The Advance LSON LtataliiK; F. Wilson, Editor, .A ENDS THOU AIjH'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOO'S, AND TRUTHS'." SI. SO a Year, casta in Advance GLUME 21 BILL ARP'S LETTER )LI) LAWYERS WHO ARE ADVO CATES, NOT ATTORNEYS, lND WHO PUT THtlR HEARTS INTO THEIR CLIENT'S CAUSE, MAKING TIUM THEIR OWN ABOUT j0 AUGUSTUS R- WRIGHT. It is a biased privilege to a young man to be constantly as sociated i' h his seniors, espe cially if they be great men ana good men. it is the most ef fectual and delightful educa tion that he can get. Books are a good thing, but it is bet ter to be in daily communion with men who have read and studied the books, and sifted from them all the good that la in them. 1 was ruminating at out the notable men of the olden time the men to whom I iooke'l up with love and ad nitration. They aire all gone, but they left their impress upon the age in which they lived aua upon ine. The bad is min tied with the good in every thing, and it was sal to me to t;ee these great men pas away. Que by one they fell before the scyth) of the reaper, and I am af 0 ful companions are left me, but the men I reverenced are goLe. How swiftly and su.ely they go. I was thinking about the great lawyers of the Wes tern circuit. About Howell Cobb and his brother Tom. and the two Doughertys, and liope Hall, and Junius Hilyer, and Basil H. Overby, and Judge Jackson, and Joseph Henry Lumpkiu,and Judge Hutcliins, and Ciucinattus Peebles. What a glorious galaxy of learned aud brilliant men honorable men who fought a fair fight, a 1 niiiiin. l luiim v l ii i v w u l ii and scorned the tricks of the lawyer's trade. I have often wondered at the measure of contempt they would have felt for a lawyer who would have stolen a paper, or hid a set of interrogatories, or bribed a wit ness or a iuror, or perjured influence of a' good man does not die with bim whether he be a lawjer or a doctor, or a preacner, or a merchant, or a farmer or a mechanic, it reach es and affects the rising jeuer eration, aud permeates through society, and leaves? its impress upon the community in which h lives. Long lime ago I heard a Rome merchant say "com munities have character just like individuals. My most re liable trade is from the Alpine Tegiou in Chattanooga county. It is honorable with that people to pay their debts, ,to perform their promises. If their crop falls and they can't' do it, they will settle fairly and pay the next year, and I don't need any morgage. Their word is their bond. But here , is another county not far away wh jre it is considered smart to t ick a merchant out of his money. They hide behind trusts and homesteads and force you to sue and their lawyers are as meau . and tricky as they are, and it has got to be so that even a good, honest man from that cpunty can hardly get credit in Rome." Bad conduct, bad habits, bad principles are catching jtfst like contagious diseases The tricks of one tradesman will be made an excuse for his nabor to use the same methods. The villainy of one artful law yer will provoke another to ujeet trick wi'h trick to gain .disease. The responsibility of the lawyers to the community is very great, greater even than that of the preachers, for there are more of them. I have not been in the Western circuit since the war, but the pre.-id ing judge told me not long ago that, although the bar was n t a3 gifted and brainy as that of of half a century ago, yet it had well maintained its high pro fessional honor and integrity. It does not take the brain work now to practice law that it did half a century .ago, when the supreme court was iu its infancy and there were no sev enty volumes of precedents es tablished. It took more brain work io establish them than it does now to Keep up wi'h them I recall with never-failing pleasure the great arguments of those great men. How were we charmed with their learning their pathos, their humor, aud could hardly blame a jury iov giving their verdict in favor of the last great speech that was made. Hope Hall was the greatest lawyer. The Dougher tys were great every way, but as an advocate in a case where there was a wife or a widow or some orphan children, I don't think that Basil H. Overby had an equal. I recall the sweet melody of hip voice as he drew Dearer and nearer to the jury and with teary eyes and quiv ermg lips he almost whispered his tender pleadings in their ears. There is one great advocate still left us in this Cherokee region. Augustus R. Wright is vary much like Overby in his peculiar