Ho 7n - Mm. aw-" i CASH IN ADVANCE. "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST ATBE THY COUNTRY'S. THY G0D'S, AND TRUTH'S " BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM; fHJME XXV. WILSON, N. C, FEBRUARY 28, 1895. NUMBER 9. i K 7 U J by . CLOAKS ! CLOAKS!! I At the price we are sellinr Ihem it will pay you to buy jpneand put it away until next winter. win 'HE CASH Racket Stores, 1 J. M. LEATH, Manager, : : : : : Nash Street- f - ; : "--kREAD OUU NEW SERIAL, The Sign of v ' . - .The Four BY DR. A. CON AN DOYLE. No doubt you have heard of -Dr. Conan Doyle and his" wonderful Sherlock Holmes Stories Dr. Doyle's recent visit to America, and thegreat fame 1 of all his stories render this ' one doubly interesting. . 1 REftD IT WITHOUT FAIL! - - - -S fcV : r.Htl YOU WANT A POSITION? If so, write for particulars. DO 100 WAHT "A TEACHER? " We can supply good ones Iree of cost. Send iWsainple copy of Teach -. ers'. Institute. - - CHARLES J. PARKER, Manager, , ) . Teacher's Aid Association. Raleigh, N. C. g-3 dm GEO. M. LINDSAY, Attorney at Law, SNOW HILL.-N. C. .. ' Circuit : Wilson, Green Wayne and Johnston Counties. The Old Friend And the beat friend that never fails you i3 Simmons Liver Regu lator, (the Red Z) that's what you hear at the- mention of this excellent Liver medicine, . and people should not be persuaded that anything else will do. ' It is the King of Liver Medi cines ; is better than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel Jt acts directly on the Liver, Kidney and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem; This is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. 3KVERY PACKAGE" Has the Z Stamp in ret on wrapper J. H. ZEILIN CO., Philadelphia. Pa. ' Samuel Cowles, an old man from Illi nois, was recently found dead nearly a mile from home in Martin county, Ar kansas. It is alleged that his wife had Phased him from the house with a hor row tooth, with which, it isclaimed,she inflicted several wounds which oaused his death. , , ' ' , 4 ' The board of administration of Cin cinnati has issued an order which, if carried out literally, will wipe . out of existence about 8600,000 worth of prop erty. It is an order directing1 the Cin cinnati Inclined Plane - Kail way- com pany to remove from the streets its tracks within one month. More sensational developments in the $95,000 shortage in the Kings county, N. Y., treasurer's office - have . been brought to light by the discovery that two of the bonds of County Treasurer Harry II. Adams are missing from the ounty clerk's office in Brooklyn. The bonds are for" (100,000 each. Secretary Carlise, accompanied By Mrs. Carlisle and his son, VTK. Car lisle, and wife, left Washington Tues day at 10 o'clock for New York. The secretary's trip at this time was taken for the purpose of bidding Mr. W. K. Carlisle farewell previous to his sailing to Europe. - Nebraska and Iowa people were startled Wednesday by developments which indicate that Albert Whipple. the absconding. banker, merchant and army contractor .' ef Crawford and Hyannis, now a fugitive from j istice with creditors left L the lurch for $15- 000 to 820,000, and Albert 15 Whipple, who was sent to the Fort Madisou prison, Iowa, are one and the suuic man. ' . A Od-kt Suctnw. The recent change made by the New York Weekly World in issuing two papers a week in the place of one is meeting with great favor. The people appreciate the change and are taking advantage of it. Why pay a dollar a year lor a WEEKLY paper when you can get the New York World TWICE a week for the same price? Keep informed of what is going on in the world and particularly in your own country. Congress is now Tn session. Every moment will be of the greatest interest. Keep abreast of the times by reading the Twice a- Week World two papers a week 104 papers uyear for on'y $i. The experience of Mr. R. D. Whitley; an influential and prominent citizen of Martindale, North Carolina, will no doubt be perused,wifh interest by peo ple in aH parts of the country. For years he has been subject to violent at tacks of inflammatory rheumatism; on the first of February he had an attack, which settled in one of his knees and caused almost unbearable pain, for to days. He obtained a bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm from W. M. Hous ton & Co.; merchants at Mecklenburg City, N. C. He writes that Jt gave al most immediate relief and gives Cham berlain's Pain Balm the highest praise, and advises all persons troubled wilh like afflictions to use it and get relief For sale by E. M Nadal Druggist. General Postofflee Billing Revoked. Washington, February 25. The priv ilege of postmasters at free delivery of fices in making temporary appointments to vacancies in the .force, irrespective of the civil service board, when that .certifies less than three Jiaunes of eli bles, is revoked in a new rule of .the postoffice department. Marine Hospital at Savannah.' WASfflisOT03C, February S3. The. house committee on publie buildings and grounds