THEYIjJ USED j OQD'S EUTRflCT SEE WHAT THE RESULT WAS: Pond's Extract absolutely cured me of a very severe case of PILES' H. A. Hitchcock, Detroit, Mich. Extra good for any CAT A R R H of the nose and throat. H.BRAIG. Only thing I have ever seen that takes away the INFLAMMATION and stings from INSECT BITES. P. H. Cooper, FortGeorge, Fla. Acts Hie magic in OPHTHAL MIA; I like it so much for SORE EYES. Rkv m- Jameson. Best liniment have ever used for rubbing purposes, 'SORENESS, CUTS, STRAINS, .-harey Fredericks. 'BRUISESWOUNDS nothing equals it. T. P. CONNEFF. : Has cured forme, HEADACHE, SORE THROAT, SORE EYES, ABSCESSES, nd ALL PAIN.-E.McCaix. The only remedy that will control HEMORRHAGES from the lungs. Geo. W. Warner, Scranton, Pa. Excels anything I have ever used for NEURALGIA, bleeding piles an J hemorrhages. V. II. Faulkner, M. D. knoio its value in reducing V A R I COSE VEINS. a. c. Sankord. Take Pond's Extract only. Avoid all Substitutes. POND'S EXTRACT CO., Ne York and London. .Copyrfeht. 18C3, by J. B. Llrpincott Copyright. 18C3, by J. B. Llrpincott & Co. ' and published by special arrung-cment. male Bitters Cures all Female Complaints and Monthly irregularity, Leueorrbcea or Whites, Pain in Back or Sides, strengthens the feeble, builJa up the whole system. It has cured thousands and will cure you. Druggists have it. Send Biamp tor boofc. DB. J. P. DKOBG00LE A C0 LoalsTllle, Kj. GEO. M. LINDSAY, Attorney at Law, SNOW HILL, N. C. Circtit: Wilson, Green Wayne and Johnston Counties. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, " in, 113 a..d 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. Large stock of finished Monuments, Gravestones, &c. Ready for shipment. Designs free auuinem rami and Glass Go. PT13T8' ITEBIBL8. Mo. 40 PEACHTREE ST., ATLANTA, CA. Send for Catalogue. 5 V 0 OOOO OO OOOO O BUOYANCY OF BODY n OeUrio not act u nature Intends they should. Iusteai, there is bcadacaa,W O weight In the stomach after eating, acidity and belching upo( wind, low ft spirits, lt of energy, unsociability W O and forebodings of evU. An unhappy condition, but q o TIJTT'S o Tiay Lswer Pills0 O'111 relicxo it and give health and O happiness. They are worth trial. Q oo o o o J. CRAWLS, THE -5LEADIHGE- I (This story was begun June 22. Bark numners can oe nan at, tnis oince.) . individual members being1 identical in most instances with those of their comrades in arms in the ranks. "Brax" had summoned Minor, Lawrence, Kin sey and Dryden to hear what the post surgeon had to say on his return, but cautioned them to -keep quiet. As a result of this precaution, the nstery of the situation became redoubled by one o'clock, and was' intensified by two, when it was announced that lYivate Dawson had attempted to break away out of the hospital after a visit from the same doctor in his professional ca pacity. People were tempted out on their galleries in the driving1 storm, and colored servants flitted- from kitchen to kitchen to rather or dis pense new rumors, but nobody knew what to make of it when, soon after two, an orderly - rode in from town dripping1 with mad arid wet, delivered a note to tne colonel and took one from him to Mr- Ferry, now sole repre sentative of the officers of Battery "X" present for duty. Ferry in return sent the bedraggled horseman on to the battery .quarters with an order to the first sergeant, and in about fifteen minutes a sergeant and two men, mounted and each leading a spare horse, appeared under Ferry's gallery, and that officer proceeded to occupy one of the vacant saddles arid, fol lowed by his party, went clattering out of the sally-port and splashing over to the levee. Stable call sounded as usual at four o'clock, and, for the first time in the record of that disci plined' organization since the devas tating hand of yellow jack was laid upon it the previous year, no officer ap peared to supervise the grooming and feeding. Two of them were at the post, however. Mr. Doyle, in arrest 011 charge of. absence without leave, was escorted to his quarters about four-fifteen, and was promptly visited by sympathizing and inquisitive com rades from the Hotel Finkbein, while Mr. I-erry. who had effected the ar rest, was detained making his report to the post commander. Xight came on apace, the wind began to die away with the going down of the sun, the rain ceased to fall, a pallid moon be gan peering at odd