gifts. Too emotional ever to be a grbat lawyer, he was thereby the greater advocate. Not long ago I looked at him and pondered. There he sat in the courtroom, his battle ground for forty years, the field of his many victories, vic tories of mind over human pas sions, his eyes still pleasing and penetratiug in their glance, his olear-cut features, his abun dant hair falling grace ully and half concealing an intellectual brow, his heavy overhanging eyebrows and patriarchal beard and I wondered how much of life he had lived, how much more than most of us, even if he had died twenty years ago. He too, wanted the right side of a pathetic case. If it was the wrong side from a legal standpoint he did not care. His victory was greater if the court and the law were against him. He was a giant before a jury and moulded them to his will. He sued the Rome railroad for 820,000 damages for injuries done Col. James Waddeil. There was no light at the de pot when the train arrived one dark night, and the colonel stepped off the pla'form and injured his spine by the fall. He lingered lor somo weeks, and got well enough to go about with crutches and offered to settle with the load for $75, the amount of his doctor's bill. The road declined to pay it, md Judge Wright was employ ed. Colonel Waddeil got worse liisepinal troubles seemed to affect his mind, and the judge raised his demand from $20,000 to $-40,00$. and everybody smiled. The railroad had John P. King, of Augusta, a great lawyer and many other lawyers for the defense, but Judge Wright had the conclusion, and I can neve" forget his picture of a live man dead, of the wreck of life, of the swift and pitiful descent of a great mind from all its brilliant prospects down to the gloom of despair and semi-idiocy. De Quincey wrote like he spoke. He, too, got down to the very whisper ings of eloquence and every body was in tears. It was dan gerous for even the opposing counsel to listen to him. I knew that Jim Waddeil was in no such extreme condition, for 1 was his companion and friend and ye't I was completely over come and wept like a child. The jury found for the plaintiff $35,000, and they did it quickly and the iudge was ashamed of himself and he settled it that night for half the amount. Ben Hill was a great lawyer and a greater advocate. An old man had died iu our county leaving a considerable estate, but it was embarrassed by mortgages, and if these were paid his widow would be pen niless. She had two children by a former husband. She had been raised in affluence and wat? a refined, cultured woman, but her second husband proved to be a miserly, selfish. man. He put her in a log cabin daubed with mud and kept her there notwithstanding a good portion of the property came by her. When she applied for a year's support fivd good men gave lies $10,000. Dr. Miller was one of those men. They desired to make amends to the old lady for her long suffering, and yet the law said they should take into consideration her accus tomed manner of life aud the condition of the estate as to its indebtedness. Ben Hil' repre sented a creditor with a mort gage of $8,000. If the award to the widow was to staud his client would get nothing, and so he came to Rome and made a vigorous assault upon it. The law was clearly with him, and so was the court. For many years the widow had lived on less than $100. I never saw a lawyer more confident of his case than was Ben Hill, willing to allow the $50j but no more. He was widow . Judge Wright was her counsel. He half closed his eyes and seem ed calm and sweet while Hill was reading the law and laying his firm foundations. It was agreed between them that the jury should fix the amount and their verdict should be final. Judge Wright had another life wreck to picture and this time a woman. Such an appeal was never heard in that 'court room and although there were only $10,000 in the administrator's hands that jury increased the award to $12,500 and Beu Hill went home a sadder and a wiser man. Bill Akp. .See my new line of Scrims, Drapery, &c, E. R. Gay. WILSON, WILSON THE CAPITAL WHAT THE PRESiDENT AND POLITICIANS ARE DOING. THE SWIRL OF' POLITICS AT THE NAS TIONS' CAPITAL. Washington, D. C, Feb. 20, '91. Quite a political sensation has followed the announcement of Senator Gorman, whose po litical astuteness cannot be gainsaid, that he was not and would not under any combina tion of circumstances be a can didate before the Democratic National convention next year, and that he favored the nomi nation of ex-President