4 E Wilson Advance , JIX, - Local Edllor. s.n-, X. C. Dec. 19, . AnvANOBcniioavors to tx an non fnl an1 linpHrtlal chroutclor of tho i ,.tlnir special attention to the section 1 1 is jblishod. It ! Democratic to mi.) wlil spare neither friend or foe liixiillty to IVtnociatio success. It the best intercut of the Na- the State imperatively uemauua turn of tho uomocrauo pany in I it will spare noetTort to accomplish it It will seek to promote the in rvrlopment of the State and section iko pli-asure in dointr whatever lies 'ertoaul the farmers and laboring u'ir efforts to better their condition. ni si son or tol win una in me ad-ntn-ere friend. Every effort looking; alilwliincntof more and better edu njiitulions will receive our hearty ion sn.l endorsement. vam'I circulates lanrely in every e.t of Kaleiirh, nd la therefore a i.Vertislnir medium. Kates liberal. , inss JobotH :o is run In connection liupcrandwo will be pleased to re ourollioo Is one of the best in this section of the Slate for com h.rknnJ wo will do as good work and ilcure'S as anybody. I'M il in the Post Office at Wilson, N. C. cia.-w mail matter. ii l mi dj ltisvToit r. vriiti AN Chitrch. st and 3rd 8ui . i i's moral wr and nlfciit. 4th Sun- i , i. t s at nitrht. Prayer meeting and very Weouoaday nhrht. Sunday . .'ry Sunday at 3 P. M. llobt, P. 1 ' r. " h ist Church. Service every Sun : "imr and night. Prayer meeting-ev , n.- lHy night. Sunday School every v tit t V. M. D. H.Tuttie. Pastor, -r Cih rch. Services every Sunday . mill night. Prayer meeting everv :, tiiL'M. Sunday School every Sunday :. .Miles s. Head, Pastor. -. Hint. Church. Services every f.un .f'liiisr and night. Sunday School ever? ,t hi i P.M. Robert E. Wright, Keci or. ; tin t'llf uVAJiCE next week. " 1). S. Harmon a Scientific in, wno graduated in St. burg,-Russia, in 1870, has 1 au office in Briggs Hotel, V,i f KtiminaHnn rf O. U. i:ef.. PEESONAL MENTION- Richmond the holi- Miss Clara Readis in where she will soend uays. Mrs. n. B. Spiers, of Weldon, fs visiting her mother, Mrs. II. P. Miss Mar.v S. PrivetL of Snrinj?. hope, is Vja'tiner the familv of Mr J. A. Vrtvett. A Miss Lizzie Edward, of Spring hope, is visiting1 the family of II. M. Warren Esq. Jacob Battle, of Rocky Mount, was in iown Monday on profession ai ousiness i ft .i I..I.I- II inn week is Christmas week, iling to our usual custom, ante will be issued. Prin ke everybody else, need and :t; week' rest, and we are f i;itrona will not complain. 's hoping each of our read on y Christmas and a happy, mis new year. 1. W. S. Anderson's Drug oil can find elegant articles .itl.iy gifts. If you need ng m the Stationery line you t ilt yoaiself. justice unless II and examine this stock. you had better read what ice has to say in another 1 . X . I M i. una not laseour wora ior or ii'ir 1, i'.Mh vtnse you are going to give wri't heart, wife, husband, or :i Christmas present this The latest thin?, to be in is-leather or plush goods I with sterling silver. You ect a more stylish Dres- ve honestly confess that hibition of sncb goods shown l il'.s Drug Store is the finest iiHlsoniest we ever-saw. Go r l r yourself. capt- H, h. Hnce arrived Satur day night and will sDend the holi day with his family . Mrs- K. R, Ootteu and daughter miss AKnee, of Falkland, were iu town a few days last week. Mr Edgar Gay returned Monday from a trip down the road. Where ne went deponent sayeth not. Can You See? Yesterday a reporter of th Advance dropped into room No 6 of the Briggs hotel and found Dr. D. S. Harmon the celebrated Russian scientific optician at leisure for tbe moment. Do you ask us what a scientific optician is ? We reply that you must go and see for your self. Het is not a man who buys glasses by the gross and sells them by the pair, no more than a dentist buys sets of teeth by toe Hundred. -He examines your eye like a physician does your