs Dave Mercer 55 No 183 A W Walston one-balf fees Dick Baker and AmosThigpen 183 No 184 A. W Walston one-half fees Dick Baker and Amis Thigpen ...72 No 185 A W Walston one-half fees Dick Baker aud Amos TuigpWl ease 1 QO.r No 271 Johu I one-h lfTFiuch Road case No 186 Robert? Varnell tees Amos Clark. . . . . No 187 A T Stott josiah Jones. No 188 Godfrey fees Josiah Jones... 70 one-half fees 1 27 Siott one-half 1 25 No 258 T L Porter one-half fees in James Dunstou . . 1 05 No 259 Chas Wooten one-half fees in James Dunston . 1 05 No 230 Richard Sumlin one-half fees iu John Tyner and Frank Hathaway . . . 82 No 2G1 Benjamlu Pittman oce half fees in little Ben Cobb and others . . 75 No 262 James Guatney one-half fees in John Tvner and Frank Hathaway . 62 No 263 A W Watson one half fees iu John Ty.ner .and Frank llatnaway . i - - No 264 J L BariitVone half fees in John Tyuer ajtrJFrauk Hatha wav . . - 72, No 205 Ilinnaut James jurer in Fiuch Road ease J 1 00 No 2G6 Geo P TjVik juior iu Finch Road case . . 100 No 2C7 William HaneA juror ui Finch Road else . 1 00 No 268 J K llaynes juror iu Finoh Road case . ' 1 00 No2$tceiUfn Morris juror in Fmh Rond c se. . 1 GO ;No 270J WCrowell fees in' the 4 00 Moore juror iu 1 00 No 272 ThrophiltyTJarnes juror in no 341 Weaver & Clark pipe for jail no 342 J , W Crowell services stove 125 sundry 27 15 THE OLD NORTH STATS L few Pacta la cur Early ' Eisior y- No tl .! ilii' hour No V.iU oo N . 1. hi c ! prisoners N . U John L Bailey .'ii:. " v nne. , . N i 1". S 11 Tyson N 1 1 V t I,..'f irilj No HI C B Ruffin E N Gorham merchan house ...,7 60 I I) Meredith lumber and Conrt House '.07 00 Mis Redden Bridgers 84 60 rations for . 2 00 registration ,. 5 44 m'dse poor No . iiwe ' M II i(ll " ' i'HIISP N r Davis & Gay m'dse cy k Briggs . ' IT U W Privett registration N v election r. .......6 91 Ni H B Deans sundry fees ..6 45 N i 1 1 J w Crowell iDsolvemts Air .14 68 N ot) I C Eat man registration N v .-Action.. 5 73 No.'.l W F Mercer auditing ;r'.iuiet's account. 2 00 N )"',) no T B irnes m'dse poor 2 50 poor ..5 25 m'dse 132 80 Wooren & Stevens coffin " "'hi s and tabid. 9 50 No :,i Kunyaii J Barnes fees vx ' iV: i ,. Ulf 05 . N !-i ;,7 linn art J B trues i-ervii-eH ;" i'.o-ird...'. 1150 00 v W J Gay market bill poor 1 97 - .Ionian Talor inn'- -all fees "f- .State vs Sharpe & Speight ; ......91 'W Wiley Foi bes one-half fees ': '- State vs Sharpe & Speight ; .94 N,'I I; F Lucas one-half fees. 1(i vs Lorenzo Murray 2 85 " ' -' ,.l.nib Limb one-half fees i'- vL Mnsliew .... ' C: Aliritin Tcnrin nnp-holf vs Cho t T ill llf funded.. No 129 fundi d.. No 130 refunded...... ... No 131 Bennett refunded V.. ; . . ..1 02 Emma Gay poll tax re- ........188 Burket B.trnes poll tax 1 88 Pope ' poll tax .1 88 No 189 L T Williamsou ene-half fees Josiah Jones 1 30 No 199 J R Watson one half fees Josiah Jones... .1 50 No 191 15 II Boykin one half fees Josiah Jones. 1 37 No 192 A B Deans fees on State failures.. . L 51 75 No 193 May Moore in place of old order djated April 7th '79. . . .75 March 1889. No 194 Polly Pages monthly al lowance ... 4 00 No 195 Bartlett Perkins monthly allowance.... L .12 00 No 196 Teresia Walston monthly allowance L ......... 2 00 No 197 Mrs Tomlinson moth'v allowance . . I . 1 10 No 198 Polly Ellis monthly al Igwance . . . 1 25 No 199 Polly Whitley montlily allowance . . . 5 50 No 200 Polly Williams monthly allowance . . 125 No 201 Isbam Lamm mon'jilv allowance ... . 6 00 No 202 Geo W. Randal burial Garry Taylor col . . 3 i.O No 203 Kisiah Flowers monthly allowance . . .4 00 204 A T Wanl repairing Cou teutnea bridge . . 6 97 ' No 205WiIey Corbett supplies poor house and jail , . 10 90 No 206 Allison High officer of Grand Jury . . 6 00 No 207 Jesse Fennell bridge across Lee swamp . , . 36 35 No 208 George .Taylor filling'; iu at Lees swamp . 9 25 -No 209 Dr Nathan Anderson services poor house . 13 40 No 210 J T McOraw supplies poor bouse , . 10 28 No 211 William Connor caiiug for woman in confinement 2 50 No 212 G W Thigpen monthly allowance . . 4 00 No 213 Geo P Clark crier of the court7da?s . . 14 00 No 214 Robert Whitley poll tax rt funded . . . 1 88 No 215 A B High coffin for Sal ly Taylor ... .250 No 216 Simon Barnes letting and receiving bridge . . 2 00 1 Farmer juror . . 