Wilson CLAUDIUS) F. WILSON, EDITOR & PROP R. LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY S, THY GOD S. AND TRUTH S. $1.50 A YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE VOLUME XXII. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C, JULY 14th, 1892. NUMBER 26. TJno Advance Cash Catches the Bargains Vfehave received a beauti ful assortiw nt of Glass-ware A GOOD CKKEI). True worth is in being, not seeming, In doing each day that goes by . Some little good, not in dreaming Of great things to do by and by. OH ! RAMSEY, GOME OFF Nothing ever affords readers of the Progressive Farmer quite as much fun as Editor Ramsey's twisting and squirming and dodging on all ques tions of public interest when brought to bay by the Democratic press, un less it be the idle, senseless vaporings BILL ARPS LETTER. UK RUMINATES A ROUT HIS SIXTY SIXTH RIRTHDAY. Tli ere Is Much of Care, of Pain, of Trouble, of Disappointment, Rat Life is Still a Glorious Thing and Full of Boundless Possibilities. Yesterday there was another birth day in the family ; most everybody has a birthday I believe. It is the paternal this time, just two weeks behind the maternal. I am always behind, and it looks like I will never catch up in this sublunary world. Of course. I didn't exnert anvthina of Zeke Bilkins. Ramsey writes the but a kiss or two from the children articles, of course, as everybody under- and a smile all round. They used to stands. He is smart and some of them are bright. Last week the following dialogue was published : Bilkins ''Say what is the force bill ?" give as many kisses as there were years, but they had to quit that long ago with me ; it would take all day. I found a note on my plate at break fast, and on the outside it said : "Lines In new Stvl m at our usu al pne es, also w Curtains from 65c. uj. at 04c Lace Bed Sets Come and see these goods. ' You will find they are very de sirable and much below the es asked elsewhere for the pric same quality of roods. Some say it would take all our liberties o MY Husband on His Sixty-sixth away. Utners say it is lor the purpose of getting a fair count in the elections in the South. However, no sensible person is alarmed, for it will never be come a law. Wall street men keep the matter before the public in order to keep alive sectionalism. The Oniaha platform will denounce the whole out lit and all their bills, or ought to, if the delegates think it worth the ammu nition." The above was written and printed Birthday." I looked and wondered, for I knew it wasn't poetry. She never writes poetry, but she speaks a good deal ot prose sometimes When I opened the letter there was the identical check on the bank that I had given her just two weeks ago for her birthday present. She had saved it to give back to me. Thought ful woman ! Wasn't that splendid ? riroTrr.1 .xV C r rriiAr't Krat it fnr before Ramsey had seen the plat- financierin Each of us eot S20 form promulgated by the Omaha and nobody out of pocket a cent. I'll Convention. We suppose he "felt! try that again next year. Sixty six all over in SDOts" when he read the years old ! lust beginning to learn following in the Third P.rtv Rnsnh,- something beginning to tninK, to The Cash Racket Stores; WILSON, N. C. N;ln1i and Goldsboro Streets. TH1 WASHINGTON LIFE tions and platform : "Resolved. That we are in favor of a free ballot and a fair count in all elections, and we pledge ourselves to secure it to every legal voter through the invention of the State by means of the Australian or secret ballot system This refers to the Force Bill which sonS which says : "Wall Street keeps before the public," Ramsey says. As we read it, it seeks to provide for purity of elections and is pronounced against Federal interference in our elections, and is strong enough to be plainly under stood. Ramsey you are a blooming red headed daisy, you are ! Why didn't you go and tell 'em w hat to do ? ponder. It is a fact that when a man gets wise enough to live he is about ready to die, and that is right. Wheu we wear out the old clothes we want new ones. Death has no terrors to those who live right. There is a beautiful sentiment from a Persian have found much disappointment, much care, much trouble and a little pleasure. It is mixed, badly mixed, but it won't do to brood over. If a man broods over trouble he will catch it sure. Burns tells us about the old woman who "nursed her wrat'i to keep it warm." Just so we can brood over little things until they swell up and burst and a whole gang of little devils come out of them. The good book warns us not