The Wilson Advance. : juwcioIsiDvIraTGr create 11111113-a new business. i.nUri- many an oM business, i;-vi vrs many a'riull business. Ile-ues many a lost business, .saves many a fallintr business. Krsrven many a lar.oro business. Secures success in anr business. Keeping at it Constantly Brings Success Hargrave'sDrug Store 111 lie Open Next Smnl:iy. LOCAL. Political points are getting sharp. Wilson sends off quite a large number of pupils to othert-schools. Thare was a dime concert at Mrs. Hill's Tuesday night. " . . - FiC thousand dollars , in bicycles docs not sound like hard times. There will be an excursion from F.nfield to Wilmington on the 2Sth. of June. ' ' Nice job work is done at this office. If you need any you cannot do better elsewhere. The well in the court house yard has been cleaned out and a new pump put in. Crops are looking nice, but have suffered ."some from the drouth that has been prevailing. "If yor." think the Advance is worth a dollar a year, we should be glad to .get your subscription. give a pic nic, but the place has not vet been made known. The bicycle races that have been advertised for June 27th have been indefinitely postponed. The Advance is the paper for the people. Don't forgit that when you talk to your neighbors. Some of our teachers are in at tendence at the Teacher's Assembly at Morehead City this week. . Young gentlemen sparking young ladies with -cigarettes in their mouths is a sight to make the gods indignant. All the young ladies and young gentlemen, who have been attending the various schools of the State, are now at home enjoying the vacation. With fifty bicycles in town, we wonder why some movement is not in ununited to organize a bicycle ciiJ - Prof. Geo... Connor, Superintendent of the Wilson Puplic Schools, is at tending the Teachers' Assembly at Morehead. '-; Next Wednesday the Republicans of this district meet in convention at Weldon to nominate a candidate for Congress. White seems to have the lead. ' Miss Bettie H. Lee is now offering her stock of millinery goods at remarkably reduced prices. It will be to your advantage to see about this. Miss Minnie Kidwell, who has been fashionable -milliner for Miss bettie H. Lee for the season just ended, left Monday lor-her home m IkiUimtire. We have received a copy of the annual catalogue of Wake Forest College. It is a very creditable edition, and shows' an enrollment for the year ct 197.- ', . Dr. Cyrus Thompson is expected to speak at Rock Ridgerpn July 20th. It will be the occasion ' pi an annual pic nic of the county Alliance, and a big time is expected. Last night a lawn party, , given by the ladies of the St. Agnes Guild, was held in the beautiful lawn of Mrs. A. Branch. Refreshments wete served and the occasion was recorded a success. The Dime concert at Mrs. W. i5. Hill's Tuesday evening was very en joyable, we learn. The threatening weather, no doubt, kept many from attending, but those who went were anply repaid. Attention is called to the advertise ninit of the Ocracoke hotel in this ij-stie. Mr. N. B. Selby, the proprie , used to live in Wilson, and he .'presses himself as being very glad to entertain his old iriends from this place. . The other day there was a little scrimmage between Jack Best and a negro- boy, and the aforesaid Best thought justice was on his side, but h;s judgment was at fault; for his honor, the" innvnr finprl them each $2.50, which 'fund will go -into the y town coffers to increase the capacity f the water works. Ov Tuesday the executive com mittee of the third Congressional district met in Wilmington, and deci ded to call the convention to meet at Dunn on the 19th of July to nomin ate a candidate for Congress. The candidates before the convention will he Hon. B. F. Grady, present incum ;bent, Hon. F. M. Simmons. Cnnt. James-G. 1 Kenan, "and Capt. A. B! Williams. , TlUes, Thn nlwcnni' (."".w . . ir.,!;-,,,..,;., iinyi,.;,. c c - i L-aiiioiiiu. liquid