intervals through rifts in the cloudy veil, when Cram rode plashing back into barracks, worn with anxiety and care, at eleven o'clock, and stopping only for a ment to take his w ife in his arms and kiss her anxious face, and shake his head in response to her eager query for news of Waring, he hurried down stairs again and oyer to Doyle's quar ters. All was darkness there, but he never hesitated. Tramping loudly ever tne gallery, he banged at the door. then, turning the knob, intending to burst right in, as was the wav in the rough old days, was surprised to find the bolt set. Doyle, open. I want to see you at once. All silence within. "Doyle, open, or, if von aro tor. drunk to get up, I'll kick in the door." A groan, a whispered colloouv. then the rattle of bolts and chain. The door opened about an inch, and an oily Irish voice inquired: Hwat's wanted, capt'in?'' You here?" exclaimed Cram, in dis gust. "What business have you in this garrison? If the colonel knew it you'd be driven out at the point of the' bay onet." i Sure, where should wife be but at. her husband's side whin he's sick and sufferin'? Didn't they root him out of bed and comfort this day and ride him down like, a felon in all the storm? Sure it was the doughboys' orders. sir. I told Dovle the would have " ."Oh, be quiet; I must see Dovle. and at once." Sure, he's not able, cant'in Von know how it is wid him: he's that sinsi- tive he couldn't bear to talk of the cILst grace he's bringing on the capt'in and the batthery, and I knowed he'd been dhrinkin', sir, and I came back to look lor him, but he'd got started, capt'n. iwjica tincH luues. tnun oangeu at the door and demanded instant obe dience. Admitted at last, he strode to the side of an ord inary hospital cot, over which the mosquito bar was i.ow ostentatiously di-awu, and upon which was stretched the bulky frame of the big Irishman, his red, blear-eyed, bloated face half covered in his arms. The close air reeked with the fumes of whisky. In her distress lest Jim should take t much, the claimant of his name ami protection had evidently been sequestrating a large share for herself. V "How on earth did vou Mt hi9 "Your bouse was flooded all day." angrily asked Cram,, "Sure we made a raft, sir 'Louette and me and poled over to the levee, and I walked every fut of the way down to follow me husband, as I swore I would whin we was married. I'd a' come in Anatole's boat, sir, but 'twas gone gone since last night. Did ye know that, capt'in?" A groan and a feverish toss from the occupant of the narrow bed inter rupted her. "Hush, Jim darlin'! Gere's the capt'in to see you and tell you he's come back to have you roighted. Sure how could a poor fellow be expected to come home in all that awful storm this morning, capt'in? 'Tis for not comin the colonel had him under arrestr but I tell him the capt'in . '11 see biro through." ". But Cram pushed her aside as she still interposed between him and the bed. "Doyle, look up and answer. I sayl" Again vehement protestations, and now an outburst of tears and plead ings, from the woman. "Oh. he can't understand you, capt'in. Ah, don't be hard on him. Only this rnornin' he was savin' how Doyle, I 1 m- - m as lEIFfFR o lj lju U LI, and it's "Stop this talk! ne wasn't dHnkl at all until vou nam v.nL- hound him. Open that door, or a fil of guard will." Och! thin wait till I dacency's sake, capt'in. Sure I'll thry and wake him." And then more whispering, the click of glass, maudlin protestation in SUNSHINE comes, no matter how dark the clouds are, when the woman who is borne down by woman's troubles turns to Dr. Pierce s Fav orite prescription. If her life is made gloomy by the chronic "weaknesses, deli cate derangements, and painful disorders that af flict her sex, they are com pletely cured. If she's overworked, nervous, or " run-uown," she has new life and strength. ' Favorite Prescription" Is a powerful, invigorating iviiiv; nun a wjoiomjy ana strengthening nervine. Pi L..': (,;.i:';n ivaindwl him of the ould loire :;s whin the officers was all gii tleiiu 11 art! soldiers. He's truer to ye than all the rest of thim. sir. D'ye rhoind that, capt'in? Ye wouldn't be lave it, mabby, but there's them that can tell ye LooCnant Waring was no friend of yonrs, sir, and worse than that, if ould Lascelles could spake now but there's thim left that can, glory be to Godl" "0!i, for God's sake shut