J. R. Rawls, WILSON, N. C:, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. - . i Has now, and keeps constantly on nanu a full Kne of SILVERWARE Suitable for presents for friends. Musical Instruments kept in stock. EfTWatches, Clocks, and Jewelry re paired at short notice. Have you seen my new line of Rings.' They are beauties. Call and let me show you around. Respectfully, s-30-iy. JOHN R RAWLS. BABTCUn.D OF EoZEfflA The Wikon Advance. An Important Decision. Mother's and Minister's T stimony. Head Slass of Putrefaction. Doc tor Fails. Curat in Quick ' Time by Cuticura. : Wilson, n. a, - - Oct 15th, 1891. 'duty to inform you of the won- rffnl cure of cacma wincn utiixu ium TLANTIC COAST LINE. WILMINGTON & WELDON R.R. AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . LT No. 27. No. 41 NT- ,33- FastM'l Daily, Apnl 06,1891. Daily. Daiiy. ex. Sun. Lv Weldon,. . 1230pm 543pm 620am Ar Rocky Mt. 1 40 pm . . 7 24 am Ar Tarboro . . 2 17 pm Lv Tarboro.. 1035am Ar Wilson 218 pm 700 pm 753 am Lv Wilson fa 30 pm Ar Selma 330 pm Ar Fay'ville.. 530 pm Lv Goldsboro 315pm 740pm 840am Lv Warsaw. 414 pm 9 34 am Lv Magnotia- 427 pm 840 pm 49 am Ar Wilm'gton 600pm 955pm t 9 m TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 14. No. 78.0 Daily. I Daily, gfe Lv Wilmg'ton 12 35 am 9 15 anil 4 25 pm Lv Magnolia. 2 05 amjio 57 ami 610pm Lv Warsaw n 11 am; 625 pm ArGoldsboro 305 amii2 05 pmj 730pm Lv Faye'ville $9 toaml. . - Ar Selma jn 08 am Ar Wilson 12 10 pm . Wilson 3 43 am 1 2 58 pm 823 pm -ir Rocky Mt 130pm 853 pm Ar Tarboro 2 17 pm Lv Tarboro 10 35 am Ar Weldon... 505am 2 55pmiooopJm We Tdceciit my dm dies brought ii;oo ovir lilllc baiiy, uiree mauvm old. When at out o anil one-half month- OU. Uie whole of iib little nraa Deca.-m: putrefaction, over which we became very ncA alarmed aa the mt'diciue pi esc ri bed by our phy. cian only aeuraea to agravaw i. ... Hi,- littl.. tlilisir Btcim J t bo 111. '""""f"" . 5 ' ' 2i. , - v.... Ar. wore utterly ni a iuub ' - the physician seemed to have exhausted all effort to eive relief. Hut throtigli the recommendation of llev. J. O. Ahnrn, pactor of Brooks ClrS M. E. Church Pociety, we were it.duced to try the Cuticura Uemembs, and after a few daya apnllcation, we were astonished aa we.l a ae lighted over the remit. We continued the use of tbs medicine aorcrding to direction", and after a few weeks, the Btiie fcltaw was entirely cored wiuj oo tra-es of the disease left. Many thanks for this WOmMS! JOHN nOLSTCIS, Quitman, Ga. Daily, except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch road leave Weldon 3:10 p m; Halifax, 3:32 p m; arrive Scotland Neck 4:18; Green ville, 6:02 p,m: Kinston, 7:10 p m. Re turning leaves Kinston 7:00 a m; Green ville, 8:10 a m; arriving at Halifax 10:45 a m; Weldon 11:05 a m daily, except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, via. Albemarle & Raleigh R. R., daily, except Sunday, 4:05 p m, Sunday 3.00 p m; arrive Wil liamston 6:30 p m, 4:20 p m; Plymouth, 7:50 p m, 5:20 p m. Returning leaves Plymouth daily, except Sunday, 6:20 a m, Sunday 9:00 a m; Williamston, 7:40 a m, 9:58 a m; arrive Tarboro 10:05 a m 11:20 a m. Train on Midland Branch road leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 7:00 a m; arrive Smithfield 8:30 a m. Return ing leaves Smithfield 9:00 a m; arrives Goldsboro 10:30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount 3:00 p m; arrives Nash ville 3:40 p; Springhope, 4:15 p m. Returning leaves Springhope 10:00 a m; Nashville, 10:35 a m; arriving at Rocky Mount 11:15 a m daily, except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily,except Sunday, at 6.00 p m, and 11:15 a m- Returning leaves Clinton at 8:20 a m, and 3:10 p m, connecting' at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fay etteville Branch, is No. 51; Northbound is No. 50. Daily, except Sunday. Train No. 27, South, will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North, daily. all rail via. Richmond, and daily, ex cept sanday, via. Bay Line. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. I. R. Kenly, Ass't Gen'l Manager T. M. Emerson. Gen'l Pass'r Ag't. BUY NOW SPECIAL SUMMER SALE 500 FINE ORGANS at Way Iirown men-tociose. Buy Terma-4Z to $5 monthly -or 910 Cash, balance ft tnu. ho interest. I GREAT BARGAINS Mat be solo. Can't hold. Write for Bargain Sheet. ILUDDEN & BATES. SAVANNAH. GA. TURNER'S BLOOD PURIFYING COMPOUND. SBlaok Cohosh, Yellow Dock. Blood lie Best Blood Medicine Sold. Price 50c. TURNER'S MTI-BILIOUS PILLS! For Sale by A. W. ROWLAND, S-4. Wilson, N. C. riunm. rLS2f2JfJ?a,i$8bl 01 ot, free of charge. Our fee sot dae till patent is secured. PA irr "How to Obtain Paten ta." with W-SfSS BfeU C. A. SNOW & CO. Q". Pmwr omei, Wasminqton. o. o 0 for a Pair of n $ p (Custom-Made) . M Crom Xarcfrc' Remnants. I oKMHon guaranteed or money refunded. p,""S5.Sfo'5.TS,gMPAN1' It rives me prst pleasure to testify to the f Mm contained in Mm. John llokteiu's UUmonial,con cerning the cure of her little baby. WhenleawH I did not Uriah it possible for it to Hvo. ' .how ever, recommended CcncOTU, knowing that U a cure waa poealblo, Cuticura Rem bdiks wonW dolt. My mo.t aanguin expectation culminated in a perfect v M. R. Quitman, Ga. Cuticura Resolvent The new Klood Puriftor, Internnlly (to cleanse til blood of all Impurities and poisonous elements and thus remove the cause), and Cuticura, tho great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Boap, an exquisite Bkln IJcontifier, externally (to clear the skin and scalp, and restore the hair), euro every disease and humor of the skin and bloodj' from pimples to scrofula. Bold everywhere. Trice, CuTlcrraA, SOe. ; Soap, 25c.; Ubsolvent, (1. Prepared by the Foitll Dbuo aiiu Chemical, Corporation, uosion. Hj. Send for " How to Cure Blood Diseases1 DIDV'O Skln and ecr-'P purified and beautified DftDI 0 by Cuticura boap. ADSoiutoiy pure. RHEUMATIC PAIN8 Tn ono minute the Cut! curls Aatl- Pain J'l38ter relieves rheumauc, sci atic, Mp. kidney, cheat, and muscular pains ad weaknesses. Price, 25c. 1 CURES SYPHILIS 'Vphnlciins'snAnw r. P.TTSrlnSffmbSiS d,1 Wrih. it whh trrrtt KttrfKtfoa Cm cm of iwsrribs it whh p4 all fofmi and rtMbfTrim 3uiailarf sad Ttriurr Sens. Glandnlar SwellLnr. Cbrople UIcti that hTa reatrtsd all Malaria, old Chroclc Famala carlU Poison, Teti, Scald Uaad, ate, ate P. r. P. k a powarJol ton;c and peUdingup aa Impure oa ayaam ar unlsuiinf l condition dm to mawt I wfaoaa Mood k 1st J hugnlaritla. ar RP.P.k CURES ALARIA cl-anahig properties of P. P. P., PrtckJy Aih Foka Boo ana roiassiam. FOR SALE BY A. W. ROWLAND, WILSON, N. FOR SALE BY- -A. W.TROWLAND. SIX-CORD BEDTIME. In i88q Ben Baker, a convict es caped from the penitentiary and went . . ij i n iii. back to nis oia nome in ivanaoipu. Tanuarv of this year, Mr. J. W Crawford, a citizen ol Kandolpn, finding that Baker was an escaped Swinburne in his article on "Social convict, sent to the penitentiary to Verse," which is published in the Oc- procure the necessary papers lor nis tnKor nrnnher of The Fotum. main- arrest. He was lnlormed that a tains that "there is no lovelier sonnet citizen had the right to arrest an es in the world than the late Lord Ros- caped convict without warrant where win's 'Bedtime. Here is his son- ever tound. When he attempted to LHTHAH BHDS'., Proprietors, Emggists, Tiippman'a Blooki BAVafiSAH, QA. J.