V - The on $I.OO A YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE. LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY S, THY GOD S, AND TRUTH S. i THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM VOLUME XXIV. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C, OCTOBER iS, 1894. NUMBER 42 Wile .1 , 1804. You will see from the above in urcs that eight years ago !- - i n i . o. 11 lie asn rvacKer. store castea lot with the good people this little city, -and notwith standing the prediction made ' v so many that a "one price, rash' before delivery" business tould not be successfully con 1 1 u.l 1:1.. uucicii iicic, it na buccuuv u row n from a li ttle 2 5x60 feet Store to three times itS Origi- nai size, ana we oeneve it is r - 1 i 1 1 only a question of . time when we will be. forced to p-et more m room. What is the cause 0f r,',A ;-r.oo Ir, Kncinocc? I We answer Underbuv Un- dersell One nrice to all. ' 1 tit - r r ' .111 lb YVCCIV The first thinrr on the list is LO doz. Ladies' Silk Em broidered Handker chiefs worth 25c. Our price only 9c. The next is ONE CASE? STANDARD CALI COES, CONSISTING of NAVY BLUE IN NEW PATTERNS, BLACK and' BROWN GROUND WITH LARGE OR SMALL FIGURE. CUT WHAT YOU WANT AT-crts A' YARD. Then comes the "Mascot, I n TiPixr tbinrr In fi. 1 all lvnnl dress goods at 44c yard. Sold elsewhere at 6234c. a yard Lire Cash Racket Stores J. M. LEATH, M'gY. IS.-.-;! and Goldsboro Sts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H F. PRICE, ; Surveyor and Civil Engineer. WILSON, N. C. ears' experience. Office next to Dr. Albert Anderson. Jno. K. Wooilard, Vr". H. VuflKjroufrh, Jr. WOODARD & YARBOROUGH, Attorni-vs-at-Law, WlLSoX, '- - N. C. Wi'l practice in the courts of Wilson, Nash, Green, iidgecombe and adicin-hi-' counties. - N. 15 Associated in Civil practice only. T R. UZZELL, tf Attorney at Law, WILSON, - - N. C. I'ractices wherever services are re- iuired ZWAU business will receive prompt attention. ' . Office in VVell's Building. ;. II. G. CONNOR, Attorney at Law, WILSON, - - N. C. Office Branch & Co's. Bank Building. GEO. M. LI DSAY, Attorney at Law, SNOW HILL, N. C. ( ikccit : Wilson, Green Wayne ami Johnston Counties. INSURANCE. V FOR Fixe Izis-arance ' -.!! on me, at the ofhee of W. E. Vrar- t n & Co., over First National Bank. 4 iq-iy H. G. WHITEHEAD. Wood & Shingles. I have Cypress Shingles on hand at til times am! will sell cheap. SAAVKO, WOOD, WELL SEASONED, :i"-,vay';; on hand and can be furnished ai.hort -.notice. Yard on Railroad, W est side of Nash Street. - . C. N. NURNEY. Scotlajid Heck Steam Dye Works. 1 express paid on packages. !:nd lor price List. Address, Steam Dying Co., . Scotland Neclc, N. C. I Two Hliiid Men anil a Dog. While strolling in Sixth avenue the other day I paused to note an inter-! esting incident of that busy street;! when I heard just behind me the ! jolly voice of a man: ! '"It always does me good to meet you, old man." "Thanks how's trade? You're getting some new wrinkles in yours, eh?" The last speaker was slowly pass- - ms nana oveF 'ine Iace 01 tne other man- He held a Ion staft m thf nthpr Vianrl anrl th man who - ' - ...... - was being examined had a string at tached to a smnll doe. Both "men were blind. "Oh,. I have nothing to complain j about," said the man with the dog. ! ,' . , - ,.. , t though the latter didn t appear to j take such a cheerful view of affairs. ! 1 He snifftd doit fully , and his tail was 1 wholly, destitute of wag. Did you j ever notice mat a onna mans aog cirfr rrkfir t h it 'i h inn man 'w """ never manifests any particular interest mur'aane wings:, mey gradually acquire moody temperament and affect a gloomy view of life. All the time these sightless men laughed aild chatted the dcg sat looking, at them in the most melancholy and morose manner -New York Herald. 