VOLUME 20 VMiSUivi WILSON CO T4NT Yi -NORTH CAROLINA, , SEPT -4, 1890. ARP'S LETTER SQOL ton T 1 1 E :o: : : PEOPLE I 8 THE OF POLITICIANS. my. tft'H awl ti Mule Jr V ion ;--- . j, krii Pension mother bowl from tk'e Grand iriBV i u'c :rm- J r,a o ereat tratheriug in Boston feaker- yelled for more pen- ' . i .i firur nnips Tho Lookers were an yunnuiaut?, c . -, .11!,.., I J .11 r . 1 . .1.11.0 hava trot. trrtca Heir kiumuh 6v i3d want money. . . ! 5 ;'UJ . .... 111 i .3 i nolltlt'iail wii- iiuo musk r . . . - x 1. - 1 ' hobtn' to caicn voit-a. J !jn believe tun lue&ynu peo-. of the North, the business ,en'and tax payers, lavor tnis 'ion plunder, but they caut nit. These annual meet- (! the Grand Army of the-J J-puullC- may uivo b ntim htriotirin, cii are niaiuiy ior fcjitics and plunder. More talf t?ie brand Arfoy were liireln ga . aim substi .iu di.i tniilit for the mon- MKJ " - - c- . . ij and nat'.i iur ele, arid these L the. fellowtv who are draw tt most of the pensions. Thev Prehospital rata and camp iljwers aud teamsters, and :Jt pick easy, and have played $ aud disabled ever since. ;iieir numbers prove! what a Jet they were, pearly 3,000,000 kiu?t 0,(JOO, ana tbey have ;(iOOO pensioners 'still alive y kicking, Sam Jones told pern up in Missouri that if our ays Lad Lave known how bad A - A 1 ft were wnippintr mem tney ti l . X- L. A ' ; Aft seuiu nave iuugut- on uuwi . f .11 i i 1 tow. lou ienert, sim ue, hredrawiiii? all. the pensions, A that's ritjht. You feught ,r money, and you ought t'' sve it. Oar boys fought- for iiriotism for love, Of thftir ;antry, and they've got that . .You never conquered it of 'em, and you never will. bit's all nht. hvery soldier ;at to have what he fought for. liat is very fine sarcasm, but tlllam iiot hippy as long some of that pension - money met; wit ot me. If thenar ;sr how iuany year must the ruth t-ay out g40,06o,6oO to Firthern soldiers and draw ooe for her own ? If ivve coulo ickout tLe patriots whareallv iteded a pension we woulde'm aja word; but it's a Northern :-3tr -ie continue'' thjs busi It is an out rage j on the ijfihas well as theSdutb, and the Alliance d nt stop it, it ton be stopped. The: Alliance hodo some big things if they pill. The nation' Ciiit stand extravagance. .' How can tariff be reformed ?and re Ma with an -empty treasury? Cleveland left it full, but 'seuipty now. Where is the ouey to come from ' to build , ' mbuousp? ana advance 80 pr ftflpon the produce? The warfarin tenant'bnvs U0 portll (f tfOiids in a. vnr h pwshis meat and bread. Of MW he pavs ?40 in tariff fttle troVf-rninpnt a!t Wash ton but aOf Tint rvQ xr mnrfl 1! .So in tax to his own state government. Jude Wright f&Once.a member nf rinnwraosi M told me in a whisper that .uciarmers nf thi countrv W to? inncll tariff tliflV inia iuLl BUi'va 1 Clothintr and nnrl Vin plates aud knives and forks 11 Piper aild l.'na an1 lomna qitiicueu wfiie and every p ware they would rUe up puian anfl shoulder their insets and swar-i ' hv the they Wouidn't-stand it. f1 sald it wonjidirt he safe to i hepi kiow-it-i v Judge it is on tllie side of, the . tlie-.breal winners ind m could join- thei Alliance, 'rK"owthac his f heart is -l-m- 1 believe: he would f "'f it wasn't for that oath 'nrtCy' A mam told me L had joined ;aud was thunder and lightning L'"e Alliance paper, but I iQAe is mistaken, for T raut35 years ago; Wfc 6 krioWNiothing- party .t lu take the rnnntrv. tiut me out behind W.Se a'"1 advised me, as, a iccy um Ol.-H, lUr 11 ,ATy. co tho principles , ree government to have a w ou- 1 didn?f take his tv a young 1001 VUJ ana was sworn in ifCba7 lgUt in the top loft iu rs mill-house, five Obi. . r1 luwn, and never rot zens of our great republic,, and our motto was that of Washiuij ton, the night before "a great battle, said, VPut none but Americans on guard .to-night. " But Aleck Stephens and Judge-Wright took the field against our party because it was secret, and they trave ns hail Columbia, -aud broke it up. - . j It mut be some . other Wxight-rbut not 'our Gus." Our Gus is an old "settled''man. I like that -word "settled." Uncle Sam says folks ain't much account till they vket "settled." He said he would hunt us up a settle! 