LET ALL' THE ENDS THOU AIM ST AT, ?E THY COUNTRY S, THY GOD S, AND TRUTH S. THE BEST ADVSETISIHO . VOLUME XXHI. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C, JANUARY 5,; 1893. NUMBED, r. $I.SP A YEAR CASH HT ADVANCE. i Casli Catches ' Tk tains! AH Sorts teS now on Display fet - W appeal 13- $rs-09O good judgrrrxcxit It h b ftci Vettex to begin yoor Scsd Every day yr fidferj hcffJ yen nearer and nes&SS t!5et terrible Xmat Week Jtede, spisen no clerk eta x& 00 yea csoicsorflj, &9bso s 7r, JDoB or Prwwt $s Zz tzt you? keen on -"jpeSag te5 fceen "gobbled by sssas kind friend. Thrd efo eo reasons whv roa. shsnM t r feny now. The 4 jam sf lass Sinaa should be a TetruJ ta a& C&o put off fc-iyfag. ,Ot garters are j&ccfcad 3 sorts of things for tha chlldfca as well as the grows poopi aad ihe prices-r-wnll tjfuly Cash Catches the Baikal WILSON, . CX, is y :ash arid Goldsboro 1 T I. M. LEATH,Kgr. DR. W. S. ANDERSON, Physician and Sorga .Office in Drur Star Tfire Q t JR. ALBERT -AND2&SON, j Physician ana Stzgecs, - . WILS02T, J7. C Gc9 aext doer tn tV Vfst fck. DR. E. K. WRIGHT, Surgeon Dentbt, ' wixsoie, a. a . Caving permanently lseotod Is tJtt r, I efier my prof-tfcteJed ecrviecs ta tae pabJic. CTOffic ia Ceatral Hetet fcfldiaf 1 y w j rail r fer P"c aad cataTtttca,. cr la- if guarantee is absolute. I Cabinet Organs. I Tf- ?crry as !ccs5 toik a4 tt towers Frieee. Far. yer delars sddriw, K. VAt? LAEl, i,an4 o4 W. $tb S;., WHmhrgton, If. C. CT'e refer to s of tii tsst Court Calendar. In follo-arin? calendar standinr ia Thk f AnvARCS coluraift, forthf bandS of a retden. Ed. sxcoi? d jtDiciAi. DHrraiar. Spajng Term Judge Gwff H. - Srown, Jr. I Fall? Termr-Judge . Gorg A. oampra. ... HiUfax tMarch 7, May i, tfTrr- 4- ! ' Northampton IJan. April 4, , Oct $.1 ... ' - -... - Warcn March at. SroL xe , Edgecombe April 18, Oct. if. ' Bertie Feb. 8, May. t, Oct jr.' ;.Cjaven fFeb. 15, May a, Kerr. " , " THIRD; jfUDlCIAl DISTWCT. Spring Term: Judgo Henry 1L J5ryan. sl Term TiiVe fnrr H r--' Brown, J. . .. . . Pitt Jan. ii, March x, -Icm 11 , . WilsoB fFeb. t, Jss fi, Oct. t. ; VancFeb. as, Miy jj, Oct, f. Martm arch 7, 5pl.: f, Defc f k Nash May , I?or. tt. . 4 Franklin January 3 April j8, Oct. 24. t For civil caset' sJonSk JFcreivil ad jail cases. - Clerks of courts viH pjtss Mtify s of oay errors. RIXU i;i" WHO BELtl. Rjng out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty lijfht : The year is dying in the nicht : Rinj out, wild bells, and letjpim die. Ri out the ojd, ring: in te" new, King, bP?y bells, 'atross the snow : Tie y tar is going, let him go ; iag ut the false, ring in the tn. Sjj cut the Rrief that says the miad, For those that fiere we see no nrore ; oat the feud of rich and poor, Sic; in redress to all mankind. Ring out. a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife ; Ring in the nobIr model of life, With sweeter manners,, purer laws. Eiarout the want, the care, tkaeia, Tae faithless eoldnesa of tk tiaaM ; tlras; out, ring out my mournful rhyaaM Cct riaj ikt fuller minstrel La. WirZat false pride inplec 4 Is! 7xicic isa;:-and tfc4 epi ; fi.iajt in the love of truth sad Tigkt. fUstS m the common love cf xxi. Ring out old shapes of foul diseaa ; -Ring out the narrowing Inst of raid ; 1 Ring out the thousand wara of old. Alias a thousand years of pca. to the rsliant man aad fr, Tfc larger heart, the kindli Jsaad ; Aiag: eat ths darkness of tfc land, !0I the Christ that i to b. - Temts. BILL AK P S LETTER. rrs It is hard on a man- an lmwreca. man. Christmas is a bsr - teac fa f children but it works aa old gsra feer d especially when his rocket bck looks like an elephant had trod est it. "Only a lewJttl thiags,' (bsf said but the little thisjs keep awtCing and as Cobe saya, "thy got more thicker and rnore denser." Maybe I will squeeze through this tune but it is a eood thinjr that Christmas , comes but once a year." I rest ember when they were a lone M epart but they are closar now. Tfca days are not so lony es they cssd to be and I dem't belie-rs there cre ss many of them, but if Chrbt- cus brings happiness to the children &sd jrrandchildren, I'll stj-ain myself a little longer. 