7 7 Wilson A YEAR, CASH IN ADVANCE. LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WILSON, N. C, MARCH 28, 1895. VOLUME XXV. NUMBER 13. nrh3 Advance - r 01 NORTH CAROLINA Seaboard Air Lino Contemplates Sen; Moving its Shops to Raleigh star Morgan Exprossoa His Views on tha Subject. - Li' BR 5.;i ;K COUNTY'S BOND ELECTION TALKS FROM A SOU10ERN STANDPOINT SOUTH'STRADE GOOD General Improved. Conditions Re ported From L-r.rgo Cities. YELL.CW ! One FEVER THE RESULT. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report BRADSTREETS' MI) DIN'S SUMMARIES - -.1S, Z The -i ' tin- Fnatop MbIc Assembly. Tin- I 'ri'iH in t ertlUz.T Sillea. Otlu-r State Nt-ws t oihiw.s. U in Short 1 uiMirr i phs. Ho Ili'll' VM the Blacks Are Anxious to to Immigrate mid That the Whites Want Them to Jo The sen ator's. Opinion. The Oid Fri Anl the best friend that never fails you is Simmons Liver Regu lator' (the Red Z) that's what you hear at the mention of this Jient Liver medicine, and etl Medi- peoj should i WOULI) CALL YOUR SPEC- !IAL ATTENTION TO A ! INK OF 2 & 1 Black I Sa tines 1 jiot be "perstiau that anything else will do. . It is the Kins of Liver 1 , . i 1 Ml J Hotter Wlfin pins, ana place of Quinine and It acts directly on the iiev and Bowels 'and life to the whole sys- J ins is the medicine you tl ciues takes Calomel Liver, Ki lives new tern wan ,1. ! lid, or Sold by all Brmjgists in or in Powder to be taken made into a tea. 3K V K RV I'Af K A i R- u ; I i lis, Z tnuip i,3 r"l on wrapper I. '.'KII.IV A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. JUST RE ' F.D AT THE CASH RACKET STORES j J. M. LEATH, i it I NASH and TARBORO St's. g Our better halves say they could not keen house without Chamberlain's Cough remedy. It is used in more I than half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros,, Leeds, .Iowa. This shows the j esteem in which that remedy is lie Id vvhe it lias been sold for years and is , well known. Mothers have learned that there is nothing so good for colds I croup ..and whooping cough, that it I per sale for children to take. 2s and 50c Chari-otte. N. C, March 20. The Sealioard air line has deeideA to return to ttaleigh the repair shops which were removed to Portsmouth. Va., about a year since. This move indicaces to some extent the policy to bo pursued by the new management. Instead of con centrating the work at one point, divi sion shbps will do most of the worlc without necessitating the expense and risk of hauling damaged cars a long distance. The keen competition among the lines interested in Florida business may prove of direct benefit to Charlotte, It is well known that the Seaboard air line is anxious to get her own rails into Asheville. The Southern railway now owns and controls all lines entering Asheville. although the Seaboard air line at Rutherford ton is only forty miles away. It is believed that as money gets easier this ap will be built, as was contemplated some two years ago. When tkis is done, through cars will be put on between Asheville and Florida points by way of Charlotte. The charter for a line from Ruther fordton to Asheville, via Chimney letter Keeling II ported From All Points, leased Ou the Kecently Oevelopetl Slrenicthln Cotton, Hour and Wheat Failure- Report. Washington, March 25. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, thinks the pres ent exodus of negroes from the south to Africa will increase rapidly in pro portions, and he believes that the time will soon come when the govern ment of the United Htates will take the matter up otlicially and aid in their de portation. In discussing the question, he said : Africa is the natural home of the negro, and a majority of them desire to return to that country. They cannot well lie blamed for tn-t'-rtaining that wish, for there Is nothing in this or any other white man's country for Hie African race. Sufficient time has elapsed since j the slaves were emancipated to demonstrate the white man's superiority in all the walks of life, and my observation is What most of the 1 Nnw YoEKi March 23. Biadstreets says : Improvement in general trade is more mark ed, but not so general, it is more conspicuous at larger New England points -notably Huston and Providence at New York. Pittsburg. Cin cinnati, Louisville and other centers along the Ohio river valley to St. Louis and as far west aa Kansas City. Similar reports come from Chicago. Milwaukee, and St. Paul, the first named announcing that smaller quantities 1 four per cent money are being offered the banks working steadily toward a five per cont. basis, and loans continuing to improve and reserves being lower than for a year past. From other cities a better feeling is reported based '01 the recently developed strength in cotten. wheat and flour. The widespread prev alence of the inquiry whether this upward movement, is the beginning of a permanent recovery from the two