1 Weaver juror Finch Road case N 273 Joseph F:i: ii Road case Nj.274 W B Fmcb Read case No 275 C U Glover Finch Road case No 276 J vV Crowell case 00 in 00 iu 1 00 juror iu .105 fees inthe 4 00 - No 77 Dr A D Mcore in full for services at boor house . 5 00 pkil 1889. all .. ii all req !y.itt Nm 1 i: G Calhoun one-! vs iMo Hill Mentus Barnes .one 4i s 't it,- vs Geo Hill A B Deans State 2 85 fees ...82 fees ...82 halt 67 failures ""olvents 24 06 " 7 11 lientou tax refunded on state 3 75 Wiley Howoll poll tax re- 1 88 I W Batts poll tax refun. - 1 I-ah Daniel poll tax re- 1 88 Alfred Boswell refunded st.te. 65 lL'iiry Hook poll tax re- 1 88 'Vilev HAniPH llnardian rn!l ax rluixle"l 1 88 1 liurket Barnes poll tux re- ..i 1 88 Wyatt Scott poll tax re- 1 88 Januaby 18D. v.- ... ' lollv Ellis nionthlc ..illnar. v .... 4. . ' i roll "W.ltH 7 t",l N'i i;:i N.71 !Vif.i1 1 ix, 7.1 X.: No 132 Beryy Hooks poll tax re- f . . . 1 DO innoea v aoo No 133. Walter Kersey poll tax refunded .... .1 88 No 134 O E Winstead tax on net sou al nronerty refunded. ...2 59 No 135 Lott Adams poll tax re funded .'........ 1 88 No 136 Nathan Baas Ex Jerry Bass tax refunded.. 5 00 No 137 B B Harnson poll tax re funded 1 138 FEBRUARY 1SS9 No 138 Bartlett Perkins month ly allowance..... 12 00 No 139 Theresa Walston month ly allowance 2 00 No 140 Mrs Tomlinson for P'tt man child allwanfce 1 10 No 141 Polly Page, monthly al low ance .4 00 No 142 Pollv Ellis monthly al lowan se: 125 No 143 Kisslah Flowers 4 00 No 144 Polly Williams allow ance , .1 10 No 145 lshani Lamon monthly alU.wanee . ...,.6 00 No 146 Pollv Wliit ley monthly allowance .5 50 TIo 147 Polly Williams for womb of JauUary . .'. .1 10 No 148 J Evaus repairing seven bridges -jS 10 No 1149 W J Sumlin repairing Stantbnshurg bridge.... .8 00 No '150 W W Lamm repairing Hares'' bridge......1 83 50 No 151 Dr H I) Lucas attention to nhan Patterson .5 00 No 152 E B Bass & .Co burial clothes etc lor Chas Peterson 4 50 No 153 D M Stott costs State vs Walter Barnes... . .. i . ,...345 No 154 J R Watson fixing em- hankment Bloomery swamp..,.. .50 No 155 A T Barnes carrying Simnson wi fe to Asylum .. 11 00 No 15ft Jno A Lane services on Board Commissioners. .... 20 No 157 Jesse Norriss services on Nj217G TiBovkin rations for Sally Taylor . . 2 08 No 218 J T Aycock letting and receiving bridge . 4 00 No 219 Mrs-Redi'.en Bridgers board tor prisoners . 48 CO No 220 J W Crowell sundry ex penses . . . . 17 SS No 221 A B Deans fees for Feb'y term . . . 7 25 No 222 A B Deans fees for Febv terra ... . 16 00 No 223 W L Green half fees in Amos Clark case . .67 No 224 Branch Briggs & Co sup plies for poor house . . 4 25 . No 225 Edwards & Broughton stationery clerks office . 8 65 No 226 Harrell's Printing House no 278 B irtlett Perkins monthly allowance . . 12i00 no 279 Kissiah-Flowers monthly allowance . - . 4 00 no 280 G V Thigpen iiioutbly allowanee . . 4 00 no 281 Theresia Wastou monthly allowance . . -,00 no 282 Polly Edis monthly al lowance . . 1 25 io 253 Polly Willuun inoiitnly owiiice . 125 no 'JSi lsbam ljinun iiiouim. jwance . 6 00 no 285 A 1 Barues lettitig aim eiviiiff liridffe . 2 b0 . . , , i . i - .. ill . . ' no !' iiaivin w niiams coiuu or Dtlibali Hill . . 2 50 uo 2s7 J B Ferrtll bridge across Black Creek ' . . 85 02 no 268 Mrs Tomliuson montb'.v allowauce loirpittmu child 110 no 289 A C Burnnett Birial ot Heurv harden I . . 2 20 i:o 2j0 Poll4 Pago monthly al Iowa nee . . . 4 00 no 29 L J R Ellis ratious lor l'at sey Bovce , . . , .3 90 no 22 George J Dew lumber t'or bridge at Srricklands . 2 46 no293 Pol fey Whitley mouthly ailowaiice j . 5 50 uo 294 J F Farmer expense Hxi iug jury box . . 19 50 no 295 L F Farmer letting and receiving bridge " . 2 00 no 29'j W F Mercer auditing trea-urer account . 2 00 no 21)7 William Connor addition al attention to woman . 2 50 no 29H J C lVaon at pooi house . . . 30 CO uu 2'J:i Mis Redden Br ders board nrisi.uers . 37 50 no 3u0 Ttiomas Moore woik at no 343 Mrs Redden Bridgers board prisoners . . . 62 40 no 344 E Barnes supplies for poor House . ' . . 33 97 Jcne 1889, no 345 Polly Whitley monthly allowance . . $5 50 bo 346 Polly Page monthly al lowance . . 4 00 no 347 Bartlett Perkins' monthly allowai ce . . 12 00 no 348 Theresia Walston month ly allowance . . , . 2 00 no 349 Polly Ellis monthly al lowance . 