Cleve land as the strcngest and most available man, and proposed to do all in his power to get him nominated. It is yet to be seen what effect this announce' ment will havo upon those Democratic Senators and Rep resentatives who have express-, ed the opinion that Mr. Cleve land's letter against the free coinage of silver has destroyed his availability as a candidate and what adds to the interest of the situation is the fact that some of these gentlemen have been, sinee the publication of Mr. Cleveland's letter, strongly in favor of nominating Senator Gorman. It seems strange that three Democratic Senators should have cast their vctes for such palpable "job" as that con tained in the Senata amend ment to the diplomatic appro priation bill, which gives a subsidy of $3,000,000 to the company, which as yet only ex ists on paper, that proposes to lay a cable between San Fran cisco aud the Sandwich Islands, but they did. It is not be lieved that the House will con cur in the amendment, at any rate no Democrat should vote to do a thing eo foreign to all the principles of the Demo cratic party. Rumors have been flying thick and fasf this we.?k about the new Secretary of the Treas ury. One day it was Repre sentative Cannon, the next day Clarkson and to-day, ic iu ex Gov. ("Calico Charley") Foster, ofOhii. ' It is believed that Mr. Harrison has determined upon the man, and his nomina tion is looked for every day. Senator Quay's much advert tised speech of vindication fell as flat in the Senate as one of Senator Blair's educational hars angues, and he has gone to Florida to sejk consolation in fishing. The general deficiency bill Is this year, $36,000,000. Ia it strange that the surplus has disappeared? The international copyright bill has been passed by the Senate with several amend ments, which makes its becom ing a law at this session very doubtful. The Republicans in the House are so mush alarmed lest wicked Democrats should interfere with their plans dur ing the closing rush of the ses sion tnat telegrapnic appeals have been sent to all absent Republicans begging them to come here and remain until the end of the session. What they are specially wauted for is to pass the subsidy shipping bill, which is opposed by nearly all of the Democrats. " Representative-elect Jerry Simpson, and several of his Farmers' Alliance to be col leagues in the next House, are in town. Thay. are recipients of a great deal of atteutiou at the Capitol. The House committee on Coinage to-day reported the free coinage bill to the House, but the general belief seems to be that its friends will not suc ceed in getting it before the House, but they intend to try very hard to do so. Senator Plumb despairing of getting his .joint resolution providing for the violation of existing law by the transfer of the employes of the Census bu reau to the classified depart mental service without the for mality of a civil -ervice exam ination, has offered it as an amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill. It is commented upon rather unfavorably that Congress did not adjourn the day of Admir al Porter's funeral. Probably the most disagreea ble legislative duty ever per formed by Senator Iugalls was the presentation by him this week of the credentials of John A. Peffer, Senator-elect from the State of Kansas for the term beginning March 4th, next. Notwithstanding the almost daily reiteration of the charge that somewhere in the neigh borhood of one fourth of the enormous amount of money paid out by the Pension bu COUNTY, NORTH reau is paid -on fraudulent claims no Republican in or out of Congress has proposed an investigation for the purpose of purging the rolls of such names as may be shown to be there fraudulently. This, as well as other things will be thoroughly looked into by the next House. Representative Payson, of Illinois, was elected Speaker pro tern of the House, this week, during the sickness of Speaker Reed. The Republicans are begin ning to be frightened at the prospect of losing control of the Senate. It is now regarded as certain that the McKinley tariff law will be repealed out right or greatly modified in 1893, if not-next year. NOTES. The Republicans iu Congress are evidently determined to make hay while the sunshines. The latest subsidy scheme is the adoption by the Senate of an amendment to the Diplo matic Appropriation bill grant ing a subsidy of $3,000,000, in annual instalments of $250,000, to a company that proposes to lay a cable between San Fran cisco and the