HABITS OF THE CAMEL. Queer Things Hcliitcrt or the-Awkward and 1- ooiisli Animal. ' According to Kcv Jartios -Glbnour, whose long residence in M 'Tvo"! li entitles him to speak upon the subject with authority, the camel is an awk ward and foolish animal. 12 von the Mongols, who are awkward er.oncrh themselves, are struck with the camel's deficiency in this ropsrd: so ranch so that they seldom reprove on for its stupidity. "A horse knows, jeven an 'OX is responsible; but a. camel is not " supposed to know anything-, "not even good pasture when it comes to it. " ml i ,..-i i 4 -i 1 Ttrat a poor draught animal. It fs made j to drag carts Over the great highway of the desert, to be sure, and on smooth, j hard, level roads does well cni)v,r h; but Rand or soft ground distresses it. and ! "for climbing steen huls or o-.vr oas.ses ; :the traveler is ooucvd to hii-e-r.-.-iiva, or horses. Indeed. s-iM'- camels oreii in .the plain country ivur.:-e- to go over; passes on anv c na; li. asIiut a: . nrorifli n. lull 1 hcV have to !i.-nr, ;-..:!;rd. ; X . blmdft'iuc.1 auti m-iv. n vo l;e siec;?. fcpittin.tr- is on t::-:,.--fee.i.o urcn ; liarit it1 k CUll. VOU w . : : . .. . - : i : , a gr. .-en :.-. ta i d h i lose x ae n., kept 11 !',! L to - W 1 ! t t 1 i pace, aiii-aneed a s...eL,:.-- . li n ' (' i) no hn U( i 1 i open space and ai-avaier.iv-:. :.!-: -a H n r j the r a s i an i. n it i t 1 1 i i 1 i v e w i il w 7 l daricemn-w stillnpss as o:ir en :i.ms ti-oo S ll Up tllL Otl I "Tn sttncailtt i i vi stdl. It was like -tne - wail! a"- of tin outcast spirit v.-nnderav am; n.f .stor-v placi s s Vn i r i Cow camels make tnis .so ana wnva sc-..;.-rated from their cr. ' ves. It is verv toucnm t to li l i b thin ) t wh.n 1 y t s c 1 7 r p'JM-f a pi l tii i t- t in v lrom a cuiaeis eyes. loullis Ccul pamon. HUMAN SACRiFICZS. They Are Stul Offerel in Kissii ns ic Ancioiit 1 mr$. Very few persons are aware tnrr hv man sji- f ts -it i 1 ii d in a I art of tnt I in t I is l n h i " t - 1 1 c i 1 -tL a li 1 t 1 o t ior j1 -;;n.bi 1 i 1 ip n i u i ic car " tl i hussian yovernmenX or to the ev: i-.oti.vj church, because all ciiorts to ston th' practice have proved meliecir.al. Tte sacniices alltuied to are ta. vs of oi l 'people a ad the sick. who. fcmiirxjf no jongtraiy rltis i If s i ,havt. d me wi'he H v .i 1 to increase tbe number or hapov .T- rit ;. t The Teuukieni wrjio uas ma ae ur iv.s : neighbors and near relatives.. His friends visit him and try to make him change hisjnind. Prayers, reproaches, complaints have no effect " on the fanatic. Seeing- him thus resolved, his mends. fro away to make the oustaniarv prep-ations. At the en- a . j ii. . ;f fr:iiQ ten iu liiteeu uays iaey retizi of the Tehuktehi, v.-iili tviUe. uvst Ltiary g-arments ana some -Which, in the Oth-r'' w--rl IS Witi) -m - st . . .uer li with it. I : is evil spirits or hunt the reii'Le making his toilet, the Te draw's into a .corner' of nearest ivlatlve stand 1 iii!- in h. , hand io .;-: fice -akult'e. a v-'lro. Tchnktol-.i - h-, hi.i frio:i i---M --.'.a ; . ana by t:t :; ; . an 1. a the's.!":-' fli-i-ir t ;i;;-rsts -breast. if ' :,kv n : , two of !i' r - y:-.-i . I : ' tW0 ('..': : - . - - td V For . i. - cers. drav . - : -ensues. ..: 1 n.-.- :. th to an t ""rc! .-' v.i ho t . 1 . 1: a j LI- :i pl-.tsV.l on : ?s.