1 25 no 350 Will Farmer monthly al'owance . . 1 10 uo 351 Isham Lamm monthly al lawance . ... 5 00 no 352 W I) Farmer summoning witnesses . , . 1 8u no 353 Stephen D Boykin coffi8 tor O Powell . . 2 50 no 354 J H Barkley fees la j iug off road . . 125 no 355 Polly Williams monthly allowance . . . 1 50 uo 356 Kissiah Flowers monthly allowance . . . 4 00 no 357 Jesse M Taylor lumber nd rep nring bridge . 17 76 no 358 Mrs Tomlinsou monthly allowance Pittman child 1 10 no 359 Jas R Ellis rations furnish ed Patsv Boce . i . 3 30 uo 300 W R Mattox executing oad orders , 1 80 no 361 Rob Smith monthly al lowance . I . 1 25 uo 362 Thomas Moore work at poor house . .. 2 85 no 363 J C Pearsou service at poor honse . , 30 00 i.o 3o4 J Crowell repairs on court house, ; . 6 43 no 365 J F Farmer supplies and services . . 15 oa no 366 J C Hadlev supplies for poor honse , , . 103 44 no 367 ' Mrs Ueddin Bridgers board rofVrisoners . 6180 no 368 Dr Nirhati Anderson services poor t:oue . 13 00 no 369 C B Ruthu box tobacco poor house . . 10 58 no 370 ooten fc Stephens car pet tor cou i r honse , 13 60 no 3.1 O W Splvey work on bridge , , , 2 00 no 372 Wiley Corbett supplies ins e:;5::tez2's st:27. His Calarj Sh3Mli taSalei NUMBER 47 5 96 F Ii i m e r se r v ic s a n 1 1 .".0 no Blow constable 2 00 J. stationery clerk No 22J Juo L poor s omce . t -o Bailey rations tor 3 92 No 2 :8 G D Green & Co acconn for sundry merchandise .' 38 " No 229 Wilson Mirror pninn . . . '. 1 . - 6 50 No 230 J C Pearson services a' poor bouse . . . 30 00 No 231 Thomas Moore worK at poor house : . iV Ob No 232 Davis-& Gay blankets tor poor honse . . a 30 No 233 G T Boykin rations ior Sally Taylor . . . 2 08 .No 234 J T Aycock letting a.id re pairing bridge . , 4 00 No 235 Error No 236 Ben E Barnes poll tax re funded . - . . 1 88 No 237 Saunders Durham poll taxrefunded . . 1 88 No 238 John Mercer poll tax re- pour hou-e no 301 J amount no 02 fees 303 A II -i!tr :iier , mdse for 1 ail . . - 5 60 no 304 M Rount'ee AT Co mdse for poor liuuse . . 16 40 no 305 M Rountree & Co mdse poor house . . 36 59 no 3c Ivkaii's iS: or .U;U'oii order book a'.id mairiae li cen-e . . . 6 40 no 307 Branch Bi iggs & Co cup- plies pir house . . 54 4 uo 308 Hackney Bros sundry lull court house . . 1 45 no 3'9 E N Merer water buckets ... 30 no 310 C B Ktifiiu supplies pooi house ... . 2 28 no 311 Dr Nathan Anderson se; vices poor hone , 25 00 ' no312 A W Ii .v.i.iud coal for 19 20 jVtl no U-e o ; 313 J C II nil v uppl.ies poor ' . 48 17 14 D '.vul I) Noil-v laiutinj: i'it U.'X in com thou, e . 2 50 ' MAY 1839. no 315 Bartlett lVikins niontblj allow nice , . . 12 00 no 316 Kisstah FlociS mouthly allowauce , . . 4 00 no 317 Polley 1'age monthly al lowance . , , 4 00 no 318 G W Thigpen monthly al lowance . . . 4 00 no 3 19 Theresia Walston month ly allowance , ' . 2 00 uo3J0 Poller Williams monthly allowane. . . . 1 no 321 Isham Limm uionthl allowauce , . . 6 00 U0 322 l'olley Whitley montblv allowance . . . 5 50 no 323 Poll.y Ellis moLthly al lowance . . . 1 25 ' no 324 Mrs 'Tomlinsou for Pitt man child . 1 10 no 325 Will Farmer monthly al lowance v .1 10 no 226 Alex Parker work at poor house . . . 2 Oil no 327 Lewis Hardy ovtr charge on tax . . 1 00 no 328 J A Line services on the board . 1 . .' 15 00 uo 32) Jesse Norriss services on the board . , 16 50 uo330 R B D 'ans . ervices on the board . . . 14 50 no 33l Thomas Moore work at poor house .- . . 5 00 no 332 Y F Me.cer registration school -lecfio - 6 34 no 33 Tfempy Runtree work at noor h"ii i . , 3 25 - . r no 334 J U ivarson paiu ior labor at poor house , 7 50 no&5J C Pearson services at noorf house . . 30 00 no 33G J C Uadley supplies poor hnn-e . . 91 60 no 337 Dr Nathan Anderson gervices poor house . 13 00 ' no 338 Durham Saunders poll tax refnmle'l . . 1 88 no 339 Ben Austin poll tax re in, A. i.V Whitlev monthly al ...nr.o ,r is lam l.umm mnnth i o I V . uuu r." '' Krror ;N')fKissiah Floweua monthly ....4 00 Roard Commissioners ...23 10 No 158 Joe Blow burial Kemble. ,, .1 00 No 159 W H Bagley tax re funded on real estate. ... . .:,12 5,0 No 160 C F Fiuch lumber lor col- lin n Rutmill .12U No 161 J C Pearnon services poor house.... ... 30 00 No 162 J F Farmer services cjn board ....33 30 No 163 William Woodard regis tration Nov election ; . . ...6 2Q No 164 Wooten & Ste-ens cof fins and mattresses. 