The Wilson Advance. j-uiJiiS ADVERTISING. ;:y" u now business, many an old business, i fin n.7 i dull business. lii'iny.-.i lost UuHiiio-w. !!!!! !l l:iti!t!!i OUSilieSS. .: : . ,ii itiy i i iivo t'Usiaes3. ... iivrfi in ;i V business. ;-3iiit-iatl Brings Success Nadal's Drug Store ill lt )X'!i V-xt Sunday. LOCAL. 's.i i ; l SitliiM'i itf r. subsc ribers are hereby notified tint-Mr. W.'. It. -'Clark is no longer acting as our agent and we will' not be held accountable tor any amounts paid t; Mm." A l 'Vance Publishing Co. The gorgeous month of October has p is soil. Mr. V. J: Fitzgerald, of Ashevlle, is -visiting relatives in the city. Mr. Henry Farmer, of Washing ton, D. C, is in town tor a few days. M.s. Dr. Stevens, of Clinton, is visiting her father Dr. N. B. Herring. Stronach's Guilt Edge Flour has never had an equal in this market. Try it. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic a guaranteed cure. For. sale by B. AY. Hargrave. . Four more days to the election. The knees of some candidates are be coming shaky. Go to B. W. Hargrave's for John son's Chill and Fever Tonic. A sure cure or no pay. Notice our offer to club the semi- v.eekly World with the Advance lor one year for $1.50. Miss Maggie D. "Wallace, of Wil mington, paid .Mrs. E. M. Nadal a short visit this week. They are here, those goods spoken of in last week's Advance. See E R. Gay's ad in regard to them. The Advance is a" reliable medi um for advertising. Put in your ad and thus increase your .business. Messrs. B jykm & Co. have put up anew lV.ia oer their store on the c- rner of Nash and Goldsboro streets, detains of the different grades at the Graded School were appointed ye-tt 1 lay. ; -Postmaster Barnes has had elec trie lights put in the postoffice which adds greatly to the convenience of the clerks. . If you w ant to get full value for vour money, .take the Adnance and the Semi-Weekly World, both .pa pers, $1,50- a year. Ben Hardy the general advance agent, reporter, and general all-round man of the News Observer and North Caroliaian, gave us a pleasant call this week. Last Saturday was the day adver tised for the Republican-Populist mass meeting m this county, but the rain poured down and the masses didn't turn out. L ist Tuesday the county canvass came to an end here. Hon. F. M. Simmons was here and made a good k speech. lie hit the Populists hard aiid gained frequent applause. "Miss Whitaker, representing the Orphan's Friend is in the city solicit ing subscriptions. Cousin Jack Sim rns is no orphan, but he is hav ing a gay old time with this charm ing solicitor. Go easy, Cousin Jack. We acknowledge the receipt of a ticket to the Rocky Mount Fair, to be held on November 7th, 8th, and oth. "Oar neignboring cities are all leaving us behind in the matter of fairs. Perhaps Wilson may rise to t'le occasion sometime in the future. The personal property, consisting of desks, pianos, books, beds, bed d'.ag etc., of the Wilson Collegiate I'Ktitute were sold at public auction 0! Friday last. Many of the things v.--re sold very cheap as the property v. is not such as to attract a large crowd of buyers. Mr. Doane Herring, accompanied by his sister, Miss Sallie Herring 'and Mr. R. G. Briggs, Tuesday for Washington, N. C, where he journ eyed to wed Miss Margaret Bridge in in, of th it place. After the cere mony the bride- and groom left Jor a trip X ,rth. Miss Herring and - Mr. . briggs returned yesterday. Ann il M tins. I m; regular anuat meeting ot the " ilson Home and Loan Association, for t :e election of officers, examination 0 counts &c , will be held to-night :'t the Court House. This company l!lvi'UK' a vast deal of good in our a ii nunity ;md the memoersare to be c ' Uratu'.ited upon the very flatter in , . ,- . - . ii unci ii snowing. A new series oe opened on Tanuary 1st, If you have not got seme you shouid v-vcy-v viv ff K'-t some by and by. lJermrd vs. Jones. .1 Tuesday night Claud Bernard, of Greenville, Populist candidate for So- icitor..p-jke in the court to about one hundred and fifty peop.e, Uree fourths of whom were Demo crats He seems to hive been special- y mad with Senator Jarvis and took up a g-ijd deal ot h.s time in trying to refute sons arguments that the Senator had used at Greenville two or three m :!ths ago, but he failed t- Bernard said t ie country was in a very bid fix, but he forgot to tell how to get it better.1 lie said that the Democrats were afraid to