to fret. "Fret not thyself," which means that it "is not somebody else who does it, but it is ourself, and it means that we can keep from it if we try. Fretting is a bad business and fret is a bad word, lor it means to eat away, to gnaw, and it does look like a very foolish thing for a man to do, to gnaw on himself. Good gracious, what hills and mountains of trouble we have all conjured up and brooded over that never materialized. But I am sixty-six years old too old to be fooled about some things, too old to be alarmed or pain stricken about politics, or to believe all the newspapers say ; too old to believe that the nation will fall to pieces if a Democrat is not elected, too old to get scared when Albion Tourgee predicts a horrible massacre in the South within ten years. The vigorous old slanderer, he has been pegging away at us for twenty-five years and will die in the harness, I reckon. Then the old devil will snatch him before he gets cold and make him a trustee over those brutds and fiends he says we mur dered AN ABLE ORATION, character and national spirit of the people whose government it is. delivkked in wiion. july 4th, No system of government, how ry oeo. w. connor, ksq. ever wise and just its principles, 1 can be imposed upon a people ; it ThePretw rration of Our National Olmractor . r , , . , and Spirit Necessary to the Life of Our j j itL t- Republic was the Keynote of iiis Mas- i hearts and mmds. 1 he English terly, Elegant, and Kloquent Oration, and government and the English COn- it win Make You a Retter citizen to stitution are strong and enduring to- Study What He So Well Says. jv tu Fno.1ieh rnnsrihitinn j f, Its history is Ladies and Gentlemen is the English nation the history of the English people. By Each day leaves an impress and it there has been no attempt to create exerts an influence upon the life and I liberty of freedom. It has grown character of mankind. Not a moment and developed with the growth and passes, but some deed is done, or some thought conceived whose influ ence is indelibly written upon the page of history. But there are days On parent knees a naked, new-born child Was weeping while those around it smiled. So live that, sinking in thy last long sleep, Calm, thou may'st smile whilst those around thee weep. Happy UoineN . Thousands of sad and desolate homes have been made happy by use of '"Rose Buds," which have proven absolute cure for ithe following diseases and their distressing symptons: Ulceration, con sreston and falling of the womb, ovar ian tumors, dropsy of the womb, sup pressed menstruation, rupture at child birth, or any complaint originating in diseases ot the reproductive organs ; whether lrom contagious diseases here A venerable friend of mine who died in heavenly smiles used to say he wished for no warning, but would like to go all at once, like the one horse shay we read about. He lov ed to recite from Mrs. Barbauld's verses in the lives of all great people, when out of the struggles and conflicts of centuries, out of the yearnings and strivings of the human heart from generation to generation, there are born tfyjyis whose first enunciation maks a new era of human history and gives life and spirit to grand and far- reaching movements in civilization. These birthdays of great ideas - mark a great people. It is to celebrate This alone gives us strength and stability. This alone thwarted the purpose of the military hero of the north, and set its seal of disapproval upon the revolution ary speaker from Maine. No system of laws, no constitutional pro visions can insure strength and en durance to any people. No principles of government can be so broadly conceived or so wisely formulated as to restrain or to determine the de velopment ol national life. Beneath all human institutions, whether social, religious or political, there flows an NEWS OFA WEEK. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD AROUND VS. A Condensed Report of the News From Oar Contemporaries Gleaned Here and There For Rnsy Readers. development of the English people. , ever-increasing and ever-broadening It is the embodiment of the character .current of national life ot which these and spirit of the nation. Then the institutions are but the forms and ex strength of England and the endur- pressions. Then as our national life anee of her civilization depends upon grows and develops, our constitution and is guaranteed by the national must grow and develop, new condi character and national spirit of the tions and important changes in this English Race. Let this fail and all national life