Th3 WilBon $ I .GO A YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE. i T T7"T ATT -r- r . ' ' ' " yiLLi iac tNUb ihuu AIM bT AT, BE THY COUNTRY S, THY GOD S, AND TRUTH S. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM VOLUME XXIV. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C, APRIL 19, 1894. NUMBER 16. The Cash Racket Stores. V Y V I his news 24 .j , . yiou2fht to interest A - I ' everybody. ! ioc 5c j I told you last j ?2i;c k how we W naeed to retP I r j 50c JUb. i quote ; 1 oc lew prices, haven't to quote ioc We space 30c 65c $1,2 25c ! A many, but the 11 stock all . through is about the same ratio. See what good your dollar can do. 75c A V F KUlie Cash Racket Stores, 'y'1 J. M. LEATH, Manager. IV f ri Nash & Goldsboro Sts. : . ,n :;ST?n ,,n.,:N ,r.N .-'s . .-s fe7, ?1ssJS;j?,k y&A PR0FE5SI0SAL CARDS. J! F. PRICE, Surreyor ani Civil Engineer. . - WILSON, - - N. C. years experience. Office next Dr. Albert Anderson. to ;i . '. V. ii'i.liUil, W. II. Yarboronffh, Jr. '.'OODARD & YARBOROUGH, Attornevs-at-Law, Wilson, - Nl C. r.1( fice in the courts of .Wilson, n, Edtrecoinbe and abjoin- "SsocKded in Civil practice Law, - N. C. - N , ivs wherever services are re ". - All. business will receive attention. iii Well's P.ui'riinjr. G.CONNOR, Attorney at Lav A WILSON, - - N.C. liraneh it Co's. Hank -Bpilding. GEO. M. LINDSAY, V Attorney at Law, SNOW HILL, N. C. ( : Wilson, Green : I Johnston Counties. Wayne INSURANCE. FOR ZFlie Insuranc-3 A.n me, at the ofhee of W. E. War- Co., over I-irst.NationaMfcuik. H. G. WHITEHEAD. Wood & Shingles. . I have Cj'press Shingles on hand at 'd'. ii;;n;s and will sell cheap. SAWED WOOD, WELL SEASONED, ' u ayscin hand and can be furnished 1 short notice. Yard on Railroad, West side of Nas'i Street. t- 1 '! Mill C. N. NURNEY. Wanted, 10,000 . Young Bros,, bushels cotton A big line of rubber oods just re " '-"-yeti at Young: Bros.? ing led sheets and mattresses at Cotton ' ')S. tci hulls for cows. Young J- you .:i : : 21 weak' s.i.l vorn out take 3 .IRON BITTERS irst US Sheets good writing paper, 3c La 1 boonees. 3C A oap, 3C; btockinirsV i-s-c Kibbon. 22c 1 1 Vr A Lanterns, 28c i2)4c Ribbed. Vests, 7cL Dotted Muslin, yc Pah letto Crepe, yc Wool Crepe Cloths, 1 7c Cashmere, 42c 5 Ladies Shoes,. 78c Table oil cloth,; 18c 14 J 1 4 4 i Fur Hats, 48c $2.00 Fur alpine hat, $ 1 .00 20c Matting, 14c ioc Butter Lace,' 5c One lot Gingham Umbrellas worth $1.00, . now 49c The income tax is needed. The Democrats should press it. to victory. The howlings of Northern newspa pers and demagogues in opposition are as selfish as pitiful. The last cry of these tools of the rich is that the peopfe with small incomes will pay the tavl If this is true, tlien so amend the law aV to compel the rich nabobs who lie about it to shell out, and if they are caught purjuring themselves to give them ninety days in the lockup. They have practical control of the wealth of the country, and its legislation also to a very great extent. .They reap far more benefit from the laws of the - country that any other class, and they should be made to shell out at a lively rate. Their gains are not generally well gotten, and they groan to pay any tax whatever. They go for more, bonds, fight silver, subsidize the Northern press and pay but little taxes. "A real income tax that will ) reach their great wealth is needed, but such an one will not go through this Congress. Wilmington Messen i Lpadef. Since its introduction, Electric Bit- : Points , j-. 1 1 Stores. tcrs nas gaineu rapiuiy in jjupuiai favor, until now it is clearly in the j lead among pure medical tonics and alteratives containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or in- ', toxicant, it is recognized as the best 1 and purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver, or Kidneys. It will cure Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Concerning Counts. you, these foreign counts "I - tell are not to be depended upon." "Neither are some of our own." "Our own?" "Yes. Take a Tammany count, ! for instance."-New York Press. For a mild tonic, gentle laxative and invigorant take Simmons Liver Regu lator. Waiter "De usual steak, sah?" Regular Customer "No, I am j tired to-night. Bring me a plate of hash.' Indianapolis Journal. KEFUSED A TUOISASD DOLLAliS. An Odd Kxprrience of a Conductor and a jVI j'Hterions Passenger. 