-er, and ta vea a-L l.n.: a-.? the t jhuhtchis cut tiie t.:r-;. r. ' : i take from liie ' I clothing, which they tear t'or then place the corpse on a f;r During the process of ci em; assistants offer up prayers to souls in the other world, a; .1 to watch over those'vrlio are land of the livingl Thebe horrible ns thy are. ai-s! f exactly, the samj manner t t ancient times. - -Gaze it (Siberia). Where II:iiiks :rvr Fa'!. . Not only from Japan ma v lessons in law be gleaned. Ch'lna -. also' fvOr-7-? some valuable hints iu the mat ' cr of legal administration. Here is a notable" faet,fit for d'gj-.tion in a land of many failures. Not -a 'single celestial brink has suspended payment tluripg the last five hundred years. And why-? because according, to Chinese law. Vifa-banl: fail, the managers and clerks all under go decapitation, and -their heads most be destroyed by fire, together with the bank books." The heatl'.en Cb;i::t.e is original, too, in his way of reeoverinc debts of honor. The tractice is for the creditor to visit the debtor'g house, -hit on the threshold a nd w:-er, exp-'.stulate, harangue, coram pebii e. until lie is paid." Thus, within e:n-ta..i limits, Johu Chinaniah rcsdizes . he widespread ambition implied iii Tt.;-. fa miliar phrase, '"every man his wa lawyer." The Brief. ColleC Societies mid Aluuiul Z'alitic. Tho DicHo scandal at Harvard cropped out in tho voting for overseers at Cambridge). .One of the overseers who bad presumed to express his opinion in the presa on tho subject of tho initWirm reremoniea of tho secret societies was i opposed for re-election, and the question as to whether ho was defeated or not de pends on whether another candid. at w,rt wa3 voted for is'eligiblo. The result of ! the balloting looks as if tho Harvard alumni resented 'public criticism of tho affairs of the university. Bos-ton Her ald. Nicely Said. Gove-I'm going to move from" thia town." ; Miss Per kins Why? Miss Barton For what reason? Gove Oh, all the nice giri3 aro en gaged to be married. " (The lovely part of it is that neither Miss Perkins nor -Una' Barton ii en aged.) Harper's B;uar,. ' fESTl M On I4LS rblJt-d i n " behalf r.f Hood's Sarstparilix are , as reliable and worthy-of confideEee if from your most' trusted neighbor. C '., -1 (sri'Mc Cric. C'ne qv-ri lrz-ra- r i' ti -,r n--. .u ".g j.or.-vdiW tl.roe cgj. rind i.iilk. or wa eic;!:;'j to rnali a -tuii b-tt jr. i-' arm, Good l5a'n'i!!ji"('ooki'!! Two crips of sugar, one cu; T"it" cr. ono enp :;; r cream, nn t;'v-' v in- s niri. ilavor with Rut.imp suSi '."'- graham Hour- to roll, link?, in a miiak v jn. Country Gentle man. Indian Fnddinrr. Suet.. One pint of corn jnral. one pint- oS boiling milk, ere-.;. If -lit c"ld milk, one-'i"." rtov pot; nd of suet, two te&spomfuls erveh of ginavr and cinnamon, one-half cup ful of molasses, and One-half teaspoon ful of salt. Mix the meal with the cold milk, then add the boiling- rofik. "Mix Yr-ell and add -ths . other ' ingredi ents.' OoJH ifof-sekedping.'.' ' r cre-un cr t il - I1 uc 1 L I 1 t - I ;rood mu Te7 i f c ( M l ' l r l "Of Or." - .ins w c i 1 t on l i t1 " ;t :,n 1lv.- i 1 s on the l;ro a ! x ti..- ii a-.- ronna Eufia to a C L t r 1 1 i.oh n p 1 runn ltwo a tu'.-? v ) 4 c s j. i i 1 N . j , , -i i i I s 1 I 1 i L M V C" ! H j I p pi t or -S: on w;ii n c , . -. .... 'onin.' (. v I SO- J t j -,r t tl j rs vf a eno liot j 1 t 1 a 1 t ) j hrj i 'h i c i i s a s ir.)m. i urn into a i t , j,, t j . t i i . str wifcii a sorjon. i'tit tne. iiia.s iato I ' ' i i 1 t x r ! 55 r,fl At i n w a ?e n lr. the. Family Ex';e a-r anil Iiithe Camera , f r .:;.! !.;V. ,." Small chang-e is mdispensatde in . go &g about a city. To have only a ' hve cioilarbiil in ones, .pu ie' . when riding in an oranibas'orcur is uhuost as bad as to have.no nj-"oy. f5;e req'i'n "small erta,;- . ! xV- X 1 , : - i . - -: ; 1 im rK, ... snppliys h:.we-v; ii tea-eest :: -- d : . -.--ttrs, jt r.... uiurw as vitii Via..; ":';-n:j:vki .VaV'- - , - .... s.- . :tv-. i . t.,f ? iv'i'uh i ;' jtc-a- and soiled, if ;-he ! i h iv-s: liCB eh--.ho, a ci-rtaLn 1 j ;nan. kivru u,iu itvcil i: a circle. '- ' :! ' ' ;;i -' ..i..,r hii:ie j 1 ; i ..... . , . 