9 00 No 165 Jason Barnes poll tax refunded 1 88 No 166 Jesse Pearce poll tax refunded 1 88 No 167 J T Wall poll tax re funded.. v .1 88 No IGU Wilson Barnes poll tax relunoed .1 88 No 169 Wilson Advance printirfg calendar.... .5 00 No 170 Hadley & Briggs balance guano acaount.. 4 23 No 171 J C Hadley supplies poor funded 1 88 No 239 Dennis Wright poll tax refunded . . 1 88 No 240 Sam Collins overcharge on tax . 63 No 241 W J Gay market bill poor bouse . . 1 49 No 242 James T Wiggins lumber for bridge at mill - . 7 34 ; No 243 Wooten & Stevens cof fins for noor honse . . 5 00 No 244 A W Rowland drugs 2 45 No 245 A W Rowland coal for jail and poor house . 18 00 No 246 J C Hadley supplies jopr house . , . 71 23 No 917 A N Daniels euano and white oats , 6 12 No 248 Ella Peel one-half Ices in Sam Jenkins case . . 135 No 249 G W Whitehead one-half fees in Sam Jenkins case .135 No 250 Penny Bynnni in Sam .Tonkins naRA . . 1 lo No 251 W a G Scott one-half fees j in Dave Mercer case . 55 No252JT Williamson one-half fees in Josiah Jones case . 1 25 No 253 T A Jones one-half fees iu Josiah Jones, 1 20 No 254 J E Peason one-half fees in Will Brooks . .1 22 No 255 D B Eatman one-half f. e in Josiah Jones . - 15 No 256 HDLncas one-balf in Will Brooks . l No 257 P R Brooks one-air for j Ail , , , , 5 23 no 373 L E l wards . 4 80 no 374 Error no 375 G M Smith .whiskey poor house , . , 60 no 376 vV -I Gay market lull 2 15 no 377 J T McCraw spittoons ai.d soip lor court house . 13 65 .T17.Y 1889 iio 378 Ki-KiAh Flowers monthly allowance . ... 4 00 uo 379 1 lowance no 380 allowance J . . 1 50 no 331 Isham Luniu monthly allowance ,1 . . 5 00 ni3ti2 Mis Tomlinson monthly allowance . . . I 10 llev Eiiis monthly al I 25 Williams montblv no I'M lowance . no3-4 B inlet'. allowance no 3X3 Polly allowance Will Fiiuier moiithlv al -"l 10 IVi kins monthly 12 00 Whitley monthly 5 50 The first domestic event in the history of the State was the eendiog oat of a sort of volunteer commission to look at the beautiful lands of the Cherokee In Western North Carolina and Tennessee in the year 1731. Ten white men and a few Indians went, and amoog them was John Ashe, whence possibly the name of A6heville. Gabriel Johnson in 1736 spok of the factions, the ignorance of the commissioners- of this State. As late as 1752 there were only 20,000 whites In North Carolina and 10,000 slave and free negroes. Slavery aid not use here as fiercely as in either Sonth Car olina or Virginia The early taxes were very high. The mothers of illegitimate child ren were sent to jail until they would betray the fatherhood, and the father must either give security to take of the child or he was hired out at auction No exemptiou was made for ministers of the go?pel trespas sing in this respect. Another decided event was the arrival of the Scotch Jacobities. But the great fact of this State was not any settle ment from the east whatever, but the settlement 'from tle western part of the State fro a wbolly different " aourc North Carolina had eolanguisT: ed that all its healthy hig western districts were -unocc pied. There slowly crept fn the rear of the seacost denizens of vigorous scotch, Irish and occasionally German elements including Moravians from proli fic Pennsylvania, TLes-e people multiphying fast and knowiug good land when they saw it, rapidly overran W.- tern Mary land, came down y..x: Virginia valley and took up tbo good farms and following the Blue Ridge mountain began to fill up western North Carolina. They were in the main Presbyterians though some other elements were attached to them, such as Lutherns. There were also German Baptise elements in the combination. These were the people who Betted the vgorous towns like Char lotte, Salisbury etc. Finally North Carolina was tat-n away from its proprietors and made a royal providence, which was a great advantage' though it ctired up some opposition. No founder of any Stat in Ameri ca who owned the land in bis family ever amounted to any thing except William Penn. Chicago Times. Jon ironic SESHYorBCEEEES 1 1 -to this oprxcr- en t a j " - - ' ir In a smoking car, along with half A. ftnran ntliara nt was an engineer who was KoingL m "qae,9l,eaH tb f0' down to iwi. .., J . of the