years of depression is of the Probable Consenuenees of Spain' 1 roop Oolog to I una. WASHINGTON, March 25. The insur rection m Cuba may be as much mo ment as affecting the interests and wel fare of the United States in a direction which putilic attention has riot been j heretofore directed. It has, however, not escaped the vigilance of the officials j of the niarine hospital service, who are j much concerned over the aspect of the j matter. Said Surgeon General Wymau yesterday : j.110 prospeoss ior the coming season. In a sanitary point of view, are most encouraging. We shall probably go through the summer without experienciug an epidemic of any sort. The only point of danger is Cuba. If Spain Roi Baking Powder Ab&olutely pure THE NEGRO TO BE LAID ASIDE. Strong Features of tile Mclvinly Program as to Southern Republican Party. Thomasvitj.e, Ga., March 25. Gov- sends 8.O0O unacclimaied troops to that island, I eWHHr Mckinley has recovered sufn as the dispatches indicate maybe done, then ' eientlvfrOm his attack of grip to con -we. shall have to look out for yellow feve'r. It tinue his journey. lie will leave here will inevitably strike among those raw troops. . , ., , . , . .. and the disease will rase with unusual viru- at l:M oeluck for ht Augustine, lence in Havana. From there to the United The Advertiser of this city is out in States is not a night's ride, and only the most ' an interview with one of the McKinley vigorous precautions and the exercise of the ! hon.-hmen imlit t.h lv in which uuluuom ixttLiK u win rvi CJJ 1L llt'IIi UUr LJVf lUCI j ALL CHARGED WITH negroes are convinced already if they remain ! bf ttseH slftnittoant Wool remains unchanged. here they will always occupy inferior position and continue as of old to be 11 tie more than servants. ' It has been, 1 know, asserted that the ne groes of this country do not want to emigrate, but the contrary is true. It is probably a fact that some of those who live In cities prefer to j remain in this country, and this. I think is especially true of mulattoes; hut the large j majority of the country blacks want to get ! away, and the only thing which holds them I here is their ignorance of the means of de j parture and their inability to pay thier pas i sage. I believe that if the means for their transportation could be furnished gratis, a Rock, lias been granted, and its con-J million and a half of negroes could be tn.ns- struction may be de,cidei upon at any time. It will shorten the distance to Asheville by twenty miles. WILL BRUNSWICK ISSUE BONDS. An cures. these ailments quickly and manently, and that it is pleasant .j HO t IlllUi Lll l l.C. ottles for sale by E. M. Nadal. I Life is too short to waste even one 1 hour in vain regret fjr what might i ; have been. Rams Horn. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. P.uckien & Co., Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, A trial will convince you ol their merits, j These Pills are easy in action and are : particularly effective in the cure of con- , stipation and sick headache For malaria and liver troubles they have no equal. They Are guaranteed to be lree from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable They do not weaken by their action, but bv giv ing tone to the stomach and bowls i'reatlv invigorate the svstem. Rcyru- ! lar size 25c. per box. Sold by B V. Hargrave. druggist. A maiden lady in Newburg keeps a parrot which swears and a monkey which" chews tobacco. She says be tween the two she doesn't miss a hus- Kleetion Called in Itehalf of a l"ro- jerted Railroad. Wilmington. N. C, March 01. The board of commissioners of Brunswick county have called an election in the townships of Smithville. Shallotte, Lodkwood's Follv and Lake Wacca maw for the citi.ens to pass upon the question of issuing bonds in behalf of the projected Southport and Western railroad The election is to "oe held on April 24th. It is proposed to issue $65,000 in bonds divided between the townships as follows: Smithville. $55,000; Shal lotte. $15,000; l.oekwood's F oily. $1 0.000; Lake Waceamaw, $5,900. They are to run thirty years and will bear 6 per cent interest. The South port and Western railroad j is chartered to run from Southport to Conway. S. C. and will possibly be ex tended further. We hear that there is good prospect for the building of the road. STATE Y. M C. A. CONVENTION. ported to Africa in the next twelve mouths. Senator Morgan also asserted that a large majority of the white population in the south would prefer to have the negroes go. He said: It is certain that many of the planters, the owners of large plnntations. prefer to have them remain for the reason that they favor their labor in comparison with a certain ciass Of whites, but this element is in the minority, aad the poorer whites and the professional classes in the south prefer to have the negroes sent away. The poor man does