1 hey 'have worked me hard this veck. Mrs. Arp said that the little girls must hays a doll- house and that I could make it oat of a box. "Yes: just get a br box from a store J- put shdYes-aad pe titions in it. You can do it. Yon eed to be sohandy with th plane end the saw, and a doUhouse will will please the little grand children score than anything you can buy them." Yes,! I preceive, I understand. I've been all along There. In the first place, firstly you must find the right kind ot a box and you can't do it It wasn't in town. They wanted two rooms downstairs and a hall be tween, and two rooms upstairs and a hau between, and two rooms upstairs and staircase so that the dolls could get up and down and the rooms rawt be big enough lor-the little bed stead and bureau and other furniture and the house must have" windows and doors. "Oh, just a litde sun pie cunning, cosy sbrt of a house," said Mrs. Arp, "yoii can make it in a Wf a day." - . xTeil, I have wlorked on that konsc fog Says and nights and I recon it is about done unless they want some more changes. The only ' box I could find that was big enough was only a foot deep and. I had to knock the bottom out and piece it and make it sixteen inches; scfthat the little bedstead would go in;.,-A" man who ewer made a box ceeper is a poor je2 of trouble, but I did it and then Eaufl the bottom on agam cud took a rsd. I invited the lamily out to tdTms which was the top, for the box a four feet one way and three feet the other. After considerable discus sion they " declared that the house must be broader than it was high and so I went lin to put in the petitions.- As I had no plank of the right width; I had to piece and patch end shindig all over the premises. My jackplane had; as many gsps in it es an old saw, and so I had to grind It, taa. the grindstone had lost the handle and I had; to make another, Vat after great tribulation I got the petitions in and sdt her up again and invited the family out. lhey ad mired it much an$ praised me a dol lar's worth and then wanted to know if I had the staire ready- to put in the kail. ' Oh my ! country ! These women. trunk:, a mn- can ? conjure up stairs as easy ' as he can wash his Cttcer. A womeii can't see that the building of the j pyramids or the Erooklyn bridge was very much of a job, and so a msn- don't get much credit for planning a flight of stairs m a doll house. The stairs had to rise eighteen inches high in fifteen inches space, but I made them do it. It took two flights going and coming! with a platform between and I . built ' them of tin! and they are fine and the ' little dolls will run up and down all day, Is reckon. I found enough giltedge moulding to ruii round the front, and last night after the little chaps had -gone to bed, the big girls prepared v the little house and put carpets on the floor and now it looks like a daisy and is hid away waiting for Santa Claus to bring jt: down the chimney. The whole establishment has cost about half a dollar in money and ten- dollars in work;, but a thing of beauty is a joy forever if it lasts that long and so I am content. I dom't know what my ." interesting family is about I never knew Mrs. Arp to .' stay up stairs , a whole day beTore, unless somebody was sick. They won't allow me up there, nor the small chaps. There is a . good deal of slipping and sliding around. I was told? today, in a whisper that th material ancester had been wear- tj &t same- old cloak for six long years.- Gopd gracious. Well I took the runt of coune. r 1 always ao. She always looks so nice when she is dressed up for church or the mis sionary, society tket sbe is president of that I didn't know her wardrobe needed any replenishing, but still a cloak that! six years old must be a Iiitle'akt of 'asbionyand so I told the rirls tk&t their" mother must have, a cloak, and thaf money was no object wiia ra at a trhe her wants were considered tad they might spend ta.or a iosea dollars if they wanted to and raors if ntcessary to make things htrtnoskras about-'the house and havs every thiagcaJm"and serene. I used to krri&A saocey on ner when she was yecsg? aad Jpr proud, but ehe wxa t l7i 9 cow. She wants my sara-'VEfcasfaj spent on her children. About forty years ago 1 bought har fa'sot f furs in New York thst eoct "135, na she bas got them yet She . keeps things. She doea. I xriih that her children took after her. bit tkey doa'tThey take eiter sac. - - ; I mmd h&& meay dells, they hare drcessd ttpetsars : how many ct:shiS3fl nad book corers and caps and cepea tai toilet tkirgt they have fixed op. I voider what they are txpecting from me. I thought maybe I ejtnud bay them another pair ot taoes au rouna, lor it wm have to be dose before long anyhow. and m get then some scissors from Dony Baa. I