it ' . i f " J ' ' - - 11 ' i t b M The Sale -.Continues -o- tOLUMNS 'i O ATTRACT CROWDS And has proven itself a clothing carnival .that has magnetized purchasers. Hundreds of people bought of us tha first week that would not have bonght at all had it not" been that they fouad our prices too fasci nating toresist. IlunSreds more will buy this week and so the sale goes and grows as it goes. He must be deaf, dumb and ' blind who fails to notice that we are ere ; . atiog a panic rmong the high price mer 2USON PHTSICIAN AM) SUKGtOS WILSON, N. C. l"011iue next floor to the Fust 0;o't:-. R.W. 8.ANDEliSON, PHTISCIAN AND SI UO EON, WILSON, K.l'. "Oflloe in Drus Store pa Taiboro ftrett. , ATCOCK DINIILS. : C. C. DASIEU - Ooldsboro. K. C. WUfk.n- K. O.. A YCOCK, &DANIEL3 & DAN i Eits' ATTOKXEYS-AT-JLAW, ) . WILSON, N.C. . er"Offlue In Advance Buik'iiik " S JJK. J. E. BROTH J'US PnrsiciAH and sDaGEor:, WlLSOS.S. C j Office next door to Firsf'Kational t!.nfc, I Kcsidence corner Tarbor aud Lea a tfeo ts. ) E. MOOK1 PHTSICliN AND dUKGCON, W ILSUN,.N. C. 9-Offioe second door f r. m AUvauee oiUcc. t Tarboro Street. Feb. 21, ly It. E. K. WEIGHT , SUKGEON: DES 1ST. . WILSON, N. C. Having permanently located, in Wit, ffer my professional services to tho pubi. . 0TOf&ae in Central ,Hotel Buildinir - G EO. S. LLOYD. M. p.. Litcited to EYE, EAR, im m TlIIiOAT, ggf-Office, B8Y4S HOTEL, TAirtiOKc;, Nov. 18-17 JJR. E. W. JOfNEK, ' SLTJGEOS UEXXISi, ' WILSON, N.G. - h .. liberal Datronaee they have given uie. atr"! gpare r.o money to procure inotr.,- -j aentB that will conduce to the comfort of my tienta. For a omjinuaticn of tne libruo ironaffe heretofore iiesti'-vvea oil ir.-i 1 eldoeolr itratefu!. ; " Winstoh House,-; SELMA, -N. C rOUFULnTiii. ease of oporattofi, wears lonsor withoutt.! os j .Aan anv other nutebme. Has po uvk tra than any other nutebme. Has no - uvk i repairs , "SX fcsatcn wJ Soecial inaTi"enifi;w i dress u -I .i. v i i j i 11 I v HEWLETT'S TOR AYTIUKG U UiF. JiALSEfF Call cn or addrefs W. 0. HEWLETT, Oct. 2-5 6m i R. ALBERT AMD lhavebxme permanently identified- wr.r. he poop tot WiUon,"huvo practiced her tor hA nabtten Tears attJ wish to return ,1m:). .-.v t tho community ; r i 1 1 vouinst oaii wc t: . il a i . ; I . ; 5 ' f"1 f? if ' 4 . & s a IS j ' T V P s v? P i T 4' I? - 1 fnlBirHHS -Vwi!lbuvthe(.:'--H Typewriter and ; y -j f-f1 f1 1 io better work inaa ar-y .. . I, Cftve(!ts ttnd Tn, fnTOp" Two t, ten cries e:;n bo ia. !.;; crmr.-e.- Or.r !w?1.t due t:a r..-M 1. n chants of the town of W son T V:iJt-3 civen out to some m: ilrfr of iV!oS. Palace- "t. aomettiiwr, every mcmcor will be tho.rossessor of a handsome watcb-at tho ex- nir.niop. of tvi-nnty-flFO weeks from the ilmo of starting'. ro one will -be visllei as: th' are no j 53?, ASKS. Thr i;ir:m!)crs nsitne who Rhll r?nnin in thp. liaMhe longest will he presented a handsome cna' (To wnu ma waicu. -Jew- - and O ENTILE, - --i?At."."r . - r AKB KtSNEF. - uiv wniia!!? invito. to witne-s these dra- ! m,r. .'!t rt-1! understood: A Ij , UANi'AS AliH EXCLUDED ila'iid in y.