The Wilson Advance, My W. Jj. CANTWEtt. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered in the Post Office at Wilson, N. C, as second class mail matter. ,'For the cause that lacks assistance. - For the wrong that .needs resistance, For the future in the distance, And the good that we can do." SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : M1UWAY rLAlSAKCE. One Year... Six Months. ... ' fi.50 .75 Remit by draft, post-office order or . . 1 1,.. . i . 1 icgiMcicu leutr hi our risK. viways give post-orhce address in lull. "Advertising application. Rates furnished on No conimiHiiration will be printed without tlie name of the writer being known to the Editor. Address all cor respondence to . The Advance, Wilson. N. C Thursday, August 24, 1893. VllESKNT 1 KICKS." The price of cotton is now the same as it was this time last year, about 7 cents. This low price should not discourage us because everything is now depressed and we all remem ber how rapidly the price advanced last fall. " The price of tobacco now being sold" - is of courst low because only the lowest grades are being marketed. But if the tightness of money can be relieved, it loolcs like good prices will rule. For both cot ton and tobacco the Wilson market is always the highest in the State. We do nbt advise farmers to sell their produce until money begins to circulate more Freely. TWO PREVIOUS. At the Virginia State Convention last week which nominated Col. Three Quartsr3 of a Mile of Ani O'Ferrall for Governor, i resolution! mate and Lifeless Freaks, was passed oil motion of Gerii. . Fitz- J jr ; . hugh LeC," Congratulating President All Mankind Represented by QuaLrtt, Queer Cleveland on the birth of a son. The and curious structures and stiii More resolution excited great enthusiasm ' Remarkable Specimen, of the Genu . , , , , n !'-' Homo Oriental Night Life. and was telegraphed to the Presi- . dent, but it seems v that Fitz was too Special world's Fair Letter.! previous. At least Mrs. Cleveland From the top of the Ferris wheel In knew nothing about it as she was out e My Plaisance you can see all , 0 j wt c f the king-doms of the earth in a moment sailing the same day. We infer from ..." A11 , . . , .. , , . f , - 1 of . time. All kindreds, nations ana this that the gallant general is not so ton,-nos are to be found on that queer intimate with the President's house- three-quarters of a mile, without par hold affairs as he pretends to be, and or preceden t. Never was there such we fear this premature action I will an opportunity to survey the world performance have beei much divided, I tt but no official censure has been passed ' or a sluggish and torpid ; liver, upon what is sometimes termed its nothing can surpass Ayer's Pills. danseuses are clad more after a fashion mineral drug, but .are composed of i .r i "n AZ- T J me active principles ol the best veee. tuan of chmy Chicago, and certain it L - j .1 . . .. 6. ' . . " table cathartics, and thmr nu m.c , " rv. ulnar-. ... ... ' results in marked benefit to the patient. only tend -'to strengthen the Presi dent's disinclination to appoint Vir ginians to "office, r To our frieiuls over the border line we -offer Davey Crocket's motto : "Be sure you aie n'ght and then pass your -resolutions." - " :V.;-"i . " '' - -" ' ' i.-A ji Lis ' "' deeding atonic, or finkh-eit w hri want butt' nit- u;j. ahwiiii lazv It is pleasant to fake, cures Miliaria Ini . TUttUou. Uillouimeua and liver Complaint . from China to Peru. Half a dozen con tinents are represented in the aggrega tion of concessions. Man, as he is to day, lvyond the pale, as he was a few thousand jears ago in alj .lands, is on exhibition on the Plaisance. lie is, there in all shades, from conventional pink and white to lemon color and burnt sienna, lie. elbows his brother from .the antipodes day after day on the broad roadway. Half a lifetime spent in studying books of travel would not convey the quantity of informa tion that may be derived from a week spent on the Plaisance. It is far more than a mere "show." It is an educa tion. From savag-e naturalness through dim demicivilization to oriental ease, the process of the world's evolution of civilization is traced out in unmistak able characters. ' , Then, too, there is a whole multitude 11 discontinuing the pur j of "plays quaint or curious from silver bullion, i It f"1"" ? "! view. uuu' uu,siraie. mav . u ' 11.1 i lers otner tnan tne manners of the spoken wi h .all the energy and ve-! orient or the kr.k of them in Africa. neinence that JSlr. Vorhees Jhas ever I Things : industrial are npt . f org-otten Which. Prunella. "Doesn't your father think that your fiance is a fortune hunter ?" 