yesterday ordered a favor able report on the bill appropriating SI 50,000 for a marine hospital at Savan nah, Ga. Clemson ( oUejre Opens Well. Calhoun, S. C, February 23. CI cm sdn college opened yesterday with 231 students present, seventy-six of them being new. About one hundred more are expected. Hurclerers of BIl.s Lawrence Captured. Allendale, S. C, February -23. -Detectives have the murderers of Miss Carrie Lawrence spotted without a doubt and hope to have them captnred today. . TTH2 BEST i -ht the Teopli T bay tc UMt of. T hat S Wh Hoods. Sar.S.ipuli.ia t.,. lal'-' sale OF ALL MEDICINES. We keep Douglas fine shoe men from $2, to $5 at Young's., for CAROLINA ' Current " News for 'the WookrJ. Throughout the State. THE NLW STATE ELECTION LAW. The Mew 1'lnn Adopted by the Fusion Leg Islature.TragTedy Near I'ollorksville.. Proceedings of the i,egi--Iatare. Other North Carolina News. . Raleigh, N. C., February 23. The house has. passed the new elecCign law for the state by a party vote, the popu lists and, republicans voting for it and the democrats against it. A salient feature of the law is that there shall be in each precinct a regis trar representing each political "party. There shall be poll holders also repre senting .their political parties. These election officers arc to be recommended by chairmen of township committees to the chairmen of the state executive committees of each party, and the state chairmen are to make the appointments for their respective parties. , Resignation books are to close in county precincts at 4 o'clock p. m. on Saturday "preceding election, and iu cities and towns at 9 o'clock p. m. on the same day. One box must contain all ballots cast. An agreement has been reached on the much mooted and discussed county government question. The bill, when completed, will pro vide for five commissioners "for each county, three of whom are to be elected by a "vote of the people and two of whom are to be appointed by the resi dent judge of the district. The appoin tees are not to be of the same political party as the. elected commissioners. The consent of four members of the board is necessary to any action invol ving the levying of taxes or the expen diture of money. A GRETNA GREEN AFFAIR. Charlotte Lady and Oentleman Marry De- spite Opposing I"arent. - Charlotte, N. C February 22. Miss Mamie Orr and Mr. Lawrence R. Good man were married last- night at 7 o'clock at the Second Presbyterian church manse, by Rev. Mr. White, of Graham Street church; It was a Gretna Green affair. Roth parties stay at the Ree Hive. The bride is a daughter of Sergeant Orr, of the police force. ' Her parents were opposed to her marriage, and had before prevented it. Last evening she left home saying she Vas going to her sisters. She never came back and the next thing her parents heard was that she was married. Mr. Goodmans the head clerk at the Ree Hive. Miss Orr was cashier. . ' CUT HIS WIFE'S THROAT. The Deed Deliberately Done by a Fiend Near FoUockvilli, JJ. t PouaCK8VII.l,k,-"N. C, February 23, At 10 o'clock yesterday, John King ' cut his wife's throat. From the best au: thority, it appears that King and his wife had an altercation Wednesday, whereupon she left home going to a neighbor's. Yesterday morning King went after her and upon her refusing to accompany him, he deliberately cut her throat. Thinking she would die, King escaped to the woods, and though a posse went in search, he has not yet been captured. The woman still lives, but cannot recover. - NORTH CAROLINA IN BRIEF. The Watts Hospital at Durham has htsfirst patient in the person of Mrs. John Turner, of llillsboro. Senator Daniel, of Virginia.iias ben selected as the commencement orator for Davidson College f his year. V r It is -understood that mozanite re mains at a good price, and now that the snow is passing away mining for it is being renewed. . Monday before the house committer on elections, the, Wilson arid, Northamp ton county contests will be heard. Two or three hearings of the Wilson county case have already been had. There are quite a number of aspir ants for the positions on the code coui mission. the eommissionershlp of agri culture and the position of insurance commissioner, as it is taken for grante 1 the latter new office will be created. - The republican leaders of this State are divided, as to presidential prefer ences, between McKinley and Reed. Perhaps more. of them favor McKinley, lieed has some particularly " strong friends. " The Monroe Journal says the Presby terian Synod of North Carolina has un dertaken to raisfir-by individual con tributions, a salary of 5000 for a preach er of their own for the Waldensian colony in Burke. . Evidence will be taken in Winston this week in the case of the Uoassick machine company-(or tobacco trust) vs. the Winston Cigarrette Machine com pany. The former claims that the ma chines made by the latter are an in fringement on their patent. The liandmark sa3' that Rev. O. H. Church, pastor of the Baptist .church of Statesville, has been