-;ur nitnes If yf.n wish to loin ifci i'Sliier ; uu-h Ciub rc&n wrek is ail it will f(,:.i jou -tri': weeks. Fewer the vic8 bet- ! I. f tho nior;i'rf: r-t p drinliig-, ehewinsr or j j and "out f n aecurat- tinso pifoethat will notify you when t- sro to your labor, attend court or go trj-eiiiirch. ti. EVANS. Maaaw. Tll'IVTII. : 11AEBEKS. Vt n you '.v-i?h nn esy shave, .'d n bnrl.ors ever .gave, .Iu;.t fall on us at oursaiooi:, At nroroiiisr. vvc or noon w e cut mid drem the hair with grace, 1 To suit ilio toi-tourol the faoo- Our room is neat and towels el an, Seizzors-sharp an ! rszors. keeii, Ad everything- wo think you' 1 find To suiuhe face find pvnaa tho njind arka r.htbiucil, and all Pat ent bosincss cobtm for Mqoescte rccs. ou Orricc is opposite f'ent orficc aJi wo caa ee..uri. rK1tPni io t: LiC tlian thoee .Q. 'A - Of? O VV & GO, C'P fATEXT OF.CC W5H-,tiTCN. O f-Jotical o: - -i r:'v:i htihfra- i!ii t-. i-t' ; Josht;:."BiMi:'S, f-.vtl.-b.'-fore tb.-ro'oa;e -J K-Ie Jjicw c-'tutf.v, "notit'e .is Lert-b.v in alt ju-ri-onH ifid;'Tt!il fit -t ate ot nh dt'ceaRf;? to aak '!Ute iisvm?!''' a jks .to all per Iff i . i.'''-': jgfin.1 avir.r l,t:i-i3 rgdU'st the le (.-?-. to itr:,cr:t (he'n tor pity. m.;it oii of befrr' 11 o GLfi day of Nowrabi-r 1S91, or 'thi-j notice will be p't-ad la bar of Mr-ir recovery.. A. Beakch, Admr. F. A. & S. A. WoodardiAttorneja mm im m m f HfS i And. ait that art and sWll ean . JUDGED BY ITS r i I 'V ; I - r 1 MHuJ Through this Week -O- HAVE GONE IN WITH A To reduce our stock. Last week it was a necessity; this week itis a particular compulsion. We must unload and our particular distress lies in men and boy sv ; suits and overcoats, holding in their tal- ons thousands of dollars whicn must te converled into cash without regard to cost; profit or loss When we say this it ffoes to ycur hearts with the assurance that it is the honest expression of a reputable merchant who respects himself too hiughly to mke any misrepresentation in order to get - your patronage GOOEHcaCaLD Threat Msetien Wstin?cf Hash BROMCSIITJS SCROFULA Or any Dlsenga where tha Throm and Z,ung arm Iiflnne&f Lach of Strength or Kertm Fcwt, you eon be relieved and Cured by OF PURE COD LIVER OSL With Hypophosphltes. PAS. AT ABLE A3; H1ILK. Ask for Seoti's Emotion, and let no w plannlion or toiicitation induce yon to acept n si&ttlUite. Sold by all Irtzggists. SCOT T & EGwKE.Chemlats, S3.Y, YOU WISH I TO Advertise Anything Anywhere AT Any time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Co. No. io Spruce Street, 'NEW YORK. 5 t'Ki-'. : -": i'A ail tlliMON- ii t 4 SI U."-'. X.31l. I -Krl UJll-llEA ';- -!? .!. Uiska-::-S of Miii; Wo- A -f mk.v. nti :iiuiui;x the rs SCy'if snlt"f .'? . -! i a hnnn'-nt, ','r.X-'Jt ,.. .'.i'. - . st.i tl!.; Ki A lanri rr-d ;anif!""t. ?- "t :it:si r.Tid PitlvTS Lvi:;c-ik l!:.?.1 rT. n . or. tiori. titiok of IA;, truli i;ii-tieii!ar fr Cure, pjtBE. lt:. ."'.' !'-Ki:i's Mf.iv ICAt. & SCKGIOAI. lN-,Tin 11;:'. IVoJ-Ji fill Sri BUT in Angnst, BejKemtm. or October and pay crops an Bold. Spot Casta Prices. The Lowest kno, Just little cash down, balnea Oar entire stock enymnlr price or style. BEST mer offer wo erer wsIWi Write forXnrculmP SUOOIBH OFFER LUDDEiU BATES, SAVANNAH, CA. Dr.BuU'e Cough Syrup csi r ). If 1 JUALE 0 0 J s ;i iWir J WILL ne Was Merely Indulging Ills FimliW for That Canoless Sport. A gentleman hearing a noise In Ms yard -went out and found old Porter Clay, a noted politician, handling his wood. "What are yon d.oin'j there, you ras cal?" "Who's er rascal!1" "You are, you scoundrel. "Huh, calls me er rascal an