77 ' , Xhe Wtlssn Advance. Zt wilisoa, - Local EiW- wTf.SO Ny. N. C.F8BRTJARY 20, '90, (ilURCIl DIRECTORY. kesbyterian :7 :r 8rd Bun- rth Bun ting ana RundaV ' V, r.. every Wednesday n'f, over Sunday at 8 P. It. Robt, P. P,vimnir8T CHUBCH.-Servlees Sun- r PV- dnv ,iurnlnr and BrhooT meeting" every Pastor, i 0 VTV'W Sunday 1 m iio. R.d. Pastor, every Sun- '''i'l'ir''.. Sunday Hector eut began jesterday, ' Oar soldier boys are a handsome looking set. . does onlv nrsi-ciaeo uu. D.i not fail to read "The Diamrind Button.' It begins this week. Oonrt UOIU18LUU - was in session last week and I this, if you expect nome enter; to le built up you must do enterprises your ! Bill Arp has the etippe this week. lie-Hi his letter. It is Of unusual isueresf. ' . " i .ilv.iia Barnes, Esq., in at Hen- : rson this week with a lot of his Cases from this, the third, dig- prtire Court this week. 'The Diamond Button" is one of the most intensely interesting ato n'.w unhlishpd in this conntrv. ;'Ttie Diamona mutton'.' wiu chain your attention if y 0a read the tirst four columns this week. There are few counties in the Sc ite that jave as much tobacco .hinted as has Wilson tbi year. We hope a large namber of our Hi'opie will be able to attend the i i-.li and Oyster Fair at New Bern nrxt week. Tho tobacco in this county is locking nice. Now is the time r cover the plants and keep off i lie Ilea worms. Is it right that merchants should pet the benefits of the work news papers do for a town and yet not advertise in their columns, i - ,. Tlie farmers of this section have planted large quantities of tobacco this year. The Wilson Tobacco Warehouse will be ready to handle the same. ; . There is a vast deal of difference between preaching and practicing. . t i much easier matter to tell other people how to live right than it is to ao so yourself. The Southerner says the knitting nulls and cotton factory pay out ?.j00 weekly . in Tarboro. A few similar, enterprises would by no .ueans injure Wilson. i The Advancb Job office is as well equipped for first class workj as "uuy office in this section. We riot fear a comparison with tiie vorfc of otbet office. A. protractive meeting has been in progress at Rocky Moant to; sever! days. The pastor Key. Mr Gutherie has been assisted by Mr Sliambeger of Tarboro, and Mr. i"attlt, of Wilson. . - It gives the Advance unadul terated pleaseure tochronicle' the fact that,, the Wilson Home and Loan Associotion in meeting with fine success. Our people have tafcea' right hold of it. 1 We see from our neighbor, the Mirror that Mrs. J. R. Roberts, uee Miss Mena Branch, has re covered the several thousand dol lars worth of diamonds that were stolen from her nome time ago. Many of the patrons of the WiK 6od Male Academy pronounce Prof, J no. E. Kelly decidedly one of the hast teachers , who has ever taught here. It pleases ns to see so thorough a teacher appreciated by our people. - Edward Bellamy, the author of "Looking Backward,? will contri bute to the March number or tne North American Review a reply to General Francis A. Walker's criticism of his theories in the February Atlantic The people of Wilson feel that they owe Mrs. Geo. Royal a debt lor aiding in the musical e Tuesday night. She returned to her home in Gofdsboro yesterday, as did Mr. Royal, who was also held to attend the masicale: - Mr. A. J. Simms lost his horse last Tuesday. He and S. A. Wood - artl Esq., went 23 miles in the e.vantry and immediately upon their return, the horse laid down :nil died. We sympatise with "Cousin Jock." Ilia Wilson Base Ball Club will cross bats with the New. Berne boys next week at the Fish and Oyster Fair. Our boys are not in practice but we doubt not but they will give the "Elm City" boys all they want. J no. E. Starling a white man was tried at Smitbfield last .week for the murder of his mother-in-law lie was acquitted. The evidence was circumstantial and the State was noble to supply all the links. therefore ascaped a hemp noose. Elder M. T. Moye, we learn has