THEYJnjjjjj UfiT SEE WHAT THE RESULT WAS: Pond's Extract absolutely curtd me of a very severe case of PILES H. A. Hitchcock, Detroit, Mich. Extra good, for any CATARRH of tke nose and throat. H.BRAIG. Only thing I have ever seen that takes away, the INFLAMMATION and stings from INSECT BITES. P. H. Cooper, Fort George, Fla. Acts like magic in OPHTHAL Ml As I like it so much for SORE EYES. Rev. M. Jameson. Best liniment I have ever used fo rubbing purposes, SORENESS, CUTS, STRAINS.-Hay Fredericks. 'BRUISESWOUMDS nothing equals it.T. P. Conniff. Has cured forme, HEADACHE, SORE THROAT, SORE EYES, ABSCESSES. ALL PAIN.-e.McCaix. The only remedy that -will control HEMORRHAGES from the lungs. Geo. V. Warner, ScrantonPa. Excels anything I have ever used fe NEURALGIA, bleeding piles and hemorrhages. -W. H. Faulkner, M. D. I know its value in reducing V A R I" COSE VEINS. A. C. Sanford. Takb Pond's Extract only. Avoid all Substitutes. POND'S EXTRACT CO., New York and -London. ilpf:- CAP I CHARLES KINQ. ' Copyright. I8C3.'by.j. B- Mrpincotf ft 'OCj v ' and published by special arrangement -- Btopfted te Iflqui-. Well ride over1 to MhiB. d'Hervilly's fend ask for them. iHbiv came your gate open?" v "Mo connais pas; I dunno, sare. It 'Was lock last nig-ht." "Why, that;s odd." said Cram. "Bet ter bolt it now, or all the cattle along1 the levee will be in there. You can't lock out the water, though. Who had the key besides Mr. Lascelles or mad ame?" "Nobody, 6are; but . there is muddv ioois au over tne piazza. like one vast canal, anct by hln o'clock it was utterly impassable. No cars were running on the dilapidated road to the "half-way house," whatever they might be doing beyond. There was only one means of rnmmnmVa t; between the garrison and the town, ana mat. on Horseback along the crest of the levee, and people in the second story windows of the store and dwell ing houses along the other side of the way, driven aloft by the drenched enn- j dition of the ground floor, were sur- 1 r M Mm w w AtfP M A Female Mm Cures all female Complaints and Monthly irregularity, Leucorrhoea or Whites, Pain in Back or Sides, strengthens the feeble, builds up the whole system. It has cured thousands and will cure you. Druggists have it. Send stamp lor book;. , - . . SB. J. P. DROMGOOLE A CO.. Louisville, Kj. GEO, M. LINDSAY, Attorney at Law, SNOW HILL, N.-C. Circuit-: Wilson, Green Wayne anu Johnston Counties. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, " in, 113 at.d 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. Large stock of finished Monuments, Gravestones, &c. Ready for shipment. Designs free -- and Glass Co. PASTS' jnflTEBIHLS. No. 40 PEACHTREE ST., ATLANTA, CA. t&TSend for Catalogue. 11 (This story "was begun June 22. Back numbers can be had at this office.) sideboard, mixed a mild toddy, sipped It reflectively, then lighted a cigar and threw himself into the easy-chair. Ananias, meantime, was up and astir. Seeing that Cram was looking about in search of a paper-cutter, the boy stepped forward and bent over the table. " "De lieutenarft always usesdis! suh," said he, lifting- first one paper, then another, searching under each. "Don't seem to be yer now, suh. You've seen it, dough, captain that cross-handled dagger wid the straight blade." "Yes. I know. Where is it?" asked Cram. "That'll do." "Tain't yer, suh. now. Can't find it yer, nohow." "Well. then. Mr. Waring probably took a knife, after all." "No, suh, I don't t ink so. I never knowed him to use it befa' away from de room." "Anybody else been here?" said Cram. "Oh! dey was all in yer, suh, dis aft ernoon, but Mr. I)oyL he was sent for. suh, and 'had to go. " A step and the rattle of a sword were heard on the gallery without. The door opened, and in came Merton of the infantry, officer of the day, "Hello, Waring!" he began. "Oh, it's you, is it, 'captain? Isn't Waring back? I saw the light, and came up to chin with him a moment. Beastly night, isnit it?" "Waring isn't back yet. I look for him bv the eleven-thirty ear," answered the captain. Why. that's in. Xo Waring there, Dut a half dozen poor devils half drowned and more'n half drunk, otie of your men among 'em. We had to put him into the guard-house to keep him from murdering Dawson, the head-quarters clerk. There's been some kind of a row." i . "Sorry to hear