laxative, Svrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it ! their favorite remedy TV ret the ! i true and genuine article, look for the j name of the California Fig; Syrup Co. J only. For sale by all leading drug gists. . i I.iqnor Tax. At their last meeting meeting the new board of Alderman raised the tax upon liquor sellers from one hun dred to two hundred dollars a year. In all probability this action will have a tendency to reduce the nunr ber ofsaloons in our town, a thing that would result beneficially, we i think. Vie Nio at IS-.irne's Mill. Last Tuesday a very enjoyable event occurred at Barnes Mill. It was the occasion of a pic nic given by a number of Elm City people. Otii.te a largeitrowd attended, among them a goodly number from Wilson. It was a delightful time and all who attended seemed" to have enjoyed the occasion. 51ailli; Match. Next Saturday a championship game of ' marbles will be played at Saratoga, the prize offered being bar becue and trimmings.' The contest ants are Whitley and Moore against Shelton and Shelton, Some 'centre shots are expected and plenty ot fun for (those who love the game. Floral Tally. Last Friday night a very delight ful party was had at Mr. A. B. Dean's residence on Park Avenue, complimentary to Misses Iva and Bettie Deans. All the young ladies were dressed to represent flowers, and the various costumes were -very beautiful indeed. ', A most delightful time was! experienced by all who at tended. County Convention. On July 7th the county convention of the People's party7 will meet in the court house at this place. The vari ous township primaries will take place on June .30th for the purpose of electing delegates.. The date for the county convention was at first fixed for July 4th, but it has been changed to the 7th by order of the chairman, Dr. H. F. Freeman. Airardnl, The following is what the com mittee on award, wrote Capt. Pace Sec. Wilson Tobacco Board of Trade. L "The small sample of tobacco sent from Wilson comprises tome perfect types of lemon wrappers having ex cellent color, fine texture, and deli- c ife flavor, a small disnlay but of grfiat merit which will be inscribed in a ! diploma and in due time be for warded." A Town j utlprfil Iy It.- :evj;iiers. , Several days ago a gentleman from Georgia stepped into our office and asked to see a newspaper pub lished ia a certain town in the Slate, saying that he expected to make that town his home sometime soon and wanted to see what kind of a town it was. We knew that the town in" ques tion was better than the paper would indicate, and vet we could not help but think how -true it is that a to ,yn is indeed bv the newspapers it sends out. Cotton at Konr Cents. We heard a well informed business man say, the other, day, that tl farmers would make their cottod this year at a cost of about four cents a pound. lie based his calculations upon the fact that not much time business was being done this year. He said that time trade was . smaller than he ever knew it. That, it seems to us, is a good sign, and'the gentle man above referred to thinks so top." Times are harder now for tradesmen than anybody else, but a better time is in the near future. Kxcursion to Wilmington. On June 28th there will be an ex cursion run from Enfield to Wilming ton conducted by capable managers. The start will be made from Enfield at 6:30 A. M., ieaching Wilmington in time to spend ten diours in that city. A steamer will connect with the train at Wilmington for Carolina Beach, so that all who choose can go down and take - a whiff of the sea breeze. Good order is promised. The charges are low. Tickets for sale by D. A. Batts and Frank Lamm. A man is known by the whiskey he keeps, If he has good whiskey he shows wisdom, correct taste, and true hospitality, for he considers the health and enjoyment ol his guests, his family, and himself. - Prudence and commonsense say good whiskey. Science and correct taste say this is L W. Harper's Nelson County K