"LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST. AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM; VOLUME XXV. WILSON, N. C, FEBRUARY 7, 1895. NUMBER 6. t A YEAR, CASH IN ADVANCE. lino ux nunDMcr MUDlu fliilu uimiuuu; To sooth the savaje breast and as th- savage has pretty nearly dis appeared. We are going to - .-. ' a few musical things ourselyes atthe Opera House on F riday evening b eb. 15 to let a of light into cur remarks let us say that some of the ladies and gentlemen, girls and b;vs, under tne management if Mrs. W. arc imiu ai work on and the "the Cantata Golden Hair 'Three Bears." It seems to said one of the singers yesterday that if our people jnsc-knew how pretty and attnet'.ve this Cantata is they would till the house, so as my opini.;' will. Vin say an satisfied they this in this odd $ O-X. 2 itercsted and T i When this off, that you pal p. l.ld'.l-.i.i.., 11 oi " , ' - , r.l. cTr.v ,v. ; r-: 1 titard w.iat we m sorry. If e said come yoa and for it we have i,r cake is said 3D- W RUNNING OFF THE S S OF OUR . K OF - V.KS now 4,50. 6Cr I ,JJ. I OUGH THE ash J. A. LikM, J Nash Street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - -, -.,-innn.r JACOB BATTLE, ATTORHEY AND CODJISELOR AT LAW. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Circuit: Nash, Edgecombe and Wilson. 25 4-3 m. F. PRICE, - Scrveyor and Cml Engineer. ' MI. SON, - - N. C. years' experience. Office next Dr. Albert Anderson. 30 to Jno. v WO . Woodara. II. rarborough, Jr. J ARD & YARBOROUGH, Attonsevs-at-Law, ii.sox, ' - - N. C. i.1'.- in the .is of Wilson, :i Edgtcomi-!; and adjoin- .. .i:iated i. Civil practice v. N.i. in oiriv. J R. UZZKLL, Attorney at r qu'- Pr ir . ices are re will receive '.oiney at Law, ' ;ON, - - . N.C. Otl: ?o's. Bank Building. GEO. M. LINDSAY, m at Law, . S.t v' HILL, N. C. Cim it:. Vv ilson, Green Wayne and Johnston Counties. 0 YOU WANT A POSITION? If so, write for Darticulars. DO m rVANT A TEACHER? We can supply good ones free of cost. Send forsample copy of Teach ers' Institute. " CHARLES J. PARKER, Manager, Teacher's Aid-Association. - Raleigh, N. C. ' THE ART AMATEUR. Best and Larga.t Practical Art Macaslne. th(Jw?'j 4,rt- Periodical awarded a Medal at to m.ul . ) Invaluable to all who wish BAn i UV.1" fey art or to make their f lln lllp nomcs beautifn . 10, 3-inls Publication a specimen and framing) and 8 supplementary pages I 25C 2? 'fis (reKufar price, 35c ) Or- - . T" r. H"w:Btiorcopy- t-u-i,.. . " iu sena also "I'alntinr for Ttt w (go pages). . R MaXH, 23 Union Sqnaro, H. Y, Racket Stores, The Old Friend And the best friend that never , fails you is Simmons Liver Regu lator, (the, Eed Z) that's what you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and : people should not be; persuaded that anything else will do. It is the King of Liver Medi cines ; is better than pills, and . takes the place of Quickie and; Calomel It acts directly on the Liver, Kidney and Bowels and: gives new life to the whole sys tem. lh;s is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in . liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. '-" i-EVEKY PACKAGED Has the Z Stamp in xed on wrapper J. H. ZETL1N & CO., Philadelphia. Pa. . ' RICHMOND Beef and Sausaffe Co. , Oar Prices are; - "V" Best Richmon!rRepf, . Best Kiehmond Saosajre, Best Native IJctf. Best Home-made Sausage, I Pork, . . . : . Chickens, . . . . . Turkeys, . t4T"Come and inspect our market. 6 to 10c. I-' So; I o to 10l! Ilk! 7 to lllc. 30 to iAKy 5k3 to (1 RICHMOND BEEF ASD SAUSAGE CO., 12-6-4 GotDSBORO StrCet. Fiver's Stand. TRUTHS OF DKMOCKACVi Exruresxed In the Writings of Thomas Jef- v Corruption of mortilsi JHth Jnass of cultivators is a pKeiWmenon' of which no age rtor nation has ever furnished an example. A representative Government, made resoonsible at short neriods of election, t j . . ,, . i produces, the greatest sum. of hap.pmess I to mankind. I have but mie system of ethics for faithful to all j man and fpr nation; to b engagements under all ciecumstances. I think myself, that vve liijve more machinery of Government "than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious. The cement of tliis Union ;is in the heart-blood of everv American. I do not believe there is on earth a govern ment established on sof immovable a Oasis. " Educate and inform the .' whole mass of the people. Enable them to see that it is their interest to preserve peace and order, and they will preserve them. , ' ' i, - " I profess so much of the Roman prin ciple as to deem it honorable for. the General of yesterday to act as a cor : poral to-day, if his services can be use ful to his country, - - Whenever any one State in the American Union refuses obedience to the confederation by which they have. bound themselves.