The Wilson Advance. JUi)iCI0U3 ADVERTISING. -:'-; inmy a new business. i-:iil:'r-H many an ol.l business, i:vi vi-s many ; Ui-H business. licsciies manj-alntt business:;. S.ivrs many a faflmir business. Preserve-; many :i large business, 'swnffs success in any business. keeping at it Coastastly Brings Success .1 i i LSI u&: LU I i! :ir Open N'fxt Simtlny. st soc dress shirt made at n . Gay's. Ibot? letter too late for publica- T; ricn If. is week. Plenty ol at th ;o night (Tiiuisday). -- Opera House UV will rend the. Advance six lonths .i!r T:i'ty cents. Do you take- your local paper? If you ou t, then be patriotic and do Sec Mr. j. D. lkirdin's announce 'iieiU found in tins issue clse- "' T!utv were, more than 1,200 water nHM iis in town Monday Georgia auK T the in, if Advaxck vou want during the to read a ..mi: nai; lumber. , Work on-tire' new Baptist church has begun, and, will be. pushed on to completion. '.:'' Go to B. W. Margrave's lor John son's chill and fever tonic. A cure effected or no pay. Yesterday there was a pic-nic and base bail game at 'Black Creek. We did not hear particulars. See advertisement of Norfolk Col lege in this issue. It is a good insti tution largely, patronized. Do not fail to see Mollis Weston 1:1 her great Trance Vision Act at the Opera House to-night (Thursday). , We are glad to record that the town authorities have taken steps to abolish a public nuisance. Blount TomUa has been blocked. We are sorry-: that our Fremont letter was crowded out this week. The rush -of matter this week crowd ed c ut ir.";iy. of our best articles. .A iHi'iiber.of Masons of Mt. Leba- ,; Lodge went to Elm City yester Lh t j aLieada Masonic ,pic-nic and ;o rtti.-nd the installation of officers at i -. V. est- t rince of Humor C;;nical Liliputian .-i 1 ".It t fly a ;::! . ;a their laughable and as-;:w.-r'.vjg performance at the Opera i' . use to night (Thursday). Lawn party on the Court j louse square last rndav evening: last Friday was quite successful. Over thirtv dollars were raised for ' the church building fund of the Baptist church. Our Mr. Can't well has announced himself a candidate lor the Superior Court Clerkship. If all the readers of the Advance will rally to his support there is no doubt of his elec tion. " ' ' . - Advertising pays. In passing the store of E. R. Gay-' this week one vould think so as his clearance sale il-ga'n Monday, and crowds are tak aig advantage of. t lie bargains. Other voods will be placed on the bargain counter. See his ad. - Although tobacco was sold on this narket last Tuesday, the tobacco men !r. form us that the market will not open until August ist.- Then buyers will be on hand and the market will .-tait otT with a boon). It ' too early now to, begin to buy. We call attention to the new ad vertisement of W. "L. Douglas $3.00 shoe which appears in our issue to day. We have every assurance from :ae manufacturer that the recentim provements in style and quality will give more satisfaction than ever to wearers of these popular shoes. This year above all others, the pri mary idea must be carried out. We must have primaries in order to as certain the voice ol the people. A delegated convention will not do it. The people desire to speak and the time lias come for them to do so. Let the executive committee call for a primary. Ode section -ol the town ordinance lorb'ids people- ii;;.i hanging gates so as to open on the s.ide walk. It does . not Lrtt: v one to change old ;u::s that they shall' be A;! new gates, or gates rojaircd to be hung so M . This ordinance is i v.x- a, e glad to see it ; -itcs kept .k!,- rup:iir':d IS t' ( 'j li " -nacted. r at almost your own price it 1:. Gay's. i" lai.t: is .11. Ijruiht- iu the Lead "Avlcssrs. Anderson ec Jones re ceived the first shipment of tobacco i uesday, of this year's crop. It was ?nt from South Carolina and brought ood prices. This firm expects a lar ge increase in trade this lall. I'M? &m WffiSSI University of N. Carolina. j See ad. of University in our col I umns and write to President Winston at Chapel Hill Tor catalogue with . pictures of buildings, also for little hand-bood entitled University Edu . cation, what it means and how to get ' it." Good Crops. Reports from the country are to the effect that the crops are very good. Some say that they are better ! than in 1890. The best of it all is j that the crops are being made at very ! u; 117. Lust luis year, vve are very glad to hear this, and expect to see times better this fall. A Milk War. The dairy men have at last gotten mixed. We understand that some of them will cut rates on milk in the near future. We have only seen Mr. W. T. Farmer, in regard to the mat ter, he says that first class milk is woith the full price, and that for the present it least he will stick to the old price of 7 4 cents. Tim I.:i,lii-s. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the California liquid laxative, Syrup, of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all leading drug gists. Tliirtl .) iMliciai Oislrii-U To-day the executive committee of the third judicial district will meet in Rocky Mount to designate time and place for holding the district con vention to nominate, candidates for Solicitor and Judge. This notice should have appeared last week, but it was not received until alter we had gone to press. Comity Convention. Saturday the county convention of the People's party will meet in the court house for the purpose of select ing delegates for the State, Judicial, and Congressional conventions. A large turnout is expected. Quite a large delegation will be present be sides others who are interested in the proceedings. Prize Houses. Now that the tobacco season is coming on, the great lack of storage houses is very apparent. There were barely enough houses last season, and since that time two prize houses have been burned down. - In addi tion to that we have information that the crop this year will be very much larger in this section than last. Will not some body build some prize houses? Notice to Tea:lier. Prof. C. D. Mclver will be in Nash ville, Nash county, on the n-i4th of this mon'th, to hold a Teachers' In stitute. All Nash county teachers should attend. The professor will deliver a lecture on Wednesday night. It is especially desirable that all school committeemen and as many citizens as can will attend on Satur day to hear the able address of Prof. Mclver. . L. M. CONYERS, Supt. Pub. Instruction, Nash Co. Populist Primary. Last Saturday the Populists of this township met in the court house to select delegates to the county con vention that meets here next Satur day, Mr. S. P. Clark was chairman The following delegates were elected by a vive voce vote: S. P. Clark, I. M. Tordnn. F. I. Finch, A. H. Watson, and J. J. Batts. Mr. I. M. Jordan was called upon and responded in a speech of some length,' in which he advocated good feeling toward opponents but a stead fast effort for the People's party There were about sixty Populists at the gathering, and the utmost har mony prevailed1. New Onlinancn. We call the attention of our read ers to the town ordinances just out. Particularly do we wish to notice Or dinance No. 4, Section n. That law forbids any person, eighteen years I old or under, from entering or loiter ing around bar rooms, billiard or pool saloons. We give our unquali fied endorsement of this law, and we hope to see it enforced strictly to the letter and the spirit. If this is done, mothers and fathers in this town will have cause to thank the present board of commissioners, and town officers generally, for the manly stand they are taking lor mor ality and good order. Notice to tlio Public. Nubbin Ridge Dairy will furnish milk and butter at the following rates : Fresh milk, 3c. pt., 5c. qt. Overnight's milk, 2c. pt., 3c. qt. Butter Milk, ' 2c. pt., 3c. qt. Butter, " 30c. per lb. Your patronage is solicited. July ist, 1894. A Card. To the Democratic voters of Wil son county : I hereby give notice that I am a candidate for re-election to tne office ot the Clerk of the Superi or Court, subject to the action of the Democratic convention. Very respectfully, A. B. Deans. Jly 5th, 1894. Your Name in Print. Capt. A. J. Hincs, of Elm City, was in town Tuesday. Miss Ella King, of Greenville, is visiting her sister Mrs. S. C Wells. Mr. Berry Simpson is in town this week visiting his brother, Mr. W. P. Simpson. Miss Miry Ricks, of Nashville, is visiting at the residence of Mrs. Brodie. Mrs. E. Rosenthal, of Washington, D. C, is visiting her daughters, Mrs. J. and Mrs. D. Oettinger. Miss Eva O'Hagan left Saturday for. Greenville, where she has gone to I visit relatives and friends. j Miss Ross Smith who has been visiting Miss Sallie Hadley for some time returned to her home Friday. Mrs. J. M. Edwards has returned from Falkland, Pitt county, where she has been for a month on a visit. Mrs. J. Oettinger and Master Elma ' Oettinger have returned from a visit to relatives in Baltimore and Wash ington. Miss Sallie Hadley left Friday for a visit to Johnson county. She will also go to South Carolina before she returns. Mr. S. A. Woodard returned from Baltimore Saturday accompanied by the Misses Peace, sisters of Mrs. S. A. Woodard. Misses Estelle Brodie and Gertie Blount left Monday for Wilmington to spend a week with Iriends in that city and on the sound. Mr. R. S. Barnes has returned from a commercial tour in the West, where he has been for some time in the interest of the Tarboro Knitting Mills. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. White, of Edenton, formerly residents of Wil son, passed through 1 uesday, en route to their lormer home in Wake county. Mr. Jas. W. Hayes returned last week from the Teachers' Assembly at Morehead. He was elected Secre tary of the Association of county Superintendents that met in the At lantic hotel. Mr. N. B. Dozier, of Nashville, Tenn., general Superintendent of the Wrought Iron Range company, was in the city last week. Mr. Dozier used to live in Wilsoa and his friends here remember him pleasantly. Prof. E. E. Britton, of Rutherlord- ton, is in the city visiting his mother- in-law, Mrs. Dr. King. He has just arrived from Morehead where he has been attending the session of the Teachers' Assembly. Mr, Leslie Barnes is at home for the summer. He graduated from the University at the last commencement, and spent some time at Morehead City last month attending the Teach ers' Assembly. He was called home last week by the announcement of his mother's death. The Soldier Itoj u. Last Thursday was the time for the annual inspection of the Wilson Light Infantry. Col. A. L. Smith, the Inspector General, was here and subjected the boys to a close scrutiny. They showed up well, and were the recipients of many complimentary re marks. 1 - A full quota of men turned out. All positions were well filled by cap able and laithful officers. Hardly a company in the State can surpass them in soldierly bearing. Wilson should leel . proud of her soldiers. They deserve to be con sidered as one of the most important factors in the make up of the com munity. It is true that they are not needed to shoot any enemy from our borders now, and may never be needed. It is the hope of good citi zens that their services may never be in demand1 again: But who can tell how much they have aided to main tain the good order that has pre vailed ? The presence in a community of a well organized military company is a great hindrance to mobs or other un lawful gatherings. They are worth more in that respect than any other feature of the government. Then too, when a community needs a military company, they need them badly. Times very rarely come when the services of the State guard are need ed, but when the time comes they are needed at once. In other counties an annual ap propriation of money is made to the militia. We have not heard of its being done in this county. It may have been done, but we have not heard of it. If it hasn't been done we should think that it is a matter tW should claim the attention of our commissioners. It is necessary to keep up the spirits of the boys. It will show that they are appreciated, and if their services are ever re quired, they will give them with a hearty good will. Announcement. I take this means of announcing to my friends that I am a candidate for the position of Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilson county. Any as sistance that you may render me in gaining said position will be duly ap preciated. ' Yours Respectfully, W. L. Cantwell. IN MEMOKIAM. At the home of her father in this place, on Friday the 29th of June, at 6 o'clock p. m., the pure, 'sweet life of Sallie M. Moore finished its earth ly mission, and passed into perfect rest. 11 "Life rolls back its records, dear, And showed, as they say it does, past things clear," thy blameless soul had naught from which to shrink. She had lived her days truly, nojt for self had dwelt all her life behind bars of toil and self sacrifice. Sh(t-was one of those rare beings whom to know well was a privilege. An uncommon union ot qualities marked her: there was a peculiar delicate sinsibihty to all minor things of iife, with an invinci ble moral courage, a resolute will to do, and to keep on doing, what she conceived to be her duty. Though small in body, physically weak to fragility, her soul was so great, and her young mind so expanded by thought, that all who came within the radius of her influence, acknowl edge her power to elevate and to do good to others. So modest