discuss the silver question, and made us think lor a moment that he was not; but he showed the white leather and dodged the question about as easilv as a ran. der d dges a rain drop. He said neS in this their iparable loss, the Democrats were talking tariff as' Founh: That a coPY tnese reso iftaritrwas the salvatipnofthecoun- Iutlns be spread upon the minutes try, but he omitted to say what he thought of the present tariff law. i He then blundered alonor fr.mi nr., ' thing to another until in his despera tion he drew a letter from his pocket and read it. The letter was from A. W. Jones, chairman of the Republi can county executive committee offer-! ing to sell him his vote and influence i lor $40. Jones was in the crowd : and immediately found his feet. lie' asked Mr. Bernard for a chance to reply, but Bernard 'refused to grant the request, whereupon Jones took his seat, but instantly arose and stated in a loud tone that Bernard- had of fered him $60 for his vote last Sat urday, and he declined. Three fourths of the people in the house began calling for Jones then, and Mr. Bernard was obliged to quit. He gathered together his " coat and papers and dodged out of the court house before Jones could get to the stand. Tones then proceeded to ex plain himself and occupied about ten minutes in doing so. I Much Democratic enthusiasm pre vailed and the Populist meeting re suited in much good to Democracy. Calla Lilly Flour makes bread as beautiful as flower namesake. Woodard Uobbit & Co's. Premium Sale. On Tuesday last the Premium sale of Woodard, Bob6it' & Co. was held. The floor was covered with large piles of the yellow weed. After the tobacco was all spread out upon the floor the awarding com mittee went over the floor carefully and selected what, in their judgment, was the best lot of the differengrades. The premim,($25,)tor thebest white wrapper. was awarded to Mr. Iredell Williams; that for mahogany wrap pers, ($25), to Mr. R. S. Walls; best cutters, ($20), Lunsford & Lang; best fillers and smokers, ($20), Kinchin Watson. The largest number of pounds, (5,587), displayed for sale, ($20). and largest clear check, ($20), K. Wat son a toYal of $130 in cash premiums given away. .7 . The sale was a large one, there being a little over 50,000 pounds on the floor, most of which was very good tobacco. The prices were re markably good and should be a card to attract much tobacco to our mar ket. from a distance at tending the sale were : Messrs Nathan Straus, of Henderson; W. B. Brooks, of Danville; Mr. Henderson, of Dan -ville; Silas Shelbourne, of Richmond; A. M. Seldon, of Richmond; E. W. Smith and J. O. W. Gravely, ot Rocky Mount. Xew York Celebritirt". This company of celebrated artists will visit Wilson on Wednesday evening next. All lovers of music should take this opportunity to visit the Opera House, and by their pres ence encourage this high order of talent to frequent our town. It will be remembered that a similar com pany visited Wilson sometime during the past season, and after their per formance the only words of regret to be heard on our streets were those uttered by parties who failed to be present at the entertainment. If we would elevate the class of performan ces eiven in our Opera House we must turn out in force when one of this high class is presented. Let everybody go. This company is under the same management as that controlling the popular play "Jane" recently put on our boards. The high order of that performance is a sufficient guarantee that in this branch they will be equal ly successful. Frohman only sends out strictly first class troupes. Tick ets on sale at Hargrave's Pharmacy. Waller Uenry'a Specb. Last Wednesday night after we had gone to press Mr. W. R. Henry, of Henderson, made one of the finest speeches of the campaign so far. He sooke in the Opera House to a good crowd andT held them for two hours. His arraignment of Populist leadtrs lor their duplicity was heartily enjoy ed by all that were present. He spoke in an aggressive manner and carried the war to Africa. Mr. Henry spoke at several places in this county and accomplished much good, we be lieve. - Resolutions of Kesyrct. WHEREAS. lt hath pleased God in his Al-wise Povidence, to take from us, our beloved friend and sister.Mrs. Fred A. Woodard, be it Resolved: First: That in her death the Aid Soci-.ty has lost a most efficient leader; the church an untiring and ever zealous worker, in