4 ... ' Perdita. "Oh. no !' 1 Prunella "Then, doesn't he think Washington. Au?. 22. After ,' o some unimoortant business had been disposed of 'Mr. ydrhees,' chairman T c: .it- - . . ui 111c nuance eommiin.'e, men hi 12:2s took the floor and " atldressed the Senate in advocacy of the bill r-' ported by hi chase of the J The Secretary of the Treasury at Washington refused last week to pay out silver dollars for gold. The rea son given is that the silver dollars are held to redeem outstanding silver certificates. Yet the Government has one ' hundred and thirty million dollars in silver bullion. Why don't the Government take the advice of the Advance and coin this bullion ; into dollars and pay it out for gold when people want; silver dollars? The cry is that we want gold and here is a chance to get it in exchange lor silver. . The .week in Congress has been passed bythe House, in discussion of the Wilson bill, which provides for for the stoppage of silver purchases, ol thebenate in waiting to see what the House will do. There was a great deal of speech-making and it may be said that the friends of silver have done the best speaking and al together have managed their case , with great ability. It appears certain however that when the vote is taken the House will pass the Wilson bill and that the vote. in the Senate will be very close. In the meantime the financial sit uation becomes more strained. Mills are closing every day. Banks are suspending and even the wealthiest concerns can get no currency, .' The large number of unemployed people are beginning to be heard from, and it is being felt everywhere that the present situation cannot continue long. The question is will the stoppage of silver purchases do any good. The Advance cannot see wherein it will afford any immediate relief. Moore currency is the immediate need, for w ithout this we cannot market tobac co and'eotton. It is true that there is just as much money in the United States as there was a' year ago, when there appeared to- be enough. The money has disappeared from circu lation. Where to, no one can say. The banks have not got it, the busi ness men say they have none, the VV171V, U. 1 I .- II II I .41111 'MT rn2 t-1 An is all in this country. It is supposed that lack of confidence has Jed every body to hold on to the cash they have and there is no other explana tion at hand, to account for the cur rency, famine, for it is certain that there is as niuch money in the whole country as there was a year ago. Why has confidence been destroyed? There are many answers to this ques tion, but the Advance thinks that the bad state of affairs in Europe caused distrust here, which distrust has been augmented by the agitation of the silver question and the heavv decline in silver. We all are con vinced that if the money in the coun try could get back into circulation the troubfe, for the present at least, would be over. The Advance says: Loin the silver bullion held by the Government intp money and let it come into circulation. Every dollar will help. As for our own section, if we cannot get money for tobacco and cotton we will be iri a bad fix, but on the other hand if these crops can be marketed at a reason able price we believe our people will be better off than they have been in several years- Crops are good and much hog and hominy has been made. displayed m a speech before the Senate. From the first sentence lie commanded the close and earnest attention of Senators on both sides of the chamber and of an unusually large audience in the galleries. I he . de- lvery 01 the speech occupied an hour and thirty-five minutes. After Mr. Vorhees took his seat he was con gratulated by many Senators. The galleries then began to thin out and a number of Senators left the cham ber. -. . . In the house the debate on .silver was continued, but nothing of impor tance done. Hon. F. A. Woodard was appoint ed a member of the committee on elections.' - . Don't lay awake at night. Take Simmons Liver Regulator and secure restful sleep. , THESTATE UNIVERSITY. Is It worthy of JNorth Carolina People ? 