holding services on the streets this week. Standing on a goods box cn the corner he begins tho service by singing a hymn. When a crowd has collected he begins preach iLg. He has had fair audiences at each service. . The California papers state that Mrs W. F. Burbank, late 'of -Winston, has been allowing 200,000, by the superior court of her first husband's estate, val ued at more than 000,000 is still on. The case, is tu come up again in the superior court in . March. Mrs. Bur bank's lawyers express the opinion that she will gain the sait. - The Cleveland Star "says "that ar rangements have been made whereby Mr. J. B. Wilkinson, the proprietor of Cleveland Springs, is to continne to run the springs until October. The heirs agreed to wait until that time if he would pay them $1,000, which , he did. "lhis will give Mr. Wilkinson time to p -rf ect his trade with the Northern firm relative to buying the springs. We will sell you snufi at 250 per pound Young. Big reductions on men's neck wear this week at Young's- .- --- - Alpine and Derby hats at M. T. Young's. ' Big lot of shawls at big reductions at Young's. - ' NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLTUARE An Outline of the Week's Work In Kotit Senate and House.' 1 The following is a condensed synop- ris of the proceedings of both branches of the, general assembly for the past i week : --1 - - - ' . 81st Day. The house passed the bill reduc ing tho Icsal rate of Interest from eight to six per cent. The vote on the final reading as 71 to 15' democrats, republicans and populists alike, with a few exceptions, voting for the measure. The bill was passed by the senate some time ago. -.. 3xd DAT. Bills passed changing the time of . holding Durham and Alamance superior courts: to protect deer in Cherookoe, Graham. Clay, Swain. Macon and Jackson counties; to allow Durham to levy a special tax; for the relief of Tux Collector McQregor, of Wsdesboro, and also of E. D. Gaddy, of Anson.' Bill to regulate the sale of liquor-was the special senate ocder. After a long and at times tumultous debate, a motion was made to lay the bill, on the table. Theayes and nays being even the president cast the offspring vote, and the reading was lost. It was amended 'te material poi its. The .house voted to attend the Newberne Fair on Friday February 22. Several local bills Intro duced. 33hd DAT. The bin to appropriate $20 000 for a North Carolina exhibit at the Cotton States and International Exposition and one to appropriate f5,no for an exhibit of woman's progress and handiwork were today favorably reported by the legislative committee on agri culture. They will be considered - the early pnrt of next week. The temperance bilL mod eled on the plan of the Mississippi law, was killed in the senate today. 34th Dat. Senator Moody's bill, to prevent the adulteratlonjind mishandling of foods, and sales thereof, which "passed, the senate to day, is exactly similar to the "Hatch billnow r-efore congress excel t in regard to drugs, as North Carolina already has pure drug law It provides that all mixtures, compounds, rnd fcU nrts of an-artlcles of food shall be plainly at el:d to as to indicate what they arc. 33th Da T. Senate was devoted to the bill to lend the Confederate monumental associa tion 510 003 out of the direct tax fund to pay for statuary lor the monument.; The discus sion lasted several hours. and much interest was taken. - It was defeated, ayes 8. nays & In the house a substitute for the bill to re peal the Henrietta cussipgla passed. Other local bills were panned. . ' TENNESSEE GOVERNORSHIP. Every Effort Hein? Made to Keep Evans Oat of the ("hair. Nashville, February 25. The comV mittee left last night in three section . to befciu the work of the election invest tigat';on. A sensation in the guberna torial matter was developed Saturday when the committee completed its list of counties to be investigated and omitted from the list a number in which Mr. Evans alleged fraud in . the election. His prbtest against' - this omissin was to be heard by, the eomv mittee, bnt when the hour for the com mittee in voting came only two of tfi? democratic members were present. ANOTHER VIRGINIA THIEF. The "True and 1 ried" ('ashler of in Old Lynrhburji Bank, n Defaulter. LtnchburOt Va., February 25. ""his city was startled yesterday by the an nouncement of the arrest of Walter O. Ilamner.