must be reflected in the will fail. form and character of our govern- In what then shall we trust for the ment. The most important question permanence of our liberties and our for us, my friends, on this, our national institutions ? Shall we trust in that birth-day, is, have we preserved the "elaborate system of checks and purity and integrity of our national balances," in that written constitution ? character? Do you ask me? Then, Does our strength lie in the truth with a thrill of patriotic loyalty, with one of the grandest and proudest and justice of our fundamental princi- an undaunted devotion to a country birthdays of our people, my friends pies ? Or is it in wise and united forever, I answer, yes. The that we are now assembled together, patriotic officials that we must same spirit which, with the cry of "no 1 he 4th ol July 1776, was not only put our trust ? Had these been our taxation without representation upon the birthday of a grand and glorious only hopes, we had lailed before we its lips, dared to defy the armies of Republic, whose territory, today peo- began. The constitutions of the ureat Britain, the same undaunted pled by 60 million souls, to-day com- Spanish-American Republic were con-1 courage, which wrung from those .11. . .! 1 . 1 . . , . , r I- : A ' T 1 I i prises tne oesi pan 01 a comment, dui structea upon tne principles 01 our armies rvmerican inuepenuence, to it also stands as the day.on which was constitution, vet these attempts to day animates the hearts of the Ameri first proclaimed to a kmg-ndden and establish Republican governments can people and makes them the ODDressed Deonle. a truth, noble in have not been successful. Must we strongest and most powerful nation ia a ivu4W i u- j ww v a a - l A. a. I - I " B He keeps a tally sheet, and its conception and eternal in its influ- not consider, then, whether our im- of the world. That people, who, in says the average is one a day. Sup- ence on the lite and destiny ol the phcit confidence is not misplaced ? less than twenty-hve years alter tne pose we deduct half for guessing and numan race. mis is a aay 01 rejoic- May it not be that in tne vast and greatest anu mosi uouutuve uvu Ivinrr. That leaves 188 a vear for ing not only for Americans, but for Lever-increasing development of our war ever fought in the tide of time, all the twelve Southern States. That's all people in every land. When national life some of our most funda- have obliterated from their national not so bad only fifteen to the State. Thomas Jefferson, voicing the senti- mental political principles have at me every sign ol that war, need have We will compromise on that. New meats of his fellow-countrymen, pro- times been severely strained, if not no fear that time will but strengthen Ynrk State avemws a hundred and claimed, as seii-evaeni trutns, mat 1 utterly overthrown r anumaK. more poweriui anu ihuic fifty, so the last census says, and ail men are created equal ; that among That principle to the maintenance glorious their government and their they were all white but two or three, the inalienable rights with which of which the Fathers trusted for the civilization. When we stand in the T .r.r,hf ,..rKo tU .t Drt.-t Ln-v c I thfv nTf eiiflowcd Dv tlieir creator. ( anrl vuror ot tho rrwiQMfntion was I iamuv 01 nauoiis aou utrai men A lllUU 1 J I I 1 III llJil I A Wt L J kj I J - J , 1" - -j - , w f m affair would stop old Albion's mouth, are lite, liberty and the pursuit ol the distinct separation and pcricct in- proud Doasts one 01 its military but it didn t. That was the funniest happiness ; and. tnat governments, dependence ot the three grand de- iame, anotner 01 us weaun anu com concern. The coroner a ring leader deriving their just powers from the partments of government. By main- mercial supremacy, another of its in the lynching and then sat upon consent of the governed, are instituted taining this principle they hoped for wise and patriotic rulers, another 01 the bodv. and when asked about it. among men, to secure tnese rignts, a true and lasting Republic. liut us oroau expanse ui iciuic auu pi said he didn't Pet anvthintr for killinrr he spoke not as a subject of the atrain and aeain this principle has perous territory, let us the youngest, s " .. I ,a . 1 ; 1 , , Il...xL. 1 f .-..;., him. but would ret tor sitting on nntisn crown, not as an -.mencan been overthrown. It was disregard- out uie pi ouu cuuai 01 any, pv.un O W. V I . 11 - . . . . . . 1 . 1 1 J - c him. His verdict was that the negro citizen, but as the proud champion ol ed by President Jackson, who in the witn tne exulting prioe 01 an un- . - . .. . .. . . .1.1 l ll r, 4.