The Wilson Advance. JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING. Create many a new business, Knlargea many an old business, . Kevive many a dull business. Kescues many a lost business. Saves many a fallinir business. Preserves many a lar;?e business. Secures success in any business. Re- Keeping at it Constantly Brings Success To Advertise - Judiciously SOW CI 01! J!. l O i in ot Z: If: ; a, ! - issss Soiu92Sg S85 80Ui x.-:o 1 I SSslS SOUI J rcs i GUI I 1 e-:ce : . Tuesday evening from four to six H'8 TI,S ! . , ri .. i) vt .,r,i We offer One Hundred. Dollars i , w vcy udiK -v.- ward for any 0ase of Catarrh that can. count of the heavy clouds that hung not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, over the town. On such occasions F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props , To- ve think it would be well to hvethe ledo, O. We the undersigned have electric lights running. It would be Y. Ojenejy. for last a great accommodation to the store- atie jn an business transaction and fin- keepers who use this means of light- ancially able to carry out any obligation . ing their stores. made by thtir firm . - West & 1 ruax, Wholesale Druggists,, The closing game of ball for the Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan &Mar- VViison ball team was one of the best vin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo O. v , , -. nan s aiarrn vure is uikch imcr games ever piayea in iniscuy. ii.c.c nal,y :Actiair directly were fewer errors made and better and mucous surfaces all-round playing. The fielding of Price 75 cent, per bottle. Sold by all the Favetteville team was suoerb. Druggists. Testimonials free.. - Two fine games of bafi were played j in Rocky Mount last week between that town and a team from Fayette-; ville, which resulted in a victory fori each. We understand that the Rocky Mount team will play two games m Favetteville shortly. J Use The Columns of . This Paper. .Never have we seen a held so com pletely covered, so-much so in fact that several people wi re heard to ask wny they had a double set of fielders on the ground. . Wilson, nowt ver, was in a s ivage mood, and did not allow tht; visitors even so much as a tt iniKHaiy lodgement 011 second base, the entire game being played without one leaching that point. The SCou; was l ayettcAille 00 000000 o O Wilson 00 10 200 0 0 3 1 Jittery -Wilson : Lanier, Luck ; Favt Utville : I ones. Stafioid. Urn- j ----- - j pire, Nicaragua's ' Ilegime. Washington. Tulv 17. Secre Two very exciting games were, played in Fayetteville Monday and Tuesdays evenings between Fayette ville and Florence teams. The game upon tne uiooci 01 munuaj u.u ... - j of the system, -i in favor 01 rayettevine, auer eleven innings had been played. Tuesday's game was also a victory for Fayette ville, by a score of 3 to 2. Manager Bums has a team to be proud of. Tailoring Department. .1. Tnnsientad-ertisements to be pub lished one month ami under, must be tUl or in advance. All adver -al 1 ..r time than three months is consideied transient adverl.sim . iiinrtf-rlv tor JSSs published -for a longer neriod of time. , ' Local advertisements to appear be- n or alter reading maoci o, Ac-ad- twee per line. . UOituary uu."" s resolutions . l.e charc-ed for pen, viv.. ...... ----- rate ot one cent a wuiu , of re at the and the cash manuscript. In cases where friends and patrons- o tne paper are concerned, "o.'" made for the first ten lmes-about 75 words-or articles not exceeding that in length. Rules as Adopted by the North Carolina Press Association. The sum of not' less than five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect and obituary poetry ; also for obituary no tices other than those which the 'editor himself shall give as a matter oi news Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which reve nue is to be derived w ill be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. tary Gresham has received a cable message from Minister Baker, dated Managua, July 16th, as follows : "The Nicaraguan President and the Minister of Foreign AlTairs are still in prison at Leon. A meeting of the Cabinet has proclaimed Zavalla Dictator. A large majority of Nica- raguans support the government." A .Million Fin nd". A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in- Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Coughs and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lunfs. Each bottle is "iiaranteed Mex. Greene and family have to do all that is claimed or money t will be refunded. Trial bottles free .... liriggs left for More- Vtiur Nhiiii- lit I'ritit Miss Annie Harris heart Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M Carter have returned irom Morehead. " ' Mr jetuiiicd from Fnnacta Springs Mr. E N. Mercer left for Wash ington City last Monday night. Mr. W. J. Davis is spending a few days at Ocracoke, that best of all fish ing pt lints. Miss Lizzie Anderson is spending a tew days ai ine vuaiuic noici, Morehead. - Mr. Clarence bedbery, ot Pay at A. J- Hines Drug Store, bottles 50c. and $1 to. Large Afirr ISieakfast. . To purify, vitalize and enrich the blood, and give nerve, bodily and digestive strength, take Hood's Sar saparilla. Continue the medicine after every meal for a month or two and you will feel "like a new man, etteville, made us a pleasant visit last me mem 01 x.oou a -- cures. Why don't you try it. LOCAL. Oh! so hot!! Sewer the jail. Excursion season. "Srapr hnvs" hurrv back home. Your sweet-hearts miss you much. Mrs. B. 1L Tyson and her three nf Raleigh, are .'visiting: in v- - ' j Wilson. 1 Bicycle riders, read the new town ordinances and observe them closely if you wish to save money It is hot enough here but we have the consolation, that other places are even hotter, so don't complain. Mr. J. If. Marshbourne, one of our efficient policemen, was run over by a hoise at the stand pipe yesterday. In another column Mr. Silas Lucas calls attention to the fact that in the future he will do a cash business. Read his notice and follow his in structions. - Found A new key on Tarboro street, with this lettering cut with stencil on it: " R. E. Mf'g Co., U. S. A 6" The owner can have same by calling at this office. The third annual August meeting, will be held at Raleigh August 23rd and 24th. The association has been at work on the race track and repot t it in fine condition. There will be four races each day with purse of $100 on each. One day last week our citizens were thrown in a state of jubilant ex citement by the report that a gold vein had been struck by tlie water works men, while digging the canal near "Broadwater." Read the advertisement in another column of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ward They will continue to run the board ing house recently conducted by Mrs. M. F. Turnage. Board by. the day, week, or month at reasonable ' ' rates. - The stand pipe is growing rapidly. It can be seen over the tops of the trees as one approaches the town from the South and when the re maining forty feet shall have been added it will be in easy view from nearly any point within the town limits. Notwithstanding the fact that the extreme heot and oppressive weather has kept the standpipe force lrom day work, they have put in some big licks at night and the tower now reaches the height of 70 feet. When complete it will be 1 10 feet high from the base. Can't something be done to rid our streets of those two very objectiona ble persons, Blount To'mlin and ""Crazy George." They may be perfectly harmless, but they are often dressed in a m?nner scarcely in keeping with ideas of genteel, society. We call the attention of the Elec tric Light Company to the fact that the lamp on the corner of Nash and Tarboro streets was not burning on Monday and Tuesday nights. See to 11 ; this is one of the most frequented Points in town. . Kemove the jail or sewer it -"-leu arising lrom it nuisance, and as such 'abated. The health of wireatened by this foul, pestilence creeding nuisance. We hope and relieve jf the matter is brought to the attention of our county commissioners hey will remedy the evil. , Mrs. G. P. Bryant will please ac "fcpt our thanks for a plate of sliced ntebupe-the first of the season. We appreciate such little acts of ltlnHr.,.. ., - ucss mey CldnnBni .. .1 t I- , -"'ug uie nearts ot ye the brintprc (u ,i Monday. Mrs. M. A. Adams and Miss S. J. Ellis are spending a few days at the U. S Capito1. Miss Cornelia Moore, of Whita- kefls, is visiting Mr. Ed Farmer just outside the ton limits. Mr. A. P. Branch and Mr. Howell Whitehead have ioined Wilson's j colony at the Atlarttic Hotel, More head. Mrs. Mamie Tomlinson and her interesting1- children. Grace and Allan Gray, are visiting friends in Dur ham. j Mrs. S. T. Hooker, and her son Rmee. and Mrs. 5. A. Peebles, all ofj Greenville, are visiting Mrs. . Q Lanier. T. D. Smith, a former