v., Whiskty. It's a gentleman's whis key. A pure, delicious beverage, and a grand appetiser and strength ened Don't forget the". -name. "I. W. Haroer's" Nelson County, Ky., Whiske'. x Sold by - '. Will Gardner, v Wilson. N. C Youp . . , Mr. G. W. Illonnt returned from i '- - .. : owc-us ami suu,.oj iiu- ,. - - . . , t0"' lUnS Hcrnnji M,SS Leita Ta'lor' of Whitakersis m ine C"y VBU,n miss h.stellc Brodie. Miss Annie Simpson has returned . from St. Mirys where she has been to school. M- c i r r n- i j : aria Sf f mi rt JirhmnnH is in the city. visiting Mrs Rawlincs. L. G.i Mr. F. S. Davis brought to our of- tt J"0f " ,hc f'rst "1e of; 1 Miss Nan Branch has rcturnrd ' r ,-. . ' . . . . ; irtm 01.- iviarys where she has heen attending school. Tom Peacock, Graham Woodard, f room.'. But as to his alleged identifi and Paul .Anderson have returned ' cation' ol . individuals or anvthin?-- else . i from Trinity College. ; v Prof. Dred PpamrL- nfth r.rwnc. t i boro ; Female Cotleee, has been' iu ' town for several days. ' Messrs O.; C. and W. A; : Ferrcll, ; Principals of Tdack Creek Institute, i gave us a call Saturday: - , j Miss Estclle Brodie, who has been ' to Raleigh attending St.- Mary's com - ; mencelnent has returnct. ' i Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Shaw Oi tion, are -nere .on a visit to the family of, Mr. T. ). Gay. Capt. Sam Hodges and family, who have been visiting in Norfolk 'lor some time, have returned. Mr. John Gardner and daughter Mrs. Chas. L. Hughs, left Saturday for their home in Norfolk. Mr. Chas. Gold, who has been at tending the Agricultural and Me chanical College, Raleigh, has re turned. Miss Viola Meredith, of Washing ton, D. C, who has been visiting here for some time returned to Washing ton Tuesday. Miss " Meredith left .here about eighteen months ago to enter the' Garfield Hospital in Wash ington to learn the business of a trained nurse. She will complete the course m about fiv mouths. Before she left Wiison she was the organist in the Episcopal church. She has many friends here who rejoice at her future bright prospects. St. John's iJay. Sunday June 24th, being calendar day of the festival of St. John Baptist, Mt. Lebanon Lodge, of . Ancient free are accepted Masons, .will, by invita tion attend in a body the eleven o'clock a. m. service at the Episcopal church. ' -: Ilfrm the duirs We understand thatUhe new com missioners are thinking of requiring everybody in town to hang their gates so as to open On the .inside. That would be decidedly a move in the right direction. Itjis very annoy ing and trying to one's Christian spirit to walk jam up' againgt a big gate on a dark night. One doesn't like to divide his attention in such a way. While the proposition would be a little trouble at first, no one could reasonably object to it. ri;i)lii:if tittfry to 1'i'oT. Fnitst. Whereas, Mr. J. I. Foijst. fo! the past three, years Superintendent pf the -Wilson Graded schools, has ex pressed the Board of Trustee! a desire to retire from the position, and whereas, ihe members of the board desire to give expression to their, ap preciation of his faithful services to the school, and his high character as a man. Nov therefore be it- Resolved, rst, That the Board of Trustees entertain for Mr. Foust the highest, regard and esteem. That his services have been marked by in dustry, fidelity, and ability. Resolved '2nd. That the mem bers of the Board heartily recipro cate the kind sentiments expressed by Mr. Foust in his letter, just read by the Secretary, and that in every respect their relations have been pleasant and satisfactory, and that we retain, for him the kindest feelings and unquestioned confidence. Resolved, 3rd, ihat mer.d him as a man of the highest in tegrity faithful, conscientious,' and in all the relations Kof life honorable and honest. ' v ' , , Resolved, 4th, That the Secre tary of the. Board be directed to send to Mr, Foust a copy of these resolu tions, that they be spread