have already re- eerred s7 prisseat . lady friend est as a WsmtsM case all -the way from th City cf Mexico and I am strstths crcvai. . I will get some thing eUs I reeboa scmetning to veer ca ssyjpkmd on the winter, nirhts. -' - v ' But there is goiag to be Christmas all about this time. The Sunday schoo tesilLrea 'are to have a Christ mas tree ia the church, and our peo ple are at work for them, too. for every 023 mast have a present. I like that: jit is txxi for every child to have Vieasant recollections of Christmas. Santa CLaus is a myth, I know, but what taan or women does not - have sweet memories of their! childish faith ia his driving over the housetops and bringing his treasures down the chimaey f - Wa had a little catastrophe in-the parlor todight that has disturbed our hilarity and excited some supersti tion. There is a black cat' up the chiraney aftsl it won't corae down: It te a i7Ucat aad had slipped in the diningroosn, aad'when ,we .tried to drive it out the frightened beast ran ia the parlor aad. up the chimney over a hot grate of burning coals. It is moaning up there now. We got the coal hods aad took all the fire out as quick as we could, but the . bricks were redhot an4 how the poor thing stays up there we cannot tell. Mrs. Arp declares she smells the fur burn ing and wait somebody to do some thing for the poor thing but we can't, and now coraee is all the superstitions about black cat and I reckon I will have to sit trp all night and watch.it. They are talking about Poe's Raven that perched upon the door and now the black eat stui 10 . moaning in the chimney fluo. It is worse than a screech owi, bat I can t help it. if tt has nine fives It doa't matter much if it does Icse ose. But my folks are superstitions about black cats and say that they hava always been sus pected e sang the - devil s spies in this 835101417 world. Shakespeare says they are kia to witches. Cat is an unaprpy Bene anyhow, for there is catoctropfcs to begin with and then eomes catacombs and catafalque and eatalepsy aset eatsmount and catpult aad cataract esd caterwaul and cata- wampus aad caterpillar and last of all thecsteck e3& It is the forerun er of a hard lot of names, but I reckon a black cat is no worse than any other. Witches' have passed away and so est ro have screech owls, so far as any brass is concerned, and I've never kaown a black cat to do any worts than a white one. I say this to keep ths children from being superstitious that's all. Bill Arp. a. TTr ft The Wtnli Sufficient. ;- One of the best-known sign adver tising men in the country said .to a Printer's Ink representative ; "I am always ready to admit that sign, poster aad fence advertising is only an auxiliary to newspaper adver tising. I: am. perfectly frank, you will admit, when I say that 'out door advertising' by itself is of very little value. As a support to news paper work it' excellent,- though. I am now in a position where I can afford to bi- honest with my cus tomers, and' I tell them so.' The. trouble is, yon can't use arguments or reason on a wall, and the mere as sertion that Dr. Jink's Lemon Bitters is the best is absolutely valueless irf the face of strong competition. - - "No, I will paint up signsfor a house from here to Hades, butTdo it with much more satifaction -tl I know that good newspaper w ork is helping me -1 know then that there , will be no complaints about my -service being poor, or unremunerative." ' ' - ... k . . Briggs Did you know Deadsjow. had failed ? ' ,,. Griggs No. Second time, isn't it ? Brigys I didn't know that. When did he fail the first time? K Griggs Whenh'e failed to advert tise. -" - . - . , OneRoact"to Fame. "Bezooks is bound to be famous before long. I expect to eee his picture in the papers "Why, I didn't know ! he was specially talented." - "He isn't, but he's a regular fiend for tekisepatsst saediciaes." ; s BUrrU 8fcpgtrl. . ' ; A newspspr, "whose nerves are bo highly strung tisat the least vibration along the news centers creates a sensa tion, ia,,greatly shocked over 9. recent marriage. Peter Gilsey, Jr., "a c-cion of the rich Qilsey f amily," has married a shopgirl, and journalistic dudedom it agog. Th eews ia crried, under scar headliner bat4 bigh social circles up town," and great is the. consternation. 