Wilson ? Ad ya nge. : 1 h Mi JL XDani let. Ed's and Prop's, Si IISSS THOU AIIII'ST AT, BE TUT GOUNTBF'S, THY OOD', AMD TRUTHS'." $1,50 a Year, cash in Advan "GLUME 20 WlIOl,WJLSOj;COUNTv"-NORtK;;-?OARO'LlNA;;JAN, 22 1891. NUMBER: 49 4 jHi ILL ARP'S LETTiilt Tm OtO AM HAS A DREAM OF THE NEW 'JERUSALEM.". ;iV2 Lesson in the Truths the-; but sure tw; mv : ;.- ' .- na:itieYs to afflict nK .- vrHb your troubles, tit verthelfss I am sick, e:; sick been in bed t - oil' and on up ana Vrsutir.g j around with th. open' for I can't any oilier way. Got a , ana my cfs ana vy-epir, and there r ri my fce, and i-hal hive been.; br 1 ' t; r.u. o j.: in ne'j mv t e for to:; rears aTe aching. t the other day and cl.ar:iro ay clothes because JIr. Arb wasn't 'here to make Tie. S'3 baa been .gone ft r nearly two t) .!. u-rz children at out Got didn't aua clji; and fire can. weeks nursing some Rome vri are naming the ina rt.. I used to could get wet then dry myself by tho bat I can't now. I've ht cold all over. There's a !:iin in my breast or my dia- epigram it, and pot in y gram or v?: th? ag-- Will The bo:: bee, Wfi -uo I be i . vrir wv-;' diaphraui' or trover they ; call children have bos-m plastered' all -over i iaivoiitiae 1 and flannel, y foui'd some capsules ia a :: de me take them .. it was ' medicine.' and ;;:' itumma's; drawer. "I've uea hat it was. bat I can't srstca. took them ch get lies rip. the cils and what ol tho family wake up thrj morning and L!d paid'-i let 'era thinking about mid! still just lika lie did the moon, tnd they both .stood still.. We used to - argue with .him- and we gave him up. . Iknowlot3 of 'sensible- peo ple who don't believe that as froaomfH know anything about these immense distances and orbits and weights of the planets, They say it is all iruess work, pretty much, and t hat .. it is impossible to tell how far it is from one place to another, or one planatto anoth er without measuring it with a hchain or. a rod pole or a string or something, And here is where a higher education comes rifaad broadens the mind - and' citrate? -It to a higher plane, f Th-ere is no science exact and so fully established aa ; as tronomy. The distance from here to Atlanta is not so accur atsiy known as the earthfe orn bit ; around the sun: 'A great astronomer like Herschell 5 or Nekton or La Place can look through ths telescope at Jupi ter's inoons when they are in an eclipse and then mix up a f-jw -itnrori thins and flustiona ar.a ii.rall3 and tell how- fast li jt travels and how far it is to the remotest planet in the universe... The children wanted to know K-Ly the new year began with January; and I could'c tell them. Christmas wimia : nav beoa a tetter day. The new ytar ?hcuid have begun with n birth-of Christ insxeau -vi a weir later; or the year should begin iili tho birth of sprint. the 2I?t of March, wnen nature r- ,i TioviT iSt rinpll f 3. IS I; U -.1 ':; " B - - if en in the :o oif to school. Who 10 this ana uo mat ana dropped olf to sleep' and dream3'i tba.t I was dead, and WuUiU I. that tree tie hands had hurried me into au elevator that reach ed froni tarth to heaven, and it was'erJ'K-ded with disembodied spirits whbm I did not khow. They had visible forms and faces, their, material- bod ies w'ri v.-.r.'asd they passed through: oich ..o;her. without i impediment. And these - are spirits of the dead I. thought, and-1 wondered if 1 too was a spirit, -i ooKea sn my nanas and t-Ler - eemed to be there: I to clasp them and found them--onlj shadows pictures Gt.haLu.. . I touched my , cheek and it was rot there. Timidly I tctiChcd the form of . one be side me.'and there. was notbiDg to toucli. An E'nj?ei The of th'e.yrr.- -iro wars, hsva- !ora:t Tha result of the of railroad tri was the forui TraClc Asacc bicattcn vf- systems aiul tinent wt o territory r ill (tepartmont?, controlled by commissionet corporations rn weary of. rate I a gas tic trust, rccoac coaferenca itts in New York i ol "The Western H:3.") It U a -com" iitea great railroad .-jvei s tbe eutire eon 4:o Ohio river. The by -diftdd iato lour r ac'.i represented and t eoisslssioaer. Each will have the power to regulate brsifa freight and nenger tanH-t in ci3 ; This is Jthe. .ciost road 'jiCLa'i.i'ahi iuo . t thih Oi;-:;r.