- . I 1 r .1 J : . 1 I A.,,,,-,torl nirinticm . Dprlil rtifn mmo to his rlrarn at the hnnns n i- iiuiiuu iilc iui an ; 3 i jiu . i removal 01 me uenosiis. uas set a I a-u--iv.u uaui-u-m, i- .... w. . wrenne nn.nnmn nnH the Qtote'c These truths. Droclaimed m no un- most dantrerous nrecedetit. that of the ot Independence and a Constitution jyx. a juim itjiivnv.' ww iit iMivt j v-t, 1. 1 i. nil - I I - - - j j - ortrvritnir tirnc flrt-r- irornr.rlin.r I.nnf I Certain tOUCS. 'll(l llt.ll U Ccl With I E VT,11 Vf mn tml .TIO" finailPPS of of the United States and to a nation- ...-.....-, .. ... j . - . . - The 9-year-old son of Ransom Garriss, of Wayne county, was drowned last week. While fishing the boat capsized, and the boy could not swim. 4fc Sunday morning of last week Grant Massey shot and killed Lee Davis in Waynesville for "monkey ing" with his wife. The commis sioners offer a reward of $100 for Massey's arrest. The State Tobacco Association was in session at Morehead last Wednes day. The annual address was deliv ered by Col. W. H. S. Burgyn, ot Henderson, and was ah able effort. Its delivery consumed about 35 min utes. A memorial to the tobacco trade of the world was adopted, ask ing tor recognition of North Caroli na's bright tobacco. The tobacco exhibit at the World's Fair was again taken up and the President of each board ot trade in the State asked to appoint three representatives from each market to aid Mr. J. S. Carr in his work of getting up the exibits. The election of officers resulted as follows : President, Col. W. H. Bur- gwyn, of Henderson; 1st Vice-Presi dent, T. H. Martin, Durham ; 2nd Vice-President, W. C. Reid, of Ox ford ; 3rd Vice-President, J. A. Long, Roxboro ; Secretary and Treasurer, G. E. Webb, Winston. After the election of officers the association adjourned. Life ! We've been lone together Through pleasant and through cloudy weather. Say not "good-night," but in some brighter clime Bid me "good-morning." Won't that be delightful? For f . - 1 1. 1 one s own sell to wane up in the Insurance Co. OF NKW YORK ASSETTS, - - - $10,500,000. The Policies ivritten by the Washington are Described in these general terms: f Non-Forfeitjatilei j Unrestricted as to residence and travel after two years. I Incontestable after two years. Secured by an In- ested Reserve. Soliilly barked by bonds ami mort- gages, first liens on real estate. Safer than railroad securities. Not affected! bv the Stool, mnrl-pl Better paying investments tban U. S. Bonds) Less expensive than assessment certificates. More hvrui than the law requires. Definite Contrarls T, L. ALFRIENI), Manager, Richmond, Va. SAM'L L. ADAMS, Special Dist. Agent, Room 6, tt'ri-ht Building, 4-jOiv. Durham, N. C. ditarv, tight lacing, overwork, excesses spirit land with new clothes on and - i x 1 1 1 - . . . the old ones buried three leet in the ground buried with all the aches and pain and miseries buried and coffined and sealed so that they can't follow you. Poor old carcass could not run nor jump nor dance Poor old eyes, or miscarriages, one lativ writes us that after suffering for ten years with leucorrhea or whites, that one applica tionentirely cured her, and further more, she suffers no more during the menstrual period. It is a wonderful regulator. "Rose Buds" are a simple ful in effect. The patient can apply it nor prance around ! w DR. W. S. ANDERSON, Physician and Surgeon, . WILSON, N. C. Office m Dru- Store onTarboroSt. UK. ALBERT ANDERSON, Miybiciri and burgeon, wh son, n. c. next door tu the First Nationa Dili. Hank. DR herself. No doctors examination ne cessary, to which all modest women, especially young unmarried ladies se riously object, prom the hrst applica tion you will feel like a new woman. Price fi 00 by mail, post-paid The Lever ette Specific co, 359 Wash- ton Street Boston Mass BACKKD BY UHCJLIE SAM. A CongremniRii Wliotte Four DeucfS Werf RarkfMl by the .SerjHnt-at-A rins. an unfalting courage to day make the Federal Government. Congress al character and national spirit that glad the hearts ot the civilized world, alone has power to declare war ; yet I maKe us a iree, intelligent, liDeny I he Declaration ot American lnde- President Polk forced affairs to such loving people. Let these oe our pendence, forever stamping the divine a crisis that he compelled Congress to I glory. So long as we maintain the ntrht ot kines as a falsehood and an dec are war with Mexico. The Km- purity ana integrity 01 our national lation will do anything for a lazy man absurdity, and forever establishing ancipation Proclamation and the sus- line, for so long will endure our insti- kf -j KiH tnM nr nm urhn cttc I tne ifutn tnat in me uie auci cuaracier 1 nenston 01 tne writ ot tne Maoeas iuus uu uui uvuiwuuu. down and broods over his misfor- of the people is to be found the only I Corpus were acts destructive of this tunes. know some who won't guarantee ot strength and endurance, principle. 