'oman for a conk, for these young, ...fly, up the creeks dident know their own minds and wbuldent t stay any where long at a time. Judge Wright Is a settled man. But it don't matter about the secrecy if the farmers will re form thiugs. We want them to turn ths rascals out of office, everywhere and begin the sys tem of economy iu government. Reform the tariff and educate the people so that they lwill know exactly what the tariff is, and how much it takes put of their pockets to protect the manufacturer, and raay)e they will stop it without the shot gun. Let every scnool boy know how much less his pock et knife would have cost him and he will raise a racket be fore ho can vote. ; ; The politicians are makiug a big fuss about the money and say tue government must exs pa nd the circulation. Make money cheaper by making more of it sorter like we did during the war when it took 10 to buy a bunch of yarn and 200 to buy a pair of cotton cards. Iu January, 1865, I paid $;,0u0"for a little old measly ;ow that gave about - a half a gallon or milk a day; but that was enough for a poor little half -starved, war-born baby, whose mothers' milk had dried up from anxiety, while ruu- ning from the everlasting yan- kees and dodging their hire lings like f. scared rbit dodges the hounds They say we must have mnro mouey and they make the people r elieve it will be divided out among them whether they earu it or not another case of forty acres and a mule. Fool the people that's the idea. ' They are rais iuf a big fuss because the national banks afe notallowed j to lend money ou farm xiiort- 1 ages and I hope they will.have that law repealed for it is of no consequence. No bank ie fool enough to lend money on a mortgage. Will Howard is a big banker in our town a private bauker and he is not prohibited, but J'll bet- 10 he hasn't got a mortgage in his vault, v Banks lend m mey on business integrity with a good endorser or a collateral that can be converted into money iu thirty days. It takes eighteeu mouths to foreclose a farm mortaage, and if the farmer dies It takes a year longer. I nieorge Truit, of Troup coun ty, has made a grand success at farming. The State Alliance visited JLh3 farm the other day and George said he began with nothing-since the war and has made all that he has got at farming, and that economy and diligence and constant care and waich'fulness will do more for the farmer than all the legislation that can be demised. You can pick out farmers here and there in every county who have by hard' w.ork got ahead and Drospered while their neighbors have been waiting on the Lord or luck or on the noliticians. There lsut L a REPUBLICAN ETJLE- THEEDITOff What it Meaas According ta E9- publican Aut ority- When through the operation of the Lodge national election bUl six or seven Southern States shall discard Democratic rule, we shall look confidently to see some measure of justice done to the blacks who have so long been defrauded of their rights.- , -r ! 1 f: Heavy taxes should be laid upon the property of the whites to develop and extend the public school system in those States, separate schools for the two races should be abolished i and the s plan - of bringing the youth; of ; both colors into close and equal relation in schools and church es "given a fair trial as one of the most; potent -elements to break down the detestable bourbonism of the South. The right of the black to bear arms should be guaranteed to .him a3 well as the social rights I intended to be secured him by the passage of the 14th and 15th amendments to the constitu tion. The State laws against the interrinarriage of the races should be repealed, aud any discriminations against the blacks in the matter of learning trades or obtaining employ ment should be made a crimi nal offenCe, while the colored man's right to hold office should tbe sacredly protected and recognized. A few years of this policy will tolve tbe race problem 1 satisfactorily. Na tional Redublican. TIMELY COMMENT., ONjM Short fararahi 6m Topics" of Lively Interest , to Out Readers. "Claudio MelnoticoarBernars do", Is tho aesthetic