typo on the Advance, has secured a position in the Government printing office. Sue- cess attend you, Captain. Mr. Haines, of Winston, was in town last week, looking over the town. We hope he was pleased and will give a good account of us to his home people. Mr. Robert Whitehead, who has been spending a few days at home, left Monday for a short trip North1, after which he will return to his uncle's in Pitt county. The Rev. B. S. Bronson and sor, WARINGS PERL BuGapt. Charles R. Kino. Anthor of "Dnnrarrn Ranch," "An Armj Portia, "A Soldier' Secret," Etc Copyright, lffiB. bj 3. B. l.lpplncott & Co and pok llsuea by DDeciui arrunyemeDi-l (Continued from third page.) 'I have come on a trying errand," he began, when she held up a slender, jeweled hand. "Pardon. Permettez Mme. Las celles," she called, and before Cram could find words to interpose, a servant was speeding to summon the very woman he had hoped not to have to see. "Oh, madam," he murmured low, hurriedly, '"I deplore my ignorance. I cannot speak French. Try to under stand me. Mr. Lascelles is home, dan gerously stricken. I fear the worst You must tell her." "'Ome! La las? C est impossible." "It is trae," he burst in, for the swish of silken skirt was heard down the long- passage.' "II est mort mort," he whispered, mustering up what lit tle French he knew and then cursing1 himself for an imbecile. "Mort! O eiel!" The words came with a shriek of anguish from the lips of the elder woman and were echoed by a scream from beyond. In an in stant, wikl-oyed, horror-stricken, Emi lie Laseellos had sprung up to her tot- formerly in charge of the .Episcopal j tcring mother s side. church here was visiting menus in Wilson this week. Mr. Bronson is now living at Warrenton, where he conducts a school lor boys and young men. 1 Mr. Jim Bob Darden, a clever, gentlemanly typo who has been "sticking" type on The Advance for quite a while, has accepted a po sition iri the composing rooms of the Norfolk Virginian. He left for his new home yesterday. "Shorty' is a good printer and will make friends w herever he may go. What mean you? she Iti-1. , Mr. W. R. Bryant, one of Green county's' most respected citizens, died at his residence on Sunday last, and was buried at the old family burying ground on Monday. Mr. John E. Moore, of Wilson county, died on Monday last, at his residence, near Town Creek meeting house, and was buried at Cedar Grove, Elm City, Tuesday evening, In the town of Wilson, on Sunday night, Julv 15UV Miss Mary luia William?, in the 22nd year of her age. Her remains were intered in Maplewood Cemetary Monday after noon. The funeral was preached by the Rev. Mr. McGeachey. The sympathy of the community go out to her bereaved parents. 'When? gasped. "Mme. Lascelles," he sadly spoke, "I had hoped to spare you this, but it is too late now. Mr. Lascelles was found lying on the sofa in his library this morning, lie had died hours before, during the night." And then he had to spring and catch the fainting woman in his arms. She was still moaning and only semi-conscious when the old family doctor and her brother, Pierre d JIervilly, arrived. Half an hour later ("ram astonished the aids-de-camp and other bored staff oflicials ly appearing at the gen eral loafing room at headquarters. To the chorus of inquiry as to what brought him up in such a storm he made brief reply, and .then asked im mediately to speak with the adjutant general and Lieut. Reynolds, and, to the disgust and mystification of all the others, he disappeared with these into an adjoining rooni. There he briefly told the former of the murder, and then asked for a word with the junior. Reynolds was a character. Tall, handsome and distinguished, he. had served throughout the war as a volun teer, doing no end of good work, and getting many a word of praise, but, as all his service was as a staff officer, it was his general who reaped the reward of his labors. lie had risen, of course, to the rank of major in the staff in the volunteers, and everybody had prophesied that he would be appointed a major in the adjutant or inspector general's department in the permanent establishment. IJut there were not The is a public I A Mitel Io: None too soon have our city fathers decided that a tax shall be levied on all dogs and that those dogs who are without a badge shall be taken off and shot. This law will have a tendency to clear our streets of many dangerous stray dogs and thereby lessen the danger from mad canines. Monday morning one of our police had occasion to kill a m; d dog over the railroad. Mreltal City. We had the pleasure of spending a few days last week, at Morehead We found the boys much pleased with their quarters. They generally expressed themselves as prefering the present camp grounds to the one at Wrightsville. The band from Charlotte is one of the finest we ever m T t "I sbnnld bet heard. Uur vvuson men areas usual, . 