1 he powers of the ex mend the front gate nor put a pane I nas made possible the civilization of I ecutive have thus been extended from of glass in the window nor chop the aiaid cemury. time to time, until mat equiitonum stovewood nor bring the water, but tor the murderers. He and the cor- coroner played blindfold, they say. What is Albion going to do about it? I am too old to believe that legis Lomon Kllxlr, Pi.li NT, ELEGANT, RELIABLE. For biliousness afid constipation, take Lemon Elixir For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir For sleeplessness, nervousness and palpitation of the heart, take Lemon fc.lixir For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir For all sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir Dr Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named dis eases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels Prepared only by Dr H Mozley, At lanta, Ga. 50a and $1.00 per bottle, at druggists Kisses Snved. Up. A travelling; man, who was also the With courage strengthened and so dear to the Fathers of the Repulic hfad ofa prosperous firm, promised Lemon .Hot Drops. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Heramor rhage and all throat and lung diseas es Elegant, reliable 25 cents at druggists Prepared only by Dr H Mozlev, Atlanta Ga & K. WRIGHT Surgeon Dentist, . WILSON, N. c. son fnl PPWtly located in Wil- Office in Central Hotel Building- Scotia X,.ck Military School rern,Sfqs:januarya5th, 1802. T11K SPNOL FOR BOYS IDEAL Two thin .11 1-or l,,i l at : lf.-.l.l, fk4.. wofrhind ru., " U,i"r'"atin a(l,!n ,casonaD,e- W C. ALLEN, Supt. nearly blind, and ears that couldn't hear ! Poor old bald head and tooth less gums and skinny fingers ! Liked to have lived too long, didn t you r What a glorious relief to wake up with your mind and soul and spirit ual emotions unfettered and free, and suddenly to know it and feel it ! Who wouldn t say, "dood morning to his new self, his newl clothes, his new existence? Who wouldn't look with pity upon his mortal remains and "The luckiest man in a poker say, "Good-bye old friend, good-bye game, remarked a Washington man old torpid liver ; larewell old aching in a reminiscent mood, as he drew kidnevs : tarewell rheumatism and three cards, "was a certain Congress- bile and spleen and all internal com man from Illinois. He was backed motions : farewell Dr. Kirk and Dr. in a jack pot by the United States. Green and the drugstores ; goodbye We were having a nice little game Warner and Cod Liver Oil and b. b. of $2 limit. There is often a smart S. and B. B. B. and the Royal Ger- pileiof money in a $2 limit. Around mateur and Tutt s puis and all your the notel table were ,four of us, and kinfolks." this was the only Congressman who But I'm not that far along yet. had sand enough and money enough Sixty -six is not so awful old. I don't to sit out the game. I here was a compare myselt with the young, but night session and an exciting time in with the older men, like Galdstone, the House of Representatives and and with some of the patriarchs, like the others had dropped out one by Moses. We have a grandson who oneon the score of public duty. has my name and my birthday. He Well, it was getting on toward 2 was twenty yesterday just out ot o'elock in the . morning, and we had his teens and I'm not much older a lovely pot and everybody stayed than he is. Fifteen years ago I was in. The pot was opened on four ten times as old, but now I'm only deuces and the man stood pat. That three times and a fraction. I'm gain- was this same Congressman. There ing on him, or maybe he is gaining was nothing less than a good pair on me, but it is certain we are corn- out, and everybody seemed to have ing nearer together as the years roll improved his hand in the draw. 1 he on. His father has almost caught up betting was lively. Just then a ser- with me, and the strangers take him vant rushed in and said there was a for my brother. No, I'm not old. I call of the House and the Sergeant- still love company and jokes and at-Arms was at the door. candy and chicken pie and flowers "'I'd play this hand out ii the and pretty