received a call from a prosperous Virginia church. He is a minister of force a man of strong con vic tions and an honor to his denomina tion the Disciples. We hope he will not accept. He haj several churches under his pastorate now a id is doing much good.. There are few-better preachers in th Stare than Bev. W. H. Battle, f New Berne. Our people enjoyed a ieraionjfrom him at the Missionary Baptist church last Thuaday night. The occasion was the ordination of Deacons. Mr. Battle's sermon was prow uneed by those who had the fortune to hear him, specially good. Ve see that Dr. D. W. Builuck, of Whitakers, will locate at Wil mington. There are few bettar jnvsieians than Dr. Bnlluek and ihei-tt is no more genial, generous .ie.-i!ite'l gentleman. He deervs rge nieasure of success and tlie !o:ie-of Wilmiutou will show t vi good sense to appreciate him i a u practical way. . tiav. R. P. Pell spent several 'Uvs in Raleigh last week attending I'm presbytery.. He preached there Sunday morning and night and from a private letter we learn that his . ituins ' were oatn strong and n g.i I v appreciated. He is a good teacher and it pleases us to snow uat the Raleigh people appreciated im. when ho preached tor luem. ABOUT FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WO&TS OF PEOPEE. TT DESTROYED, r - The Negroes Carrying Out The IngqUa Idea. : The news reached Wilson Monday morning that there had been and incendiary fire at Kocky Mount the previous, night. On Tuesday and Wed nesday the same - doleful news was una our peonie. and on yesterday the editor of the Ad vance boarded the train for Rocky Mount to find out the facta. - . Several days since a number of the best white people of that section warned the emigration agents that they must leave Rocky Mount and stay away. They told these men that the negroes they were inducing; to leave were nearly all under contract for the year and that their efforts to secure emigrants was demoralizing tha labor of that section and that they would permit them to disor ganize labor no longer. There was some little disturbance at tnat time ana one negro was knocked down. Threats of re- ybnge were heard and sub sequent events shows that those threats meant something. ; On Sunday night at about 1 o'clock the alarm of fire was sounded and the people came from their homes and found that Armstrong's warehouse (the repository of the Wilming ton Oil Company) was being consumed. No other build ing was burned that night and the people thought the trouble had ended. This loss was fully covered by insurance. i On Monday night at about 11 o'clock the alarm was soundi ed again and this time the large carriage works of Hack ney Bros, was fund to be on fire. The shops ' (wooden structures) were consumed, as was also the warehou4es of Borsby & Ricks and Muse, Daughtridge & Co., and the livery stables of John Parker. The Methodist church caught, but waseput out. Several small houses in that neighborhood were also burned. Hackney Bro?. loss is between $12,000 and $15,000 with not one cent of Insurance. I On Tuesday night so greatly alarmed were the people that a guard of between 75 and 100 armed men patrolled the town. Notwithstanding this at between 7 and 8 o'clock the Floral Hall.at the Fair grounds, about half mile from town, was set on fire. It was believed that the object of setting this building on fire was that the people of the town might be drawn out to the fair grounds so that the devils who perpe trated these crimes might fire J he town. The people most f them stayed in town, how ever, and let Floral Hall burn. This loss was about $1,200, no insurance. - ?i . ; Some' few of the negroes worked, manfully at the fires they deserve to be held in grateful rememberance by the white people of Kocky Mount. The most of the negroes stood by and saw property destroyed and would do nothing to help stop the fire or save property. The town will be closely guard ed at present and evry effort Will be made to prevent any fufther trouble. The BuoketSliop. 