up," spoke Cram roughly, goaded beyond all patience. '-Doyle, answer me!" And he shook him hard. "You were at the Pelican last night, and you saw Mr. Waring and spoke with him? What he want of j-ou? Where did he go? Who were with him? Was there any quarrel? Answer, I say! Do you know?" But maudlin moaning and incoherences were all that Cram could extract irom the prostrate man. Again the woman interposed, eager, tearful. "Sure he' was there, capt'in. He was there; he told me of it whin I feteho.I him home last night to git him out of the storm and away from that place; but he's too dhrunk now to talk. Sure there was no gettin' down here to barx for anybody. The cabman, sir. said no carriage could make it." "What cabman? That's one thing I want to know. Who is he? What be came of him?" "Sure and how do I know, sir? He was a quiet, dacent man, sir; the same that Mr. Waring bate so cruel and made Jefrers kick and bate him too I saw it all." "And was he at the Pelican last night? I must know." "Sure he was indade, sir. Doyle said so when 1 fetched him home, and though he can't tell you now, sir, he told me thin. They all came down to tne 1 eiican. sir, Waring and Lascelles and the other gintlemen, and they had dhrink, and there was trouble be tween the Frenchman and Waring, sure you can't blame him,- wid his wife goin' on so wid the loofnant all the last month, and blows was struck and Doyle interposed to stop it, sir, loike the gintleman that he is, and the eab-driver took a hand and pitched him out into the mud. Sure he'd been dhnnking a little, sir, and was aisv -j, uu tllu,L u,u ne Knows. The carriage drove away, and there was three. of thim. and noor TWri caught out there in the mud and in the storm, and 'twas me went out wid Dawson and another of the byes and fetched him in. And we niver heerd of the murther at all all. sir, until I came down here to-day, that's God's troot, and he 11 tell 7e so whin he's sober," she ended breathlessly, reckless of her descriptive confusion of Doyle and Divinity. And still the Irishman lay there limE, soggy, senseless, and at last, dis mayed and disheartened, the captain mil tl V dy . "Promise to sober him up by reveille, and you may stay. But hear this: If he cannot answeV for himself by that time, out you go in the battery cart with a policeman to take you to the calaboose." And then he left .No harmless. sooner had his foot.sto a-a away than the woman turned on her to a sitting nurelv vee-ttahl It rermktes and romnVi; Qu f J.""-"", "ow siruggiin f -ir'VWtJ 1111 LUn I Il4'T T1 -H-v proper functions of womanhood, improves r cm. juu snaie and cur. and BK READY TO TELL TliK BTOBY I GIVK ' TK." the stable and, after watering at the long wooden trough on the platform, were led away by their white-frocked grooms, each section to its own picket- iine. terry, supervising . the duty, presently caught sight of the tall muscular form of his captain coming briskly iround the corner, little Pierce tripping along by his side Cram acknowledged the salute of the battery officer of the day in hurried fashion. 'I Good-morning, Ferry." he said. "Tell me. who were there when you got Doyle away from that woihan yes terday?" ' ; ' " Only the three, sir. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle and the negro girl." . "No sign of anybody else?" "None, sir. I didn t go in the house at all. I rode in the gate and called for Doyle .to come out. The woman tried to parley, but I refused to recog nize her at all, and presently Doyle obeyed without any trouble whatever, though she kept up a tirade all the time and said he was too sick to ridp and all that, but he wasn't. He seemed ! whil dazed, but not drunk certainly not sick. He rode, all right, only he shiv ered and crossed himself and moaned when he passed the Lascelles place, for that hound pup set up a howl just as we were opposite the big gate. He was all trembling when we reached the post, and took a big drink the moment he got to his room." "Ye-es, he's been'drtnking ever since. I've just sent the doctor to see him. Let the corporal and one man of the guard go with the ambulance to escort Mrs. Doyle out of the garrison and take her home. She shall not staj" "Why, she's gone, sir," said Ferry. "The guard told me she went out of the back gate and up the track towards Anatole s going for all she was worth just after dawn." "The mischief she has! ', What