girls. I still love to go whole United States was at the door, fishing, and see circus processions, said the statesman. and climb to the mountain top and " 'Keep him out a minute, Jim.' look down upon the distant prospect " 'Lock the door!' and thank my Maker for this beauti- " Bur the bie: foot of the Sergeant- ful world. We have to climb for at-Arms was thrust in the crack of everything worth having, and I am the inner door as Tim was going out willing to climb a little longer. to bar the outer one. Only sixtv-six but the trouble is " I am sorrv trentlemen. but ' I keen pettimr older every day. If j , , 1 ro " ii ti ",rm4hot,' interrupted the mem- one could stop and call a halt and they go tramping around talking hopes brightened by the patriotic has been endangered pontics, while their wives and children u.,u.- Not only has the executive thus are supporting the family by raising Dyv' U3 1 " inreciupn- chickens and eggs and picking ber- "on 01 a glorious past, ana ininauu 1 ies to take to town. And there are of the fate of all Republics, ask politicians mean enoue h to fool these ourselves, if it is true that this "govern neonle. and to make them believe ment of the people, by the people, 1 . . c .1. l .111 . 1 ana ior tne people snau 1101 perisu that somebody is imposing on them and has gobbled up their share of money. Heard a man say not long ago that labor was too high and corn ought to bring a dollar a bushel. He is worth S10.000, and now he is from the earth." What is our hope? In what shall we trust for the ter- petuity of our Republic and of our Republican institutions ? Others have trusted in the power and wisdom of transcended its constitutional limits. Congress also is no longer sustained by this principle. There is no power in Congress to annex new territory, yet this has frequently been done. The power of taxation, conferred up on Congress for the purpose of main taining the-government, has to-day been prostituted to a purpose totally foreign to the spirit of the constitu his newly wedded wife that he would give her a dollar every time he kiss ed her, and in that way she could save plenty of money. Things went on in this way for several years and, as he made plenty of money, he faithfully kept his promise. Finally reverses came and the once prosper ous travelling man found that he was virtually a pauper. . He went home to his wife and told her all. She. however, did not seem to feel worried, and he was somewhat sur- A Complicated Instrument, The beak of the mosquito is sim ply a tool box, wherein the mosquito keeps six nunature surgical instru ments in perfect working order. Two of these instruments are exact coun terparts ot the surgeon's lance, one is a spear with a double barbed head, the fourth is a needle of exquisite fineness, a saw and a pump going to make up the complement. The spear is the largest of the six tools, 1 . . . 1 .1 !. 1 and is used lor mating tne inuiai I..,-. rn.v.-noc 1 onVAf Imrmo vC- I m " ' m lit- . 1 TM1 notlirn IIAVf thf I'lnPf CiV klllVT? - "7 , ' , . orpat rnhr! others in the tmrirv md r ..v. "s1-' pnsed when she asked him to rase a f", slipping around as a Third party man great rulers iWlfcttegapport of the government, I with her that .ftPmoon. hut he are brought into play to cause the verrises this nnwor for the mir- I .j l I blood to flow morefrcelv. n case i - i i .lit tint i nt i in v lLLi 11 1 - r and wants to go to Congress. A poor man who would vote for him is close kin to an idiot But there have always been such people, and always will, I reckon, and I'm too old to fret about what I cannot help. Nevertheless, I love all my fellow-men. except some, and all my fellow-women, long and prosper. patriotism of their nobility, and others in the abundant power of the people themselves. In what shall we trust? For the endurance of our institu tions, our government and our civilization, we have had an unyeild- ing confidence m that written con stitution, which was the logical oflT- Mav thev live spring ot the Declaration of lnde- V 1 , 1 . 