Chrenicle to furnish him I . " " I n.lT, lilf.. the JurJ:e etarted'to draw him Epr Zlzzit'A rmirct cf til BY f A Vt'l L M. rynH. out by f lying Ml presume you have had your share of close e haves, noDg wun oiner engineers?" "l have, sir," was the reply. "Been in many amash-ups?" "A full dozen, I guess." "Any particular adventura that might be called wonder ful ?' Why, yes, I did have one," replied the wan after relight ing his old cigar etutnp. -I didn't think it any great shave myself, but the boys cracked It up as poniething extra." "Let us hear about lt, eald the judge, as he passed him a Havana. "Well, one day about two years ago 1 was coming west with the lightning express and was running to make lime. Down here about twentv miles two roads cross, as von uo o8i T R Eagles pi ep irmg l)i luge r.r b II lyson prep ring oriuge n .'M8 Gaston White oak bridge letting and 2 00 letting and . 2 00 Elton repairing 15 70 nj 389 G T Walker repairing Cjbbiii brnc'i Iridge . 8 00 po 39:) J T Aycock letting atd receiving tiridge . . 2 00 no 391 C 11 Dai den c flin for child . . . . 1 50 no 392 Wilson Advaucd printing court calendar 2 50' no 393 Biuket Barnes poll tax re funded . . . 1 88 no 394 J A Farmer lumber bridge near Batts . . , 608 no 395 W B Weaver letting and receiving budge near Batts . 3 00 uo 396 W i ley Barnes work at seven bridges . 1 50 no 397 A T Burues 1 sting tax in X lioads township . 13 00 110 398 Simou Barnes listing tax in Soring Hill township 12 76 no 3.19 J J Farmer listing tax in Taylors township . 11 00 no 400 J F Eatman listing tat in Old Fields towsbip .' 17 CO . no 401 II B La e listing tax i Siautoushurg township 8 00- . no 402 S B Moore one-half fees Buck Gill and Buck Baits 1 37 no 403 A L Wiggins one-half tees W D Carter case - . 82 no 401 Jno B M i k out-half fees W I) Carter case . 87 no 405 Applewhite & Lane pro visions meat aud vinegar ' 4 48 no 400 A B Deans sundry fees . 7 30 no 407 A B lea us costs State failures etc . . 195 45 no 408 J F Farmer repairing bridge and services . 11 97 no 409 Jas 11 Majs-hbounie eerv- ng summons on W B Bridgers 1 20 no 410 Jason Horn poll tax re uuded . . . . C'.ark crier The Irvalld's Ilsje- Many seemingly incurable rases of blood poison, catarrh, scrofula and rheumatism have been cured by B. B. B. (Botanic Blood BIm), made by the Kload Balm Co., At lanta, Ua. Write to them for book Oiled with convincing proof. Givv. B. Raider, liviog nevtn miles iTroni Athens, Gt write-: "For several years I suffered with running1, ulcers, which doctors trea'e l and pronounced lucoraMe. A -i-i.'re botile ot B. 11. It did me note good I ban all the doctor. 1 kept on iihmj It ain every ulcer healed.' D. C Klll.ltd Sotl, Toalig i, Ga., writes ; 'We induced a nesgh- Oor to tr B. B. It. lor cjtarib. wbich lie thought incurable, a It bad re-is! ed ull treatment. It de- ghtrtl him, and continuing it use he was cured tound and well.'' R. M. Lawson, East Point. Ga., rites : "My wife bad scrofula 15 years, sne tept growiog . worse. She lost her hair and ber skin broke out fearfully. Debility, emaciation and no appetite follow ed. After pbycioiaua and numer ous advertised medicines tailed, 1 tried B. B. B., and ber recovery was iapid and complete." Oliver Secor, Baltimore, Jl., writes : 4,I suffered from weak back and rheumatism. B. B. B. has proeu to be the only medicine that gave me relief." G P no41l court , no 112 Jo funded . . . . 188 no 340 Dennis Wright poll tax refu uded . 1 88 1 88 of the 13 50 u C Hadley supplies 114 07 no 413 W 1' Lester Board Jurors . . . . . 6 60 co 414 Mrs Redden Bridgers board prisoners . . 25 80 no 415 Dr Nathan Anderson services poor house . 15 00 no 416 J oj D Oettingcr mercban dise poor house and jail 5 71 no 417 A Hailbniner ulankets for jail' . . ' 185 no" 418 E Barnes Uour poor house - - . . 16 50 .uo 419 Davis & Gay aidse 5 CO uo 420 E M Nadal rirug bill 5 45 no 421 J O Pearson poor house , . pp 222 Tnomas Moore poor honse no 423 Gatlin Barnes P3or bouse , , win pee, and there are a lot of switches and sidetrack. I had just whistled for the crossing and putoo the brakes whea the coupling between the tender and the baggage-car broke. "I see, I see," murmured the judge. "At the same moment come- thing went wrong with old No. 40, and I could not phut off steam. She sprang away like a flash, aud as the struck the crossing she left the track and entered a meadow filled with stumps." "Good heavens !" She kpt a straight cour.