all its holiest enterprises; a.vl ih p , r a generous and sy lip uht-uc friend. Second: Th tt her a. id dvo tion in all these g jod works will ever remain with us as a precious memory and inspire u to higher anJ nob'.er endeavors iu those Christian duties which constituted her highest pleas ure. Third: That we tender our hear -felt sympathy to her bereaved loved OI ine aciety and a coPY be sent t her family, the local papers, and the nriilian Advocate lor publication. Miss Mattie Hadley. Miss Myra Parker, Mrs. A. S. Copeland, Com. Plenty of Seatx, Heretofore the seating capacity at the Graded School has been very much strained, but now there are plenty of seat. The desks that be longed to the late Prof. Silas E. Warren and that were used in the Collegiate Institute have been bought for the Graded School and put in. There art now plenty of seats for all the students of the school. Some nice black boards, too, have been put in, and so that the capacity of the school is very much increased in many ways. Court Adjourned. On account of the illness of Judge Bynum, who was to have presided, the October term of the Wilson coun ty court was adjourned until Febru ary next Thefe was a large number ofjurors, witnesses, and such on hand, at the usual time, but they all went back home. No Tumble Down. It was rumored on the streets a day or two since that Dr. Freeman had withdrawn from the race for con gress, and had promised to deliver his strength to Cheatham provided Cheatham would agree to support the Populist legislative ticket. Freeman and Cheatham have been here and some caucuses and conferences be tween their followers have been held, but as yet no bargain has been struck. Freeman says that his chances are as good as Cheatham's, and therefore does not expect to orne down. It may be that a combination will be ef fected at the last moment. If you want Gilt Edge. the best fl ur buy Situation in I hi county. Last Saturday the registration ceased according to law. From the books can be ascertained very con cisely the relative strength of the parties in the county. It is estimated, after a careful consideration, that Wil son County will give a Democratic majority of from one thousand to twelve hundred. Outside of Wilscn township the strength of the Demo crats and Populists is about equal, while Wilson township will go Dem ocratic by twelve hundred. The ne groes will vote largely with the Dem ocrats. With the exhilarating stnse of renewed health and strength and internal clean liness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap" substitu- ents sometimes offered "but never ac cepted by the well informed. Stronach's Gilt Edge saves labor, and a life of misery. lard, Almost a w York Ltaily. That Democratic wonder. The New York Weekly World, has just changed its weekly into a twice-a-week paper, and you can now get the two papers each week. Think of it! The news from New York right at your door fresh every three days 104 papers a year. ' We have made' arrangements by which we can furnish The Advance and the twice-a-week New York World all for $1 .50 a year. Here is the opportunity to get jour own local paper and the New York World twice every week at extraordinarily low rates. Once try Gilt Edge and you will have no other. . Stronach. WILSON TOBACCO ;JIAUKET. Corrected weeklyiy Anderson & Jones Fillers, Common " ' Good . . Smokers, Common-. ' Good... " Fine........ Cutters, Common.... Good... " Fine... Wrappers, Common; ' Good. . " Fine - Fancy... . .. .2 to zYi ...x4. to 6 4 to 6 . . . . .6 to 10 . . 22 tO 30 . . . .10 to 16 ..IS to 22V2 ..22 to 30 .10 to 15 I ...15 to 25 25 to 50 .50 to 65 Sobscribe to the Advance. DIED. At his home in Cross Roads town ship on Sunday last. Mr. Noel Mi.tb ews. He had been an invalid for two years. He leaves a wife and one son. ' At Asheviile, N C , : last Mrs. Francis Roa;i wife, of the I Ion. F A thisplace. The remains were bro idit to Wilson and funeral services he'd at the Methoiict cijrch o 1 F 1 rsd iv. 'IN Mrt.llOltlASl. My pen faulter.