not want thuir competition, and all classes object to negro equa'itv in political affairs, as all feel that they stand directly in the way of securing a more desirable class of residents, by prev. nt ing immigration. Furihermore. it is not true, as it seems to be supposed, that only negroes can do the labor in the southern state an as sertion which is substantiated by the fact that the cotton crop of this country has Increased from a little over three million bales bef jre the war to nine million bales. The senator expressed the opin-'on that congress would take the problem of exporting the negroes in hand at no distant day, and said he expected t jat within the next three or four years the government would be found providing means for their transportation. although the volume of business is smaller. because it is between seasons with dress goods mills and Australian wools are more popular. No changes in quotations are noted for coffee, sugar or naval stores. On the other hand cotton-has jumped up 5 to 16 points. At Nashville, Memphis, and Savannah the week's volume of business is reported slightly in excess of a week ago. increased demand be ing noted in groceries, hardware and agricul tural implements. At no other prominent southern cities are gains reported except New Orleans, though trouble with the dock freight handlers has resulted in a loss of business. At Charleston, Chattanooga. Atlanta, Jackson--ville, Birmingham and Galveston trade is of moderate or fair volume, with collections slow. Dun's Failure Report. The volume of business through clearing houses gains a little, being 14.1 per cent larger than last year, for the week, but 32.1 per cent less than for 1893. ' Most of the increase is at New York, and here and elsewhere partly due to active speculation. Bankers report a decid ed decrease in commercial paper offered and Western banks give evidence of a larger de mand by reducing balances here. Failures during the week have been 276 in the United States against 244 last year, and 3ti In Canada against 50 last year. POPULISTS IN THE PALMETTO. band very much Atchison Globe. Oil! Oil! "We would ur the ad v-i liscmvi lator. W e have word in favor ol ;e every one to 1! of Sim mops never before sa any patent m M il i.n vol WANT- KEROSENE OIL read ?egu- 1 one lit sue advertisement in our columns, but. hav ing given Simmons Liver Regulator a ' fair trial, we do not hisitate to sav that r dyspepsia and general uen'Hty it Opens In Raleigh With a Large Attend ance of Delegates. Rat.kioii. March 21. The Y. M. C. A. state convention met here yesterday afternoon in the First Baptist church. At night C has. M. Pusbee. president of the Raleigh association, delivered an address of Welcome. Later in the eve ninc Ur. W. N. Smith, president of Randolph-Macon college, delivered an address on 'M&h for the Work." The meetings are all open for the public. The ladies' auxiliary will tender a re caption to the delegates in the Y. M. C. A. building during the session. There are at present about :;.5H0 members of the association in North Carolina under the direction of the state secretary and nine local secretaries. BAKER SHORT IN HIS CASH. A Raleigh, North Carolina. Boy Goes Wrong In Baltimore. Baltimore, Md., March 20. John W. Baker, cashier for the Lubroleine Oil company, is said to be short in his ac counts to the amount of about a thous and dollars, and the management is looking for him. Baker came here from Raleigh, N. C. When it was as certained some weeks ago that his ac counts were not correct. Baker was dismissed. He was furnished with transportation to Raleigh and with his wife left for that place. It is claimed that other discrepancies have been found and the company has decided to prosecute him. Tbe Organization of a People"! I'arty in f-ooth Carolina Under Wav. Columbia, S. C. March 23. For sev I eral years the effort organize a people's i party in South Carolina has been con- I fidently expeeted. A good deal of ! quiet work has been done in the past I few years among real populists but ; they have been biding their time. To j.day Colonel John J. Dargan, of Sumter, j an avowed' populist makes the an l nouncement that he will organize the j people's party as soon as the constitu- tional convention fight is over. He ! savs: The first end to be achieved Is a free ballot and an honest count. No man is for the sake of any party, factional or race triumph, willing to commit, or to encourage others to commit, fraud or perjury, or resort to any election tricks of any kind, need expect leadership in this state not at least while I am above ground." is claimed that the McKinley pro- MURDER. ! gramme was revealed in toto to the Advertiser man. This programme Indictment of Laborers Engaged In the j provides as follows: New Orleans Levee Trouble. Th, neKro ;s t() lajd asjde and a New Orleans, March 21. At 12:50 j white republican party