was she in manner and self forgetful, that the community in which she lived, dreamed not of the matchless charac- j ter moving in its midst. Her public career as a teacher was all too brief to disclose to the world her full worth, and, only the limited circle of her intimate friends grasped the love liness of her life, and the possibilities of her nature. To these she opened her lresh, pure heart without reserve, giving freely her own thoughts and reflections, which were encircled by choice reading and earnest study far beyond her years. Those golden gleams ol her nature awoke in others a desire to rise with her to higher and better things. It was said of her by one to whom she had been long and appreciatively known, and whose rare gift of dis crimination none gain say, "I never knew her to utter a word which it were better to have been left un said." She was unfailing in every domes tic, public, or religious duty. She undertook labors too great for her meagre strength ; to " promote the comfort and pleasure of father and mother, she was blindly indefatigable, taking up her daily burden when her frail little body could no longer'stag ger under its load, unmindful of the warnings which their prudence and affection gave, and she sank at last from sheer exhaustion into a fever which ended only in death. "When Time sundered the shell from the pearl," relieved from material form, this priceless gem must have found a setting worthy of it own loveliness. To the last her spirit was wholly true to tbat ideal which she bore, and duty and helpfulness to those whom she loved, and pain that they must do without her, were uppermost in her heart, even after she seemed to know that her day was nearing its close, and that she was going out with the tide. And this rushing mourning tide, which has swept other loved ones from these sorrowing parents arms, has borne onward this dear child of God, into that haven where she would be. M. II. M. DIED. On Friday, June 29th, Miss Sallie M. Moore, daughter of Mr. Jno. R. Moore, of this town, in the 24th year of her age. We extend sympathies to the bereaved in this time of their great sorrow. On Friday, June 29th, at his home in this county a few miles from town, Mr. W. L. Green, in the thirty-third year of his age. The Advance ex tends sympathies to the bereaved ones. On Friday, June 29th, at her home in this town, Mrs. Olivia Barnes, relict of the late Dr. Ed. Barnes, who was a man of great influence in his day. The deceased was born at the Vines residence in OTd Sparta, Edge combe county, in 1846. She joined the Presbyterian church twenty-three years ago, and had remained in that faith to the day of her death. She leaves two sons to mourn their -loss We extend sympathies to the be reaved. Married. On the 27th of June at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Martha Winstead, a short distance from town. Mr. Garriss, of Duplin, to Miss Jen nie Winstead, Rev. T. N. I vey, of ficiating. The Advance tenders congratulations. New lot of R. Sz G. summer cor- sets just mat (.lay s. A linoniiceiiient. To the Democratic voters of Wil son county: At the solicitation ot many friends, I have decided to be a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court 0 Wilson county, and I hereby announce myself a candidate for that office, subject to the action ot the Uemocratic pri maries. Your support will be appreciated. Very respectfully, J. D. Bardin. A fatal accident occurred on Wil lard street this morning. Yesterday a shell was blasted on Mrs. Follett's premises, and this morning Titus Beasley, a negro laborer, was sent down into the well to clean out the debris and finish up the work. When he reached the bottdn of the well he found it lull of gas and signalled the men above to draw him out. He held ori to the bucket until1 he almost reached the top of the well, .when he was suddenly overcome, lost his hold and fell back into the well, breaking his neck and knocking a hole through his head. Durham Globe 29th. 2 GAY'S - Great Mid-Summer Clearance Sale. iVl 01 iday. - July - 2nd We will begin our annual mid-summer clearance sale, as has been our custom heretofore and offer the Grctetost of the season. In order to still further reduce our stock we offer EVERY YARD of WOOLEN GOODS in the house At cost,. ' : Consisting of dress goods in Black Silk Warp Almas, Henriettas, Cashmeres, Serges, Nuns Veilings, etc,, also Spring and Summer Novelties. Eyery Yard of Brussels t Woollen' Carpets at Cost. We offer Challies worth 5c. at 2 c, Persian Mulls, Pine Apple Tissues, etc., worth 15c. ?t 7jc, Figured Swiss -worth 30c. at 19c, also another line worth 15c. at 10c. Jaconat Duchesse sold everywhere at 15c, now at 10c, Turjkish Tow els at 11 c, 15c, and 23c, worth much more. 1500 yards Indigo and Shirting Prints at 5c, Ginghams at 5c, Fruit of the Loom Bleached Domestics, China, India, Figured and Watered all shades. . IAJDIE'a KID QLOYES 88c. worthy 1. 