DOdy and writes a pre scription. He grinds a glass or peDDie lo suit your eye as druggist mixes a medicine or your body. This is the nearest we can come to telling you and this and more is what Dr. Harmon proves himself to be, He is here with all neccea- sary instruments and over 2,000 worth of fixtures, and if there is any defect in your sight, you ought not, in justice to yourself, let the opportunity pass you by withsnt appropria ting it to your own good. We advise all of our friends and readers to give Dr. Harmon a call if they want to know . A wi m - " wnat ne realty is. rnia-.is our opimon. 7:: ;.fi::::aar7 Ship. (hi lYiuay night, December 27th ii- r;tMren of the Methodist r ;r- ; -xo. compare th Bright .1: will Imild "the Missionary S i'.i .ir the Methodist church liii' :i!citatiimeuc will De a eer iii't'i p't Mciit'd by the children in IiiM.ii,' the ship. All at cordially in', i -l to ba present. This is one i' !'ii' most, novel as well as inter- t';n.' and Instructive entertain- c.ciits ever hehi in VViNon. Ik nt bun, Irau'l W. r-ci ham. .K S UANK OF MCNBOB.iN. U August 2nd, 1889. . S- Harmon : r sir : The spectacles ht of you I find, after jlI weeks' use, to be on- as r9Commended, no or biimoug. il'TiTZOERALD, Cashier. artily recommend what ,vritln above, and find thing just as Dr. Harmon unneiidji. Dr. B. G. Gra Kts It to .-t Va:r in i i ' Hit; ever !1H Ir. Zjzzzi's Testimonial- ..v, N. C, Nov. 23, 1889 aiForda me great pleasure ate that I have been using f la.-t twelve months a f Dr. Harmon's "Brazil- 1'ebbles". and have had i leasure and comfort in in thin any eve-glasses u.-jd. Tbev do not hurt rain the eye at all. J .vo. Gray Bysum, Judie Superior Court, il.'e liynutn's glasses were e tu order, to suit each eye, all glasses furnished by lianaon. LContinued from 2nd page. curnett case . . 510 Ho 712 Sam Williams whole fees A C Burnett cafe . 5 10 wo 713 George Bvnum whole fees A G Buruett . . 5 25 No 714 Jesse J Moore whole fees A j Burnett case . . 2 30 No 715 Henry Taylor vhole fees A O Burnett case . 2 10 No 716 Jesse J Moore whole fees A O Burnett case . 3 30 No 717 Robert Varnell whole fees A O Bnrnett case 5 80 No 718 W E Pender whole fees A O Bnrnett case . 5 80 No 719 William Taylor whole fees Joshua Saunders case . 3 15 No 720 W 8 Bobbins whole fees Joshua Saunders case . 3 55 No 721 J A Farmer whole fees Joshnt Saunders case . 3 30 ! No 722 Joseph Marlow whole fees Joshua Saunders . 3 30 No 723 J H Marshbourn whole fees Joshua Saunders case 3 10 No 724 H W Rowe whole fees Weldon Hagans case . 3 10 No 725 Jesse Mayo whole fees Weldon Hagans case . 3 10 No 726 George Gardner whole lees Weldon Hagans case 3 40 No 727 David Nolly whole, fees Weldon Hagans case . 3 10 No 728 J S Horn whole fees John Harris case . 3 55 No 729 Seth Anderson whole fees John Harris case . . 2 55 JNo 730 K I) Taylor whole fees George Batts - . . B 50 No 731 Joseph Horn one half fees Mingo Harris case . 1 80 1 No 732 N B Harringone half fees Mingo Harris case . 2 05 1 No 733 William Home one half fees Mingo Harris case - 1 70 No 734 A B Deans State failures &c . . 288 28 No 735 James H Marshbourn for yard stick . . . 50 1889 1889 CROAK! lo it ' CROAK! DEALER 1N- Drj Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes. Cloth- Groceries, Furniture etc. TUY FOB CASH U for CASH, and ing A FULL NEW STOCK. EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. Come and be convinced that we will tell you eood eoods cheaper than ever. i n h a ni.P.v. Corner Barnes & Tarboro Sts nxt to Baptist Church. AND BELL CASH only. Have one price to all and let that be tbe lowest, then yon will find one of your dollars baying as mncb as two used tor under tbe old i-lan. We are getting iu oar WE ABE THE HOLIDAY Agregate . : . $8,852.02 I hereby certify that the above is a true statement of tbe disbnrsei ments of Wilson County from De cember 