-r-t-he rest have a natural right to compel them to obey. The way to have good government and safe government is not to trust it all to one, but to divide it among the many, distributing to every one exactly the functions he is competent to. The lunctionaries ot pubic power rarely strengthen in their dispositions to abridge it. and an organized call for timely amendment is not likely t pre vail against an organized opposition to it. . I believe this the strongest Govern ment on earth; the only one where every man at the call of the laws would fly to the standard of the law, and meet invasions ot tne puonc oraer as ins own personal concern. The New England townships are the vital principle of -their Governments, and have proved themselves the wisest invention ever devised by man for the perfect exercise of self-government and tor its preservation. . Nothing is So important as that Ajmerica shall separate herself from the systems of Europe and establish "one of her own. Our circumstances, our pursuits, our interests are distinct; the principles of our policy should be also. It should be remembered as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that what ever power in any Government is inde pendent, is absolute also; in theory only , at first, while'the spirit of the peo ple is up, but in practice, as fast as that elaxes. . . . . v, If we are faithful to our country, if we acquiesce with" good will iu'the de cisions of the majority, and the nation moves in masses in the same direction, although it Janay not De : tnat which every individual thinks best, we have nothing to fear from any quarter. 1 O W. O. Hardman. Sheriff ol l yler Co., W. Va., appreciates a good thing and does not hesitate to say so. He was almost prostrate! with a cold when he procured a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy lie says: "It gave me prompt relief. I find it to be an invaluable remedv lor cougFis and colds," For -sale by E. M. - Nadal, druggist '. . Ladies capes Undcloaks are .filing cheap at Young s. . : . IVOHES LEAVE DIXIE1 The Last Day of the Female Suf frage Convention. 05E PARTY T0UR15G THE CAR0LI5AS. The Sensational Speech of Rev. Dr Anna . Shaw, iu wii u-h the Principals of Fe- " lUHle SufTrairo Were Clearly , Kiponudtd-Ollier c. Atlanta, February 4. Over three thousand people heard Rev. Anna How ard Shaw preach yesterday at the elos-.' ing of the National American Woman's" Suffrage convention. Half an hour be. fore the services began the doors were , closed to the public as the crowd was. too large. . She spoke for an hour and , a half. She said that the suffragists -As soon as the weather will "permit asked for nothing that was not4erfe(it-':'a,:lsther large brick building will be ly natural. God made' "nature and it -ereeted on the square jointly by could attend to its own affairs without Messrs Mnsgrovr and S. J. Childers, the aid of man. The 'delegates will b-:-'- ?H?et?reea them abont.60 feet gin leaving for their homes today, ifmt'- The lowr Btory ll.bueed as Many of them will attend the Womjtf Mores And the upper will beconverted CotmeH which meets ia Washington in ' ,nto offices the Jasper Eagle. - a few days. Tonight a reception will be tendered the delegates at the Hotel Aragon and tomorrow a mass meeting of women will be held. A party com posed of five delegates will make a tour of North Caroliaa and Virginia and de liver a series of addresses on woman's suffrage. They will leave Atlant for u that purpose today. Several of the; kelegates preached at different church? f es here last night and a religious con-i ference v.-as held in the Aragon parlors. J . . ' - TO THE PEOPLE OF THE SOUTH, t . - rrpnldrnt Hector I. Ine Writes of the i i resmrai e i j turopean Cotton Speculators. 1 . T New Orlkans, January 33 Hon. j nector D. Lane, ol Alabama, president : ol tne Amenrau wu American cotton tective association, has furnished the following significant memorandum for publication to tlie people of the south : European speculators are" today selling cot ton In Liverpool for delivery in October, No vember. Dceember. JS35. at a price equivalent. to nhnnt. four ceiits on farms in the south for ? middiing or live cents at the ports. Believing that another 9,500.000 or larger erop will, be grown fii America, which would, insure them a a profit of at least one cent per pound, which would mean to the farmer about three cexts at the railroad stations next autumn when cotton is moving in large volumes It is not to be supposed that the.e shrewd European cotton people are aggressively selling the next crop at equal to four cents unless they have excellent reasons for believinsr that the south will plant for another monster crop. They are contident on information furnished them that Texas will not decrease its acreage therefore, believing this to be true to sucn an extent that they will be able to pay fcactt dur- nextau th-j cotton they are now selling at much lower prices realizing thereby handsome profits. . It remains with the farmers ami merchants ot the south to soy whether these European speculators will be permitted to reap a golden harvest atr- the expense of the farms, planta tions, towns, real estate and securities of the south. v The above- statement, is from me officially and I desire that it should be presented 10 public as such through the press. -""" Kespectif ully, etc., (HiKne.l) Hkstob D. Task, . Pres. Cotton Growers Protective Ass'a. ALL THE GOVERNORS INVITED. From Kvery' State to Participate In- tlie Cliickamanga MiUitary 1'ark Dedication. Washington, February 2. Secretary Lamont, in pursuance ofthe;JVct of Congress providing- for the dedication of the Chickamauga Military park lfas ad dressed an invitations to the governors of all the states being the first event of a military character connected with the war to which the g-overnors of "all the states have been invited.' The invita tion reads: - ' - - - 'Under an Act of Congress' approved Decem ber 15, 1S94. it is provided that the dedication of the Chickamauffa and Chattanooga National Military Park shall take place at Chickamav Kii, Ga.. and Chttauoot'a. Tcon.. the 19th and 20th of September next, and that the secre of war shall invite the governors of state and their staffs, and the survivors of the several armies engaged in the battles of Chickamauga and Chattanooga to participalejn the inaugu ration ceremones. 