1 1 1 1 . Bill Arp. I pendence, ana to wnicn wenaveDcen devoted as the guaratee ol the liber ties bequeathed us by our fathers. It is, indeed, remarkable, J.hat a have received a conv of the Jormai instrument 01 government but exercises this power tor the pur pose of extorting tribute from the masses tor the benefit ot the lavored tew. Indeed its history, especially since the late war, has been marked by the broadest interpretation and al most unlimited stretches of its con stitutional powers. The climax has been reached in the career ot the late speaker of the House, who, by his accepted her invitation Passing a large block on a well known street she said: "That's mine." Well, she showed him sev eral places with the same remark until he began to be suspicious, and inquired, "How in the deuce did you accomplish so much wealth?" "Do you remember the contract you made when we were first married r Slate Normal and I nil 11st rial School. constitutional precedent has given unmistakable proof that the guarantee We have received a conv of the formal instrument 01 government 1 , . . fv, . A.- ' " ' 1 J " 1-111 J 11 J J I Ul nillLl Rail II H.UU111 ciiivj. i l.lll.l iuaii Prospectus of the Normal and Indus- should have proved so well adapted Constitutional Government lies not in . - 1 o-i 1 t-u- . tn rne trenius 01 me American neon e 1 . . . . inai ocnooi. 1 ins is luc new ouue r- & . r.-.-r - n,lr written constitution, but in our violation ot parhmentary usage and she (j. "Yes," he replied, "I do." "Well. I invested it and it has made us rich." The travelling man hung his head and said nothing. This was kept up thirty minutes, until his wife became alarmed, and she asked, "What in the world is the matter, this last operation fails of having the desired effect, the saw and needle are carefully and feelingly inserted in a lateral direction in the victims flesh. The pump, the most delicate of all six of the instruments, is used in transferring the blood to the insect's "stomach." Discovery. W. E. WarrIn &C3: FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS, (Successors to B. F. BrigRS & Co.,) OFFICE OVER FIRST NAT. BANK, WTT SON. N. C. located at Greensboro. It will reein time, sno ... '.. , . work on the 28th of serious friction or disorder, it is our I y JT : Cnnores.T hv increasing the I Z!a il TCa a 'ZH " " I We purpose giving tne DUS1- I 1 a. - nnt.4-.it...-. u ,1 I - - w. , 1 r - - I w t wt u i uz a 1 1 1 1 v i viwii 7 i . . . rrTZZ: number of Supreme Court Judges, in. kiasine at home. "-Michigan Trades- ness .intrusted to us by the Ct aoa "rrrr 7""" crder tn nhfa n a favorah e decision - - " - I - - J . I UU1 W11LLL11 tUWSUlUUWll, LSKAl. ill WU for mrls and women, estah- and through so many important ! . . . , ,1 " f- ' " I AC 1 J fl Udiiuiidi Liiuiatiti anu nauunui opuii. "Whit in . i.t . il Konnnc onrl Inr ca nnr a nerinrl nt I r . I Ull JS-isfvJ :ztom have w;ei' ; H- TcCrt er y0u . .. - - - c its first year's September. It has an able faculty, and will ?h grade of work. It is grati: to see from the Prospectus that while sAsl Ktolti ' CiiikMiMji r nric i high grade of work. It is gratifying nerttier time nor man can overtnrow j Tender A hag shown we oeueve 111 111c ciciiicii ucsiiuy 01 1 , , , r 1 - a . : . . . y .. A iirViaf q rlancrprnni; and nnwertill inhu man. 01 1X 1- CpUPER rMranitk Gravestones, &C ' n5 Hank St.. Norfolk, va rrfte for prices. "agis fr 5-14-iy. ii(i. Call at iuWlir So cents per hundred. the faculty represents the culture and " ence the legislative may exert upon trainimr of the leading colleges a" great nations, iney too, have 1 a j ai i a. 1 ; -1 1 n- iwvn,c mw. throughout the country, yet every fi" Our Jiistorv nroves that the con- v. nf i, f,it .,..,f . ,0 1 01 ineir 1oveiiiiiieui 11 is mis iiusii j r-- - . . Advice to Mothers Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, sof- i. .1: -i ii : . . . i rens rne triims. uwiivs ui vjuiu. luivo r" - r ' ,r Uw fotl The fnlcitw nf tb I stitution is always interprerea in me . , ,? r- a native of the south, ana over nan ",ttl f"",v-" t . J " . .v. ;t..lr w bw wind colic, ana is tne oesi tewcuv iui ""v'v-' J:W T..,t.rfi., o.itc a 1 ntt e ber fifty.' 'In the meantime let me have rest awhile under the shade it would not be so bad, but there is no rest for i-1 me. -l'R0iR,KT()R Wllso Marble Works "The Sergeant-at-Arms produced the wicked. These birthdays are his order book and the fifty soon like milestones that mark the journey went to swell the pile. 