can have started her? Did you see her yourself, Sergt. Bennett?" asked the captain of a stocky little Irish soldier, standing at the moment with drawn saber awaiting opportunity to speak to his commander. "Yes, sir," and the saber came flash ing up to the present. "She d wint over to the hospital to get some medi cine for the lieutenant just after our bugle sounded first call, and she came runnin' out as I wint to call the officer of the day, sir. She ran back to the lieutenant's quarters ahead of me, and was up only a minute or two whin down she came wid some bundles, and away she wint to the north running, wild-like. The steward told me a mo ment after of Dawson's escape." "Dawson! escaped from hospital?" . "Yes, sir. They thought he was all right last evening when he was sleep ing, and took the sentry off, and at four this morning he was gone." VIL Forty-eight hours had passed, and not a trace had been found of Lieut. Waring. The civil officers of the law had held grave converse with the se niors on duty at the barracks, and Cram's face was lined with anxiety and trouble. The formal inquest was held as the flood subsided, and the evi dence of the post surgeon was most important. About the throat of the murdered man were indubitable marks of violence. The skin was torn as by finger-nails, the flesh bruised and dis colored as by fiercely-grasping fingers. But death, said the doctor, was caused y the single stab. Driven downward with savage force, a sharp-pointed, two-edged, straight-bladed knife had pierced the heart, and all was over in an instant. One other wound there was, a slashing cut across the stomach, which had let a large amount of blood, but might possibly not have been moi- ! tal. What part the deceased had taken in the struggle could only be conjec tured. A little five-chambered revolver wnicn ne habitually carried was found 011 uie boor close at hand. Two c!)aV"-- had been recently fired, for the barrel was black with powder; but no one had heard a shot. The barkeeper at the Pelican could throw but little light on the matter. The storm had broken, he said, with Widen fury. The rain dashed in torrents against his western front, and threatened tj beat in the windows. JIe called to. two men who happened to be seated at a table to assist him, and was busy trying to get up the shutters, when Lieut. Doyle joined them and rendered timely aid. lie had frequently -seen Doyle during the previous month. Mrs. Doyle lived in the old Lemaitre house in the block below, and he often supplied them with whisky. They drank nothing but whisky. As they ran in the side doonthey were surprised to see the lights ofa carriage standing at the edge of the banquette, and the driver begged for shelter for his team, saying some gentlemen had gone in side, l he barkeeper opened a gate, , and the driver put his horses under a thing like that. Mr. Doyle had been drinking, and the gentleman whispered to him not to intrude Just then, and evidently wanted to get rid of him, but M. Lascelles, who had ordered the wine, demanded to be introduced, and would take no denial, and invited Mr. Doyle to join them, and ordered more wine. And then Bonelli saw that Lascelles himself was excited by .drink the first time he had ever noticed it in the year he had known him. The third gentleman he had never seen be fore, and could only say he was dark and sallow and did not talk, except to urge the driver to make haste, they must go on; but he spoke in a low tone with Mr. Lascelles as they went to the room, and presently the rain seemed to let up a little, though it blew hard, ahd the driver went out and looked around and then returned to the private room where the gentle men were having their wine, and there was some angry talk, and he came out in a few minutes, very mad; said he wouldn't be hired to drive that party any farther, or any other party, for that matter; that no carriage could go down the levee; and then he got out his team and drove back to town; and then Bonelli could hear sounds of al tercation in the room, and Mr. Doyle's voice, verv anirrv. and thKtrnf m.n. " tleman came out, and one of the men who'd been waiting said he had a cab, if that would answer, and he'd fetch it right off. and by the time he got back it y-:r,' hard uyain. and he took Ilia in lliiili r t.'ie ,he.l u hcro tha carriage had been, and a couple of sol diers from the barracks