--for 'twenty years the teller of the First National bank, charged with embezzling $23,000 of tho fundsof the bank:. His speculations have been going on ten years. The bank officers are now engad in making an investi gation and an official statement will be given out today. Hamner is bonded for $15,000 and the bank will not lose over $8,000 It is one of ' the strongest institutions in the south. THE ADULTERATION OF FOOpS. Senator Moody's Pure Food Bill as Passed tho North Carolina Legislature. Raleigh, N. C, February 28. Sena tor Moody's bill, to prevent the adulte ration and mishandling of , foods, and sales thereof, which passed the senate : yesterday, is exactly similar to the Hatch bill now before congress except in regard to drugs, as North Carolina already has a pure-drug law. It pro vides that all mixtures, compounds. and blends of any articles of food shall be plainly lab.eled so as to indicate what they are. SENATOR RANSOM'S LUCK. Appointed Minister to Mexico-at a Salary cfS17.5O0aYe.tr. Washington, February 25. The president Saturday nominated United States senator Matt Ransom, of North Carolina, for' minister to Mexico, to succeed the late Hon. Isaac P. Gray. Senator Ransom said after his confir mation that he would not qualify until after the 4th of March, and therefore would serve out his term in t&e senate. After that time he -would be prepared to proceed to Mexico as soon as the sec retary of state desired him to go. Doag'.ass Preferred to Washington. Raleigh, N. C, February 3-3. A sen sation was created here yesterday by the adoption in the house of a resolu tion lnt.TTHiifHH Viv a nt'orn t.liwt ivlwiti the general assembly do adjourn, it ad- journ in honor of Frederick Douglas. The resolution was passed by a. vote of Si to 20, all the -democrats voting . " D against it. A resolution to adjourn on February 22nd in honor of Washing ton's birthday, which is a legal holiday in the state, was - voted down. The same body also refused to adjourn in honor of General Lee on January 19th. Want to Complete the R al. Nashville, Tenn., February 25. The " stockholders of the Ohio River ' & Charleston have been called to meet at Johnson City, Tenn., April 10, to con sider a bond issne of $15,000 per mile to complete its line in South Carolina and , Tennesie. Samuel. Hunt is president. For the Alabama Normal vo lego's Benefit Washington, February 21. Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, offered in the house yesterday a bill granting his state 23,040 acres of unoccupied lands in the state, to be sold for the benefit of the Alabama state normal college at Florence, Ala. .. . ' . Congressman Ed ln Jordan. TuNKHANNoCK, Pa.. Febrnary 25. return congressional judges met here today. Edwin Jordan gets the unex pired term of the late M. B. Wright for the fifteenth district in the fifty-third congress. " - - The Loan (Juoted at 5 1-4 Premium. Loxnox, February 33. At the close of business aVthe stock exeliauge ye-te-day the United Stales loan .tas quoted at 5J premium. ' For seven years or more Mrs. V. P. Louclt-r, of Ouincy. Ky., was subject to severe atlacks of cramp colic. Mr, S. R.- Worse, a druggist of Lknt place, recommended . Chaimberlaids Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which has effected a permanent cure, saving her much suffering, besides the" trouble and expense of sending for a doctor. which was often necessary. For "Sale by E. M. Nadal, druggfsl. WHATTHE MEN CLAIM fThe First Statement.. From the Employes of the Southern. - - - MORE WORK PLACED UP05 THE HANDS. The Hen Feel Sore Over the Pnbllclty Given the Railroad's side of the Mat. ter by the Interview W ith V.r. ttaldwin Their Grievances. Atlanta, February 25. The first i statement Betting forth the claim of, the emploj'es of the Southern rail way .with"; respect to the differences now- existing .between them and the company appears in today's Constitution, written by. an officer of one of the lodges, signing himself ment. , 'ex railroader . to the state- , It annear th.t wMU tho merr who 1 --- .... 'mic retcroea xrom tvasmngton are themselves silent in the matter their grievances are- pretty accurately and authoritatively voiced in the statement given outfor publication. The statement goes quite into details and tells of the serious cuts that have been made in the forces of employes on the varions branches of the Southern by the proposed system of wages offer ed by Third Vice President llal Jvin. . It is claimed that On many runs one crew has been taken off entirely; from Chattanooga to Macon, for instance. t- It Is claimed that while cutting down the crews places more work on the remain ing crews their pay in many instance-i is reduced. The statement is made that the4 men feel very sore on Mr. Baldwin for making public his side of the affair, when he had asked them to be bound by secrecy. They claim that they have a right to talk now that Mr. Baldwin has given out statements to the papers. ; -.