built up in the o'clock the members of the grand jury j south. Editor Medill will not sell the filed into the court room, and as sodn ; Chicago Tribune to Mr. Kohlsaat or as the court could trive attention to anvhodv else, hut, will run it in the in- the roll was called and terest of Governor McKinley. Mr. Kohlsaat will publish a big republican paper in the south, probably at New Orleans. The tariff question will be the main issue. Force bills and elec- their presence the foreman presented fifteen indict ments, charging twenty-eight men with murder, committed on last Tuesday in the levee troubles. All have been in custody but were re leased from the recorder's court on bond. All of the indictments contain the clause : "And other persons whose names are as vet unknown to the grand jurors aforesaid, being workmen and laborers in the art, mystery and man ual occupation of rolling, placing and stowing compressed cotton on board of vessels at the port of New Orleans." JAPAN HAS DECIDED ON PEAO I Military aad Naval Preparation Oo Oa. However, aa With Original Inteatlona, j Yokahom a, March 98. From official, of the state department it k learned j that Japan haa decided on peace, al : t hough military and naval preparation go on as though the original plan of marching on Pekin were still unaltered. Roth the emperor and Count I to fear the effect of any announcement that the government Is willing to grans peace. The common people are still insane over the war and they will be satisfied with nothing short of the Mikado dictating terms of peace at Pekin. The emperor also keeps up the fiction of a proposed journey to the front, although he has really abandon ed all Idea of accompanying the army. A fine house has been built for him at Port Arthur, but this will never be occupied. WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. tion laws will be eschewed entirely. 1 The Advertiser gloats greatly over this t ,i i 1 1 1 . I. . : ia utrwauuu i uiuii uuimci vtiui l uak 11 i, all authentic. CARLISLE TO STUMP KENTUCKY ASSASSINATE LI HUNG CHANG. An Attempt Made by a Young Japanese On the Streets of Simoueslkl. London, March 25, The Cential News correspondent in Tokio says that an attempt was made to assassinate Li Hung Shang in a street of Simonesiki yesterday a'fternoon. Li was return ing from the peace conference, in which he conducts negotiations in behalf of the Chinese mission, and was accompanied by several of his Reported That the Secretary Would I.Ike Senator Blackburn's Seat. Washington, March 23. Secretary Carlisle intended to go to Kentucky early this month, but the president's absence and other things prevented. He will not go now until after the ar rival of his son, William K. Carlisle, froHit Europe i.thii! latter -part of next week. It is hinted that his chief object is to arrange for a canvass of his state in the interest of sound money. He is said to be anxious to make a number of speeches in the Bluegrass state in behalf of his financial policy v and to. forestall Senator Blackburn's free silver campaign. The secretary of THE EVANSTON DISASTER. Resulted ROAD HARD TO DISPOSE OF. 1 list set your can out where I can see it and it will be filled. 1 make the rounds daily, and will sell you oil at liititjt be excel! Editor "News,'' .Kili ;d." Fred M. C hil Kenton, . B llite House. h 2:'.. The Arapa- hari e fr regular prices. No extra delivering it at your door. M.iF. GUSINS. J5 3-tf A.LESMEN Wanted to" sell Pennsylvania grown Nursev Stock which is 'iih: Best in ths Woki.I) Alt new specialties as well as the Standard varieties of Iruits and ornamentals. No previous experience net cssarv. Sai ;rv and all traveling e 1 venues paid. Write lor terms stating :ig, ... HOPfiS. IJRO. & THOMAS, Muple Aceivie Nurseries, West Chester, A Povr W ow at t Washington. Mar hoe and the Cheyenne Indian chiefs, i who have been in this city for several j days on business before the Indian ! office, visited the White house in full dress regalia (Indian fashion), paint, feathers, buck tails, etc.. and had a j short pow wow with the Great Chief The Decrease in Fertilizer Sales. RALKHilf, N. C. March 20. The re port of the state agricultural depart ment yesterday shows that while for the season ending- March 18th last year, the receipts from sales of fertilizer tags were 821.000. this season to same date they art4 only 13.000. thus show ing a remarkable falling oif in ferti lizer sales this season. The Georgia Southern and F orida Hurd to Dismiss From Custody. Macon, (la. March 20. The Georgia Rlxtv Deaths Known to Have From the Mine Kxploslou. Evasstos, Wyoming, March 22. An explosion occurred at 0 p. m.. Wednes day in the Rocky Mountain Coal & Iron company's mine. No. 5, at Red Canon. Up to noon today 60 deaths were known to have resulted. The interior of the mine is badly wrecked, caved in in many places and full of foul air. 