ersocmiiriL White folks is gittin mighty elerqnent when . da wants ter 'base er generman. Fnst thing yer knows Til hab yer 'rested fur slander.' "Yes, and 111 ha-e you arrested for attempting to steal my wood." "Stealin jxr wood! W'y, I neber thoughter sich er thing. Seed er rat run under dia wood, an I wanted to ketch him. Kain't keep from MUin rats. Wua born da ter way, but ef yer wants ter 'prive me o' dis heah pleasure, all right. Doan' kere now ef de rats eats up ever' thirig on de placo. Good day ter yer, Bah." Arkansaw Traveler. Unanswcrn r 'e. Mistress Bridget, how many times have I told you that 1 di Ja't want you to have callers during the day? And there was that red haired policeman in the kitchen again this morning. Bridget Yis, mum, he is a great hilp. Mistress A great help! What do you mean? Bridget Yis, mum, about the peta ties and tomatie3, and Bich loike. Histress How can he, help you with the potatoes and tomatoes? Bridget, Faith an he's E-rh a foine peeler. Boston Courier. A Lift. Conductor (briskly) Ticcral Tramp (hesitatingly) Ain't got no ticket. Conductor (hastily) Where are you going? Tramp (leisurely) To the next station. Conductor (sharply) Twenty cento. Tramp (coolly) Ain't got no money. Conductor (severely) You'll get off at the next station. Street & Smith's Good iNewd. i OodghiB tke Chaperon. "Henry, you know if . we go to the theatre, mamma has to go too as a cha peron." "That's all right, my dear; I have bought three tickets, but unfortunately I could only get two seats together. The odd one, however, is the best seat in the house, so we'll give that to your moth er." Harper's Dazar. . A Kid's Idea, - Bob (to his uncle) Say, uncle, how do you set your watch? Uncle (facetiously) Well, I set it sometimes on the table and sometimes on the mantelpiece. Bob Aw, I don't mean that. I mean when yon want to make it grind. Wash ington Star. Consistency Not a Jewel. Actress (queen in extravaganza) It seems ridiculous that I should wear diamonds about an inch in diameter. Manager You will have real dia monds to-night. 1 will also provide real poison in the gntad spectacular queen poisoning scene. Jewelers' Circuit A Correct Surmise. "Excuse me, Mr. Travers," said the tailor, "but a gentleman named Jagway was in yesterday and wanted to order some clothes. I was a trifle suspicious of him, sir. He said he was a friend of yours and referred me to you." "Of course," said Travers, "Jagway ia all right. Why, sir, that fellow is jusf as good as I am." ' "Yes, sir," replied the tailor sadly, "that is just what I thought.'' Clothier nd Furnisher. WOKT p M V q d) 1 K'B At Youn ITD IF EVER A DOUBT EXISTED of your"oonfidencejiuiU8.the grand gen . erous and spontaneous responsa vvLich you madeo our announcement test wek is a sufficient guaranteethat you ara with us; foe lhi3 we are truly grate- -ful. We bow our acknowledgement and roll up our sleeves to nerve you even better the coming week than we d'd " ihe past. The price in everything has .been reduced right through our stock. Which leaves no margin for any one to delay making their purchases if they intend to do so BABYiOME SOLID SORE Tided Everything without Keller. Best Night or Day. Cored by Cuticura "Remedies, s- My baby, when two montha old, had a breaking oat with what the doctor called eczema. Herhead, arms, feet, and