'I'll draw on of life very curious mites indeed, vou for a hundred pretty soon,' came lor they get shorter and shorter as from the plucky Ilhnoisan. One ol the journey goes on. cverytning us laid down his hand at this, and shrinks. When I was twenty it another bean to look nervous., seemed a long way back to child- There were several I. O. U.'s in the hood, and still longer ahead to old pile already and I was down at my age, but the last forty-six years are last dollar and had to call. I had a less than those that were beiore. i king full, and well, the Illinois Con- am not far away from the children gressman and his four deuces and now. I can sit on my milestone, and the Sergeant-at-Arms and the United like a telephone, hear my grandson ouues treasury anu tnat jacK-poi, as uc sua un ma . .j . with about $8oo in it. all went off "Hello, grandpa ! l near mm iaim together." St. Louis Post Dis- ly, but I hear him and he is coming patch. . on. Poor fellow, he thinks he will I find something great when he gets where I am, and maybe before, but want the news. xt . i t l- ti hp ip tn;ir tnere i in crnverninenr oi tnem are in onn Carolinians, tne - r - Lu. wm W f ik iCHrinn ,;n Ke m itsell. a mysterious power, that cvw iv" 1 - .i ii xt i j mianntPN ir own nprtnnnonrp K mc tuiisuiuuuu caidi uiuv w uie e..nuanu ,T n lTZ that the electoral college does not Momestcpcience departments, vocai rwa, President, and that not he, Music ana Elocution, inaustnai rt, - .'TrT k., -A. a -rrirnal He- and Phvtjical Tiilture under the di-1 was a government based upon an l "Ul H",L . 7, , , iSlSL Naboi system of check? and mands appoint Federal officers Par- .!.! re i- i rican nvairv ann rne snons svsiem will be sncc a features. There is no oaiances witna constitution anoruing , --- - r.f better nlace anvwherc i: . . . .. .1 'S S . 1 II 1 II 1 1 i I ' 111 III! IX 4 H 1 1.1 1 1 varoiiiiu womitii iu icmvc a wuuia 1 i o c f nnnl.t;t.,f rn etr.r bicatlnn an immortal life and destiny." The Kabr,c of the conbtltut,on kill V '1 1 - X - 1 . , n I !.: a a. a "1 I T .x.-new- nnf oopiirn 1 eonnTPCC The Institution is supported largely aiyision 01 tne executive, uie uioune- T1ZZ u.. u cii a i, iu,.a c.,nA sniD. ana above an tne airecr nower suDservieni 10 ms wunts, mu u.v.i and, therefore, while the opportuni- of the people themselves seemed could arise m America another M I i a r .! i:i I A ..,..,.. ,,,1, ,i.ni,M Km rl nnnn the ampie guarantees oi ineir nuerues. i Augustus wuu uuiu "v These expedients, however failed, as ruins ot another Kepuoiictne Amen all mere exnedients must fail. For can Empire. Give the control of the 7 . . I . ... . it without violating a letter ot the law, telegraph and railway system to tne uidinnr rlenrivinor the nennle an- Federal Government, increase the parently of the exercise of a single countless army of federal officers, de nrivilee. Augustus subverted the pendent on the presidential favor, Republic and established the Empire, pass a Feaerai election dui, giving Roman national character and nation- the President control of the election al sbirit had changed and with this of Congressmen, and virtuall y ot zens of Wilson and neighbor ing territory, our close and per sonal attention. We represent some of the best companies in the world. We want your in surance. Come to see us. ties tor culture are the very best, the expenses arc exceedingly moderate All charges for tuition, board, laundry, use of books, physician's fee and incidentals amount to $128 a year. Those who intend to lecome teachers receive the same advantages for $S8, as they pay nothing for tuition. The graduating diploma gives a woman a life license to teach in the State. The number of the students who can be admitted to board in the dor mitory buildings is limited, and those board in private families in Greens boro will find their annual expenses increased $20 or $30. All applications should be in the hands of the President by August 1st. For further information, address he won't. He will find just what 1 1 President Mclver, Greensboro, N. C. change there arose inivetably a new government and a new civilization. No government can be maintained when it has lost the support of national character. A strong and enduring government must be evolved from a people's past and established in their life and character. Thus it is true not only that govern ments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed but also that the character of every govern ment is determined by the national Senators then let the American Augustus begin his work. Not a let ter of the constitution shall be violat ed, not even popular elections, or Reoublican customs shall be over thrown, but upon the proud ruins of a once glorious Republic, there shall stand a victorious fc-mperor. This would-be dictator, however, would find one thing lacking to the consummation of his despotic purpose that is the destruction of American national character and national spirit. AGREE that there is five times as much solid enjoyment in smoking five OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS as there is in one ten-cent cigar, and they cost the same. If You Don't Believe It, TRY THEM. 12 .. m m .m.m.: