The Wilson Advance. JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING. r s-'-t : many a new business. i ; y ir.-s many an oll business, k.- i vs many a dull business. J' many a lost business. s.i v-s many a falling business. i'rc.tvw many a lare business. s- iirrs success fn any business. Keeping at it Constantly Brings Success Nadal's Drug Store M ill J!n Open c xt Sunday. LOCAL. The li fire which took place at GoMsboro Sunday, evening, destroy ed worth of cotton. Mr. Jn . II. Lee is conducting a sell i near ihe factory. He has n' Twenty five scholars enrolled. Mr. K. G. Rose will commence ini mel: tU-ly the erection of a two story ri:ne iions'.- near the baseball grounds. Mr. Jo'in i'ndjen lin opined up a .i; -ic!is grocery -store near the fiotorv. lie invites all his friend-s to call and give 'him a trial. Mr. Fiod Bynum had an en counter with a mad, dog on his way home the other evening. Fortunately the dog.did not hurt him. Last Friday night the ladies ol the Methodist church had a lawn party on Court House square. It was well attended and greatly enjoyed. Messrs. Geo. and Alex Stronach, ot Ra!eih, intend opening up a first class family grocery store at the old McCraw stand about the first ol August. I'.linliil Acridr nt. We are very sorry to learn that Mr. Lockamy, while cutting a piece -lif tin, the scissors slipped and cut his oncr oil. A GimmI Move. Mr. Kancaid intends to commence - the manufacture of cigars and cigar ettes on about the first of August. He will use the Corbett Hotel prop erty and is now having it htted up for that purpose. . t t-nl ion. r The .owners of dogs are hereby notified that the ordinances requires that all dogs must be registered by A'l.iit ist and all persons failing to u tor their dog will be fiined $2.00 and the 'dog will be destroyed. Iir:sti;in Teacher's Assembly. From July 20th to 30th the Chris tian Teacher's Assembly will be in session at Littleton. "Quite a crowd ot distinguished teachers will be in at tendance, and interesting exercises are promised. 1 lie Weekly Visitor. W e have received the first number of The Weekly Visitor, a little paper published by Rev. J. M. Rhodes, President of Littleton Female College. It is bright and newsy, and will no doubt be a valuable addition to school journalism in North Carolina. Ileinoeral ic Con venlion . Next Saturday "the Primary Con ventions of the Democratic party will be held in the various townships to select delegates to the county con ventiort which meets in Wilson July 25th. The county convention will select delegates to the State, congres sional, and Judicial convention. lie-n ie at Iloek Itliiue. - " . 1 ' 'ill' " . 1 omorrow mere- win be a pic-nic at Rock Ridge this county. It wil be the occasion of the annual gather ing of the larmers or this county Dr. Cy.' Thompson, and Mr. Marion Butler will be on hand and deliver speeches. At night they will speak in the Court House in Wilson. Two I'ajierx ISorii., This has been an. eventful week in journalism" for Wilson. Two papers have been launched upon the uncer tain sea of popular approval. Wil son iiow has four newspapers and one religious journal. What town in North Carolina can show more activ ity for one week than Wilson? The Reformer. Tomorrow the Populist paper, The Relormer, will make its appearance. It will be under the direction of Mr. S. P. Clark, c ne of the prosperous 'merchants of Wilson, and owned by fifteen stockholders, Mr. Clark being among the i-u.nber. It will gain the suppo;t" no doubt, of our Populist friends, and will, doubtless merit -such support. , ' . Sudden Oealli. Sunday night Annie Rodgers, (col.) fell dead in the yard at her home in this town. She was ; apparently well I'i. re, had been to church that even ing, and coming back home retired as usual. Sometime during the night ..she got up, left the room, and went out to the well, her husband Allowing her. While there she fell t the ground in a faint and died be kre help could arrive. Warehouses to Open All the Warehouses in Wilson will be opened the first of August. vve have been informed that there will be several now buyers on ihe market. Farmers may rest assured that no .better place to sell can be! ound than Wilson Mont Liberal. - Liquor dealers in Wilson have to pay $400 license tlx. This monev must come from advertising as thev seem to be the most liberal advertis ing patrons pf the Wilson papers: Greenville Index. Search th columns of the Ad vance, brother, and see what von 1 see . A ltisr IJav. On Wednesday August