1 1 The following odd incident is rela-, the aisle counting his money. "See ted by Conductor McKinney, who ! ingf that roll oi bills," he said, "that was employed many years ago upon j reminds me that I know something a Southern railroad : " j about money that very few of the One night in leaving Washington people out of the Treasury Depart he went as usual through the train Vment know." to collect the fares. In one of the j He reached down in his pocket rear cars a passenger without a tick-j and fished out a one dollar bill. It et handed him a bill. The conduc- 1 was new and he pointed out a dirnin tor took it, glanced at it hastily and ' utive letter C on it right under the seeing that it was of a large denomi- j bill's number, and another down in nation put it in his pocket, as con-j the other corner. "Now," he said, ductors are apt to do, and informed I don't suppose that a man of you the passenger that he would, return knew that these seemingly unneces- with the change. The. purpose of the. delay was, of course, to aiiord the conductor an opportunity to examine the bill at his i leisure in the baggage car to see .if it ! nify." . was all right. When Mr. McKinney I Half of the men in the car were reached the baggage car and inspec- j listening to the fat man and none of ted the note he found to his aston-jthem could tell what the letters ishment that what he had taken for a meant ; although one or two said $100 bill was a note for $1,000. j that they had noticed them. , Of course the changing of a bill j "Well," went on the fat man, "I of such a denomination was out of j wish one of you gentlemen would the question. The conductor there-1 Sdke a bill and tell me what the last fore passed back through the train to four figures of the numbers are." refund the money and obtain a smaller j The commercial .traveler had a bill. When he reached the car the bill. The last four figures of the bill passenger had shifted his seat. Go' j were 5,321. The fat man said al ine up to him the conductor said i most instantly, - "The-tetter on that that there was' probably a rnistake, as the bill given him was for $1,000. To his utter amazement the pas senger disclaimed all knowledge of the bill. He had given a ticket, he said, and his seat-mate confirmed the statement. The conductor expostu lated but the manwas firm and could not be prevailed upon to accept the money. Finally the coictor gave up in j despair, not knowing whether he or j the passenger was crazy, but inclined ! to the latter belief. At a station or S two from Washington the passenger j and his companion left the train and ' hastily disappeared. The nxt dav t Mr. MrKinnev handrd in the bill rr i the company's office with an expla-i nation " " The money was deposited on a j special account, and the railroad offi- cials awaited the coining: of a claim ant. Year after year passed, how-' ever, and no one ever turned up foi the money which in the meanwhile ! was steadily adding interest. Final-! good by making that tesf. . I would ly when Mr. McKinney retired from ! not give a five cent piece for a $1, the service of the company the ofB-! 000 bill, no matter how perfect it cials gave him the proceeds of the! seemed, if its little letters did not cor bill, which at interest then amounted j respond with the remainder obtained to nearly $2,000. i by dividing its last four figures of its No explanation was ever vouch-! numDer by four. Goldsboro Argus. sated lor tne ocla occurrence. 1 ne j theory generally credited by the con- j dtictor and the railroad officials,: however, was that the bill was given . y a season cf contentment, bappU by mistake by some bursar, who r ;md hope Jn these bright and vim discovering his error, deeded j plea5ant m0nths the country should that it was safer to repudiate the , .0y hlghest tranqnil transaction than to acknowledge the " ityi prosperitv But spring it is ownership of the money, the large j weU knownf is often a pcriod ofdi3. amount of which, he thought, might imfnr, nnH HUtnrhanW in thP nhv- renderthe conductor suspicious and lead 10 nis arrest. Gi?iiraiileel Cnre. ,,r .1 1 . 1 We authorize our advertised drug- . n Tr- , T tv gists to sell Dr. Kins Isew Discov- t. n v j ery for Consumption, Coughs, and , t, - j-.- T- Colds upon this condition. It you ,,. , , n r nyA are aflhcted with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat, or Chest trouble, ;md will use this remedy as directed, nivimr it q fjir trial and pynerirnce - , r . .1 iJ no benefit, you may return the bottle 1 , , c a a nr and have your money refunded. We. -rii1rl not mnlrp this ofTer Hid we not. 1 lL ; r. r. , vr tv i spring: medicine is of more real prac know that Dr. King s New Discovery ; F . . 1 , v . T - a: ! tical importance in promoting health could be rehea on. It never disap- j y m , , K , , , Trial bottles free at all Drug! Large size 50c. and $1.00. Love in a Grocery Store. "Do vou love me?" said the pa- r- Ko tr tV,A enrrr - "I'm inst wranned un in vou." re - plied the sugar. "You sweet tlvng ?" murmured the nanerbag. The knot was tied and the twine WmP on.North Carolinian. The Evolution Of medicinal agents is gradually rele gating, the old-time herbs, pills, draughts, and vegetable extracts to the rear and bringing into general .' useje-pleasant and effective liquid laxative, byrtip oi rigs. 10 get tne true remedy see that It is manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For "sale by all leading druggists. "Did Maud tell you the truth - when you asked her her age?" "Yes." 