then came in, wet and cold, and begged 'for a drink, and Bonelli knew one of them, called Dawson, and trusted him, as he often had done before. When Dawson heard Lieut. Doyle's drunken voice he said there d be trouble getting him home, and he'd better fetch Mrs. Doyle, and j e was gone iasceiies came out. excuea, and threw down a twenty dollar bill and ordered more Krug and some brandy, and there was still loud talk, and when Bonelli carried in the bottles Doyle was sitting back in a chair, held down by the other officer, who was laughing at him, but, never theless, hud a -knife in hand a long, sharp, two-edged knife and Doyle was calling him names, and was very drunk, and soon after they all went out into the rear court, and Doyle made more noise, and the cab drove away around the corner, going down the levee through the pouring rain, one man on the box with the driver. That was the last he saw. Then Mrs. Doyle came in mad, and demanded her hus band, and they, found him reeling about the dark court, swearing and muttering, and Dawson and she took mm uu ueiween them. This must have been before eleven o'clock; and that was absolutely all he knew. Then Mr. Allerton had told his story again, without throwing the faintest light on the proceedings, and the hack driver was found, and frankly and fully told his: that Lascelles and an other gentleman hired him about eight o'clock to drive them down to the for mer's place, which they said was sever al squares above the barracks. He said that he would have to. charge them eight dollars such a night any where below the old cotton-press, where the pavement ended. But then they had delayed starting nearly an hour, and took another gentleman with them.and that when driven by the storm to shelter at the Pelican saloon, three squares below where the pave ment ended, and he asked for his money, saying he dare go no farther in the darkness and the flood, the Frenchman wouldn't pay, because he hadn't taken them all the way. He pointed out that he had to bring an other gentleman and had to wait. n. long time; and demanded his eiirht dol lars. The Other PPntlcmnn nrhm Ko. Ml for Infants and Children. THIRTY yearg' observation of Castoria with the patronage cf millions of persons, permit us to peak of it without gweasing. It in nnqnpationahly th best remedy for Infants and Chilgrea the world haa ever known. It in h armies. Children like it. It gives them health. It will save heir lives. In it Mothers hayo ome tiling which in nTmoItely afe and practically perfv-c. nn t I child's medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Feverishnesa. Castoria prevents vomiting Sonr Cnil. Castoria onres Diarrhoea and Vind CoTio. Castoria rolieves Teething Troubles. Castoria enres Constipation and Flntn'ecy. Castoria neutralizes tho effects of carbonic aci 1 gas or polsonons air. Castoria does not conta'n morphine, opinm, or otb er narcotic property. Castoria assimilates tho food, Tegnlates the utomnch and bowels" giving healthy and natnral sleep, Castoria is put np in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bnlh. Don't allow any one to sell yon nny thing else on 1he plea or tirom'so that it is"jnt as good" a-ad " will answer every pnrpotte." See that yon srt C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac-simile signature rf is on rvery wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches ! i"""a yuigs reiresmng sleep, and re stores health and vigor. For every " female complaint" and disturbance, it is the only remedy so sure and unfailing that it can be guaranteed. , If it doosn't benefit or cure, you have vour money bax k. look, were . Nash Street, WILSON, N. C. Watches, Clocks, Sewing Machines For Cash or on the Installment Plan. Repairing a Specialty. Wedding and Birthday Presents, A Fine selection. I wish to call the attention of mv friends and patrons to the fact that I've placed my ' 1 MILLINERY DOWN AT COST, to make room for my Fall Stock. Now is the time to buy while pi-prvthnio- ;c cheap. . 