Sandwich Islands. All this business will be stop ped when the Government is controlled by the Democrats. Will Mr. Harrison make speeches on the financial ques tion when he visits the Pacific coast this spring? "Fighting Bob" Kennedy, of Ohio, should make a reply to Senator Quay's speech. Mr. Cleveland has written a letter against the free and un limited coinage of silver. No flies on that man's nerve- What Cowards be these Con gressmen. Votiug by tellers the Houses of Representatives by a large uaajority voted for giving each member of that body a clerk $1,200 a year, but upon a roll call upon the same question it was over" whelmingly defeated. The reason is obvious. Ih the first place the vote was by acclama tion and the members were not individually recorded, while in the latter it was by roll call, and each, member's vote was permanently recorded in the Congressional Record. If Mr. Harrison can stand the coat of white wash that has been given to Commissioner of Pensions Raum, he can stand anything. The men who achieve repu tation are usually the ones that take care of themselves. Sena tor Gorman, the great Demo cratic leader of the Senate, gets up every morning at 6 o'clock, sitsi one hour at his dinner, and never allows himself to be in terrupted when at hi meals. He never uses either tobacco or liquors in any shape, and makes it a rule after a bath, which is taken daily always at the same hour, to taks a long walk in the open air. No physician could give you better health rales than these. According to the New York Herald Mr. Blaine's reciproci ty treaties will not reciprocate. The death of Admiral Porter and General Sherman, the two last great commanders on the Union side, during the late Civil war, reminds us that death has been kinder to the grat commanders on the Con federate side, of whom John son, Longstreet, Early, Gordon and Beauregard are still living. These hide bound high pro tection Republicans wno are just uow shouting themselves hoarse over the little reciproci ty treaty that Mr. Blaine has negotiated witn brazil, seem to forget that reciprocity and free trade are synonymous But they are, all the same. ISew Foundland wants to join the Union at once, wheth er or not, and she hasn't even asked the consent of either John Bull or Uncle Sam. Bet ter wait awhile, brethren, There are 'soma formalities that must be gone through with hrst. Oh, there's no danger, say most persons suffering from catarrh I lint we say there is great danger, and nniess one uses Old Saul s Oa tarrh Cure in time, the disease may become chronic. Baby is king all the woria over. As its rule shon'd be, as quiet as possible, fail not to provide it with Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for all the ailments incident to its condition. It is a safe remedy. Mrs. Laura Hart, Beaniort. S. O., wines: "A loathsome form of blocd poison was killing me. My appetite was lest, my bones ached, and parts of my flesh seemed as if it wo ild come off my bones. A friend brought ms a bottle of B. B. B. The sores began healing at once, and when 1 bad taken two bottles I surprised my friends at my rapid recovery," CAROLINA, MARCH 5, 1891. BEN TERRELL, TALES TO WILSON CO- PEOPLE. THE GIFTED TEXAN MAKES A MAGNIFICENT ADDRESS. THE VITAL PRINCIPLES OF THE ALLI ANCE ABLY ENUNCIATED, Ben Terrell, of Texap, spoke here last Friday. His words were ad dressed to Wilson county people, and moe particularly to Alliance, men. His speech was the very best of its kind ever delivered here. It gave better satisfaction, more pleasure, and clearer information than, any we have ever beard. The verdict was "it can't bt beat." He addressed himself to the aims and demands of the Alliance and nar rated the condition that had led to its organization and existence. He was clear, positive aud em phatic ic his assertions and defied contradiction. In appearance Mr. Terrell is a striking figure, of medium s'ze, large, full bead, almost bald, brists inggrey moustache, piercing, pene trating voice, and steel-grey eyes that twinkle humorously or sparkle with determination like the saber's flash There is no magnetism about him, save that of cold facts, and yet a large crowd (the court bouse was censely packed) listen ed to him for two hours and fifteen minutes and the very best order and closest attention obtained. Mr. Terrell was intro Juced to the audience of Prof. W. S. Barnes, in a few well cbosen words and at 11:15 began bis address. The fol lowing is a synopsis, as gathered by the ADVANCE mas : He began by saying that there was something dangerous in the condition of affairs at present. I am not bere to tell anecdotes to make yoa laugh, but to discuss economic and financial questions to make you think and realise Some men will readily acknowledge that a bad condition exists but they cah't see the need of a change the need of the Alliance. I do. Now what is the Alliance? It is: 1st, A secret organization. 