1 ml Her and the savaye breasts over on Freak avenue are soothed by the charms of music rich and rare. Visitors who stroll into a glass factory, blase as they may be with the marvels of the exposi tion, are startled to find themselves in close proximity to a Turk or two, a German cavalryman, a Tyrolese singer, a French, danseuse, and a Chinese his trion. Those are the daily occurrences of the Midway Plaisance. Seen from the railway bridge that crosses Midway Plaisanee the street is that the audience is mainly of the sterner sex. - But bevond all doubt t.h theater illustrates the customs of the country whence the performers have come, and the concessionaires of t.ha Cairo street defend their danseuses on the count of their ethnological inter est. Like all oriental dances the mo tion is of the body rather than of the feet. There is no slight grace about the performance, and there is a rvth- . mic skill that probablv no occidental hf is n fnnl ?" premiere could acquire. j At the theater attached to the Turk-' - - ish village there are dances that differ The Standard blood purifier, from the airoene in degree rather strength builder and nerve helper is than kind. There is .the same wave- Hood's Sarsaparilla. Insist on Hood's, like movement of the body, the same because Hood's CURES swaying in sections to music, and the ' ;s same languorous grace. This is like- wise the case at the Algerian theater. , A iet shot Both these latter playhouses, how- right at the seat of difficulty, is ac ever, possess their distinctive features. ' complished by the sure and steady lnere is a complicated presentation of v..,-. -,c c r t r , 1 a wedding, with feasting and cymTa?s n r V M A T Re""y and quaint ceremonies, on the boards D" 1 arUnd Wlth a PP RUn, of the Turkish theater. The Alge-; nor "b hnt-lock," when this reliable rians show Aissaous, or torture dance, ' "Winchester" is within reach ! Dr. a display suCk-iently horrible to be fas- S.ige's treatment of catarrh is far su cinating. Either in actual fact or in perior to the ordinary, and when di- Ath? Vertormc "h ,are regions are reasonably well followed, swarthy Arab men. work themselves ! ri i:u . : . rV into a frothing religious frenzy, and ' N !', '"" -"re. Don't under its influence proceed to wound ,on' ,J-' H'U.iK i m l,j the verified tnemscives grievously. Among their ' i tins uniaiung remeay. 500 fntc ..w. i,.. ..i, s i , i ,0 ..PT.,.,A r:.u r ; : uic tiiu,mj uuu swallowing 1 nuricu, ui jjuuu ldllll, lor au inCUT- of broken glass and of prickly cacti, a:le case of Catarrh in the Head, by ..... To.ruwu u, uvc ..coipioiis. anu us uropnetors, the World's Dispen l ? iSr-J-S: i Medical Association. Buffiu N. once each day, and it requires no p ' all druggists., small exercise of faith on the part of the audience in the theater to swallow the showman's statement to the effect that it is the evening prayer to Ma homet, j Then there are other theaters, too. The Chinese opera house is perhaps the most interesting of them all, and the hoarse clangor of its boiler-plate or chestra rings in the ears of every pass er by on the Plaisance. In deference to occidental ideas, the book of BROWN' S IRON BITTERS cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility . Senator Vorhees says, "I will stake my reputation that Mr. Cleve land is lor gold and silver. The Committee, of the Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor to inspect the University, of which our esteemed townsman, Elder P. D. Gold, was a member, made a full and detailed report at commencement. We print a few extracts which wilt inform the people of the condition and management of their chief insti tutipn 01 learning. GENERAL CONDITION. The general condition of the Ilni versity