that. Who is the man?" "Kane, fie said Dawson was lying about his officer, and he wouldn't stand it." "Kane!" exclaimed Cram, rising, "why, he's one of our best, T never heard of his being riotous before." "He's riotous enough to-nicrht. He wanted to lick all six of our fellows. and if I hadn't got there when I did they would probably have kicked him into a pulp. All were drunk: Kane, too, I should say; and as for Dawson, he was just limp." V ould you mind coinjr down and letting me talk with Kane? I never knew him to be troublesome before, though he sometimes drank a little. He was on pass this evening. veii, its raining cats and dors. captain, but come along. If you can stand it I can." , . ' A few minutes later the serceant of the guard threw open one of the wooden compartments in the guard-house, and there sat Kane,; his face buried in his hands. I ordered him locked in here bv himself, because I feared our fellows would hammer him if he were turned in with them," explained Mr. lerton. and at sound of the voice the pris oner looked up and saw his commander, dripping with wet. Unsteadily he rose to his feet. "Captain," he . beran. thickly "TVl never have done it in the World, sir but that blackguard was drunk, sir, and slandering my officer, and I gave him fair warning to quit or I'd hit him, but he kept on." - "e-es$ And What did he say?" "TTf snirl T ,7 1. .. 1 : were given you He said I wouldn't believe it. sir- mai jvir. Doyle was that drunk that. him and some other fellers had lifted nun out of the mud and put him to bed up tnere at up there at the house, sir back of Anatole's place. I think the captain knows." - Ah, you should have a di such company, Kane. Did this hap pen at Anatole's saloon?" Yes, sir, and them fellers was tnnV. mg so much noise that the daa-o t.nrnl tYmrr. nil ' J -l .. . mm remedy arc wonderful In their effect. T1"",1" anu snu Up the shop at U ireciug me sysiom tji Diuouraeuv I " viuutt., urn mat s what made and malarin. No one Ilvins in I tWm r TVTall -O .i , " "i me car ana should bo without them. Their im - O prevents attaclu of chills and fever, dumbngue, bilious colic, and gives C the system stvciicrtU to resist all the O evils of an unhealthy and impure at mosphero. Klogantly miEmr-coated. U Price, 85c Oiiico, SO Iark Place, N. Y. O O O O OOO O OOOOOOOOOO o TUTT'S ITmy Liver Pillsg the way. I couldn't J G-RAWLS7 abuse me all stand it, sir." "YOU would only have bin rrh nA them if your better judgment hadn't been ruined by liquor. Sorry for you, Kane, .but you've been drinkino- Wt enough to be a nuisance, and must stay where you are for the night. Thev'll be sorrv for what, thow : Ii.. -..w , oam ill LilO THE i. EiUllM. MJw'fss Aft la. mm m 0XJ 0- A? Nash Street, WILSON, N G Watches, Clocks, Sewing Machines For Cash or on the Installment . J. r hum ii it a n rn vm you feel the good that's doue by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It purifiel Thl blood. And through the MoodfS repairs, and invitroratos th whof ' In recoverins from " la firiri convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, nothing can equal it as an appetizing, restorative tonic to build ud needed flesh and strength. It rouses every organ into natural action, promotes all the Dodily functions, and restores health and vigor. Fpr every disease that comes from a torpid hyer or impure blood, Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Biliousness, and the most stubborn Skin ocalp, or Scrofulous affectiona th rw 617 tJ8 the 0lJy reniedy so certain that it I " i""' "'urett. ii ii aoesn t benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money For a. perfect and permanent cure for Catarrh, take Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy Its proprietors offer $500 reward for an incurable case of Catarrh. Look Here I wish to call the attention "of my lnendsand patrons to the fact that I've placed my ' MILLINERY DOWN AT COST, morning. Diti you lock up the others, Mr. Merton?" he asked, as they turned away. "All, but Dawson, sir. t took him over to the hospital and put a sentry over him. That fellow looks to be verging on jimjams, and I wouldn't be surprised if he'd been talking as Kane says," Merton might have added, "and it's probably true," but courtesy to his battery friend forbade. Cram did add mentally something to the