'What did she say ? "She said it was none of mjt. busi ness Yankee Blade. Bargains in pant goods at Young's. Paper Money. The fit man who sat on the rear seat of the smoker saw a man across ; sary letters are on the United States bill. And even if you had noticed j tnem, l an? willing to bet that not -j one of you can tell what they ?'"g bill is B." When the bill was exam ined the diminutive B was found on it in two places. Haifa dozen other bills were pro duced and when the fat man was told the last four figures cf the number he was able to tell what letter would be found on that bill. In each- case the letter was either A, B, C, or D. "The explanation is simple," said the fat man, after he had done the trick successfully every time. "If you take the last four figures of the number on any bill, no matter what its denomination is, and' divide them by. four, you will, of course, have either a remainder of zero, one, two, 1 or three. If the remainder is zero, ! .1 ic .u : the letter on the bill will be A ; if it is i, the letter will be B : if it is 2,! the letter will te C, and if it is 3 the letter will be D." "This is one of the many precau- tions taken by the government ! against counterfeiters. You can tell instantly whether a bill is bad cr Hrlglit Spring Days. ' T. -n ,,1,1 k nrP.Pm;nmf. , s;cal system Important organs of ! the body become torpid or irregular in their action, and the fact is instant j ly reflected in the mental condition of the individual. A disordered liver means disordered nerves and a dull ,-, and unsteady brain. Anything which ; . J ! will bnnsr the physical system into - , , , ,- r harmony with budding nature confers . ' " an enormous oenent upon me nation, besides the mere allaying of physical comfort. Hood's Sarsaparilla does this, as thousands of grateful and! ' . h j nappy men anu women can irsuiv, 1 VJ ... -. dUU UKL 111 luc UU3",OT ulllJ reams "ol abstract theorizing. A Pointer. i A newspaper wnose columns over- 1- ..1. ' - i flow with advertisements of business '' men, has more influence in attracting j j attention to and building up a town than any other agency that can be employed. People go where there is business. Capital and labor will i locate wnere mere is an encerpnsmg community. No power IS SO Strong to buld up a town as a newspaper - 1 fu .;u ai,ira, c properly patronized It will alwa) s return more than it receives. uur ham Suil To cure constipation, sick headache, an d dyspepsia Simmons Liver. Regula tor has no equal. Many rise in the morning with a headache and no inclination v for breakfast. This is due to torpidity of the liver and a deranged condition j ! action to these- organs, nothing is so ' efficacious as atr occasional dose cf - Ayer's Pills Suits at half price at Young Bros. See Young's line of Knaby hats. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- n ABSOLUTELY F'lJEE PRESS OPINIONS. If North Carolina needs Senator Ransom's services another term, he will receive official notice of the fact in dne season. In the mean time it r . - . ta ' fn r Wm tn dis,.bare his official duties to the j bcfi nfl-ls ability and leave the ques i , tion of re-t'ection to the future. Da vidson D patch. Souther Democrats want a real State curr ncy, one under the con trol of the State. Northern demo crats may agree to State banks but they want all currency issues under the supervision of the national gov ernment. The latter idea is simply a modification of the present national banking system, a system for which the Democratic party has no good feeling. Durham Globe. If corruption stalks about the na tional capital as is reliably asserted the veto power should go. Certain ly one President could more easily be induced to knock a good bill in the head than a House and a Senate could be induced to defeat it. Our State has never come to grief-for want of a governor's veto and some of our national grief might be avoid ed if there was no Presidential veto. Clinton Democrat. It is amazing to think that there are people in this country who have never seen a looking-glass, but it seems to be the case. Charles Pat- : terson, a farmer living near Gallipo- lis, Ohio, has never had one in his i,.., i r . . 11 i house. 