-; : K : getber" it undo:! tremenuousTi generally tfaj road property larly. '''.v ; prohibition cf State Commerce aci. pas visien. poorer ml- rail ..forraed jn r ;r car. bn lirtfd tox ndo:-br-fd!y exert a M'U ;; ou business r vh,s value of raiN i iLe vtivsg ixfVticu ';-,;;a;;: tbe plain ooUog ia tbe Inter ic ia declared j master spir- irviat, that .'tbe )olcd aud apner-livisioa' that this opens by JTr. Jay it of this j busiaes:-s is iioneu ov rniii It will be 'seen large opportunities to Mr. . Goul3 and other cn-ir or.t railroad wreck ers. It wiii' be' m t!a power of commissioners ot tins combination ty depress or elevate the value of some of the !sri't rt'.id most profit able rai!road-'h the cc-aafry, I fixing rates 'arul si portioning the business tisey have" it in their pow er to determine fcLether a road shall, bo worthiest? or 'very valuable Tir small L. ! c rou 1 . i-;- THE LEGISLATURE OF THE PS0CEED INGS-. WHAT OUR HOLONS AT RA LEIGH ARE DOING to trustees. Ed cation. ,. " Mr Haarv. to i aDDoint a 8Dev stood by the ircldin cord that seemed to run th elavator and I sai I Where are we , goiag. To th" city cf Jerusalem said he, the hoiy .city; This elevator reach es to tho lowest gate.- To heaven, 'said I. Yes he replied, I to the lowest heaven.- Only the saiLts higher. There is anoth r f-levator .' for: thera. Thaub the good, iiord for his mercy thought I, and I felt calm ar.;l serene beyond aili expression. '-By ' the time we wer.3 up among the stars and I was about to inquire how Eiucli-:.jartber' we had to 'go Jessie, leaned over me and ask ed iae if. the turpentine burned las and I neyer reached the golden gat e at all. - I wonder where heaven is T wonder where this universe ends. TTl.enT aa sick my raind runs on these things and I feel so httie; so contemptible, so much lik-tsih t:ld philesopners got tt ir ; awfully mixed up any howT Their years . used to bo measured by the moon, and they had thirtetn months, but that didn't lit, and so tkey fell b?.ck to tsn months of thirty six days each, and that didn't fit, and" next, they put in two morsviVcnths and had no leap year - and at last. Pope Gregory fixed the iaeasire all right, jast as we have it now It was only in the last century that the civilized nations adopted fhe phw tiino. Russia hasn't adopted "i yet, but " I don't know whether she is rivilized cv not.'-" - Jair.ary was a right good name ior the first month. He was a watchful old fellow and bad two faces, and could look before him and behind him at the same time. It is a good idea for a man to look back over tho year that has gone and review bis conduct, and then" look forward and prom ise to do better. . Bat most of tl.e- months were nainea iox ti ia V ' ;s h tRthfiTi rods who never exisu- d, and so were the days of the week. I wish the scnooi children would read -about them and bo able to answer what March means, and April andrWednetday and Thursday, ard the other names. Gather knowledge as you go along, useful knowledge, and store it awav. If you havn't ot the books, borrow them from some body and read. I asked two young men yesterday how far it was to the son, and they had no idea. '.'' But I am sick, and don't care very much how far it is. BiLL..Ariv tbe mercy o ulators vvh mai e as r ont of the effected, to build u general ri terostc-.l h cause f.'r conferese' this organ ing ra-lrr Mr-Stichn that '-sL;; tbeiu s :i trost one mail. Suf public t coroorat: sidera!. -: - It IR the v.".-, forms an t form a tic p. probably irr. can be roil. &t3p Till Ik i tion of this associations tiiils I-'.:-;. praoiK" v Tbe sh:-, ' biued in tho ei at ions I ;.' At their :v. this prypori dently toe r. nation is !o cal em--1 ' can .have tb- U C.C Tt! out western rail- ritles cannot They are at at'iou of spec- object is to as they can n they have their "interest ;:' at the ex lh certaia :t. Hut the ose is eei ca;. the boiiv T -. ; niai-i-:v , nie: 1 .' LAth nt: til;.- r ; atom, a microbe, a bac- a nothing compared with idreu il tro:;or: La- r mihh, i he 11HI ; 1 turn, a lith tho it v-,.-: re. fitrih tun er dlesa universe when I) and stroug T can : u.d and ''talk- big and ::::;-tif and feel als consequential 'as the ; 'iuobs do when strut und in i the -Kimball 1'he idea of a mictooe r.nd putting on airs '-r it for amoment, h' III ing to the chil other night about as- and - J said, I am a ,..'