'I have therefore, the honor to request your presence and that of your staff, together with such further representation from your state as the Legislature thereof may see tit to author ize, at such ded:cation. .No appropriation nas been made i by congress for paying the expenses jpreseutatives. It is hoped however, of state rep: that the state will make eany provision for a larse attendance qfjts citizens at this national dedication." Secretary Lament also addressed a letter to Speaker Crisp requesting- the participation of eonjress in the cere monies. MAXWELL ON TO ALABAMA. Lookinfr After Legislation l ending Inter ests Affecting His Clients in 1 hat State. Washington, February 4. Solicitor General Maxwell will go to" Montgom ery, Ala., today to look after some leg islation pee ling there afiVeting the in-t.i-r(-sts"Xf the Cincirinati.TlamTlton and Dayton railroad company, of which he is general counsel. From there he will go ugain to Nv York, where, it is re- ; 'nortedrhe has been offered a connec tion with the firm of which ex-Gov- j erijior lloadley is tlie head. His lumny will remain in Wasiiington, at least for I'im; present. - THE GREAT DISASTER IN COURT Suit Ajtainst the Owner f the Cratele to b J nst.tuted. -Lo.Miox, February 4. The" North German jicryd. malinger here is of tl opinion that it is qti ta competent to Kii-tlie owners of the steainer Cralhie. The decision. Tie s:iid, rested with the compan's offiicials in Bremen. Along costly suit in Germany, England or in other lands was by ao means improb able. - : Held of App'iuiAttiiX into a National Park. ' HiciiMOSlv Va., February' 3. Lee Canip Confederate veterans last night iniiugurated the movement Miggested by the Richmond- Dispatch, to ask the government to convert the field of Ap pomattox into a" national ark. Drr 1'arlilmrst la' the KUitoriai t'balr. New York. February 1 Dr. Chas. II. Parkhurst, the celebrated reform di vine, assumes a position as editorial writer of the Ladies' Home Journal, beginning with this date. - c- , 1 lien :tlien l-'ail kood's Sarsaparifla builds up ihe shat tered system oy giving igorous action to the digestive organs, creating an ap petite and purifying the blood. It is prepared: by modern methods, pos seses the greatest curative powers, aird has the most wonderful record of actual cures of anv medicine in existence. Take only Hood's. Hood's Tills are purely vegetable, - . . ALABAMA NEWS IN BRIEF. We are rejoiced to learn that the health mi Judge James II. Head, of Birmingham has greatly improved. Greenville is to have a rice mill. Kiee grows well in nearly every part of the state, and the only trouble is in hull ing it. .. - - . Speaking of the need of more judicial circuits, the - Eutaw Slirror says" the simple way out of the difficulty is to have continuous courts. Key- Dr. Joseph B. Cottrell - stopped with the editor of the Greenville advo cate, when on his way to Florida. He was presiding elder of that district twenty-seven years ago. : Mr. T. L. Long has purchased a lous iness lot in Jasper, Walker county, for the sum of $t,600, -and will put up a handsome- brick;, building, theJ"lower floor for stores and the upper one for a theater. :-. CLEVELAND DISCONSOLATE. -The Administration Not Satisfied With the Currency and Hanking B1U, . ' Washington, February 4. -It-is said thai, the administration is not entirely satisfied with the provisions of the cur- rency and banking bill as reported to tne house by the committee last Friday. The section relating to the retirement of the greenbacks and treasury notes, which restricts the amount to be re- tired to the amount of .National bank circulation that may be issued, is said to be the most objectionable feature of , . , ' t, the variotis changes made by the com- . . , , . ... , . . inittee in the text of the bill as origi- nallv n- It is rnMi ,lint. ;f. mav be impossible to induce National banks to take out c rculat on at all. and that under, tne most auspicious conditions they cannot be expected to increase their circulation by more than probably fifty millions a year. At that rate it would require ten years to retire the greenbacks and treasury notes out standing, r As long as any considerable amount of them remained in existence it is pointed' out that the igold in the treasury can be tlraxvn out in exchange for them and "the present conditions would be practically unchanged. Pres ident Cleveland isfnnderstopd to greatly desire the passage of. the bill directing ,the speedy retirement of these note.-.