3 . . tj . - ! '-: - i;i- of i'.it.S..e. j nrao- lei th-.-e vdio wonhl v:vee.-'; p5 j s -ty rry :.U . : s;--.i; of! I An Idea -v.-as out or a ai;,n; T 1 au-l caa.need to ia.:. ..i wear v-looivin-j- " 111.--!. - . - . j '"Ah!"' birpth-ed the Idea, '-,vho:aroi y. : '"I'm an editor,"" reoilod th v-----y ' man. - . " . . .-".".'J' j -O, ho: '-.in editor!" .exclaimed the Idea, -'Welj, we. oaght to be friends. "!i!W - inq.uircd the editor. 'V'.,-:t are you?" '"i'.-i! an idea." " i "r11 i' t;n? 1 "as looking for," ana tue-.- e.,lttors weary expression ciangei- I-' o!; of extreme joy. lie t );.uc n :-e'.vJ y-f oun-.i friend bonn. . - . - , - " i jo.-n t..; - ..-.. s.iai and tne result was -Iorai -io slow with new , acquaint-' ances. Arhausavv Traveler. ' if row hack icnnu. Cr you arc ail worn cut, really good for noth . uitf. i;. i-; sve.i-ra! d..'bil:tv. Trt . Uh;.v-s ho.v Jtj'Ticits. U will euro you, cleanse yc-'r liver, and gie a. icc.oi ur.pelw ' 4. tlS i t i-i & -VV- sT; l-.Ss-'tiUIJVfcCsdO tSh iti 5 nitrate e. .- .- . -s. CO CENTS PER BOTTLE. V can ti VAtCACU IKfORMATSOH FREE. Z FOfi SALE BY DRUGGISTS Z . ; ; - tail - rss CONCERNING CRABS. An Intorcsiin eimptf.r on tJm IT:ilnts of I- Cr-d v;ri - 'e b'1 e-.,-,r.ot j, .;.: errbs ' epn remer.iber p.r.d "".:in c.-junriunieat: eirbs 1' - T. I' uli i of , the pror.Tid: i-rib? re Trin:--:it:vc: crab.s , arc itfKjil and crabs !::r. smell. . i K''i-Iit iaor 'is " e.i.i ,!.;rt a '"cirt" n with err.ljs, ei'--bt ! months in which t manv leH"r nd lor; hours were cm- . cnp'ed In wrtick! ., tidying cr.ib, 1 fre.vc rive men who lived on Ohipperton , Island for tint period of time the op- p'-rirmivy ir en f, h'n'd', ev u fa- ; miliar, i Intrms with the red crabs that inf;v,t bv jniJlions that strange : equatorial -coral isle, 'I'hev were the . employes of a phasphnto company, and "were preparing the cergo of a schooner j in whitdi they reiurne:t reesrrtly from j the is3aniL ' They "me.de the following j observations:. Th-a crab can see, but he , Tir.r-sj t w n ' i distance h- -hted. 1 l At: a distance of ' e:in li.-ervo a man l. (h 1 it t th i i i the eno i -. he cannot hear. vses. eve:i ;oso ov iiio si; "rate-it onect !; his even "tHa-! ig i i l tt i inc it icr in- i four if meat was " i i f: distance eru: ai, on the 11 th n a t i .e. - t :tt n-s were j t t l r:-- t lion ri- re h 1 i s. U(' I b 1 t x set-claw .a; d in l.:iai.-tL ui- vv.ss swept o;i ov In tills education a. broom Li r-rooin. as worn out. but tile crabs we re (tany, nourry, i.-i sweeping of crao.-i lr..ni liie siuhr:. :,U.'.-il:.'i- tht-ir if;, planks. If a bard the .sand, no cra-j v. ,; xiieie. e uie .t::,:! reineiiiber. . Thaivfn o-;:ir; can erim:;!.-! iie; eal : ---.si'. I;'. .- lh;; il-.in'thoul.t h'r. v.- b b Kir. 5-;. i; . ., ti'-.e era OS ceased lU'blons viiv;;i tVsi w-.t.v isil.i d-s-.Vi-n n tid oven touch it. sav the crabs e:; n e ti;;Mr say t hixt te- it is a physi- e.-.-e.ryinb uo'the. -. AKiV.iit oil;' i. ::...s : bis wi'y on ii. s: v. re f.l if'a ': : L T -:v!--.t L:: i-;f-.:-x;. 1 sv 1. 1 1 ow . v. j: ,"sU iC". - -U.l : i;--1 v- for -is- OA- i . s 3, till i locale r;m -. :.i:.d ' " . to:?r" e -;n. .'..m-u-rie.