1st 1888 to December 1st 1889. ' S. M. Warren, Clerk to tbe Board. Ill III! yon mate And the prices are AWaT DOWN. but we would not bave you get it into your bead that our goods are common because our prices are so lew. 1 know it is bard to make yoa understand tbe rvaloe of Caab in buyiug, but if will look at our line of plSE JpLUSH OODS, a mm -IF YOU BUY YOTO -S Fall and winter MILLINERY Such as Plash Dressing Case, Plush Albums, Plusb Work Boxes, &&&o, tou will find that truly 'Cah Oatcbes Tbe Bargains." We are selling a Plash Dresing Case for 03 40. worth ij 00: IToah Al- , worth fl.25 ; Do. Do. worth t2 00. Dull Babies from th matlt ! t tk. at just about ooe-bali tbeir reicalar valoe. No Sir: We don't selllor Cost. We most lire, and to do mwt nave a nine proni ; oat we guarantee to nudersell as IIUJ. largest r we m, we coder The Cash Racket Store, BEIXIREYOU LOOK AT MY HANDSOME STOCK. DIKECT FROM NEW YORK. I HAVE the latest styles In Ladies, Misses and cbildren's Opposite Briggs Hotel, WILSON, n. a -.0:- Amotjnts Paid Cotjhty Commis sioners for Services- Read onr Guarantee. Dr D, S. Harmon- iceterring to tne above nam ed gentleman tbe Kinston Free Press of the 12th says ; "Dr D. S. Harmon left yesteiday zor wnaon, wnere ne will re main for several weeks. He was kept here longer than he intended by so many unexpect ed patients comintr in. During the seven weeks Dr. Harmon was in Kinston he J. F. farmer. December 4 1888 to four days at 12 . . Feby 4 1889 to seven days at 92 - . . April 2 1889 to four days at $2 . . . June 3 1889 to three days &ti $2 July 2 1889 to two days at August 6 1889 to six . days at 92 , September 3 1889 to two days at 12 October S 1889 to two days at $2 . November 5 1889- to two days at 12 . . A cl e stock, Reasonable pprices. 9 8 00 Truth , at anv cost. Good goods always, Undeviating politness, JNo underhanded methods, Every article a bargain, Every customer a friead, All soods as reDresented. 14 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 12 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 r i:i i'r, k.,. fi. Ukidsville, N. C. April 13th, 1888. ave been suffering for two with overworked eyes, liave tried various kinds of 's, recommended by the lWi' ( )cnlists of this Sta'e, i'xit obtainluif relief. H.iv one of Dr. D. S. Har- "i h l.Hiises for one week, am il 'leased with the result. I i lasnre in recommending ll irmoi) to the public, have wii him for two weeks and iiirn a gentleman of his ri Kppectfully, W. J. Irvin. 'r. hvin is Basiness Mana r"f Uie Acme Paper Box Co.) made 155 pairs of lenses, and in no single instaw.ee was any complaint made ; and. this is saying a good deal as he freely offered to refund the money paid in any instance where the patient were not fully satisfied with glasses. On the contrary t 1 i a an expressed inemseives as highly pleased with his work and many for whom he made glasses certainly had something to cause them pleasure, for from almost blindness some now have good sight, and others from badly defective sight, now see perfectly. He has certainly done lots of good amonz our people. Dr. Harmon carried off with him the most flattering test! monials of his good work from our most prominent' citizsns He is certainly a most excell ent optician. He has a number of instruments of his own In vention for measuring tbe eye and the detection of defects of the various kinds. Ha has the science of his profession down floe and if he fails to perfectly fit "an eye tbeje is but little use for any one; else to try. Tbe community that Dr. Harmon visits is fortunate, therefore tbe Jbrae Press con gratulates the people of Wilson upon his visit to their beauti ful town, and neartny recom mends him to such of her cit izsns as may be afflicted with bad eyesight to such, who consult him, Dr. Harmon's visit will prove a blessing." This sounds well. or nis own tree win ana accora me edftor writes this after the doctor has gone. He can be found at the Briggs hotel every day. "" - . 