upon the minutes, and request the publication of the same irl the town papers. George Hacknev, Pres. Vv P.Wootten, Sec'y June 12, t S94.' Wanted a Light. Wandering Wykes .Madam. yoi couldn't give me a morsef to eat. could vou? ' Kind Lady 1 have 'some firecracker ple that 1 made up for the Fourth. Wandering Wykes That will do very nicely. . :". VVanderiHg Wykes (half an hour later) And now-," madam, may 1 trouble yon Krnits of Iuvwtlstion. This investigation by the Senate is demonstrating - a great ; many theo rems.' It is also eliciting a great many facts. In a word it may be said to be a hummer. We have not modi fied our original opinion as to pro-i nrietv or. rather,: impropriety the investigation itself, but vve are bound to admit that it has accom- severai- a. r a. ii. . i .- i nc ui me uieorems demonstrated rxne rosr, tne scanaai-inonorers wlio - . 1 ! ,nst-ated the dlMt - know I ' anything at all. There can be no j 'u.uier uoaot apom mis.. ; tne mys tenous wire-maker from Pennsyl- vania'' to. whom was attributed the cock-and-buil story about , the mid- night conference at an up-town hotel, j lja; "ecu uueaiuitu auu i l 111 evi ' U. l. .i i i " - - dence, and he has explicitly contra- dieted every statement of the very smallest' th; t was matie i on his anthi-iriiv Hp admih havirnr ui in qUcS-1 tion, since it . is not his habit when 1 v;;tm,r .irm,YW t,,.v.c t r.. .f I - 1 I -!rra . - Tt. -irltr.; f.rtlior tW ho ! further, that, he ; heart! people talking in an adjacent - . - I tending to connect United States ; Senators 'with a conspiracy against the tariff bill, he.bluntly and emnl E cally gave the lie to the whole story. Ancl what is true of the" wife-maker's case, is equally true cftlie rett of the i sensational newspaper -roo? backs j - upon the strength of which the invos- j titration "was ordained. i here no dou xibt that th Mra committee has been TTfnt r-.i i t r i f th.:iiM-d,nc Far be it Vrom us, however, to ik-i J . 1 ' 1 r.y that the inquiry has brought outiKLSt SCaSOU) at absollltC fiefs.. Wi e now now that Senator Ransom's son speculated n sugar stock. The dreadful truth has trans pired and all the harrowing details have been laid bare to the gaze of a horrified and wonder-stricken world. To be sure, the young man is not a Senator, but he is the son of a Senator, and the fact of his participation in the speculation is full of significance. He lived in the Senatorial atmos phere. He could not nelp knowing that emissaries of a proud and in solent corporation were in town seek ing to enrich public men for their own base purposes. And though we blush to. tell it, he was swept into the deadly maelstrd'm, and came out Sto short in consequence. Whatever significance attaches to this wretched episode, whatever moral lesson may reside in this chronicle of wickedness and ruin, we sadly and reluctantly concede to the credit account of moral agitation. It is shocking, it is appalling; but it is true, and. like Gallagher, we let her go. What further depths of infamy this investigation shall disclose, we shrink in horror from . conjecturing. There is some consolation ' in feeling sure that the ignorance of the quidnunc space-writers cannot be shown up any mere completely, no matter what comes next, but who can tell how many more $10 notes, have been sacrificed to the insatiate monster by the sons and nephew's and thingabubs of Senators who shall compute the ghastly total of temptation and de struction achieved in this carnival of misery ? Wa ;ton Post. I :'i:i:5H)Sl I LASUKSV Solomon said: and ' wise child, "Better is a 'poor th an old foolish King." He found that the race of men is like the race of leaves, their joys, hates, hopes, woes', are as legends written by the Sybil, on the leaves in her cave, and lo, the light wind carries them away. All human life is vanity. The destiny of rjian -is full cf darl places. Set Solomons old man be side the old man will preach such a M-Dses, and they lesson of