'All the buildings at the mouth of the mine were wrecked. The entrance to the mine is by vertical passages into the side of a hill, not aperpendicular shaft. and the workings arc very extensive suite , When he was a short distance j the treasury, it is also said, has designs from his apartments a young Japanese ran up to him and fired a pistol in hia face. The young man was seized and disarmed by the police. At the station house he gave his name as Royaiua and his age as twenty-one. According to the short report received in Tokio, Li's wound is not dangerous. MINT ROBBED OF $80,000. Government Officials 1 rylng to Trace a Blgf Shortage at Carson, Nevada. Carson, Nev., March 21. Andrew Mason, government mint inspector, and superintendent of the New York assay department, has been in Carson for the past week inspecting the United States mint in this city. It is rumored that something is wrong at the mint. It has been learned from Hirsch Harris, the melter and re finer, that a shortage was discovered about a month ago. Over $80,000 has mysteriously disappeared, and five clean-ups in quick succession failed to reveal the amount of the shortage. on the United States senatorship HIS THROAT CU f BY ROBBERS. CHANGES IN THE SEABOARD. o 't P 0 ENS A PER ENCILS EN HOLDERS 0 , Heavy Stealing Alleged- New York, March 23. -Barry Mines, I of Port UichmonM. S. .. is under arrest ! in New York on a charge of having ! stolen several thousand dollars from j the banking firm of .1. P. Morgan .v. Co. 1 Mines was in the employ of the lirm. j It is said his stealings will reach the sum ol aliinin To Make l'ure Blood There is no medicine before the peo- p',e equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is I the standard Spring medicine and j blood purifier and it possesses peculiar j CoRt of a Fusion Lccis'atnre. RaleIoh. N. C, March 20.- All the bills are not yet in for the expenses of the legislature. So far as received they font up $7&,604. while the total cost o," the legislature was f65.976. Some of the clerks are yet here. Two clerks are indexing the journals and these have assistants. NORTH CAROLINA IN BRIEF. CONFERS WITH REPUBLICANS. Southern and Florida railroad seems No explanations of the disaster has as hard to dispose of. Several weeks ago. j yet been discovered. it was put on the block and no sale made and yesterday was put up agaiu. The upset price was $3.750,0'0, but there were no bids. Commissioner Hardeman next announced that under the terms of the decree, the property would again be offered at public sale on the first Tuesday in Airil, at which time, the upset price is fixed at $8,000,000. THE INCOME TAX DECISION. A'.l. 'I'll UK i AT THE Acl v a i c e STATION ER Y STORE. DOUBLE SIZE TABLETS Only Five Cents. merit which others try in vain to reach. It really makes the weak strong Po not neglect to purify your blood this spring. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now. Hood's Pills become the favorite cathartic with every one who tries them. 25c per box. v. r. p. i. p. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, and Printing all to be (bund Advance Stationery store. Paper at the Don't forget that you can have any kind of printing done at the Advance office. We are prepared to print anything from a visiting card to a magazine. Minister Thurston Otfenae. Washington. March 25. The precise complaint forwarded to the Hawaiian p-overnment through Minister Willis upon which Minister Thurston's recall was requested, state 1 that he had made statements to the press reflecting upon the American minister at Honolulu and intended to discredit him and im pair his usefulness. Twenty Wars a Teacher. CimbellsviUe, Ky. "I have been a teacher for twenty years, and during that time have had repealed attacks of headache. Now 1 am entirely free from them after using Simmons Liver Regulator. It was so. mild in its action that it never interferred with my school duties." E. A. Cheek. ' - The Governor has paid the 8100 re ward to W. II. Denver foq the capture of the murderers of dames Brown. Governor Carr has ordered a special term of Davidson court to convene nrst Mondav in .lulv for criminal cases only. It is specially called for the trial of Baxter Shemwell for the killing of Dr. Payne. Telegrams have been received giving the news of the death of Mrs. liettie, a relative of ex-Governor Holt, and also of t!n death of Colonel Lerov li. Weav er, of Selma. Ala., the father Francis EL Cameron. At the meeting of the state Y. M.C A. Saturday the following organization wasperfected: V.. S. Primrose, Raleigh, pr.'si'i -nt : T. S. Sprinkle, Winston, first vice president: J. E. brown. David son College, secretary: O. G. Sterns, university, second vice president. The Landmark says that it was re ported in St:itesville Wednesday that a very rich vein of corundum had been struck at the mine of the Acme Corun dum Mining company, two miles north of the town. The Hendersonville Times says The resa Dalton. who recently .died near Saluda, at the age of 92 years, lived in the house with her family which repre sent five generations, the youngest child being her grea' -'.Treat-grandchild. The Elkin Times says that in Marsh township. Surry county, recently, a farmer was in the woods feiling trees and after cutting down a large one no ticed that the falling tree had laid bare the hiding place of a moonshine distillery. Uenerul Opinion I hat the Court iVlll he 1 Divided in Its Opinion. Washington, March 25.