Republican nominee for Con cress that Mr: W. A.' Branch"' la expecUia id I hoot in " BLii1' arii:-Lwit.i vua.11 xu mo uraw. uiaincu mis year. ..rAc'. . Ro Wan' jcouhty Republicans will pot no tloket-in the field this yearf -They ivlll support the "independents. Of course not. The twonamfesare eyncN nimous. V' V r , We ; hopl t hoae people who appeared torthinlcthe sun rose and set in;Dr. Eugene Grisaom are now undeceived. since f he has so basely slandered the State that . hej disgTaced while he was one of her officers. A. negro by the name r of John S. Leary haa announced" hi inself a candidate for Obn- gress against Mr. Grady the uemocratic nomiaee.' V . - 1 . . We notice that every - fewl posmesa that- did the moat advertising always done more business than those that did not, and it will continue to be BO. n jine Republican leaders of tnis country are .more active than they have been in ten years. They hold almost daily caucuses in Lenoir and .'seem t actually think that there is something for thein to hope for rnthis county.- Lendfr Topic. ,There Is more danger all over ihrf (State tkan most peoole iuIigine.,; Thai" necessity for vue uiosb complete organization ana the iost perfect harmony must be apparent to the most superficial observer. In this day when the average candidate for office parades it he sfipTfpsed anxiety of "friends" before the public, the follow ing from a Forsy the county candidate for office strikes us good : This Is an instance wb9re the man is seeking an "ofiice, iand not the office the man and I want it ; distinctlv understood that no man has asked: me or pulled my coat off to 'get me to run. It is entire ly.a voluntary act on my part. a.uu x snouiu tnereiore noia no days that some poor fellow has onerresponsible for the result, been serfOusly? -injnredS by j If defeated, I shall still remain smoking cigarettes. - We Bee u the county, as I like the that a young man tf brilliant prospects, of Annietoni Ala.i has become insane as' one of the effects: of the? baneful habit. " people,' climate and scenery. DON'T BE A BIGOT. The following from tbe Warrenton' Gazette is worthy the thoughtful consideration of sensible men r "Do you expect every one. to agree with you ? Do you agree with every one ? Will you call all who differ with you a fool or a knave ? Suppose they were to turn the tables on you and call you those hard names. It would be wrong in them would it not ? Remember that what it is unlawful for others to do is also unlawful for you to do. When looking for an unaduh ated fool, stop when you get to the man who is wedded to his own opinion and thinks he knows it all, and that all who differ' with him are either cranks or rascals. Intelligent and sensible ; men are broad minded and liberal in their views. 1 . Hr.:i ... .. - v t - iiav a - r idn4ght, and PtessiJ . wife a story about detaining 11 ebr ' 1 next morning Ki 6 p before I did and mtU,r : and cobwebs all 'Hettt 9' ana 1 Lad to e.tr,ltD and how we rVoiflP any more rom becoming citi TRUE PROSPERITY- The following from l.enry Watterson contains much that we woaia lmoress upon our readers : "True prosperity is diffusion of wealth, cheap homes for the poor and opportunities for all If we are to nave a new South' let it be an honast 'new South,' for with all the short comings and. mistakes that were ever ascribed to us, our arrogance, ignoranceand bar- barism, we were never accus ed of picking u pocket or turn ing our back upon an enemy or friend. 'Let us stand by all that was good in the old South, all thit was upright in thought and brave in action, and with our past behind us, alike to warm and to cheer, let us" turn our face to the future, erect in the sight of Heaven and earth and saying to all mankind "Applaud us if we run, console us if we fall, but let us pass on, for God'a safe, let ua pass on." - ' country upon earth where the farmer is so surely rewarded for his industry as he is right here. They had a big camp meeting up at Pine Log last week, aud just such a srpead of good things ai the farmer took there every day was never seen before. Such a wealth j of chickens aud chicken pies, and roast pig, and