. ;rreat traveller; I yelled forty thousand f milea ifa my lite. I . traveling. I can'beat and. " telegraphs. : ;.vc), I make 03,000 .hour and; don't exert P3t. ' I can make over i Miles "in a day and :t;:a:erset! 8,000 miles the bargain I turn 7, day when- I am on i. I traveled nearly '! milesjast.year. , Lmade the' children ill up so a to impress ';: the immensity v of : the mighty power of ; -v.? an ; old man, a io didn't believe, in -'"a things. He said ot according to script- : didn't belive the r.as round or that It -A over. He said the i '. ,; es spoke of th8 ends of ! tih, and the. four "corners h: .arth, and that Joshua i-nded. the sun to atand Sscs Espsiience Count ? It does, in every line of business, and especially in compounding and preparing medicines. This is th in st rated in the great superiorly ci Hood's Satsaparilla over other preparations, as shown by ti e re markable cures it has accomplished The bead of the firm of C. I. Hood & Co , is a thoroughly com net cue and experienced pharmacist years Poison. paint. ?-'' by S. Z. iV the poison shin. WiK .- '.1 : satu'.i!' .1 ". den:h?hvM paint beii'g ictne .ti; roo 3 was cure- took uc return yiaee ou;; having c levoted his whole life. to thetadT and actual prepara'ion of medicines. lie is also a member of the Massachusetts and Ameti fnti Piiaimaceutical Associations, aud c mUr.uea actively devoted! to superb: ag the preparation of bud man.i"'np- the business connec ted yritb, Hood's SSarsap .nlU. . . . r nit Tinfrl " iiM (-.' Hie SlipeHUlILV ttuu I'C" ;ar inf-rii of Ilood'ti Sarsapanlia is j.nilr. r.noa the moat substantial foundation. In its preparatiol there is r'eprcjen'ed all the known iH..,t 'whtch. modern fseurch m nArvd sei nee has developed, ocuili". ued Ktr 0i.lv necessary with long experience . ,i .......... r I ; ia - - j . ... .. . - to yive tuis iei fair trial to it-allz its grya. Oar-'litlhi p;' for six year?. physicians of delohift' alr-o .It-bOOt 252 cureu her. n- property has sion.' At the brought about 0 of tho lead- o r " of-the west :y a '.sociates id tn;.-t aii of i:c neuld not as a railroad 1 t.ct expect' the conddence in .: he has him- 'thor wbca in ;' t! o: people, e 'hvrrnstioii of : . '. '. ii'.tion oihiory of trans- :try ana it is id? t:ffibinatiou ess 'ally the next f tha consoltdas ir great traffic United States, t.T railroads ..: r;;anagemcut. .he Lava com Tr.'Jla Asso d r-i Lids restdt iiio-v .discussed Jlyi ad eombi- it loi o id kings a CURED.. Thre au case of Lead lining., rubber iu t: sliort time aic.d:e'u;e drove t pores of the rst ecramenced F.vrlera was so : that my un 1 -rod by the ran bv'ths med- i?r',;. of my skin iy by 5 a S. I and have had no . C. J'akk Leak, Waycesville, Ohio. LITTLE CHILD l-rgth. n e. had Serofaia Miod tbe best York ;;ud Phila borings, Ark- Swifts Specinc Valley, Mi TlUr a:id kin dis ea CO, Atlanta, Ga., (i no a c u r at vh viiiu . Suilding tip the Tcn- . Thcusra! al'banh-. pregate iiKn;' In ia the iu, ..a;. ''? ityis their net raouti s -n-. a in oa ?! ted cent, of i'M proe.tiu ir i -: that the uar have mur.h number r f Southern natlon 7 -'J-j3 ita an ag- of 'fi:O,T03,7O4 the . laving b.eu 101 ; ; banks, and 10, .d. Their ptosper- bj Le fac that its in the twelve Not ember 30, 1890, find' .one- half- per .pit ah With such in rrnig to let rn ' Seventh day, Jan. 14th. ; senate . .-. ,. . , Met at 11 o'clock, was called to order by Lieutenant-Govern- or Holt and was led in prayer! by Rev." J. W. Carter, D. Dr of th4 first Baptist churoh. s a . Bill's and resolutions introdu ced as follows : -.'