-as affording the safest and best method of dealing with the situation. WILL LOOK TO KOLB Attorneys For Byar Will Auk Executive leniency. Hint for Hi km ixg H AM, Ala., February 2. The attorneys of Eugene 15yars, who is un der sentence to hang on the Sth of this month will petition Captain Kolb to pardon him. Governor Oates has de clined to interfere. Captain Kolb claims that ue was elected . governor last August, - and " has addressed two messages to . the legislature. If he signs a pardon, the sheriff .will ignore it, then the attorneys will go before one of the judges and sue out a writ of habeas corpus. If the. judge declines to grant it an appeal will be taken to the supreme court. " There, the friends of Captain Kolb think the election of last August will be investigated and he will get what he has been demanding a contest of the election. Sheriff Morros says he will hang 15yars mless Governor Oates interferes. INDUSTRIAL CONDITION SOUTH. Indications of a General Revival in the Lumber Industry. - - Chattanooga, Tenn., January 30. The Tradesman, in its report on the in- : dustrial condition of the south for the -weekended, says: - ' That its information from all the Important lumber points in the southern states mdicateq"mainly the question of election of county oft! that the revival in the lumber industry is now a certainty. Favorable "reports are received from many manufacturers who are running to their full capacity, wlth orders ahead. Prices are firm and an early advance is probable fwmt T, it m 1 i ,r, t bf-fwlrv nti li i n , 1 anrt trt tti. 1 1 , , 1 1 Uy "increasing demand. Coal is quiet, with a ( l d , outmit. and with no accumula tion of stocks. Iron is unchanged. Produc tion contiuues to be largo, aud the furnacemen report prepartions for increasing the supply. - New cotton mill- companies are reported as having been organized during the week at Hickory. N. C with 830O.OX capital;, at Green ville. S. C-, with $250,000 capital: one to cost f 150,000 at Albany, Ga.: a ioO.OJU one at Ozark, -Ala., and other3 at Barnesvllle. Ga., and Chat tanooga. Tenn. KILLED BY A DEPUTY. William Clark Shoots Morris Hull at Silver '-. Run, Alabama. Anniston, Ala., January 30. -'At Sil ver Run, six miles from this city. Con stable P. W. Cotton and Deputy Wil liam Clark went to the house of Armis tead Miller, colored, last night to arrest his son-in-law, -Morris Hall, for some offense not ascertained. - When the offi cers approached the house Ball began shooting at Deputy Clark, who re turned the fire.- ' Ball was shot twice in the bowels and died in fifteen minutes. Heavy Fire In a Kentucky Town. Veksailt.es, :Ky., February 4. he Amsden block, containing the bank of J. W. Amsden & Co.. . J. K. Taylor & Co., furoinure ; James E. Xeet, groce ries; A. J. Kinney, and the Versailles public library, on Main street, and two brick dwellings on Court Square, was burned yesterday. Loss 545,000, insur ance 833,000. Florida Flumbcrs on a Strike. Jacksonville, Fla., January 30. : Plumblers in the stop of J. E.- Kuckler struck yesterday .and six master plumb ers shops retaliated .by locking out union men twenty-one in all. Mas ters met later and decided to employ no more union men in the future. A New Trial for Meyers Declined. Atlanta, February -Z This morning Judge Clark declined to grant anew trial in the famous Meyers case. The case is to go to the supreme court, and his attorney says that he is confident that he will get a new-trial there. , " The experience of Geo, A. Apg'ar, of German Valley, N. J., is well worth ! remembering. He was troubled with chronic diarthaea"' and doctored for fivf rriarths. and was treated by four diflexejii goetors without benefit. He thfjittSejgllh .Msing Chamberlam-s'Colic, C ? Diarrhoea remedy, of vvlScnrioilTiall bottle efTected a com pletetfse'It is for sale by E. M. Na'tlalys:-;.-- : Boy's boots at 75c a pair at M. T, Young's. MTU STATE MWS Freparing- for the- St?e Exhibit at the Atlanta Exposition." - . . -.' . .- ; PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE I '-" i Jlcph Important Legislation for the Ad vancement or I: luratiod Other Kews Thron'hnnt the State - for the Current eek. f IkAT.Eicir, -N. C Ftbruary 4. The Xotth Carolina legislature lias invited the special committee of the Atlanta Exposition to appear WTore a joint ses sion of the legislature of that state at 8 o'clock next Wednesday evening. It is learned today that the invitation will be acewpted and that President Cullier, Jack SpaMing a-nd other prom inent ofiiciais of the rSposition will be in Ksileigh tomorrow. The committee is t to arrrue before the les-Islafcure the ad visability of an appropriation for state exhibit. - - - - . The movement is in splendid shape. A month ago, on 'the assembling of the legislature", Governor Elias Carr sent a ftiessage" to. that - 'body, -in - which he strongly recommended that the appro priation bo made, lie dwelt upon the benefits that the state would . derive from a proper representation of its wealth and resources at otir- exposition and spoke of it in a highly commend atory way. The words of the "govern or went a great waytovard creating a great sentiment with regard to the proposed appropriation. - Saturday morning a, resolution was introduced in both branches of the leg islature of Jvorth Carolina," inviting the exposition eoinmitt.e to appear be fore the legislature next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The resolution was adopted and the exposition officials will considered at once. NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE An Outline of the Week's Work In Koth m Senate ami Ilouse. , . ""The following is a condensed synop sis of the proceedings of both' branches of the general assembly for the past week : - '"' -. t&i'H DAY. Thus far in the house 3ri resolu tions and bills have been mtroduoedand in - the senate 300.. The sentiment among the fusionis'ts appears to oe in favor of making elections of mayors all over the state by the people and not by aldermen or commissioners. . The legislative committee on insaue asylums have srone to Morganton to -.Inspect the state hospital there. , T The bill for the maintenace of the Agricultu ral and Mechanical college, as reported to the house increases the appropriation somewhat. The committee is preatly gratified at the ex L cel'ent work the college is doing. 