2nd. A fraternal organizatiou. As such it must be secret. Mason ry aud Odd Fellowship ae simply fraternal organizations and if you do away with the secrecy how long would they last T They would be farces. As a fraternal organiza tion the Alliance equals iu aims any ot tnem. Me nopeu those present wno were not members would give it justice. We could not have it fraternal without being secret. Why not admit the lawyer, merchant and physician, you ask f Because it seeks to ad vance morally, nientallv, socially, financially and pecuniarily, t he con dition of farmers. Now you can't join the bankers Association. It is not secret, but you must be a banker in order to have a vote in its deliberations. Railroad corpora tions are called into council to pro mote their interests, to make money for tnemselves. Every city of im portance has its Board of JTrade to look after it interests. You can't find any of these organiz itions that will call a delegation of farmers from any section to help them set tie their questious. Now yon know this is so and i is not inconsistent for the farmer to organize. There fore I opine that your objection to the Alliance as a secret organize tion is a captious oue. They ought to have the same rights and privil eges as other people. I believe the elegibility clause should be kept close. The door should be kept closed. All men do not think alike For that reason it had been said that the Farmers' Alliance would fail. It was argued that they would not have sense enough to reconcile thtir differences as other organi zations had done. I want to say that the farm ers have come together. Jiacb man -speaks his own mind, ex presses bis own opinion. It is manly, intelligent aud right to do so. Then they vote as a unit on questions affecting them. Attend to your own affairs and let other people alone.' You ought to do tbat. (Applause.) When you look arouad you and see the condition of affairs, how your wife is poorly dressed and your lamily deprived of all the luxuries of lile, if you fail to stand together and provide for those dependent ou you the Bible says you are worse than an iufi vel. (Applause.) 3rd a business organization. You are charged by trying by concert of action and buying in large quantities, to purchase goods as cheap as possible. There is no sentiment in that. It's business. Your merchants do the same and they will sell for every niekle they can get. Yoa will sell ycur cotton for 1100 per bale, if you cau, and then be dissatisfied. So act uat nrally, all of yu Let the farmer buv as cheap as he can and sell as blgh, for when lie the rodicer adi vances his interests, an ot tiers are bettered. This is so of no other calling, It is shameful tbat the farmer is opposed by the mer chants whose interests are identi cal. Whatever condition makes wages low a;.d the farmer in a poor fix causes . the merchant to suffer. As a business organization the farmers are looking into mat ters, Tbey have learned tbat the retail merchant is not the source of extortion. It lies deenar. - Tf eonr itions make the merchant pav 20 per cent, more for goods he does not lose ir. You pay it. You have but oue way to burt the mer chant and I will tell you bow; Buy their goods on time. Bay all yon cn all tbey have. Then plant your crop and go fishing. That will break the last one of them. (Laugbter.) Now suppose vou do this, what good will bs accomplished. We are foolish to antagonize each other, while we are fighting like Kilkenny cats our liberties are being stolen.' You have common interest! and your good common sense ought to make you quit it. He thought it good policy to sup port the Business Agency. EnabU it to buy cheap. Get the lowest price, act intelligently, and buy from whom you please even if he has horns and smells like brim stone. He said a farmer could not sell his crop where he pleased under the present condition of affairs. He entered into the question of tare on otto a and explained how 30 pounds was deducted, t mattered not what a bale was covered with. He next paid his respects to the credit system and denounced it roundly. As long as it is in vogue