-i-a -8t;-dovt. lion' I von have Oenna-ri Student No; nobtlug but das-;,, and riot.i. Good News. A f.em;ly livirg -ii. ;;r ".STce-cas cn : :- - ' '' ; ' " a eating all- wives ior lire.:Lfu;-t tor several weeks pai, tiianks to their dog.,- A short dis tance from the house is a brook that ptif-'s into salt water, and which for fifty yards, when .the tide is out, spreads its water over a broad bed of pebbles and stor.es".. Several pool-like inclosures have boon made, so that when the tide goes out ' the shallow pools are left writhing with the fish. .Then the dog darts- into the water and drives the frantic fish before him. Vhen one is stranded he seizes-it in his mouth and bears it ashore. ' The dog never cuts the fish with his teeth, and never eats them. Exchange. . . m&- . When you feel uncomfortable about the stomach, take Simmons Liver Reg ulator. mmt ti x - .In iV S L - . t , . i c: t. i i0 -s v dtiiJaitc?',, e1re 5vye LiicLfce,' TCI Tij-.T,.rr;w e CU.FiS. i ??vi4 ir.-:;.; ?ru -r ''y '.V V- sNi v t - s . j hi What is V CII E"j f 1 1! Li I 1 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and. Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups', and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use. by JJillions o Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays feverishuess. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic.. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the. stomach and bowels, giving healthy apd natural sleep. Cas-' toria is the Chihlren's Panacea the Mother's Friend Castoria. ".Castor? it an exct ilent mcdicino for chil : rnn. 'I-'t'iyrs h.ive repoate2!y told me of its- Ti ct tiji' tiivir chilJren." - . -D-i. G. C. O-scoop, ' Lowell, Mass. " rV;r!a is the K-.-i l emeily for children of :. it'll I .:it Ofiuuot.-t. I hop tiio day is rot ' :r distant wiir-n nnVohers will consider the real . j rt st of thi-ir cbi!dri;a, and xisa Castoria iu ,.i of the variottsquack tiost.mrashici are ..stroying thi'ir loved cues, fcy forcing bpiuitt, .; rpV.:J'.c, out!icg syn;p and other hurtful -jr -nnus dowra their .throats, thereby sending dit-u; to freaiature graves." Dr, J. F. KlSCHEIXiE, ' Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, TJ Murray Street, New York City Verse and rgpiables. . JDecauss Shelley vas a vegetarian cer tain Ox his admirers proixise to hhow 1 ' ti:eir uevction to mm by dining after the vegetarian inaaacr. TI19 force of hero i 1 v,-or?ldp can scarcely further go. It is a ca:-o of "love ine, love my dog" admire i my poetry "and respect my diet. It is j not certain that ail lovers obverse -would I c::ra t o rarry .it this principle; some of the peC;.; had rather eccentric tastes in tli-.1 vay of .'feed and liquid. Byron, for exampie, profc-ned to live 011 very mea ner and ntisnbstanf.:J fare. Because a poet is ilyspcpac are his followers to pretend to bo dyspeptics -also? This seems an excess of enthusiasm. We do not say there is not something appropriate in eainhtisizinsr the connec- j ticn between Ghelley and vegetarianiani. j Shelley "3 uiebuy goes a long way to ac j count for the general qualities of his in tellectual products. His verse has much i of that thin, pale, washed out look j which the average vegetarian is apt to exhibit, it laciis blood ana solidity. It engger,t.s, if cue may eay so, an insuf ficient bodily nutriment. It is pardona ble, to believe that Shelley's verse would have had mom virility if it had not been brought up 'en vegetables. But in thii celebration of the poets why draw the line at- their physical nourishment? Why not imitate every thing characteristic? Why not adopt the same - style-of costume, the same everyday habits, the same principles of conduct? Are the Bhelleyites prepared to folluAv their idol in every direction? We fancy not. Shelley's theories of love and -matrimony, .for instance, would be mwomiortable things to carry into prac tice; they vonld not do credit to Sht-i-leyiies or Shelley. Loudon Globe. Ttt XimIo i:i Art. " '1 have a k eat .deal-of svmtiathv vriih thoi-e so called--prudes who put petticoats on. statues feat represent the human f.