'ffhv is he so Irritable?" This question is often heard and nearly as often unanswered. It is not "always remembered as it should be, that the occasion of ill-temper and irritability is often to be found in the physical condition of the persons affected. What is the use of trying to harmonise a man whose liver has gone back on him? If a man is tortured with rheumatism, how can he be ex- pected to be cheerful and always ready to tell a fanny story? The only way to remove the difficulty is to get at the cause. Dyspepsia, rheumatism, impure blood and liver troubles yield to Hood s harsananllai this is why it is an effective tranquilizer, a peaceful mes sensrer, and a preventive of domestic huarre,s - JaiTis' Loyalty. Senator Jarvis made a spee:h at the opera house . here last Tuesday night to a large and attentive audi ence of ladies and gentlemen, lie was very cordially received and he made a telling speech. It was a clear exposition ot Democratic doc trine; portrayed what the Democratic party has done, and explained the present tariff law. Senator Jarvis came right square out and said he was flat-footed on the State platform and in favor of silver and currency, and as demanded by the State Demo cratic platform, lie did not waver or dodge the question. This was en thusiastically received. It showed that the people are not deceived or misled by gold bug teachings. He said 'he had neither sympathy nor respect for the "Whangdoodle" ut terances of the men who oppctsed ful filling the Democratic pledges as to iree coinage. Hickory Press. - Fe Fills. Send vour address to H. E. Buck len and Co., Chicago, 111., and g.t a free sample box of Dr. King's New New Life pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are psy in action and are particularly cf fective in the cure of Constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every delete rious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigo rate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. SokT by B. W. Hargrave, druggist. Had Heard it. Stoaks There goes Chanter, Oates. He s 'got one ot the tint st voices'! ever heard. Ever hear him sing? He's got a fine voice. 1 bakes (sadly) Yes, nice voice. I heard it about an hour ago. He bor rowed $10. Chicago Record. If your blood is impure regulate your liver .with Simmons Liver Regu- ator. .11 In isistalle. Book-canvassers should take courage from a story told by an Eng l'ish lecturer on -'The Art of Book binding." A man of their profession had call ed at a house whose occupant met him with a growl. "It's no use to me. I never read." 'But there's your family," said the canvasser. "Havi.'t any family nothing but a cat." "Well, you may want something to throw, at the cat." The book was purchased. As Yot No Clno-to thn T?rn DesDeradoes. TULNER FAILED IN PROVING GUILT. The Story of the Great Express Kobbery Verdant Vet In the World of Sensa tion Pinkertons Now on the Crnte-Only Point In Hand. Washington, October 15. Nothing new has developed in the Quantico train robbery that is regarded with satisfaction. The orginal report that a signal-man saw the flying engine coming along the track and telegraphed to Quantico to look out for it is incorrect. The engine i was rushing into Quantico station until announced at the rate of a mile a min ute, when a switchman named O'Leary, l7 a "PW instinct, came -to the .-con-. elusion that something was wrong and instantly seized the switch bar, threw the target over and sent the engine Ant 1 , : . - . : a . . . . .... i dump ylJe it sm!ishe.i, three or four coal cars and up-ended itaelf in a mira- .- The managers and assistant mana gers of the Adams express company were in consultation in this city yester- ' day. Their part 01 the investigation has. been placed in the hands . of the Philadelphia office of the Pinkertons. The governor of Virginia has offered rewards for the arrest of the robbers. Other-rewards have been offered by the express company and by the railroad and the governor of Maryland will co operate in every way. A number of detectives from Pinker ton's headquarters, at Philadelphia, reached A quia Creek yesterday and started a search of the locality. Sev eral Xew York Pihkerton men are also there. " T nrner Ceuld Not Prove Guilt. The man Turner, who was arrested here while in a drunken condition Sat urday night and who claimed to be one of the robbers who was cheated out of. his share, turned out to be an irresponsible-person. The express messenger saw him and said that he was not the man who entered the er.r. The police authorities received word that a small schooner, with suspicious characters aboard, was anchored about twenty miles down the river. Think ing they might be the robbers, a squad of officers, heavily a rmed, sailed in the police boat to the schooner. Arriving there the officers found the schooner deserted but the inhabitants of that section -said that the schooner's occu pants had not deserted the vessel, but had left her temporarily, possibly