you are at a disadvantage. You bind yourself to trade with one man. He skins you. You cry. He ought to skin you if you permit him to. Yon give a merchant a mortgage and trade with him al. most to its limit. You come in one day and your crops look sick. The merchant walks to the back door and looks out. You ask the clerk for a piece of domestic and he throws down the worst looking price in the store. Yoa ask the piece and ho names it high enough. You say you oau't pay it and he throws it back on the shelf and says you needn't to if you don't want it (a voice iu the audience : "Ptu haan riant. fhor'M V r. nrr if you have the cash when you enter a store you are met at the door by the merchant, who pats you on the back and goes right behind the counter throws down ! best piece of domestic in the bUba and says its just so much to you. Do you blame the merchant? Idon't. You say you cannot buy for dash T I'll tell you bow we did down in Tex as. My sub Alliancwas 60 strong. We had some men who were solvent We went to San Aatouio, 40 miles away, gave our note and borrowed money from a bank. We let each mas haye what he needed monthly We bought our goods for cash, lied close, wore bad clothes, made every edge cut and at the end of three years we were able to pay our own way. Now when you trade on time, mistakes can be made. You don't keep books.1 You must abide by what your merchant says your account K Do not kick. I could tell you jokes about mer chants ana make yoa laugh, bat I would be a contemptible dema gogue if I didn't tell you the truth. We, in Texas, bought where we could. Did that hurt our borne merchants 1 Well, it squeezed out some that had no business there. Every merchant here ' would say God speed the day when you oan all pay cash for what you buy. But, above all, you must do your duty to all men. If that is wrong the Alliance is wrong. He said that the Alliance must go into politics to advance the moral, social, mental and financial condition of the farmers. We must study government. That is politics. We must change the fi nancial policy of the present gov ernment to bring the relief we need. We have organized for re lief. Criticism is invited, but we want it to be fair and just. He declared that the Alliance must be nonpartisan. Men of ev ery party are wanted. We an tagonize no party. W have not asked the Democratic or Republi can party for anything. He de nounced drawing the Ma30n and Dixou hue. Sectionalism is dead, and its great embodiment, John J. Iugalls, bas beeu repudiated by his people. The Alliance brought it about and if they had not went with clean hands they could -have accomplished nothing. He wanted it distinctly under stood tbat the AlHance was non partisan the tail to no party's kite, and he hoped the papers of North Carolina wonld report bim right and not misrepresent the Al liance. He then said the Alliance de mands are 1st. Tbat lands now belonging to aliens and corporations shall be reclaimed for the public good. If I own the soil, I own the people, and such a condition should aot be allowed in free America. It exists in Ireland. There are no braver, liberry-ioviug people than the Irish and why is such a state of affairs? Tbat proud race could not have been enslaved except by allowing corporations and monopolists to own her soil. Oar fate will be the same. To-day men who owe no allegiance to our government own 61,000,000 acres of landforeign ers, all of them. You can't realize it here. Half of Kansas is thus owned. $83,000,000 is annually paid foreigners as interest at 8 per cent. 30 years ago there was not a foot of land so owued, we bad no millionaires and no tramps. To day we have 15,000 millionaires and 40,000 tramps. The gulf is constantly widening between Dives ahd Lazarus If we demand ttfat Monroe's doctrine, "America for Americans," be carried out, and these lands redeemed, are we tar from right f And yet you cry at us 'partisanship,' I say that such a cry most be hashed and we must all look t o the preservation of our liberties. 