fftelTils on ranee rrrrsoN", N, c - xocal lttor. "" - - - . n 4th, 183" Sept. for far. JS&.TIC NOMINEES. ttie House of j Representa tives: . . - 'ATHANBASS. For Sheriff :, jOX AS W. CROW ELL. Clerk of the Superior Court : ALMSON B. DEANS. ' For Register of Deeds : S. M. WARREN. -For Treasurer : W. T. FARMER. For Coi'oner : . joHN K. RUFFIN. For Surveyor : jMES V. TAYLOR: cor Constable of Wilson Town 1 . , snip :; JOHN P- CLARK. For 0iirit6r-3ra District : .10UN K. WOODARD. The two ware rionses in uocny i.;.i o-ull tva cam believes 'a i oiler TV' DVAC'E i. Itik IlilV'IIIU SIIVUMTV. jour m,li "(,UI sent ia Wilson. . j . iv tobacco towns of the' State ire "afraid of Wilson.jand well they ssay be- j . : ,iew registration has, been or je'red for evey county in . the State, ije eeitaiu your name is on the the place in which to ..Hniiicrurr tobacco- jail')' An r tiflrnMias a UU t U vV- ' 'the Northern PEE50NAL MENTION Tne fineft of t he weed is raised nere ..i n a'MMUues mat amuuieu uiu tobacco raisers. j AWdy , "iVfZ len'r;. Williams is tej!Lniig to s ir up the uegroe. jJ"sm!s to carry many thousand j-iiriii oif-. He makes a large ja. nut t-l wouev dufc of that bush ;ess. . , - f - V' , J R. Uarls, E-q -j JwNr. is now in tlrkt-is buying for tbe lall trade. I:,e sealers of the ADVANCE wiil lear from h.m upon his return tome. ' ScotlHiul Neck has just started fcitnew knitting factory to work. Wilson neetls just such a factory. Iotwt'0 utue feet tall and thirty km- to the. stalk is what Wilson Kuuty is bragging on. Western Free Lance. . So successful have tbe toba.ee firsitrs bren ia V.asteru Caroliua am-year that there will b a large iuertfa ie ot acreage next year. It if i . . i'. . 1 .... . U.. go rsinaateu ina:,iu ri'igcwmur want -atone there-will bt 10,000 " i 'TV. ICIVS 1U lOOdCCo next jear bo o Banner. Tht f it triers are caring, tobacco - "r , " i v sow ,i iin.i rja we; nave Nrru'a nuiDb;?; ''of specimens of . fine tighr r.ipners, arid ' aie more iborfHihlr convinced 'that we will tubdceo.' ; ' . w The Advance notes with pleat" we that Mr. Wilson Lucas, of Hjde Cflauty. bas ben r?ion)ioated for .be Seoate. lie wa? a school boy ii Wilson Ihflore the- war, and has aany friends here who rjoice to hoff-that.. his worth is recognized ad appreciated. j Mr. Mott addressed himself to Sitional and general politice. He declared in favor of the fore3" bill nd saM that the piace for those who oppose it is in the Denaocratic party. Statesville Landmark. W hat does Congressman JE wart ay to this proposition. - - " I Siwak a jfood word for yonr o.vn Sown at every opportunity, and fion'i forget your town paper while joa are about it. Its intent's are Jour interests and too shoold help !" saajn ir every way you can. Ihat is; if you think it worth? of Jour praise pt rouage. - Hens flerson G )ld Le if Th-. i. -Mantiii.tr, of-the Ilender fon Gu'.i Leaf, did whtjoni? other "iuois have Wen unable to do, he eot marritrt. Here is some advi. gives tM cinl nkf inc which be probably flosred: We are not aiuch at'oaanifpft iih thfl emme of tods, but here a a bit of advice: "V epadea if ym iwin potatoet-; Pi-ydobs If joa woold deal with a wffiar- play bearfsiif -you would m Ifriendship; pjay diamonds if .n woold win woman,. Mr. rti'Hip VViitUce, who is re" fataff himsell for Missionary work Cbiua. left Tuesday for Trinity wlege, whor6 he will complete his '"aeation before gotng to his far Mant leli... Tffeie was a J'ioiiiiry Meeting held a The frt Monday night, which was elr attended bv bis fri nor, who E. N. Mercer Esq., went North Mouday- ' I JW. J. Uairiss, Eq baa gone North on a business trip. : Mr. Lucian Hadley was in town Tuesday and Wedne&day. " Mr. Sam H. Parker, is toying with a slight attack of malarial fever. - Mr. William Murray , went to Richmond last Monday on a short busine.