64 00 JESSE NORRISS. February 5 1889 to seven days services on board f 2 . $14 00 May 6 18S9 to 5 days at $2 10 00 To 130 miles at 5 cents . Ang 6 1889 to nine days at Tie ian inrflers bulk Who says he can beat this guar antee. INothing shoddy In oui9,.bjita square deal for every dollar. r-It is on this "Rock Bottom" basis we ask you to examine 1MB HE IF L rn 1 D'OHt FAIL To visit Oettinger'rj EW STORE WW GOODS, 4 12 To 234 miles at 5cts Nov 5 1889 to 6 days at $2 To 158 miles at 5cts 6 50 18 11 70 13 00 7 90 .,. $S9 20 JOHN A. LANE. February 4 1889. to 7 days services on board at 2 . f 14 00 To 144 miles at 5cts . 7 20 May 6 1889 to 5 days at $2 10 00 To 100 miles at 5cts . . 5 00 Aug 6 1889 to 9 days at 2 18 00 To 180 miles at 5cts . . 9 00 Nov 3 1889 to 6 days at ?2 12 00 To 108 miles at 5cts . 5 40 LEATHER AND PLUSH Consisting ol Toilet Sets, WriliDR Desks, Card Cases. Dressine Cases. Mirrors, &c. Grotesque Pencils and Pencil Holders, Lap Desks, Mani cure Sets, liolidav Books. A lull liue of Perfumery, both foreign and domestic. Cut Glass Bottles, etc. Hats, Tarn o'-shanters and jock ey Caps. Also some Hats and Caps for little Boys, and chil dren's Caps in Cashmere, Silk and Flush. BESIDES Til E usual Line of Trimming Materials, I have a good many Novelties which you will do well to examine before deciding where to purchase. I bave engaged an experienced Milliner, who can help you de- Cifln TTfiat vnn rrro n f A 4 V K Si lorcty?u ia th? test Tho fall of 1839 finds (ho new firm of I HAVE all the Latest Styles In Neckwqar, including Silk Ties, 1 ichus, Lace Collars, etc. I also have a Pretty Line of In fant' Long and Short Cashmere CoaW, both Plain and Embroid ered.1 . IN WOOLEN Goods you will find something for Ladies, Mis ses and Children in Hoods, To boggans, Fascinators, Sacques, Skirts, Knitted Vests, etc. BESIDES THE Full Line of Gloves, handkerchiefs, e t c.j which I always carry, I have some new styles which are spe cially attractive. In fact you are sure to find just what von want. I GUARANTEE ray Prices as low or lower than the same Class of Goods can be bought elsewhere. I CONSIDER sit no trouble to show Goods. Thanking the public for the patronage receiv ed in the past, and solicitlrg a continuance of the sime, 1 am, Very reppectfully, Ella M. Hackney Oct 3-3m J offering tho public a DRY large and attractive stock of GOODS. Groceries . f 80 60 ; K. B. DEANS. Jao 2 1889 to 4 diys ser vices on board at $2 ' $8 00 To 72milea at 5cts . 3 60. May 3 189 to 5 days at $2 10 00 To 90 miles at 5cts . 4 50 Aug 6 1889 to 8 days at $2 16 00 To 72 miles at 5cts . 3 GO Nov 5 1889 to 6 days, at 2 12 00 To 108 miles at 5cs . 5 40 The prettiest hue of CHRISTMAS CARDS everseert in Wilson. NOTIONS, ETC. at such prices as will astonish the natives. Mns Whole Stock Brogaos at lk)cU. Ladies' Shoes at SOct -Child- n . r n4 sir l m . r : a. w ... icub Hboj. , uiic Lromepiics s o cis. per yu. Witt C5 cents per pair. Hats 25cta. Tobacco 25cts. rer pound. MR. C. B. RUFFIHr has for sometime past been doing business in v iison and is well known to. tne people of this county. MR. JNO. W. RILEY has been engaged In business in Black Creek for the past several years and will be pleased to have his friends Call to see him. CoocLs Delivered anywhere in town Free. during; their Annual Clearance Sale, which is now in Full Blast. Goods are selling at unheard of prices. ,- 63 10 W. W. FARMER. ,, Aug 6 1889 to 6 davs "on the board at $2 . . $12 00 To 84 miles at 5cts . . 4 20 Nov 5 1889 to 6 days at $2 12 00 To 86 miles at 5cf s . 