2nd We demand that 'begovern ment shall control transportation and prevent its abuses. The first thing to be considered is discrimi nation. I do not believe there is any right in discrimination in freight and passenger tariffs. Railroads are public highways for the pub'.ic goou. All highways must be equally free or they are an abuse. Now havent we the right to say this must stop T By discrim inatiou a railroad ean break any town or build up another. Our de mand is for just and economic con trol of these highways. They have Decome entangled in politics. If a man does not suit them they use the money wrung from you to de feat him. They have bought courts aud legislations. The road beds are their property but I do ob ject to their going any further. He told how railroads controlled the price of western wheat and corn. When competition comes ia and controls things be stood hands off. He did not blame Transportation Companies for makiug all 'they could. He would do It too. The people wore to blame, lie charged both parties with having accepted help from Railway corporations. Our platform is to stand on, not to get in. All our officers from Col. Polk down have been accused of trying to use the Alliance to get in office with. Col. Polk had been accused of wanting a seat in the U. 8. Senate. 1 don't blame bim. Sucn an ambition is a laudable one. I d in't iiow a sensi ble man who docjs not want that honor. But Gotf forbid that the Order should evor be prostituted to such ignoble purposes. Don't favor a man because he belongs to the Alliance snd vice versa. Now let me digress jut here to say that I have beard members say : 4I won't vote for that man. He la a lawyer." Now that's prejudice. He eulogized lawyers highly. There are some bad lawyers some yon can buy for $2 50. But they are lew. There are broad, generoun, good men in all callings and there are little oues. I have seen one soal so little that it could float around ia a mustard seed for 12 days and never cross its path. You have no right to your preju dices. Judge a man by what he is and not by what his avocation may be. The Alliance wants to do away with prejudics 3rd. Reform in financial sys tem is demanded. The present system is the devil fish that has been squeezing the life out of us. I lay down this proposition: The amount of money and the amount of goods for sale fixes the price. Iu 1865 the war ceased. Money was plentiful. Tiiousauds of men went West, pre-empted land and bailt small bouses. Wheat was worth $1 95 per bashel, com $1 00 and beef 5 cents per p wind. Eas tern hpecalators weut out and loaned money to build better hous es. Then the currency was con tracted and the debt tbat could then be paid by oue bushel of wheat or one pound ot beet now requires four to liqaidate it. This makes a debt four times as much as men then got value for. Is this right! We saw the President aud asked that the circulation ot money be increased. He said it would cause innocent men who held these debts to sutler. I asked him which would be betrer, that these few innoceut should snfiier (rich men who can afford to (lose) or that millions should suffif His answer was, gojd morning gentle men and we were politely bowed out. We ask that the circulation be increased. I do not care how it is done. He favored the free coinage ot silver ' and gold and one money good for all purposes- Mr. Cleve land opposes free coinage. Who the devil Is Mr. Cleveland, anyhow, (a voice: A demogogue.) He is worth millions, and only a man. The Democrats will compromise this question and so will the Re publicans. They ad want the offi ces. Now we are going to have free coinage, and check the robbery of corporations and we are with the party that does it world without end, amen ! The sub-Treasury plan was full? and ably discussed, It is simply a plaa to distribute mouey. Some one has said we e'esire the Govern ment to loan us mor.ey. We do not. We want money distributed to the people. That is all. It is said it is unconstitutional for the government to loau money. It loaned one hundred million each to the Pacific Railroads afcd it is now proposed to loan the Nicaragua canal the same amount. Money is a medium of exchange. A man Las to be worth 50,0()0 in orier to be a distributor. Tben the govern ment famishes him money at on per cent and"he loans it for what he can get- The farmer simply asks equal privileges. Now in pro viding more money three things are to be considered ; 1st. Is it a necessity. 