&P.G0ATS eye- nett which bwmeburne esteems so highly: 'Tis bedtime ; say your hymn, and bid T-ruvi nicrht '' 'God bless mama. papa, and dear one's all." Your half-shut eyes beneath your lids fall. Another minute vou will shut them auite. Yes, I will carry you, put out the light. And tuck vou up, altho' you are so tall ! What will you give me, Sleepy One, and call My wages, if I settle you all right ? I laid her eolden curls urx my arm, I drew her little feet within mv hand, Her rosv palms were joined in trustful bliss. Her heart next mine! beat gently, soft and warm. She nestled to me, and, by Love's com mand. Paid me my precious wages "Baby's kiss!" Hoffman, editor Rocky Mount Va., writes: "I am pleased to say that Botanic Blood Balm is the best appetizer and tonic for delicate people I ever saw. It actedlike a charm in my case." Business is the salt of life. arrest Baker the convict procured shot-gun presumably in order to kill Mr. Crawford shot and killed the convict and later on was arrested for murder. The case'eame up at the last term of Randolph court and T 1 A CU ,Li JUUldC A11U1IUU JU1CU Uldl CIS tX UUACUI r . & . . I norWf cahcfaerinn rr mnnsv renin 1 4.U- K t-n orrort o mnn tn nn I K- , . , 11L3 uic l ifef lib tu uiui (a man lu uit- I i , n l tt- A 1 It.V. T VVAA bkl sjw w a. . a Don't tear your entrails out with pills $d purgatives. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, sores, ulcers, salt reheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give ent felony, so he has the right to arrest a convict who has already been convic ted of a felony. Under this ruling the jury brought in a verdict of "not guilty." State Chronicle. ded. sale by A. W. Human instinct. So powerful is human instinct, that some of its suggestions become em bodied in social and household cus- toms. I he people who know and feel that at the begining of the spring season the system needs an alterative and purifying tonic and stiulant. In all parts of the country it is the cus tom for the housewife to dose her brood with sassafras tea. Among the simple remedies that our ances tors employed, this decoction has continued to hold its own. The de mand for a spring alterative and tonic however, is filled more efficaciously bv S. S. S.. which is itself as simple as nature's medical medicine should be. It purifies the blood, cleanses and strengthens the system, and pre pares the human machine to stand tne wear and tear of the summer months. Rowland. The Sale of a Town. TUB WAT IT GOES. Some People TeU Stories, and Some Do Hot, Mr. Harry Skinner is known as the "father of the Sub-Treasury." Some three years ago he wrote an article for a northern magazine outlining the Sub-Treasury scheme. It is attracted considerable attention, but not a sin gle Daper in this State noticed the article, however. Salisbury Watch man, Alliance Organ. Whenever the "partisan papers make a mistake in endeavoring to publish the news, forthwith the "re form papers denounce the same as "lies," "abuse," "slander," etc, and occasionally some sub-Alliance has boycotted such papers. But we have no doubt that some of the things 'denied are the truth. We know some ot them are untrue, but the papers printing them are not by any means entirely responsible for print ing such untrue reports. We grant that the press ought to be more careful in sifting out the false from the true but mistakes will sometimes occur even when the utmost care is used However, the "partisan" papers are not alone in publishing things that are untrue. We have seen many of the most glaring mis-statements pub lished in the "reform" papers. Take the above dipping from the Watch man for instance. We know that Col. Skinner's scheme was printed in the Wilson Advance, the Green ville Reflector and the Kinston Free Press very soon after it first appeared in (we think) Prank Leslie s Illus trated Newspaper. We are also unaer tne impression that it was noticed in a good many other papers ol the btate. There is too much inaccuracy of statements in all the papers. The editors of both "reform" and "parti . san papers are too much m the habit of stating facts as they wish them to be, instead of doing justice by stating them as they are. It would be well to have "reform along this line. Kinston Pree Press. The town of Tillery has, we learn, been sold to Carolina Lumber Com pany for $40,000. This town was laid oft by Mr. J. R. Tillery on his land when the Scotland Neck rail road was built and he never sold any lots although he had plenty of appli cations to buy, but would always put up houses for anyone who desired to five and do business there. The Carolina Lumber company has for sometime had a large lumber plant there and now own the whole town. They also, we hear, purchased Mr, Tillery s farm adioinine the town. Weldon News. The best spring medicine in the world is P. P. P. If vou would be well and in good spirits use P. P. P. If weak and debilitated and run down take P. P. P. For a spring medicine to cure and tone up the general ail ments of the system take P. P. P. When Baby was rick, we gftre her Castorkv When she was a Child, she cried for Caatoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When Bhe had Children, she gave Uiem Castoria, A Little Girl's Experience in a Lighthouse Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott iare keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse; at Sand Beach, Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four years did Last April she was taken down with Pentz, Chap, to Bishop of Measles, followed with a dreadfu Vuut; ll llii 1 11 1 it mill a a-v a-' tors at home and Detroit treated her, but in vain she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere handful of bones. Then she tried Dr. Kings new discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was complete ly cured. They say Dr. Kings New Discovery is worth its weight m a trial bottle bimmons .Liver Kegulator is a most excellent appetizing tonic Sam. S North Carolina. Poisoned bjr Scrofula. Is the sad story of many lives made miserable through no fault of their own. Scrofula is more especial ly than any other a hereditary disease and for this simple reason : Arising frrm imnnrp onH inciiTTirisCAr.f- r-.1i"wH tile rliceace lrvre Jrcelftn the Krm' gld, yet yOU may get uv uk'u ivvuLVi; t to via us uiv a y in l . - , , , . n ... -J - I f-n D ail nn'p Tl-t.s-V WfAfO nhar c which are rnmnosed ftf auwuuiuj u.uR u.. white tissues : there is a period of a i . . . . , foetal when the whole bodv consists Ulcerated sore leg, with a running of white tissues, and therefore the sore of several years' standing, which enti'Kle I the doctors thoucht incurable, and r .rrr w " i ... , , i c. to this dreadfu disease. But there amputation was regaraea as oniy re is a remerlv for scrofula whether lief, the patient scarcely able to walk hereditary or acquired. It is Hood's expels an trace 01 disease and gives to the vital fluid the quality and col or ol health. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not accept any substitute. before, now runs, apparently well Ihe cure was made by f. f. sr., and is known throughout Savannah as one of the great cures that P. P. P the wonder blood medicine, has made. Headache is readily cured by P. P. P. which tones and regulates the digestion and creates an appetite. Advice to Women If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR This is Curious. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You snouia need tne warning, you are taking the first step into nervous Prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find an exact remedy for restoring your r ac.i-1 r-vii c circfom 4 r -i Arm - 1 UiolfUxr condition. Surprising results follow ffig$h$ the use ol this preat Nerve Tonic of Bradfleid's Female A lli,,. v 1 effect is trnly wonderful. um jutv-iami., iuui ctpjjcLitc ic- turns, good digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume heal thy action. Try a bottle at Row land's Drug Store. Price socts. Mrs. Dixie Cox, of Middleton, whose husband runs a boat between this city and Hyde county, has been married five years and has nine I Business whets the appetite, and children, there being lour pair ot I gives a relish to pleasure. twins among the number. A most Cabtersvixle, April 28, 1883. This will certify that two members of my Immediate family, after having suffered for from mensiraai n regularity, lela's female ueguimor. lis j. w. BTBAjraa. Book to " WOMAN " mailed FRXE, which contains valuable Information on all female dlseasos BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, OA. rOM BALM BT AXX DBVOGISTB. Anderson, Jones Proprietors of the PlMer's -:- fKA Coir, ,vP T T.l II ll ll l I m ill A a ii rv xi , A f 1 11 on, N. FALL Millinery ! After soendiner some weeks in the Northern cities familiarizing myself with the latest styles in milli nery, I noWhavc a NICE, SELECT STOCK which I am offering AT VERY LOW PRICES considering style and quality, and hav ing securea tne services oi miss Strasburg, an experienced mill iner, and one who cannot be surpassed in taste and style, I can fill all or ders promptly. tWill bfe pleased to have you call. MISS ERSKINE, WILSON, N. C. Under Brigg's Hotel, next door to the express omce io-ti ESTABLISHED 1875. B G Pollard & Co., Cotton Factors AND Com'n Merchants, No. 20 Roanoke Square, NORFOLK. - VA. Special attention paid to the sale of country produce, which we want you to ship us. 9-17-3 Si) nARREL 0 B felt tt IS:; COTTON FACTORS AND COM'N MERCHANTS. No. 7 & 9 Commerce St., Norfolk,- - - Va. Strictly a commission house. Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Saw ed Lumber, Stock, Eggs and Trucks will receive our special attention. 9-1 73m R. A. DOBIE & CO COTTON FACTORS -AND- remarkable coincidence is connected with their birth, that they ail born on the 2d of October. The recent "White Cap" sensation, which caused great excitement near Hertford, has been decided in Court John Swin- I A . 1" ll . II gaie, one 01 tne wnite l-aps, was , sentenced to two years in the pennitentiary, and William Weeks to one year. In the case of seven others judgment was suspended. 1 he outrage was committed by the White Caps upon a white man named Rogers, whom they terribly whipped. After the sentence the judge suggested that the offenders should donate fifty dollars each to - . the wife of Rogers, with which they consented to comply. Newbern 1 . 1 Journal. vaults are subject to worms as well as children ; therefore how im portant is it that the system should be clean of these vile pests. Shri ner's Indian Vermifuge will do it ef fectually. Drive thy business or thy business wui drive thee. "Life has been a burden to me for the past 50 years on account of great suflenng Irom very severe and fre quent headaches. Bradycrotine has done wonders for me. I am now a new man and shall proclaim the merits of your medicine to all I can reach." George T. Fowler, Attorney at law, Falatka, Fla. Spool Cotton IN flfE, BLiCE AID COLORS, FOR Hand and Machine Use. FOR SALE BY J. & D. Oettinger, J. D. & S. C. Wells, M. Rountree & Co., (A. Heilbroner, Manager. lor m. K. Lang. Track la Dlasralsad Form. A wayward young man, broken in j health, had gone to the far South west to recuperate. He was in the jail at Tombstone, ArL, for stealing a nina quarter 01 beet. In the loneli ness of his cell he sat down and j wrote as follows : "Dear Father I have picked uo some flesh since I came out here, but 1 am still confined to mv rmm Please send me $100." A Household Remedy i J FOR ALL W I BLOOD and SKINS 0 DISEASES Be Be Bi Botanic Blood Balm It Cur5 SCROFULA. ULCERS. SALT f IL WUrgS RHEUM. ECZEMA, every form of mallonant SKIN ERUPTION. h. A sides being efficacious In toning up tho X system and restoring the constitution, when Impaired from any cause. Its W almost supernatural healing properties Justify us In guaranteeing a cure, If 4 directions are followed. SENT FREE -bSWL.