1 The Advance learns with much pleasure that the Bucket Shop will close on the last day of this month The reason, be it said to Wilson's credit, lit that our people have ceas ed to gamble to the profit $t the shop. We hope our christians town authorities wi 1 never permit another to infest Wilson. V filson and Z If. Face Wilson, N. C, is on the Coast Line Railroad, 54 miles from Wei. don, with about v3500 population. The people of the town are called live and energetic, not waiting for something to turn up. Mr. E. M. Pace is the man these Wilson peo ple had the good sense to select to run the new warehouse and start the tobacco sales there. So they build a brick warehouse 80 x 160 feet, and have a 150,000 capi faljto start on, and will have 5,000 acres tributary to this maiket this year, of fine tobacco. . Mr. Pace will be employed there February 1st and by July 1st he will be ready to work, that is what he wants, likes, and has been brought jup on, and that is why no better ware housemen can he had. The trade will come if the people are in earn est and keep at it with Pace at the helm. Richmond, (Va.) Southern Tobacconist and Manufacturers Record. Albermarle Presbytery. V V A called meeting of Albermarl presbytery was held in the Persby, terian church in this place on Tues day night Feb. 11th. It was opened with an excellent sermon by Rev. J. N. H. Sammerell, of Tarboro formerly pastor of the Wilson church. Rev. J. B. Swann, of Halifax county was elected Modera. tor and Rev. J. N, H. Summerell was chosen temporary clerk. Rev, R, P. Pell pastor of the Wilson church, presented Mr. John L. Hale as a young man desirous of fentering the minis tery. Mr. Hale passed a good examination on ex pnfental religion and his motives for seeking the sacred office, and by an nnammous vote was received as a candidate under the care of the Presbytery to be educated for the minister. The Presbytery then ad jourued and the ministers and elders left the next morning for Raleigh, where the regular Soring session was held. Among other things transacted at the meeting in Raleigh, Mr. George 8t arrow, of of Washington, N, U., was licensed as a probationer for the gospel ministery and appropriations were made for the building of several churches, one of which will be in Nash 0., only 12 miles from Wilson. It is not always the man who talks most who is your best friend. As for- us, we would .prefer a quar ter oi a commu advertisement than a whole bushed basket rail of com. pliments. If some of our good mer chant friends would put their ex treme kindly feelings for us In this shape it wonld appear to . our benighted ; vision much ' mere sincere and genuine than their many expressions of good wilL Mr. Burkley Cone of Nash County called to see ns one day last week. Ho tells us that a negro who left bis neighborhood for the far South, along - with other deceived exo- uusrers, oas .returned, and gives amost unattractive picture of the place they carried him to. They carried' him to the Mississippi Valley and he walked home and left his wife. The dusky exodustsrs say : "there is hell, nothing to do but open the doors and fall in." He says they charge f 2 a bale for ginning cotton and the merchants charges 12 per '. bale for selling It. Our Boys Uniformed. The Advance greets the Wilson Military Company as the hand- somet uniformed company tn the State. The new uniforms were re ceived this week and they lit 'like the paper on! the wall" and our boys are as handsome looking a set of soldier boys as any com pan v in the State can show. We feel proud of our Wilson Com pany. The suits are made of blue, of two differ ent colors and.1 they are very handsome. The regular military tailor. O. Wendlinger. of Richmond, Va who has uniformed a large number of companies in Virginia and other States,made the suits and the members of the com pany are "well pleased with the work and the material used. . Again we salute our boys They'll take the shine off any com pany in the State, we would say, but for our