- Although there is considerable gossip in regard to the decision of the supreme court on the income tax case, nothing authentic can be ascertained. The general im pression is that the court will be di vided. It is certain, however, that no decision will be handed down today when the court meets again after its week's recess. It is believed that it will be the middle of April before a de cision is given. McKinley Meets a Number of Distinguished Southern Republicans. Savannah, Ga., March 22. Governor McKinley. of Ohio, and party did not leave Thomasville for Florida yester day according to the programme. The governor is slightly indisposed and his physician recommended him to remain in Tho-.nasville until he recovers. After the reception tendered him at the Mitchell house last night Governor Mc Kinley had a conference with about a dozen politicians. One of them was J. C. Pritchard, a fusion senator of North Carolina. The purpose of the confer ence was not disclosed. Passenger Agent Anderson to Reilre, to Be Succeeded by ;. L. Rhodes. Atlanta. March 25. Rumors are afloat regarding some interesting changes on the Seaboard Air Line? It is said that General Passenger Agent Anderson is to retire and that he will, be succeeded by Mr. Geo. L.Rhodes. Vice-President St. John brought .Mr. Rhodes from the Rock Island system, with a view to fitting him into a niche in the Seaboard Air Line. The official changes are to take place.it is rumored, about the first of next month. The Night Operator at Blackburg, S, IVoundcd hy Murderous Thieves. Blackburg, S. C, March 22. Yester day morning about 2 O'clock, while night operator W. A. Stewart, of the Southern railroad telegraph office was lying down on his desk asleep, his throat was cut by robbers. They se cured only ten dollars from the ticket cash drawer, however. The operator was unconscious for half an hour, when he dragged himself to the hotel and notified the authorities. His wounds were several blows on the head besides the cut, and are not .necessarily fatal. There is no clue to the guilty parties and the operator cannot describe them. He onlv knows there were two. OPPOSE MANNING'S METHOD. THOS. DIXON'S NEW CHURCH. HOUSE POSTMASTER DEAD. "Lyi-urgus Oalton, an Old and Profllnent Democnt, Passes Away. Washington, March 25.- Lycurgus Dalton.postinasterofthehou.se of re presentatives, died last night at his res- of Mrs. I idence in this city of bronchial trouble at a quarter after ten o'clock. Mr. Dal ton was a native of Bedford, Ind., and a prominent democrat in politics and has held the position of postmaster of the house through a number of admin istrations. He has been in bad health for some time. Mr. Dalton leaves a family. DECIDED INCREASE IN SALES. He Will Share tbe Academy of Music With Rev. T. OelVltt Talmage. New Yokk, March 20. Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., has secured the Academy of Music for his "People's Church." Services will be held there every Sun day morning, beginning April 7, and Mr. Dixon will have associated with him a Congregational minister. The church will be patterned after Henry Ward Beecher's old church, half of the deacons being women. In time Rev. Mr. Dixon hopes to build up a popular' church and have clergymen of several other denominations as assistants. THE DRUMMERS STEER CLEAR. All Arkansas 'ities. Save One, Quaran tined Against Commercial Travellers. Little Rock. Ark., March 25. Every city of note on the line of rail roads1 in the state except Little Rock has quar antined against till commercial travel lers. The local authoritities say the Camden case, wherein Sam Buckale, the Kansas City shirt salesman, was taken with smallpox, justifies the ac tion. Several exposed parties were made to leave Camden yesterday. WILL BE HELD IN OCALA. A Growing Tendency From the Xorth and West for Southern Properties. Baltimore, March 23. In its weekly review of southern business conditions the Manufacturer's Record says: . There is a decided increase in the sales of southern properties, including hoth farm and mineral lands. There is a preater Inquiry from the west and the north for southern farm property than ever known before and the ten dency seems to be rapidly increasing In in dustrial enterprises cotton mill interests con tinue to attract the largest share of attention. Bio lot of shawls at