--." There were meetings of all divisions of the brotherhood lodges here yester day, but the disagreement of the. South ern jnen was not brought up for action. ' It was widely discussed, however, and there is great interest among the em ployes running on both systems in the conference of the grand chiefs now be ing held in Washington. THE GEORGIA HUSSARS VIN. They Gain the Bhoot With the New Jersey ' Guardsmen by Forty-One I'oinis. SiVAMfAH, Ga., 23. The picked rifle team from the Georgia Hussars, JTroop A., First regiment Georgia : Cava' ryT : won the Bhoot with the New Jersey Guardsmen yesterday by forty-one points. The match was shot at Worms loe, a suburb of Savannah, the country home of Mr. G. W. Berenne, who roy ally entertained the Hussars and their guests from New Jersey. .The rifle men "went on the ranges about 12:30 o'clock and finished the shoot about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Ten shots were tired by each man, botht the 200 and 500 yard ranges. The ranges were entirely new to both contesting (earns. The light on loth targets was good as the day was mod erately cloudy with no sunlight and it was uniformly distributed. There wa s considerable wind when the men began on the 200 yard range, and it gave them a little trouble as it came in gusts, but it had almost entirely died down when, they went on the 500 yard range, and the scores on that were about as good as on the former. TO SUPPRESS THE CRUEL TY. Tarkish Authorities Trying' to Kribe tile - Outraged l amllie. ' London, February 23. Professor "Minns Tcheraz, editor of Armenia, is informed by correspondents in Arme nia that the Turkish authorities are making every effort to bribe the fami lies who suffered most keenly from the outrages last ' fall. They are said to have promised the Armenians in Sas : soun to return the booty, taken by the Kurds, 'to pay them 500 pounds indem nity and to relieve! them of taxes for several years in case the Armenians keep from the commission of inquiry all revelations concerning the abuses of Turish rule. ; At Amassin, Professor Tcheraz is informed, the jailqrs scourge the Armenian political prisoners daily. . WOOD SHOT HIS ASSAILANT. A Telfair County Man shoots a Negro in - .-' Belf-Defense. McRak, Ga., February isl. Yester day morning, at Scotland, a town about five miles south of here, Marshal Wood ' shot Charlie Clements, a negro track ; hand, on the Southern railway, with a thirty-eight - Smith & Weston pistol, once in the thigh and once in the collar bone. The diflttculty arose over the fact that Marshal Wood had arrested Clements' wife for disorderly conduct, bone- Th,ef di ! rseJ over the fact that Marshal Wood had arrested Clements 'wife for disorderly conduct, L"f""V 7 """" D"c . 4 as hnahs si Ha wit h ! after her nusoana. tie, with several other negroes, - went to Mr. Wood's house, called him . out, and began to ; beat him. In the fight Mr. Wood shot Clements as stated. Clements wounds are not serious and he will recover. DIDN'T STOP FOR WASHINGTON. Uncle Sam's Print Shop Turning: ont Giov " eminent Bonds Night and Day, Washington, February 23. The bu reau of engraving and printing finished yesterday the plates for the new bonds and at once began the printing of them. : A force worked all Thursday night and yesterday, although a public holiday, a new force 'was at work printing the new bonds. ' Ko Change tn the Delaware Vote. Dover, DeL, February 21. -Despite the assertions of combinations, there was no change in tho vote for United States senator yesterday, the result being Higgins, republican. 9; Addicks. repub lican, 0; Massey, republican 3; Woleott, democrat, 7; Bayard, democrat, 3; Tun nel!, democrat, I. Absent, 1. Invitations to MU Oonld's Marriage New York, February 23. -Invitations were sent out yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gould for the marriage of Miss Anna Gould to Count de Cas tellac. The ceremony 'wilL take pluct: at noon . on Monday. March 4th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gould. HnekJeu's Arnica alve. The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts. 1 r r c- , ,. . iruucs, oores, uicers, salt Kheum, reyerrores, I etter, Chapped Hand?, i iiHDiains? corns, and all Skin erutv lions, and positively cures Piles, or - J ' iuvicuuiiitu.i ii is iruaranieen tn tn p perfect satisfaction, ormoney refunded. not Set rid of it untii he applied Cham Price 33c per box. For sale by B. W. - bcrlains Pain Batnk "I only niade Hargrave. J three applications of it," he says "and 1ir, T , . 1 have iSnce been freefrom all pain.'' iLin ci 'J'81 ,5C buy ' He now recommends it to persons a 25c bottle of the best coh syrup simiJarl afflicted. It is for-sale b E at Hargrave s drugstore. t m. Nadal . THE WEEK'S WORK IN CONGEES? I J-nops.s of the froceedlnc of r.otn I noase and Senate. ! 1Yt .Ol : i ' . ;i . . n " " . ... . .1 proceedings of both branches of oon- Tgressfof the past week: - ; . 1 DAv.Aother day spent & the naval lauuu im ia ioe nouso wiuioui ais- pOSlBff of it. comerence was ncrrcou to on mo agricultural amimnrintinn h'.l Tn tho senate senator Vilas in Jong and ablo arsu ; ment, defended the president and secretary of : treasury in their recent bond aeliou. The , speech was made on tho bill before the senate j lor the free coinage of silver but had no rcfer i ence to that bill. After a four hours eKsccurse, j ho whs followed by senator Piatt asainst the , Jones free coinage bilL The latter was not disposed of, - " ' 4Jd Bay. So far as the honso is conecrncd - the nvy wul be Increased by tho construction or three battle ships and nine torpedo dojM, . The house passed the naval appropriation bill practK-olly as it was reported from tho com .mittee. The Jones silver