the pro phets, of godliness as will startle every soul. ' Mrs. B. F. Briggs and Mrs. Charity Lane weii? visiting friends and relatives here last week. Mr. Elijah Dickinson graduated at Trinity at- the last commence ment. . ' .. Our worthy Mayor, John I). Davis has resigned, and Mr. James Barnes elected in his stead. Mrs. Green, of Nash, is visiting relatives at this place. Our boys went to Goldsboro last Friday to play the Goldsboro boys. The game stood, Goldsboro nineteen, Fremont seventeen. Two or three of the best of our boys did not go. Hid they gone the game would have been different.. But our boys beat Goldsboro bad here at home not long since and they are invited up again. : - Fremont is hard to beat, Senator Walsh of Georgia says Senator Jarvis is an honest, gritty and brainy man, three elements rarely found in one man and that North Carolina should be proud of Mr. Jarvis. -We cer tainly hope Mr. javis will so act as to merit the confidence of the people by an honest straight forward Demo cratic course: While we. are speaking nf our National Legislature who will be put forward for the lower house, we need an honest, gritty, brainy man, one , bom the people have confidence in. and who will have the back bone to work for the people. Such an one we ,:ave in view, one coming from the people and of the people, has worked his way to honor and fame 'and who loves his people -of i and State. Chailes B. Aycock j would bear the Democratic banner aloft" in its simplicity and purity, GAT'S. o I les J We have i l-4- C I ot-i-l T-H U UllU kWW pnees from - -cts. to $3 . . f I mint" Vf hnvf - th-- ret-tiest J Oxford Line ' . ' ' f C have Oil OUT COLintCrS BARGAINS ill . - Uen's, Women's, & hi h vijj nQ j desirable suits for Dont Fail to sec Them. All Straw Hats at prime New York cost, also quite a lot of Derbys (in window) at al most youri own price. 1 h G; CORSETS are the BEST. our sales on them indicate their popularity. REMNANTS of all kinds-. See the 50c. all wool Bege we are offering at .25c. per yd. Spend your money with us as it will go 0 further than elsewhere. E. R. Gay. Cor. Nash and Tarboro Sts. . arousing and thrilling the people by his soul stirring words ol eloquence and truth; teaching them the pure fundamental principles of Democracy 1 on wnscn ; tnis -government was founded and by which it should be governed. -'What say the other counties Of tke district?- All people have heard so-much about tanff, that they wish there was no such thing, if the once infant industries,' now grown old, ean't take care of. them selves without taxing the .people IO death let them go. The people : need and want cheap goods and it is folly, -roguery and fraud, to tax the poor to keep up the rich, that js the sum and substance of the: tariff, and we do hone, that when both houses meet in conference over the tariff I bill (the biggest humbug ever perpe trated on any people,) that President Cle fiand will put' in some wise sug- pestions, and use his influence to have the more odious features elimi nated, and give to the people, a mod erate and honest Democratic tariff hill that will accord with promises and .pledges made the, people in 1892. Nothing short of that will satisfy them. . Who was it snd that next to the Christian religion he considered free trade' in its i largest sense the greatest blessing that can be com pared upon any nation ? we are told that we need not fear because those .in power being our representatives j will not abuse the powers we put in their hands. I am not well versed in history, but I will submit to your resolution, whether liberty has been dpst roved most often bv the licen tiousness of the people, or by the tyranny of rulers. .But in politics, as in . physic, the doctor is oftimes the most dangerous' disease, and that I j tike to be our case at present in re eard to the tariff. Let some means iT ; .