- Si A YEAR, CASH IN ADVANCE. "LET ALL THE. ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. VOLUME XXV. WILSON, X. G., APRIL 4, 1895. NUMBER. 14. N - M i r.ls fi li I T ' A DISREPUTABLE PRACTICE whicfi the people of the South are resenting, is the efforts of some to sell them imitations for thu real Simmons Liver Ilegu- . htor, because they make more money by, the imitation ; and they' care little that they swindle the people iu selling them an inferior article. It's the money they are" uftcr, and the people can look out for themselves. Now this is just what the people are doing, and merchants are having a hard time trying to get people to take the ftuff they offer .them in place of Simmons Liver Reg ulator which is the "King of Liver Medicines,' because it never fails to give it lief in all liver troubles. Be sure that you get Simhaons Liver Regulator. You E NORTH CAROLINA I . Current News for tho Week Throughout the State. WILMINGTON'S NEW POLICE BOARD. kn w it by o! 1 stamp Z Do the Ft ! I. V.. :ax call your, silx .""attkntion to a .; LINE OF lack Satines J VST. RKCEl V LI AT THE-CASH V RACKET STORES' j. M. LEATH, eu y who u as o u, iiave the same of the Red package, never fail and people been per suade 1 to take something else have ab.vtys come back again to The OKI Friend. Better not take any thing els but that made by J. H. J Zeilin & Co.; Philadelphia, ONLY A And MISTAKE, AFTER ALL. NASI I M A N ;kk md TARUORO Sfs. Nothing for a Rcnpertabln Colored j Gentleman to Worry About. j A serious blunder occurred in a West . Virginia county not long ago. A num ber of the fanners had sustained losses of sheep from their respective flocks, and, being skeptical as to the efiicictiey ! of the law officers, one night took the j .niatter in their own hands. A dozen or I more of them proceeded some miles ! -t t" t t.ye lwnic . . f t?.-.VirLrtl- .Tom. son, and, notwithstanding his protesta tions of innocence, gave him a severe drubbing'. The affair created no little stir, as Rehoboth was a very respectable col ored man, who owned a snug little farm and was a deacon in the Baptist church, lie had the confidence and esteem of his white neighbors, who were sia worked up over the matter that they considered Jhe expediency of an investi gation that should lead to the punish ment of the raiding party. Within a few days the farmers discov ered they had made an awkward mis take, the g-uilty party having been caught red-handed and had made a fuil confession; so, being in the main a right gool set of fellows they decided to oiler balm to Rehoboth for his many wounds, i Thrbe of their number were designated a committee with full power to act, and they hastened to the discharge of their duty. Old Rehoboth was sitting in his neat little cabin with bandaged head, while his wife was apptying' a cooling wash to his lacerated back. The com mittee looked foolish and scarcely knew how to begin; but finally one of the number stammered out an apology, and added that they were willing to pay a reasonable amount as recompense for his sufferings. "La, child, how you does talk, sho'lyl Ameckin' sich a furse dat I's ershamed on ye' loujes g-it oaek ter yer iiomes h' stay.dar. I ain' axin' nutlin' "n" don' want uunin . v y honey, ei i (lone uieic on evbout do mistecks er white folkses I"d ies' be plum' rais'able harf de time." Chicago Tribune. Act Fassod ly the Late North Carolina Legislature 1 lint Jtut Coin to Light. Oilier State N-u'R Condensed til Short Paragraphs. Rai eioii, N. C, March itt. An act of the Legfs'.ature ha-s been discovered in the secretary of state's oflice, without doubt a "8neaked-in-billT" which is far-reaching and damaging since no debts can be preferred, by mortgage or otherwise. It also prevents the bor rowing of money on mortgage," on real estate or chattels, or on crops by a per son who is in debt to p;;rl ies other than the lender. It reads as follows: An act to regulate aaslpmnc-nts: The general as:nbly cf North Carolina do enact: Section 1. T:i;it all coniitionr.l Miles, assifftintents. looTUcaes or -doeds In trust which ore executed to socyre debt obli gation, note or bond v.hic'n give preference to 'any creditor' of tho