bill was displaced in j the senate, remitting It to the calendar, and j the Indian appropriation bill was taken up, ! nhnnt tvn thinly f . . , i v, '?.ras being passed before the senate aajournea. h DAT. Consideration In the house besan on the deficiency bill tho last of tho renrral appropriation measures of the Ke.isic n. Six teen pages of the bill was disposed ot. Eutopics' were then pronounced upon the IJfe aadt r vices of the late Francis E Stoctbridge, a senator from Michigan. The Indian appropriation bill held tha day iu the senate. Thirteen pose were disposi-d of. The credentials of Senators Tillman, of South Carolina, and Marion Butler, of North Caro lina, were presented. , C44TH DAY. Senate proceeded- with the con sideration of the Indian appropriation bill sn3 when the body adjourned at 5:85 o'clock tho bill was far from finished and a proposition that a final vote should be taken before ad journment next day was killed. ' Washington's birthday was observed in both branches in the preliminary exercises. In the house the con sideration of the general deficiency appropria tion bill was resumed but again went over un finished. .. , - 45th DAT. The Indian appropriation bill was passed after having been in the -senate five days. A beginning was made on tho sun dry civil bill. The pooling bill suffered a sig nal reverse If not a final defeat. The nomina tion of Senator M. W. Ransom, of N. C, to be minister to Mexico was presented by the pres ident. Without delay the doors were closed, the senate went Into executive session nnd the nomination was confirmed unanimously. Tho feature In the house was the fight on the bill to pay an extra months salary to all life em ployes of the house and senate; with an amend ment to include the Individual clerks to mem bers. Both carried. Tributes were paid to tho memory of the late Senator Vance. ' . SONS OF DIXIE IN GOTHAM. Gather at the Itanqaet Hoard and Honor ,-the Kaiue ot Washington. New Yoek7 February" 23. The sons and the descendants of the sons of fair Dixie gathered last night'in the ban quetting hall of . Sherry's to celebrate their ninth anniversary and ninth an nual dinner, and also to 'do honor to ue memory ui ,asmngwn. jne com- iUuuU uu oouutc-ons board was a truly represent Mve one. i They were a truly patriotic crowd, and every mention of that grand name that "had made a nation, and who was a son of southern soil, was greeted with the wildest applause. The guests were ; ble from which there branches a small1 -er table going down the center - of J;he hall. All about the room "Old Glory" was draped, and the beauty of the scene was enhanced with many grow ing and flowering plants. It Was nearly 10 o'clock, for the mem bers had dallied long ever.the viands. that the president of the society and - the president of the dinner, Mr, Chas. J A. Deshon, arose and in ashort;ad- dress introduced the first speaker of . the evening, Hon. William Everett, ' who responded ,y Trio run cr - - v v -i t' n . i lmj-ton;' IMPROVEMENT IS EXPECTED. lSradstreets Reports Had Weather and Koads Retard Southern Huniness, New York, February 22. Bradstreets today says: General trade auring this, a short week, has been more Irregular. A moderately Improved demand has showa itself at cities alon? tbe Ohio river valley and In the lower and upper lake regions coincident with the partial disap pearance of the extremely unfavorable weath er. . South, southeast and elsewhere to a smaller extent, practically Impassable country roads have retarded already slow collections and prevented purchases of good even in the face, of requirements. The success of the latest emergency bond Issue has revived confidence somewhat in the general" financial situation. The success of the bond issue here and abroad has given a strong undertone to the New York speculative stock.' At the south relatively great improvement real or prospective. Is expected with better weather throughout Texas and at Memphis, although collections are slow there. Birming- ham and Jacksonville make like reports. The influence of the bad weather, heavy country " roads, checked demand and retarded collec tions la whole or In part characterizes reports "of trade at Charleston, Nashville. Chattanooga, Atlanta, Savannah, Augusta and at New Or leans where business had practically suspend ed for two day by storm. : BLOOD IN THE SENATE AISLES. D'-sraeefnl Bow to the Upper Branch Of the Colorado teBislature. . Denver, CoL, February 23. A dis- graceiui row ujcur u o c"' a 1 C nn A.I ilia in'fKik ate vesterdav. Senator Mills in'" the course of debate called Senator Peace a liar. Mills then threw a paperweight at Peace and" the senators clinched and fought viciously. The result was four black eyes and a lively flow of blood. The contestants were finally separated. The senate ordered an invstigation of the fracas and adjourned. : Bhode Island Prohibitionist. Providence, R- I.. February 23. The prohibition state . convention for the . noininationef candidates for governor ; and other state officers, was held in Music Hall yesterday, and was one of the liveliest gatherings of the party ever held in this city. Hon. Smith. Quilby was nominated for governor,; ' Rasdalathe Cotton Market. St. Petersburg, Russia, February 25. The;-Imperial Minister of finance . has set apart a credit from the state batik to promote the production of cot ton in Russia. Growers are to receive a working capital as loans, and spin ners and vsea vers are to obtain means of purchasing the cotton produced. ; Iter. Sam Jones' rather D.