hands were each one solid sore. I tried everything:, but neither the doctors nor any- tmng else aid ner any good . We could get no rest day or night with her. In my extremity I tried the Cu ticura Remedies, but I confess I had no faith in them, for I had never seen them tried. To my great surprise, in one week's time after beginning to use the Cuticura Remedies, the sores were well, but I continued to use the Re solvent for a little while, and now she is as fat a baby as yon would like to see, and as sound as a dollar. I believe my baby would have died if I had not tried Cuticcra Rem KOrss. I write this that every mother with a baby like mine can feel confident that there is a medicine that will cure the wost eczema, and that medicine is the Cuticura Remedies. Has. BETTIB BTRKNtEB, Lockhart, Texas- Cuticura Remedies Cure every humor of the skin and scalp of Infancy and childhood, whether torturing, disfiguring, itch tag, burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, or blotchy, with loss of hair, and every impurity of the blood, whether simple, scrofulous, or hereditary, when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. Parents, save your children years of mental and physical suffering. Begin now. Cures made in childhood are permanent. Cuticuka Rkjcedieb are the greatest skin cures, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times, are absolutely pure, and may be used on the youngest infant with the most gratifying success. 8old everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50c.; Soap, 25c.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter Dbuo and Chbjucai. Corporation, Boston. S Bend for " How to Cure Skin Diseases," M pages, SO illustrations, and 100 testimonials. PIM PLES, black-heads, chapped and oily skin FREE FROM RHEUMATISM Tn AHA mfnnA l. a Anti-Pain Plaster relieves rhcu- imauc, sclauc, tup, kidney, chest, and mnannla woina anl Tl.. first and only instantaneooB pain-lolling plaster. SIX-CORD WHITE, BLiCK MD COLORS, FOR Hand and Machine Use. t POR SALE BY J. ft P.OcttiUKtr, J.ix a. c. C. Wells. T. T WiFsins. M. Rountree ft Co., A. Heilbroner Managtr for M. lt.Lauff.) Regulate The Bowels. Costivsness dsranres tbs whole tjm, m and b.geta diseases, eneb m Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Eidsey Disease-. Biliou Colic, Halaria,ctc Tatt's Pills prodae rstfr-alar baklt f lr and Boxl dlfstUoa, withoa wUlcn. mo oe cam eojoy good be.itli. . Sold EveryvJLoro. . SDOOiuonon - IN ? '--'it: ers9;: i Leave WoV'ori..j2 sn p ta'5 i3 p tn .' . .. .r- 1 , tit t 600a m 7 10 " : at tuicKy i vi Ar Tarliio. Lv Tariioro.. iia 20 a tn .... Ar IV iK,n . ....... 2 S-3 p u 7 W p'm 7 43 am , WUsoa f '' Ar Pirlnta- .....j S 4U ; Ar FKjettCTiic-.l i 0U ' Lv Goll3toro.... Lv Warsaw Lv Slaprnolia Ar Wiiuiinston 3 IA 4 10 4 ?i 5 "Xi " 7 4U " ;9 55 8 33-a nr. 9 34 - 9 49 . ,111 ao " TtlAIKS GOIN'O NOHTfjF.. OS ft Lv. Wilmhurt'-n Lv Ma-;ii)liu...... Lv Warsaw Ar t-o!:t)Oi'o &( r m: B Oaui-4G0pni 1 -11 " li 34 " 5 36 " li) 4H S W ' 23 " 11-45 " ;65i Lv 7ayetteviiin . A.- Seiina ... .f Ar Wilon ...... Lv Wilsiui Ar Rocky Mt.... .18 40 .11 00 ;i2 io "5 03 a inil2 37 p m 7 47 pni j 1 10 " 1818 Ar Tarboro Lv Tarboro !2 ROpm! ........ ;ll. 20 li (li! Ar vsldon. 