ist, there will be at the. Fair grounds in Wilson trotting races, bicycle races and base ball between two of the best amatuer clubs in the State. A trood band will furnish music for the occasion. The opening of all the Tobacco Warehouses and a big break expected. Let every body come. Wilson never does anything by halves - Kaet m in A ngiist. During the first week in August there will be some fine races at the race track near town. The following gentlemen have "entered for the con test : Jack Baker. Doc Thorne, ot Greene county, John Selby, and Jeff Farrior. These are all good mana gers of horse flesh and the public may expect much' good fun. . Mr. Stick ney lias a Call to Kielimoiul. The congregation of the Monu mental church, of Richmond, Va., has extended a call to Rev. F. S. Stickney, rector of St. Jeter's Episco pal church ot this city. It is sincerely hoped that he will not accept it. Mr. Stickney was chosen to the rector ship of this parish to succeed the newly elected bishop of the Episcopal Church of' North Carolina. He is wanted in Richmond to succeed the newly-elected bishop of the diocese of Virginia. Charlotte Observer, July 15th. Mr. Stickney's friends here will re joice to hear of his good fortune in being wanted in two such good places. " ' An Unknown Admirer. About one. year ago a- pretty young lady attending Richmond High School received a package from a little town in Virginia con taining a handsome and valuable diamond ring. Accompanying the package was a note stating that "the donor was unkown to her and she would, perhaps, never . see him, but that be admired her. The ring had engraven in it the word "Unknown." The young lady graduated this year, and recently she received a package postmarked from a small town in North. Carolina. It con tained an elegant gold watch and - chain. A note accompanying the present stated that her unknown admirer knew her birthday occurred about the middle of June and that the gift was intended as a birthday present The enamored unknown took great pains to keep the young lady and her friends from discover ing his identity. He evert carved out the numbers in the watch so the jeweler who sold it could not be traced. Neither the young lady nor any of her friends have the faintest idea as to who the knowing admirer can be. they not knowing any one in the towns from which the presents came. Ex. The singing ol Mrs. Hill at Cen tenary M. E. Church Sunday was much admired by those in attendance there. She has a remarkably pure and clear soprano voice, and sings with the greatest ease. At the Y. M. C. A. Hall yesterday Mrs. Hill again sang to the pleasure of a num ber that had been notified that she would sing there. It has been deci ded to have an informal gathering at the hall Friday night at which she will be assisted by the Y. MC. A. Orchestra and other home talent. Newbern Journal. Debs was committed to jail Tues day for contempt of court. He had continued to issue his orders after an injunction restraining him was issued, and the court committed him to jail for contempt. " Nellie Bly bearded the lion in his den the other day. She went to Springfield an asked Gov. Altgeld the pointed question, "are you an an archist?" ,The Gov. didn't want to anfwer at first, but Nellie smiled at him, and then he replied that he was not. Nellie Bly has been to Pullman. She tells a tale about the strike which is different from most accounts of it. She says the strikers have not burned any cars, or torn up any roads. On the contrary they have been at home nursing the babies, while the deputies and soldiers have been doing the rioting. How newspapers do prevaricate! Cunning of light on dapple of wave Fun-film from laugh the lady moon gave When her lord the sun far off the lea, On slide of gold slid into the sea. John R. Morris, Your Name in Print. Mrs. Swineford is visiting relatives Wilson. Dr. Ruffin is on a visit to his daughter in Va. Mr. Allison HlVh of fmnnrs wnc i ; . .1 ; in town vesterdav. Mr. J. D. Daws, of Elm City, was ! in town Wednesday. Mr. Kinchen Batts. of Elm Citv. ! was in town yesterday. j Win. Richardson of Selma, is visi-! ting at Mr. T. J. Hadleys. j Hon. Jacob Battle, of Rocky Mt ! was on our streets Tuesdav. " M;o- . ij r T-i iss Kettle names, of Kim Citv 1 visiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. Lee. Mr. Tom Slocumb of Goldsboro, is visiting his sister, Mrs. John Gay. Prof. W..H. Ackerman of Black lord is visiting at Mr. R. J. Taylors. Mrs. Beel and two sons, of Florence, S. C, are visiting at Mr. R. L. Wyatts. 