0 ' Be sure to call before purchasing elsewhere. These goods must be sold as I don't wish to carry them over. Veiy Respectfully, Miss Bettie Lee, Sign of the Three Hats under C b'jb Building, Wilson , N. C. swore. jou to every word I say, unless you d hang m his place. Dhrink this. u. m , ana go to slape, and be riddy to u.e fciory 1 g,vC ye in the mornin. - j- I..U! Kinie ye drove in that poor mummy's throat come back to cut your coward heart out. " wir wJ-'T16' slli;eHnSr' sobbing crazed th armk and fear, covered his eyes With Ills; lmndo .1 , . . . i,;c v ' V- , . wrewmmselfback " steaming pillow. rni5 un rose Gillian! and as me norses of the batterv came forth from the dark interior of Are Vou Nervous. Are ycu all tired out, do you have inai urea iceiing or sick headache ? 1 uu can te relieved of all these symptoms by taking Hood's Sarsapa nlla which gives nerve, mental and bodily strength and thoroughly puri nes the blood. It also creates a good appetite, cures indigestion, heart burn and dyspepsia. r.ui kleii's Arnica Salve. . The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum l ever Sores 1 etter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Pii - pay required. It is guaranteed t'r ;., ......uuii.ui money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by . J. nines, Druggist. l 1 ! . r . ouou m a pavea court in the rear, then came in lor a drink. Meantime, said the barkeeper, whose name was linnolli ! il . uuotj geiiwemen wno were laughing over their escape from the Btorm had ordered wine and gone into a private room, Doyle with them. The only one he knew was M. Lascelles, though he had seen one of the others frequently as he rode by, and knew him to be an officer before Mr. Doyla slapped him on the back and hailed' him aa "Sammy, old buokI",.Qrlsom3 Advice to Women . If you would protect vourself from Painful, Profuse, 'Scanty. Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use J found to be one of the officers at the ; barracks, slipped a bill into his hand and said it was all he had left, and if I it wasn't enough he'd pay him the next time he came to town. But the others were very angry, and called him an Irish thief, and then the big soldier in uniform said he wouldn't have a man abused because he was Irish, and Lieut. Waring, as he under stood the name of this other officer to be. told him, the witness, .to slip out and say no more, that he'd fix it all right, and that was the last he saw of the party, but he heard loud words and the sound of a scuffle as he drove away And Mme. dTIervilly had given her testimony, which, translated, was to this effect:- She had known the de ceased these twenty years, lie had been In the employ of her lamented husband, who died of the fever in "6S, ami moil-r uj had succeeded to the business, arul made money, and owned properly hi town, besides the old fam ily residence on the lovee below. He was wedded to Linilie only a little while before the war, and' lived at home all through, but business lan guished then, they had to contribute much, and his younger brother, M. Philippe, had cost him -a great deal. Philippe was an oilicer in the zouaves raised in HUH among the French Cre oles, and marched with them to Co lumbus, and was wounded and came home to Ik? nursed, and Emilie took care of him for weeks and months, and then he went back to the war and fought bravely, and was shot again and brought home, and this time M. Lace Hon did not want to have him down at the house: he said it cost too much to get the doctors down there; so he came under Madame's roof, ami she was very fond of the bov. and Emilie would come sometimes and play and sing for him. When the war was iiMoaon That dreaded and dreadful disease! What shall stay its ravages? TJwusands sa7 bcotts iimulsion of pure Norwegian cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption? Make no delay but take - Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Con3umDtion, Scrofula, and all A -io and Wasting Disease: nts wasting in Children. : palatable as milk. Ctt i genuine. Pre pared by bcott & Uowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Enrafeioi c A. NASH & SON. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Sashes, Doors. Blinds. Mantels. Monlrlino and Stair Work. HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS BRUSHES, ET. 5, 7 and 8 Atlantic Street, NORFOLK. V Correspondence Solicited S. H llaWCS&OO.,! Man DEALERS IN Lime, Plastei Cement, Viro 43 inia. Richmond, S.H.HaweScvGo,, DEALERS IN CO 1 Richmond, Va. over XL Lascelles gave him money to go 10 jie-xico witn Maximilian, and when j the French were recalled many de serted and came over to New Orleans, and XL Lascelles was making very lit 1 tie money now, and had sold his town property, and he borrowed money of j her to help, as he said, Philippe again, ; who came to visit him, and he was often worried by Philippe's letters begging for money. Seven thousand dollars now he owed her, and only' last week had asked for more. Philirme 1 (Continued on third page.) BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR , . v'ahti wscTi-i.:, Atr:l 2H lSStl This will oertily tWo'i"in of m, Immediate lainiij, efusr having surTcrel for Tears I10111 trre tilarltr. beinpr trenletl vltbou U utttt by physicians were at jMiKlh com pi, ely cnr.l by out, bottk effect u truU- wfiiHlrrrui. J. W. .Stkanoe. Book U " V , : ., S u.llr,1 FUEL. t,Mi or.ntalu. valuable- lufoniiHti.Mi on uil r-ii,ul .llsejiscs 8RADF1 FLL REGULATOR CO. fOff v f Job printing- done in fine shape at this office. KHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days Its action upon the system is remarka ble and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease imme diately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by E. M. Nadal druggist, Wilson, N. C. 4-7-6m Stoo vV- inn -fJt, A'i. t, vV. t. Vr Printing Why Vcs. We'll do it Nicely For You. ': Your orders Solicited. You can become a capitalist at once, by layingpby a small part of your yearly income and. invest ing it in a Tontine policy of the Equitable Life For $20 you can instantly se cure a capital of $1 ,000 (or for $200 a capital of $10,000), thus acquiring an estate which you may leave to your heirs, or re tain as a fund for your own support in old age, if your life be prolonged. , Such a step will prompt jou to save, will strengthen your , credit, Will increase your con fidence, will preserve you from ' care and will give you lasting satisfaction. The Plan is Simple. The Security Absolute. It is the perfect development of the life policy. To-day is the right time to get facts and figures. ' Address W.J. RODDEY, Manager, For the Carolina. ROCK HILL. S. C. COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At 't a medical wort that tells the causes, Them ! The Man or Woman who has bought RURIITURE -FROM ancTi . M M s M K K M M ki 1. V i T , T lJ""113 e runieuy. 'i tils U l sclentineallv the most valuable, artistlc-ally 2 the most beautiful. me!ical book tbat has a- H pearert for years; 9B pa;?es, every pae leariifi " jubjec treated are Nervous Debility, Inino- M (ESr Varicocele, 'fhe M i i ""S Jiarriaite, etc. W?. th,r 'd Arrets an,t A, WOXDFM W?rf iSMl'S'l1'11 rit for this t. ... . Jjyjutl.. , convenient enclose tn cents to I pay postage alone. Address the publishers ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. T. 3df El Stevens Will tell vou. that is the nlar to get the Best Goods for the least money. Our Recently Improved Electro Galvanic ' Body Battery, . Electric belt, and annlianr-rx: ;n tainly cure Rheumatism, 'Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney disease Female weakness and diseases r.t women, Catarrh cured with our Flec tnc catarrhal Cap. Diseases r.f permanently cured " bv the- current of Electricity produced v our body battery. Live local agents, want ed send for price list and Testimonials I NO. A.. CRISP V I? rr - - - , . ... VVT., . IffTerson. O. HAVE YOUK fm WASHiNo mm don " m GREENSBORO Iv t-oam T ,1-.. &X. 1 CWSpecial rates for r? m families. Leave orders Wt il' G- Connorf Jr., at YfJ-f Alex. Green's feed storc-g yTLANTIC COAST LINE WILMINGTON &WELDON R.j AND BRANCHES. AND FLORENCE RAIDROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE TRAINS GOING SOUTH. DATED May 8Ui, 'm. Ieav Welilon . Ar Hooky Mount! Arrive Tarfmro.. lave Tai b;o..' I-v Uocky Mount. 1 4: lfave Wilson z S3 lavd eliua. .. l.v FjyeiieviJle Ariive J; lo.ence.l 105 P M Vi : 1 43 12 54 Lcavft Wilson... Im-hvp okisl.Jroi l-av! IMaynolia. Ar W iliiiintoii.. 4 :) i; ui C4 P M 5 07 Vl 6 01 638 8 'it 10 40 PM I 15 48 ' . 1 '., 8 42 '. 10 ,A M ! 15'.. 7 23 758 2 330 515 830 1 M j P M j A M 758 843 5T 1135 A M TRAINS GOING NORTH. DATKD Miij Hth, isai. I'iivk Florencp .. l.v I'ajt'tuville.. Irf'UVI-Scllllil Arrive ilson A M r io iiV W niiiijrlon.., lA-avo. MaRii-.)ia.. I'uve (iolilslioro Ar.ive Wilson .. Ltiavo Wjisfn.., Ar Hocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro .. Leave Tarboro.... Lv Hooky Mount. Arrive. Weldon... AM n 10 12 20 I 10 A M 1 10 2 (nl 2S5 12 54 2 tQ n ori PM B AM 1130 U50 H Vi 12 50 PMI 7:io; 934 j 5 PM 7 45 lit 10 17 I I 00 P M 4 00 537 650 7 42 PM c oe; S.c:.. PMI ii:w 12 08 13f8 100 A M PM 7 42 8 311 PM 8 30 .. 