- bluuu balsj CO., Atlanta, 6a. j Worse Than Jack Frost. FOTJTZ'S Morse and cattle powders 2LSfl rrW sDffi LADIES maiD to??r cUldron who wantbaflrl- Ho HoBsswUl'dle of Couo. Bots or Luko Fmv Wg. if Foatz Powders are naed ta time. Footz s Powders will enre and prevent HosCbolu a. Fontzs Powders win prevent Gapss nr Fovtls. Fontrt Powders will Increase the quantity of sallk snd cream twenty per cent., and make the butter firm ind sweet. Fontz's Powders will core or prevent snooat BTeSST Jisk ash to which Horses and Cattle are subject. Kotrrz'B PowDMto will elvi R ati ar actios . Bold everywhere. DAVID E. FOUT2, Proprietor. While the cottorr worm is ravag ing every cotton field in Edgecombe county there is not a neighborhood without them. Where they appear the leaves are entirely devoured. One tanner says that in forty acres he don't believe he can find a whole leal. Tarboro Southerner. bmon Elixir. PLEASANT, ELEGANT, RELIABLE. constipation, malaria, take and For biliousness take Lemon Elixir For fevers, chills and Lemon Elixir For sleeplessness, nervousness and palpitation of the heart, take Lemon Elixir For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir For all sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir Dr Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named dis eases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels Prepared only by Dr H Mozlev, At lanta, Ga. 5061 and $1.00 per bottle, at druggists lemon Hot Drops. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, bore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemmor rhage and all throat and lung diseas es Elegant, reliable 25 cents at druggists Prepared only by Dr H Mozley, Atlanta, Ga A fine head of hair is an indispen sable element ol beauty. Ayer's Hair Vigor maintains youthful fresh ness and luxuriance, restores to faded and gray hair its original color, pre vents baldness, removes dandruff, ana cures scalp diseases. It perfect satisfaction. J. D. BARDIN, ATTORNEY-AND- COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, REAL ESTAXE BROKER, WILSON, N. C. Office in rear of Court House. Practice in all the State Courts. Claims Collected. Estates Set tled. Lands Bought and Sold. Parties having houses to rent in Wil son would do well to place them in my hands, laxes paid, rents collected and promptly paid over at the end of each month, without trouble to owner. If you have lots m Wilson, or farm ing lands in Wilson county, to SELL, or if vou desire to PURCHASE real estate in Wilson county or the town ol Wilson, it will pay you to communicate with me. I have several bargains in lots and farming lands. Une brick store on east side Tarboro street for sale. All enquiries answered enclose 1 stamp General Commission Merchants, 2 and 4 Roanoke Dock, NORFOLK. VA. J. J. Burgess is our North and South Carolina Representative. gSSpecial attention given to sales of Cotton, Grain, Peanuts and country produce.ee nerally. Liberal Cash Ad vances in Consignments. Prompt Re turns and Highest Prices guaranteed "earn Udifs 3 Hi bsMB W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE anted, and so .L.DOUGLA and other special ties for Gentlemen. I AfileH. ete Mm wnr- on bottom. Address Brockton, Mass. SoJdtv I V 1 J r lbs! I "V T 7"E wish to call the farmers attention tn L m r u4. a. j . . i m uwi die cuiiuiigL uiemrop-iveal the aii 4-... l i-a.: a.1 C 11 . "C KI -t. -BU. -" wwaiua vctuiig uicm IUU Worth f. . . lKJl T rices are much better now ; we make a QUIOK I 'LIVELY sale, and do not DRAG and KILL the