p The Wilson Advance. ' JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING. Creates many a new business. KulaBeM many an old business, Kevives many dull business. Ite-icurs many a lost business.. ' ' Sav-s many a fall in business. Preserve many a larru business. SernrcM success in anv business. Keeping, at it Constantly Brings Success Transient advertisements to be pub lished one month and under, must be mid for in advance. All advertising lor a shorter time than three months is . .....letrl transient advertising. Ao 1 ..... .-enrlpre.l nuarterlv for all ad--Tuesday from a : i i- i i r . vertisements publislieu lor a longer m riod of time. . " , ! I ocal advertisements to appear be tween or after reading matter ten cents per line. , r Cl)ituary notices, resolutions ot re . t, etc., will be charged for at the , ,te of one cent a w ord , and the cash must accompany' the manuscript. In , ,ses where friends and - patrons M the inner arc concerned, no charge-will be nude for the first ten lints about 75 words or articles not exceeding that in length. LOCAL. See our notes iVosniCamp Uncart on first paoe.' f Mr. L A. Farmer was housing Vonr Name In Priut Mrs. Fresson, of Charlotte, ia vis iting Mrs. S. B. Parker. Miss. Mamie Mercer has returned irom her trip to the World's Fair. - Mrs. T. A. Davis is" visiting her mother Mrs. J. I I. Cordon, at Oxford, N.C Miss Mattie Ellis, of Raleigh, is visiting her uncle, Commissioner J. T. Fllis. Mrs. Joseph Lassiter, of Rich mond, Va., is visiting Mrs. V. Y. Edwards. UaiHey returned trip' to Tarlx.ro and I Miss Mattie Najrshead. Mr J. E. Clark and family have returned from their trip to Panacea Springs. Miss Eva Ohagau is n a -visit to her cousin, Miss I'atiie Cdeeiif county. May ol daughter Miss Kmnia Lee W of ch airnian joliu; D. Wells is 'visiting friends in 1'itt c ninty. better read the in reference in Mr.' C. A. Young and .we are glad t see proved in health. Miss Bessie Harris, lias returned, him much hn- Ilistory in Words. The most popular idea in f eg&rd to the origin of ihst bond which human race together is i undersigned have, that God taught our iorelathers sucn m F.J. Cheney for the last 15 language as was necessary and suit if and believe him perfectly honor--. u leaving it to grow with the ,1, oil Kiicmcc trancurtinn anM tin- 1 o . growth of the people, to expand ana branch and bear fruit with the expan sion of the nations. i This being the case we can easily see how in the history and derivation of our words we can trace the story of past ages as truly as the geologist, who By reading what is written in the rocks' can tell us of the inhabitants and the condition of the earth ages before the existence of man and lan guage. It is out of our province to go back to the plateau of Iran, the cradle of our races, and draw infer ences in regard to life there from cer- words that are common to all Aryan nations. 1 his work should be done by the student,- with whom we will leave it, feeling sure that by means of Grimms Law he will find much that is new and interesting. Our work is humbler but we hope quite as interesting ; it is to ask you to look at a few of our commonest How's This i We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can- iu.t 1... cnrJ' l.i U iUV l":itnt-rh Piirrv F. I. CHENEY & CO.. Props., To- binds, the ledo, O. We the known years able in all business transaction and fin ahcially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WesTv Tki A.x, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai.ding, Kinnan & Mar vin', Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75 cent, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. The wire connecting the sf andpipe and power house was put up yester day. We are gfcfd to see the News-Observer- Cnroniclc oi t with a new head line. The old one was entirely tain to heavy for beauty: M:ss:s Annie I larris and Lizzie Anderson h ive returnetl.". M on head was not a pleasure retort to them after our boys came home. The Centre Brick Warehouse is nearinr completion. The brick work w ho has been obacco Monday. . Bicycle riders h id P- town ordinance bicycles. hnvof our planters now claim t hat they w ill have the best tobacco they have had for years. Remember the new town ordin ances go into effect August ist. Dogs must he badged