mutton, and kid, and potatoes and pies ana cakes and jellies and pickles and wine, and all were home raised and home-made. Will the good Lord make us all thagkful for what we have got and incline cur hearts to quit grumbling. Bill Arp. Why continue the use 6f irretat lug powuers, suum ii iiu,uc" Elv'ts Cream Balm, pleasant of; ap- ilisMtiftn arw! a SHie CQre IOT CH- rarrh and cold id headcan oe had for 50c. It is easily applied into the nostrils, is safe and pleasant, and is niiriuc? the most obstinate cases. It gives relief at oncL j The proprietors of Eh 's Cream Balm do not claim it to be a care all, but a sure remedy for catarrh, colds ;u the heads an J bay fever. It-, is nnr, a. linnid nor. a snuff, but It is eaaiiy applied iuto the nostrils. It gives relief at once.- y- j - Bncklen's Arnica Salve- A sensible "Farmer" writing to the Oxford Ledger as to the causes' that have been instru mental in building ud Hender- Ralelghr; correspendent son and Oxford, navs th Wiiminkion Messenger! Ledger and Gold Leaf deserved compliments.Jand says : "The thrift and progress of a town depends largely upon the pa per that is published there, and who conducts it. Every thriving town should make a duty eucumbant on its The of the says : Secretary Beddingfield says the Alliance men were pleased at the action of the Statu convention in adoptine he Alliance , platform. He was shown marked considera tion by the committee on plat- HOME CHAT. form and resolutions. citizens to not only to encour age their home baoer with P. C. Thomas, Eeq., of Da- wofds of paise. but see that the vidson, ha3 announced himself j finances of the paper are suf as an indebendent candidate! ficient to enable th Adif.nr tn for Congress - in opposition : to publish a paper with an eye Hon. John 8 ,Hendersoii, the single to the prosperity of the Democratic f nominee " in the ' town. Remember one fact, no Seventh district. He'a the t editor can Dublish a trood naner untruthful demagoirue' wh'ot unless he is backed up by both stumped Davidsou county for a town and county, and he more Railroad commisson and then patrons he has the better paoer voted against ft: He is a fair the can publish. It takes representative nf the average1 niouey to make any. enterprise independent "a liar and tne fa success. I have been a farmer all my life and have noticed that merchants or any class of THE TWO PARTIES- truth is nbVin'nim.' The Atchison Champion, republican, says a -'protective tariff is one of tbe many things the west does not want and cannot afford to sustain. The Western farmer has no. inter est whatever in 4 protective tariff. His interest rather lies in the direction of free trade of . access to all markets wherever his products may be in demand.7' But when the time comes to vote they will yell "Rebels in the saddle'' and the last one of them will vote "the strait Republican ticket" protective tariff and all. The glaring fraud that is be ing practiced 011 the consumers of tbe nation would be amus ing, if it were riot such a se rlous "joke." The "protected afloat. infaut industries" are some of I The Democratic party, ho w- them extremely well grown I ever-represents a principle ap infants. Cornegie has, by I nlieaible at all times and under means of this "protection tot all circumstances. The priu infant 1 industries'," accumulat- ciples of that party, applied as ed fifty- five million dollars and they should be applied, repro- lived like a fightinv cock, sent the demand of the people w no would not praise a system for liberty In thought, in A thoughtful exchange thus truthfully contrasts the two political parties of the pres ent : The Republican party, by the logic! of events, ought to go, and doubtless will go. It' was rganized for a specific pur pose; that purpose was ac complished by the civil war nearly thirty years : ago. Thb Republican ", party maintains its ascendency, and grounds its hope, ouly on keeping alive the Issues of that war, which ought to be dead. - The length of life of the Republican party depends on bow long its lead ers can keep the bloody shirts What The Bays ,cf Th9 Press are Sajing. - A GREAT ACHIEEil E2JT. A Democratic contemporary asks, 'Iwhat has the. Republic can majority achieved V In famy enough to send the party away down to the seventh 8heol. Wilmington ttar. ; ' . GROUNDS FOR LIB EL SUIT. The New York Sun has pub lished a picture of Hon. John S, Henderson. As the picture did not' appear until afier Col. Henderson was renominated for Congress it is comparatively harmless. Charlotte Chroni cle. . . . i-1 v .. ... -. 