extreme modesty. Home Enterprise ? The Advance has done all that lay in its power to encourage the building of a Tobacco Warehouse in Wilson. We have spared neither space or effort to arouse the people to its necessity and we expect to continure our efforts to develope the tobacco business of this section. We must confess, however, that we were somewhat surprised to see that the job work of the warehouse was being sent to Danville, when tnere are two 100 omoe in ue town. We are perfectly willing to do all we can, but it does seem to us (foolish and cracked brained sa this idea may proclaim us to be that when the company has job work to give out, .that the paper that does its utmost to help the warehouse, should at least have a chance at the work, if the people show no more appreciation of a home- warehouse than the managers do of a home Job office, then the warehouse will have to gee its patronage itojb Danville or some other foreign place. Just this spirit of a want of appreciation of home enterprises has always been Wilson's greatest drawback. If the business men of Wilson woald never send off for what tbey can get at borne tne number or enterprises that employ hands and . scatter money in our our midst, would be very materially multiplied. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. kn told by Our Brother Zfliton in Their Papers. Greenville Reflector, Feb ISth. Mr. L. C. Rountree, who lived about two miles above Greenville, died at 5 o'clock Sunday evening from the effects of an overdose ol laudanum. A captain of a schooner which came np to Tilghman's lumber mill, below Yankee Hall, was painraiiy hurt by a gun explosion last Wed nesday. He was in Mr. j. ts Davenport's store, at Pactolus, and seeing a large number or birds near by borrowed a gun to go out and shoot them. When the gun was discharged the barrel unrated, a piece of it going through his arm. Scotland Neck Democrat Feb 13th. Mr. G. Hoffman, of this place was to-day married at the home of the bride in Roanoke, Va-, to Miss Belle May. Mrs. J. W. Porter died at her home in this town this (Wednes day) morning, after an illness of saveral weeks. We learn that Dr. J. R. Pope ill plant his 10 horse farm en Roanoke river in corn. He will plant no cotton at ail. A negro woman in this com" mnnity left two small children In the honse a few days ago and came to town, and when she returned, she found the smaller child burned to death. Nashville Argonaut Feb. 13tk. Four persons joined the Baptist church at this place last Saftday. E. B. Hilliard, at St. Elmo, has sold 1 1.244 worth of tobacco from 2s acres of land and has a Darn to sell worth $100. J. T. Ward showed us the other day, a stock ground pea Of which be secured the seed from Texas. He says it is very prolific and much better than the chnfa for hogs. ; , Mr. T. P. Braswell, one of our most prominent and best posted citizens, says, that in his neighbors hood there was never such prpe eration being made for crop be fore, as is being made by the farmers this season. This is es pecially true with reference to the tobacco crop, as the farmers are beginning to realize that tobacco is king 'in this section instead of cotton. , - ; In our travels through the county we notice great progress among our tobacco planters in their' pre parations for the next crop. We are extremely gratified to see this. Nash county holds the Wus ribbon as the banner tobacco county in the State, and onght to produce a orop which would bring millions of dollars to the county every year. Bat whatever you do, don't forget to raise your supplies, for any man is a poor farmer who has to buy either-meat or bread. . Fobakeb nominates Tom Raed for the Presidency, and ex-Speaker Keifer sticks his head out from the cave of ob livion long enough to say that he endorses Reed. When such distinguished corpses rise up to proclaim for him it is evidence that he must have : some ami- nent qualification to bead a funeral procession.