over Sundaj'. : MEN RETURN TO THEIR LOOMS. The strike at Fall Elver Formally Broken by Example. Fall Riveb, October 15. The entire business community is interested in the result of todays' action of the employes, the interest centering in the action of the weavers. There is little doubt but that the rest of the employes will go in. It is expected that many of the weavers will return because the loss of wages for the past eight weeks has driven many of them, as well as other operatives, into straightened circum stances.' The manufacturers are of the opinion that the operatives will have trouble in operating the machinery for a few days but do not anticipate that the help will stay away from the mills after the first week in sufficient numbers to seriously affect business. But few entered early today. . FROM THE BATTLE FIELDS. Chinese Agents Abroad Urged to Repre sent Their Adversities Differently. Shanghai, October 15. It is reported that in consequence of the projected 10,000,000 ten per eentage loan, to be guaranteed by the imperial customs, Chinese agents abroad have been in structed to put - the best face possible on the recent Chinese reverses and to represent the fleet as being active and efficient. The outbreak of the Kulao- whei society in Hankow was spread rapidly. Troops were sent out to quell it, but they were resisted savagely, and eventually put to night, l wo manna-, rins were killed. DR. STUART DOUGLAS DEAD. Famous as an Fixpert on Insanity, lie Stood at the Head of His Profession. New York, October 15. Dr. Stuart Dousrlas, who has of late years been in charge of the insane pavillion at Belie- will carry about 150,000 bales, or 50.000 vue hospital, is dead. Dr. Douglas was more bales than are now in port. The K4 years old, and was a graduate of the receipts here are about 8,000 bales per college of, physicians and surgeons, day. '"-''- - He acquired fame as an expert on in- An Kra of Unprecedented Prosperity, sanity and took charge of the insane HARKisnrRG, Pa., October 15. Iron ward at Bellevue hospital in 1887. He &m steei miHs in this locality are en held that position continuously till he jcyi ig an era of unprecedented pros- was taken ill three weeks aro. The remains were taken to Richmond, Va., the home of the deceased, at 0 o'clock last evening. ANOTHER CHAPTER ADDED. Seventeen Waterlojji;ed Sailors Arrive in Pensaeola to Tell of the late Storm. IY.nsacola, Fla., October 15. Cap tain Sinte and sixteen men of the crew of the Spanish bark Barcelona from New Orleans to Barcelona, with a cargo of staves, were brought here yesterday by the pilot boat Haze. The Barce lona was dismasts 1 and waterlogged, her pumps and everything on deck be ing carried away in last Monday's storm. One seaman was swept over board and drowned. The Stamp Losses Not Heavy. Washington, October 15. The offi cials of the bureau of engraving and printing express the opinion that the losses of postage stamps by the thefts of Smith and bis confederates will not exceed gl,200 or $1,500.. First Parliamentary Election, Brussels, October 15. Belgiumjs first parliamentary election with uni versal suffrage was held yesterday. Nc summary yet possible. The Arqtiirnneut of Culture. "Do you consider travel essential to an education?" asked the young man. "Not if you live in Boston," re plied the young woman wnh blue glasses. Washington Star. 1 Go to Young's for Clothing. THE BLUE GRASS LYNCHING. Prominent uod Wealthy Citizen of Ken tucky Strung- i:p by II in Neighbors. Lk.cxoton. K.y., October 15. Yester day another lynching1 was added to the fall serit-s of the lilue Grass lynching bees. Saturday at the close of the Jfcattvville fair, Oscar .Morton, a prom- inent and wealthy citi.en of Stanton, m Powell county, went on the warpath. Only two weeks ago Morton killed a man at Stanton and was out on 5,000 bond to appear next week at the Powell circuit court. When Morton arrived at the fair he proceeded to get drunk and then went to find Sheriff William Simms, who was his deadly enemy, a feud of long standing existing between the two meu. Simms and Morton met near the entrance to the fair grounds, and after a few words both of them drew guns and a quick exchange of shots followed. When the smoke had cleared away it. was found that Sheriff Simms was dead. Uef ore a crowd could collect Morton was hustled to the coun ty jail. The -people became infuriated and a