'v. THE. RESPONSIBILITY OF MJNEY. Astor has- 23,000 income each day. He has a great responsibility- upou him. It will be very hard for such a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. WUtnington Mes senger. " HEAVEN IS HIS HOME. Any man who is as good as the Democratic party is good enough to be made President; The man who is better than the Demccrntic party is too good for this world, and ought to be translated to heaven forthwith. Oxford Ledger,' THE PLAYFUL MOSQUITO. We sincerely believe that there is more pure, downright cussedness and torment wrapped- up in the hide of one Httl6 mosquito than could be con tained in the hide of any other 'varmint" as big as a hogs head. And yet some people can't understand why so few summer convert - ; nold out" through the Cider ; season. Rockingham Rocket. . .. ' ZEB IS HARD AT WORK. One needs to be a close read er of the Congressional Record these days to realize how much hard work Senator Vance is doing in the cause of' tariff reform. It is a very -oil day with him when he does not make a speech or two, while his cross-questioning of pro tectionists is well nigh inces sant. Asheville Citizen. HITS US ALL ALIKE. ' The farmers are injured by the tariff aud by the gigantic trusts, but the business men of the cities are injured iust as much by the tariff ana trusts, and gladly join with the farmers to remedy these things, but the object sought to beyittained must come through the agency of the Democratic party. Charlotte Democrat, A FINE PAIR; -' JohL B. Eaves would make an apt pupil and trusted agent of W.- W. Dudley. The former recommended that his Reli ables should be at the polls to bulldoze the election here in 188, "men who are not afraid of the devil," At the same time in the State of Indiana the great arch fiend of bribery, co ercion and corruprion had his men at the polls to corral the floaters in "blocks of five" "trusty men with the necessary funds'' to hold them and ."se cure enough of the other sort." Reidsville Review. NEI5HP0RH00I NEWS. As bid by-Onx Brother Editors I in their Papers - TarboroSoutherner, A ; Satnrday night Elbert Piltman, an old man and an employee of the cotton factory bad his arm broken at ft was; otherwise beaten by a yoang man.' named Speight Hairell, also an employee ot tbe factory ' Died4u the coonty, near Leg gett's, Monday night, at the house of his sonvniiaw,; j- M. Pearce, of heart failare, Bras well Br itt, one of the oldest citizens of the county. Died tbla morning of ttphoiU fever in tho 36th year of bis age, G T. Proctor. : - Tarboro Southerner, Auif. 39. . On Tuesday night burglars enter ed , the store of W. G. Burden & Bro., about Hx miles from AalaDder oh the Witsor road; They bored a hole through the house large enough to pat a hand through and nn fasten the shutters. Aglasgwas taken oat of the window so tbe nail that held it down could be removed. The window, was raised and en trance made. J. A.' Burden, the c!erk, was sleeping in tbe store. They went near him to get into the store room but he slept well. A show case was plundered aud other things torn up, hot it was imposible to- tell - what swaa taten out. The motiy j drawer -was rfoanrt on tbe road Bome distance from the etore. for The Best Salve in the world Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salts Rheum, Fever, Sores, TetterChap ped Hands, Chilblains. Corns and ll Skin Emotions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis, taction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. W. Rowland. ADairville, Ky., Dec. 23. 