- Wilming ton Star. Jim Evans Wadtche , Jim Evans, well known in Wil son where he once worked in the printing office, has been watched on two occasions since he has been foreman on the Fee Dee Index in Marion, 8. OV and it is said he was successfully captured in each instance. It seems that Jim has won the esteem and confidence of that community, and as evidence of that fact he has been presented with a dandsome watch, it being the second one that has been given him as an even evidence of regard. Wilson Mirror, East Carolina's Exposition. I The East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Exposition to be held at New Berne promises to be an event of no little importance. No pains have been spared to make it a success. It will be opened Monday, February 24th, by Gov. Fowle, and will continue one week. Among other distin guished men expected are ex-Pres'-dent Clveland, Governors Fitz hugh Lee and Gordon, Senators Vance and Ransom, Minister Jarvis, and. Hons. W. O. a. Branch, L. L. Polk and S. B. Alex ander. Each day will be made a special featnre, with military parades, AlliaL.ee day, Gala day and Fireman's day. A fine band baa been engaged to play every day. Low excursion rates have been secured from all principal poihts. The tfusicala. iThe Musicale given Tuesday night for the benefit of the Y. M. O. A, under the skillful manage ment of Mrs. F. A. Woodard, was a decided hit in the way of gen nine merit. We are sure that no audience that has ever assembled in Mamona Hall has been greeted by a larger array of superior music al talent. In addition to our own well-known and highly appreciated and talented mnsicans we were again charmed by the woudrously rich and cultured voice of Mrs. Royal (nee' Miss Clara Jones) of Goldsboro. This lady can always be assured of a full house whenever she shall again favor us with another visit. Mr. Henry Blount's action in his rendition of Mark Antony's oration oyer the dead body of Caesar was exceptionally fine. We wish we had apace to pay our devoirs to all who participtert, for every part was executed well. WHso- nians have aa appetite for good music, and such as we had Tues day night only stimulated it the more. PSBSONAL MENTION. Mr. Albert Rountree, of Ne York was in town this week. I Mias Annie Man iott, of Battles boro, Is on a visit to Miss Nettie Ellis. i F. A. Woodard. Esq- lett Satur day last for Raleigh to attend the Supreme Court. MiM Maliia OnnrtAr returned home yesterday from a visit of several weeks to relatives in Nash county. W. W. Edwards, Esq,, now of Richmond, was in town tbis week, There is no man who has lived in Wilson in whom our people have more confidence. - Everybody is glad to see him. Rev. O. T. Bailey, editor of the Biblical Recorder, and Rev- Dr. C. Durham, passed through Wil son yesterday on their way to Scotland Neck to attend the funer al ot Mr, Dr. J. D. Huff bam, who died Tuesday night at 11 o'clock. HOME ITEMS. Makiug room for spring goods at Young Bros get their prices. r Ba rgains at Yonae Bros., this week, ! If you want shoes go to Young Bros. ! Our 110.0Q suits going at $7.50 this week. Yonng Bros. - I If you want bargins go to Young Bros. i Womens grain shoes 65c Young Bros. i Dress goods at cost at Young Bros. i We are selling more goods and cheaper goods at Young Bros. Our 14,50 pants going at 13,75 this week Young Bros. Bargains at Young's this week. Get Young's prices before yon boy. Borgains in shoes at Yonng Bros. Bargains In elothing at Young's. If you want a nice hat cheap . go to Yonng Bros. Our f 15,00 salt going at 12.00 Young Bros. I : Now is the time to secure bar gains at Young Bros. j Examine our dress shirts Young Bros. . . I Look at onr neck ware. Young Bros. Bargains this week at Young's Examine our clothing before you bay. YOUNG BROS. We have the nicest line of spring samples for men's suits ever brought to Wilson. DAVIS & GAY Parties controlling a block of from 10,000 to 40,000 acres of first class timber lands near transports tion, and are willing to dispose of the same at a fair price, can find a purchaser