17th Day. The senate . committee on finance -today - reported a bill fixing the -rate of charges at-tobaceo warehousts. The charges are ten cents for 103 pounds warehouse cuargesr lilteen.cenls for 100 pounds auction-, eer s fees, and twenty-live cents for over 1C0 pounds. The penalty for each violatioi is $10. The bill is to take effect October 1st next, whn the tobacco year begins. t aho University appropriation bill, Intro-dmj,;-d in the legisfcvture today, provides that ?5,0tx) of w pmnt apprOpriatibu shall expire after next June and $3-t'.)3 more one .tear later, leaving $10 Oi'O as tUc uiimuil appropriation. rr. Williams, repr.esentai ivo from Warren county, is dying of pootimoaia at his boarding hoi'se in Kalcigh. 11th Day. The bill creating the new county of 'Scotland, from four tov.-nshins in Kivhinond, passed the secoud reading in the house. The calender was taken up. Bills passed final reading, amending the charter cf the Stock Mutual File Insurance company of Greensboro: and also Tibolishing the olllcc of tax collector ol '.Mudison county. One of the bills introduced was to appoint women notaries public. IHTJS Day. The public printing matter in the senatewas the only important business in either branch. A c6lloquy in which the ques tion of restoring tne old bonus to the printer, and making' it party patronage, was partici pated in at length. The fusionists were afraid to make it thus. The senate joint resolution. In the nature of a bill, directing the committee on public print ing to let the printing to the lowest bidder was taken from the committee and put on the cal enrtar so iu could be acted on. The republicans and populists had separate caucuses last night. These were in session until a late hour. The republicans discussed cers. They are quite reticent as to what they did. though they are really talkative as com pared with the populists,, who seem to think wisdom and silence are equivalent terms. 20th Day. The most important bills intro duced in the legislature were to give to the school fund all the uncalled-for part of the di rect tax; to appropriate $ii.t 00 for four colored normal schools: to secure an equal distribu tion of the effects and estates of assignees; to amend the school that the state superinten denfcof public instruction shall not construe the public school -laws or force county boards to adopt his construction and also taking away his power to select schoolbooks; to incorpo rate Chicamauga monumental association. Bills were passed creating Scotland county; to incorporate the Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance company and the Farmers' Mutual Fire and Storm Insurance-company; to eslab listi a criminal court circuit in Buncombe and Madison counties; to allow county conimis sioners to exempt voluntary firemen from tax ation: to give the Farmers' A-.ianee Insurance privileges: to regulate employment of labor in factories: to prevent preferences by insol vent corporations: to extend time for begin nine of work on the Cape Fear and Northern ra'.hvav; to tix solicitors' fees in matters of re ceivership. - ' NORTH CAROLINA IN BRIER News Happenings From Murphy to Manteo In l'ara graphs. New postmaster: T S. Munday 'at Aquoine, Macon county, vice C. T. Koane resigned. " Mrs, M. 15. Brown, of Washington, N C.. has presented the King's Daughters of this state her home. Crawford, 'Woodard, Branch, Grady, Alexander, Henderson and Settk- voJitl for the sugar bill in the national house Tuesday. ' .', A "Evangelist Person is holding very enr thusinstic meetings in the imivetsity chapel at ChapHdtill. Services will be held for about ten days. Several members of the state medical society are in Raleigh working agajnst the bill which proposes to require li cense to be issued to physicians from other states who have licenses obtain ed. .; - , The North Carolina Baptist says that there is a healthy, strong rivalry be tween 1 lie TaWrLacle Sunday-school. Raleigh, and the Siaiday-hool of the First Baptist "Vvch. Asheville. Each one . has neuny l.ilJO attendants,' and are pulliug to reach that notch. The Tabernacle yet has the banner. Hncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, .Salt Rlreurn, Fever Sores, letter, Chapped Hands, t niiDiains, Corns, and all. Skin -eruo tions, and positively cures. P114sk of.no pay required. It is guaranteedfo'gSve perfect satisfaction, or moWvretanded. Price 23c per box. t or safety -B. V Hargrave. ' ;. , .- . Alpine and Derby hats at M. T Young's. -HAD A DEPRESSING EFFECT. The I'ncertaioty aa to the Outcome of the J . Financial Situation on Trade. I Nsw York, February 2. Bradstreets i63 - . - - V 4 Special teleprams from many of the more 1m- ix - i tint points of distribution throughout the o tho outcome of the financial situation based ' on the rapid withdrawals of gold from the trea- ! I ury,iias uaa a aepresslng effect on gensral ! ; trade.