2nd. Is the eecjrity good. 3rd. Will it bring relief. Now no one will deny tbat more money is needed in the fall. Tne currency is then contracted by throwing the entire cop on the market at one time. The necessi ty is self evident and paramount. It you had money ycu would nof sell them when prices are low. You would get money, pav your mer chant, you would pay your creditors and he could sell bis crop when he desired. If you admit the need of a flexible currency you are for the sub-Treasury plan. 110 one cares for a particular bill. It's the plan -ve want. Now, about the security NUMBER 7 Non-perishable farm products. Toe only real basis for security in the world. The merchant would not sell you unless he believed you would raise a crop. Now if thig security is not good, where will you find it T So why not make the far mer a distributor T There has been nothing said about the Bill except that its unoonstutional. Well, if the constitution is such a little flimsy thing that the far mers can not secure relief, I am in favor of doing like our wives do when their dresses get too small; put a gusset in it. Then the ware., houses are a bone of contention. Has the government a right to make internal improvements! It has been in the habit of spending Immense amounts on creeka and rivers. He closed with an earnest ap peal for AUiancemen to attend the meetings of their Sub Alliance and educate themselves. Money must, not mle America. Men1 must. I do not know the future. I know tbis: on the 22nd of February.. I892, the Confederated Organiza tions will hold a meeting iu Wash ington City. They wil! formulate their demands and tbey will be presented to the Democratic and Republican Conventions, If they are not engrafted in Jeither of their platforms and Cleveland and Blaine are nominated there will be a third party in the field and a regular monkey and parrot of a time In reference to the negro he fa vored educating and organizing them, and permitting them to vote for Katie and the baby too. He depicted the state of aff iirs when scalawags and carpet baggers came South and took charge ot 1 he negro. Intelligent white men should con trol them. The time i ripe for them to break loose from the old ties and stand for men .ud not tor party. In conclusion he said the home paper should be supported ;l I 1 i a. fair and just. It belongs to you and you ought to keep posted. The organs of the organization should be read by every member. CUBAN GIRLS. How They Effect a Nor'h Carolin ' ian. Mr. hugene G. Harreli, edi tor of the North Carolina Teacher and a former resident of Wilson, is in Cuba. In a letter to the Raleigh News Observer, dattd February 12th, he says. This is truly a land of perpetual summer. We sleep without covering, with the doors and windows all open, while a strong sea breeze is always fanning the Island. The floors of all houses are marble or stone, and have no carpets. We walk upon the cool marble with our bare feet, and "it feels so nice." The . houses are without chimneys, fireplaces or stoves, and such a thing as a fire for warmth is unknown here. The regular dress of the working men and the clerks in stores is simply a- gauze shirt, low nt the neck and short sleeves, aud a pair of linen pants. O Sunday they add only a wbiuj linen shirt to this atti 9 and they ure in full diets fcr clerking. The Havana ladies wear very light material in their dresses with their heads covered by only a Spanish lace which they have the art of ar ranging in a most entrancing manner. A milliner would starve under the Havana pat ronage. No hats or bonnet.- are worn by these ladies when out walking or riding snd when we visit the theatre or other public occasions we say "Bless these bareheaded Cabans. Oh, that they would introduce the same popular fashion into the United States and thns aid us to for ever get rid of the b!g hat at the Opera." THE CUBAN GIBLS are beautilul beyond all de scriptions. Those great black eyes, and long lashes droop on lovely cheeks while a smile ha bitually pays upon a charming mouth with pearly teeth; their bewitching costumes of light and airy lawns and satins, mantillas aud laces hanging in graceful folds from their jet black hair; their little tapering feet encased in very low slip pers with very high h,eela but no words can truly describe these tropical senoritas nor can anything else on earth excell them in loveliness excep. the girl 5 of North Carolina. NOT ONE IN TEN Of the people yon meet Irom day to day has perfectly .pure healthy blood. The hered.tary scrofulous taint afflicts the large majority of people, while many others acquire diseases from impure air, improper lood and wrong indulgences. Hence tho imnprativp necessitv for a re liable blood purifier like Hood's Sar saparilla, which eradicates every impurity, and gives to the jlood vitality and health. It cures scros fula, salt rheum, humors, boils, pim ples, and all other affections caused by impurities or poisonous germs in the blood. All that is asked for Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it be given a fair trial.