big meeting was at once held in the public square. A mob was quickly formed and marched to the jail. The jailor was overpowered and the keys to Morton's cell were obtained. After a short parley he was taken to a little bridge some distance from the town and the rope was placed around his neck. The leaders drew their guns and told him to jump or else he would be riddled wite bullets, lie jumped breaking his neck, after cursing his captors. Further trouble is expected. This is the eighth lynching in three months. CINCINNATI THE GATEWAY. The Southern Anxioas for the C, N. O. and T. 1. Railway Stockholders Bleeting. Cincixjtati, October 15. -At the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific railway company, to be held at the general offices here today, there ' ' " . ,nr. will be two tickets for directors in the ONLY STRANGE FACE, field. Onerticket will be that made up Tennessee's Delegation in the Next Con by the C. H. & D. syndicate people, and gress to be Only SMgutly Changed, the other will be a ticket representing Milan, Ten n., October 15. -Only one the Southern railway-Drexel, Morgan face w511 be absent from the Tennessee interests, lhe Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton also have booked six of the present members of the present board of directors to retire. Those who are to go out are Messrs. Erice, Thomas, Lauterbach, McGhee, Weir and Ander son of this city. The gentlemen are to be succeeded by II. F. Shoemaker, Al fred Sully, oi New York, and E. W. Kittredge, Lawrence Maxwell, jr..- M. D. Woodford, and Eugene Zimmerman of Cincinnati. There is not likely to Dej amy legal interference today. Mr. Greenough said last night that while the Southern railway was anx ious to get hold of the property, as Cin cinnati was the gateway between their lines and New York. .they would prob ably wait and bay the stocik. DEATH IN BRISTOE'S CAVE. Uncle and Nephc.7, Alabama Kindred, Flcht to a, Fatal Finish. Gadsoex, Ala., October 15. In Bris toe's cave, fot.r miles from Mountains-: boro, near the county line between Eta wah and Marshal, there occurred a cold-blooded murder late Saturday evening. The facts are as follows, as near as they could be learned: George Bartlett and his nephew, Dave Hub bard, had been engaged in getting out stove timber and had some words over the settlement. Saturday they were engaged in gathering corn, when the difficulty was returned. Bartlett was on the wagon and grabbing a hickory standard, struck at Hubbard, who also grabbed a large ' hickory stick and struck Bartlet in the head, knocking him out of the wagon. Hubbard then went to the house and telling what he had done, fled the countrj'. Parties went to the field where they found Bartlett dead. NEW YORK'S REGISTRATION. Heavy Gains Noticable at ail the Points Over the Last Knrollment. .Alb a NT, N. Y., October 15. Satur day, the third day of the registration, (5,-215 names were enrolled in this city, making a total of 18,103 for the three days.as-against 17,041 for the three days last year, an increase this year of 1 ,122. Advices from other points show that the" registration thus far is ahead of last year's considerably. GEORGIA DIRECT TO EUROPE. Twenty-Fire Ships at .Savannah Will Load With Cotton. Savannah. Ga October 15. There are twenty-five foreign steamships in partment mere are gooa reasons lor port to load with cotton for Europe, the belief that the United States gov The total tonnage is 40,000, and they ernment has formally declined to enter perity. At the t'ennsyivania steel works the production of rails and Bes semer steel last week was the heaviest of years. Frost in the Southern States. Washington. October 15. Forecast : For Georgia, fair, northeasterly winds, light frosts iu the interior, followed by slightly warmer weather. For Western Florida, Alabama and Mississippi, gen erally fair, easterly winds, slightly cooler.