same effect, but loyalty to his arm of the service kept him silent. At the flag-staff the two officers stopped. " Morton, oblige me by saying noth ing as to t no alleged language about Doyle; will you?" "Certainly, captain. Good night." Then, as the officer of the day's lan tern flickered away in one direction, ara turned in the other, and pres ently, went climbing up the stairs to die gallery leading to the quarters ot lis senior first lieutenant. A dim light was shining .through the shutters. Cram knocked at the door; no answer. Opening it. he glanced in. The room was unoccupied. A cheap marine 3lock. ticking between the north win dows and the wash-stand, indicated .midnight.-and the battery commander turned away in vexation of spirit. Lieut. Doyle had no authority to be absent from the post. It was dark and storming, furiously when the bugles of the battery sounded the reveille, and by the light of the swinging lanterns the men marched away in their canvass stable rig, look ing like a column of ghosts. Yet, despite the gale and the . torrents of rain, Pierce was in no wise surnrised to find Cram at his elbow when the horses were led out to water. " Groom indoors this morning, Mr. Pierce. Is Waring home?" " No, sir; Ananias told me when he brought me up my coffee." Uokl the morning report, then, until I come to the office. I fear we have both first lieutenants, to report absent to-day. You and I may have to go to town: so get your breakfast early. We will ride. I doubt if even an ambulance could get .through. Tell me. Pierce, , have .you spoken to Waring u-uuub iiuoui, mat, matter we discussing? Has he ever eive: any idea that he had received warning of any kind from old Lascelles or any of his friends?" " No, sir. I've had no chance to speak, to be sure, and. so far as I could observe, he and Mr. Lascelles seemed on very excellent terms only a few days ago." "Well, I wish I had spoken myself." said Cram, and turned away. That morning; with two first lieu tenants absent without loav th t-. port of Light Dattery "X" went into the adjutant's office just as its com mander and his junior subaltern went! out and silently mounted the dripping horses standing in front. The two orderlies, with their heads poked through the slit of their ponchos, briskly seated themselves in saddle and then the colonel hurried forth just in time to hail: "Oh, Cram! one minute." And Cram reined about and rode to the side of the post commander, who stood under the shelter of the broad gallery. "I wouldn't say anything about this to anyone at headquarters except Reynolds. There's no one else on th stalf to whom .Waring would apply, is there?" ... . N o one, sir. Reynolds is man I can think of." "Will yon send an orderly back with word as soon as you know?" "Yes. sir, the moment I hear. And-d shall I send you word from there" and (ram nodded northward, and then, in a lower tone, "as to Doyle?" "Oh. damn Doyle! I don't care if he never" Hut here the commander of the post regained control of himself, and with parting wave of the hand turned back to his office. Riding single file up the levee, for the city road was one long pool, with the swollen river on their left, and the slanting torrents of rain obscuring all objects on the other hand, the party made its way for several squares with out exchanging a word. Presently the leading file came opposite the high wall of the Lascelles nlace. Th latticed gate stood open an unusual thing and both officers bent low over their pommels and gazed along the dark, rain-swept alley to the pillared portico dimly seen beyond. Not a soul was in sight. The water was already on a level with the banquette, and would soon be running across and into the gate. A vagabond dog skulking about the place gave vent to a mourn ful howl. A sudden thought struck the captain. lie led the way down the slope and forded across to the north side, the others following. - "Joyce." said he to his orderly, "dis mount and go in there and ring at the door. Ask if Mr. LaseelloK i 1, - uvuiu If not, ask if madame has any message she would like to send to town, or if we can be of any service." The soldier was gone but a moment, and came hurrying back, a negro boy! holding a long fold of matting over his head to shed the rain, chasing at hit h:cs- 11 was Alphonse. . "M'sieif not yet of