-s trip. . j Mis. Walter Richardson, of Ral eigh, is visiting her n:ecv Mrs Samuel Bagasse. j Mr. W W. Edwards ia in town. He came last week, and it looks natural to seg him here again. Dr. W. S. Anderson ?nd hisbojrs wepe ..visiting relatives m Wake county last week. Mr. Wiley Corbett and wife left Tuesday for the North, where he will purchase his faM slock or goods. Miss Lollie Lewe, who has been on a visit to Miss Mary Groves Connor, has returned to her.home in (ioldsboro. Mr. Sam Eirle left Monday lor Spriugbope, whare hewld buy cot ton tor Branch, Cone & Co. Mr. Howaid Howe, of this coun ty, at present Express Messenger, between Norfolk and Raleigh, wjs :n tow n this week, W. II.- Morris Esq., has gone to Sew York to purchase a stock of Is which he'intends opening in his store on Tarboro Street. "Mr. Kleber Deumark, of New Berne, spent a short while in WiU son last week. p Rev. C. H- Blennus of Savannah, Ga , will preach in this place to night and again Sunday morning and night.. Rev. D. H . Tuttle ht gone to Dunn to assist in a series of nieet ;ugs n progress at that place. Miss Mttie Branch left Monky to resume her studies at Mt. de Sale., Cantousvilie, Baltimore City, Md. : -' . !. ';. J. C. 11 id'ey EqM left Tuesday for the Xjitheiu ma ket ,. He will cell the people, throug a these coN imns, ot his purchases, on : bis re turn home. Mihs Alice Williams, of Tarborci is visitiug Mrs. Jaiuts Wiggins. Mr.-George F. Couuor went to Chapel Uill tuesday. Mr. V. J Watd has gne to Nashville, Tenir, to euter the Den tal Depaitmeut of Vanderbilt TJuis versiry-.'v ... . W. E- Deans Esq., buyer lor Crunch, Briggs & Co., lefs Tuesday for New York and other, cities to purchase their tall stock of goods. Mrs. Harry Nottingham, who has been en a visit to her parent here, left,. Monday for her home in Yirgijia, accompanied by her sister Miss May Murray, who will spend sometime with her. Mr. rB. F. Scarbo-ough, one of the ni'osi saecessfal I irmers and Qsefnl men in Lenoir county, called ro sve us Monday. He was here in tne jtnttrest ot h:s friend Mr. Mew borne . " ' Mrs. sogers, of Richmond, Va., who has been visiting friend in Aaheville, Statesville, Raleigh, and other points in Western North Car olina, is now ioiting the fanily of Mr. D. L. Hardy. . I Union "Services which will be protraiced, begins at the Assembly rooms, near the factory, this eve ning. . Mr. S. S. Griffin, who lives near Nashville, showed the editor of the Henderson Gold Leaf somthing of a curiositv in the shape of a twin leaf of tobacco. It had been cured and was found amoug the rot wnen they came to strip it out. It is reported that Herring Creech, a Revenue agent, captured an iliict ditiir.ug belonging to iur ner Barnes, near Four Oaks, in Johnston county. Tne .gent wm in bar-1 luck only two gallons ol whiskev u hand and barue- es caped. " Let it came to Wilson. Tl, Yhnlli. Ar?Olia'lt ieg-1 lh the building of rl.e road from Hen ,tnn tn N!i co nity aa ceriau. frr urn su-s ITS C'mi'eilH will trit-B additional imiwt us lo the iiu of, enterprise ami pn-gie-s wltich now so target uv mnnitv. It c is not to b a brauch of thr W. & V. we wuld be phased to to WilbOU. Ve heed a competing him heie- On this page of this weeks Ad vance Messrs. -Davis & Gay have sometaing to say to our radera. This is a live firm, and you can de