1 . .11 . nil- . . V rv 1 VkS-itl . r '- . t rvaisl OUT Citizens It-aumg iu uium, uum 111 iiwp oiju among the ladies, at the Atlantic Hotel, where they have an ample field lor operations in the "peaceful art of love making." Never has the Atlantic had a more attractive crowd under its ample roof. Among other distinguished visitors we noticed Gov. Carr and that sterling son of the "Old North State," ex-Gov. T. L larvis, this grand old statesman is ong way in lookino- bale and heartv and aDDar- editor, 1 entjv nUjte as strong as he was fifteen It'll! . -W9 T . f 1 wtm. it . years ago. want 01 space alone, be rem k 1 ProPer caPcr to prevents us from giving a list of the see v , . U,1S way- et. us many beautiful ladies present, "''owui ue :tne next to remember from North Carolina and other . . , nermeions, peaches - and SICh, '.; WP love Iuc l, .-.v-j.. llJC M111C. xjuota. beautiful ladies present, both States. Wilson is furnishing her full enough places by any means, and the few vacancies vent to men who knew better how to work for themselves. "Take a lieutenancy now, and we will fix you by and by," was the suggestion, and so it resulted that here he was three years after .the war wearing the modest strap of a second lieutenant. doing the duties and accepting the responsibilities of a far higher grade, and being patronized by seniors who were as much his inferiors in rank as they were in ability during the war days. Everybody said it was a shame, and nobody helped to better his lot. ne was a man whose counsel was valu able on all manner of subjects. Among other things, he was well versed in all that pertained to the code of honor as it existed in the ante-bellum days, had himself been "out," and, as was well known, had but recently officiated as second for an officer who had need of his services. lie and Waring were friends from the start, and Cram counted on tidings of his absent sub altern in appealing to him. Great, therefore, was his consternation when in reply to his inquiry Reynolds promptly answered that he had neither seen nor heard from Waring in over forty-eight hours. This was a facer. "What's wrong. Cram?" "Read that," said the captain, placing a daintily-written note in the aid-de-camp's hand. It was brief but explicit: Col. IJhaxton: Twice have 1 warned you that tbe attentions of your -Lieut. Waring to Mme. Lascelles meant mischieC This morn ing, under pretense of visiting her mother, she left the house in a cab, but in half an hour was seen driving with Mr. Waring. This has been, as I have reason to know, i romptly carried to M. Lascelles by people whom he had em ployed for the purpose. 1 could have told you last night that M. Lascelles' friends had noti fied Lieut Waring that a duel would be exact ed should he be seen with madame again, and now It will certainly coma You have seen fit to scorn my warnings hitherto, the result la on your head." - There was no signature whatever. ,". .. j 'wrote this rot?" asked Reyn It seems to me I've seen that - .1.-J before." ; o have I, and pitched the trash i:ito the fire, as I do everything anon ymous that comes my way. But Brax Lays that this is the second or third, and he's worried about it, and thinks there may be truth in the-story." "As to the duel, or as to the devo tions to madame?" asked Reynolds, calmly. j "Wc-ll, both, and we thought yon would be most apt to know whether a light was on. Waringf promised to re turn to the post on taps last night. In stead of that, he is gone God knows where and the old man, the reputed challenger, lies dead at his home. Isn't that ugly?" Reynold's face grew very grave. "Who last saw Waring, that you know of?" "My man Jeffers left him on Canal street just after dark last night. ' He was then going to dine with friends at the St. Charles." "The Allertons?" "Yes." "Then wait till I see the chief, and I'll go with you. Say nothing about this matter yet." Reynolds was gone but a moment. A little later Cram and the aid were at the