00; and$i.25 Mitts 21 c, worth 25c. Ladies Wests at 7c. to 75c. each; Children's from 5c. to 25c. ' - Reductions on all Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Oxford Ties. Also in Men's Shoes and Oxfords. WITHOUT DOUBT our prices on Men's Youth's and Boy's. CLOTHING eclipse any offer ever made in Wilson. REMNANTS at almost your own prices. 'The above fio-ures are for CASH ONLY. E. R. Gay. Cor. Nash and Tarboro Sts. Amusement. The Weston Combination will open the Opera house to-night, (Thursday) and give their unique and fashionable drawing-room enter tainment, which have gained them considerable reputation. The Martin county Sun, in speaking of the per formance, says : "Mr. Weston with his vaudeville combination was here last Thursday and Friday nights. I Ie entertained a full house and every one was carried away with the per formance. It was the best concert .' we have had in a long while, and it ! was a rare treat that we all enjoyed Reidsville Weekly: It is said that Prof. Wibur F. Tillett, now pro fessor in Vanderbilt University, but a native of this State, will be elected President of Trinity College when the trustees meet in August to elect a successor to Dr. Crowell, who has resigned. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends 1o personal - enjoyment when riahtly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pu re liquid laxative principles embraced, ia the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; etiectually cleansing tne system, di spel llinsr colds, headaches and fevers net t permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on tne iviu lieys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it 13 perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Svrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in'50c aud $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured .by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you" will not accept aiiy substitute if o'Cered. NORFOLK COLLEGE .' For g Ladies. Largest and best-equipped College in Eastern Virginia. 350 STUDENTS. 23 TEACHERS. Healthful Sea Breeze. JNear Old Point Comtort. Beautiful Home, $ 90.0C0 Buildings, steam Heat, Gas, etc. Music, Art, Elocution. Stenography, High est Course of study in the State. Expenses Very low. Send for Catalogue. Pupils wishing to pay own expanses write J. A. I. Cassedy, B. S., Principal, Norfolk, Va 8c. worth $1.50. Silk Gloves and Don't miss these bargains. "W ake Forest College ; Wake Forest, N. C. A Christian College embracing' ten Academic Schools and a professional school of law. A select library of n, 000 volumes. A large' and well; fur nished reading roofn. . Thoroughly equipped gytnnashun and laboratories. Literary societies unsurpassed in . the 'south. Free tuition to ministers and sons of ministers." Loans for the needy Board from G to $io per month. A Complete' system of waterworks with ample bathing facilities. The summer Law School cfpens July 2nd. Next session begins Sept. 5th. For further information address REV. C. E. TAYLOR, Pres, liss This. If you have not bought a new hat this season don't think it is too late. j .Now :is the Time to Buy, when you can get them cheap. Owing to I he hard times I am now offering my entire stock of MILLINERY CONSISTING OF HATS', I LOW- FRS, LACE, FEATHERS, AND RIBBONS VT PRIME COST Come and see for your self and be convinced.' Thanking you very kindly for past patronage, and hoping to re ceive favors in the future- I am f , Very Respectfully, ' Miss Bettie H. Lee. Cobb Building, Vast St., Wilson, N. C. In front of Cash Racket Store, XTOTICE Having qualified as Executors upon the estate of James K, Clark, deceased all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those bavins: claims against said estate to present them duly verified, to the undersigned, or their attorneys, on or before the first day of May, 1S95, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. May 8th, 1S94. Mrs. Nettie E. Clark, J. A. Clark, Executors, H.