return," said he in labored translation of his negro French, "and madame remain chez Mme. d'Hervilly. I am alone wiz my mudder, and she has fear." "Oh, it's all right, I fancy," said Cram, reassuringly. "They were caught by the storm, and wisely stayed Uptown. I saw TOUT erat.A nnan " - o " ovr moment. A nod to Fierce hrono-ht !him too from the saddle, and the officers-handed their reins to the order lies. Then together they entered the gate and strode up the white shell walk, looking euriously about them ithrough the dripping shrubbery. Again that dismal howl was raised, and ; Pierce, stopping with impatient exclamation, tore naif a brick from tbe sent With brute darted from behind a sheltering the grounds about the house all traces ".bush, scurried away around the corner of his assailants. Dr. Denslow, in ex of the house, glancing fearfully back, ! amning the body, found just one deep, then, halting at safe distance, squatted dovvn ward stab, entering above the on his haunches and lifted up his "PPer rib and doubtless reaching the mournful voice again. . heart a stab made by a long, straight, " Whose dog is that?" demanded KharP. two-edged blade. He had been Cram dead evidently some hours when dis- " M'sieu' Philippe's; he not nowhere. '. vcrcd by Cram, who had now gone to lie is de brudder to monsieur." town to warn the authorities, old Brax .at tne steps the captain bent and meantime having taken upon himself "The devil! Ill have to look in for a. I P"ised to see the number of times som m m. 1 a x anKee soiaier or other made the dis mal trip. Cram, with a party of four, was perhaps the first. Before the drip ping sentries of the old guard were re lieved at nine o'clock every man and woman at the barracks was aware that foul murder had been done during the night, and that old Lascelles, slain by wine uiiKuown nana, slashed A t i lr3 tLnA hacked in a dozen places! according tr yielding border of the walk and the stories afloat, lay in his gloomy old it hurtling- throuirh the treoK. library up the levee road, with nflrwi his tail between his lees, t.h already a foot deep winino- out fir. closely examined them and the floor of the low veranda to which they led IJoth were disfigured by muddy foot prints. Pierce would have' gone still farther in the investigation, but his senior held up a warning hand "Two men have been here," he mut tered. ."They have tried the door and tried the blinds. Where did you sleep last night, boy?" and with the words he turned suddenly on the negro " Did you hear no sound?" "No, sare. I sleep in my bed, 'way back. No, I hear noting, noting " And now the negro's face was twitch ing, his eyes staring: Something in the soldier's stern voice told him that there was tragedy in the air. "If this door is locked, cro around ro' no" i .'Htv of .t' placing a guard .i.'. av.I.i ..r to lrrrr Al ii Is mother in and everv- - j the at i phouse and body else out. It is hardly worth while to waste time on the various theories advanced in the garrison as to the cause and means of the dreadful climax. That Doyle should be away from .the post provoked neither comment nor specu lation; he was not connected in any way with the tragedy. But the fact that Mr. Waring was absent all night, coupled with the stories of his devo tions .to madame, was to several minds prima facie evidence that his was the bloody hand that wrought the deed that he was now a fugitive from jus tice, and Mme. Law-allAR for Infants and Children. THIRTY years' observation of Caatorla with the patronftg of millions of persons, permit n to speak of it without gweasing. It I nnqneationahly the best remedy for Infants and Children the world has ever known. It in harmless. Children like it. It glvea them health. It will nve" their live. In it Mother have -oinetliing which la npBoItely wafe and practically perfc. w w. child's medicine. Castoria destroys worm. Castoria allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sonr Cnrd. Castoria cures Piarrhoaa anil Wini Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Trophies. Castoria enres Constipation and FlatnTency. , Castoria nentrnlizes the effects of carbonic aci'l gas or poisonous air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opinm, or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilates the food, legnlates the stomach and