by writing to the Nashville Argonaut. -Moses 38 Moore, Es a prominent of the Gold Rock section, citizen died Friday night of last week. "Hew o Cure All Skin Diseases " 1 Simply apply "Swmyne'i Ointment.' No internal medicine required. Cures tetier, eosema, itch, all eruption on the taoo, hands, nose. lesvttf tne (kin clear, white and healthy. Its areat healinar and curative uw en are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your urasviai lor d wayne mnuneni. The Rural Home ! The BUBAL HOITB Is aa I ran Allfannn and Horn Journal, published weekly, and de roted to the upbuilding- of the Southern Conn try Homes. Avainrt the MORTGAGE SYSTEM KXTOBTION KBS AND TBUSTS it will wag-e an uncesseless war. Terms one dollar a year. 8peclal rates to Alliances. Ad TerUaiiv rate low. Send (Or copy, i W. & BARNES, , L " Editor and Prop'r. Toiant. N. C If ay 80 -dob iwtHilLglfi CNB) roil OVHCATAlMyiu. PNICtS ATLAS Er.ei:.E WORKS, ', INDIANAPOLIS, INO. WILSON MARKET. Corrected Every Wednesday by . JOHN C. HADLEY, Wholesale - and Be tall Dealer In eaera Merchandise Cotton, per pound............ (....... 10 X Com, per buBhel......... ..... 60 Hams, per pound .' .12X15 Sides, per pound, .....,......... 66X Sides, Bacon, per pound, Shoulders, per pound, OH Shoulders, Ba con, perpound...J 8X Peanuts, per bushel... . 1 00 Potatoes, per bushel'.... ; , SO Bergs. Per dozen , 10 Chickens, per pair Tallow, per pound Lard, per pound. Hides, dry, per pound... Beeswax, per pound Absolutely Pure. This nowdernerer varies. A marvel of nu. rity . strength and wholesomenes. More eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of jow tests, snort weig-nt alum or phosphate BOYAL BAKING POWDEB Co. 106 Wall St., N. Y, I'll TO CANVASS FOR Tne Diversions of a Diplomat In Turkey By Hon. Samuel S. (Sunset) Cox, Lata United States Minister to Turkey. A magnificent volume of over 606 pages, beau- uiuuj ana groiuseiy illustrated. Mr. Cox's Latest and Best Effort. Fact, Fan, History and Homer. The work sparkles with the brightest wit. It contains nu merous amusing etoaies, but it also gives a clear, concise., and interesting account of the Otto man Empire, from its founda tion to the present day. This book will have a large sale, and live agents should secure territory at once, j - S,Only thoroughly reliable agents, who will work their territory 'for all it is worth," are waff ted. Experienced men preferred, but others who will promise earnest work will be accepted. For ' particulars address, 1. S. HERBERT, KinstOD, H. C. General Agent for North Carolina, Mention this paper t Jany 9 tf w LUMBER MMING. Saw Mills, Steam Engines, SHINGLE MILLS, HAT PRESSES, TC. If youwant a First-Class SAW MILL, send for Catalogue to A. B. FABQUHAB CO., (Ltd..) York, Pa. dec l-8t - PILES ! PILES ! ITCHING PILES. Symptoms Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore, Bwatki's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druggist, or by mail for GO cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. Notice. Having qualified as administra tor of P. J. Royal, deceased, late of Wilson county N. C- thi3 is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said "deceased to ex bibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of January, 1891, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recqvery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Jno. F.Bbtjton, Admr. Tbic, January 1st, 1890. Administrator's Notice! Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Jonathan 3ass, deceased, this Is to request all per sons indebted to said estate to borne forward and settle, and to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them on or before the 2nd day ot January, 1891 or tbis notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This the second day of January, 1890. David Daniel, Admr. J. D. BAEDIN, Att'y. TIlb Carolina Banner, ' k FIRST-CLASS WEEKLY PAPER, Published at Tarboro, H, C. . (1.50 Per Year, 6 mos, 79 cts., 3 mos. 40c. . A live uewgpaper, devoted to the interests or Bdgeoombe uounty and tne Uld North State. Circulation Large and Increasing. A splendid Advertising Medium. HENRY T, KING, Editoe. Office Corner Main and Pitt Sis. ' All kinds of Job Printing done on snort; no tice and at treasonable Hate. SALESMEN WANTED to canvass for the sale of Nursery stock Steady employment guaranteed. Gooi nay f o suoeessf ull men. Apply at once stating sge. Mention this narjer. ALABAMA NURSERY COMPANY. Buntsville, Ala. Jny8w WhflPlJt HAVE JUST KECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF TINSLEYS' HIGH GRADE "TOBACCO PLANT" Fertilizer Those who wish to make a success .will use no other. . Call early and supply yourself. Respectfully. " - -C. A. YOUNG & BRO. S650 a :.. 10 u- 80 mm FnrTnnsR Ciloiiiiim REMOVAL REMOVAL REMOVAL REMOVAL THE DRUGSTORE. THE DRUG STORE -THE DRUG STORE THE DRUG STORE OF OF DR. W. S. ANDERSON v DR. W. S, ANDERSON DR. W. S. ANDERSON " DR. W. S. ANDERSON Has been removed from Nash to Tarboro Street and Is now in the building recently occupied by Joe Vick, where you can find a fresh supply of DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS. CHEMICALS, STATIONERY, ETC ETC STATIONERY, ETC ETC STATIONERY, ETC ETC STATIONERY, ETC ETC :." AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LAP TABLETS, VASES, BRIC-A-BRAC, , - . " CUT GLASS BOTTLE3, ODOR BASKETS, PLUSH GOODS, FINE PERFUMES and NOVELTIES GENERALLY. NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Wilson County, wherein Ii- W. Winstead, admin istrator of W. H. Wells was pi ain tiff, and John J. Wells was the defendant. I will sell at the Court House door, in Wilson or Monday, the 3rd day of Mareh. 1890, the following described property: One tract of land in Toisnot township, Wilson county, adjoining the lands of A, J. Vivarett, J. H. Barnes and others, containing 58 J acres more or less, it being - ail of the home tract of W. H. Wells,not covered by the dower of Amanda Wells. One other tract in said county, adjoining the lands of J. H. Barnes and A. J. Vivarett) con tainlng 29 acres, subject to the dower of Amanda W. Wells. Terms : Cash. R. W. Winstead, ad. W.H.Wslls. F. A. & 5. A. WOODAED, att'yB. Fy6 4t : LIFE OF THE Hon. Jefferson Davis BY , Mrs. JeOersei Davis. To be Sold by Snhscription Only The prospectus and complete outfit for canvassing will be ready immediately. Agents wishing desirable territory on this great work will please ad dress, as soon as possible, the publishers, BELFORD COMPANY, 18-38 East 18th Street, NRW YORK 1890. 1890. EAST CAROLINA NEW BERNE, N. C. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Feb. 24, 25, 26, 27. 28, and March 1st. GREATER AND LARGER THAN EVER. The Most Attractive lair of the Kind Ever Held. Feb 13 2w DMINlSTBATOB B MOTKig. Havtnr vnallfled as administrator of tha es tate of Milbry Dew, dee'd. notice is hereby givif en to au persoD. lnaemea n saia estate to eome forward and settle, and to all persons holding claims against said estate to present mem ior payment an or neiore januaay nima 1801, or this notice wlil be plead in bir of their rooovery. This January 9th. IHO. JOXATHAN TOMLIN30N, Adm'r. J. D. BABDUf, Atty. . JayMw REMOVAL REMOVAL REMOVAL REMOVAL Now is lie Time to SnDscrifte K : v TO THE 17QRTHAHER A ICAIJREVEW Arrangementa have been mada for the eominfir vear which will maintain for the Review Its un rivalled position among period icals, ana render It essential to every reader in America who desires to keep abreast of. the times. . From month to month topics of commanding interest in every field of human thousrht and action will be treated of in its pages by representative wri ters, wnose words ana names carry authority with them. I. he forthcoming volume will be signalized by the discussion of Questions of hieh Dublle in terest by the foremost men of me time, notably by a contro versy on Free Trade and Pro tection in their bearing upon the development of American "W . A n -. industry ana Commerce, be tween the two most famous liv ing statesmen of England