-e for abont forty rods, smashing tne et iimp every second, and then leaped a dilch, struck the rails of the I). & 11. road, and after a wahble or . two settled down and ran fsr two in-Ies." "Amazing ! amazing 1" "Tien, at a cros-ing, nhe left metals, entered a rornfleld.and, bearing to the righ, plowed her way across the country until sha came to our own road again. She Lad a long jump to make over a marsh, but he made it, struck the rails, and away she went." "You don't say i ! a V . 1 I -i was now oenina ray train, I the cock auu.ttii.er a run. oi iwn miles, 1 jve i got, control oi tne engine, ran up and coupled j to the palace car.and went Into Ash ton push ing me train abea. of me. "Great Scott I And was no one hurt ? "Not a onl aid not a thing broken. The superintendent played meau tries on me. though." "How?" ; "Why, the farmer who own ed the meadow piil the com pany ?I8 for the etumps I tad knocked ont for Lira, while the cornfield man charged f 3 for damages. The superintend ent pocketed the balance of the money." "The Mroutnliri-! And Low much are yon paid a month." "Ninety dollars." . "ThatH for running on the road." ""Ye.-." "And nothing for lying ?" "Not a red." "Thai' an outrage. The pu perintendent is an oM friend of mine, and I'll seo that you get the $9 on the stumpage and a salary of $UO a moutn as Ion s jou nve. iintuci men as you who lrake a line popular. with tome "XUrglnalU" epecl ally opproprlate to Christmas. I should be at a loss where to begin but for the newspaper reports of the re-appearance, just at this time, ot the "Star of Bethlehem," which is mid to be now visible about three o'clock every morning In the south-eastern Leavens.' Those who claim to identify It, do scribes It as a star ot unuual magnitude and radiation. How IrreslPtlbly Its ChrLtmas-tlde reTlaitatioa Invokes ficred memories of II im over whose cradle it stood in th bhased uawu oi. redemption, wbe was himself "the bright and morn ing star" of our faith unto salvation ! What glorious imageries, hopes and aspira tions nave always clustered arrnn1 .1. . I 'T-I . tLJrtt-Ihackneynor custom eUte the ui iy rou 9 immortal lines : e etara ! which are the poetry .f heaven ! If in your bright leaves e would read the fate ui men and empire, . u to be lot given. That lo oar ap ration to be gre.t. Oar destinies o'er lead their mortal state. And claim a kindred with ou; lor ye are A beauty pud a Kittry, and create Inosftoch ove and reverence from afar, luat loitn-e, Itti?. nicer, lit. uve iKined ihm-rlvratai Surdy, It it a pardonable laucy, u men it re, io supiK9 If tumor chorda tlere be Blent with the pleaaanCitrala, Ttoey !o but lenJI To male It rod In fuller Itartoony D'iMhe Lappy. Larrr. tiD- py t'liriotutaftide; with light ness kill Its LrK'hlrinM. with lis iic-lc and Its glalnees asl Itsjty! Where Is tie eeaaoa' that caT compare with It la universality, la the abandon of iisgayeijr luthe LoraJ cf the rich at. l'ty the Ltxrablert hearth nf the poor, its lnfiaenc leu; what heart ma rrafch. hat pvket pj nlgvard er ao lrairird. a nat to relax la a under the tenia! cjntagloa tLU uus tue verr air ?- But by tome uobUdea Io pulse, my talnj turns froa the comprehensive cheer and wan ders aUtririly away to aa alien theme, and fancy iraagl&ea a luxuries, dull Jet centre itLin a. circlet of dlanonijt: the dark eymbol of laooralnir surrounded by the CaaMojc points of light : Low thi dark nea enhanced t y puch a border. And t ,s I tLli.k of LMHi la whv:, ti, 4!.i :u of tun latest hv . e -arijvr.lir.j- iy. ana a:- tt,.u.j Tbere'a i Ami a blow in i b lirht. And a pray ofrirprea twiniBf uu me bony wieatb to tight. Ah ! ye. full many a moth er this night looYn M.mncft mists with a ptnlle Coating on the ttofom of g. tear watchlcj the fun and frolic Jf Ler chil dren ; be mi-es o eoralr that the sweet InOuences of the , K. ler f t. meny star that led to the manger In Bethlehem have po diffused themselves into the hearts of men as to Induce a natural link ing of our de&tinies with night's soft and loving luminaries. B B That the mrriad-mlnded Shaksffeare" should Lave failed to celebrate In his mortal ver- the