2 Miss'Addie Southerland and Miss Farrior of Goldsboro, are visiting at Mr. J. F. Farriors. Proi. C W. Massey, ofCreswdl. office yesterday. He is spending the summer at Elm City. We are glad to see on the streets again our friend Earnest Nadal, who has been sick some time. Dr. Mundy and family have gone to Richmond, having been called there by the sickness of Mrs. Mundy's father. Mr. Adolph Oettinger of the Smith Oettinger Soap Mfg. Co., ism theci ' . at present, taking large orders for the "Perfect Borax Soap." ' Mrs. M. K. Crews returned from a visit to her daughter Mrs. J. E. Brothers, of Moyock, N. C. Mrs Crews also spent sometime in Ashe ville visiting friends. Dr. J. A. Mundy, pastor of the Baptist church,, lelt Tuesday for Thomasville, where he delivered on Wednesday the Annual Sermon at the yearly, meeting of the Baptist Orphanage. When Travelling, Whether on pleasure bent, or busi ness, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleas antly and effectually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms oi sick ness. For sale in 50c. and $1.00 bottles by all leading - druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Go to B. W. Hargrave's lor John son's chill and fever tonic. A eyre effected or no pay. From Kim City. I see that their is some discussion relative to the manner that delegates and candidates are to be nominated. Now as one of the voters of old Tois not township, I am in favor of Pri mary elections, and I speak for a ma jority of the Democratic voters of this township. It will give all an oppor tunity to express their sentiments at the polls and as' we should work to gether in harmony so that we can roll up a handsome majority for old Democracy. Toisnot. RANG THEM IN. Peenliar Method of Gathering "an Anil. enco in Texas. Before tthcaters were built in Texas companies g-oing there would play in the schoolhouscs. A manager upon his arrival in town was assured by the inhabitants whom he met that he would have ft "bijj crowd to the show thatnig-htl" The countenance of the hopeful man ager beamed with dclipht upon the Behoolhouse after suppr, for there he found such a larg-e crowd standing at the door that he became almost delir ious with visions of the ponderous bag's of silver he would "carry away from that town. He felt as if he walked on air ns he pushed his way through the crewd. opened wide the schoolhouse d'oors and told the janitor to light the lamps, says the Chicago Inter Ocean. .The lamps were soon lig-hted, the ticket box open, and the manager's smile reached a greater dis tance than he ever dreamed his mouth would stretch. His heart beat faster than for weeks before. Moment by moment, however, the smile contracted, the bounding- heart became .more tranquil, for the doors had now been opened and the lamps lighted for twenty minutes, and still the crowd, which had now acquired immense proportions, remained outside. Not a soul had entered. In despera tion the manager demanded of the jan itor: "Yliy in thunder don't they come I in?" "Oh," the janitor explained, "they 7 on cprue in tin you ring ice oeu. The manacrer snransr on the step- ladder, and With an energy which would do credit to "Curfew Shall Not Ring To-night," pulled that bell-rope until everj body In town could hear the bell ring.- . Tlie audience all rushed in and al most pulled hair for seats. The next morning this manager took away not only his large bag of silver, but with it a lesson In ringing In a Texas audi ence. Johnson's chill and fever tonic a guaranteed cure, ror sale by u. w Hargrave. iFYovn r.tcK Acnrs. Or you are all worn out, really good for noth ing, it Is general dubil.ty. Try nmnrys ikon jtiTTiilt. tt wJU cure you, cleanse yc:;r liver, ana give a good appetite. NORFOLK COLLEGE Yr Young Ladies, Largest and best equipped Collepe i n Eastern irfHna, 350 STUDENTS. 23 TEACHERS. Healtbful Sea Breeze, ft oar Old Point Comfort, Beautiful Home, f'.tO.OCO Huildins, Steam Heat, uas, etc. Music. Art, Elocution. Stenography. v, Hitrh- K.xpensts est Course of Study i the Mute, i- Very low. nuuu iui uwmukuc. Pupils wishing to pay own expenses write i. A. I. Cassedy, B. S., Principal, i Norfolk, Va. FKOJI ELM CITY. Editors Advance : I see from ine papers mar. ine senate nas com- 1 pleted the tariff bill at last. What ! nas Senator Matt W. Ransom done in the Senate? Absolutely nothing.