- ' Shot bead While KscauinK Prison. Qltincy, 111., October 15. George Williams, who escaped from the Mis souri prison, toerether with another con vict, was shot and killed by Sheriff Pratt at Palmyra last evening. Williams' compa uion surrendered to the sheriff. Klfhmond'8 Three Days Kaciiijf. Richmond, October 15. The three days racing of the Virginia exposition begins today with two running and two tro ting trials. This will be the most important event of Virginia's turf history. Ad American ins the Honors. Pakis, October 15. (it-orge Banker, the Amcj-ican wheelman won the grand Prix de Paris at the bicycle races yes terday. "Could I see the boss a few min-' utefc?" "Yes, as soon as she nets through tellin' the mistress that she's got to have another afternoon oft each week. Chicago Inter Ocean. Pains in the region of the kidneys are cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. POPULISTS FUSE In Alaoama it is a Heated, Fight in the Congressional Baca. DEMOCRATS GETTING MORE ACTIVE. Tlio Anti-Democratic Nominees Stralght ; out Republicans in Three of the v Districts Only Two Complete Tickets Now in the Field. 15ir.ming.haw, Ala., October 15. As November approaches the congressional I campaign grows more heated. The populist in Alabama appeared and are jast now putting forward greater ef forts than ever. They are jubilant over the Georgia result. - . t However, the" democrats are very active, and are preparing to meet every liiove made by the opposition. . They are inviting to this state such speakers as Speaker Crisp, Secretary of Interior Smith, Congressman John Allen, of Mis sissippi, and others, besides Senator ilorgan. All the congressional candi dates are already on the stump, and a very lively campaign is being waged." In the first, fourth and fifth districts the anti-democratic " nominees are straight out .republicans, whom the populist and Jeffersonians or Kolbites have'indorsed in their district conven tions and agreed to support. In the re maining districts, except the sixth, the opponents of democracy are populists or Kolbites, who have the indorsement of the republican conventions, so that the fusion between the populists, Kolb ' ites and republicans is complete, one district excepted, so far as the conven j tions and party machinery of the three parties are concerned. This admits of but two complete sets of tickets in the field, the democratic and anti-demo- cratic delegation in congress next term Al fred A. Taylor, republican of the first district. He will go on the lecture stage I with his brother, ex'-Governor Bob Tay- ' lor, who defeated him for governor in the famous "War of the Roses." Isham G. Harris, Tennessee's senior senator, who is now doing effective campaign work in the state, will succeed himself. : Harris is president pro-tem of the Uni ted Stntes .senate, and one of thf most noted southerners in the national con- gress, The old man is seventy-six years of asre, and there is no opposition against him. - READY FOR THE OCCUPANTS. The White House Finished for the Recep tion of President and Airs. Cleveland. Washixgtox, October 15. President and Mrs. Cleveland will return to the city during the week. There is consid erable work going on in anticipation of their coming and the mansion will be in comfortable shape for their re ception. The east room is the most upset, as the painters are just finishing the woodwork and touching-up the gilt, which is very plentiful in that vast apartment. The other parlors, each of which has had some refurnishing, are looking quite fresh and attractive, and on the whole the house will look much more inviting in every way for its dis tinguished occupants. GOV. BROWN FOR THE SENATE. Denies the Knmor That Ho Would Not -J Make the Rare. Frankfort, Ky, October 15. -Governor Brown, in answer to the rumor that he would decline to eiiter the race for the United States senatorship, said: "There is no truth in the intimation. I am' anxious and will urge that the demo cratic state convention shall nominate the candidate for senator. The peo ple's choice for the position should be selected." The governor was asked if he would make ar.y speeches before the November election, lie answered: "It will be impossible for me to make any speeches. The very critical illness of one of my daughters will prevent. I have declined many invitations for this reason.'1 . - ; - REFUSES TO JOIN AN ALLIANCE. United States Will Not Interfere in the Oriental War. Washington, October 15. Although ' omciauy auuiiiiuu at tne sawsue- .A . , -11.. .1 . IA J i A 1, ,. 