-rm divine in purl; natnralibus," said IT. p. licit', 'at tiio Ssiuriu rn. ' am as great an - admirer ' of art as a man can well be, but I can s;-e no mora reason for the public e-i hUio.i of a eiatue or purtnre r- ; m a ide 1:1:01 or v.-.iinan than ::hjhi"inu ,f is !-:::. ::. ne . '. phrarj-r 'Jivji t! .' i; is ccilaiidy as ease as in the other, vino, but. modesty is 1 ho former must win r-i.::c- Litter l.-eforo a t i - r -r -lei ' ')' - yon a ,iy can meke a tnr of a modern ' 'vy wish a male companion with j S anytamg approachiag ciuaaimity. . h A.'amiot. auniij t;:at tne necessities of reqn:re cheitoj.igation of modesty. I do not go to 1 ha length of Anthony Coinstoclc and kindred purists and pietists, but I do insist that art lias abundant scope without dispensing with the il ' leaves which our mimal nrorre-ni- ! tors found necessavv. .All the liinVnf beauty in the human form can lie inado mahifest.without reducing the attire to a ireclilo and a finger ring! In fact, 1 believe that a half '-draped statue, dis closing the well rounded arm, the neatly utrned ankle and a suggestion of tho swelling - bosom is fully as beautiful and far more attractive than one with out any drapery at all." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Summer 'Resort Appetites. "I suppose' there aro more miserable existences than those of the summer so journer at a- lakeside resort," remarked the man who had just returned from a two weeks' outing. "I believe the depths of misery are penetrated to rock bottom by the unfortunate person who has to feed these other vvretched -people. These summer boarders are mere!- organized appetites that have left all consideration for others, ail good manners at home, to be resumed on their return. The sum mer report is valuable as being a place to which people-can repair once a year and gke their natural depravity full play. Then they return home and are civilized beings again for another twelvemonth.-. "It's on the same principle that soma men have, to get drvtnk once or twice a year. The barbarian is in them; they tire of eonventionuldeceucy and must break all restraints for a time. I was at a summer hotel resort last week where a family of eight seated themselves at ta ble, raid every one from the 3-ounest demanded chicken breast and raised a terrible hullabaloo with tho landlord be cause he could not meet the demand. ln vi-in ho pleaded that the amount of breast given by nature to each chicken was . limited, and after ahusiag him roundly they ail packed up and went over' to the opposite house." Indianap olis Journal. . Deficient In Taste. The late Dean Stanley, of Westmin ster; was remarkable in that not one of his five senses was perfect. Sight, hear ing, smelling, touchy taste were all more or less deficient. , One eatable was the same as another to him, except that he exhibited at times a faint predilection for apple tart. Wine he seldom touch ed, and -when he did, kind qr quality was matter of indifference. Ho could not distinguish wine from wine, or for the matter of that from water. Lon don Tit-Bits. 2 . m , - Castoria. "O- i--.f-V.-vv- Ht' -..It-r'indrenthat I n-cn, iii-ou.:wa..j piii3Ciiptioa kno-.vu to me.'" H. A. Archee, M. D., ; 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only hae among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look jrith favor upon it." United Hospital axd Dispensary, Boston, liass. Ai.len C. Smith, Pres., " A PoItiv Deseeratloau" The stranger sat in moodv nilonrj a liable somewhat removed from the con vivial group in the center of the room. Their noisy conversation was lost uron -hifai. His glance was bent upon the noor. JNow and then a shudder passed through his frame and a flush mantled his brow as