..: Mr. Wilcox a bill to amend Chapter 105. Iaw3 of 1885, so as to allow the lessee of the Carthage Railroad to build tiyp branch lines not exceeding twenty mile? in length. Cors porations. &Ir. Bryan, a bill to apportion the school fund' of the State, to make all public school terms of the same length, which was or dered printed. Judiciary. Mr. King-, a resolntion asking the Attorney General for infor mation concerning the rights of citizens of Danville, Va, to blockade the river, thereby pre venting the passage of fish. Cal endar. Mr. Galloway, a bill to amend chapter 125, laws "Kinsey Sem iaary" in place of Daxis School Calendar. Mr. Bishop, a bill to amend sections 851, 853, 861 and 893 of the Code. Claims. Mr. Davis, ef Haj wood, a bill to change the time of holding the Superior Courts of Hender son county to the 12th Monday iu March, and 7th Monday af. ter the 1st Monday in Septem ber, each to constitute two weeks. Calender.. Mr. Bellamya bill to allow n. nersnn to change his or her name under Article 2, Section 11,- of the Constitution. The bill provides that any persons dci iring to change their name may. after first advertising the fact, apply to Clerks of the Su perior Courts, who shall give them a certihcate or sucn change, ucder seal of cfilce, af- er they have proven a good character. Mr. Ardrey, a rescluiion ins structing our Senators and Rep resentatives in Congres to vote against the Conger Lard Bill and for the Paddock Pure Food Bill. Federal Relations. The bill to authorize the com raiesionsra ot tne county oi Cur rituck to levy a special tax passed third Teading, was order ed eogrossei and sent to tke House. The bill to declare the Great Falls "Water Power and Manu facturing Company a duly in corporated Co. was, as amended by the committee, reported fa vorably; and came up on second reading. Mr Williims, of Pitt, was opposed to giving corpora tions special powers Thev had no souls, ss the great Jetterson. naa ueoi&rou, and ho dared any one to dispute his words. He was opposed to class legislatien becamse he was a Democrat, and this was too much' for him. He wanted to see money come into North Carolina, he wanted to see man ufactories established, but he did not want to see the Legisla ture giving outside corporations special privileges. He was op posed to the bill and waxed warm in his strictures upon corporations. . At the conclusion of his speech he was the recipient of a beautiful boquet ot violets from the ladies in the gallery with a note beauing the words: I " from the ladies in the gallery as a compliment to your speech. The President announced the following committee : Pensions, Mr Lucas, chairman, Messrs Atwater, Culbreth, Dur ham. Griizsbv. Mitchell and f - tj , Wftlser. . f UOUSE. ' Petitions and Resolutions. Mr. Mann, asking a better protection for the fish and oys ter Interest of the State. Prop ortions and Grievances. An other petition asking relief of ill d. e last iUma wo came to this town, rites :i Georgia ediior, it was Iit- water tank, but -7 lie - more than a urny the very best whisky in the country is -.sold here, and there are ten moonlight stills in active oper ation in the county. A newspaper is a power far good iu a community. Despite the very best attention opstowed' unon the baps,i. will 2 tyygsrerTrb ouruc.iitoriivi Himjagicic. Ioi2rraff. then "toWfiTDr. HullTT KiffNi5!BWi :Price?25c. .Vv-CLtKKIv. ; .- i ; :-i:r Ci i !)ti, liHe t.t-eu selling heovery fot Con CiUg'a New Life irnica Salve and and' have never ' th rt-sell as well tVe do M Swindell;- Education. Dr. Kis' Xi-v: snmptioo, I)t; Pills, Buchioids Eleetrij ihtb is handled remi:d. or that have satisfaction. to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the pars chae jit'icf "So hcT fct'tti edies tch universal not hesitate i ,i t.m m ,,,, .or - ti ' - - f v 'j-,::.ir,.eth:Mi . teanlfes hese rem- their.creat popa ts A. tltowl Mr. Bass, relating to widows TiensibiiE' Finance. Mr Wiifons, a petition from citizens of Catawba county, ask 7T.-T the establishment of an in dustrial school for females. Ed ucation. - Mr Daniels, relating to oys r,ers and fish. Fish Interest. Mr Ccle-to incorporate Mt Olivet church, in Gi'anville county. Propositus aud Griev ances. Mr Thomas, prohibiting the sale of liauors within a certain distance from Wall's JBaptist church, in Itfltucfrord county. Propositions and Grievasces. Resolutions introduced aa fol lows : Mr. Jones, of Wake, relating cial committee to investigate the, convict lapor on the Wes tern, N."C.' railroad. Calendar. Mr Mc Gill a resolution of in struction to, the committee on education. Calendar. Mr Brinson, relating to the pub lic schbols.of tho State, intro duced by special request of Maj S M Finder, Superintendeat of Public Insf ruction. Education. '.' Mr 'r Hoi fun, instructing the committee on salaries and