--, and my heart bows down with unspeakable sadness, as I attempt to pay this tribute of respect to the memory ot nry trieud, Mrs. Fred Woodard. What words could express the beauty and symmetry t f a character hke hers, that was tver aituiud to high and noble aims? A devoted member' of the Methodist church, h zealous worker in the Mis sionary cause, a faithful teacher ,n iuc oimuay ocnooi. tie r loss is irre parable. Though surrounded frt z cni'dhood, with everything conduci to ease and comfort, netted anil adored in her home circle, loved and ' admired by her friends; yet she never j became so absorbed in her own pleasures, as to be unmindful of the j needs of others. Her big noble i heart was always responsive to the cry of the distressed her kind help ing hand ever extended to the poor and needy. She never boasted of her generosity, for "hearts that are great beat never loud," but in her quiet, unostentatious way, she car ried sunshine into many a desolate home, relieved the wants of many an humble sufterer; and few, even of her best friends had any conception of the inner amount of good she ac complished. Often misjudged and mis understood, she bore it with the strength and fortitude of a heroine; never saying an unkind word about anyone, but always defending those who were unjustly censured. Paltry gossip, and petty animosity could never reach her, she was above it., Her heart was too noble, her "mind too richly stored with kind and generous thoughts, to heed anything so base, and so ignoble. She was the truest, most loyal, the most sincere of friends. Weie all the kind deeds she ever did, all the kind words she ever said, the generous thoughts she ever cherished, gathered together, and woven into a garland, what a beautiful wreath it would make; yes, more beautiful than the laurel wreaths of old with which the Greeks and Romans were wont to deck the brow of their war riors and heroes. "Though Heaven, alone records her deeds, and fame shall never know her story, .'he will st 11 iive in. the hearts of her friends, a "radiance that per ishes never," and her memory will linger with us like the the beauty of an autumn evening, that has the fated sadness of dead hopes, and the tempest clouds of past storms on its pale, sunless skies and on the dead fire of its fallen leaves. Though fond of society, and so thoroughly cap- able of enjoying its many pleasures; yet, when sickness and suffering en tered the threshold of her own life, she manifested a spirit, of patience and rtsignatioaborn only of Christian hope and experience; and when the shadows of death were closing around her and she was nearii gthe shore of eternily.she was still possessed with the calm assurance of unswerving faith and "sustained and 10 thed by art un faltering trust, "she approached her grave, like one who wraps the drap ery of his couch about him and lit s down to pleasant dreams." Her rela tives, and we, her sorrowing friends, though ciuihed with unutterable grief, and surrounded with the gloom. -and shadows of a sfid be reavement, do not repine; for we know that sdie, whom we so fondly lovei, isVit rest, in that beautiful land ' just over the river," safely sheltered in the everlasting arms of Jesus, in whose footsteps she so often walked. "In that great Cloister's stillness and seclusion By guardian angels led. Safe from temptation, safe from sin's pollution, She lives whom w call dead." Wilson,' N. C. L. C. gigtK:-aggg3ayaLUMgu.i.iw.ifV i Hi i'iiiaii'iiir r mm KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used.' The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best product to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its" excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medkal profession, because-it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug fists inSOc and $1 bottles, but it isjrian ufiietured by the California Fig Sr"P Co. only,, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and' being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Notice. Two first class fifty saw gins for Sale cheap by Paschall & Bros, Help Young Bro's. fight the Bag ing Trust by buying your Bagging J from them. " ... - They are Here. Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets,) Ladies' (late and Capes, &c, k ; ; We were telling you of in the last issue of this paper. 