4 30 $32 50 I hereby certify that the above is a true statement of tbe per diem and mileage received by the Commissioners respectively. S. M. War ben, Clerk to. the Board. Nov, 30th, 1889. vil; )ii was selected as the i'' ' i r the next meeting of - '''i-iference. A pretty town; ''itatile people. It will be viitly entertained." Dur- 'a Sim. "i tt our brother means the '""iioH will be "elegantly Tiaiiied," we are conceited '".'ii, lo believe; and so Aud the peo 1 Wilson will show r beint? so selected, and ihn Conference a royal "ii'). We are going to put 'ui4 pot in tne Mg one on '"'"i-'ioii. Ii C it -the tlat H A li HIED. 'Mil, ' "igtit at 8 o'clock Mr. Ora- nihtcad one of our nonular "'"'Us, and a vnnncr man nf , "t, character, lead to the "'"'il altar Miss Mittie UerriQg f" ',. '"'V of many beauties of -v. Illl It , In I .1 1. M je character, ltev. olhciatiu?. To the U-t-,I.I,.,l .1. - . . ""'ttli.. realization all of the hap- t "u uielr mostr vivid im kir. !,H coultl Picture. Tdev r-i, J Cf'"gratulations and best We leaiti that Monday morning on tlietarm oi Mr. wens uawes, uear Toisuot, two negroe children were burned to death. Same old story. The parents went off leav ing the children alone, and it is Dresumed that io Having with the fare thev set themselves on nre. - DIED. At her home m this place on Srindav nleht Mrs Redden Bnd- . 1 9 T .I ger, one was ourieu luesuay. Affoom, kindly woman lias clone with eaathi pains and sleeps tbe last deep sleep. Mr. Wiley H. Wells died at his home one mile North of here Wednesday morning about. 1 1 o'clock. He had been a trreat sufferer for more than a o , year, haviug had two ringers, then his hand, and afterwards his arm amputated. For near lv five monlbs be has been closely confined tq his bed. For a lone time there nas been but little hope of his re covery. Nothing but his iu domitable will and good atten tion could have kept him alive so lonr. About a week before his death, he became much worse, and those who were near bis bedside, knew that the end was near. He was a hard workiug, conscientious gentle man, a member of the Toisnot Farmers' Alliance. His re mains were interred, in the church at Mt. Zion. S Mr. Wells leaves a wife, son,' mother and many other relatives to whom we extend our sympathy. Toisnot Rural Home. For a safe and certain remedy for fever and aeue, use Dr. J. H mm win Do not bey before you see our stock. We cannot fail to piease you both in the quality ol the goods aud the price asked for the same. Truly your friend, NADAL'S DRUG STCIiE WILSON MARKET. Corrected Every Wednesday by JOHN C. HADLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in enera Merchandise. Cotton, per pound - 9S Corn, per bushel ; 60 HaiiiB, per pound 12XI5 Sides, per pound, i... (dfiH Sides, Bacon, per pound.......... 9 Shoulders, per pound. ... . 6X Shoulders, Bacon, perpound- - 8X Peanuts, per bushel - 1 00 Potatoes, per bushel...... 40 Esifs, per dozen 12.Jf Chickens, per fair . 25(250 Tallow, per pound..'. 8 Lard, per pound. 10 Hide?, dry, pel pound , . 5 Beeswax, per pound .. 30 OUR BUYER Has returned from, the Northern Cities, having purchased a Full Line Of Good suitable to A Fiit-Ola8S Mill'iiury and ANDERSON'S fo) .Ini -Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, streuertta and wholesomeness. ; More eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot oniii in oomrjetition with the multitude or low testa, short weight alum or phosphate powders, sold only in caws. OIBUS Are necessary for the maintenance of life. It you want the PUREST AND BEST -AT THE s, FIRST RATIONAL BAH OF UILSOH. Wi iON, N. C, December 5th, 1889. The StocVholders of this Bank are hereby notified that their annual meeting for elec tion of Direotois for the ensuing year will be held In tne directors noom in ne mui uunu inir on the second Tuesday in January l)-90, at 12o?olocka.m. JOHll HUTCH irfsON, A. LOVE, I'T. ATTORNEY ASD COUNSELOR A'P LAW, BAKERSVrLLE, N. O. Practices in the Stato and Federal Courts. nniiHnn. iiuniaiiT. fortified abstracts of titles to mineral, timber and farming