- Mercantile collections at the best are ' j characterized as fairly satisfactory but in most ! instances arc slower than usual at this season.' : ! This is emphasized by the fact that Baltimore jobbers are waiting results of sending out bills for last fall s business before determining as to. credits to be granted. : - ' V - - 1 In textiles there is little change or prospect of early improvement. General lines of fancy ' printed fabrics are going from Jobbers hands " lairiy wenana pnnt cloths are a shade better than a week ago. Every eastern city reporting speciiies a moderate volume of business, or that general trade is quiet with a hnd to mouth demand. Provl' ence reports a fair out look for woolen goods manufactures and man ufacturing jewelers, but the only line in Phila delphia reporting any like activity is, dry goods At Pittsburg there is encouragement be souths better distribution of shoes, clothing, cause 01 tne outlook for iron and steel. - At tho ruDner goods and groceries is satisfactorily conspicuous at Chattanooga and Galveston to mark trade at those point an exception to the rule throughout the South Atlantic and Gulf states. The movement ot hardware and dry goods from New Orleans has increased but trade in general is ot only moderade propor tions. .-" . - - Thw Seaboard Wreck Near Auburn. . Atlanta, February 2. A bad wreck occurred on thejfcjeaijoard Air Line near Auburn, Ga.; .'"TnnrSday nig-ht A freight tram, jumped the track and thirty cUrs were demolished. : The fire man was painfully but not fatally hurt. r - ' : The Death of Michael Kelly. Chablestos, S. C February 2. Mi- i , 1- . . . cuaei jveny, i prominent iron manu- ' facturer of this city died suddenly last mgnt Irom a hemorrhage of the lungs. llis remains will be taken to New York for interment. WEEK"S NEWS CONDENSEt). "Marshall Canrobert, dead. " of France, is ""Cherokee Bill" has been captured in inaian territory. Assistant Secretary Mc A doo inspected tne licet at Fort Monroe Tuesday. The steamship Lahn, which sailed for Europe ; Tuesday, carried ' $3,502,000 gold. The jury in the case of John F. Dore, the alleged Boston embezzler, has dis agreed. ' - vice Admiral Besnard has accepted the French cabinet position of Minister of Marine. , - ' The daughter of Vicfoifauain U mted States consul-generait Pana ma, is dead. , ....? '- Xew York railroad officials are of the opinion that the Fooling bill will become a law. ' There is abundant proof that the. ! western pass agreement is in a totter ing condition. , The treasury gold reserve was re duced yesterday up to the close of busi ness Co $48,510,193. . ' The tug Dickinson has been sent from Chicago to search for . the missing steamer Chicora." - G. AV. Du nn has been appointed- re ceiver for the defunct Merchants' bank Of Binghainton, N. Y. - : State Civil Service Commissioner Van Fleet,'of New York, has sent his resio-- nation to Governor Morton. , The trial of "Louis Desforges, the Sew Orleans city councilman, indicted for bribery, resulted in a. mlstriaL The ditj?ofi5 -of the 8t ) Yaul - Com mercial .(5'iihlive adopted a resolution against the Nicaragua Canal bill. - One was killed and several fatally in jured in a battle between two gangs of outlaws near Sacfed--Heart Mission, O. t: ,- '. . , Vigo Anderson, the famous solo flu tist of the Thomas Orchestra, commit ted suicide at Chicago Wednesday night. It is believed that Taylor, South Da kota's defaulting treasurer, is in South America, beyond the reach of an extra dition treaty.-' The Bucyrus Steel Shevel and Dredge company, MxlwauKee, failed Monday. The plant and business, situated at South' Milwaukee, is worth 200,000. The treasury gold reserve is down to tne lowest point it ever reached since . the resumption of specie payments on January 1, 1870. - Steamer City of Macon from' Phila delphia forSavannah, ashore on Bulk head shoals, discharged her cargo Wed nesday. Two tugs are alongside. Fifteen thousand dollars was distrib uted among the two hundred employes of the co-operative horn manufactory of Congressman Conn at Elkhart Wed nesday night. Burglars entered the bank at Vernon, a small village west of New York, Fri day night and blew open the safe with dynamite. They secured 600 in cash and some valuables. - In a collision between two electric cars at 'Wilkesbarre, Pa., ,AVilliam iSourlce, Jolin enappert and a man named Heifer were fatally injtired. Five others were hurt. The Baltimore and Ohio Southwest ern, iu conjunction with" the Illinois Central, has put on a fast freight train between Cincinnatti and New Orleans, to run through in fifty-nine hours. President Fa u re, of France," tried -to enter a door leading to private apart ments in the Elysee palace 3-esterday, but not having the password and not being recognized, was held as a suspic ious person. - - W. B. Ryan has "received- the ap pointment of general eastern joint agent of the , Mexican International. Inter-Oceanic of Mexico, Mexican National and Mexican Central lines, with headquarters in New York. It is said on excellent authority that the Atlantic Coast line is preparing to lower the record between New York and Jacksonville. Fla., and to that end will in the very near future make an effort that will far surpass any of its previous efforts in the matter of reduo the ti.ne between the above points. Alabama Immigrant Bureau Orjrantxed. jACKSoxvrLLB. Ala.I Januarv 30. Tne Alabama immigrant ' bureau was organized yesterday. General J. V. Burke, president; ,M. IL Lane, general manager; J.'