- . .... be devised to compel the rich to pay their porportionate part of . taxation : and not one word will ' be heard from I the poor. Is not that fair and honest Cicero Harriss, s? s?.id in his Ar- lington to Raleigh, there is no trust fade, but the right that inpires them ; survives under every thm' behind suites unatr tt,y u..iirt ux.11 all revoIutiOri is its motive,' and oack ; oftV't the soul that banned that! Of tt, tne soai 11 I can never perish. Would it not be well for those in pern er to heed the - .; . . v above, a word to the wise ought to be " a it not be wisdpm in our law making nowersto rive it? - FRF.MONt.- o-rcater than the immortality of noble j less expenditure, by. more promptly , , . , 1 adaptinsr the .world's best products to endeavor, grander than a southern ; thece"0f p'hyMcal heingf will attest canfederacy is the'self hood of man, ; the value t: health of the purcliquid a;J ' r-r-ni--k ' p- rnVr:n'- l.vxuti ve . principles . emCraced ia the man dies. tnncipie iive, poi:Ciea- . r b- t- i lie neonie nave more : " - 1 ; , - 1 macrazine. wun excellent , ... 1 ,.inrr-1 .ori an if. 15 nf-rteei. v iree irom 1 r , - 4, - ! tvery oDjecti-mauia.uDftance. - -.,for the office, uarlor. .bedroom, cause now lor revolution man uiey yruP of figs is for. sale oyan arug-- 1 m kitrhen farm and Hid -in 1776. If re ict can be.' had ! gists m .wc ana a h . :ust wit and humor enough . Vt - . ...,,! ufuctured by. the Cakfomia rig tyrup ' th WueSi Don't put it throucu iationai iceiaianon, womu n,, nni ,vWr. Tinme lannntcd on every a, June 21 ,1894. o- just received another; t A ieunr 4 t rl nr- f- ill V UUUUD. OtViO CXt per pair. Without ...... : -- t Ever liown Childrens' Shoes!.. interest yQU A fcvy summer wear (from COSt ; - - v' ' T"ant Roy.. "Tom Wr.rcl v.:i3 a representative i.'i the FlfEj-urat. congress, I taink," said Groo!:sIiirn. IIo had been billeted to sncal: at v, town about oO miles away. Tom was bx-.t tweutj-eight, and he looked isouao years youpger. When he arrived tlrcol and wear at the destina tion there wa's a biiiid imd a crowd at the ' station. 'Where ih the committee? asked lib. 'Wo -are the committee'. Where; is Ilr. Ward? 'I'm Mr. Ward,' he ansv,-ered. :; At that a big, tall, burly native came up to Lira; looked him over from head ' to foot, and with the most disgusted air possible-growled: 'Well, I'm the phair man of this committee, and all I've got to say. is that ' if you're -Mr. 'Ward yon can 0 home. You can't talk here. ; Wo don'c want' no boys."" Mrs. McGuuk m Kate Field's Washington. Not .Afldictcd to Traveling:. In theo ur.3-3 of travel and increasing speeds in every direction it is noteworthy 'o lli)d that taero is a woman living it Challrary,, Dorset, who during her seventy-four 'years of life lias never once slept; outside the parish. She has never taken a railway journey, nor even seen a train. Though aregular churchgoer all. her days, she has nver attended a service at or set foot inside any place of worship save her parish church. ' ' She v-as christened lnarried there, as were all her family, and she hopes to be laid . to rest in" its' graveyard beside her husband, a carpenter There are two ojh.'i- churches within half a mile of iier fottage, but neither service nor preacher have tempted her fro:n her An-ti T.rvid.. T'lf-lit-a 'KNOWLEDGE Eririg3 comfort and improvement and tends to. nersonaL enjoyment when i T-ln-ii'-lf nipt! The m."fhv. who live bet- : ter"than others and enjoy life more, with Its excellence is doe to' "its presenting in the form moat acceptable and pleas- a:it to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of 'a perfect las- ative; fflectuallycleaising the system, dir'X'IlitTir c.olds, headaches and fevera , vcn.VACuty curing constipation. ' It hsu given satiation to mUiions and ' met with the approval of the mcdicaL' ; 1 . , .. t, Ki d? "t !