18S9. fUdam's Microbe Killer Co., Nashville, Tenn.: Geutlemen This certifies that I have been a sufferer fiom asthma and catarrh for more than two years past, getting most of my sleen sittinff ud in bed or reclining in a chair. I have used one jug of Radam's Microbe Killer, aud tor the last three weeks have beeu slfipninsr naturally, soundly and child. I tatribute my rebel io the remedy, and heartily recommend it to any; one suffering irom astnmano vl v tarrhal trouble. Respectfully, Edwin R. Moo re, Cashier in Bank of Adairville. For sale by Doane agent. Herriug, , sole The West N lerence will be November, 2C. C. Metnodist Con held iatConcord If vou want to bear yarns that would stumble Eli Perkins, just let these up the country people go on .nrD;mi to Wilmington ana WnPhtsville. Even the sweet dear girls will tell'em after such expwi- q RepuDlicang. ence. Sanford Express. of laws that so enriched him, if it. did impoverish others, We never, had any sort of sympathy with what are usual ly denominated "clever fel lows" - who are Republicans. If the man has character ana is a Republican from principle (if such a curiosity could be ound in tis section) then ue respect him, but these "clever" Radicals are -seldom 4 men; of character, but they ate dema gogues of the worst style and play upon their cleverness" for the purpose of deceiving and "hoodwinking" good men. Such cattle clever as thev may be are not to be trusted but are the most dangerous enemies we have to meet. How many men in Davie county were promised revenue offices by the Republican bosses during the last campaign and have failed to get them? What do you think of the present set of "slop smellers" any how? Davie Times. This illustrates the where foreness'of the wonderfhijjon-. version to Republicanism bf most of the flop-doodles." After -they sell themselves to the corrupt party they are ashamed to return to the "nflmocratic: cart v they feel more at borne with others who havA sold themselves. This is the explanation of the political convictions (?Y of a large num- XSWM v V t speech," and in - business; the opposition to the concentration of power and to the usurpation by the few or rights which belong to - the many. Under different "names, the "Democra tic barty has existed in this country; ever since : the first cay pf independence; and will continue to exist as long as independence lasts. SootUnd Neck Democrat, Au. 88., , On. Wednesday ' of last week the boase of Lige Alexander, a cblered man living near town,"was truck by lightning nd entirely coneum ed.. His wife was in the boose at the time but escaped unhurt. There hayie ben Various opinions expiesfeed beie as to'thj tsrop'pros pect in this seetiop. Tbe heavy rains 'that' fell last ;-week cauned many of the forms to fall from the cotton,' and some bav been of the opiniou tliat no more fell off thau was neeiei; tbtttbe stalks wer too heavily ladeu, with ' forms to bear up all in .n full boll. Others have t uugnt that more forms have beeuiost thau is mcesiy tor the protection of nthe stalk. , If there should hR no more heavy sheds, there will be a fnli cropgathered. Nashville Argonaut. Auff, 28. - Mr. S C. Edwards, near Peach Tree Chuich. bad a tobacoo barn barued this morning. Ho was kill ing out some tobacco that was not killed out good Saturday night. W. J.S. Whitfield, employed at the saw mill of V. B. Batcbelor, had, his baud barfly torn on Tuesday, while sawine t baeca sticKS. ; Mr. Lawi-on Knott, of Tilliartlss too, was in ro t-ee u' yestrtay. Mr. Knott has 40 acres in tobacco, Irom wb'ch he will enie 80 barn, averaging from 00 to 700 pounds to the barn. - We are glad to learn that severv a new postoffices bare been estab lished on the south side of the lit er. 'The' people over there were greatly in need of mail facilities. We learn; that the townships through wbicb it is proposed to iun the railroad from Hendert-on to Nash con rity, have agreed to vote upou a proposition to issue bonds for tbe following amount, i Sb cco towurhip n Warreu, f25,000; Fork township, in tne same county, $20. ' 000; Centreville township, iu Frank- in, $20,000; Cedar JLock, 9 15,000; Castalia, $10,000, Uilliardaou, $25, 000 ? . .