St. CharIes rotunda, their cards sent up to the Allertons' rooms. Pres ently down came the bell-boy. Would the gentlemen walk up to the parlor? This was awkward. They wanted to see AHerton himself, and Cram felt morally confident that Miss . Flora Gwendolen would be on hand to wel come and chat with so distinguished a looking fellow as Reynolds. There was no help for it, however. It would be possible to draw off the head of the family after a brief call upon the ladies. Just as they were leaving the marble-floored rotunda, a short, swarthy man in "pepper-and-salt" business suit touched Cram on the arm, begged a word, and handed him a card. "A detective already?" asked Cram, in surprise. "I was with the chief when Lieut. Pierce came in to report the matter,'" was the brief resixrase, "and I came here to see your man. ne is reluctant to tell wliat he knows without your consent. Could you have him leave the horses with your orderly' below and come up here a moment? "Why, certainly, if you wish; but I can't see why," said Cram, surprised. "You will see, sir. in a moment." And then - Jeffers, with white, troubled face, appeared, and twisted his wet hat-brim in nervous worriment. "Now, what do you want of him?" asked Cram: - "Ask him, sir, vvho was the man who slipped a greenback into his hand at the ladies', entrance last evening. What did hewant of him?" Jeffers turned a greenish yellow. His every impulse was to lie- and the detective saw it. "You need not lie, Jeffers." he said, very quietly. "It will do no good. I saw the men. I can tell your master who one of them was, and possibly lay my hands on the "'cond when he is wanted; but I want you to tell and to explain what tlmt greenback meant. Then Jeffers broke down and merely blubbered. 'HI meant no arm, sir. In never dreamed there was hanything wrong. 1 was Mr. Lascelles, sir. iu saiu e came to thank me for 'elping 'is lady. sir. Then 'e wanted to see Mr.Warink. bir." - "Why didn't you tell me of this be fore?" demandod the captain, sternly "You know what happened this morn ing." "Hi didn't want to 'ave Mr. Warink suspected, sir," was poor Jeffers' half- tearful explanation, as Mr. Allertop suddenly entered the little hall-way room. The grave, troubled faces caught his eye at once. "Is anything wrong?" he inquired, anxiously. "I hope Waring is all right. I tried to induce him not to start, but he said he had promised and must go." "What time did he leave you, Mr. Allerton?" asked Cram, controling as much as possible the tremor of his voice.; "Soon after the storm broke, about nine-thirty, I should say. lie tried to get a cab earlier, but the drivers wouldn't agree to go down for any thing less than a small fortune. Luck ily, his Creole friends had a carriage." "His what?" "His friends from near the barracks. They were here when we came down into the rotunda to smoke .after dinner." . Cram felt his legs and feet grow cold and a chill run up his spine. "Who were they? Did you catch their names?" "Only one. I was introduced as they were about to drive away. A little old fellow with elaborate manners a M. Lascelles," ' . , "And Waring drove away with him?" "Yes, with him and one other. Seemed to be a friend of Lascelles. Drove off in a closed carriage with a driver all done up in rubber and oil skin, who said he perfectly knew the roacL Why, what's gone amiss?" lncr. ov. is the time to brino- in that old Overcoat that needs a New Collar, or that last Winter's suit that needs cleaning or -bind-We are not overrun with new work' dur ing Jul)', and can give time and attention to re pair work so send them along now. So Many of Our out-of-town Patrons Were too busy with their crops to come to our I: im:e Sale last week, so we have decided to-allow all goods then offered to remain on our Bargain Counter at Bargain Prices for Cash, until sold out. GIAND Mid-Summer Clearance ATGOSl L ".