2 45 p m 9 30 p in i Dally excepi undiv. Trains od Scotland Neck Braucj iui loave Weldona 15 Halifax 3 37 e M, arrives Scot land Neck at 453 P M, Greenville 6 00 P M. Keturnin? leaves Greenville 7 30 a M, Arriving- Halifax at 10 10 A M, Weldon 130 p m daily except Sunday. . On Monday Wednesday and Friday lj"cal Freight lraves Weldon 10 30 a m Halifax 1130 a m Scotland Neck 2 On p ra Arriving Green ville 5 10 p m Returning- leave -Greenvilie Tuesday Thursday and Saturday 9 30 aih Scot land Heck 1 oOp m Halifax 335pm Arriving Weldon 4 p ra Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemsrle 4; Kaleifc'h H. 11. daily except Sunday. 4 05 P M. Sunday 3 0i P M. arrive Williamston. N C. 6 30 PM,4JOPM. Plymouth 7 50 P. M-, 52(M f. 31. Keturnmg- leaves flymouttt, JN. V Daily exeent Sumiay. 600 A M. Sunday 9 00 A M, Williaitlftcn, HO A M, 9 58 A 14, arrive Tarboro. N " - ' A M. U 20 AM. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Golda boro, N daily except Sunday, 6 00 A M. ar rive Smitiineld, N C. 7 30 A M. Returning leaves Smithtleld, N C, 8 00 A M, arrive Goldsboro, "N C, 9 3C A M . Train on Na-?hvii!c Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3 00 P M, arrives Nashville 3 40 P M, Spring Hope 4 15 P M. Returning leaws Sprintr Hope 10 Ou A M, Nashville 10 35 A M, arrive Rocky Mount. 11 15 A M. daily eicept. Sunday. Train on OliLton Uranch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily except Sunday at 6 IO P M and 11 10 A M tteturning leaves Clinioa at 8 20 A M aod 3 10 V M, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 an 178. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fsyetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. CO. Paily except Sunday. .Train No. 7 South will atop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. Ail rail via Rlchirond, and daily except Sunday v Bay t.-ains run soli-1 betwe 1- Wilmington and Washinsflon, and have 1 ullmaa Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Supt. J. U. KRN'LY, Supt. Transpoi atioo. ; T, M. EilERri N. Uen'l . Pasteser Ascnt. BEST'S GRAND GOSFiSOPOLITAN TONSORIAL PALACE Ox Tabboro St , Is the only first clas3 place in-the city where you caa get a shave or a hair cut aud Sham poii ThankiDir the public for past patrouaga I shall try ta r-'virit a continuance of tho sitni.-. I have in my employ the best and moat polite barbers, in the country. Respectfully, WU.LIAM 15 EST. n A- 3 i "... - j - ! ;r4,,..a g Broth i wiLMrapwELDoi RRi ; : f u i f i ; , feilMM ILIi AMJ miAutt !,. ' ' eli a a B II . m h :m I jr' SB XLk.LJ JLi.i.Xi.JJZlIU j ' .TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ' , ,0, I.AT1-D M$ May lttb. ISSO. .- da c5 . d-S - 1 --! - r-sJ --.v ..i E-r-' .' '-'-1 f i g. : .. r-.-- p'v : . 1 J - 5 - ,.-"''-JS4 : Giothing S SHOES! Our sfock of slices ceived a, nice line ef sample shoes that; you can Duy at lew York coal HATS! Wa .r headouaiters hpfnrfl von buv. Look fore you buy. Necessity keows no lav?, must go at a sacrifice, nRV finODS! Just now we are selliugmore goo 1: dry goods hooses in town and it is simply purchasing public know that we sell low for V OVERCOATS! We are selling in the same vr y down prices. It is the same way in ti ; and in the children's department, and V---ali over the house. . ' ' n KHRH imH M ' - " A Thirty Five Hone Power Euuiuo and Boiler aud Sa"v Mill. All iu thoro-ik-li repai ..pi v to F. A. WOO DALID, paschal & bro., wnsun.o IDTEfl FUUNITURE DEALERS . , AND UNDERTAKERS, WILSON, N. O. VVeeell at lowest pricee, Bed Rooiii Sets, Wardrobe, Brack ets, Folding Chairs, Camp Stools, Picture Frauiew, and in defd everything- iu the wy ot mm FURNISHING GOODS KA0EWAR1J) Icit Erilliant, ' Furf and Perfect Lci-sc-E:a th World - C-Mubiacd with Gn-at Kclrsiti; g Power. TLev are . as trar-sparei t aud coloiless as ligbt- .t(.