or they will be bagged. Water' was pumped into the street 'mains for the first time Saturday last. It "will not be long now ere we will .have 'the system completed. j- We have all felt the depression n the monev market, but we hope we are nearing the end. We look for ward to a prosperous fall business. . Miss Bettie Lee is offering special bargains in Millinery goods. It you need anything in the way of ribbons, laces etc be sure and see her before . purchasing. Our new depot bids fair to be one of the prettiest in the State. The Coast Line people are neither sparing labor or money to make it com plete in every Retail. The Centre Brick Warehouse is rapidly approaching completion. Capt. Pace tells us it will be ready in about three weeks. Then you caii lookout for "hustling." . Ed. S. Tony, Esq , has 2.5 acres, and it's all that could be desired, lie commenced cutting .Thursday. Ed will get there if close application to business is worth anything. See the announcement, in another column, of the school "Institute." If you want to be a teacher, be a good one. The best way to become a good teacher is to attend these institutes 1 1 ii .... . . i.. ... i . .-. , ana ioiiow mil me ii.mi unions inur gi en. Mr. Ed Batts is remodeling .his furnaces, clearing out 'has barns ready to commence curing' nis fine Crop at tobacco. He is too' modest to admit that he has a better crop than he had in '90. Says it must show for itself. The lady, whose .hair came -but with every commng, was induced .to give Ayer's Hair A'tg'ir a faithful . trial. She did so, and not only was . the loss of ' hair checked, but a new and vigorous growth soon succeeded that which had gone. spending a few weeks with friends in Suffolk, Va.. has returned home. Mr. Samuel B. Parker now tr.ivel- mvr s;:i Csman tor a iai'-je Hncw firm was at home fora lew- days week. Miss Tattie .May, who has been visiting -in Wilson for some time kit last week for her home in Greene county. oi k I last ! is about finished and a large force, .of words and see what they tell us of f r:iniciifcr :irr I'm m inr- the roof, which ' l,fU r, fKa met 1. - ... j - ... - -------- -. . 411V. 141 ll'V. 1 . . t will be raised the last of the week. We sa'v to-dav is Friday : yester- Mr W. M. Carter, our enterpris- day Thursday, the day before Wed ing tobacco friend is building a large nesday. Is anything more suggested prize house near the Planters Ware- to you than the very names oi the house Mr. Carter was burned out days of the week ? Do these names less than a year ago, his entire stock bring back to you the time when our and building, valued at $20,000, be- . iorelathers were Berserkers and mo a total loss. The house he is ! Vikings and worshipers of Odin, now build mg will have live floors and , Freya, and Thor ? Can you not see ol the largest prize houses in I tnem tilled witn tne name 01 Liie, I joying m sirengiu anu uuuiagc, auu rushing into battle singing the death Warm eather ants. Slippers, carfs, uspenders. i ats, ose, nkchfs. Ifattings, V 1 ulls, lUitts. Aollars, I .lifts, V orsets. oe one the State. Last Sunday an election of officers V es.ts jl allses. We Have Them Ml l very pleasant trip to I as :n hs delivery he is sin- ey were much p.eased , ,,.,,,' f,,r,t,d uu his nl:i t-1 r manner Clear ailU loiceiui unci ma indicates that quality so essential to a ministers success thorough earnestness wrought of iroral conviction and fortiiied by experience of a. christian hie. the Mr. fos. T. Ward has mo.ed ins was held in the I'lesbytenan cnurcn uiiilv to town Mr. Ward wishes which resulted it tne cnoice 01 iiessis. to take advantage ol our excellent j oeorge vn ecu aiua 1. i. - iui Graded school. ruling, I Jders and Messrs. Purvis and Miss Maggie I iadley return,! horn 1 T Goldsboro last week, and brou ;ht I , - ' ' - j with her Miss ' Maud Peacock. " of, tbu,di of kale,h aS PrC!?ent Goldsboro. b- sPfC1;11 station ol the" session presided in the election, and preached Mr. T. L. Bryant has started in the n-,orning and night. Dr. Daniel, for race for the" Advance watermelon eighteen years pastor "of the church prize with a fine 30 pounder w ho in Memphis, has within ;he last year will be the next. - transferred his labors to our own Mr. L- H. Fulcher is once more to State and has already received sev be found at his store on Nash stieet, eial expressions of an appreciation alter spending a few days at More- which he undoubtedly merits. His head and Beaufort. sermons before us last Sunday were ' , .