- A 1 ih) 1 (g) Riff ht Goods at Right Prices ! ' We are Headquarters for All Your Needs. Beginning Monday Morning July 3rd and continuing through the entire month, We will have the greatest Mid-Summer Clearance Sale ever offered in Wilson. Our idea is to make a CLEAN SWEEP before making our Fall purchases early in August, nence tins unusual oner wiiicn is bona-iule. We propose selling every yard of Goods in the house Sold by Measure, such as Silks, Black and Mourning Dress Goods, Novelties' in Dress Goods, as hmeres. Serges,1 Lansdownes, Silk Warp Almas. Albatross;. Nun's Veilingr&c Also all White Goods, AVash Goods, Satteehs, Ginghams, Do mestics, &c. - . - Wamsutta ioc, N. V. Mills ioc, Lonsdale Cambric q3c, Pride of the" West 12c, Gilt litle s1., Middlesex 4 )2 c, 1 04 Slice ti ng B leached Yards Shirting Prints at 5c. !2C. Unbleached 20c., 500 J & D. OETTINGER Leading :- (killers, WILSON, N. C: All Carpets, Mattings and Rugs, at Cost. ALL MEN'S YOUTH'S AND BOYS SUITS AND EXTRA PANTS AT COST. N. Hess & Sons, and Chas. Heiser's Fine Shoes at $3.00 worth from $5.00 to 6.00 per pair. All Men's Stiff and Straw Hats at and below cost. See the line In Show Window at $1.00 worth from $2.00 to 3.. - ; - ' We positively mean what we say. Cost means cost with us nothing more. All goods charged, at regular prices, as these figures are SPOT CASH, - r - Be sure and call early as the desirable long at these prices. . - . goods won't last Notice! To my Friends and Patrons : Having decided to do a cash business in the future, my customers are re quested to send the. cash or have their bills receipted on delivery of material. Respectfully, jly 2o-4t S1I.AS LUCAS, JR. HEADQUARTERS FOR 3, r iv :?rli Boarding House. r Mr. and Mrs. Jos. T. Ward have taken charge of the boarding htise forim-i ly occupied by Mrs. M. 1 Turnage, and are prepared to accommodate tin- pub lic at reasonable rales by the day, week or month. CONDITION OK Branch & Co's Bank, At close of business July 12th, 189J;, as reported to State Treasurer : RESOURCES, Loans.. -$123,107 93 Stocks and Bonds, 8,7x 00 Overdrafts........ 3497 4s i35.35 4' tSR Pipe I Respectfully, 11 1 GM Cor. Nash and Tarboro Sts., Wilson. N. C. Gin and Macliinery Company, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Bank..... Furniture. ,000 fo 952 4& Due by Banks 36,099 63 Cash ike on hand. 13,522 17 5.952 46 49 62 r So LIABILITIES. Capital..., Profits. "... ; - Collections, ftc ......... Bills payable. - Cash checks. . Certificates. . . Deposits $i9.f79 67 ; . . . . . ... .$.50,000 00 '. ...... n.759 cf 11,412 45 . . . . : 10,000 00 I 85 00 17,229 S7 9.39- 77 $107.707 .64 Tin Roofing, Piumbing Fitting and Tobacco 'Flues. AtS B. PARKER'S, The Tinner. Wilson. N. C. T'xiy all Testify To the Efficacy olthe World-Renowned all It 13 L 1 1AJ III i H 1JJ Swift's Specific is Cotton Seed Oil Mill Machinery Complete. Fertilizer , Machinery Complete. . feffiti:' , . " Cypress Tanks. Wind Mills Pumps, Etc. Cotton Gins, Feeders.-. Condensers and Presses. ;'. VL And all day long the storm beat upon the substantial buildings of the old barracks and flooded the low ground about the sheds and stables. Drills for the infantry were necessarily suspended, several sentries even being1 taken off their posts. The men clus tered in the squad-rooms and listened with more or less credulity to the the ories and confirmatory statements of fact as related by the imaginative or loquacious of their number. The ma jority of the officers gathered under the flaring lamp-lights at the sutler's store and occupied themselves pretty much as did their inferiors in grade, though poker and punch specialties of Mr. Finkbein, the sutler lent addi tional color to the stories in circula tion. From this 'congTess ; the better ele ment of the - commissioned force was absent, the names,-nationalities and idiomatic peculiarities of speech of the (To be continued ) ' $190,879 67 I certify that the foregoing statement j is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. J. C. HALES, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed betore me this jgth day of July, 1S93. J. S. ELLIS; N. P. Tta old-tlmo s'mr-la I remedy from tbo Georgia . cv.-nmns C-& fils fcaa TondfcrLhtot'.'e autipfcdea. ' jutonisliiiig the skeptical ami I confound t'.io theories or ' thrso wio dcner.d solely on t!i3 physicians ckllL Ttcro Is co blocj ' t-I-it ivhlc'i ltdoeSKCtlinmediatciy c-adirate. Poisons oct-nrardly absorbed cr thi rccull. ot Vila diseases from within all j-lcM to thU potent but elmplo remedy. It is an nnequalcd tonk builds tip the old andfeeble, cures all diseases arising from impure blood or weakened vitality. Bend for a treatise. Examine tlio proof. toolcs on " Blood and Skin Diseases " mailed free. Druggists Sell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. , Why Overheat Yourself The best system for eJevatimc cotton and disti iKuliu same direet to j;ius, -Many e;(ll medals have been awarded us. Write for catalogue . 