4 Some are axnaaed, some astounded, and Jl ara"thoro3tly horrified in every respect It is iadeed a terrible shock to society and the journalistic dudes. ' Wherefore ell thus fuss and feathers? Who is Peter Gilsey, Jr., that hearts should stand still and faces blanch wha. the. announcement is nwde that he L married a ehpciri? Be is "a scion of the rich Uilaey fntilj-but that dc- not prove ta4 or .Is any aaesalllar-' , in his narzix -witi Caroline Dveyer, a young girt wbe kas worked for a living. The bride has been employed in a candy J store, and also, sold goods in the retail department of a dry zoods store, bhois described es aa attractive, intelligent and respectable young woman This Wins- tbe ease, she ia tha panel ; young parents ars very rsek and hers very poor, There is ne sewy .qualification in this com try wkiek rtea fee bridegroom any edvante ores) fike Wide because he kappena to be sstswuid of large wealth f aad she hse stssyly Intelligence, respect- j ability and good looks. Indeed the fact that Mr. Gilsey has 1 Knted his fortune with thia'ehopgirl' ' indicates that he Is not wholly lacking in intelligence himself , albeit ; he is the scion of a wealthy family. She will no doubt make him a helpful, loving wife, and we sincerely treat that he maybe worthy of tbe frlee he-has won. "Bless yon, my childreaw" 2tew York Adver- Vlho He Clalsaed to Be. He was "tolerably well' dressed and had an air of respectability about him. Hia clothes were well brushed, and. the' "invisible patches" on his shoes cere cleverly disfrnifted by a thick- coating- cf . blackiiig, -1 hadpoticed hinu standing in front of the chMr hi which I sat, and, as, the roan frosa Genoa industriously rubbed his atrip of caaton flannel athwart my choicest brcaloa until it felt as though it were being caalerixed with a redhot iron, I fell to reflecting upon th future state of man, aad somehow my eyes en- t countered the animal. Ho smiled be- " nignautly,' but ; I attributed hi3 good j nature to an' accident whieh had just . taken place in the etreet-rsmall boy had j la leg crushed unfailing source -.of" i amusement for the animal but later i the abiding nature of his smile led rae 1 to think that perhaps he had been tak- j ing something warm and cosy. , , I He waited for za to quit the chair a ! circumstance which inspired the Italian 1 with the false heps that the animal j wanted a shine. Such was net the case. He wanted to flpeaktp meinprir:-.t9,:f-?: he took use to one side for that purpcdi. When he was quite sure that we were ilone, he imparted to rae the . startling intelligence not that he was Jay Gould or the author of the last successful play, or that he was ne real murderer of the Borden family no, he told me-i-and he wanted the matter kept strictly quiet, aa he was : traveling incog., and it was only because something about me had inspired his confidence and hence he let me into the secret that he was God. Solemn fact The animal was crazy of course, but he looked as sane as most of ns which is probably accounted for by t?ie fact that most of cs are as crazy as he is, if the truth must be told. Now York Recorder. - Murder fa Waechetts.' . "It ia surpriein, said a guest from Ohio at the LiadeQ, "what remarkable ourders hare happened In Massachu- L setts j not counting the witch executions,, tha most pathetic of alL'j But Hiose dark Salem murders, due to superstition, oc curred in other parts of the world, and I leave thein. out. The most dramatic ! mvu-der sensation this country ever had was that in which John White Webster, the Harvard professor, the chemist and -author, was the criminal and his cred itor, Dr.. George Farkman, the victim. ' It occurred ia Kovtmber, 1849, at Web- ' star's laboratory, aad he was hanged in August of the following year. After committing the murder in his. lonely room W.ebster proceeded so dismember the body and to burn the fragments as fast a3 he could. But, though ho was a chemist and .anatomist and had a labo ratory where he was safe from intrusion, the job was too much for him. ' "Parkman- was traced to Webster's room, and part of the body were found, though not in shape to be identified. The teeth, raked from the ashes, were identified by the dentist who had filled them, and of more than 100 -witnesses examined, Including Dr. ,0. W. Holmes, ho was questioned as an expert on an atomical proportion, the dentist was far the most important. ; .Then there was Jessp POmeroy, the Boston 4boy with the whito eye,' who tortured and murdered children maller thanhimself with- a fiendiah enjoyment of his cruelty that went beyond what is usnaily conceived of the devil's own. viUainy."