.' Crook, secretary; Geo. P. Ide, treasurer. Advisory board, T. W. Ayres, S. D. C. Brothers, James Crow, Jos. D. Arnold, S. F. Crook. Big lot of "shawls at big reductions at Young's. I Ladies shoes at sot: a pair at Young's. ' . . ' Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report- 1 1 t f - - V WORK FORTIIEWEEKI The Program for Bota-Braachea V . '.. 1- ; , , , j 1 - r .o-:of OoneroSa .. - LAST FOO JEEEStF THE "'5!uj . . " - ' f ' Moch Legislation oJT Fonstlonl isiJ-' " . . on the Tarls ISnrryhis Thlngr' ' , Through ia tU CIos?tig Day '.'' V ofthe 53nl ConRrs. -V. - - WASHtxGTps'.-Febrjir.ry 4," The fifty hird. congress enters today .upon the last four weeks of its ses.siou. In both senate and house the few working days now reipaicing before final - adjourn ment are . likely fo be crowded with striking incidents and exciting debates on topics fly one of '.. which . may pro duce a dead-lock and compel the calling of the fifty-fowth ''-congress in extraor dinary session. . Earnest efforts are be ing made bythe administration leaders to avoid this contingency. The situa tion, however, is rendered much. less favorable than it was at the beginning, of the session by the fact tha the dem ocrats have practically -4o.st control of the senate and are so divided on finan cial issues in the house as .to be practi cally in a minority in Chat" chamber upon many ofthe leading questions at issue. , "'.'".. . " ' The senate, today, by agreement, will take a vote upon tlie District of Columbia appropriation bill. McPlierson's Finance Motion. v Much mOre important than "the vote on this bill will be the debate -which-will be: sprung today in the morning Ijour otTthe motion of Senator .Mcl'lver son, of New1 Jersey, lo discharge the finance - committee "from thef furtlier consideration of the bill introducetl by Senator Sherman for the relief of the i treasury. Thi will n nd on bteulj' pre cipitate another financial ctiscussion. Senator McPherson will speak to the resolution himself and Senator- Peft'er has prepared a speech on the subject which -he has been anxious to deliver for several days. The discussion will probably , run .-through the 'mqrtitng hour for Several days. ' - When tlie diplomatic and consular appropriation bill is called up as .it is expectjid to be early. in the week, by Senator Blackburn, of Kentucky, cluiir- man of the sub-committee whicti lias it in charge, a still more animated politi cal debate is in prospect. The whole Hawaiian question will come up. . The appropriation rer.'omniendeil to bemadded to the bill by the senate wm; mittee on appropriations for tlie con struction of an American -cable--to Hawaii, which" indirectly conflicts with the recommendations of the president in his recent message as to the landing place. Of Hawaiian le, wilt ebate. neeessa- ial3 provoke Sir. Allen in a I'ar(l-an Iel):ie. Mr. Allen, the populist- senator from Nebraska, is liable a t-auy tiin-j to pre cipitate another partizan debate on a priviiiged question by culling up his resolution to investigate - the recnt eletction of a senator in Alabama. The so-c . Sen hat- illed credentials of (.'olonel Keeso, itor Morjran's populist opponent. ng been introduced and placed on it is wirhj the litnits'of potisihliHy file, that Mr. Allen may get Wie united re- puOlican" support of his resolution which directs the appuintineut of a committee with full power to investi gate and report to the senate. . The probable programme of business in the house is this : . ; Today will be given to the consider ation of what is known as the ''omni bus clafcns bill," .be"ng a measure re ported from the committee on war claims., combining thirty-seven differ ent war claims referred to that com mittee, and calling for a total appro priation of over JrMiOiJ.uOO. Considera-. tion of the measure has always hereto fore been antagonized. . Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are to be assigned to the consideration and disposition 'of the latest currency and banking bill reported on Friday last from Mr. Springer's banking and currency committee. . - IF JUSTICE JACKSON RETIRES. Representative Wilson, of Went Virginia, May lie Appo nted, -, Washington. February 1. In the sen ate yesterday Mr. Harris, democrat, of Tennessee, introduced a bill to permit Associate Justice JacUson. of the su preme court, to be retired. Gossips are already busy filling the vacancy thus contemplated, and .several Tiames are mentioned for the supreme bench in the event that the retirement -shall take affect. Such retirement would give the appointment to President Cleve land, and the name of Representative Wilson, of West Virginia is most prominent among those who ire tod;iy being suggested for tlie position.;- It seems to lie well understood that " the president is anxious to provide in sotui manner for Mr. Wilson; whose defeat in November wilf retire him from pub lic life temporarially, at least, after the 4th of March mil es.s some provision' is im. Blood P sucb. as Scrofula and AnaemiaSkin Eraptiona and Pale or Sallow Complexions, are speedily cured by Scott '5 Emulsion Bo sure frWlA-mark - Send for pamphlet on Scot? t Emulsion. FREE. , v - Scott A Bowne, N. Y. All druggists. SO cents and 9U TME WEEK'S WORK IN CONGRESS A. Synops's of the '. Proceeding of - - j Mwim and Senate.;, -.' Bot!t J oe . iowf .ynop, . proceedings of both branches ox con re -past week: ' " - - n., . . : , ; ; - il. ,2? f-Stmt's i tii't; OtUiulie action In the house iiw! bHl re&cilitur the fi,;,ra- tiul duty ot one-tent u d pent i j.