bowels, ' giving healthy and natnral sleep. Castoria is pnt np in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bnlk. Don't allow any one to sell yon wnything el we on he plea or yrnmlno that it isjnst as good" and " will answer every pnrpose. See that ton gt C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. ' TLANTiC COAST LINE WILMINGTON &WELD0NR.R t - AND FLORENCE RAIDROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE TRAINS GOING SOUTH. DATED Mar 8Ui, 'SKI. Leave Weldon . A i' Uocky Mounu Arrive Tartioro. lJVe Taiboro... I.v Uocky Mount J Lidve w ils-'ii ... l-avo Solum. ... l.v Fctyeiieviile. Antve rlotence Ieave Wflgin.. Leave !olJsboro lieave Magnolia-. Ar Wilmington... SS.b P M 12 35 1 42 8 35 12 54 142 3 25 10 1.5 2 2 320 4:t sutt I M C at' P M 5 07 SOI 6 01 638 10 40 I'M 7 35 8 42 10 15 P M 3 . r ' BCD 2 AMI 615 723 3 723 758 A M 768 843 1)55 1135 A M S 330 SIS 830 TRAINS GOING NORTH. The fao-simile signatnre rf Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. and open it from within," said Cram, j doubt, the guilty partner of hU flight, briefly. Then, as Alphonse disap- Everybody knew by thts time of their r5-"1 uuu me nortn side, he stepped back to the shell walk and followed one of its branches around the only the . other. An instant later Pierce heard him call Hastening in his wake, the youngster came upon his .-captain standing under a window, one of whose blinds was hanging partly open, water standing in pools all around him, : "Look here," was all he said, and ;pointea upward. The sill was above the level of their :heads, but both could see that the sash :was raised. All was darkness within. "Come with me," was Cram's next order, and the lieutenant followed. Alphonse was unlocking the front doori and now threw it open. Cram strode into the wide hall-way straight to a door of the east side. It was locked. "Open this, Alphonse," he said. "I have not the kev. It is ever with M sieu Lascelles. It is his library.? Cram stepped back, gave one vigor ous kick with a heavy riding-boot, and the frail door flew open with a crash. r or a moment the darkness was such tnat no oDject could be distinguished within. The negro servant hung back, trembling from some indefinable dread. The captain, his hand on the door-knob, stepped quickly into the gloomy apartment. Pierce close at his heels. A broad, flat-topped desk stood in. the center of the room. Some shelves and books were dimly visible against the walk SSviine oi uie uruw ers of the desk were open, and there was a litter of papers on the desk, and others were strewn in the big rattan chair, some on the floor. Two student lamps could be dimly distinguished, one on the big desk, another on a lit: tie reading-table placed not far from the south window, whose blinds, half open, admitted almost the only light that entered the room. With its head near inis reading-table and faintly visible, a bamboo lounge stretched its length towards the southward win dows, where all was darkness, and something vague and indistinguisha ble lay extended upon the lounge. Cram marched half-way across the floor, then stopped short, glanced down, stepped quickly to one side, shifting his heavily-booted foot as though to avoid some such muddy pool as those encountered without. i "Take care," he whispered, and mo tioned warningly to Pierce. "Come here and open these shutters, Al phonse," were the next words. But once again that prolonged, dismal, mournful howl was heard under the south window, and the negro, seizei with uncontrollable panic, turned back and clung trembling to the opposite walL . being together much of the morn It. o- , how could people help knowing, when Dryden had seen them? In his ele gantly jocular way, Dryden was al ready condoling with Perry on the probable loss of his Hatfield clothes, and comforting him with the assur ance that they always gave a feller a new black suit to be hanged in, so he might get his duds back after all, only they must get Waring first. Jeff ers aouotiess would have been besieged with questions but for Cram's fore- signt: his master had ordered, him to accompany him to town. in siience a second time the little party rode away, passing the flooded homestead where lay the murdered man, then, farther on. gazing in mute uunosity at tne closed shutters of the premises some