bij reductioi 0 at Young's . Men's boots at a Young's. dollar a pair at Trunks, trunks, trunks, all kinds a Young's. Prices cut down on over coals this week at Young's. E BEST Hiv the most . Hood's Sarraji..! i sale OF ALL L Pel Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Have you seen them? No? Then go at once to tbe Advance Tub. Co Printers and Stationers. The Defaulter Taylor Is Not Vet Caught. City op Mexico, March 23 The gen eral impression here is that Taylor, the defaulting state treasurer of South Dakota, Las not come to Mexico. Increased Speed, Beginning Monday. Washington, March 23. Commenc ing Monday, March 25th, the Atlantic Coast line and the Plant system will in crease the speed north bound of their New York and Florida special vestibule train, leaving St. Augustine atl':H5 a. m. instead of 9:30 a. m., as at present, and arriving at northern points at the i present time. C.osta Klcan Priests Accused. San Josk, Cost Rica, March 23. Two priests have been arrested on a charge of conspiring to assassinate President Yglesia. Four others have been ban ished for revolutionary tendencies. Difficulty with Nicaragua is imminent. Death of General Adam Badeau. RiPGEwoon, N. J., March 33. Gener al Adam Badeau, who was on the staff of Gen, Grant as military secretary and who afterwards served as secretary of the American legation in London, is dead, aged sixty-four years. Slty-Elghth Annual Session of American Institute or Minim; Engineers. Ocala. Fla.. March 20. Great prepa rations are being made for the coming of the members of the American Insti tute of Mining Engineers, the sixty- eighth session of which body will meet in Ocala on the 2 ith instant. 1 he in stitute is composed of the most promi nent engineers from all parts of the trlobe. The membership numbers from two to three thousand. MRS. MARY E. LEASE DECLINES. she Thought the Salary of the Mayor of Wichita. Kan., Too small for Her. Wichita, Kan.. March 23. After two Ballot Reform League of Louisiana Adopt Resolutions t o . hat Effect New Orleans, March 23. The ballot reform league of Louisiana has adopted the following resolution in re gard to the Manning manifesto in New York: Resolved. That while this leape looks to the accomplishment of its purpose through the co operation of sincere ballot reformers, without regard to their political afllliatious. we vif with distrust any attempt to invoke the aid of other communities m the settlement oC our local problems, and we take occasion 10 dis tinguish this league from the southern ballot rights league, and to express our disapproval of tbe methods pursued by certain members of that organization as exemplinod in the recent manifesto published in New York City. WILL MEET NEXT IN GEORGIA. The Society of the Army of the umber land at Chieamanga Next. Washington, March 23. General 11. V. Boyton. corresponding secretary of the society of the army of the Cumber land, has been authorized by General Enosen Koseerans, its president, to ap point the next annual reunion of that A combination of coke manufacturer will be formed at Pittsburg. The Harvard-Princeton debate will be held at Princeton March 87. Scott Mills, master mechanic of the Lehigh and Hudson, has resigned. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, has en tirely recovered from a serious illness. The amount missing from the mint at Carson, Nev., is now reported at $56,400. Mrs. Bessie Paxton, of San Francisco, denies that she has a third Fair will la her posession. The dresser-tenders at the Wey bosses Mills, Providence, R. I., went out on strike Thursday. A report is current that General Agent Rhodes, of the Seaboard Airline, is to be promoted. The Car Accountants' association will hold its next meeting in San Francisco, April 18 to April 19. Governor Coffin is being urged to form a division of the naval reserve in New London, Conn. Williams College students have peti tioned the faculty to abolish compul sory chapel attendance. The South Dakota quarantine against Texas cattle is only against shipments from Southern Texas. Yale has received 970,000 bequeathed by the late Judge Billings to endow an English literature chair. The contempt proceedings against President Greenhut, of the whiskey trust, will be heard April 28. Governor Stone, of Missouri, has is sued an appeal for the impoverished Kansas and Nebraska settlers. The California Manufacturers' con vention Friday refused to adopt resolu tions favoring organized labor. F. B. Daniels has received the ap pointment of assistant general solicitor of the Pullman palace car company. A French syndicate will probably buy a controlling interest in the Victor gold mine at Cripple Creek, Col. Great Britain paid 82, .100,000 during the nine months ending September, 18S4, for American apples. Charles Donaldson stabbed three times Keeper Davis at the reform school at Jamesburg, N. Y., Thursday. The report