-. . . NUMBER 33 NEWS OF A WEEK. WHAT tS II APP iNING IN THE WORljD Allot' I US. OPPORTUNE AID To Mothers For upwards of fifty years, Mrs. WinsIowV Soothing Svrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething with never failing safety and .sue peas. It soothes th child, softens tbe gums, allays pain, regulates the bowels, cures wind colic and 's the best remedy for diarrhoea Mre. Wiuslow's Soothing' Syra p. is for sale by druggiats iu every part ot the world. Price 25 ceats bottle. The Tlouse of Representa tives has passed th3 Senate bill known as the Morrill College-Aid Bill. By the passage of this act our State Agricultur al arid Mechanical College gets fifteen thousand dollars a year. Tbie will be good news to those who are interested in the useful work that this college is doing. When the ' recent 1 ederal Court decision in the fertilizer case was (delivered, fears were entertained by some that the college would be badly crip pledi but happily .this money from the. Federal Treasury will put the institution in condition to work steadily on towards the goal' that it has before it that is to stand foremost among Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges. Raleigh State Chron ieie.' The Winston Daily says over one rnilhon pounds of tobacco has been shipped from that town in one month. 349 J Villere St. New Orleans. Oct. 22, 1889. VVm. Kadam. Esq : ' Dear Sir I wish tbe afflicted and suffering to kuow that I . positively assert that the tw6nty-uiue veais I have coui-t.int'y suflered intense aiionv with that most -terrible disease kaown as heroorrhoips, or iis. in theft very worst torni. 1 have tried every available prescrip r.wtn. hnt to no curatire end. have taken one jug (which con-, tained ODe gallon) of Mieioke Killer, and it has completely cured ine. It now feels like a dream that 1 ver suffered with; that dise.isel It also has cured me offu insatiable thirst, whic'i I have bad all my life. Go try it, all mankiud, and do not let your prejudice blind yoa against this world renowned medicine. If I iwssepsed the means I would give the afflicted all as maov tags as they need to bring about a care. This testimonial ouirbt to fchow the Microbe Killer's efficacv. I consider the Microbe K'ller paramount. " I remaiu, most respecttnuy, Mns. E. J3. D. Watson. -For sale by Doane Herring, sole agent. ECZEMA CURED BY 8. S. S. Mrs. S. Renault, Waldo, Fla. writes the following under tbe date of PeD. Hi 1890 ; "I suffered with Ecz3ma for about two years About this time I was advised bv friends lo try' your; Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) and I am happy to say that after using six bottles I was entirely cured, and I never lose an opportunity of recommending it to any one l find snneriug irom any disease of the blood.'' HE PROFITS BY -HIS FRIENDS EX PERIENCE. a I have been troubled with pim ples and.blotcbes on my face for jeaixi dnring which time I tried nutubei of standard retuedies, but without receiving any benefit Profiting by the advice and experi ence of a friend I commenced tax iner Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) and the effect it had on roe overshad owed all expectations. After tak ing two bottles the pimple and blotches entirely disai peand and mv skin is clear and without a blemish. J. B. Fleming, Fairfield, III, Tieatue on Bbod and Skin Dis eases maile I free. '-.. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ,Atlanta,Ga Condensed Rejnrt of the News . 2Vom our Contemporaries. The Panacea Springs property basl been purchased by a syndicate. Large number of negroes will em- grate this fall, memberes of that race say. . The Tuylorsville Index tells ot a grape vine that measures-. Z feet In circumference. - The Winston Daily, say a a mil lion dollars bas been invested in that town in the Past six months. Col. :L. L. Polk ha heen elected President of the American Farmers Association, which lately convened in session at Reading, Pa. Coneoid, Cabarrni county, has one of the largest cotton factories in the South, just completed at a cost of half a million oi dollars. .We are glad to5 learn that the coutract for the Farmers Alliance tobacco factory bas been h.t out and work will begin in a few days. Person County Courier. ' At Stateville, N O. Saturday night, John Jonep, colored, killed