-ad. Cartersville, Ga., February 23. The .'atlier of Rev. Sam P. Jones, the -vangeii.-t, died at the family residence hi. a night, aged 00 years. He joined th" Methodist church when Mi years, old ' -' ' ... A f-evcre rheumatic pain in tjie left -shoulder had troubled Mr. J.,!I. l-oper, a well knowH-druggist of- Les Moines, . Iowa, for ot'er six months At times - ; :. , - ... . .. no u,e, R?"1 wast? r.i li T tHit lit ini-tninnr Wit n oil ha nlH wt - . puj tiling .... o i iiv .wtntt Iligli-ja -of r.Il in Lcavcninrj li Now &s3s5a DEATH IN THE MINES Fire and Suffocation in the Rock Slope at Fratta . TWO MEN'S FATAL RUSH FOR THE EXIT Ot the Twenty Convict Miners K'tRhthen are Taken Out Alive Knt Badly t7ed Attempted ba'.ottie of One Stable ' of Mules retnaseri. - Birmingham,'' Ala.. February 25. Shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday morn ing . the enjrine room in the rock slope '. at Pratt mines was discovered on firo. In the slope there were - twenty con i vict and the first thov know of the" fire was tho dense smoke 1h -it began tilling the space ' . '.". i - The mn huddled in a bunch and found freshjiir at the air shaft. It was decided to stick together, and as tho air became more and more suffocating with the hot smoke, they all began to give up hope. John Patton and Louis Stevens de- u. V4IV SlWVVt, UJlVt t- VV III J 'V.VV1 M make their way to the cage leading out of the mine. They were not seen alive any more. In the stable in the mines there were twenly-three fine mine mules. As soon as they began smelling the dense smoke they put up a loud bellowing. Through the entire mines the noi&e of the suffo cating animals could be heard. . As soon as ' possible an aln rm was given' on the outside. Willing hands went to work" fighting the tire,. Three hours after the discovery fhe fire was extinguished. : The fire was of in cendiary origin, as no fire is used in .the engine, - compressed steam 4eing the power, sent in from the outside.- " The fire, after destroying the little room, caught to seven tram cars and the oil that was about the place-caused the smoke"tb be thicker. . '. As soon as the fire fighters could get beyond the engine room a horrible hi?ht met theip eyes One of the men's heads was battered almost to a' jelly, as k l.a i.?n r.-.. ..i i,.,... . .., to kill himself ,, before eating. The mules had kicked one an- other almost to a "pul p. 'I ll f T- r1 (r li f i f 1 1 mon wi -.i t. trt t r-T, outs and though-none will die, several are in qulte a bad conditioa . vThe mulus werj worth 3,000. The dead convicts were sent up for grand south Alabama. larceuy from .THE WRECK AT GREENVILLE. Thirty Mardi (ras KxcursioniAtg Severely Injured in the 1.. & X. Disaster. BiniiiNGHAM, Ala February 23. The southbound limited express train No. L on the Louisville and Nashville road, heavy loaded with excursionists bound for Mobile and New Orleans to attend TOO c- ,m- , t u ,k;l, umped runniAg at full speed three miles south of- Greenville, Ala., f urty-saven miles south Of Montgomery, at 8:30 oclock this morning and was wrecked. It is said a rail turned over, which was the cause of the wreck. . , The derailed cars turned over down .. an embankment and immediately took hre from the upturned stove:?, and the male passengers who were coolest did valiant work in rescuing the nrmen and children, many of whom tilled the cars. It seemed 'miracuim.s that many were not killed, for the cars burne;l rapidly, and soon all" but the two re maining on the track were consumed. . G. It. Welsh, a barber from Birming ham, en route" to New Orleans, was hurled forward as the. car turned ,ver. uuu fcuiKiim afjauiai mc n.- mx-n was broken. He was the only person iy person killed. Thirty were injured. ANOTHER RAILROAD SOUTH. ,A Survey Heine Made From Winston. X. C, ' to Columbia. 8. ( - . - Winston, N. C, February 25. Thu Republican tells of another railroad survey south, which Winston-Salem" is .greatly interested in. Major Lee, ol Greenwood, . S. C, has . been making a preliminary survey for a road from Winston-Salem to Columbia. S. C, via" Salisbury. Charlotte is not in it. Tha survey was made for the Florida Cen tral and Peninsular railroad, which is a Connecting line at Columbia with the Southern. Winston wants a South- ? em outlet and thinks this is the chance for her get it. - THE NATIONAL CAUTAUQUA. - First Meeting in the Interest of the Aneas- ; ta Enterprise Meld in That City, ArGVPTA, Ga., February 23 The first meeting in this city in the interest of beginning the National -win ter Chau tauqua assembly was held last night. A mass meeting was addressed by trus tees. A large sum" of money was ar ranged, to be raised in this city to aid the enterprise. One of the largest suburbs of the city has been in large part given to the enterprise by the cit izens of Augusta. . Children Cry for iood yBuch as Scrofula and Anaemia, Skm Ernptiona and Palo'or Sallow Complexions, are speedily cured by - Scott's Emulsion TRSOC . ' Send j or pamphlet on Seat fs Emuhiott. F&EE.'