28 inch all wool Fhnnls iSc. 32 30c.1 5 2 50c' iS Henrietta 372 Novelties in Dress Patterns. $5.00, $8.60, and. $10.00 per Pattern.: Silk Velvets, 75o. Drapery Silks, 32 in wide, 60c.! See our line of ailiesliSoes'lClfiMrenraps; j ! j Our stock of-Shoes was never more complete. Children's School Shoes, age 5 to 8, 75c ; 8 to;i 1, 90c ; 1 2 to 2, $ 1 ,00. Just received a new line Men's Black feiot Sails $5.00 to $15.00. Boys Suits $1.00 tt $7.50. Our Stock was never so complete and goods were never so cheap. - What better do you want than N V. Banister's & Reynold's Fine Shoes for Men. E. P. Reed's Fine Shoes for Ladies. Hays-Partridge Co's Shoes for Misses and Children. ' R. & G. Corsets for Ladies and Misses. Mellville Company's and Knox Hats. Cluett, Coon & Co's Collars and Cuffsl Monarch and Pearl Shirts. .. Roller Tray Trunks. &c, &c, &c Be sure to see us before buying. Respectfully, E. I. Gay. Corner Nash and Tarboro Streets. The New Jewelry Store. I have opened an entirely new stock of Watches, Clocks, - Silverware, and in fact every thing to be found in a Jewelry Store I also carry a full line of Spectales' and Eye Glasses. I am also prepared to do all kinds of RE FAIRING AT SHORT NOTICE. Every .piece of work is guaranteed. . and At Prices to Suit , the' Times. Give me a trial. MAX. HARRIS, Tarboro St., opposite Nadal's Drug Store. The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE TTE Oil OUR I?Al,ErXS can tell you machines cheaper tlian yon cau get elsowlicro. Tho NEW EIOITIK Is onr best, Tjat'.oraalie c&eapor kinds, such, as llio CSiZIQAX, IDEAL and other High Arm Full NicUel Plated Sewlns Kacliinss for $15.00 and up. Call on our cgent or wrlio us. We want your trade, and If prices terms and square dealing will win, we will hare It. Vie cfcallenjje tho world to produce a. EETTEH $50.00 Sewlnsc SXachlne for $50.00 or a better )ZO. Sewing machine for $20.00 than yon can hay from us, or our Aeents. THE HEW HOME SEWI5G M&CHISE CO. OsAirax, Mass. Bostojt, Mars, zs Uwiok Bijvasx, N. T CiucAQO. III. Si. Louis, Mo. Dallas, Tkxm, bAJi F&ASClaCO, CAL. ATLAJIXA.GA. -FOB SALE BY PriYett & Cburciiweil, Tarboro St., " Wilson, H. C. FOR SALE. A valuable house and lot, conveniently located. For full particulars apply to J. W. BATTS Think of SV2 cents a vard for r : a' c -t -ii Baging 6 for cotton. Young will save you half in your Bagging and Ties, Wanted 100,000 bushels Cotton Seed. Young Bros. New Arrow Ties and reused Bag - ging good as new, Young Bro's. MONEY J&iMSI 25 in ' 2 wool Cashmeres 8 j 36 20c. 65 c. 38 " all wool Armures All wool. Series 40c to $1.00. ; - ! 1 of Trunks and Valises. BOY KIN & GO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN . Suar, Coffee, Flour, Meat, Lard, Star Lye, Mendelson's Lye, Thomp son's Lye,' River Side Soap, Wild West Soap, at BOY KIN & CO'S, Horsford's. Good Baking Powders at Luck, i nd Rex BOYKIN & CO S. Cakes, Cracker.;, Cheese, Nuts, Can dies, Sec, at BOYKIN & CO'S We also carry a full line of Cheroots, Cigars and . , Tnree Graces aiid City Talk Cigarettes. A'J kinds of Snuff and Tobacco, at BOYKIN & CO S. Hay, Rice Stra v, Corn, Oats, Rice Floar, Wheat Bian, Ship Stuff, Mill Feed at BOYKIN & CO'S. All kinds of country, produce bought and sold - . .. Respectfully, BOYKIN & CO. AND MILLINFRY : Haviner engaged Mrs. Parkes, a fash ionable and long exijeriences dress maker of New York City, we 4re pre pared to give you the. Latest Style and Cut. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALSO HATS of all KINDS AT Miss Mary Hin es, Next door to McCraw's cash store, Tarloro street. NOTICE. . Having moved my tin shop to the Morris building on Goldsboro street, and increased my "fore; and stock, I am better prepared to serve the public that heretofore. All work done at the lowest cash price. Mr. J. -H". Parker will manaee for me in Dlace of Mr. I. H. Lockamy, who has severed his con hection with me. Thanking you for past favors and 'asking a share of your future patron Ke 1 am, v ery rs.esueciiuiiy, : 2j SB Parker. j L ' . : : '"' i Don't buy old Ties when you can jgtt new ones at Young's. , Go, to Young Bro's. for Bagging and i Ties at half price. Dress Making lmpprtan - 'itoi.'jU" U Ml '" BEST IN THE WORLD. It gives us great pleasure to inform our patrons that the Princess of Wales Company, manufacturers of Her Majes ty's Corset, will have in Wilson on Monday, Nov. 5th, Tuesday, Nov. 6th, Wednesday, Nov. 7th, Thursday, Nov; th, rnciay, INov. 9th and Saturday, Nov. 10th, one of their expert fitters for the purpose of explaining to ladies the many merits of Her Majesty's Corset, and the reason why it is superior to any other corset made in the world. Mesdames Uuarles cc Manning dnext door to us), have, offered us the use of their dressmaking room, where it will give MISS LLOYD great pleasure to try on all ladies who wish it, a pair of Her M"ajesty's Corsets, thus illustrating without