- ., , 'characterized by warmth, purity and .Mr. W.J. Davis ana ninny nae - . , , arranLrement Qf hs returned troni a Ocracoke. They with the new management. Mrs. Adams ana .11ss same liiiis have returned from their trip to Washington and report the weather quite as warm there as it is here. Mrs.J. W. Cannon, and son, of Jacksonville, Fla., are visiting her sis ter, Mrs'. W. E. Durfey. rrs. Can will spend some months in Wilson. .Mr! Richardson, of Spring Hope, was in town Monday. Mr. Richard son has charge of the business oi Branch, Upchurch S: Co., of Spring Hope. Mr. D.ivid Oettinger h as returned from his extended tour north:. - Mr. Oettinger visited inost ol the popu lar seaside resorts while, away and can give ail the new points 011 kith suits. Mr. Harvey McNair, who was Jbr sbme time employetl as.-a drug clei k here was in town this wet k. MrMcNa'tf is now renresentiuLr a wholesale drug ,-, firm having headtiuarters at Greens boro, -N. C. Mr, joiias OettingtM-; and faniily kit Tuesday ' for their Sti.iniier' v.i'-a-tion. We will try and jeisu ile Mr. Oettinger to send -u.s a it lu r - Irom Chicagt if he can linl time, to w rite while in the "wirdy .-ily." PLAIN TOM AGAIN. The water works managers are do ing all they can, to induce tne peup.e generally to use water from their n.ains. The water.rents are extreme lv low and should, we think, be within the reach of most house keep er Now is the time to Give vonr order before the rush comes. The soldier hoys have returned and alter a tew days rest they were all right. The nvj t it v .of tlie com pany came hotrfe overcome With a desire to sleep. " The captain could irive them all thve wantfeil to eat. but they seem to be "hungry lor a qiuet nap." " .' i If you wanit a crayon portrait or photograph enlarged, don't give your work to an irresponsible asent of some unknown Nfrthcrn hoitse, when you have a fust class artis". in your own town. Mr. Robinson, . at Winstead's 'Gallery, is jirepared to do w'ork equal to any turned out by the best artists of New York or Balti more. , Mr. Berry Moore, on Rcden Wells" place has the finest crop we have seen, it shows thorough cultivation. Topped right and ripening up uni formly, Mr Moore knows his busi ness. The buyers may expect' to see tine wrappers when he gets ready to sell. Our word for it. you might kfep an eye on the Professor, for he will have something to brag on. Kidney affections of years st:m ling" cured' bv -Simmons Liver K gulal.-r. J. W. Poynts. - --'- , - . l ;irrirI. On Thursday night last, at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. George Hackney, 'Miss .Ella Hack ney to Mr. --Robert- Barnes, Rev Mr. Harper, of Sinithfteld, officiating. Editor Advance: As it has been some time ' since your readers heard anything from these parts, I will: try to pencil you -a lew items from old Nash. Farmers' are i.bout through with their crops, which, owing to the un favorable wealner in June, and ac companied by the 'cotton louse that grcallv impede 1 the pi ogress of the plant, 'crops are by no means flatter ing, especially .tobacco, although good ones for tln:f p 1st weeks are being made. But the best oi all, our tinners have planted, and if no dis- t t - it - 1 aster oveitakcs them wm ln.aKe enough corn for the home in spite ol whit an extra demand, "session" m iv or may not do to .relieve ness. ' Tli- boys: are in th much h s been pledged looking witn some 110 th busi- tho last Mny Svl 1 Moiiry Miifi.. This old saw was evidently in mind of Mr. D.ui ley's son. Cary, week when he put his little brother, Ehna, into the water bucket and low ered him into the well, f recover a hat that had accidently fallen in. The spirit of economy is commendable but we rather think the risk was too great to be compensated by the sav ing of a hat. No oiie but the astronomers realize the, immir.LMit damV'-r of beiny smashed into smithereens which we have just escaped. A wandering cniet has been hanging, near "the earth for some nights past and 'We. . have bare escaped a collision with t- Intact, it was less than a day's journey for some celestial visitant, sa' ';i matter of 38,000,000 mi.es. When it ot this close it hoveretl wer our jail tor a brief moment and held its hand over its nose and turned toil and skedadled. Festival at IJIu-k Cn-rK. There will be a grand festival and social patherino at Black Creek to morrow. Friday; evening. Refresh ments' will be served by the ladies. Mr. P. L. Woodard has kindly con sented to favor the assemblage with one of his well timed and appro- I priate talks. Everybody is. invited f 'IM l.C.I , to attend. 