- 3 . utij j u 111 1113 01.CIL ciii4 auuwvu a. j bill passed taxing woolen goods fcr I poor woman and children -?o per i rpnt tv;c cnmotiim tVi-n- mri' p00r women and child in North Caro-j lina have to have to protect them ' from the icy blasts of winter. 1 wish that there was woman's 5uf-'; frage to revenge this wrong directly, uul 1 guess ine indignation 01 wo- ; " but I .1 j; ... ' c - I man's husbands and children will when Senator Ransom comes before ' them for this suffrage again make it- j self patiently felt. There is not a man in North Carolina who ca say ! and tell the truth that Senator Ran-. som has lived up to his campaign! pledges. The Democratic party of North Carolina which he was elected to represent in the Senate has been almost ignored, but few of his acts are"! indorsed by the Democratic party in the State. I say acts the acting he's done, was to vote to confirm all the Radicals, mugwumps and coons that Cleveland has put up for office. Senator Ransom's interfering with Senator Vance's recommendation for office in the West is going to damage his prospect. The people of the West had too much love and admira tion for Senator Vance to support any man for office that would inter fere with his arrangements. Senator Ransom did this : He went before Cleveland and d'd his best to have some of Senator Vance's reccommen dations ignored. . Remember that the Legislature elects the United States Senator. You should be very careful to select men that can be trusted, of integrity and truth, to go to Raleigh, and vote for men' to represent you in the United States Senate. Wilson county doesn't want Senator Ransom any longer : The Democratic conven tions of North Carolina should be very careful not to indorse Cleveland's administration. There -will be- a few Democrats again, who have been sucking Uncle Sam's teat and a few rings who wish to control, ready to endorse everything and anything just as they have been in the habit of do ing. It will be exceedingly unwise and impolitic for the party in open convention to endorse Cleveland. The people by no means have got ten what they were promised, neither by Cleveland nor Senator Ransom. We should be resentful for the things which, though promised we have not received. The Democratic party should maintain its honor and self respect. Now Mr. Editor, in conclusion, Wilson county wants an expression on the Senatorial question and the only way to get it is to have primaries for all the officers in the county. Let us have primaries for Senator on the day of election so our represenatives will know who to vote for, know who their constituents want for Senator. Rex. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort arid improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's host products to the needs or physical oeing, win attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with -the approval of the medical profession, because it ncts on the Kid neys, Li-.r and Bowels without weak ening tliem and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Pigs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c ancf$l bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrui Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute j offered. Announcement. I take this means of announcing to my friends that I am a candidate for the position of Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilson county, subject to action of Democratic primaries. Any assistance that you may render me in gainmg said position will be duly ap preciated. Yours Respectfully, W. L. Cant well. NOTICE. I Having: qualified s Executor uoon j the estate of Mrs. Betsy Braswell, de ceased, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against said estate to present them duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the filth day of July, 1895, or this notice will be' pleaded in bar of their recovery. G.,W. WILLIAMS, July 5th, 1S94. Executor. . 7-19 6vv. Mid-Summer -TV . 1 T 1 rl JLVjL J L J VJ. ' 7 J L A " yXJ--A. We will begin our annual mid -summer clearance sale, as has been pur custom heretofore and offer the - ( Vrete.e of the season. In order to still further reduce our stock we offer EVERY YARD of WOOLEN GOODS in the house AT COST, Consisting of dress goods in Black Silk Warp Almas, Henriettasf-Cashmeres, Serges, Nuns Veilings, etc,, also Spring and Summer Novelties. Every Yard of Brussels & Woollen Carpets at Cost. We offer Challies worth 5c. at 2c., Persian Mulls, Pine Apple Tissues, etc., worth 15c at 7c, Figured Swiss worth 30c. at 19c, also another line worth 15c. at 10c. Jaconat Duchesse sold everywhere at 15c, now at 10c, Turkish Tow els at nc, 15c, and 23c, worth much more. 1500 yards Indigo and Shirting- Prints at the "Loom Bleached Domestics, 8c. Barairis iri SilB, China, India, Figured and Watered all shades. LADIE'S KID GLOYES 88c. worth $ 1. 