doubt, that they will give the most Perfect Satisfac tion and create a Magnificent Figure. We trust that all ladies Will avail themselves ol this Grand Ojpportunity to learn what a Perfect Fitting Corset really is, We desire it distinctly understood that Ladies 'will not be expected to purchase a Corset fitting in made. 111 Poor E Health means so much more than you imagine serious and 1 fatal diseases result from ' trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift -health. Ifyouarefeelinfc out of sorts, weak . and generally ex hausted, nervous, , have no appetite and can't work, begin at once talc -ine the most relia -. ble strengthening medicine.which is Brown s.Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure benefit conies from the . very first dose it won't stain your , tettH, ana it's pleasant to take. , It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood f Malaria, Nervous ailments 1 Women's complaints. Get only the genuine it has crossed red lines on the wrapper. All others are sub stitutes. On receipt of two 2c. stamps we will send set of Ten Beautiful World's Fair Views and book free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MD. H. A. TUCKER & BRO., DEALERS IN Granite, Marble, and Brownstone, Monuments and Headstones. Buildino- Work Furnished at Short Notice, of Granite, Marble, Brownstone, and Sandstone. DOORS, WINDOW SILLS, LIN TELS AND STREET CURBS ALWAYS ON HAND. 310 K. Front St., Wilmington, K. C. For Sale Remington Typewriter. Makes no pretentions that are not suDDorted bv its record ; advances no claims that the actual performance of each and every machine manuiactured will not justify. SIMPLE, PRACTICAL, DURABLE, EASY TO LEARN AND . TO OPERATE. For terms apply to this office or Mrs. S. E. Warren, Wilson, N. C. yi nearly more for your cotton is what you make by buying Bagging aud Ties at Young's. , Brown's ilron : Bitters Notice. ten -. -1 --. - 1 if they do not so desire after a Yours very truly, ' D. Oettinger, Sole Agents for Wilson. Hutchinson's 1 Grocery Is the place to get your Groceries, Heavy ISOTHy AND Fancy. Me uses the new patent scales that weih and calculate the . cost of etry article, so that mistakes are impossible. Fresh Bread; is, 'Of Candid IP5 ' .and Confections Made daily. Don't forget the place. C. G. HUTCHIHSOS. DISSOLUTION. Mr. A. K. Past hall rf the firm of. Pasc h;iU. Hro. ,v Co. having disposed of his interest in tlie U iisoii Iron Works to Mr. (1. H. W instead, the business will be conducted t;n!( r the name of Paschall, Winstead i: Co. All parties indebted to old firm will please settle their accounts p.s early as possible as the boolcs must be closed i:p. Paschall, Bro. & Co. j Trusting that you will continue to i favor us with vour patronage. ' '., We remain respectfully yours, PASCHAf4-;'WNSTKAt'& Co. v DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 Having qualified as administrator of Blount Attinson, deceased, J herby give notice to all persons indebted to said Atkinson to make payment to me at once, and to all persons holding claims' against said estate to present them to -me, proptrly authenticated, by the first ot Oct. 1S95. or this notice will be pltaded in bar of recovery. T. j. Hadlv, Admr. October 1st, 1894." CAN YOU WRITE ? If vou can we will give you a FOUN-' TAIN PEN FREE. Carried in the pocket. Always ready for use. The Holder is of hard rubber, ' perfectly formed and finished. The feed is of the most approved pattern, (the same used in a pen costing 52.00,) insuring an even flow . of leakage. The Point, will write and last nearly as long as gold. Each pen is filled with the best ink and tried before sent out. NOW FOR THE PLAN. Send us 25 cents in ic and 2c stamps or silver, for a half year's subscription to Virginia, a beautifully illustrated, 24 page monthly magazine, with excellent information for the office, parlor, bedroom, dining room, kitchen, farm and garden, with just wit and humor enough to drive away the blues. Don't put it off, but write to-day, and you will have both the pen and magazine promptly. Address Virginia Publishing Co., 5-24-26t. - Richmond, Va. NOTICE. I wast every man and woman in the United States interested in the Opinm and Whisky habits to have one of my books on these dis eases. Address B. SI. Wool ley, Atlanta, Ga. Box 882, and one will be sent 70a free. Go to Young's for shoes.

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