Gus Mnrcbison, colored, at a negro festival because the latter had acci uently trodden on the loot of Jones' sweetheart and refused to apo'.o g'ze. 7 Wilmington Star, Twenty sev en miles of track of tl Wilmington Onslow & East Carolina Railroad have been laid aud .the work is progressing at tlis rate of half a mile pr day, Greensboro Workman, Mr. Mar ls n Glass, a farmer who iivesto the j-outb if lbe cilv about l'tur miles, has so'd melons this season from one ace of ground to tho amount of $245.00. . The "salted" gold mine caRe in Moore county Superior Court reuni ted in the conviction of two of the parties, who took au appeal to the Supreme Court. The negro woman, Aleck Mor ton j who was anested two weeks ago for killing Julia Morgan, at Kiustou, irai tried hefoie Judge Ann field last e karirt wassentenee to In liur g Octoher 17ih. Tliis ne gro had worn male garb fur Aears, and did man's woik. lb r ex was not geperally Uuown until i-ha gave birth to a child. A cow belonging to W. H. Cal- . . - -k tar. oway, ot cue reisimmon vvooas country, has dropped two calves, - this snmniar. which came just a -month apart from one another. The first one came in Jane and the last one exactly a mouth after to a day. Lenoir Topc. . A large canning factory is to be established by a Baltimore firm in Beaufort. It will can oysters in the winter and vegitaoies in tbe summer, and will give employment to 300 or 409 bands. The citizens of Beaufort have doualtd a site for the factory, says the P -aside. Sttr- Rufus Dackwoitii ays that he saw on the lands of 1 ivid Hen- aeese, near Chambers, the other day, four stalxs ot corn that sprung rom one grain, and that there were nineteen ears of corn ou tbe tour stalk. This shows wht Burke county corn can do when i;. takes a notiag to spread melt. Morganton Herald. At a receut mteLing of the Exe cutive Commute oi lue cumoer- land County Agricultural Society. November 11, 12, l3.anl 14tb, were agreed upon as the dates for bold- og the Cumberland tfair tnis year. Tbe Secretary predicts 1 bat witn the assistance ot a generous public. theexhibit this year tfwl indeed be T I... ! a meriiorious one- jow ibl us u pull together for a grand saccess. Lumberton Robt soaiau. A safe investment. Is one which, is guaranteed James IP Pou, a prominent poli tician of Johnstou county, who was nominated . for Democratic State Senator lor that countyvnaa announced that .Le will jecuine to run on the ground of his brother having been nominated tor bolide tor. There was violent opposition to Pou'8 nomination in the county convention, which broke up in a cutting affray in which two or three delegates were badly slashed. Weldou N.'wse. to bring satisfactory result, or in case of failure a return of purcliae price. On. this safe plan yon can buyfrm our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. Kings New Pis co very for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief iu every case, when used for any. affection of the throat, Lnngs or Chest, such as Consumption, Iufammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asth ma, Whoop ing Coughj Croup, etc, etc It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe and can always -be depended npon. Trial bott'ei free at A. W-. Rowland's Drug Store. '' New Berna is to hare a big cm- ning fastory. MERIT wins. We desire to say to our citizens that we have been elline Dr. King's New Discovery. gfor Con sumption, Dr. King's New Liie Pills, Buckh n's Arnica 8alve and Electric Bitters aud have never handled lemedie that sell as well, or hat have given such universal S'ltisfact'on. We do not hesitate IO iiaranteH them every time and we stand ready to refund tbe'purchaie price, if satisfactory resuns ao not follow tbeir U6e. lnesei lemcuno have wou their great popularity, purely on their" merits. A. W. Rowland, Druggist. ' . 1 The Reidsville Review "speaks a parable" wnen it said : "As fitly as the mantle of the prophet Elijah fell upon 'Elizha did that of - Senator Beck enwrap the shoulders of John G. Carlisle. Subscribe to the Advance one dollar and fifty cents iu advance.

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