1 ne proceeu 01 uic- cv fil ing's' entertainment are to be useil in improving the M. E. Church. Colony CommiKsiouers. In our last issue we suggested the importance of putting in i system ot sewerage in the jail. On everv .hand saddle and while all are some hope, and alter business lias been revived and the commercial boy.-, attended to. Then .1 r '-. .1... ..1..... will come tne nine 101 uie n;miMii.ii classes pt iiiaps. ,. We made a brief visit to Rocky Mount 011 Thursday, and after seeing I he 'many improvements- in. the way of biii'flings and otherwise, can con gratulate the wide awake and pror oressive people of that town : loc pluck; energy, and the development of its many varied increases. Mr. S J. Bartholomew has nearly completed a very stylish and com modious dwelling upon the old academy lot. and is quite an orna ment to our little village. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pender, of Baltimore, are on a visit to their sis ter, Mrs. Dr. D. N. Sills. Miss Maggie Giipton, a popular and captivating brunett of Rocky Mount, is visiting relations here. Miss Mamie Harper, of btanhope, a winsome little blonde, 's spending some hews. time with Miss Jennie Mat 1 lai per, of Charlotte, rgist, is here to fee his Mr. Henry a pi i Hilar dru lather. - Mr. Sam Harper's protracted meet ing will soon be t he order of the day, beginning at Red Bud and from church to church for weeks; where much spiritual preaching and abun dance ofiamb and chicken will great ly abound. V,t.rda.v. The fire alarm sounded yesterday '"wn'aijr and ' everybody rushed off toward the standpipe, as it was re ported that the iron pipe was burn ing down. So great was the excite ment that the fire engine was forgot , ten "until a. few cool lu-ads had suc--eeded in subduing ."the flames had appeared on the roof of the building Mr. John Gardner on Barnes a'ud Tarboro all danger was passed hut in an appearance the the delight of the crowd ol small boys collected there, , - ' "-upieu ly u'ev corner. 1 htreeis. Alter -tUi 1 -"c nope rcei ) and the pi pesr were attached to hydrant on th. corner, much to 11. .1 we have been commenueci ior tne suggestion. Anything would be bet terthan the present state of affairs." Our citizens all condemn it and call for its removal. The .and that it stands on would readily bring enough if it was placed on the market to pur chase another site and pay all ex penses that might be incurred in its removal. Considerate commissioners, give this your immediate aird careiul attention and receive the everlasting praise of your suffering lellow citizens. A Suy:l'!, lull. I Mow that our excellent system oi waterworks is about complete, we would like to suggest to our worthy city council the importance of laying off.the town in fire districts, and oi furnishing each district -with sufficient hose for use in case of tire. Our young men who are ever rady to lend a helping hand, we are sure, would form reel .companies. The proper plan would be to keep each reel in its respective district.. Let the districts be numbered, and at the alarm of fire let the number of the district be sounded and our "lire laddies" would know in what direc tion to go. lifhina li Sc'iisi. Oil the stasre the tinsel, the gutter thenowder and the paint, show forth I , the most, but step behind the scenes, and vou will behold the truth. The chorus girls are not all "fancy paints them,"' but rather what they paint themselves ; just so with many of the flaming advertisements of so-called "catarrh cures." Get back of the scenes, and they are not cures. The real one, and the only remedy that is a cure, is Dr. Sage's Catarrh Re medy. Lilt the curtain, and you will find the naked truth to be, that this Remedy is the one that cures the worst cases of Catarrh in the Head, and no mistake. It is also a remedy' in all