lands furnished on application. i McLean's Chills and. Fever Care; it Money IiOan Office. We are now prepared to negotiate Ixnns on ImDroTed rarms ac neasonaoie arnra. Main St.. Marion, N. C. -' Attorneys 27 89-ly , You will not pass roe by bat will buy all your Gro ceries from me. EI have on hand everything that you can expect to And in a first-class Grocery Store, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONEli- ES, FRUITS, &c, Sc. X -2"OTX WILL S"5Ve mon'e'Y II adies Store FOlt THE HOLIDAYS, is billed witb bandsome ar ticles suitable for tb Loli day trade. Ills stock comprises a fall line of All departments Complete itb iirNi pooiis ec vm ported. ur fotk is added to weekly as new de sigus are brouabt out. We can furnish HATS -FROM- 25 GETS T0S25 With an stablu.hed character for RELIABILITY, and a successful experience ol twenty years, we be lieve we are unusually well prepar ed tft give tatisfnctiou for t e fall of 1880.' I . ' To our frieittlJi and customers we wouiu say '-come and see." AUlOGRAPII ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LAP TABLETS, VASES, BRIC-A-BRAC, CUT GLASS BQTTLE3, ODOR BASKETS, PLUSH GOODS, FISE PERFUMES and NOVELTIES GENERALLY. STATIONERY. NOTE BOOKS, TABLETS, Fancy and Plain LI IS PAPER, PENS, Saw Mills, Steam Enffines. SHINGLE MILLS, HAY PRESSES, ETC ii you warn a nm-tiBSS SAW MILL, send for Catalogils to A. H. r AHU U H AH UO . (l.ld.J York. Vm. INK, PENCTIA Etc. A FEW FACTS FOR THE (gHRISTHAg HOLIDAYS. FACT 1 Yoa mint buy Christ mas Goods ia a abort while. FACT 2. You want to boy tbem cheap because times are bard. FACT 3. Yoa want the best aod cheapest iu the town. FACT 4. You mutt come to tbe store of BoyMu&Co. To flud the Latest, Freshest, Best and Cheapest line or i STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. TOYS, CANDIES AND XMAS COOD8. Ever offered for sale in tbe town of Wilson. We keep constantly on band full line of Canned Goods. Extracts, etc., and everything to be found in a Brut class Family Gro cery Store. Uot for tbe holidays we bave put iu an elegant assort ment of DOI..L.N AND TOYS Of every description, that will de- lient I be children' lieaits and sat if fy tbe old folk. We keep on band at all times a Supe rior and Freeh supply of lt"yter' Olrbrated c osmg Out Sale HEILBROWER'S H dec -v 59 'K treiit nnd itrmankntlt t t Ki.. or no rA v, all Chrom ic lUSt.AMRS, IlEKORUITIBa. and M hi;r'ai. L'ahkh Ssx VAI. IHSKASKS of Man, Wo- M F.N, mill H1LIIRKN thO r ' tull Mot Imprrfrrl nWnf moil, Aril IlitUa or Kxnun, Opium nnd WhiiLni 11,, l.. i a Inreo and magnificent Hamtakii-m and l'lUVATK I.vinu-In lli;i-iTL in tnue tion. Hn,,k of I.if,; Willi ruirticularx for Jlome Vurr, Fkke. Iir. Pkkkh's Meiv k-ai, & Surgical Institi-V., l.ji'i Jiorth Spruce titi ert, ISASUVlLLB, lts. dec, 19. ly -BV Trading With Me. Cp3 All Goods Delivered Free. il wim 8CNO FOR OUH CATALOGUE... PRICE ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, INO. lou Can Find Pres ents Suitable for Sweethearts, Wives, Husbands, Mothers, Sisters, Babiep, t AT W S ANDERSON'S Diug Store. WILSON, N. (J. Doc 19 St Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Overcoats. MENS' SUITS. BOYS' SUITS CHILDREN'S" SUITS. AND SINGLE PANTS, Ladiks Jackets and .Cloaks. me andicM That cannot be excelled. Just Received, The finest assortment of Coffee ever nhown in WiUod, incladioz Java, Maracaibo, Lgaire, Guatem ala and Kio of every deacriptioD. Call for prices. Iats, IpDlts, Crises, icl Eacmcu c large lots that we must sell. CiCome and et bargiins. Yours rtepeci.fo.il y, BotjLiu f Co. dec5-3t BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN FIB LADIES SIDES. CA11 the above gooda will be sold at UeJuceJ Prices POtt CAiill ONLY. Call early and secure Bargains A. Heilbroner, (manauci:) for M. U. Lasf. 3 1 -s warranted to cure.

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