if he felt it a disgrace to If tnere. "Come nr to the bar and drink." The man with bloodshot evpsr and n husky voice was urgent. The stranger snooK ins neaa. "1 saw come." The husky voice was insistent. The bloodshot ejes gleamed wickedly. With a gesture or disgust the strangeryielded "We're all raking whisky and water Will 3-ou have the same?" The stranger shrugged his shoulders. "Whiskv and water? Uirh! No." The man with the bloodshot eyes be trayed traces of irritation. "Perhaps," he growled, "you want to say something about whisky and water?" - r The stranger struck the bar with his clinched hand. "Yes, sir, i do want to say something I think it's an outraireons sliatnn" He drew his form to its full height and. towereu granuiy aoove tne little knot of drinkers. . "to mingle with" the pure, sweet beveratre of nature the iierv intoxicant which is the ptM.iuct of man's art, to mix He seemed transfigured with earnest ness. "the nectar of the gods with that Ox mortals. - The party with the husky voice sneered. "1 suppose, then," he coldly observed, "you'll drink pure water," The stranger smiled. "No," he rejoined, "whisky 13 what I want; but make it straight, please. Thanks. Here's lookintr at von." The convivial group could not help feeling that the stranger was something 01 a disappointment. Detroit Tribune. The Use of Black. .When our friend SanchoPanzahWcuvt the man that invented sleep I think he snomu also have blessed the inventor of black, for it seems to me that what re lieves the eye is as great a boon as what relieves the brain. What a relief from "screeching colors run riot" is it to look upon a bit of fine Hack! What elegance wp may assume cos tumed in handsome black! What mod esty is contained in a auiet. blank tl For the limited purse no color can take 11s piace. biacJc aress is a friend in need, ever ready, always suitable. Re d"i?ved.by a bit cf gilt, silver, jet or color -uw iuay have an attractive gown for little money. A certain black dress comes to mind which does duty from Sunday to Sun day, varied by having two waists, one the Russian blouse, the other a Figaro jacket, worn with different pretty vests, sometimes a snug vest of white duck, -igaina jacket of lace, again a blouse -Sect cf crape and again one of solid jet, and each one m?kes the costume attrac I ive." -Uomemaker. ;:E'ECTEC TELEPHONE t jf it iri s, 110 rent, tiorojairy. Adapted T Ji i "iruraiiT. meoea n every Tsy'il'r.ie.shoo. store nnil office. Orealet conven-t-fesi 1,,,CK "nd hest seller on enrth. (li QttliAefiilH mnKf from 83 lo f&O p-r day. 1 ' . ' ' ' " " J BUlfl Will lilt, ineiHi-bor. Fine lu-strumentx, no toys, work j nnywhera, any distance. Complete, ready lor J 1 1 - j - v mi in, put op tij Hny one, nover ont of order, no repitirinii, laatu a life TIPS- xrrnnted. A money maker. WritB IV. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus. 0. u . OB ElTintH sine. This rrawd" hemg inject ed directly to the nat otf Uiou diseases of the Oenito-Drinary Or. giins, require! no cbang of diet or uauseGux, ncramw or poKonoot med icines to be taken internally. When used AS A PREVENTIVE by either sex it 1 tmpooible tocontreet any venereal diaease ; but in tbe case of those already Uaramnurci.T Arructio 3 eu3 'Ra t jM,i banotTboea and Gleet, we guarau. 'i J 3 S &: p i lee a euro. Price by mail, postaea Dai. . E. M. Nadal, Druggist and Sole Agent Wilson, N. C. MEW i UT:,t' ,c- wssts Nsrve and Sraln Treatment P-inm 4 V CT,r8-WeHk Memory; Loss of tU? w;"1r-u,,,?; I"'""? Ixwof Power Vx a Vll-y Z ' !?hai. Bronchitis, Cronp. Tjjtx.i.in C.mpa, Sore Throat. Pleatamt to take. .