is one of healthy, vigorous growth. Tht snirit that from'the president to the manager of f 1 t 1 . . " tne DaseDau team is pushing, hope lull and progressive. There is, a de termination to make it all that a reas onable public will demand. MORAL AND RELIGICfUS TONE. Your committee as a body, and in dividuallywere very favorably im pressed with the high moral and re ligious tone of the University, as it applies to both the faculty and the siuuenis. ... we were informed that the students regularly attend some ol" the cBurclr services of the several christian denominations havin churches at Chapel Hill The order ly decorum, and gentlenianly bear ing, and the quiet of the students at the chapel service and pray ers were very marked, and the members of the committep were highly pleased and gratified. The . vouno- mP i;c tened attentively to the reading of iuc -.eripmres, ana engaged heartily in the service of song. The morning prayeis we attended impressed us as solemnly as would a. family worship before the duties of the day begin. It was a company of joyous, hopeful, happy ycung men. Your chairman, by invitation of the young men at- icnueu me work o! the Young Men's Christian Association, and by their !c4ura' maae a snort talk after read mg some t selections from the " scrip tures and prayers. . Hp wc aged and strene-thened hv rh car vice, and went away grateful for the wxivnege, ana with the prayer in his heart, "God bless the men nf .w. ';- stitutior,, and turn the feet of many -u.uuh meir innuence to obedience to rns statutes. And God hW fh T T - . "'I. university, and mnlim,'.;- C . a i"J -power the State needs. the University and the University is worthy ok the State. We believe that thP lin;,,:... worthy of our highest efforts to main -tain it and to broade and to send out its light, to bless the : v. "8 young men and broadenuiL'- them fr , i"-' ulc. 1 ne otate needs the it;....:.. . , it; - .i - " " "'vcisuy. llie universitv ic umni,.. r 1 . 1 . , U1 me state. J-et us keen it d - . . tipnal horizon expands withthe ad vance of these wonderful times let us enlarge the center light that its rays may touch .the remotest points and bring hope and joy to the men who are to come after us. John C. Scarborough, Ch'm. I-'or I'I4mm iii KiiHlnetiH. It is a. wise man who asks his wife's advice, but it is a wiser man who fol lows it. Faith is as necessarv in business as in i;eligion ; confidence is the founda tion ol credit. , It is not always the customer who Duys most who best profits the deal er. ,. It is a rare man, indeed, who is admired by his associates ; respect is oftena matter of distance. , t THE MIDWAY PLAJSASCE FROM "THE EAST. seems to contain a forest of spires and domes. Not more variod nr ml. i. i t. .. . 1 . vuc piv iis oeen aDriafWHi frnm drama calculated to occupy three or tifrm H...T, f, .7 T --;u 10 occup sir, ;r,; t . it i ?Z u- ine four months in execution to a comedy street are the stvlesnf itsnrrnfotn-. i - . J are dainty minarets surmounted witn tne Turkish CriiSCOnt.. rruf rvf thatcli and red tiled buildings after the fashion of a century or two ago. Most of them manage, whatever their style, to protrude a tower of some sort, sizo or material skyward, and in the dis tance the whole is an inextricably tan gled mass of tapering turrets. High above them all is the lofty Fer ris wheel, with its myriad supporting rods, that from afar seem as closely wo.ven as the meshes of a spiders web. The huge erection stands half way be tween the fair grounds and the west ern termination of the Plaisance, and towers above all its surroundings, dwarfing the tallest of th the comparison. Certainly it is as dis- an hour in lencrth. . Emnnrnrs I ing white vhiskers, much made-up men who impersonate princesses and Joss, the high god, are the staple char- ucters in au tne plays. The term "village" is of an accommodating- nature on t.h Pli v illages are there as thick as blackber ries, and they range from a collection of booths to a H w iuxi . u 111 ox Irish villages are situated close to tbif eniranee to tne llaisance, one of them the pet undertaking of Lady Aber- .1 . V . .... . . - me wiie 01 ttie chiel magistrate