pend upon it, that yon will receive your money's worth a ;d fa.r treat ment at their hands. Eocky Honnt Pair. We were in Rocky Mount Mon day for a short while and met sev eral of the D.rectors of the Rocky Monnt Fair. -The Secretary, Mr. 8, L. Arringtou tells us that work is now being done towards erecting ucw uortu nan, wnicn win do larger and more attractive than the one that was burned, and that the prospects for a good fair are very flattering. - - -a Mr. MarshuoTirne- We learn from some of our Nash County friends that tbe Radicals of that county are endeavoring to make a Radical out of Mr. Marh bourne. They have endorsed him lor the Legislature, as an Inden pendent hoping thereby to purch ers this good man, for that corrupt party. They will find that they have reckoned without their hearts, or we are badly deceived; iu Mr. Marshbournc. He is a white man-a man of character and does not put hi principle np for sale, or we are no judge of men. That he will re pudiate the inult-that he will spurn the proffered bribe we are confident. Prof-St Clair Hester- - We note with much pleasure the fact that Prof. St. Clair Hester has accepted, tbe Principalship of the Nashville Carolina Institute made vacant by theT resignation (on-ac count of bis failing health) of Prof. D. :L. Ellis. Prof, HesterJ has a hard place to fill following Prof. Ellis, who did such excellent work and wa so popular, but he is fully able lo "fill tbe bill." He is one of the most enthusiastic and progress sive educators iu tbe btate one or the voang m' who deceives all the complimentary things that are showered npon him. The people of JNashville aru to be congratulated- FireatEenlv- The hotel at Kenly was bnrned last Thursdav night. It was the property ot Mr. Jesse Kir by, and the loss is about 2,400, with 1.000 lupnrance. Young ana Co., aad Edgerton, Bros. & Co., merchandising in the same bunding were burned out. It is thought their losses are covered by insurance. Mr. Mongrey, of Young and Co. was sleepinc m tne bunding and narrowly escaped bi uig burned to death. He had to jump out of a second story wmdo r. The fiie was discovered auoui unu nitrht and its orieih cannot be uc counted for. Mr. Kir by build. will res L Fins Tobacco Crop- Farmers will make in sense on their tooacco over average years. place tbe crop. curing wen. a double this year, Iu the first is a nne one ami is and theu the tobacco is heavier man usuai. oumo mc of its weight may be formed when we say that Mr. W. w. nowianu took the leaves Irom lour pianiK that he bad just cured, taking them as he came to them, which weighed 2 pound Five plants to the pouna is considered extra good tob?cco. Henderson Gold Leaf. Brother Thomas in Wilson- Brother Thomas, of the Louisbnrg Times, was in Wilson a short wnue since and bad somepieasent tmngs to sav of Wilson npon his return. Among other things he said; On a recent trip to the Deauiuu,! town oi Wilson, it was the pleasure of the editor of the Times to meet a nums ber of the good people of that town, among them that pure and upright man, Judge Canuor, and Messrs. Fred Woodard, J. U, Bruton, jno. E. Woodard, Democratic candidate for Solicitor, Ed Barnes, (the old reliable.) Bro. C. C. Daniels, and a number of others. H is always a pleasure to meet the good people of Wilsou, aatbey urver grow tired in offering couitesi- s t grangers m visitor.. The Wileo'i people, like onr o n. areenthusiastic over their tobacc iuteiets, and say thalthey me detf rmu.td t make :t. succeed. Their opnine sale will take place September 10tl. - )ai k i ; r;" 3S w