00; and $1.25 worth $1.50. Silk Gloves and Mitts 21c, worth 25c.: Ladies vests at 74c to 75c. each; Children's fromc. to 25c. ; Reductions on all Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Oxford Ties. Also in Men's Shoes and Oxfords. WITHOUT DOUBT our prices on Men's, Youth's and Boy's CLOTHING eclipse any offer ever made in Wilson. REMNANTS at almost your own prices. The above figures are for CASH ONLY. Cor. Nash and Tarboro To the Voters of Wilson County . I hereby ' announce myself a can didate for the office of Superior Court Clerk, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. Wm. Woodard, Jr. Announcement. To the Democratic voters of Wil son county: At. the solicitation ot many friends, I have decided to he a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilson county, and I hereby announce myself' a candidate for that office,' subject to the action of the Democratic pri maries. Your support will be appreciated. Very respectfully, J. D. Bardin. To the Voters of Wilson County. ' 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds of Wilson county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries. My past services in office is a guarantee of my future conduct. I hereby tender my sincere thanks for the support heretofore given me, S. M. Warren. July nth '94. A Carl. To the Democratic voters of Wil son county : I hereby give notice that I am a candidate for re election to the office ot the Clerk of the Superi or Court, subject to the action of the Democratic convention. Very respectfully, A, B. Deans July 5th, 1894. To IheVotern of Wilson County. Having served the county as Treas urer, I feel that my record as an officer is a guarantee of my qualification for the office, and warrants me in again asking to be renominated. I theretore declare myself a candidate for re-election, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries. Thankful for ' past favors, I am truly, July 11, '94. W. T. FARMER, Notice ol Commissioner's Sale. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior court of Wilson county rendered on the 10th day of luly, 1804, in a special proceeding: instituted by W. P. Simp son and H. G. Connor, executors of A. Branch, deceased, and R. G. Briggs, I surviving partner of the late firm ot Branch, Briggs &Co., and others, we shall sell at the Court House door in Wilson on Monday, September 3rd, 1894, the lot lying in the town of Wil son, on Lodge street, adjoining the prize house of the late James E. Clark, Mrs. Saunders and the W & W. R. R., upon which is situate the tobacco prize house now occupied by Briggs & Flemming. -Sale made subject to.the outstanding lease to expire Sept. ist 1895. Pur chaser to take the rent. -TERMS OF SALE : ' One-third cash balance on one and two years crecnt oeanng interest 8 per cent, from Sept 3rd, 1894. Title retained d until purchase money is tully Purchaser to keep property in- paid. sured for two-third the amount of the .1 f . 1 fn- V.n Kno. nf the owners. H-J ""' W. P. Simpson, R. G. Briggs, Commissioners. July 17th, 1894. Clearance Sale. St 5c, Ginghams at 5c, Fruit, of Don't miss these bargains. Sts. Wake Forest College Wake Forest, N. C. A Christian College 'embracing ten Academic Schools and a professional school of law. A select library of 11, 000 volumes. A large and well fur nished reading room. Thoroughly equipped gymnasium and laboratories. Literary societies unsurpassed in the south. Free tuition to ministers and sons of ministers. Loans for the needy Board from $6 to $10 per month.. A complete system of waterworks with ample bathing facilities. The summer Law School opens July 2nd. Next session 'begins Sept. 5th. For further information address REV. C. E. TAYLOR, Pres. BOYKIN & CO. Wholesale and Retail G-roceries. Hay, Rice Stra v, Corn Oats, Rice Flour, Wheat Bran, Ship Stuff, Mill Feed at BOYKIN & CO'S. 150 Bbs. Cheap Flour JUST RECEIVED. Sugar in 100 Barrel Lots. ' Old Virginia Sheroots, Honey Dew Cheroots, Cross Cut Cigarettes, Old Dominion Cigarettes, Snuff of all Kinds at BOYKIN & CO'S. Star Lye, Mendelsorrs Lye, Thomp son's Lye, River Side Soap, Starch, Gold Dust at BOYKIN & CO'S. Horsford's. Good Luck, tnd Rex Baking Powders at BOYKIN & CO'S. All kinds of country produce .bought and sold at . BOYKIN & CO'S. All kinds of Base Ball fixtures at BOYKIN & CO'S. Rocky Mount Butter 30 cts. per Pound BOYKIN & CO'S. W. L. Douclas 33 SHOE ISTHC 1ST. NOSQUCAK1N& 5. CORDOVAN, riantnAtnnPiEULuwuj. .