catarrhal conditions, such as Catarrhal Headache, Catarrh of the Throat, etc. song, and exulting in the prospect oi immediate entrance into Valhalla, the home of heroes ? , "Jovial," "Mercusial," -and "satur nine" look back to an earlier religion than that of the Vikings and Berser kers, and again to an earlier time still when this religion had become a thing of the past ; but had left the story of it in the names of its gods, which had been given to the planets. Men had long lost all faith in "Jupi ter.V'Saturn," and "Mercury ; ' but they '"Tjejieved firmly in astrology, and thought that the star under which a man was born, influenced his temperament and disposition. One born under Saturn could net be other than grave or "Saturnine,1' the other born under. Jupiter must be jolly or "jovial:" while Mercury's, child was certainly light-hearted and fickle or "mercurial". I he same faith m-lhe influence of stars has given us "disas trous'' and "ill starred and -the same religion has given us "March," the blistering month, so named in honor of the blustering war-god. "Mars," and the popular representa tion of James as two faced suggested "January," the month with two faces, the one looking back into the past year which has given us so much both of joy and sorrow ; the other into the future so filled with hopes and plans for the New Year. We get "panic" from the name of another one of the old gods of Rome, "Pan" the god of shepherds half man, hall beast, Who was so hideous that when he appeared suddeRly to travelers they were terrified or "panic stricken The words "pagan," "ambition" and "candidate" all bring up pictures of the past and are bits of this va.st piece of history in "mosan," which we have in bur . words. We apply "pagan" to those w ho adhere to false gods and old superstitions, but tht word was used originally for villagers 01 country people as -.distinguished from the city or townspeople. It tells us that Christianity was first planted in cities, the centers of learn ing ; and wit, '-and that the villagers ' pagan" or country people held to the old religion and traditions long ater they were cast aside by the peo ple of the towns. In the same way we get "heathan" from the Geiman "heath" meaning the country be cause the; people who dwelt on the "heaths" opposed the truth longer tlian any other class. What was ambition originally but the going around of the Roman candidates seeking votes, hence aspiration for office and finally aspiration in general. This definition suggests the origin of "candidate, " a word which we hear often enough, but which does not to all of us call to mind the Roman cus torn, that those who offered them selves for the high offices of State should present themselves clothed in the w hite toga as emb ematic of pur ity ot character and life. 1 he word "sign gives us a bit ot history concerning our Anglo Saxon fore-fathers, who, though they were doubtless superior to us in many things, were not equal to us in others as this word proves, for did not even kings and barons have to "sign" 01 make a cross on the weightiest docu ments. I speek of the lumber room and it calls to mind the "Lombard's" room, or room where the pawn bro ker stores his pledges, and it tells nu of the self-destruction of feudalism during the wars of Roses, and that the Lombards became not only the first : bankers, but the pawn-brokers of that period. These are only a lew of many words that I should like to present to you ; but I feel that I have already trespassed too long upon your turn and attention. If any "of these thoughts induce any of you to look more closely into this fosil history oi ours, 'my aim win oe accompusiieu. Manv words are only waiting to be questioned to uni'old to you the mys tery of past ages; others are mort coy and will evade and puzzle you again and again. But if you form the habit of never permitting woi da to p iss you by without inquiry into their history you will in the end be amply rewarded. But I will bring my .paper to a close lest you should be tempted to say with the poet, "Words.' words, Ifwords.'J i, ' i ' !. "i'JJI-U .Julv .'2 711 1. J Our COST SALE (as advertised) only lasts till August 1 st Monday next is the last day. " : Dress Goods, White Goods, Wool Fab- ncs, llks, lable Damasks, Carpets, Mat tings and Rugs, in