IriyiteseYerb ihr EI&fTobacco SALE WedneSept inspect their Complete Line of- . - - Shoes, s JFurnish- mgs, Dress Goods Gent etc etc Clotllin Dep art- ent up Stairs. Ber- A- HoAiams-. Rev A. j McAdams, tbe " people here remember as the boy who cam to Wilson to study for the ministry under Rev. J. M. Mo Man away. A short -while ago ha preached two sermons in Raleigh and tbe Chronicle has this to say : His effoits were remarkable tor thought and force. He thrilled and intensely interested his ' bearers. Many good judges declared that be combined the earnestness of Evangelist Pearson witb the energy and intensity of Tho . Dxou. His sermons were the subject of remtrk all day Sunday and yesterday. Mr. Admia is a Wilson county boy and will be in college for two yrara longer. .Ha is wo king bis own way through and ,'S one of tbe most brilliant and promising young men of this land. Y7IL80N MARKET" Corrected B very Wednesday by JOHN C. HADLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In General Merchandise. l." - 8.' . 13X15 Cotton, per poond. Corn, per buahel. HaniB, per poond. Sides, per poond. Sides.: poond. Bhoulders, per poond. Shoulders, Ba oon, perpound- Peanota, per bushel- Fotatoes, per basael. Effgs,per doseiu Chicksns, per pair TaUow, per pound. Lard, per poond. Hides, dry, per poond. Beeswax, per POMod..- X . 9 6X 8X 150 50 JB90 8 lb a5 90 Winstqn House, JELMAt JV. C. Mrs, 0 -A.- rPu-Ol POEPIRETRESS. SI. K HUME! H. F. KEEL & CO. GREENVILLE N.C. Have jnft received a fine car load of llorses and Males which they will sell cheap for cash, of on time at reasonable .terms. Call and examine before buying! elsewhere. They also have a fissdclas3 Livery and Feed stable in connection, rear" of Skinner's Jaw Office- GASCON .VUANHOI TllK WILSON BARBERS. Whoa you wish an easy sliave, A a good as barbers ever gave. Just call on us at our saloon, At morninjr, eve or noon We cut and dress the hair with Brace, To suit the contour ot the face- Our room is Beat and towels clean, ' Scizaors bharp an I razors keen. And everything we think you" 1 find To suit the face and please the mind And all that art and skin can do If vouiuat nail we'll do for Ton ' THEODELL TYPE WRITER (it will buyfWOdell Type Writer and V.Check. Perforator," with 78 Characters and f 1- for the Singtc Case Odell, warranted to do better work than any t. achine made. It combines simply with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears lonser withoutcostot repairs than anv other machine. Has no ink ribbon to bother the operator.' It is neat, substantial, nickel plated, perfect and attain ed to all kinds of type writing. Liicea print ing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible nr.anuscripts. Two t ten copies can be m ide at one writing. An intelligent person can be come a good operator in two days. We effer tl.OU) to anv operator who can equal the work of the Double Case Odell. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers, for Pamphlet giving Indorsements, Sc., ad dress - ODELL TYPE WRITER COHPAHY, Rookery Building, Chicago, 111 pie w f p mm u m LU 5 Successor to TIIER SHELDON . .'