-r:St Louis Globe-Democrat - ', A II oca for Cta end Iogs. ; - If a certain prosperous business man in this city carries out his avowed inten tions there will soon be a jlrell eqtiippcil I Lome fo forsaken and indigent.cats and j dogs in this vicinity, with a guaranteed ' annual.income and a provisional endow- ; nient of $50,000. The gentleman in que3- tion has acquired a comfortable, fortuno i by close attention to business, arid, hav- ing no family of Us own he proposes 10 adopt that portion of the, cat and dog family which nobody else will own. He has a mania- for picking np sick or dis abled animals in the streets and carry ing them to his home. Sometimes he will hd.ve a dozen-animals under treat ment, and it.beconies necessary to em ploy an attendant ' "I believe," says he. "that tnese poor creatures have feelings j the same as human beings, and their ' sufferings when east into the streets j sick and hunarr onirht to anneal to every heart I have now more money Hi an I nefid for mr nwn wants, and I to the amelioration of the condition of a flnRS nf nnfnrtnnatft whrnn fivfirvhodv lue seems disposed to neglect" New York Times. K - . 1. -. xT...rii it- telegram irom iorioiK, va-t says the snow was twenty inches deep in that citYt and that all trains were late, and business of all transportation lines was much impeped DRAMATW TRAft-iiiia &remMt tcmtsks us&emm wl fee s4 U ti wo T saa ass et Scsl It U sAateia mutton U ey Use TsSsxa Was at eaacdt m - sb tma rii sok, eeeSau faS fM iHitili'i 1 m fea ; uemBsitwMeat!f9 ye. 11 ks ftot eyyeayeam er. ti c&a. is a cescsss ef fo-rt iaaa, wke wee tk o vC a ieatesk end rUc4 bb ferifcar's praifueian fw a skevt Ume, secsne to hxri spa ftaeJy eefse tat ertey erye la kia h eaf e&Jsiy, to tli very firate seek. Freea frot k wen Aetaoassshod e sena &e bmm4 fcftWbd iii'i,iinna wi wee Cettnei ky S5e lamln e Us aftd ta fee vjti pee eJ 7 tvx tsH H 553- fs, kt TeSSfewt "CrtM,-fcia fee aA.etaeacteaet' tSe ipsel.ttflns aatl riije ti sseebsj aSHdsrt et es eaacaeaies bt-bi fee meats Yf asseacssg sa a rrkitn teatv l4ecae2f re4, ed ff a-a eskrti4ese4 eseS aed ; eeBSlsae- ona, a Mrs4etet eceiwisi eattd a if 1 . erere Sa 9caciela ceaa- eenrea ky fee tsveeettteau tT&x Oeet- tat acsetes.es s sawA Sita a oit, Wl ftaSS&A m aiaiSMtwe ky ayi9acl;aW nswl e fifjr U TssssSs trxdf ea&4 hm wbc3mb- ha4 ssct.ea ae4 see ef bed and aMfcaesZ taeal fjt 6ti away teyzi hs shecataes. lsjbaa,Ww erer, ia lb3 wjft4 wee ciy desaf wkst Darid Ccrrtj bd ee wtA tetanae. ant neeees feafc yeaae as use. Weld 6wiai er neejfl Tassae kwrs lsestcne wrt fee let ecter Ssx seedvtaf bs sons fa deetaeaa&ea t aw sjoaewel BKtaraa eesee9 rir2ns9e7WaS9e4sasVe csee vi Cbo rnecs Elisa rc'S-J-cte wee bos s ftwitetr- land h lCt, ess! wie, ' Sen- yeeae kstae, v. m carats; ker MveUkeed wife ker aa tf-rSpkUkyshrlselcadataffMserests of Lytm. 32r. C&eree, ttm eJrsaer"rf a erei8X7 mt nfcasaieei ancie, efeasteed to hear ike eaaafl eerwee cSstyer. E brot ecr se Bars eat - eseana train her eo- a veeao bw g&st broVe ewer ftrem aetaas, weasS a fbt stege eseflag'ed Jt aerie ef swteaiaS kirds ef tsaer Cxaesss. A wea set until e k4 Vn9i i gwajttsst ertM that eke wee aisittee to ke toire. ni west firecjk a eewee ef 4se- ?lue bre srwjkj aaa tnan heaa aai playea a ksmII tkeoien snsfl, to ker eif hteeaA' year, e4 t&e roooaoaesatioa of bar elt aaaeetr, sk appeared aS t&e Coaeto P29si em Oaoallle to "La Rot&m te sseke to a ewsctotaar'aeeet cpaoe ef ttste .ks ' tea lufua aed f tee Ctoisvee ef vrtsi sk mi tates so faniy yss fee fieiy. Tfeeid SeeSiel .have keea a taer "csdiaee" bad she orders Bfetereeeef araiaiarr to eela- tio aa fti4iaaaa' as a- jrloixef Lemtea TelecrasjA. A ntw stthk fa a ft tajtiiMJta kopitiff, tie hsTntic ef a 8wda e-ji nsor, TTerGs9m by fcaaete, wfc hrt been etyevtsaecteaf fcr eeTival ye are fer the pixrpeee ef CaBfyto tite fittama ture ef sastokea. Tke i& to kfe exack st-jne-witt Msaduaea eae ef th MSed tip laivs ineerare ec 1 ttr raeaeed to ir-cr-l eercr aad wfk euy e end fro j'cwri. ntreie a xaetol ecrer to wkick h placed a reQ cf tnUU pefxsr, to tcreptd at rejaler totomia m that f n-is',1 poiata ars fermel. On &ee & if-i:.'i3ig skte)e is 'placed. ' j An eat ef & fa&sr gregss fpeea e4 cf the castes, emi o F&2inj il Ek on t tie RtMM la toasted cautoes aa smaJl jteto, aaad eew toi a wmck kcaen atxrOy aaad eveB&r. STae metal erur esat ef ssa'i watH to accordeatfe wfSa tke diffortat seatre- raente of ra ne, aaf wmci . -Ste