40i.. PM ! . Trains on Scotland Neck Branch road leave Weldon 3:40 p ni; Halifax, 4:00 p in, arrive Scotland Week 4:48; Green ville, 6:28 p ni: Kiiiston, 7:30 p m. Re turning leaves Kinston 7:20 a m; Green ville, 8:22 a m; arriving at Halifax 1100 a ni; Weldon 11:20 a m, daily, except Sunday. r Trains on Washington branch leave yVasl.mgton 7 00, a nf., arrives at 1 armele 840 a 111, Tarboro 9 50 return ing lea es Tarboro 4.40 p m, Parmele 6 00 p m, arrives Washington 7 30 p m, daily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Scotland Neck Branch. 0 Tra,in- 'T3 Tarboro, via: Albemarle & Raleigh R. R., daily, except Sunday, 5 00 p m, Sunday 3.00 p m; arrive Ply mouth 9:20 p ni, 5:20 p in. Returning leaves Plymouth daily, except Sunday 5:30 a m, Sunday io:co a m; arrive 1 arboro 10:25 a m, and 12:20 p in. Train on Midland N, C. Branch leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6 00 a m; arrive Smithfield 7:30 am. Return ing leaves Smithfield 8:00 a m; arrives Goldsboro 9:30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount 6:15 f m; arrives Nash ville 6:50 p m; Spiinghope, 7:15 p m. Returning leaves Springhope 8:00 a m. Nashville, 8:35 a in; arriving at Rocky Mount 9:15 a m, daily, except Sunday I rain on Latta Branch Florence R R leave I 1 1 ' t -..a . 1 . . .......... , , lw rt,mt. ijunnar 8.40 p ni. Returning leave Dunbar 600 am; arrive ,.atia 715 a in. Daily except Suitda v. 'Train 'on-Clinton P.raiuh leaves War saw for Clinton daily.except Sunday; at 6.00. p m. and 11:30 a in. Returning leaves Clinton at 8:20a m, and 3:10 pm, ,-......i.iiK vvarsaw witn fMos. 41. 40. 23 and 78. t t iT?i,,,.No- 78 n,akes close com ection at We dn tor all points North, diily, all rail via. Richmond, ami Hall.' cept hiinday, via. Portsmouth i lU Bay Line. Also ai Rot ky Mount w t i Nor- olk and 1 arolina road ftr Norfolk dai ly and all pomts North-via Norfolk dailyexeept Sumlay. - IOHN F.. DIVINE, , n " - General Sup't. J Rkknlv Ge" 1 Manager I M Lmkkson. Traflic Manager. N OTICF. 1 laving this day sold one-half interest in my drug business to Herbert Roun tree the busim ss will be conducted in future under the firm name ol The. Wilson Drug Co. This is to send notice to those who are in arrears to the old In m to please come forward and settle their accounts at once. ' W. S. ANDERSON. To Our Friends And Patrons, In luture we will . conduct both a wholesale and retail business in the drug line. Roth town and country merchants who handle any drugs will ....w i lmeresi to call on us be fore buying as we are prepared to sup p y their wants, and deliver at their place of business in quantities to suit at baltiniore prices, thus saving them the freights. We make a specialty in jobbing drugs and- supplying retailers at home and abroad. We shall en- "e.uor atall times to merit you ued orders if promptness and fair m;;s are ne requisites. THi: WILSON DRUG CO our vai- deal- JOHN GASTON, Fashionable Barber, Nash St., WILSON, N. C. Easy chairs, razors keen; Scissors sharp, linen clean. : t or a shave you pay a dime .t ; viny a ntcicie to get a shine; Shampoo or hair -ut Pompadour ou pay the sum of twenty cents more. 1 ills often leave a person constipat ed. Simmons I ver , "-s"i.nof never JO OTHER Sarsaparilla has the careful personal sujiervision of the proprietor in all the details of its prepa ration as has HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. T A T" a r t m - . . xiwwm.i-Liufc cures itch in 3 minutes.- Price ;oc. Snhl b W. S. Aqderson & Co. 7.W iv Lucas Kr llnn.-or ni,i. . . " ' w1.11.1v v-reetc, C. Positions Guaranteed. 'Guarantee in Writing.) Send for cat alogue of Drauehon's ousiness College, am. vacation. natifr 1 ' ' ' JHn 15-131 Nashville. (Mention this Msiii v PoroiiN are brr.kei down from oyerwotk oe houteuotd can-s. lJrown's Iron liitters iitbuiids the tystem. aids A i sct inn rommr.,o . . . . aid cur bmiI HtoSSir" DR. E. K. WRIGHT. Surgeon Dentist, ' WILSON, N.-C. ivinir pcrmaiitnilv lnmi.,i ;n : pn, I ofier n;y professional services to the public. ' tOflice in Central If tel Building H J. iVl txyOy Is selli,,R the singer Sewing Machine Wilson. Drop him a card if you a thinking of buying or exchanging m chines. in are fine ma nes. You can buvlh UKt marhine on earth by paying f5.oo down, then month $3 FOR- B Printing. , this office.