capital event In the world's history, is not for a moment to bf supposed. So, we find among the tnot exqui-ite pas-sages In Hamlet the follow- ing reference to the crowing of through Christmas oa tu Sor me say that ever gaict that M-aoa cornea berein our Savtoaia birth t oelrbratrd. The bird of dawtiog ungetb al) . mint long, And thee, tbey aay, no pint caa walk abroad. The night are wb.leomr, then no puoet atfike, 0 lairy takes nor witch lth iorr lo charm. So balloe'd ao mo grrUa i the time." Nor In vain do wj 1 ok for the celebration of CLr. tmas t y that living poet who (with the exception of Byrooand Shelly) has been without a taperior since Mjappeare. "IUng out, wild Ulls, to the wild sky," i jully admired by every admirer of Trnuy.m, but sweater far to me are the fl lowing from that rame la ale moriaiu : -The time draaa r.-ir the bulh f CbrUt The murtQ U hid ; tbe bight la Btdl; The Cbti!ma brila from hill to bit! Anawtr ca--h other to tbe tuUt. APLEASA27TVCi:S- It Is to The Heart What Light is to The Hunaa Eye- no 424 M poor house Bq uutree & services 30 00 work at 2 50 work at 1 75 Co flour 6 00 There is no power of love eo bard to get and keep as a kind voice. A kind hand is deaf and dumb. It may be rough hi flesh and blood, yet do the work of a soft heart, and do it with a soft touch. But there is no one thing that love so much needs as a sweet voice to tell what it means and feels, and it ia hard. to get and keep it in the right tone. One must start in youth and be on the watch night and day, at work, at play, to get and keep a voice that shall epeak at all times the thought of a kind heart. I would say to all the boys and girls : "Use a kind voice at home." Watch it day by day as a pearl of great price, for is will be worth to you in days to come more than the best pearls hid in the sea. A kind voice is at lark's song to hearth and home It is to the heart what light is to the eye. Farm aud Fireside Escilea's Arri:a Solve. no 425 William Woodard Jr tak ing tax list iu Gardners township 13 52 no 426 J W Crowell sundry tees costs etc . . C 50 no 427 James II Marshhotirue waitiug ou court aud jail 7 50 no 428 A N Daniel peas poor CONTINUED ON 2D PAGE AxJt WWitU. A l . . t . . . 1 eJ-Snrw CiUz:a cf CorJi Cars- Oatiwr I hereditary la my f.un.lr, an aunt o:i ea-b tode having dud trom tliiH dreadful dieae. In each iu-ttice the caocer was loca.ed iu i. entical y the same p i-ii-on that nine fi'-t made Ita appcarnca j i-t U low the lelt cjeanl fxtetidn. iloto She left cheek. liore a?:d none. I wn at-tendt-d by tin let physicians, bat the ran ro:it:nu-d to grow worse under ihnr lit-atraent, and no hope of a core :! !d t giVfij by them; tbey ahI : ! had tn-iter have my affvri fiT ti.t Sue aid tLe next air.uiinl, lor -j;i--r as liable to strike a vi al oig ui at any mo iiient, aud at ot.ee bleed me lo death. AIout tl.is time. I met with Mr. Hbiih-v. living i:iar Due West, wlio-era-rer wa lieiug rapidly cured by usicg SwiliV Specific (S.S. ) I then gave Dp tbe doctors and ull ether medicines I bad heii-totore lreii u-iog, and commenced taking S. S. b.. and alter uj-ing the third boitle, I di- coveted that tie ttcab hat fallen off. and that the .sharp darting pziu, -o c'i lrar'nistic of the ca-icer, bad Cl"aed, and the dis charge w is very pr..fue. In a ft wii.i)s it itrgu t.i ual rapidly, aud M-on dii.d up. Bj the time 1 bad exhausted t tie the fifth bottle there wa ro:l,iug Lit b: t the acar where the Ciucer had been, aod I was a well mac. The core effected roue voic of fwar hmVu roa&d. From lar and near, oa tnead and moor, Swell out and fail, it a dvr Were bat between me aud tbe ound . Unghter wakens in memory the echo of the much of a voice that is ftillel forever eaith. Leave have their time to fall. Aoa uoweta to tniber at north wind breath Aod teat lo M-t bat all. Ttiorj bat 'l 4-aatia foe tbise o o, oh ! IeatX And hence in many Lome this clad fe-tlval Is a. pa.da hj. nlver-ary.all the wadder for the joy that eeeros almct like the acrilege of treachery to lie memory of Lr loved ooe- May puch no remember that Christmas with U tar-Lerald and its angel,' ptig waj after all, tut an Incident, a meant to an endT T he Inroaa Llrth as t-till tbe t irtb of tLe "man of porrowp," tut CLe prelode lo tbe rtealb that oprned tLe g.tea of Leaven, into which rates tLoe little fVet Lave gone lo the beautiful Lome of the Ut It was He who tcx.k little chll- dren t Li arm u& Mili, "'Suf- Itrtbeliitle chlJCien to cone ntilo me, ati l forbid ' ta ot for fu-h l the kl m cf Leaven." I Hi Le tioi y the MtnetJ you, wl eo ', little one you ttiuurn Ull 4.. ?e Ha toy and went Lome tj iod ? . It we 00 all tut bear Ihroi a:tg- tff. A 1 hey ate .iti-u.g tiww. If e v.oi l tot re IW faJlabce Ofttecjuaa ui 1 it Ii !rar tnw. Thrte eould te boif to aolbrr. $ V J ! tear la C IlaleUh Male CLronifle. X! tt.er ii ca trlt roar baby cf lUdiM-xnuf.dt aithest a4 ttiti!tfltiC Pjrasi, tbat 4ed. drug by ontig -iiy r. UoVa tlaby Sru. The ctCJettoe of waatatklal' ta tbnroortiv xmnttJe4 tbe eflic.ci 1 Itdcir. Lii lai proenl lettiedr l tdabl4 oxefclaeo in their fierbhaT a.U eti!. I'tu otitt 2i oexda. lour cbangea oa the wake. would Each voices wind. That low dilate, and now deerear. Peace aod good wi:L rood :il aod eace Peace aod good will to all mankind. Tbia tear I slept and woke with paio, I almot ihd tio nr fo Atd that my boll ou l ie break Before 1 beard thoc brj: again. Bot they pr troubled eiirit nil-. For tbey cootroh'd me Len m bo); Tbey brinz me aortow toa:hed with joy, Tbe oieir , mi t ry bel:a of Yo'e." - iU"e Cbroulcle, 1K.M. Pimple, biotcbet, ecaly k:n. ugly pu(, aorra and ulcers, at cessca aod tnmors, onheahby dia. c'uargea, such as catarrh, eczema, tingwoim, and other forma of tkin diseases, are r-yrtptorr. of blol impurity. Take Dr. J. II. McLean' Saraapai ilia. I'oseyboy, pneeringly So yon Lave gone and got engaged lo that old Dollargrab ? I eup- pose he is worth a million ? Miss DeSmith, contemptuously Yes, of such as you are. Burling tou tree rie-. 9 Ve I'm e;tearda tf tHy irara kMti. WlJiiuw'n lvcj'nit Starr" hae. Urea os4 by ail!i( 4 tt:.her lor thr;t rbildrea hi'e teethteg uh ter-Ui1.iti atety and ao oea. 1 1 urn lee t be tit ud. aorurfi a the gora, Hja a3 pato, rrgulatea the Uael, t ur jod ou c aod la t be bet rrca-'ir lur di art tar a. -MBS Wis.! tvxvTnikO Svarr" U rr t.y dnrgit la everf tt ft tbe wotU. I'tx 2 ceni i tattle. Is. Cfcziiri Irtith ia mot d:ktM.itig. but ottly to the efa aTJ.cted 4 Le bate any pride, t ut t those i:b whom Le ooinea ta contac:. It is a delicate turtle, to eM-ak of, but It baa part ed vol uuf (uebd but lovers. Bal breath na l catarrh are inseparable. Dr. Sf'a Catarrh Ileoedy cat e the a or t rae a aa thoaasdt Can tec:fr. Oxford Is raid to e the mot t rapidly growing jlxce la the state. The Best Sal ta in tl.- wurlt lor Cuts, Bruises, Soreo. 1,'ler. S.dts Bbeom, Fever, Sre. Tet'r, Chap ped Hands, Clulblaiin Cr n aud all Skins Erupt ous, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay rp'red. It is guaranteed to gv- i-nfect satisfaction, or money i;-.aaJed, Trice 25 ceuts ier bjx. in my ca is considerel t by my neigi.u rs a r t remarkab.e one, and clearly deuootrate tbe fact that S.S.S lOES CUKE CANCKB. Swift s iflc is a boon to auffer ing humanity, and all I ak la, that those aQl cteil aith cancer give it a tritl, and like mjrelf will be con vinced o' its tirtuea James B. Aus'iLd, (iieenwood, 3. C. Treatise on Caocer mailed free. Swift fcrtcii ic Co Atlanu, Oa, There are times wbo a (cliD of laiteitole alll overcome the not a b rouusr, wnen .ne aytem craves l r ptre b'.ood, to furnShb the elemei.'.a of health aod atrenglb. Tbe ttt remedy :or ponftiog the blood i lir. J. 11. McLean's baraaparllia. If pome men were half a- big as they tLliO they are Ih. orltl would Lava to be enlarg ed. Merchant Traveler. Appointments, once made.Le come debts. If I Lave made an appointment with you, I we you punctuality. I Lave no right to throw away your lime, It 1 da my own. CtclL Why coniiuoe the ant of irrita ting pjadt:, oo3, or IiBida. L'y'a Crraa Ba m, paaaslof ap p!.cti.a anJ a ort cir for rav tatih muA tj ta braJ, caa be lad t 'f 5 1 !. It li rj.iji )iI.e4 I Ul 9 the u :ii, t n.f .id pleaaaet mud ruiu ite tiiot otUoata cm It s:e fil f at luit. The I'h jik-'ou 4 K'j'a Cteaa i;ltn d uj ilatra it ta be a cure- all, bot a J'e ttuejr I t cata.tik caiJi ia tte Le4 ud bay fever, It t nut a li!4 vr eutff, foil a ead pibej iuu the a watt lis, Ut givea rvcl at boe. ' i roily Page monthly alow iu Will Brooks tl i - -

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