roll is ftaisfeed a new ee&e ki kwted. B is clainud far Cast sww ktoi ef safttoh that it staMss fee weawrfsetate to very oQsi62aH jre, imutj and rlsr toys kaartjr akto to 1 .CQ0 nyn dustevfea. Mlarac rtacsi, P., aeaaas to-gpf with a faessbm&T. 55 kaad U te child, if ee& e ke e&slt metaVct a rhinoeeraa, sod ti ef eet m&zTtmA almoet treaye-ea. By oiese enerva tion the ei eea be feaased, Sbe letM touch win .. across See efeM to cjaa rts mouth aad aea&e'a aeazs sSe am ear4 animal. A Maxsaier aeark ef klae color exaeaga-eiKitoacy mte tot btd. - , The eeae Is mskH few uor. K. M; &S3 sad Tf Minsrtl festes. . ass tose about fierce ejaesaes ef aek fadty.' Tka child jl(gi h a lanafty naaasf re-eidina- 4r S5e Qsoek, to ftea eetety. Its left eye i Uaek, wka Cto xkt eye is a dee? ehie. lb Kaar ireai ska tteee b?ck to;$Se rlM aide k Mt 'toc' m, hile fee ?zjtii it Mam amd kiaeS. The lest kad end feed seseaakto fib claws ef , era satowd. II aaadtoa sest barks Ek a dag. mer. i ii mt let -Tbe Boston (iUto yetoa wa prtSe cs the sisapBeJty ef eMaies ef Oeerse Willlera Oti ad Jelaa CawaaJisf Whirtier, ad ii tot-eiyka agotose toe custom ef karrhe; 1si ntoa wt& pen? aiid paatt Tee effear oS is raly a gr?t sua wke eem kfaed to k Wtod quiotly. Eickes aiea " eaaa. eeleWato riches; eeaewtoteke asad raaek ascr is required wkaa II eeawa to ti;e great to &ear toeSiaataai-cTaiem, S J pjcn file, Jfc areas 4e vfcre sek3r Cee see-" rrTt of ftelmd sto kali. tue custom vn& eesafel the noeS ef Profeeter J. H. LesSa, tbe acfeisto aad trainer, sail to a nwertori Tkitk ler a tiomeat - Tkere .tsp Are taxreeas' to .erery eiij'aautaj a, ffbeSi eae cf yAiJk M there It tae aescsee tm efl si teVev j co; eaL fee el la.sV kssaartol Jifiiyua, i COviV" I WIliC. Ja ' rftPer i l-aVOT; vfctto a! add tae sal In tie pern Sa ' ikf j finally te tob&ce to aire ik 6 las&ai whiek it sawiese eras' tke taarta, Oat ypa 1 m mm .a 9 n mm. - M ess im eeeaaea awn ex m , yjvmersaesiisifCSadtrfSk dsaar eart tsaastitJ2&a s A&GZS&SSZ FMCts, Cae- aasssNmef It is the expressed intention of the Republican Senators Senator Chand ler being their spokesman "to assert the right of the people of the respec tive States to elect their Senators according to the ei pressed will Of the people." Precisely 20 And the beat way for a Senator from New Hampshire to assert that right is for him to let the people and the Legisla tures of Montana and Nebraska severcly'alone. FbiL Ledger, Ind. Tta-nlljroI of Nerlb Carolina. A statement of . the work of the Railroad Commisaioa of North Caro lina set forth the fact that, while the Coaimissioners' have beea in- office but two rears, tae reduction m caseenrer rates have amounted to $300,000 per annum, and in freight rates to $2 50,000 per annum, while the telegraphic rates : have been; re duced nearly 50 per cent. It is further showtt that the assessments of the transportation corporations have in creasodfrom $13,321,700 in 1890, to ,30,141,760 i 1 89 3, and that the total increese ia taxes "on-the same, radat the management of the Com missi on, reached78,200. It is also ted that! before the Commission J established rPnllman cars had j been assessed for taxation, but are now Uxed on a valuation of ,000, and steamboats, heretofore aot taxed, are now taxed on a valua- $oa of $2So,ooo. Norfork Virginian. X StyUfli Corps. 'Ska tras the most stylish corpse' ire heard a woman, remark the other day in speaking of a leader of fashion lately deceased, and -prompted by curiosity we inquired what went to make up a "stylish corpse." "Oh," replied the gusher, with no hesitation, "she wore a black velvet! fown with point lace trimmings, had r eyebrows penciled and cheeks aad lips rougtd, besides having her hah done m the most delightful fashion possible. Positively to be such a beautiful corpse was worth dying for." ' To our prosaic mind the solmnity of death seemed to have been robbid of all its' erandeur apd force by the artificial traDtincs and adornment of the complexion specialist, yet in this aye of-- feds the time is not far off when just such caprices may be ex pected, for if fashion sets the pace; there will be, besides other modish follies, fads in funerals that will pro bably be even more ridiculous than the others. Philadelphia Times. YTt.a lw Ter' ly. It seems to me that in the present state of the world, and' in the present state of life, it must be'a matter of utter thoughtlessness on the part of persons that would oner, on such a day as New