4...4,1 ine proposeu. amance oi vreat in nam, France, Russia and Germany lor the suppression of hostilities between China and Japan. The proposed intervention of the European powers is of a friend ly character and is said to be intended for the good of the world- According to the story the declination of the United States is based on its time-honored policy against entangling alli ances with other countries. THE MURDEROUS ASSAULT Made by Convict Upon a Foreman in the Frankfort Pen. Frankkort, Ky., October 15. A seri ous and probably fatal cutting affray occurred in the penitentiary about 11:30 o'clock this morning. Frank Chambers., a negro convict from Marion county, serving a ten-year sentence, made a murderous assault upon Anthony Noecker, foreman of one of the depart ments of the chair factory, horribly gashing him about the arms, face and breast with a knife which he had been using in his work, and which had been sharpened as keen as a razor. Noecker fell into a faint, but was revived. It is not known how serious his wounds are, but are probably fatal. Louisiana's Wholesale Jail Ieli-ery. Shkeveport, La. , October 15. Seven prisoners effected their escape from the parish jail yesterday morning at 5 o'clock, four of whom werp convicted by the recent term of the criminal court, for life time service. They used an old file and a pair of scissors to dig . . e 11. . ; out 01 me prisuu. 1 ltncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is sruaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. W. Hargrave, Druggist New Ties and Bagging at halt price Young's, MORGAN'S SERIOUS CHARGES. Ha Calholirs Defeated Harrison and TiiJtt tliw Ar'hiiopt are Conspirators. Minneapolis, October 15. General 0. T. Morgan, . I ndian ..commissioner under General Harrison, made an ad dress bt-fore the llaptist convention on 1, Kone in Polities" last night and made a bitter attack on the Catholic church, which he deciaied was a political or ganizatio?i. The Pope, he said, would soon try to have the Ablegate reorgan ized at Washington as an ambassador for political sovereignty. He charged the Catholics wi tli securing the defeat of Harrison on account of his adminis tration of Indian affairs. . He asserted that 90 out of every 100 Catholics were democrats, and only enough supported j front of his store, Wednesday night, the republican ticket to keep up ap- j Mr nerbert Maxwell met with a pearances. ; H,e referred to Archbishop - . Corriganas a man who , carried the ! painful but luckily not serious acci Uned States senate in his pocket for j dent. The weapon exploded, shoot- convenienx use, ana laauea mat tne archbishops were at this moment be hind closed doors plotting- against free schools and the free institutions of America. ALL JUBILANT IN JERSEY. i Everybody and KveryihiiiR in the ught fo , the Cnited Statos Senatorship. Trenton, N. J., October 15. Ever3' thing in ew .Jersey and everybody i involved in the fight for the United States sen a torsi i' p. Now that senatoi McPherson nas declared that he haj had enough of politics it is anybody's race. Although the, republicans claim that the democrats are demoralized by McPherson" withdrawal, yet as a mat- t.fU" of fa.pt t.ht (Ipmncmfip i tit.lri. ed thereby. With. .McPherson out, . there is democratic enthusiasm. If si democratic legislature is elected ani i prominent democrat in the state can aspire to the senatorship. There is nc one man in the party just now who haj ' enough influence, or who towers sufti- ciently above the olhers to make hU seliction a certainty. Allan MeDer- mott and ex-Governor Leon Abbett, it ' is true, are still in high favor, but not , enough but what anybody could entei ' the race. with a good chance of winning, 1 STILL FIGHTING OVER BREC. Raised a Row With a Topulist and Got Hit With a Weight. Fraskfoet, Ky., October ,15.: W. B, indgetora, tne wen known populisl ; Bingham school, a beet that beats all leader, and Judge W L. Jett, a demo- , ' . cratic politician, had a fight Saturtlaj , beets so ,dr brought into our muse nighty Jett was drunk and .made a urn. lie sent it in by Sam Sirilh, verbal assault on Bridgeford for the part the latter took in the late cam paign against Colonel Breckinridge. , Jett got so insulting that Bridgeford ordered him out of his place of busi ness. Jett became sp angered at this that he advanced upon his adversarj, and was in the act of striking him with a knife when the latter seizecf a larga iron weight and struck him in the back of the head. Friends interferred and Y"T TTlTl ti "fn T"t F1 Of lUU-tll TT Fl-l 1 -H. cnlty was provoked entirely by Judge Jett, who was one of Colonel, Breckin- HVllU a .UAH IC .1. ttllU 1.T BlUl WIU UVCl his defeat. j - ; -. INJURED ARE HER FEELINGS. . , .