fact every piece of goods sold by measure croes AT COST. All Men's, Youth's and Boy's Suits; also, 300 pairs extra Pants (all sizes) AT COST. Quite a lot of Straw and Stiff Hats AT and BELOW COST. N. Hess & Bro. and ChSs. Heiser's Shoes worth $5.00, at $3.00 per pair. Fine Riojit Goods at Rifht Prices ! ' We are Headquarters for All Your Needs. Our stock of Gents furnishinirs is com plete. J. &D. OETTINGER Leading wilson, n. c;, Outfitters Mr. Tom Washington left Rich-j mond Tuesday last for home for a I rest at his father's before taking up , h"i3 arduQus duties at the new Centre brick warehouse at Wilson, N. C, as, one of the firm of Pace, Cozart & Co. His Richmond friends wish him well and believe he will do well ; and nothing but kindest expressions cou'd follow one whose brief career in this1 city has proven him a gentleman and excellent auctioneer, worthy the name. Richmond Tobacconist. HEADQUARTERS -FOR REDUCTIONS on all Men's, Ladies and Children's Low-quartered Shoes. . New lot of R. & C. Corsets (the most popular sold) just received. Be sure and call before our SALE is over if you wish to save money, Respectfullv-, Cor. Nash and Tarboro Sts., Wilson. N. C. din and iieliinery Company, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 1JL OST XT JF" . C TUBES Tin Roofing Piumbihg, Pipe Filting and Tobacco. Flues. At S. B. PARKER'S, 'Fhc Pinner. Wilson. N. C. Xriey ail Testier Pi 3 r wm To th0 Efficac . of the World-Renowned Swift's A i:itll- for r.lMl. Is what Hood's Sarsaparilkv vigor ously fights, and. it is always victor ious, in expelling all the foul taints and and giving the vital fluid the quality and quantity of perfect health. It cures scrofula, sait rheum, boil and all other troubles caused by impure blood. OJCIS ENJOYS 3oth the method and results whe' Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasav and refreshing to the taste, and at gently yet promptly on the Kidney r Liver and Bowels, cleanses thc'sys' tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habiturd constipation. Syrup' of Figs is the only remedy J :s kind ever pro duced, pleasing lu the taste and ac ceptable Io the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its! effects, prepared only from the most i healthy and agrep?ble substances, its ; many excellent -polities commend it j to all and havv. r.ade it the most nor'ular remedy known. Syrup of Figs i? for sale in 50c and SI bottles all leading drug-j gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will. pro cure, it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept aay substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANC:SQ0, CAL, '.OUISVILLE. KY. tIEW YORK. N.t- Home School for Boys. Warrenton, N. C. u f ii m inwm m l I I V fJ K V 1 ; 1 US U Specific. Tho old-tlmo Blmpls remedy trom the Georgia cs-amns fields has ! -mo f crth to t'.ic antipodes. istorJriilng tho gkeptleal and coafou3iir.g tl:o. theories or ' these w'.-o depend solely on tno physlclaa'acsai. There U r.o dioou ' talat which lifioes cot Immediate!? eradicate. Poisons outwardly absorbed cr toa result of vll9 diseases from within all yield to thU potent bat simple remedy. It Is an unequaled tonic builds up tho old and feeble, cures all diseases ttrislug from Impure blood or weakened vitality. Beml for a treatise. Examine tho proof. tooka on " Blood and Skin Diseases " mailed free. Druggists Sell It. . SWIPT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta. Ca. 1171 Yourseli Cotton Seed Oil Mill Machinery Complete. Fertilizer : Machinery Complete. C5" I Cypress Tanks. Wind Mills, l'umps, Etc. Cotton Gins, Feeders. Condensers and Presses. The best system for elevating cotton and distributing same direct to jrins. Many gold medals have been awarded us. Write for catalogue and for w hat you want. We can save you money. Van Winkle Gin and Machinery Company, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. The Object -OF Purchasers d Of HER Sarsaparilla has the merit to secure the confidence of entire communities and hold it year after year, like HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. S.o pen-iioners have been drop ped from the list by this administra tion. -' rfj;t, j h . : n4, H TP rnVTt Tt'ACK ACHES. ' 1 t)i- yon are all worn out, really good for noth- in?, it is general