Year's .to the young, the means of intoxication, knowing as they do, that there will be many coming to their houses who are not able to resist temptation . knowing that many who, coming to their houses, and to scores of other places, and bieng tempted to drink, will turn that day into a disgrace to themselves aad to theu fnends; knowing tne unutteraUernischicfsthat spring from intemperance; knowing what torments and evil experiences are going on about them. I qannOt conceive how any should spread ; upon their table the means of destruction for the young. - I would not, f for ihCprice of my life, turn out in my parlor a wfce box of adders j, saying: "If mea w31 keep their eyes open, and be moderately careful where lhey step, they win not be bitten!" And yet I could as easily justify myself for doing, that as for 'putting wine on my table, and offering it to the youngv "At last it biteth like a serpent," is written of strong drink ; but that is not the.,. Thole of the truth : it does tot always, wait to the last. It often bites at first, and all the ray through to tin end. Henry Ward Beecher. Se lJtrctS1a;7e O rested Stone in the ... ererld t be Etilbltd Chicago. - The largest single dressed stone in the world, so far as known, will stand in Jackson vpark during the Chicago expositionj if. no accident occurs in transit, for it is already taken entire from the quarry. It is of brownstonte from, the immense Bay field ledgeon the Wisconsin shore of Lake Superior, and its production is the result ot a discussion as to the comoaratrve merits of ancient and modern builders. . , r Mr. Fredrick Prentice, of Ashland, Wis., declared that he could surpass the largest single stone wrought by the Eevotians, and would furnish the proof from his quarry as a gift to' the State if the latter would transport it to Chicago. On the ist of last ' August forty, men were set to work and five steam channelers to running, and the huge monolith has now been lifted from its place and the finishers put to work. The shaft, when dressed, will be 115 feet long, lb feet square at the base- and 4 leet at the top, with an apex 5 feet long and tapering to a point . It will stand upon a founda tion of granite 10 ieetTiigh and 1 2 feet square. ; . The famous Egyptian obelisk is 105 feet 7 inches long: and 9 feet square at the base. The notion that th ancients could quarry and trans port larger stones than the moderns was long ago disproved." The popular vote for President is as follows -.- Cleveland, 6,576,990; Harrison 6,176,611 ; .Weaver, 1,025, 960, and Bidwell, 258,347, Cleve lasd't plurality, 39,370. . assei was never theV $120 Just Opening Elegant Line Shoe Samples ! AT Below NewYorkCpot! Infant and Children Shoca lower than ever. Keystone hand- ' - made children shoes, Zicglcr Brothers ladies' fine shoes aB at reduced-prices. - . - ; -Burt and Rockland t home-csSfc - shoes at cost at Young Brother Our immense stock of - Over- . coats is being reduced . & and II y Oil Want a finC at half price, now is your chance not many left, ' ; - : - . Ladies Qoaka arc' ttfll sold regardless, of cost. MLadid Dresses ready-made at $tS0 to $2.50. - Hardly enough to py for the work of making thca C i Young Brothers. Do you want a nice Lady's Hat for fifty cents? Yoir vrill be astonished to see how nicely it is trimmed at Young Brothers. Qur immens stock of youn mesa , knittedhirts is being rapidly its duced arid if you have not bought one, you had better buy ftOTT, acJ if you have got to buy your boy a suit, save your m oncy by buy ing at Bed Room supplies at Young's. A MONTE CARLO 8TOfm 3, An Actor Relates His Eryrl o tm She Woild kenowned Gtakliic , "There iks heea a story foio; tk rounds in the east tht J thiak yoa torre not' heard," said one of the asters to a local theater last evening, aa ke to his pocket a letter beartof m York postmark. " "You will remember taw Oid Williain Hoeyhaskee tion of his vacation la Sexewa, asad W lately returned, so my New Yedc ftisjad writes, with $23,000 of Koato Ceata gold, besides his other toaveadr ef &e Old World. The other eresaaef Keep told the story of his good fetrtoae e Monte Carlo to a party of frieada, mmmmef them my correspondent TUs k tie way he tells it," and the to read from the letter ke ceived as follows: j "Weleft London, fire ef There was Billy Mann, Jiaasay Charley Evans and Max St el men, "We went direct to Paris, sf?l around I for a week, Mad sufcjpsted that) we go to Koato Charley went broke almost rtrki "We were playing roulette. I playing a louis at a time. I tost change, u had been playing tke but the hi 11 somehow didn't drey to 6e three pocket, j j a "The re st got broke aad arfed see fee go along ' dh them. I fished eewi sa my clothefe aad found a said atoee. I forget the-name of it, bat it's toesiji about ten dollars. ; - . . ; "I 'laid - it on the three spot -em -See tabled and I'm blessed if ah didsH up. That paid S5 fcr 1, and waxy mustached fellow shoved over, say, djjaO in gold and notes. " ' Toudsssen't leave it on three ssid Evans. 