-i i ..t. paikae, also 'the name, Syrup of-Figs, j and being well informed, you will not aeeept any substitute if offered. A Week ol Surprises. Our GREAT BARGAIN SALE is still in progress. Every day dcvelopcs some new surprise on the B aro;ainQo urj tcr. Next Week it Will Pay You to Come Every Day. Parasols, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries; Hosiery, . J. Dress Lining, Gingham, Lace Curtains, At Wonderful Low Prices. Wc arc determined to reduce every article, and the prices speak for themselves. J.& D. 11 A IHM1 HiP'O lliUmUHLu New Store, New Garden Seeds, New Goods, . New Gigars, - New Man. New Stationery;, EYERYTHINQ. . ZSTect IDoor to tlio IPOst Office- - -Rowland's Drug Store has heen moved to opposite side of street and a complete line of Fresh drugs takes place of thq old stock. Call at --'-' - HaroTave's Druo; Store, Next Door to Post Ofhce. : c o 0 0 C O . o SUMMER EXCURSIONS. OLD DOMINION LINE New New York. . Leaving Norfork and Portsmouth, Va. daily except Friday and Sunday, at 7:00 p. in. From Richmond. Va., Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5:00 p. m. (Via James Ri- er.) ". The shins of the OKI Dominion Steamship Co. are first-class and espe cially arranged for the comfort of the traveling public and offer the advanta ges of a cool and delightful sea trip. All First-Class .Tickets Include" Heals and Stateroom Accommodation. . The two new, fast and powerful steamships, Jamestown and Vorktown, leave Norfolk every Monday, Thurs day and Saturday evening, arriving in New York early the lollowing atter noon in time to make all evening con nections for points beyond. For tickets and general information apply to Railroad Ticket Agents, or to G W Allen & Co, 1301 Main street. Richmond Va, M B Crowell, Norfolk, Va, J N Srrith. Hygeia Hotel, Old Point Comfort. Va, or to W L Guillau deu, V-Pres and Traffic Manager, Gen eral offices of Company, Pier 26, N R (foot of Beach street) New York. NOTICE. Having moved ray tin shop to the Morris building on Goldsboro street, and increased mv force and stock, I am better prepared td serve the public that heretofore. All work done at the 2 lowest cash price. Mr. 1. H. Parker will manage for me in place of Mr. I H. Lockamy, who has severed his con nection with me. Thanking ou for past favors and asking a share of your future patron age I am, Very Respectfully, 2t. . - S. B. Parker. CAN YOU WRITE? If vou can we will give you a FOUN TAIN PEN FREE.- Carried in the nork-et. Alwavs readv for use. The ' : Holder is of hard rubber, perfectly formed and finished. The feed is of - the most approved pattern, (the same used in a pen costing $2.00,) insuring '. f an even flowof leakage. The Point will write and last nearly as long as ' f gold. Each pen is filled with the best k tneu be mre senr out jxtm . fOR TVfc' rLAN V5 t f m ic and 2c stamps or suver, for a half, vear's subscription to Virginia, vear's subscription to Virginia, ai beautifully illustrated, 24 page monthly lniormauon dining garden, with to drive off. but have both the oen and magazine promptly Address VIRGINIA-PUBLISHINO Co., 3-24-261. Richmond, Va. j , our stock. Plain fio-ures on .Oettinger. nBTTr OTADT; MUU 01UIID. o To Keep Kalm &l Kollected Kail on HUTCHINSON and get one of his refreshing drinks. . - The best Soda Water, I he r mest bherbets, The.Renowned Coco Cola. In fact everything you can ask that will tickle the palate and slake the thirst. t We are daily receiving fresh goods for our summer trade, . . uwurn rnnno editito . both dried and fresh, and eve rything to be found in a first class grocery. Our baker is surpassing him self with Leave your orders with C. G. HUTGHINSON. We are making a specialty of PLUMBING. We can fit in your Water Pipes for taft and Rath Rnnms ften. First-class Galvanized Pipes furnished and put in by us AT 8CTS- PER FOOT. J.IL LOCKAMY, JOHN GASTON, Fashionable Barber, Nash St, WILSON, N. C. Easy chairs, ras-ors keen; Scissors sharp, linen clean. Vor a shave you pay a dime Only a nickle to get a shine; Shamooo or hair cut Pompadour You pay the sum of twenty cents more.

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