fees. Salaries and Fes. . M Bills introduced as follows : Mr .y&rgfj to apply th conn to tax of Person county, equally between four townships who subscribed for railroad construc tion. Finance. Mr Coffield, to amend Sec. 708, chapter 17. of the Code, re lating to election and qualfica- fion of county commissioners. I Judiciary. Mr. Grier, relating to Master and servants. Judiciary. Mr Hall, to amend the char ter of the tc wn of Weldon, Mr Whitfield, to prevent the inoreaee of hog cholera. Judi ciary. The various committees were annouueed and the following were annouenced as chairmen of the same : . Corporations, Peebles, In iane Asylum, Pigford. Deaf, Dumb and blind Institutions, Wiley. Banks and ' Currency, Walker. Leai e of absence was granted to Messrs. Tatum, Sutton, Long of Columbns, Hileman and Earnhardt: Eighth Day, Jan. 15th. SENATE. Opened at 11. o'clock a. in., was called to order by Lieutenant-Governor Holt and led in prayer by Rev. Mr. Pettinger, Rector of Good Shepherd church of Raleigh. r Petitions were introduced as follows : Mr. Morgan, a petition asking for the passage of law making it unlawful to fish a Dutch or pod net without one mile of the-outside windlass of any seine in ooeration in Croatan Sound. Fish and fisheries. Mr. Walser; relatiug to thj charter of the Silver Valley Minintr Comnanv in Davidson counlv. askmir for its renewal Corporations. Mr Ball, asdmg for the pas m t ' 4- 1. sage ot a law promuitmK me pale of intoxicating liquors with in five miles of Friendship church in Craven county. - Also one Tjitbiu five miles ot Bethel church, in Craven county. Ju diciary. Mr. White to incorporate the town of New Wilkesboi o, one mile from Wilkes boro.the coun ty seat of Wilkes county. Corpo- ratioas. Bills and resolution f were in troduced aa follows Mr Avery, a bill to mate pro bates and registration valid m cases where Superior Court clerks are parties and have ap neared before Justices of the Peace for probate prior to the 1st day of January 1831. Judi-. ciary. Mr White a -bill providing that sales of property under ex ecution or court decrees shall be advertised at the court house door and three other public places in the county for thirty days or longer if so adjudged by the court. A message from tne House . i wns received announcing us concurrence ia ine resolution to appoint a joint committee of Conference in regard to redist rictiag the-State, and anuonn cing the appointment of the following on the part of the louse. . . The bill to nav Solicitors f.n annual salary was reported fa vorably. Mr Ardrey moved to amend by making the salary $2,000 instead of 1.800. He would vote for the bill, forget ting all local interest, for the salary of the solicitor of his dis trict would bi reduced, and onlv leoklntf to the interest of the wh.ol8 State. Mr Bellamy would support 4he bill, but he believed the sal- aryvtoo small. . He believed in securing the best talent the State could afford and the sala rv proposed was too small. But he was glad this-bill was intro duced. In many cases under the present systam the Solici tor's fee seemed too much like "blood money." He enlogized the worth and character of the Solicitors of the State. He fa, vorel this change. . Mr. Butler was in favor of the bill. Ke knew cases w-here So licitors erred on the side of right by lumping bills together to save cost to tne countj, no tably the Solicitor In his,' the third Judicial, district. The bill would be welcomed by peoulo of the whole State. William?, ot Pitt, cjeatea Here was one iill, he said that solely concerned lawyers. Ev erybody would admit that. They all favored it. It was the first time in his life he had ever neard of such a tender con scTencje3s that manifested- by the Senator from, New Hanover Mr. Belamr. ' Blood money, in deed, continued he, "Why, for ihoDey, you can hire them to prosecute and convict any man accused of crime, and you would never hear 'blood money mentioned." Mr. Ardrey interrupted the Senator by asking him if he would be willing for the law yers to arraign the farmers as he (Mr. Williams) was arraign ing the lawyers. Mr. Williams begged the qxestiou and very ingeniously replied that the gentleman (Mr. Audrey) need not trouble mms self to defend the lawyers. They