11C VYCUL IU IUW11 dUU uuugiu one. That evening his ten-year-old son saw it for the first time in his life. When he saw his image there it frightened him . dreadfully. He ! .iuabt it was; a ghost or some equally uncanny thing, and, seizing a shot gun, fired at .it, shattering the new mirror into a thousand frag- ments. Goldsboro Headlight. The Kansas Commissioner of La bor sent out r,oi8 letters to farmers in that State asking the question, "Doe's Farming Pay ?" and out of 1,292 answers to -the question, forty one of the farmers addressed replied that farming does pay; but 1,251 answered that it did not! That is very bad for Kansas. We think no Southern State would be so unani mous in declaring that farming is a failure. The South, however, is probably better oft than the agricul tural pt .it ions of the North and West. W have fewer expenses, lower tax ., and living is easier. j ur PeoPl make enough to eat' so even wneii touon anu tODacco iaii they do not starve. Raleight News and Observer. Senator Hill, of New York, the fame of whose motto, "I am a Demo crat," has encircled the globe, stood up in fhe Senate Monday and spoke against the income provision of the Wilson tariff bill, and makes no ; se cret of his purpose to defeat the bill, if he can, unless the income tax is eliminated from it. People who have been disappointed in Mr. Cleve- Hill as the representative of those tle ments in politics which they conceive Mr. Cleveland lacks. This exhibi tion of Monday shows them that they are chasing a phantom. It shows, again, that the North Carolina dele gation at Chicago in 1892 was exact ly right when it refused to attach it self to the foi tunes of either, of these men but "threw away" the vote cf the, State on Adlai, who hasn't disap pointed any reasonable Democratic expectation, as yet. Statesville Land j mark j Deafness Cannot h Cured by local applicationg, as they cannot ; rt-ach the diseased portion ol the ear. ( Tbere .? Qn,y Qne wtocure deafness, - : and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets in- ' flamed you have a rumbling sound or - impenc neanng, anu wncn , cu- unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal fondition, hearing will be de stroyed forever : nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mu cous surfaces, ' We will give one hundred dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., frops., Toledo, O. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. - " . -':..;.;. i Tarboro stockings'for children, the best jn the world at Yousg's, Latest U. S. Gov't Report. O STATE NEWS. Kinston Free Press : The dry kiln and about 30,000 feet of lumber, belonging to Mr. A. McF.- Cameron, in Neck township, wete burned Monday evening about 7 o'clock. The saw mill caught fire but was put out before any damage w-as done The fire started in the dry kiln, which was too hot. No insurance. Durham Sun : J. C. Michie is having considerable experience with freaks in the poultry line. He first started out with an egg having C & M on one end. That egg was a failure as it did not hatch out a chick en. But he has a chick that is out of the usual run of chickens. The bill sets at nearly a r:ght angle with the head. It has but one eye and there is no sign of one on the other side. Greensboro Patriot: John Snow, of Surry, acquitted in the Federal Court at Greensboro, charged with making blockade whiskey, passed through Winston to-day almost a raving maniac. He conceived the idea that the officers were after him and would take him to Albany peni tentiary. His friends had hard work to keep him in the train when it stopped. He said he wanted to hide in the woods from the officers . Winston Sentinel : Winstori has a "hard-headed" negro and he is an old man, too. He gave an exhi bition in front of the post office last evening which convinced a large crowd that his cranium was about equal to a "negro-head" rock. For five cents he split an inch : plank over his forehead and' it only required three strokes to do the work.' The old man offered to "butt" with any body in the crowd but be found no "takers." Nothing short of a Billy goat would do to compete with the old negro. '- . ' Raleigh North Carolin'an : A most pitiful case was discovered near here last Friday morning." It was that of an old man, . seventy-eight years of age, lying by the roadside, who says his name is J. E. .Vinton, and that he is from Wisconsin, but was born in New York. He has had the rank of Colonel, and was once a grand worthy chief templar in his State. He says he has a son in a bank in Nebraska. He was found by Mr. Will Allen and was taken to the county home, where- he will be cared for. Tarboro Southerner: Mr. J. F. Robertson was in town last week on his way to Martin county to visit his relations. Fifty years ago twenty five or thirty families left Martin county for Tennessee, among whom was Mr. Robertson and his family. Since that time he has been living at Crocket Mills, Tenn. He is now an old man, and when here last week, said he would not have known Tar boro at all. He made the trip from Martin county to i ennessee in a wagon. T- 'It " f . f ayettevine UDserver: its an ill wind that blows nobody good We learn from one of our prominent truckers that there will be a large measure 01 compensation to tne truckers in this neighborhood for loss occasioned by the late unprece dented blight. It appears that in many kinds of truck the producers in this latitude will be as early in the market as those further to the South