and America, Hon. V. E. Gladstone ' . -and ; " jetton-James C. Blaine. . This discussion, embracing the most important contribu tions ever made to an Ameri can periodical, will begin in the January number. It is a significant fact as Bhowing the unparalleled pop ularity and usefulness of this periodical, and its) wide influ ence upon public opinion that the circulation of The North American Review is greater than that of all other. American and English Reviews combined. : Subscription price, postage prepaid, five dollars a year. THE nORTH ilEEICU REYIEW, 3 East Fourteenth street. New York THE SUN FOR 1890. Some people agree with The Sun's opinion' about men and things, and some people don't ; but everybody likes to get hold of the newspaper which is nev er dull and never afraid to speak its mind. . .. , Democrats know that for twenty years The Sou has fought in the front line for Democratic principles, never wavering or weakening in its loyalty to the trua interests of - A a .... - tne party it serves with fearless intelligence and disinterested vigor. At times opinions have differed as to the best means of accomplishing the common pur pose ; It Is not The Sun's fault if it has eeen further into the millstone. . Eighteen hundred and ninety is the year that will probably determine the result of the Presidential election of 1892, and perhaps the fortunes of the Democracy for the rest of the century. , Victory in 1892 is a duty, and the beginning of 1890 is the best time to start out in company with The Sun. Daily per month .....$0.50 Daily per year, ...6.0d Sunday per year....... ....2.00 Dally and Sunday per year 8.00 Daily and Sunday per month.0.70 Weekly Snn one year..... 1.00 Address THE SUN, New York WRITE YOUR NAME AND THE NAMES OF fl OF YOUR IEIGHBORS Cn a Portal Card and Address it to The Constitution, ATLANTA, Ga,, POS TAL CiSD GETS SIX. FREES And all six of you will got a sample copy of the GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY 1 Tnn tlini n. . j nw free of the best printed paper in America. Bill Arp," "Uncle Remus, "Betsy Hamll- tTuoII ,7 xaunage ana earn Jones iv. ,w xji . riuun writes me fanner. Paa-e," and Mrs. King- writes the "Woman's ITimmArKrt W.. Qau TTV: a - A LAnas ad Travel and Adventure in even ia- saww( uioWiiUTJ Ul m-HA liUIUSTB, JUU Retfree for yourself and live of yonr neigh- "i.wusjvui uBiucouuinsirsuainus tal card find sending it to inn vvnqiii uiiuili Don't delay; write quick Atlanta, Ga I FOR ONLY ONE---DOLLAR Per week, by our improved Club System. The cases in our watch es are fully warranted for 20 years. The movements are El gin and Walthan:, reliable ana well known. The watches are hunting case or open face. LaMas or Gents' siaej stem winders and setters, ana are fully equal in durabilitv. service and unnMT- ance to any $50 watch. We sell one of these watches for. $25.00 cash, and send to any . address by express, with privilege of examination ; or by our Club System at ?1 per week. One good reliable agent wanted in eaoh place. Write for particu lars. EMPIRE WATCH CLUB CO., 34 Park Row. New York. Feby 690 6m voire Bin ADVAJJCK JOB PEISTIXG HOUSE,' Wilson, N. C. tram bust J o WOBSUtUI PXFLOTXD JOB VJ ORK. 1,11111 Ii We would call your attention to the supe 1 faciUtios hf the Advano Job Office for farnish- ing all descriptions of JOB WORK in - large or small quantities, at prices and In style of make-up and execution unexcelled by any office In the South. We will' furnish, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Business Cards, Check Books, School Cata logues, Programs, e, mmn and "Whlsfcey Ma. I tm fHtrttA .t bOBM Wit out vain. Boo of pup. tieolan tmt FKEB. B. M. WOOLLiKT. mJjL GIVE P us1. N Itrial T F: 1 : -' IE DM! mm Just Re- eivec One Full Line of Hanan & Son's Mens Shoes for Spring . ' - t - - i -. Wear, They are TJn- doubtedly Mens Respectfuity, j. a I a: now y AND Which are just re ceiveed. Thev are Beautiful. see them. .'t ' 1 . A. 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