-ia!i sine tiisuoiiiinup.1: old. sic. size, now QSc.: old E. M. Nadal, Druggist and Sole Agent U lison, N. C. Hard Times FRrti!i7PTQ To meet the present Hard Tiiiirs on Knraen, we will sell to farmer direct, for cash, Good Fertilize at the lowest U'haUesaUe a ai h&u a -' vriiM. Mrn. rncea. per urn. ior oorn. iJotton ana reannts. a 9 13.au Tracking Crop and Potatoes 1 4.6U -Oats, Tobacco and Fruite - 15.UO ' Also Mnriato of Potash, Kainit, SnlphaU Potaah, Bo ia Black, Nitrate Soda, in large and imall qnantitaea. Bei id. two -Jo. stamps for circ'a. V. H. FOWKLL Sf VH fertilizer Alannfactorara, BatlUnore Mel 'An aVJiSttrrf". re:minH.Ti T.. Look at Our Clubbing m 6S. t. jtM. fine, jse, st, 3g. t(f ifc j?i? Constitution. Or New York World, Or Detroit Free Press, and the AT $1.50 Per Year. ADVANCE J RALSr -THE ELEADIBGE- Nash Street, WILSON, N. C. Watches, Clocks, Sewing Machines For Cash or on the Installment Plan. ; Repairing a Specialty. Wedding and Birthday Presents, A Fine Selection. WHITE W. J. Churchwell & Co. Proprietors, , DEALERS IN Pianos, Orps, Watches AND JEWELRY. Also Agent lor the LIGHT RUNNING Any of the above will be sold on easy terms. jsRepairinT a specialty. " I do not believe this insti tution has a Superior in the South." j So writes an eminent scholar and Divine of the Wilson 1 ior Collegiate , young Institute, J ladies, WILSON, N. C. (Established in 1872.") . THIS INSTITUTION is entirely non sectarian, and offers-a thntnncrh preparatory course of study, together with an unusually full and comprehen sive Collegiate course. Excellent fa cilities for the Study of Music and Art. Healthful location. Spring term, or 34th school year, begins Jany. 22, 1S94. For catalogue and circular, address Silas E. Warren, Principal, Wilson. N. C. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, in, 113 aiud 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. V Large stock of finished ' Monuments, Gravestones, &c Ready for shipment. Designs free. WALLS PAPERED OR PAINTED Cheap and Quick. ROOMS PAPERED from f5.oo up. All kinks of Wall Paper? Room Moulding and Window Shades to match. Wall Paper, y2c. per roll up. Room Moulding, ic. per foot up. Apply to FRED. M. DAVIS, Room Decorator and Sign Painter, WILSON. N. C. . We can't climb a string, But if you wish -iPriEiting ; We can do you up in fine uvancepmce JEWELER, o.wo. rv Mnro w rr 1 uiui . TL'ANTIC COAST LINE. WILMINGTON &WELDONR. r AND BRANCHES, AND FLORENCE RAIDROAD C ONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. "DATED May. 13, 'M. C s fC A H !x i Leave Weldon Leave Taiboro. 6 (0 ! Leave Wilson Lt-avs Selma. . ....X A M i; :tr .... . 1 l(in j. A J! ; Ap Wilmington. TRAINS GOING NOJTH. ! DATED Jan. 11, "1. 63 AM PM . 11 52 a 27 U 10-' 1020 '. "i ii) . 123 ......... ( . 1 02 10 20 . yos nor . SSS ...... . 4 3.-1 . T 25 a Ott hi c"3 V. M. . 2 1S ) 3 tk") . 4 r, .t 50! -V M ;io Yi 2V C es PM 1127 12 05 12 Its l-jas . A M c s .?, A M TliO 10 25 )2i,s 1 LoaveY'lorence Lv Fayettoville.. lj;ave belnia Arrive VV i ison . . C C3 A M ill HI 10 HI 11 55 12 40 P M T (Ki s;;:i '. 40 10 2; Lv Wilmington,. . Leave Mayn-ilia.. Ieave Uoldsboro Arrive Wilson ... 4, V M 1 i" 2 i:j 20 12 2.ri 2 i .i :i i!i I'M P M i 1' M 10 S2 Leave wilsen. Ar Hooky Mount. 