infantry satirists had already christened "the dove-cot." W hat cared they for him or his objec tionable helpmate? Still, they could not but note how gloomy and deserted it all appeared, with two feet of water lapping the garden walLv Summoned by his master, Jeff ers knuckled his oil skin hat-bnm and pointedjout the spot where Mr. Waring stood when he knocked the cabman Into the mud, but errers tongue was tied and his cock ney volubility gone. The tracks maH by Cram's wagon up the slope were al ready washed out. Hendinsr forward to dodge the blinding storm, the party pushed along the embankment until at last the avenues and alleys to the right jjave prooi of oetter drainage. At .:.;OOCL "iPC DATKD Miry 8th, 1893. Leave Florence .. Lv Fayetteville.. I-ave s-lma Arrive il.siin.. C K A M 5 10 ..!.... LvW mine-ton.. Ijcave Magnolia.. i-ieavo (iohlsboro Ariive Wilson .. One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is 'Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best that its curative properties are unequalled, the cough, - supplies the waste of .tissues, flesh and builds up the, entire system. Scott's Emulsion ' cur ea Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in children. Almost as palatable as milk. Get only the grtnuinc. Pre pared by Scott & Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. reason is It cures produces C. A. Mllslflll' r- ' l NASH & SON. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Sashes. Doors. Blinds Mnntok M r . , J a ATX J. V-A, 111 : and Stair Work. - HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, ET. 5, 7 and 8 Atlantic Street, NORFOLK. V,. Correspondence Solicited 'S.HHaWeSlCO.jIo'irLife wunu Anyimng Repairing a Specialty. Wedding and Birthday Presents, A Fine selection.' to make room for my Fall Stock. Now is the time to buy while everything is Ke sure to call before purchasing elsewhere, These goods must be sold as 1 don t wish to carry them over. Very Respectfully, Miss Bettie Lee, Sign of the Three Mats under Cobb Building, Wilson, N. C. Fr TO "Send one of the men for the post sur geon at once, then come back here," said the captain, and Pierce hastened to the gate. As he returned, the west shutters were being thrown open. There was light when he reentered the room, and this was what he saw: On the China matting, running from under neath the sofa, fed by heavy drops from above, a dark wet stain. On the lounge, stretched at full length, a stiffening human shape, a yellow white, parehmenMike face above the black clothing, a bluish, half-opened mouth whose yeilow teeth showed sav agely, a fallen chin and jaw, covered with the gray stubble of unshaved beard,, and two staring, sightless, ghastly eyes, fixed and uoturnpd a i though in agonized appeaL Stone dead murdered, doubtless all that was left of the little Frenchman, Las- ceues. V. AH that day the storm raged in fury; the levee road was blocked in places by the boughs torn from overhang-- " uu nere, tnere and every where turned into a quagmire by the torrents that could find no adequate northward swamps. For ver a miie above the barracks it looked Advice to Women If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, 'Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men . struation you must use BRADFIELD FEMALE REGULATOR 5J DAT CKOSS-HXNDLKD DAOOEB. linckleu's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum.' Fever Sores 1 etter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is euaranteed to eive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded I 3 ,Jer uox- r or sale by J. I lines, Druggist. ,.' ; viixk, April 35,1830. tJP1, 111 -erVUy tlj.U two in.-ah,;ra of mi Immclial. lauuly, nfter havinu sulferwl for 7ears lru.. .7le-.:,;rui: I rrit u larltv, inFt.e:,u-,l vvuh.-.i- uc-uvlltbv plii-slcian" were at lervrrh . on.!. . cnns.1 by one bottC Hf, ' "-" tor. iu ,Eect U .: .; ..- Mil. .!. u . Strasob. I'-il KltKL. -.vliii-h cnntalu :.GJlATOrl CO.. AflTA. Ca. 1 "!T1 Hook v.'i al.. - i. SHAD Job printing done in fine shape at this office. ..w HE.UMATISM -ured in a Day . Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in f 103 days Its action upon the system is remarka ble and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease imme diately disappears. The first dose &reb,e5ditsi 75 cents.. Sold by E. M. Nadal druggist, Wilson, N. C. a rriFFKN-nro human shapk. llai;ip:ir.t stive t - they ..f)twu, rieree going on to ruixrt the tragedy to the police. Cram turning to his right and fol lowing the broad thoroughfare an other mile, until Jeff ers. indicating a big, old-fashioned, broad-galleried southern house standing in the midst of grounds once trim and handsome, but now showing signs of neglect and penury, simply said; "'Ere, sir." And here the party dismounted. Cram entered the gate and pulled cianging bell. The door was almost instantly opened by a colored girl whose side, with eager joyousiace, was the pretty child he had seen so often playing about the Lascelles homestead, and the eager joyous look faded in stantly away. "She fink it M'si?ur Varecng who comes to arrive." explained the smiling colored girl. "Ah! It is Mme. d'Hervilly I wish to see," answered Cram, briefly. "Please take her my card." And, throwing oil his dripping raia coat and tosshn? it to Jefr ers. who had followed to the veran da, the eaptain stepped within the hall and held forth his hands' to Xin Xin, begging her to come to him who was so good" a friend of Mr. Waring. But she would not. The ton H;cn. m - - vm utuup pointment were in the dark eyes as the little one turned and ran away. Cram could hear the gentle.soothing tones of the mother striving to console her lit tle one the one widowed and the other orphanqd by the tidings ho bore. Even then he noted how musical.liow full of rich melody, was that soft Creole voice. And then Mme. d'Hervilly ap peared, a stately, dignified, picturesque gentlewoman of perhaps fifty years. She greeted him with punctilious civil ity, but with manner as distant as her 'vt '.swtrs few. " . (Continued on third page.) DEALERS IN D' Lime, Plastei Cement, Leave Wfison..... A r Itoeky Mount. Arrive Tarboro .. Leave Tarboro.... Lv Kocky Mount. Arrive Weldon...: A M 11 10 12 30 1 10 A M 1 10 200 2 35 13 54 2 NO 8 05 PM 1 . : PM 730 11 ab" C OB PM 746 ltt 10 17 11 00 S5C PM 11 'M 12 08 12 08 100 A M P M 400 5 37 6 50 742 PM 7 42 830 830 940 PM N c3 AM 630 960 11 40 1250 PM PM Trains on Scotland Neck Branch road leave. Weldon" 3:40 p m; Halifax, 4:00 p mr arrive Scotland Neck 4:48; Green ville, 6:28 p m:TKinstonr 7:30 p m. Re turning leaves Kmston 7:20am; Green ville, 8:22 a m; arriving at Halifax 11:00 Sun'day -11:20 & m dai,y excePt Trains on Washington branch leave Washington 700,- a m., arrives at 1 armele 840 a m, Tarboro 9 50 return ing lea ;es Taiboro 440 p m, Parmele 6 00 p m, arrives Washington 730 pm. Jaily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Scotland Neck Branch. Train lea ves Tarboro, via. Albemarle & Raleigh R. R., daily, except Sunday, 5 00 p m, Sunday 3.00 p m; arrive Ply mouth 9:20 p m, 5:20 p m. . Returning leaves Plymouth daily, except Sunday 5:30 am, Sunday 10:00 a m; arrive i arboro 10:25 a m, and 12:20 p m. J ram on Midland N. C.Branch leave Loidstoro dai v. pjccnt, a. m; arrive Smithfield 7:30 a m. Return ing leaves Smithfield 8:00 a m; arrives Goldshoro 9:30 am. Train 011 Nashvilte Branch leaves Rocky Mount 6:15 p m; arrives Nash ville 6:50 p m; SprinsrhoDe. 7:i n m. Keiurnmg leaves bpnnghope 8:00 am. Nashville, 8:35 am; arriving at Rocky Mount 9:15 h in, daily, except Sunday. I rain on Latta Branch Florence R R leaves Latta 730 p m; ariive Dunbar 840 p 111. Returning' leave Dunbar 600 am; arrive Latta 715 a m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily.except Sunday, at 6.00 p m, and 11:30 a in. Returning leaves Clinton at 8:20 a m. and 1:10 n nv . connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 4; at for their a" . raj' Train No. 7s makes close conr.ettion Weldon lor all points North, d.iilv 1 . . 7. ' Virginia. Richmond, i S.H.flawes&Co DEALERS IN Richmond, Va. StOD Hid! ft c job o- p nt ni Vl Vt? T A L llllllJ( Why Yes, We'll do it Nicely For You. Your orders Solicited. to others? Are there not persons' dependent on your earnings . " 4. 