- . ... : ... i An American Hfii-ess Vtunts Rig Damages From a Londtm isaiiking House. Omaha, October 15. An interesting sequel to the marriage of American heiress to a titled foreigner has devel- oped in Omaha, where Phoebe R. Lin- ton filed her petition in the district court, asKing for a judgment of SoOe, 000 from John Whitmaker Cooper, who, she alleges, is a member of the London banking firm of Brown. Jansen, & Co. She avers these defendants conspired onspired with olhers and have injured her feel- mgs ana nnanciai sunimncr to the amount for which she has brought suit by pretending to have mortgages on her property here. She is the daughter of Colonel Findlay, the renowned jJhio capitalist. She, several years ago, mar ried Colonel Linton, of London, having a million in her own name. GOES INTO NEW MANAGEMENT. The Reorganization of t he I.e.vinj;ton and Eastern Railway. Lexington, Ky., October 15. On November 1 the Kentucky Union rail road, recently purchased by J. Kenne dy Tod at 81, 000,000, will pass into the hands of the new management.' it is probable that Ma j. II. C. McDowell, of this city, will be made president. James Duane Livingston, vice-president and general manager; George Copeland, treasurer, and Arthur Cary, secretary. The company will be known as the Lexington and Eastern railway com pany. Livingston, who is financial .manager for J. Kennedy Tod, has just returned from the east, and Saturday filed in eourt at'Frankfort new articles of association, the J. Kennedy Tod company conveying its purchase of the road to the new reorganization. CODY'S MYSTERIOUS ABSENCE. The Author's Brother is Searching for Him IliiTli and Xovr. v New York, October 15. Alpheus S. Cody, the author and lecturer, of No. 104 East Eightj' -ninth street, has been missing" from home since yesterday. His brother, who is a student in the sollege of the city of New York, has Searched for him in vain. His disap pearance ha not been reported to the police. t' . Double Murder at 'an Arkansas Harberue. Van Bcken, Ark- October 15. At a barbecue fifteen miles north of here, 1 double murder was committed. Geo. Truitt struck Casey Ilensey with a bar rel stave during a fight and mashed his skull, and as Hensey was falling he iisemboweled Truitt whe, cannot re- sover. ' . - . -.'- ... -' ' ' . Father and Son on the Field of Honor. WTACo, Tex., October 15. A duel to the death " betweerr an old map named Striplinfr and his son George, ten miles I from this city, was -fuug-ht yesterday. The father- was shot and mortally wounded, and the rftm's skull was crushed and he will probably die. Pro.esssor Ni-. hoi Itead. London, October .15. John Nichol, LL". 1)., professor of astronomy and English literature, is dead, aged fll years. WI I.SO.V KlilA Ct O M A It K FT, Corrected weekly by Andeiscn & Jone Fillers, Common. Good ... .2 tp Xfj 3'A to 6 . ... .4 to 6 Smokers, Common . . Good " Fine Cutters, Common.... G00J " Fine .... Wrappers, Common, ' Good....; " Fine . . . .6 to 10 . . . 10 to 16 .15 to 22 .22,'i tO 30 . . . 10 to 15 ...15 to 25 ...25 to 50 Highest of all in Leavening Power.- ABSOILlDirEfcV PURE STATE NEWS. Goldsboro Headlight. While attempting to unload his pistol in ing a ball, clean through his left hand. Fayetteyille Observer: Last i Friday afternoon the, waste-house of the Cumberland Mills manufacturing Company was totally destroyed by fire, the origin of which is supposed to have been apaik from the engine. But for the splendid fire arrangements and the clear head of the manager Mr. W. K. Parker, the whole factory wou'd probably have been burned. Charlotte News: Little Ted Ir- win of Charlotte, received a' terribl laceration of the hands Tuesday; b .u , r , . . f. the Po of a dynamite cap. He was picking at the cap with a naii when the exploded. A finger o the right hand was torn out at tin knuckle joint, and the . first fingei u at u j t-i i - i badIy shattered. 