4I dast' I Eaidand I did. ; "It came up again, aad teat's &eTs truth. You can aek any of Uteaa. Oasf made $12,250. "I was for quitting, and we g et eerk .The next niht I gave $10,69t to laaac Bieimaa and ordered Lira &4 to fire me a cent till we got to Pans. I seek the balance and went back - - - "I put the whole tkisiness, fitSS, aa the red. Up she oame. I fo evem money", and thamade $4,600. . , " . "It was too easy, and I escaped. Xfet? all congratulated me. "I gave Max (4,000, and fiee afternoon (I couldn't wait maid took the 500 and started aerato. was 4 big Kusrian in my eeaa, tost W was. 40 struck on seeing eae. feay fad previous night that he got .my asvt jav tisted on lay taking his seat ' "I knew, ho would'play as I didTWt that was all right. Sure enough, I yiol the $300 on the red and he leased ever me and put 50 on the aame. I wem aaaa left it; he did the same. I worn afaia, . "Then I put $100 betweam the tva seros. I won again. ; Taas garee mm $1,700, or ssventeen'lfor One. , "The old Russian wan about and wanted to kiss me. " : "My whiskers interfered aad I iected. I made, two or three other on tha three, and altogether I up $23,000. "m telling the truth, and yea prove it by Brown Brother, wlw I deposited $20,000 in London. ' "Lots of people -eaake UxdEs winnings, but mine can be settled tfa 8 suits me,"Chiajre TjStlU AND every day OvCtCOat BROTHERS; . - ' , . rreveat tfca Or cay etker eitrailar eyifeeatcr dm blood sad tke waele eyeoeet ekeedtf be kept im kdahhy ceeditiea. It fee fetf worm eet er have taet "tired faass0 in tke meraisc, dee't be jiilty cf lect: Give Isnaeedlate " eteeasiee yourself.' Take Heed's Sereepetde to rire streBfta. aerify tee cieed ' pravest disease. kTioe Mis. Wicaiow's Soctklc) Cfc shotsld always b ertd fr cfis3sO teething.' It soothe the h&2, et ' tens the gams, alleys el peaa, om wind colic, and is tke best itaedfte dianhee. Twenty -fie eeato I was a eenerer trera rotcrrk tor tes-e veer, ekk dictreeeteff : eeto say eye I eeed Xly'e Crec tmZA with tretlMejr reeette. 4si eyjertsfr ly cur4.-T.. tiitaK B.mHtd, Umbrellas at Cct et Yeto'c. Sample shoe at e?at Tcwj'fc It will pay you t in Notiocs. Yotatj'a, I suffered frees e ee-rere eedd fel ss-y head for saoatbe aad ceeldcet tee) t4 lief. I was advised te so DyVCrasa, Balm. It see werked like ssegto to feto cure. I atn free, frees e eel asinrtke Bales eee week, ted t lieveit istk beet reaeaff ksewm. Samael J aWfta, wkelesnerrcaer tt froat eireet stew Teck Kcvrr Thoasands et sad aad have been taade bapey by eeeef "( Bods," which kara preveex ekeeiees care for itke feljowiiyc oieeeeee eed Ifce distresses; synapteas: Ulaeraeiee), reetoa sad fetlfsg: ef tke teas, f9ee ian tnmore, drepey ef th wets, eatf pressed saeastreettea, reeeer et cfesttf birth, er any eeer)lsiat ertiaeeseid la diseases ef tae, reyfedsjctiee , evpe ; whether from eoatarioa dieeeees aert ditary, tight lacisf , verwerk, eeeee or miscarriage. Oae lady , wee e that after sen erieg fee tee reeve -tftth t leucorrhea or wait: that ee eeBe tionentirely cared ker, ed tortfeee ; more, she sailers fee esere dertoa Oe j menstraal period. It i a weweeetst ; regulator. "Jter teds" are a sitt?te t and harmleee preperati, Wt r4mm- ful ia effect. Tke esiet eee ? : herself, fie deeter' eaasaiaetiee sxa cessary, te wake efl tsedeet fO3, especially yraa eeeaerrled lediee e ridusly object. Frea the tret eeyBee tionyoe will fsel Hke a ft : weasefl. Price r co by mail, yeet-yeld Tm Lkvbkstts Srsciric ca, -m t7ee ton Street BosUa Mae ' Sample shoes at eoct. TaSfrj. Our Coats very ehee? at Teventj ChOdrea'e Laehea, aed Ceart's eit- iags at cost at Yomaf't "-'S", " Paat eood at jyt rra faSes Ct Yoang's. ' Ily's Creaaa Balsa i wetth sal J2jk In reld a a cere fr astarrk I t ..nf R n a varaaeie namrut ' Orne battle eared sae. A. vaiearji I VrkHa. Fa. 1 T " - A -1.

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