couldn't he hurt, and needed no defense. . And they were qualified In every way to defend themselve. It was the poor farmers of eld NorthhCar olina who needed defending, and he was always going te de fend them to the best of his ability. HOUSE. NEWS OF A WEEK. WHAT LSBAPPSNING IX THE WORLD AROUND US. Reports of committees: Mr. Teebles, from the Judici ary committee, reported H. B. 88, relating to changing the laws of 1888 pertaining to mortgaged property. Favora bly. H. B. 76, amending the Code, relating to the registrar tion book. Recommend tnai it be referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections. Mr. Zachary, from the same committee, reported H. B. 81, authorizing the Commissioners of Macon county to levy a spec ial tax, as amended authorizing the construction of an iron bridge over the Tenu do river. Favorably. Mr. Peebles, from commit tee on corporations, reported S. B. 5, H. B. 121 amending the charter of the Wilmington Real Estate and Investment Company, favorably. - ; The billlnereasing the pay of aoldierf who fought in the late war, from f 500 to $1000, was npon motion tabled. The act authorizing .tho re peal .of chapter 485 laws 1889, relating to the st"ck law of Warren county, wherein Roa noke township was left out in the provisions of the ho fence law. , Parsed its tbird'reading. The bill for the relief of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wil son county, which allows him to absent himself from hi. - office on . , nnnainna an A times nrftv placed in charge thereof, and with, conseut ofdhe presiding Judge ot the district, with an amendment, including th counties of Bertie, Hyde, Madiaon and Lenoir, passed third reading. Condensed It port of the News From our Contemporaries. A deposit of kaolin has been dis covered in Asheville. A live seal was caught on the beach uear Wilmington, The Presbyterian Home, of Charlotte, has removed to Barium Spring. Gen. E. B. Tyler, exspostmaster j of Baltimore, died at his home ltosedale near Calverton, last night. He was 70 years old. Greensboro has another new pa per, Tbe Liviug Issue. It is a six column paper and is to be a pro hibition organ, Messrs. Cox & Pepper are the cditort. - John . F. Hewitt, an ex-soldier and a pensioner, living at Los An geles, Cal , returned his pension certificate on the ground that he can make his.own living. " Jerry Sullivan, -a 16 year old boy, at Lynchburg, Va caught hold ,of a guy wire attached to; an electric light pole last week and received a sfeock that killed hica instantly, vJ Near Falston, nine miles from Shelby, Joha Beam, seven years old. fell in a ere during the abs sence of iiis parents, and was so badly burned that he died in half an hour.. Jcsh Payne, a little negro, ap parently aboat twelve years of age, accidentally sl?ot aud killed his half brother, Richard Merrick, as'ed sixteen, last week in the woods near Wilmington. Rev. M Clark from Rocky Belief From Unjust Taxation. Louisville, March lj 1890. Radam's Microbe Killer Co , Nashville, Team: Dear Sirs I have been afflicted with dyspepsia and indigestion for several yoars. Between tbe medi cines ordered by physicians aud tboso recommended by friends and purchased myself, I have used at most every kmrrh remedy, but trith noiv temnorarr relief. I de termined co try the Microbe Killer and after using a few jugs I am perlec'.ly relieved of all dyspeptic troubles. 1 can connuenuy recom mend it to -all suffering from indi gestion ani stomach stroubles. " Very respectfully, William Adair, Master Mechanic. Short Line jjivision, For cale by Doane Hering. I have been a sufferer from dys pepsia for several years. I have used Microbe Killer lor two months and caa eat anything I wish. Have cained ten pounds. My neighbors have been ming it with beneficial rftfmltn. Mv post-office address is Topeka, Kansas; Mrs. J. J. Swingeley For sale by Doane Herring. A man named Cbrdry, of Old Fort, was killed by jnmping from a fast nasseneer train on tbe W. N. C. division of -the' R. & D. R. R. near Round Knob, last week. It seems that he was drinking and standing on tbe platform of the coach when th3 wind blew his hat off, and ic is supposed that be jumped after it breaking his neck instantly. ; Meant, Va will soon come to Rosky Mount to live, takiag charge of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Pell will have charge of -several churches in and near Wilson. Phoenix. The venerable John W. .Wild- mn mat with an awful death last week near his home, at Rice's de pot, near Farmville, by drowning in the not-d Lithia spring, oni the Witt place. He was about eighty yeara of age and in stooping to dip water from the spring fell head long in and was drowned. Basic City, (Va) Advocate. Pit county has recently lost two of her best citizens both of them being old men who lived in the same township, and whose years had spent in usefulness to their countr. .and fellowmen. Elder Gideon Allen died on the 3rd inst at his home near manooro. tie was 77 years old and was a minis ter of the Disciples' church, Mr. Moses -Joyner died at his Lome near Farmville last Wednesday, 7thlmst, of pecamenia, in his 64th vear. He was brother of Mrs. Cnr and Mmj.1. Li. liai- iuai nua ' . ' r-t i- lard. ltefiector. . Editor Macfarland, of the Phila- dpinhia Record, declares tbe two finest tributes ever paid to au American were to Robt. E.Lee, and that no American better de- prvpil them. One of the tributes was the climax of Ben Hill's ora Mnn-ficfl was like Caesar without hia selfishness, and Washington without his reward. The other was tne ciose oia pnucgjiiu u Lee by Dick Wintersmith, of Ken- tnckv. when he said of Le, going to heaven je relieved Washington of his eternal loneliness. One of the wisest, fairest and most htlpful acts of leglsla tion ever coming from our Gen eral Assembly .will be (ha passage of the bill introduced ' in the House by Mr. Hanry, re lieving mortgaged land from taxation to the amount f tke mortgage. This aet will be of more direct benefit to tht far mar than to any other class of onr people, as a great many of the farms in the State are un der mortgage to a greater or less amount. Under the present law the farmer is compelled to pay taxes npon landihat does not belong to him, bat to the mortgagee; the mortgagee pays 1 lazes also, and thus every piece of real estate under mortgage is doublly -taxed. The State is, or should be, per- xectiy satiahed iu getting one tax on the full value of the land without wanting a double one, particularly when the far mer is compelled to pay not only the double tax, but also to pay eight per cent, interest on the mortgage. While such an unjust law exists the farmer will be always struggling in poverty and the greatly needed relief is coming none too soon. The State of California has already made such a law as is embodied in Mr. Henry's bill, and it has been a great bless ing and a relief to her farmers; other States are following and I am glad to know that North Carolina is also prompt in look ing to the interest of the peo ple and her farmers especially Cor. State Chronicle. The great demanu for Shrinner's Indian Vermif age is solely due to its intrinsic value. Thousands use it daily in preference to any other, and say that it destroys and expels worms effectually. The South Last Year. Tbs Smith had in the year 1890 a period of prosperity without pre celent. .It was a period of remark able activity iu every department of industrial and commercial enter prise. Nearly 40,000 new prodacs - -tive undertakings were organized ' during tbe year, and a large pro portion of those organized in 1889 were carried to completion. The assessed valuation of property for 1890 was greater by 1270,000,000 than to 1880. The cotton crop was $7,313,726 bales, or 296,019 more than in any previous year. South ern cotton mills t ok 549,478 bales, as against 266.000 bales Ave year before. There was an increase of 279,759 spindlers employed npon cotton in tbe twelve months of 1890 Tbe production of pig iron was 1,960,000 tons, or 1,000.000 tons more than ia 1890. During the year Ue South built 2,499 miles of l I - i. rt l IfiOA rauroau, against 2,iuo iu xoov. The gross earning of Southern railroads for 1890 were $100,894, 513 a gain of $10,604,047 over the previous year. The railroad inter ests of the South are more promis ing today than those of any other section of the Union. Much of their prosperity iu the p&st year has been due to the increased move ment of Southern products intended for exportation. The value of ex ports from all Southern ports in the A writer in tho Atlanta JournaU eleven months .ending November who has evidently been there, says: 30, 1890 was 268.293.243 or $24,141- "Voniifir man. let me give you a nio more than In the like months niece of eood advice, and mind 0f 1889. The increase of exports mn take it. If vou should ever be for the rtst.of the country was but initod to deliver an auuress l 8S.434.476. The paymz crops 01 hannuet and sboum be put oown th couuty those most in demand uati.pT last speaker on the pro- abroad are those of the South and gramme, decline to serve. If you I tne improved transportation facihs can get first, second, third, oi even I y eg 0r the trunk lines of that seo fourth or fifth place on tne ouu tion are giving increase Dusinesa 10 wiiv sneak but be the concluding orator never! It is the most try ing position in which a man can nlaced in this world, and he who can fill it acceptably to him- cn'f nnd the coinoanv has nsver been bora," Son them ports. Cool Insolence. the Mr. much amusement by his whole- sitle denunciation of lawyers. Happy Hocsiers- Wm. Timmons, P. M. oMdaville Iud-. writes; "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that had feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble. John Leslie, iarcner and stockman, of some place, eays Find Electric Bitters to be. the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man. J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, savs Eleetrio Bitters ia just the thine for a man who is alb run down and do noe care wnetner ne lives or d es; . be found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life Only 50c, a oottie, ac a. . xs-aw, ands Drug Store. . FOR THE CURB ot the inilanv.ition. and congestion called h. "cold in the head'' there is more potency m Ely's Cream Balm than in anything else it is possible to prescribe. This preparation has for years past been making a bril liant success as a remedy for cold in the bead, catarrh and hay fever. Used in the initial stage- of these complaints Cream Balm prevents any 6erious development of the symptoms, while almost number less caseg are on record of radical nirss nf rforma catarrh, after all other modes of treatment have tailed. Sufferers from scalds, burns, etc. SalvationOil will cure joa speedily, Only 25 cents. Ireasnry Department, Washing ton, D. C. I take great pleasure 1 in certifying to the efficacy of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, iu use in any family as a specific for colds of children or adults, and I have found it to be a cure almost immediately and always permanent. Thomas B. Price. A bad case of catarrh or influen za will always yield to the mild cu rative qualities of Old Saul's Ca. tarrh Cure. Price only 25 cents. - Tbe king of medicines nood'a Sarsaparilta. It conquers , scrofnl : salt rhem. and all other blood diseases. Czar Reed, the other day, in one of his speeches, asked what the Democrats had ever done except to criticise and break down, assert- ing at tne same time mab to m " 1 ' 4.1 Republican party Deiongea au id honor, all the achievement associa ted with American nistory. idi New York Herald comes to the res cue as follows: For cool, impertinent insolence it would be hard to parallel this state ment What are the achievements . of American history! First, the creation of the commonwealths of. the Northwest by the severancy of Virginia. This was done by a Democrat, Thomas Jefferson. Then tbe purchase of Louisiana . from NapoleoD, giving us the cons trel of the Mississippi river and a magnificent empire, sweeping from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canada line. This was done by a Demo crat, Thomas Jefferson. Then the annexation 01 r lonua eoiareij tbe work ot a Demoerat, Andrew Jackson. Then the coming iu of the noble commonwealth of Texas, a territory larger than France the work of a Democrat, James K. Polk The acquitition ot our Pacific 8tates snch an Empire as might have dazzled the imagination of Caesar was the work of a Democrat James K. Polk. To the Democrat Andrew Johnson we owe Alaska. With this record of things done the speeches of Robespierre Beed seem strangely out of place. Young Bros offer great Bargains in Shoes