.' -: tr--1 ' . M,Jk and M, :, BUILDERS' - - HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, (n.ASS, PUTTY, AND Building Material OI everj dt script ion. Nos. 16 West Side Market 6q, & 49 Roan oke Ave., Norfolk: ,.;va. A. BRANCH, President. J. C. HALES, Secretary and Treas -THE NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS ! The reason BA DAWS MICROBE KILLBR is the most wonderful medicine, is because it has reverfailed in any instance no matter what the disease, from LEPROSY to the simplest disease known to the human system- The scientific men of ?to day claim and prove that every disease is caused by microbes; and . EADAil S MICROBE KILLER exterminates the microbes and drives them out of the system and when that is done you cannot have an aehe or pain. No matter what the dis ease, whether a simple case of Malarial Fever or a combination or diseases, we cure tbem all at the same time, as we treat all diseases consti tutionally. PeAsthma, .Consumption, Ca- ttrrn. Bronchitis, unoumausm. Kidney and Liver Disease. Chills and Fever, Female Trou bles, in all itF forms; and, in fact, every disease known to the human system. Wilson (Cotton Mills Wilson, North Carolina. . S5rA3LI3H0 IM 1332. . : MANUFACTURES Cotton Varps, Yarns, Knittina: Cotton, etc. Ordes Solicited for all numbers of Cotton Yarns and Knitting Cotton to which prompt Attention will be Given. liljr ill Underse FOR CASH ONLY. OrQ od; do gtei ite '. e are not sorry that we adopted it four years ago, V oh, no! To its adoption and the strict adherence to its 1 ' - ' - EVERY PRINCIPLE do we ascribe our success and : VIDE-GPEAD REPUTATION as the distributor of " Beware of Frauflalenl Imitaticrns. Since the success of Radam s Microbe Killer called by various ami -.- y names, such as I Germicide. Germet- -.r i ia Exterminator Electro Germicide, Mierodido, Micro and vari ous other names. They are self marked coun terfeits, aid it is hoped the public will not be deceive d by them. These are the usual attemp tnilufniKltliiiiunnlalnilmlt.HniriEimudafill lid meri tOriOUS SXtiCle. We W8m the PUb against all such. See that onrTraae Mark same as above appears on each jug. , Send for book "History of the Mierobe KiUer," given away by hn been nroven. do less than fourteen BDurions imitations have been placed on the markot, the I living Drofit - W6 U9K nothing UlOre. tation of Radam's M lor--' K iUer. They are I d e D t8. l HUS C DAR3E U Sole iA.gent A7Vil3or3L - 1ST - O which other houses have not the nerve to offer. We don't have to advertise any '-marked diwu goods" ei in ply because we MARK TiiEil DOWN (and 'way down, too,) the minute they are opeued up. Oaly a vtry small No allowances for bad by quick Bales and small pri flt our good are al ways on the move. So to speak, making a so called uiarkd down sale to Teduce stock'Vquite unneccea- ary.j Jjou't yon sc;i;t we can saieiy say we. ieai iu CORSETS. Our "C. B. R." for 44c. is the wonder of tho community. Huu dreds of bargains exit in our stock of HANDKERCHIFS, TABLE DAMASK and NAPKINS. We have also some of the handsomest patents in vV I1ITE EMli'D. ROBES you ever saw. Always visit - THE YIASU TJ ACKET HE VySJI XVACKET mfASH fclTREET, 'IRKBT, STORE, TORE, - UriLsov, N. ILSON, N. C. C. tlOMf tTKMS ;Tha Wilsi Shortcut. It has been onicially stuiea mai work is to begin ou the Vontlu-rn extension of the Wilson Short Out R. K. as fodn as the right i f way can De- set--ureu auu iw ; w awarded. Steps are being I aKen for Him fiirooKe of stcnriHg the riaht of way, (lepot prope atbertu tu bid him God pc d. A Fayetteville Observe! tv, etc. r.f th occasion the presentaUorl toMr. Wallace 2 E'lv- D H. Tuttle, in behalf of Bright Jewels.jof a handsome Thev are Coming We met a gentlemen in Weldou the other day, from Pitt county, on; their way . o Oxford to still to bacco, which bad to be shipped all r An n rt. hv S-lma and Raleigh. They could not carry it to a batter place than Oxford, lor there is no better !th s . i w " V I marsei, uat it juai onv.