-G. Connor, ) so. F. Bruton, s- In W.L.Pouclas l CUftET S THE BEST. V5 riVhtf .NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOVA IN, FRENCH&ENAMELLEDCALF. $4-.$3.5-0 FlNECALF&kfcNSAiai $ (550 P0LICE.3 Soles. 2A7J Boys'SchdolShces. LADIES- SEND FOR CATALOGUE W'L'DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, 'LASS. Yoa can save monpy by purchasing V. 1 Dnuglnn Shoe, Because, we are the largest manufacturers o.f advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name ana price on the bottom, which protects yon against higti prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work, in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If youl dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sola by WILSON. N. C. Don t BARGAINS! Bargains in what We are now Showing. Plenty New Things Every Day on the Bargain Counter. Call around and see how cheap you can buy now-a-days. j . & D. Getti nger. HARMS STORE. New Store, I New Garden Seeds, New Goods, . New Cigars, New Man. 1 New Stationery. NEW EYERYTHING. ZNTert HDoor to tlie POst Office. Rowland's Drug Store has been moved to opposite side qf street and a complete line of fresh drugs takes place of the old stock. Call at " Harorave's Diw Store, Next Door to O SUMMER EXCURSIONS. OLD DOMINION LINE New New York. Leaving Norfork and Portsmouth, Va- daily except Friday, and Sunday, at 7:00 p. ni, From Richmond, Va., Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5:00 p. in. (Via James River.) The ships of the Old Dominion Steamship Co. are first-class and espe cially arranged for the comfort of the traveling public and offer the advanta ges of a cool and delightful sea trip. All First-Class Tickets Include Meals and Stateroom Accommodation; The two new, fast and powerful steamships, Jamestown and Yorktown, leave Norfolk every Monday, Thurs day and Saturday evening, arriving in New York early the following alter noon in time to make all evening con nections for points beyond. For tickets and general information apply to Railroad Ticket Agents, or to G W Allen & Co, 1301 Main street. Richmond Va, M B Crowell, Norfolk, Va, N Smith. Hygeia Hotel, Old Point Comfort. Va, or to W L Guillau- deu, V-Pres and Traffic Manager, Gen eral offices of Company, Pier 26, N R (foot of Beach street) New York. NOTICE. Having: moved my tin shop to the Morris building on Goldsboro street, and increased mv force and stock, I am better prepared to serve the public that heretofore. All work done at the lowest cash price. Mr. I. H. Parker will manage lor me in place ot mt. J H. I.ockamy, who has severed his con nection with me. Thanking vou for past favors and asking a share of your future patron age I am, Very Respectfully, 2t. S. B. Parker. CAN YOU WRITE? If vou can we will give you a FOUN TAIN PEN FREE. Carried in the pocket. Always ready for use. The Holder is 01 nara rurmer, penectly formed and finished. The feed is of the most approve'd pattern, (the same used in a pen costing $2.00,) insuring an even flow of leakage. The Point will write and last nearly as long as gold. Each pen is filled with the best ink and tried before sent out. NOW FOR THE PLAN. Send us 25 cents in ic and 2c stamps or silver, for a half year's subscription to Virginia, a beautifully illustrated, 24 page monthly magazine, with excellent information, for the office, parlor, bedroom, dining ' room, kitchen, farm and garden, with iust wit and humor enough to drive away the blues. Don't put it off, but write to-day, and you will have both . 1 .1 tne pen ana magazine promptly. Address Virginia Publishing Co. 5-24-261. Richmond, Va. BARGAINS! Post Office. To Keep Kalm & Kollected Kali on HUTCHINSON and get one of his refreshing VAX lii !..".. The best . Soda Water, I he hinest Sherbets, The Renowned Coco Cola. In fact everything you can ask that will tickle the palate and slake the thirst. We are daily receiving fresh goods for our summer trade, -: CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, :- both dried and fresh, and eve rything to be found in a first class grocery. Our baker is surpassing him self with BREADS & CAKES. Leave your orders with C. G. HUTCHINSON. WATER WORKS. . We are making a specialty of PLUMBING. We can fit in your Water Pipes for House and Bath Booms Cheap. First-class Galvanized Pipes, furnished and put in by us J. 11. LOCK AMY, JOHN GASTON, Fashionable Barber, Nash St., WILSON, N. C. Easy chairs, razors keen; Scissors sharp, linen clean. For a shave you pay a dime ' Only a nickle to get a shine; Shampoo or hair cut Pompadour You pay the sum of twenty cents more.