--if. Ai d for softness of entlur-ince ro the e; e cannot be -excelled, PDabiirtg tie wearer to read for hours withom tatij?ne. Iq fact, they are fEEFECT Sranr Peesbeveks. Te&'itaoiiial- from the ';a:3ing physicians in tbe United Slates can be given, who have bud iheir sight improved b.v their use. All eyes fitted aad the fit guar anteed ai - A. w. Kowian d's DEtja Stoke Vhere an imuieuHe s?ortaieiJt of glasses can be fouud and properly adapfed to all jL- uuiiions or me eye. These glasses' are not applied to peddlers at any price. None genuine unless the , narue .ilAVTKEs is-stamped ou the frame Wholesale De;5k. At!a u a G Austin. Texas'. t To core BiUonsnesi, Sic Headache, Conati pation, Miliaria, Liver OomiainU, take the safe an.l certain remedy, " ' BiaiTsi,s.-' "-- i.J 1TUI r?f - Iore-lrPfrsor.t.Bil. llh,J-j.-rJ,t.f..BLSB.AKS...ST ...... . ? i is immense.. .e Lave just res for hats. Do not f ill to fee wa fci0f4s fog, our atock- at our stock oi! dress so t; ;itS -the li'iv'jd W things' OR'NAMEN"iAL r! BLE WORK Sir. CO 6 NorfL I'tiwai'd St., Ilr.lrimbre.. Wiie . liaiJiii' -for Ct'f';ti'T!(R Lavnif, GartScus, Oiiia:- :it:l l'a! coniei?, '-:tVirt!cw G .:?(, Tne Guards. W;r- Cloth, K; Ten 2ns, (J.c, Sai;.? " ctl Coal tSetei-ns, ion. U-crsS- ;::, (.'i airs iir5""-:-iiAV5KJBW - 7'S. GO. ' O R li E V ILL K N. C. Have jtif-'t received a fine car load of -Horses and Slul'.'rf whicli they will sail cJic'a.p for ca?li,qr ou time .at ra'oocj-'jbie teriDn. Call and . mine beioit; buying el?ewliero. Th-jy jiLto ' liavrt a G SS t -" I a Sc? I i V t; 7 v stable in coiinc.-tkfi, r Skii:n"r'-i Law Ulli'c. ar of Dy Virtae of a iee?'tv :'. ': Sn i'i'lor O-uf. o( (Nuv:'y. vfiereiu K- if. 'W:i:. '.V !:.;.;. "f i-l.jaderoa K'Cc-, -yw j,: . 'i', j;i:(J Mia h-?iru of U.-,i.jt re th de leu -ii -!-.;- v. h ' . I; the ooart hoa-s" ! o r. In V I s s:. ou Sat- jurdiiy, iuv;2'J' i.iiv ci U-e.-iuWr, j 1890 th t.ZiV.n'ii g .d.fe-.-;V! iiropo i Toy : On,' tr-t ! f n-.d v.i t'dih lira-!it.-.Vi!rur1 c ' i i, 1- a;' v. W. l-'i . l--1-- WfH Ui trr or J, -'I'i-''ii" K. n waisox, ; F. A. & A. Vkja:;o.'. EaJ5aQ.-liL.-X-Ji!it--.E,.. - i-7. , v. t ... .-... pair lag ni tsj 3 '-'V -.r"-.. ruCYS - - .. . .r :&:-f4;.:r"-'' $3 SHOE File Calfasil I.aord Vaterprotf Grc'" The eTcellPis jsnd wrenrlmr qnr.lltirsi f t'. cannot bebetWrnhowa ilMhy iheftror.z t-uaorw lucf-'CWW it. A i:i.e rau ". .lid (lur-'ri .-i'lt;-". -i ti.e, stanjard drcs ; jt rs ( Id. . A.a,-.c a.m Lace. " uueijiiaiJv'u !. uueijiiafiv'U !'.. fJaoiivMr i!; $ liooilyen r t.V Kb'io, at a per. O tor rr.?!roa l m V 1 f . : - ...i - :'. . vn have most favontbiv Je.i slaco !n!!?S,VSi end the reeent lrnpr.ivemcrtj Kiake w iUp to any shoes soltt at tiKi prif,i;. , n(j Ak yoar Dt-uK-r, ami lr fin rn:mnt p:pp':u !j titrent to fanfjirv enckwlng ttdocrtmca prux, fostulXoronlcrlilnnki. , nimrttm W. L. jOI'OI.AS. Ur-tWMi M9"'

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