of Canada, the other undpr th cmuh intendence of Mrs. Ernest Mart, an englishwoman with Irish sj-mpathies. Both make a conscientious to be villages, each containing its tmctly the curiosity of the fair as was I 1uot4 ot thatched cottages, where the liffel tower at the Paris exposi- ldeauzed peasants in impossibly white tion four aprons sell butterrmllr nnA W-vit A Sprained Ifaek and Its Cure I take pleasure in recommending your valuable remedy to all sufferer's of Neuralg,a or Sprained back, as 1 consider that Pond ' Pf . pn,! , e . . . " nas no eg 'al, for it-is worth its webht in goia when properly sed. 1 have used it in my family these last fifteen years with so much satisfaction that a,n never without it at home." , t Albert Weber, 280 Larondelet street. tion four years a:ro. From tWrnmrj to the top of the wheel is a distance of 250 feet, and in its circumference are contained 3S cars, each construct ed to carry SO people, "A ride in the wheel" comprises twice around the cir cuit, a distance in all of 1,500 feet, and occupies in all some 20 minutes. From one point of view the wheel is some what on the nature of a disappoint- ii,. l eujjie who Doard the cars in the hope of experiencing any of the titillation of the nerves that accom panies a risk will find themselves mis taken. The motion, though of course perceptible, is slow and dignified. One does not realize that the 'height is vast, and, locked in behind the grilles of the windows, there is little more conception of risk than if the wheel were a tower of granite. Theaters galore are to be found on the Plaisance. Eight or nine are in a chronic condition of performance all day and most of the night. The more important of them are of the east, eastern, and bear a strong familv re semblance the one to the other. Their attractions are largely saltatory, and for the first time Americans are af forded an opportunity to view the dance du ventre, if not in all its naked ness, at least nearly so. The theater where this performance takes place is attached to the concession . known as the "Street in Cairo." Opinions as to the advisability of permitting the aprons sell buttermilk and bog-Oak ornaments. Each is credited with an ancestral mansion. Lady Aberdeen having selected IJlamey castle for the model of her principal building, Mrs. Hart the Castle of DonegaL Some justification, too, may be found for applying the term village to the -German Concession, with its schloss and church. The Laplanders and Javanese also have transferred the homes of their native lands to Ameri can soil, the Javanese village in par ticular, with its bamboo cottages and roofs of palm leaf, being; among the most picturesque objects on the fair grounds. Jt is difficult, however, to discover any justification for the ap plication of the term to the Turkish or the Algerian concessions. In both cases the village is merely a collection y- uwius wnere visitors are entrapped into paying three or four prices for lirurnmagem goods alleged to have been imported from the east. Even;to merftion some of the attrac tions of the thirty or forty concessions uu me uaisanee would occupy more space than is obtainable within the narrow limits of a newspaper article, .lmost every variety of amusement is to be discovered in the strange street, from listening to the great Aus trian band in the Old Vienna street to Tiding a camel in the street in Cairo. Seeing is believing on the Midway Plaisance. Paul De n. Sweeney. Love's Young Oreuiu Loye's young dream was a very bright one, and its fulfillment will be bright, too, if the bride will remem ber she is a woman, and liable to all the ills peculiar to ; her sex. We re mind those who are suffering from any of these, that Dr. Pierre's Favor ite Prescription will renew the hue of . l 1 youm in pale and sallow cheeks, cor rect irritating, uterine diseases, arrest and cure ulceration and inflamma tion, and infuse new vitality into a wasting body. "Favorite Prescription"-is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists under a positive guarantee from the manufactures, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, aud faithfully carried out for many years. l.fclareniiKoolH. Adult One. A gentleman who lectured on fools printed his tickets as above. Sug gestive, certainly and even sarcastic. What fools are they who suffer the inroads of .disease when they can be cured. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is sold under a positive guarantee of its benefiting or curing in every case of Liver, Blood and Lung disease, or money paid for it will be cheerfully refunded. In all blood taints and impurities of what ever iinne or nature, it is most posi tive in its curative effects. Pimples, Biotches, Eruptions, and all skin and scalp diseases, are radically cured hv this wonderful medicine. 'Scrofulous disease m iy affect the glands, caus ing su'el!ni;s or tumors: the hine catisin i "Fever-sores." "White Swel lings." "Ilio-i n'nt Dise.s: rr tlw - , . - , tissues of th.' luiigs, ciusing Pulmo ary Lonsu nption. Whatever man.festalioiis ui.iv be 'n.Mden Medical Discovery" cures it. 11- its AVIml d Viih iakr Medicine tor ? Because von' are slrlr and want to get well, or because you wisn to prevent illness. Then re member lhat Hood's SarsanarilU CURES all diseases Caused hv imnnre blood and debility of the system. It is not what its proprietors say, but wnat Hoods barsapariHa does, that tells the story of its merit. Be sure to get Hood's arid only Hood's. Holding bin Own. " Old Subscriber (to editor). "Can you lend me $5 00 ?" , Editor. "We cannot." Old Subscriber. "PaDer ain't dn ing, much, eh ?" Editor. "Well, we're hnldin' our - "..The - success of Mrs. Annie M. i Mr. Thomas Batte, editor of the m the treatment of darrhocea in her fond what he believes to be the children will undoubtedly be of inter- best remedy in existence for the flux est to many mothers. She says: "I His experience is well worth remem- spent several weeks in Johnstown, ring. He says: "Last summer I ra., alter the preat ft rrr1 haH d ck rof- --,-. -.1- r t ?Lrmy rUS , d, -beinff ' emPloyed al.m.ost every known remedy, none were. We had several children living, relief. Chamberlain's Colic With US, tWO of whom t,1- U ,!: 1 Cholera anH rI---l n , ' , -.,r me. uicii- 1 aticxi i iiucd. ivenieuy was rncea -very badly. I got some of I recommended to me. I purchased Chamberlain' ri;- -ui , a u&a j, . w . u rv 1, "w -"j.v,, . v,nuiera anu wluV;im iceeivea almost lmme- i-ci rvemeay lrom Rev. Mr. Ay n -1 - If V - A RESTORES : Color, Fullness, and Texture TO HAIR Which has become Wiry, Thin, or Gray. "Some five years ago, I was not a little alarmed to dis cover that my hair was falling out, threatening speedy Ualdness. AYER'S Hair Vigor being recommended, , I procured a bottle and at once applied .it to my harr and scah), continuing to do so for several weeks, and was happily surprised that my hair stopped falling and tipw hair name out full of life and vigor. " -VT7T?e TTo?t Tt(Tnr Vines not o'lllv rfiStorfi sx j.ii . i iitui ? lir . w v w - - J ?new hair, but gives new life and vigor to its . . . . . . . 1 1 i f 'if- 9 DO YOU WANT The People of Wi son. Nash, Edgecombe, ureene, and Pitt TO KNOW Wlio you are Where you are What you sell The Wilson Reaches and interests irn Advance AVER'S Prepared by Dr. growth, and is a blessing to all who use ij,. , f u.ur( llev. D.J. Burt, Baptist Minister and Clerk : people ol the various profes l - -. T-.- . T-nnr-nnirilln O CtAMP t f 1 O 1 . - HAiR VIGOR - . -.'!"'" - ' J. C. Ayer & Co:,' Lowell, Mass. ! PEOPLE FIND That it is not wise to experiment with cheap compounds purporting to be blood-purifiers, but which have no real medicinal value.,. To make use of any other than the old standard AYER'S Sarsaparilla the Superior Blood-purifier is simply to invite loss of time,, money, and health. If you are afflicted with Scrofula, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Running Sores, Tumors, or any other blood, disease, be assured that it pays to use AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S , only. AYER'S Sarsaparilla can always be depended upon. It does not vary. It is always the same in qualit', quantity, and effect. It is superior in combination, proportion, appearance, and in all that goes to build up the system weakened by disease and pain. It searches out all impurities in the blood and expels them by the natural channels. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Has cured otliers, will evife you sions, traces ana vn;nn. than any other local paper be j tvvcen Wilmington and Ye ( don. This is loud talk,'. hut it is the disrobed truth ami 'susceptible ; of proof -vtry wrek in the year. Do' you chrsirt'to- Tell Your 'Story ? ROWKRS AND BULKS! W. P. SIMPSON, President. J. C A. p. BRANCH Assistant CashierJ HALES, Cashier , ' B rail ch & C o . , Wiltsoi), V N". TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS IN ITS FULLEST SCOPE. SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OF THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. Hyacinths, Tulips, and ot-her Flowering Biilbs for Fall Planting. Choice Rose Buds and other Flowers. : Floral Designs for all occa sions at Very reasonable pri ces. ": , Catalogue Free. J. Palmer Gordon, Florist. 1013-iy Ashland, Va. b-rllaria, Liver Trou- i e - o r I n d ig e s t i on , u s c VlOVJN'S. iron Bii'x-rs Pv T TiJTrL.nfLfiFf m n r W 0 LL'S iRPMPMSi: WE GUAIIASTEE A CURE E IlCfYlCmDCi) unci invito tho most E CaretUI lnVtil'litlnn l a rnr rnoivon .-;i.;i ity ana the merita of our XaMet3- S M-HBMMMWMNM9 ".." ll',w"MM"'"'M"''WIMlll-.trarii.tKiiMWMwlM,wm l."'J Double Chloride of Gold TsMets Will comnletfilvdpHt.rnvfhp A ess; cause no sickness, and ijiv bo ci vn i.. r.r:.. ,:.f.V f.rJI" l: - edge of the paticut, who wm voluntarily stop .nrokirl i,jr lug usuui our F;t.IAL. rOKMLLA COLD CURE TABLETS u..UfS TiVuuiii,j)autuis are buotcu me jree us-e cf Liaucr or or- Tthine uutil such t.irno nut i, on .TT1" JUU1 K i 1 ?nd,Particular3 and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall 1. 1 . .1 1 V ll fA n.r(..i j 1... .... .... ,.l i . i v..o u.ia.c .tun;ujt; uy inu useoi our tablets : Mil I "3 Tfini ctp 1 : druRKistsut S i .nn i.t riiak-Mfff. 3 aa If your druirgistdpeis not keep theiri.ncloseus $ I on llTlfl VL'f Will ain.ll , ' . . "''V Tablets " j"u u.ii, , oiiu-uige oi our Write yonr name and nddre3s jjlninlv, and stato I.inii.v ITti it 1 DO NOT BE DE-CEIVED into pnrchasinp "J l(.0 .1-F.-L tJlliS I Mil t I 111 ir fIT tT-i' f 4 IT A . Ij- -7 T T--W- m-m -a-juxiis uuu i;ib.t) no omcr. Manufactured only by j3$L a S C A FEW F MifflOBials g j. rcm persons iT W vho have boen P cured by the use of j3 Hill's Tablets. E -TUFr- OHIO CHEMICAL CO, 61. 63 & 65 Opera Block, LIMA, OHIO. PARTICOXAnS , FREE. our nld The Onio Ori Co.: jr .. DBAliMic-i Ih-pii iis-h1 Clirn ftr toi ,".! i:!tl i- juifi t'.!i,.i.t it d- whiit you i-iuim ;oj- it. nsi-l i, , . ,',u i.r1h c t Ix; ;-tr'.ti!i:a: t. h i. )..... ,.. ,i..- from ten. to ! ort.y pijx y- '.f tc.:,,. ..... ft. w. .-in-wcl d R'rlokMl lor tucrir -i... - . i Of your -Tublcts cured m f :i r .- ! ! Mi t K.rlt i:.?hjAvu)..:i,,ji:ii. ' -Vr.iis Ki-niv, N. Y. OlI!0 OilEHICA'Tj Co;: CEXTI.lfMEN :-,iine 1 ime ii-r.i i u-ut" " - w-yonr. oi yt;r.;- l :iiiev ior i !h:.cev ir:il,it. 1 riK-i-ived tiniiii on i iji-.niii, an iiontrn i was i : : ii- -..rU c. a'ld chew or tney dm the work in less limn I!-!-. i;i vs. J -'n . iired Truly yours,-. MA'liiffi .lli.Mij,i. o. Uox 45, - ii ipiiu nil a. ' Vo or IC" rf!-;-'S --: J- Vh? tow-Hie a - ' ' . ....... .... y U T.J V I.'. 1 ICM II 11) I II' 11SK4M and will not town lirp-.or oi 'ar:v ki:.d. I have v: iu .i , in oruer to know the car was -.crua..uit. ..Axr: l ii : wiy tin quit drink inp, . uiiiitih belorc writing M-.ay. , .-.. UKM.N' JlORUi.SON. Tut ftmA ftt-iiT-i r n-. r- ' jl. :.. . . . . 1 'C1NN ATI, OHIO. - I performed a miracle in my case. two Daek-os c,i t. uu,JJ S :A"3L "r "v.4 " yars, ana navo .ecn cuni bv the use of iwo i)ac.-ycs of j .j..r iuuiels, aud without any eliort on my part. VV. 3. IA)T1UAV. -'-cmroK?; a.11 trclois to s fitSPONSIBLE 5 ;A GENTS WANTED; (In writing pleaae mention this paper.) tHE Omo OH EM1CAL GO., oi, otf ana so opera Block. LIMA, OHIO. a U SA LA to. WHITE V X ew Jewelry Store, W. J. Churcfiwell & Co. Proprietors, - - -DEALERS 1N- Having closed out my entire stock of old goods and laid in A Fresh Supply of the Latest Stylefe, I am pre- ; pared to give satisfaction to the most fastidious..