11 : Arrive Tarboro . . Leave Tarboro..,. Lv Hocky f ount. Arrive Weidon... P M A.M t Daily except Mondajv Daily ex cept Sunday. ""These trains carry only first-class passengers holding Pullman-accommodations. f Trains oh Scotland Neck Branch road leave Weldon 3:40 p m; Halifax, 4:00 p m: arrive Scotland Neck 4:55; Green ville, 6:37 p m: Kinston, 7:35 p m. Re turning laves Kinston 7:20 a m; Green ville 8:22 am; arriving at Halifax 11:00 a m; Weldon 11:20 a m, daily, except Trains on Washington branch leave Washington js 00, a m.. arrives at Parmele 840 a m, Tarboro 9 50 return ing leaes Taiboro 4 40 p m, Parmele 6 10 p m, arrives Washington 7 35 p m, daily except Sunday. Connects with trans on Scotland Neck Branch. Train leaves Tarboro, via. Albemarle 6 Raleigh R. R., daily, except Sunday, 5 00 p rn, Sunday 3.00 p m; arrive Ply mouth 9:20 p m, 5:20 p m. Returning leaves Plymbuth daily, except Sunday 5:30 a m, Sunday 9:30 a m; arrive Tarboro 10:25 a rn, and 11:45 p m. Train on Midland N. C.Branch leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6:05 a m; arrive Smiihfield 7:30 a m. Return ing leaves Smithfield 8:00 am; arrives Goldsboro 9:30 am. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount 40 p m; arrives Nash ville 5:05 p m; Springhjope, 5:30 p m. Returning leaves Springhope 8:00 a m. Nashville, 8:35 a m; arriving at Rocky Mount 9:15 a rn, daily, except Sunday Train on Latta Branch Florence R R leaves Latta 630 p ni; arrive Dunbar 7 4o-p m. lieturuing leave Dunbar 630 am; arrive Latta 8 00 a m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton dhilv.xrent SnnrlW nl 11:00 a m." Returning leaves Clinton at f:oO n m.. :mnerlirio- st Warsam with main line trains. Train No. T.S nul-w rW rAimp Imn at Wpli-lnn for 1 1 M-.U ...:!.. j all rail via. Richmond, and daily, ex cept sunoay, via. Tonsillolith and iiay I-ine. Also at Rocky Mount with Nor folk and Carolina road for Norfolk dai ly and all points North via. Norfolk uany except iMinuav. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gt-n'l Sup't. J R Kenlv, Gen'l Manager. T M Emerson. Trafiig Manager. COPYRIGHTS. KS'TiJ'i, aJurwer 8nd an hnie?t opinion, write to 01 K, N t; CO., Who have hnd nearlv flftr ipnrs' experience in the patent businesn. ommunira tions Btrictly conflflcntia!. A II andbook of ln XornjBtion concerning I'ntrnlH and bow to dt tain thorn sent free. Also a catalogue of mechun , leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. rocoivn special notice in the Scientiiic Aniei-irmi. anil tbus are broucht widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid pap'T, issued weekly, eleKant.ly ill nstratwl, ban by i ar t ! larpest circulatioa of any scientitlc work in tho w,2'1(?:,.; year. Farnple copies sent Iree. Building Edition, monthly, jlflOa Tear, inelo copies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and .photographs of new bouses, with plans, enablinir builders lo hnw the latest desisms and secure contract 3. Adilress MLKN & CO Kew YoitK, 361 BuoaijWAT. ettlement of all maturing "policies is one of the rules that has made and kept the Equitable Life the strongest and most reliable insurance company in the world. The following acknowledge ment gives you an idea of how The Equitable Life meets its obligations. Kai.eioii, X. C, March 16th, 1894. W. J. Bodokv, Esq., Rock Ilill.S. C. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your esteemed favor of 15th Inst., enclosing check for Ten Thousand Pollars in payment of policy No. 2U,55, J. 11. Heck, for which please aco-pt the thanks of the family for prompt aiid sut isl'actorj' settlement. w Herewith 1 hand you the receipt sighed as iinin.i.u, w011" ' wiui me policy, as. i quested. Yours very truly, J. D. BOrSHALL. uould'nt VOll Tor! Til rrr cvnrp Willi j - . . . - . a jaunty 01 mis tma Dack or you with a guaranteed provision for those I dependent upon you? Let us send you-ugures. W. J. RODDEY, Manager. Department of Carolina, Rock Hill, !. CV III O OTHER Sarsaparilla lias the B" merit to secure the confidence ot entire communities and hold it year after year, like HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. f CAV tflluj nftUL MAHKS rompt I'M V M

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