thereby gaining an equal oporptuni ty with those who have heretofore been the earliest marketers, while re taining, of course, their advantage of greater . proximity to the Northern markets. -Henderson Gold Leaf: Not withstanding the complaint of hard times and the scarcity of money, some of our merchants report busi ness fully as good, and others better than last year this fme. One en couraging and gratifying sign is the small number, of names on the delin quent tax lists as returned by the sheriff and town tax collector. We i have not seen in any of otfr ex-' changes an exhibit that compares fa vorably with that of Vance county, in this respect. The fact is, our peo ple are really better off than they imagine. Certainly they are favored above those of some-other sections of the State. If your blood is impure regulate your liver with Simmons Liver Regulator. Tobhccp Fertilizer - SIGH GRADE QUICK RELIABLE, Tte ParuK endorse IL Tisr saj It tens in Mi HELD asi ca i WAREHOUSE FLOOR. S. 1. TRAYERS & CO. , AOEHTS WANTED. mCE3 REDUCED. AQEHTS WANTED. FIUCE3 REDUCES, 13 1 1 y t tj Bg s t. Don't waste your work on cheap Guanos made out of Kainit, Acid Phosphite, and alittle Cotton Seed Meal. Not 60a Tobacco -OR National -:- Cotton -:- Guano, EITHER, will not only make you a good crop this year, but will be a permanent improvement to your land. w ill Sell to You for Cotton. . You know you can make the cotton, but the cotton may be worth only five or six cents. Come and Sec Us. Respectfully, Yourjix Bros. V - U KB WW J2rn mj?x MmVi . i r.. in f M WlLLGIVE V FEHTILIZER r., COTTON and COBM By S. W.TRAVERS & CO., Richmond, Va. yVvlto for Prices and Tostitnoxxlnlm.&3 Tragedy in One Act. "Where are we?" she whispered, as in fright she clutched his arm for support. "Hush ! not a word," said he as he stamped his foot on the dust-covered floor. The sound caused the bats to flit from one side of the room to the other; the motion of their bodies causing the spider webs to vibrate ; the rats scampered off, and a figure, could be seen through the- gloom to slowly rise from . a chair, and after yawning commenced to slowly ad vance. "Where are we?" again she asked. "In a store that does not adver tise," he said, as they slowly retreat ed before the advance of the would be merchant. Durham Sun. Impure Water. One foul germ conveyed into the body by impure water, tainted food, or polluted air, may generate a pesti lential swarm. The germs which are responsible for typhoid and malarial fevers will not find lodgment in the system, if the stomach, liver, and bowels are kept in a condition of health by the use of Ayer's Sarsa panUa. Be sure to ask foe Ayer's. It is the best. Upson Your lriend from the far West seems melancholy, just as if he had suffered a severe blow mentally. Downer Severe blow ? That's it exactly. Cyclone carried off every thing on his farm a week before he started East. Buffalo Courier. ' oiLsshs are signs of weakness. Don't wait until you are weaker and nearer Consumption. Begin at once with Scott's I Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and soda. It strengthens the Lungs, cures Coughs and Colds, and builds up the system. Physicians, tne world over, endorse it. ' Wasting Diseases of Children ar speedily cured by SCOTTS EMULSION. It stops waste and makes children fat and healthy. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Druggists? soil it. Importers ami luanufaeturers, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. wriio far Testimonial! and Frlci SATISFACTION Weary Watkins I think if I had my life to live over again I'd go into . the astronomer business. Hungry Higgins Wot sort of thing is that? Weary Watkins W'y, jist watch in' the stars. Feller could 'tend to that sort of job lyin' on his back. Indianapolis Journal. litH'klou'it Arnica (Siilve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorts, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped .Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It is euaranteed to give' perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by . J. Hines, Druggist Bang's son has a wonderful influ ence over him. ' Bang goes to church regularly now.. How did he persuade his iather? Well, you see he's only three months old, and it was either go to church or take care of the baby. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Mr. W.oodard has introduced a bill to change the boundaries of the Federal Judicial District to add Cer tain counties to the Eastern district to make the business of the two dis tricts nearer equal. . The Attorney General approves the bill. North Carolinian. . UOOD'S CURES when all other - preparations fail. It possesses curative power peculiar to itself. Be sore to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. Boots for men at $1.50 at Young Bros. Dress goods, all styles and prices at Young's. and oids Guano -"ft"'-' BB MM