uiuc ttiiu. sec us acn iiiu yuu will De COnv nrwl the lacts. (Jur buyers are out in full force everv Hair omii.. 1 - 1 en - targe oraers 10 mi. We want to Buy 1,000,00.0 Ourselves at our house this year, and we want to Sell -i 1 S.OOO.OOOIDS "sT" ""f T" a liAi.n -I at. -4 o 1 rTra Pnm cxt 4-r Ant- A -, nonllafno Tarmac l1 m m U11U LJ. 1 IlWt, WAWt. V- W ....... ' V, . .UA.IKV.tO LUtMl m am I r- . a , - , my ml 111 . . . -l . a ..i.j i - , 1 . w w . . v. . . ill .J J - I .J - 1 1 it 1 t rnrnfor uc nrnpn T'nn rnmp rn rmirn inn ri-tr nc hmHi a.. nan anri vnn wi crn home hannv. We have the best anrimnj j .. & 1 I y i o. . 1 .1. 1 t ; jEi i 1 . k c. . eer in cne oiate. ana tne Desi ntrnieu nouse in me taie : nn uaiK. corners. vv e win uc gidu tu snuw diiu ten uitz plan- ters all we can about handling their tobacco. Don t hesi rate to ask us : we have had lonp- experience in orowino and handling the weed. lell your neighbor to come witS' you and don't stop until you are under our shed. Ample ac commodation for man and beast which shall have the best attention. We have made our house headquarters for East om C'-i t--l Inn co rT.sc-r. itvyii rrm rr m n rr ic. mmo i-r Uoo quarters. Yours respectfully, ANDERSON, JONES and CO. ' V . Cooke,Clark & C0.v (SUCCESSORS TO LUTHER SHELDON.) Sash, Doors and Blinds, Builders' Hardware Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, AND Building; Material. No. 16 West Side Market Square and Roanoke Ave., , NORFOLK, VA. BRANCH, President. A. P. J. C. HALES, Cashier BRANCH, Assistant Cashier. E. R. GAY. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia. In digestion & Debility . J. W. HARRELL, Murtreesboro, N C COL. J. N. HARRELL, Murfreesboro, N G gives &K2a! IjImH.il mm 11 OIVE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Ajiver ana jaoweis, cleanses tne sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cores habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Bo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. . " FRANOISCO. OAU lounmu. kv. new rone, r. Harrell Bros., Cotton factors ard Commission Merchants, FOOT OF COMMERCE STREET, NORFOLK, VA. Solicit consignments of Cotton, Peanuts and other country produce. Bagging and Ties constantly on hand. 4 Liberal casrr advances made on consignments. 6-i7-m. D ETHERIDGE, Currituck, N C B F WRIGHT, Camden, N C AND D. E tiered g;e & Co. successors to Ether ldge, b ulghani & Co. Cotton Factors Commission Merchants, 1 9 and 21 Commerce Street, Norfolk, Va, Specialties : Cotton, Lumber, Corn, and Peanuts. Refer by permission to T A Wiljiams. President Bank of Commerce. Norfolk Va., Caldwell Hardy, Cashier Norfolk National Bank, J R Copeland Presidni m juhuju., ., a a a nunc aiiu lh . uaviu vox, itertlord Va Consignments solicited. Branch. & Co, BANKERS, WilBori, N. C. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS IN ITS FULLEST SCOPE. SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OF GENERALLY. THE PUBLIC Wootton's Patent Wire Tobaeeo Hangers CAN Simplest, ChaatMSt and Best In thn Market. RIC, when Cash Accompanies the Order: CoPS (T Wires to Stick).. gg. oi sticks) T?!..!.......;;;;;;;..;;.....;. 5 USED IN ANY BARN. ,w. li, VWRy ?Pd on Stick and .Bulked PRICES, 100 Sticks 1,000 Wire lOO Stick, compwto ,CM OH 1,000 Wires Wo Stleka). Baskets, per Dozen. Sample Stlek and win tn 's 'cvuiL &T Treatise on Tobacco Culture and Curing FREE. AGENTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER M'F'8 CO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. S.50 4.SO 4.00 C.A.Nasti&(S, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Moulding and Stair Work. HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, ETC. 5, 7 and 8 Atlantic Street, NORFOLK. Vi Correspondence Solicited. 9-17-301

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