that Garza was killed at Bocasdel Toro is not credited by his friend Border Revolutionist Ochoa at El Paso Texas, Judge Putnam, at Boston Friday granted a new trial in the case of Mrs. Gougar against Congressman Morse for alleged libel. Charles F. Fitch, of New Mexico, has been appointed topographer of tha United States geological . survey at $2,000 per annum. Thirty-four saloon keepers arrested society at c rucKaiuauga ua on nep- , at Cincinnati for violating the Snndar timber 1 S hfinir the (1:1 v Before th 1 i i . . dedication of the national 1 military park. PEARY RELIEF EXPEDITION. Phlladcphla Academy Will Probably Not Contribute Toward the Fund. Philadelphia, March 23. The Acad emy of Natural Sciences will probably not contribute toward the fund for fitting out an expedition to bring back Lieutenant Peary and his party from Greenland. Dr. Nolan, librarian of the aeademy, says that the return given by Peary in the past has not been sufficient for the outlay. WILL SHORTEN ITS SCHEDULE. law have been discharged because all demanded jury trial. The north Dakota University and normal schools will close because of Governor Allin's cutting the appropri ations for their support. The debate between -the law depart ments of Georgetown and Columbian Universities at Washington Tuesday night was won by the former. President Cleveland has recognized Francois E. Bruwaert, consul general of France at New York, for the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia, Wee Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. PECULIAR in combination, pro- jyji uuu uuu yi pi i a tion oi mgreoi- Jacksonville at 12:55 in the afternoon and arriving at New York at 5:33 the next afternoon. Get your gardens ready and get postponements of the citizens' conven tion, Mrs. Mary E. Lease has declined the nomination of mayor of Wichita. If she accepted the nomination she would be compelled to resign her posi tion at the head of the state board of the best f-eed b om Hargrave. charities, where toe income is three or four times greater than the mayor's salary. AlStganaaaf at Wilmington, N. C, Wilmington, X. C, March 22. Davis and Zoeller, dealers in dry goods, no tions, carpets, fcc., assigned yesterday with Frank 11. Steadman assignee. Preferences about $6,200, of which about 5.000 to local creditors. Tbe New York and Florida Special Over the Plant system and A. t . Line. Savannah, Ga., March 20. The New ork and Honda special over the ent,Hood'B Sarsaparilla possesses great x imib qui, .inuiiiii; v ifa.1L UlllC. will shorten its schedule going north two hours after this week, leavinp curative value. You should TRY IT. There is a man who sells his stock. Whose credit standeth as a roclc Whose name is known by all who buy Whose face shines with prosperity. Who is this man? Give him your ear His goods he advertises here. Children Cry for I Pitcher's Castoria. Europe's Diplomatic Changes. St. PsrrBSBTJa, March 25. It is offi cially announced that Count d'Osten Sacken, Russian minister to Bavaria, has been appointed Ambassador to Germany. It will be an asrreeable surprise to persons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Llifamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances the attack may be pre vented by taking thjs jermedy as soon as the first symptoms STthe disease ap pear, 25 and 50c bottles for sale by E, M. Nadal. The greatest novelty of the age is the unique Burglar Alarm which can be seen at Hargrave's Drug Store. l'.iu k leu's Arnica salve. The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23c per box. For sale by B. W. Hargrave, All Free. Who. can beat tins! a 25c bottle of the best ct uh syrup at Hargrave s drugstore Those who have used Dr.-King's New Discovery know Us alue, and those who have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised ; druggist and get a lree trial bottle. : Send your 1 ame and address to H. E. Buckien, & Co., Chicago, 111., and get a sample boxoi Dr. King's New Life 1 Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to 15c will buy Health and Household Instructor. All 01 which is j;udiaintrcu to cio you guuu and cost you tu thing. For sale at Hargrave's drugstore. Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, "Weak Lungs, General Debility and all forms of Etuacialion are speedily cured by Scott's Emulsion Consumptives always find great relief by taking it, and consumption is often cured. No other nourishment restores strength so quickly and effectively. Weak Babies and Thin Children are made strong and robust by Scott's Emulsion when other forms of food seem to do them no good whatever. The only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon colored wrapper. Kefuse cheap substitutes! Send Jor pamphlet on Scott's Emuhion. FREE. Scott A Bowne, N. V. Ail Druggists. 50 cents and St. ssssssssssssssj Rfl

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