-3.J FtNEGALF&KJWSAJJCa J3.VP0UCE.3SOUS. 2.L? Bor&CHOXSHOES. LADIES SEND FOR CATALOGUE BROCKTON, MASS. Y tmm "mey hr nrekasUg W. 1 aij rriT; 7,,rr m..nrarr. of ; tdertiied shoe in the world, nd guarantee the value by .tamping tne name map t equal custom work in style, easy fitting and I Zul.TlrWAm for the value riven thin arlner nnalttlM nv other make. Take no substitute. If yout r . . , . . m dealer cannot supply you, we can. sola oy -OTJnSTCr BROS WILSON. N. C Iff Keep FOR Summer We are constantly adding to cur various departments and can supply your wants. " Our Prices Are J. Sc. D. HABGRAVEjUp STORE. New Store, I New Garden Seeds, New Goods, New Cigars, New Man. j New Stationery. new eyerythikq. 2STe:s:t ZDcor to tlxe POst Office. Rowland's Drug Store has been moved to opposite side of. street and a complete line of fresh, drugs takes place of the old stock. Call at Hargrave's Drug Store,: Next Door to SUMMER EXCURSIONS. 1 OLD DOMINION LINE New New York. s Leaving Norfork and" Portsmouth, Va. daily except Friday and Sunday, at 7:00 p. m, From Richmond, Va., Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5:00 p'. m. (Via James River.) The ships of the Old Dominion Steamship Co. are first-class and espe cially arranged for the comfort of the traveling public and offer the advanta ges of a cool and delightful sea trip. All First-Class Tickets Include Meals and Stateroom Accommodation. The two new, fast and powerful steamships, Jamestown and Vorktown, leave Norfolk every Monday, I hurs day and Saturday evening, arriving in New York early the following after noon in time to make all evening con nections for points beyond. ror tickets and general information apply to Railroad Ticket Agents, or to ( W Allen & Co, 1301 Main street. Richmond Va, M B Crowell, Norfolk, Var J N Smith, Hygeia Hotel, Old Point Comfort. Va, or to W L Guillau- deu, V-Pres and Traffic Manager, Gen eral offices of Company, Pier 26, N R (foot of Beach street) New York. NOTICE. Having moved my tin shop to the Morris building on Goldsboro street. and increased my force and stock, I am better prepared to serve the public that heretofore. All work done at the lowest cash price. Mr. J. H. Parker will manage for me in place of Mr. J. H. Lockamy, who has severed his con nection with me. Thanking you for past favors and asking a share of. your future patron age I am, Very Respectfully, 2t. S. B. Parker. CAN YOU WRITE ? If you can we will give you a FOUN TAIN PEN FREE, parried in the pocket.; Always ready for use. The Holder is. of hard rubber, perfectly formed and finished. The feed is of the most approved, pattern, (the same used in a pen costing $2.00,) insuring an even flow of leakage. The Point will write and last nearly as long as gold. Each pen is filled with the best ink and tried before sent out. NOW FOR THE PLAN. Send us 25 cents in ic and 2c stamps or silver, for a half year's subscription to Virginia, a beautifully illustrated, 24 page monthly magazine, with excellent information for the office, parlor, bedroom, dining- j-oom, kitchen, farm and garden, with just wit and humor enough to anve away the blues. Don't put it off, but write to-day, and you will have both the pen and magazine promptly. Address Virginia Publishing Co., 1 5 24-26U v Richmond, Va. lomlorlable. YOUR Necessities Always Right !" Oettirer. Post Office. To Keep Kalm & Kollected Kail on HUTCHINSON and get one of his refreshing drinks. The best Soda Water, The Finest Sherbets, The Renowned Coco Cola. In fact everything you can ask that will tickle the palate and slake the thirst. We are daily receiving fresh goods for our summer trade, -: CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, :- both dried and fresh, and eve rything' to be found in a first class grocery. Our baker is surpassing him self with - BREADS & GAKES7 Leave your orders with C. G. HUTCHINSON. WATER WORKS. We are making a specialty of PLUMBING. We can fit in your Water Pipes for House and Bath Rooms Cheap. First-class Galvanized Pipes furnished and put in by us . - AT 8CTS. PER FOOT. J. II. LOCKAMY, JOHN GASTON, Fashionable JBarber, Nash St, WILSON, N. C. Easy chairs, razors keen; , -Scissors sharp, linen clean. For a shave you pay a dime Only a nickle to get a shine; " Shampoo or hair :ut Pompadour You pay the sum of twenty cents more.