-.ira im posed In the tariff bill on suf-ar liuj,u u c trr,-. countries paying aa txlKtrt- bouuiv, .ci . . artlele. was passed, 239 to 31. - J"" .-- 24TH . Day. The eenate. after, ft discus sion of two hours- nj ,a half,, ratified h Japanese treaty after modifying it so as to make it trrmiauble at the expiration ot one year's notice und incidentally dLscussed the. polli-T of tho administration as enunciated by , Secretary Orcham in the matter ot discrimi nating duty on sugar t xported in this country fror tieruiuny. Tho laitet,althouirh entirely . foreign to the matter before theKenate, proved ; to be one of stho' most Interesting feature of the discussion and showed that the entire senate agreed wit)rthQ opinion expressed by Attorney General tlncy as against that ex---presswf by the secretary of state. No financial legislation was n creed upon la. either branch. - 25xti Day. The financial CjiesttoQ held the boards In the 'senate with- noml mediate resulu Speaker Crisp resumed his seat in Uio house. Several private bills were . passed and the Pacific railroad refunding bill discussed. Saturday, February 86, was named its a dav to hear eulogies on the late Senator Vunce. of North Carolina. ' - SC-m Day Senator Tellar opened the finan- . cial debate with a riORing speech attacking' Cleveland and the Wretary ot te treasury.- ' -The credentials of Warren S. Reese," as they read, sipued by Kolb "a governor, were pre-. sewed to the senate for the seat now occupied . by - Morgan, ot slabama, and laid upon "the " table. The administration currency bill pre pared by the. committee was reported to the house recomoiendlnBtheleglKlatlonas set forth in the recent president's message. - 7-i h Da vA Hill called up by Mr. Outh waite, ' democrat, of- Ohio, to temirararily revive the" rank of lieutenant-general of the army waa passed.' The house cuiiiibucs the discussion ot the Pact lib railroad refunding bill. -An amend- n iit v.a adopted makin f the debt due the United Staler bear 3 per ccnt Interest.- x . - JUDGrl JACKSON'S MALADY. . The DlKtinsuNhed Jurist a I'onstaut 8ef lerrr Kcturns to Home. TiioMAsviiXE, Ga., February I. Ju tiee Howell .E." Jackson left this city in special car yesterday for his homp in, Tennessee. The justice was accom I panied by his entire family.. He bad taken a cottage near this city for tlie . winter, thinking his throat and lungs were-tifected. All trouble 1n these or-' gans disappeared entirely, but during the last two weeks , the feet and leg became swollen and the. liver enlarged a al dropsical. ; His friends thought it best that ho should -return to his own homo, as t he. trouble was not one to be -aggraviiteii -by wlder' cliroato. -The patient suffers from an uneasy eensa tion about the stomach when he" lies down, which necessitates his sitting up all the time, even at night, v - ALLIANCE WITH GAUTEMALA. Iu the Event of War the Central American ' Kepnhllvs Wilt Take a Hand. . Citv of Mexico, January SI. An an nouncement published here - that the Central American republics of Nicara gua, Honduras . and Salvador, . with Cota ltica to follow," would form an alliance! with Oautemala, in ' the event of, trouble with Mexico, has caused . considerable comment. Seuor Castel lanos, the Salvadorean ; minister here, on being interviewed, denied having any knowledge of the matter, and gov ernment oilicials state that no official confirmation of the announcement has been received. The formation of such a Central American league ; would doubtless tend to increase the' fast ris ing public sentiment in Mexico against Gautemala. " ' y THE Two MOONSHINE MURDERERS. Implicated in t tie Assxuinatioa or Iliirv Work'T- Plead GnllfeT. . ----- Atlanta, January 31. John "Carnes and Sam I'ceples, moonshiners implica ted in the hanging , of Ilenry -Worley, an inforgier, plead guilty in the United States court yesterday. Worley 'man aged to slip the rope from his neck and escape but he was shot dead a few days ' later. It is presumed that Carnes and. Peoples will-be used by the govern-, ment in the murder case. - - The experience of Mr. R. D. Whitley, an influential and prominent citizen of Martindale, North Carolina, will no doubt be perused with interest by .peo ple in all parts of the country. 'For years he has been subject to violent at tacks of inflammatory rheumatism; on the first of February he had an attack, which settled in one of his knees and caused almost unbearable pain, for two lays. I Ic obtained-a bottle of Cham !)trlah's Fain Balm from W. M. Hous ton & Co., merchants at Mecklenburg City, N. C. He writes that Jit gave al most immeilialf relief and irivps Cham.' berlain's Pain Balm the highest praise, and advises all persons troubled with like afflictions to use it and get relief. For sale by E. M. Nadal Druggist. We are closing out a lot of collars of men, at 5c each M. T. Young. iseases the Cream of Cod-liver Oil- No other rem-' edy so quickly and effectively enriches and purines the blood and gives nourishment to the -whola system. It is pleasant to take and easy on tho stomach. PerS0E3 and all - suffering from Wasting Diseases, a10 e stored to health by Scott's Emulsion. ;, you g:t the b&ttlo with-our on iL Eefuso cheap substitutes!

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