-: Scott II Bow no, K. Y. All druggists. - SO cents and $f. Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report j Y 1 WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. Prince Hismarck is Buffering from a. oU and neuralgia. V Gen. ' Louis Jules Trochu, - of the French Army (retired), ia seriously 11L The woman suffrage bill in the South ; Dakota legislature was killed.' Holy Terror Mine at Keystone, 8. D, produced $20,000 in a recent run of five days. r. '.'';' --f':"-- - ' '-- - v'C: Two women have been elected school directors on . a prohibition ticket at Orove City, Ta. i The lower house of the'Indlana legis lature has passed a bill making' prize, fighting a crime, - The republican dty convention Safc urday. nominated Orlanda Lewis - for . mayor of" Auburn, N. Y. . - ,1 The naval medical board has rejeoted n A. Jonas, appointed to be an asal tant paymaster in the navy. Signor tSiolitti will return to Rome .. for examination ori" Crispi's charge of slander, to be held on Saturday. A bill has been introduced in the Ne- braska legislature to remove the state capital from Lincoln to Hastings. Secretary Herbert spoke at the ban quet of the Pennsylvania Scotch-Irish society in Philadelphia Friday night EH Marks, probably the best, known gambler in the south died in Louisville Tuesday.. ' - -. . ' - : x The woman's suffrage bill passed the assemblage pf the California legisla ture by a vote of 45 to 89. Mobile, Ala., is making preparations' for Mardi Gras. . The parade will be grander than ever before. ' The Star Pastel company, of Atlantic City has Jbeeh declared to be a fraudu lent concern by the postoffice depart ment . - :'',".:'..;-'- . ' ' Michigan republicans Saturday nomi inated Judge J. B. Moore, of La Peer, for associate justice of the BuprenW court. "-..-;' . - I 'ritn nfr.tVil 1 T.oVt 1 O has n iUkAM..J tbe ranvme National bank, of Gran ville, N. Y., capital -$r0,000, to begin business. v: . It is asserted that Baron von Scheie, governor of German East Africa, will resign if Dr. Kayser is continued at the head of the colonial office. Captain Dreyfus has been removed to the Isle de Re, in tho Bay of Gascon y, until he is finally taken to French Guiana. . .. The Pope is suffering from influenza and was unable to-day to receive the Cardinals and others on the anniversa ry of his election.' " . Tuesday morning Mrs. McKinney, ' wife of Kim McKlnney, the fimoai blind fiddler, was found dead In bed at her home in Augusta. The Prince of Wales formally' opened the United Service - Institute yes terday in London. He was very hoarse and coughed frequently. . t "v The committee on woman suffrage if the Massachusetts legislature Saturday decided 8 to 8 to report a bill in fa vor"of municipal suffrage. ' Dr, G. B. Foster, of Manchester Col lege, Toronto, has accepted a call to the chair of theology in the University of Chicago divinity school. Projectiles from a ten Inch rifle failed to penetrate a seventeen inch Carnegie plate forced down to fourteen'lnohoa ' the government trials Saturday, 1 - Mr. James Hodges, ex-mayor of Dal-' timore, died last night at his home -there, Mr. Hodges had filled many places of honor and trust, both national and state. - - r J. E. Lutz & Co., retail shoe and hat merchants, doing probably the largest business of this kind in Knoxville, filed a deed of trust Wednesday to James C ' White. , The Michigan house Wednesday by a vote of m to 21, passed the bill legis lating out of office the present board of health pf Detroit and empowering the governor to elect a new board. The funeral of Father Garin,tho cele brated member of the Oblate order, occurred Wednesday in Lowell, Mass. The day was generally observed In hia memory by the merchants and citizens. PECULIAR in combination, pro- cnts,IIood's Sarsaparilla possesses great curative yalue. You should TIIY IT. .'Advertise. There is a man who sells his stock, - W hose credit standeth as a rock 1 4Vhose name Ht known by all who buy Whose face thines with prosperity. " -Vrho is thfs man?.; Give him your ear His goods he advertises here. Pitcher's Castoria iseases tho Cream of Cod-liver.OIL " No other rem edy so quickly and effectively enriches and purines the blood and gives nourishment to tho whole system. . It ia pleasant to take and easy on tho stomach. - , ' Thin, Emaciated Persons and all suffering from Wasting Diseases ore re stored to "health by Scott's Emulsion. Bo sure you rjt tho bottle "with, our' trade-mark on it. Iiefuso cheap substitutes!