1 he palm Oi the hand lacerated. The tips of the thumb and first finger on his 'right hand were blown off. Asheville Citizen: The agricul al editor has received from Maj. Robt. the colored man who, it will be re- embered prepared lor the tiring oi the Presidential salute in honor of Vice-President ' Stevenson. But to return to the beet. It is 2 feet 7 in ches in length, 2 feet 2 inches in circumference and weighs 2b4 pounds. It grew on the Bingham ''school property where an acre and a half is covered with beets, and it is T 1 ' . ,1 1 1 .1 i the one sent in. " 1 Henderson Gold Leaf: A tele- gram was received by relatives here Saturday night announcing the death -r- rur TT 111 Memphis, Tenn., of Mr. Harry Loughlin, brother of our townsman Mr D. C. Loughlin. He was an acrODat ana actor Willi sells liros.' circus and while performing in th ' . , ..1.1 T-' . , ' r , '""S Perch at that Place rrldar fd the r,.tt J"11 P--" "l 11 "lL 1 nuaj rai and sustained injuries from which he ,i:,j next day. Harry Loughlin, (whose professional name was Castel lo) was well known in Henderson, where he has spent much of his time duiing the past few years. He was a handsome, manly young man, mor al and sober, and by his quiet and m idest woi th and gentlemanly de meanor made friends of all he met. P.y Ad vniUIni;. Little Bo Peep, She lost her sheep, Which was quite agonizing; But she found him again, Without worry or pain, By simply advertising. News-Oserwcr. Ooyghs arid Gofds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, General Debility and all forms of Emaciation are speedily cured by .,--. . Scott's Emulsion Consumptives always find great relief by taking it, and consumption is often cured. No other nourishment restores strength so quickly, and effectively. . '-' Weak Babies and Thin Children are made strong and robust by Scott's Emulsion when other forms of food seem to do them no good whatever. The only genuiue Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon colored wrapper. Refuse cheap substitutes! Send J or pamphlet on Scot? s Emulsion. I-REE, ! Scott &. Bow ne, N.Y. All Do You Suffer; From Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Kidney, Liver, Lungs, or Bladder Trouble? If so, use r Swineford's Arsenic Lithia Water. -'. I'T.mriLL.Clf 'liE 7oir. : ; Office of C. E. Moore, Physician and Surgeon, Tarboro Street, Wn.sox, N. C, October 2, 1894. Mr. Oscar Swineford : Dear Sir. Yours received, and in reply will say that I have used your Arsenic-Lithia Water for the past month in two cases of urine acid diathe sis with very satisfactory results, and have found it very efficacious in cer tain forms of dyspepsia due to inactive secretions. As a pure table water it is all that could be desired. . ! Very 'respectfully yours, &c, C. E. Moore. Hargrave's Pharmacy, SOLK AGENCY. 1 . Latest U. S. Gov't Report Almost a New York Dally. That Democratic wonder. The. New York Weekly World, has just changed its weekly into a twice-a-week paper, and you can now get the two papers each week. - Think of it! The news from New York right at your door fresh every three days 104 papers a year. We have made arrangements by which we can furnish The Advance and the twice-a-week New York World all for $1.50 a year. Here is the opportunity to get your own local paper and the New York World twice every week at extraordinarily low rates. Bagging and Ties half price at Young's. To cure constipation, sick- head che and dyspepsia Simmon' Live r Regulator has no equal. Corr-t DiHgnoHiii, Nevertheless. Miss Mobile Well, Auntie, how s Uncle Mose these days? Aunt Chloe Po'ly, Mips; pb'ly. He's done got dat exclamatory rheu matism. Miss Mobile You mean inflama tory iheumatism, Auntie. 'Exclama tory is to cry put.' -Aunt Chloe (with solemn convic tion) -Dat's hit Missyt dat's hit. He don't do nufhn but holler. All Free. Thoie who have used Dr.- King's New Discovery know its value,' and those who have not,' have now the opportunity to try a bottle free. Gall on, the advertised druggist and get a trial bott'e free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co. Chicago, 111 , and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guid to Health and Household Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. For sale at B. W. Hargrave's drugstore. "Is the Colonel through with his speech yet?" "Yes, he is now tiptoeing off the stage." "Why does he do that?" Doesn't want to wake up the audi ence Atlanta Constitution. WiiiiIi d all of II. Bank Ckrk This check, madam, isn't filled in. Madam-Isn't what? Bank Clerk It has your husband's name signed to it, but does not state how much money you want. Madam Oh, is that all? Well, I'll take all there is. American He brew. JUO OTHER Sarsaparilla has ef fected such remarkable cures as HOOD'S Sarsaparilld, of "Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and other blood diseases. MOT iTV'1 Druggists. 50 cents and SI.