debility. Try KKMirW'l IKON MTTXXS. tt will cure you, cleanse yor-r liver, and giv ; a good appetite. ; RF.V. P.. S. BRONSOX, Master, This school offers the exceptional ad vantages of a home life and home training. Hoys thoroughly prepared for col lege or for business, i ' - i - i Number of pupils limited.' For catalogue address ' i f REV. B. s; BRONSON. . . " Warrenton. X. C. County Teachers' ; Institute.' One for white teachers and one for colored teachers will be held in Wilson during the week beginning Monday August 7th, 1S93. ... Professors M. C. S. .Noble and Alex Graham will be in charge. All the teachers of the County, white and colored, must iattend. Let all citizens attend and witness the work of the Institute. All public school committeemen are requested, and the public are cordially invited, to hear the address on Friday, Aug. nth, at 11 o'clock A. M. .You will be enter tained and instructed, Come. J. 1). BARDIX, it - V Co. Supt-Pub.. Inst, .7; And fret the house hot J when you can get from " HUTCHINSON, fresh j 1- , every day, : : : : : Loaf Bread, Rolls, Macroons, Jelly Cakes, Lemon Cakes, Vanilla Cakes, ? Buns, and in fact Anything to be found in a FIRST-CLASS BAKERY. Leave Your Order. , C. G. HUTCHINSON. Is: to Get the Very Best Article for the' Very Least Money. 7 (TV E have the Agencies for the Carolina s if 1 for some of the best I'ianos nadt-, KJ including the famous.-.SOHMKR. We place no ficticious prices on our instruments. i"t in every instance you will rective tlollar for dollar in actual value. We guarantee our instruments to be infi nitely superior to those otTered in Wilson by other dealers, and at a saving of twenty per cent to the purchaser.1 We are ready at all limes 10 enu 10 iciidmc iauic.v" " subject to approval, and if ; not satisfactory we will pay all expenses Cabinet and Self-Playing Organs. We have in large variety at very low prices, from the factories of Wilcox & White, Meri daiv Conn., Packard Orchestral Organs, Farrand tk. Votey, letroit, Mich., and the Bridgeport Organ Co. We refer to the fol. lowing citizens ol Wilson, N. C: Hon. H. G. Connor, Mrs. A. Branch. Mrs. H. Koun. tree, W. F. Farmer, Esq., Prof. Silas Warren. Address all correspondence to E. VAN LAER, - 402 and 404 North 4th St., WILMINGTON, N. C. -OF PIANOS, Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is a certain cure for Chronic iSore Eyes, Granulated Eve Jjd-s Sore Jvipples, Piles, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Kheum and tscald Head, 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists. TO HOBSE OWNEBS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Pdwdera. Thev tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidncv dirwrJers and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked horse. 25 cents Tier package. For sale by druggists. For sale by A. J. MINES, - Wilson, N. C. THE , "Accumulation Policy" . OF THE N. Y. Life Insurance Company Gives Insurance that Insures. A Policy alsolutely without Restric tions as to occupation, residence, travel, habits of life or manner of death. A Policy with hut Che Condition, namely, the payment of premiums. A Polity with a Month's Grace in premium payments and paid in full in case of death during the month of grace. A Policy AUTOMATICALLY non- forfeiting after three annual premiums have been paid the policy being ex tended for its full amount for a period shown therein if no request is made, or endorsed as a paid up for an amount s-hown therein, on request within six months. A Poiic with Privilege of Cash Loans at s per cent, interest, five -years after issue. 7 A Policy with Six Options in settle ment at the end of io, i$ or 20 years. A Policy incontestable from any cause One Year after issue. JOHN O'lIAGAN, Agent. H. I. McDUFFIE, Special Agent, Fayetteville. N. C. FIRST-CLASS Grocery and Bar. I take this method to inform my friends and the public that I am receiving daily, Fresh Goods. all am Cash or trade given for kinds of country produce. Givo me a trial and I sure to get your trade in the future as 1 will convince you that I'll give more goods than any man in town for the same money. Hoping to receive a call from you, I am i 7 Respectfuly, E. G.ROSE, South Tarboro Street, below R. R. ' WILSON, N. C.

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