'an.l for what you want. We eaii save you money. ; Van Winkle Gin; and Machinery Company, ,.' ATLANTA," GEORGIA. . The Object -OF Purchasers Is to Get the Very Pest Article for . the' Very Least .Money. 7r PIANO K have the Agencies for the Carolinas for some of the test Pianos made, including tlie.famous "SOHMKR." VVe place no ficticious prices on our instruments, but in every instance you will receive dollar for dollar in actual value. We guarantee our instruments to tje infi nitely superior to those offered in Wilson by, other dealers, and at a saving of twenty per cent to the purchaser. We are ready at all limes to send to reliable parties,. Instruments subject to approval, and if not satisfactory we will pay all expenses Cabinet and Self-Playing Organs. We have in lare variety at very low prices, from the factories of Wilcox & White, Meri dan, Conn., Packard Orchestral Organs, Farrand & Votey, Detroit, Mich., and the Bridgeport Organ Co. We refer to the fol lowing citizens ot Wilson, H. C. : Hon. H; G. Connor, Mrs. A. Pranch. Mrs. II. Koun. tree, V. L Farmer, Esq., "Prof. Silas Warren. To feel bright and cheerful attend to your stomache, and take Simmons Liver Regulator. A 1 tat tie for Blood. Is what Hood's Sarsaparilla vigor ously fights, and it is always: victor- ious in expelling all the foul taints and . and giving- the vital fluid the quality j and quantity of perfect health. ItJ cures scrofula, salt rheum, boil and all other troubles caused by impure blood. ON ENJOYS Both the method and results wlieii Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasan:' and refreshing" to the taste, and act gently yet promptly on the Kidneys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup, of Figs is the only remedy :..f :s kind ever pro duced; pleasing Ut the taste and ac- i ceptable io the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup or rigs 1? lor sale in ouc . and 81 bottles bj all leading drug- j gists . Any reliable druggist , who may not have it on hand will pro cure it proraptly for any one who wishes to try it- Do not accept any substitute. , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAHdSCO. CAL. I 10UISVILLE. Kr. MEW YORK. . And get the house hot j when you can get from HUTCHINSON, fresh every day, : : : : : Loaf Bread, Rolls, Macroons, Jelly Cakes, Lemon Calves, V anilla Cakes, Buns, and in fact ' Anything to be found in a'. FIRST-CLASS Address all correspondence to - E. VAN LAER, 402 ami 404 North 4 till St., WILMINGTON, N. C. THE FIRST-CLASS "Accumulation Policy OF THE . N. Y. Life Insurance Company ' Gives Insurance that Insures. Grocery and Bar. 1 ' -1 1, Leave Your Ordftr. ', C. G. HUTCHINSON. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is a eeitain cure for Chronic Sore Kyes, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Kipples, Piles, r2czema, Tetter, Salt Ulieum and Scald Jlead, 25 cenU per box. For sale by druggists. TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss "of apetite, relieve' constipation, correct kidncv disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists For sale by A. J. HINES,' J Wilson, N. C. am receiving uany 1 A Policy absolutely w ithout Restric tions as to occupation, residence, travel, habits'of life or manner of death. A Policy with hut One Condition, n mely. the payment of premiums. .. A Poli y with a .Month's Grace in premium payments and paid in full in. case of death during the month of e;race. A Policy "AUTOMATICALLY., non forfeiting -aftcy three annual premiums have been paid ihe policy 'being ex tended for its full amount for a period shown therein if no request is made, or endorsed as a paid up for an amount shown therein on 'request'"-, within six months. V A Policy with Privilege of Cash Loans at per cent, interest, five years a ATolicv with Six Options in settle- ! from you, I am meut at tfie end of 10. 15 or 20 years. A Policv incontestatle frm any cause One Year after issue. JOHN O'HAC.AN, Aent.. H. I. McDUFFIE, Special Agent, r ayetteville, N. C I tak(r this method to inform my friends and the; public that dail 1 resli uoo els. Cash or trade given for all kinds of country produce. Give me a trial and I am sure to get your trade in. the future as 1 will convince you that ril give more goods than any marTin town for the same money. Honincr to receive , a call t Respcctfuly, E. G. ROSE, South Tarboro Street, below R- R. . WILSON, N. C.

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