- " scotch history, his knowledge I Roetv Mount and Wilson were a t - i ce and his ripe scbolarsbio, 1 iiule slow- an rie Fayettevillel Observer has i to say of Prof. Hamilton CJlillan. of Roberson county who D2&t in Wiliann. TTio fomiliarifV itU many other accomplish ('.ft in I ii n 9 -v Anlai Kim in. j"'1 to the people or the 15th, floral District a tjpicai re- r Dtativ -1 ll,.... ....ta anil " if ijirii . n auko auu tion. oi tbe balls oi State legisla- ... . Pabiifew days since the county Re-' aj h executive committee hitch iJ. . horse to a: large oak tree tle tb tLe Cart-bouse. After a lit e tree began to lean over and a catne to the ground with a ter- iouE ' tne nor8e waiKing - ort Alth the tree and being nu rHng a.As ture was no wind blow- i. ,L"J. lJe time, the only inference H i,.tne tree waa utterly disgus y fretnM diua8m, and by its fall. iiif oni r v me Argonaut. .1- V: id wanang in enter irise. Tbe Oxford warenousemea nack nrintAra ink; and deserve sue cess. Wake up gentlemen if jou I expect to succeed- -2asnviiie ai gonaut, . L ho Wilson is oegiemug .u t"u eyes. She'll get 'em fully ipen to the value of printers ink, are long. -PU Tfe,T Mnnnt nfiODie Will BOOU arouse from their slumber on wis line-too, we hope. i L MARRIED- residence of the H- Tat Married at the l.riHsD narontfl. bv KeV. D do r. ahnrflflav evening, air. uouu W. Braswell, to miss nx For Sale. Several fine blooded milk cows. .Ter iev and Ashire. Call to see me early and buy the best- u. iiipscomo. Sept. 3rd. 1890. s4t. PILES'. PILES! ITCHIKG FILES. Stmptoms Moisture; Intense itchin? and stinging; most at niht; worse by scratching. If allowed to couttnue thmots form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore r Swatnb's Oihtmkkt stops the itching and ; bleeding, heal ulceration, and in most cast removes the tumors. At drureist. or by mail , l?rv t. vw.wno JL son. Philadelphia. ur ou bcu . v- w . M , Hv Buy your dry goods Irotu Mat is & Gay The b-st 50cts. dress h:rt made at Davis & Gays. Tweuty thousand dollars oj-n ing at Yoang Bros., tine eet. Fall opening. Young Bros. Grand clothing ,0eniug all ihe latest style at Young Bros. Opening dress goods all the lat est Bhoea. Young Bros. shoes! shoesl shoes! Young Bros. " Grand opening this week Young Bros. - ---' .Fdh opening this week at Youg Bros. ; . Cwme and look at our big stock Young Bros. Now ia your time to get bargains at Young Bros. xSee our womens buttoned shoes at $1,00 11,25 31,75 12,50 4,00 and $5,00. Davis se way. Tbe latest styles id bats at uavis &Gaya. ; Visit our clothing department (up stairs) for nobby suits- Davis & Gay. Fresh turnip seed by the quan tity at W. o. Anderson s mug Store. Turnip seed at Anderson's Drug Store. i?rAh tnrnin seed at Anderson's Drug Store. A very desirable dwelling house for rent possession given at once. O. C. Daniels, "tt- flrrra All Skin Diseases-' r!"- rr- wne a Ointment." No 11 ' y- . ; ..?-.:.;'i I- -mmWf mm 11 I Am Now In Tiie 1 o Buy 3VIy Jall A. JSf 13! Winter Goods. iHrHHHMUMlMlM Internal medicine required. curi Idnear, white And healthy. Its great bealiwrami ers are possessed dt no yomrdruwStXor Swajme's Ointment. Hash, Mary Lizar, don't you cry, Them pretty things will come bye and bye; And when they come they'll be so cheap. Your very heart with joy will leap; And as you saunter down the street With dress so fine and shoes so neat With smiles so cate and lips so sweet- You'll mash out every boy you meet ; So hush up Mary Lizur. Look Out When I Gome Back ! E3 n i (manager) for M. R. La ng

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