- j "Quick Sale and Small Profits" : I will be our motto. Call and examine our Bonnets and every thing in the Millinery line. ; j MRS S I. GRIFFIN j SS5"N'xt to Post Office. ' ,, .Dii riAn firm no Watche Chap Despondency, caused- hv ,?;--,' ., liver, can be avoided hv tai-;.. mons Liver Regulator. Subscribe to the Advance. man. It cured botli ''of them. diate relief. I continued to use the meaicine and was entirely cured. .1 Y . - .n ui iu-iij. nao cmiiciy cureu I 1 knew of several other cases wJiere I take pleasure in recomniendine; this it was equally successful. 1 .rhmt- 1 remedv to anv iwrc, ...-:. . . ' il , v j mxi ouii aunr i iiiii x' i such a disease, as in my opinion it is u meaieme in existence." 2; $u cm Domes lor sale by A I i lines. " cannot be excelled ami rWf..i!.. vl V-MV1 1UU y recommend if' 25 and 50 cent bottles ior sale by A. J. I incs. Never sun fc-ather beds or pillows. Air them thoroughly on a windy day m a cool place. The sun draws the oil and gives the feathers a rancid smell. - v - . Milldew can be removed bv wet ting in buttermilk or with tomato juice and spreading on the 'grass, al lowing: the article to remain in the dew over niirht. Cover iron rust spots with salt, then squeeze lemon or pieplant juice over them and lay in the sun. A little kerosene oil rubbed brisk ly over ihe spots on dark clothing will brighten the garment and re move the stains almost like magic. ,ucne win evaporate quickly and leave no stain. Mr. David M. Jordan of Edmeston, N. Y. - Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless A. Complete Cure by HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. This is from Mr. D. M. Jordan, a re tired farmer, and one of the most re spected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y. "Fourteen years ago I had an attack of the gravel, and have since been troubled with my Liver and Kidneys gradually growing worse. Three years ago I got do wn so low that I cald acavcely walk. I looked more like a corpse than a llTine beta I liiul no appetite and for five weeks I aie , bMt I was badly emaciated and had no more color than MrUe uiae! Hood s Sarsaparilla was recommended and i tlhuithll"Htry..,t- I bad wished the first bottle I noticed that I felt betterVsuf fered less, the aBBtii mt iA.M.dU d-r had subsided. Uie color began to return to 1Lf?C.eand.lfcr" , f --rry. After I had taken three bottles I could eat anythinK Jh.? tUE h"rtm8 I ot so hungry . Hood's Sarsaparilla I feel well amd mm well. All who know mc marvel to see me so well." p. M. Jo&oxh. HOOD'8 P I LL 8 re the bet ftr-lnner FJ, aMist dieUon, cure headache and biliotuneu. ouna " I do not believe this insti tution has a Sunerior in the I South." I So writes an eminent scholar and Divine of the Wilson Collegiate ! Institute, J Eadies WILSON, N. C. (Established iu 1S7J.) THIS INSTITUTION is entire! v iAmi sectarian, anl offers a ihoioii -h preparatory of study, lo-etlier with an unusually full and compVVhen siye Collegiate course. Excellent fa cilities for the study of Muc and Art. Healthful location. Fall term, or rd school year, begins Sept. 4U1, 1893. " aiaiotcue ana circular, address Silas E. Wauri-n, Principal, Wilson, N. C. J UNIVERSITY . , OK NORTH CAROLINA. EQUI('M ENT Faculty of 25 Tea h ers, 11 buildings, 7 scientific iaboralo rjles library of 30,000 volumes, 316 stu- INSTRUCTION-5 general courts, 6 brief courses, prof?ssional courses in law. medicine, engineering and chem istry, optional courses. EXPENSES Tuition Scholarship and loans for the needv Address - .. PRESIDENT WINSTON. Chapel Hill, N. C. AND JEWELRY. , A Iso A c n t lb r the LIGHT RUNNING i c t Notice! To my Friends and Patrons : Having- derirlf.l t-. - 1. 1 - in u r . .'usiiiess ... luturc, my customers are re quested to send the cash or have IheTr bills receipted or, delivery of materia . Kespectfully. jy 2o-4t SILAS LUCAS, JR. FOR- sPriotiog. 1 this 'office Any of the above sold on easy terms. w. -iv i lairin-a sue will be -cialty. We can't climh a string, But if you Avish Heat jobl- fJPi inting Wc can do you up in fine shape. ' - - Advance ofhee.

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