1 A j.1 ".' V"t oujjpjil: x-llkz uiey pro- une; Also at Kockv Mount u, tn M. vided for in case of VOUr folk an,d Sar,,li,,;i rd for Norfolk dai Annt'U'i -TM- if j - - v ..a a11 lnts North via Norfolk tiany except .Sunday ail via. Ki linioiid. and dailv. ea- cept Sunday, via. Portsmouth and Raw death? ' The simplest and safest way of assuring their protection is life in surance. Businesspro fessional, and working oncii:. gtxiciciii', siiuum in sure, for their brains or their muscles, are their capital and income too. Death stops them both. Insure in the IOHN K. DIVINE. , General Sup't. J R Kknlv, Gen'l Manat-r T M Emkkson. Traffic Manager. Equitable Life and death cannot stopyour salary on steal your capi tal, and your loved ones , will be safe from want. W. J ROD D E Y, General Agent for tne Carolina, ROCK HILL, South Carolina. Having; this day sold one-half interest in my drujj business to' Herbert Roun tree the business will be conducted in future under the firm name ot The Wilson Drug Co This is to send i notice to those who are in arrears to the old firm to please come forward and settle their accounts at once. W. S. ANDERSON. To Oar Friends And Patrons. The Man or Woman who has bought RURIITURE -FROM- 1 fcOM'PLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT At last medical work that tells the causes. H iur u uwt, iioiuis lie renieiv. iinir y Is sclentiflcaUy the most valuable, artistically Q the most beautiful, medical book that has ap- 2 IwHirea tor years; s paxes, every pae bearliiK a half-tone illustration in tints. Some of the subject treated are Nervous DebiUtv. I m 1 ww Mner, Sterility, Development, Varicocele, Xhe H Husband, Those Intending Marriage, etc. N , . " V j .7 I iryum Know ine Urnntl Truth. U JJJa'n":. thfOia secrets and Am W C ?"," Medical Snenre as applied to .War- C "f? We who vxnthi atone for port folliet B 5f$Zrlft,iiZSild write for thi t .J''1' V 8f"t f,e. unler seai, while the edl- N r,. Jt. If, conwnnt enclose ten cents to M pay postage alone. Address the publishers U ERIE MEDICAL CO., BCFFAtO, N. Y. A- J HAVE YOUK WASHINH M GREENSBORO oteam Laundry. special rates lor twc 'fatniiiac 1 .. j rv5.J A.ii uiul'in ir... m G. Connor, Jr., at Wf j mex. dreen s feed stnrp r . ... 1 in luuire we will conduct both a wholesale and retail business in the - drug line. Both town and country merchants who handle any drugs will find it to their interest to call on us be fore buying as we are prepared to sup- P y uieir wants and deliver at their place of business in nu.inHtb. fn cnir J at Baltimore prices, thus saving them j the freights. We makti a soecialtv in. jobbing drugs and supplying retailers, at home and abroad. We shall en deavor at all times to merit your val tud orders if promptness and fair deal ings are the requisites, j Till: WILSON' DRUG CO. eJ JOHN GASTON, Fashionable Barber, Nash St., WILSON, N. C. Eas.y chairs, razors keen; Scissors sharp, linen clean. For a shave you pay a dime ' Only a nickle to get a shine; Shampoo or. hair cut Pompadour ou pav the sum of twentv cents mor' FOR SALE ! ; BeautiM Building Lois ON BROAD STREET. ' Also the lot on which I reside on Nash street, with 01 without the build ings as the purchaser may elect. . Terms as accommodating as desired. 1 .,r A.J. HINES. may 1 i'tf Our Recently Improved "Electro Galvanic edsimmons l? Pe&t; Body Battery, does. Woollen & Stevens Will tell vou. that is the filar. to get the Best Goods for the least money. Electric belt, and annlianrr.c -;n tainly cure Rheumatism. Neuralgia. IJyspepsia, Liver and Kidnev disease Female weakness and diseases ot women. Catarrh cured with nnr Fl. tne catarrhal Cap. Diseases of men permanently cured bv thf ndonf current of Electricity produced y our wuy uatiery, Live local agents, want ed send for price list and Testimonials. JNO. A, CRISP, E. B. CO., b-flerson. O. JO OTHER Sarsaparilla has the careful personal supervision of the , proprietor in all the details of its prepa ration as has HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. PAR-A-SIT-I-CIDE cures itch in 3 minutes. Price 50c. Sold by Dr W. S. Anderson & Co. - 7-7-lv .Lucas & Hoover, Black Creek, N. C. Positions Guaranteed. .-.'Guarantee in Writing) Send for cat- P-4 PrT- ,D Hraugfon's Consolidated Practical Business College, Nashville, lenn No vacation. (Mention this papen) jun i5-i.,t M;itiv T down from overwork .or household can-s. lsroivn's Iron liit.ti-w Ria,iM.. vstem. lrU Hit;n , " '". DR. E. K. WRIGHT, Surgeon Dentist WILSON, N. C. Having permanently located in Wfl- 1 1 ?'ler my Professional services to the public. , ISfOffice in Central Hotel Building FOR- n i Ut the genuiue. this office.

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