maker, shall be absolutely 'void as to exist ins? creditors. Soc. 2. That all luw In ccnliict with this act arc hereby re pealed. See. S. That this act shall be in orce trom and after its i allocutions Ratified 3rd day nf Mareh. lr'5. There is likely to be much trouble growing oTlt of transactions ' contrary to the above made since the :ird day of March, for this act was not known un til yesterday. - WILMINGTON'S POLICE BOARD. PROGRESS OF THE EXPOSITION. Latest Additions in Points of Attraction and Interest. Atldnta, March 30. Mr. L. Sterin ger, who was consulting electrical en gineer at the World's - Fair, is in the city to advise with Mr. II. M. Atkin son, chairman on the committee on electricity of the Cotton States and In ternational exposition, lie lms been over the grounds examining carefully their possibilities for electrical display, a.nd has in process of development a new and original scheme for electrical display on the lake. He is now exam ining the maps and plans of the chief of construction, with a view to per fecting this display. He thinks it wilt exceed anything ever projected.. Mr. S.'F. -H. Morse, of the Southern Pacific railroad, is in the city for ths purpose of perfecting arrangements fy a display of the Southern Pacific rail way at the Cotton States and Interna tional Exposition. That company pro poses to erect a building and install aj exhibit representing the products of the territory traversed by its lines. NOW COMMISSIONER FIN LEY.' WILL TRY LESS.CROP w Texas Cotton Growers Decide oa a Decreased Acreage. WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. C05VFJTI05 CF STATE ASSOCIATION lion. Hector l. I ane, of A!alm. I'rem-iit and Addressed the Cmi vcrit:ou on " -Ills Plan of i: i tiTiiijr Hi. ir Condition Ad journment. Story of Milwaukee's Itiaze. - Milwaukee, Wis.. March -JS. -At 2:45 o'clock yesterday morniug one of the waM . f i , . ., I .. . : c c ; the history of this city was finally got 1 under control. At that time over SI. 000,000 worth of property had been oestroyeu and twenty business firms had - lost their stock " and buildings.. There were also many other losses, in cluding offices, flats and small shops. Highest of ai in Leavening Tower.- Organize and Shake Up the City Office holders Promiscuously. Wilmington, N. C March SO. Tho police board, consisting of five mem bers, of which four are republicans and j one populist, organized -yesterday, j This board was created by the late I fusion legislature and has control of all I the patronage and appointments with one or two exceptions. There vvasa pretty general shaking up, though quite a number Of positions were given to democrats, among them chief and assistant chief of the tire de partment, superintendent of health anil the secretary of the police board. The I chief of police is- a populist. The cap- j tain and thro; out of four sergeants j are democrats. Nearly half of the pri- j vales are democrats. The balance are ! populists ainl republicans, including four negroes. - The board of aldermen, consisting of eight democrats and two republicans, and the board of audit and ti nance, composed entirely of democrats, hold over for two years under the act of the legislature. These two boards control all appropriations. " GOVERNOR CALLS HIM BACK. Trtfflo Manager of the (iwsf Northern Elected br t he Sontliern Asecfation. Atlanta, March -IS. V. W. Finley, traffic mannger Great northern rail way was yesterday elected eommvj sioner of the new Southern States Pas senger association. The Southern Pas senger association will be merged" info the new association and Mr. Finley will take charge on April 15. Mr. Fin ley was formerly chairman of the West ern Passenger association. His pres ent headquarters are at St. Paul. Com missioner Slaughter of the old associa tion was voted a year's salary and a resolution of thanks. Harry Walters of the Atlantic Coast Line was re-elected president. Up to date. the only roads in the Passetig-T Association are only those east of Vir mingham and Chattanooga. The Queen and Crescent is out; ths Louisvilie and Nashville is only p.ir tial'y in; the Nashville, Chattanoga snd St. Louis is out; the Memphis a'.d Charleston- iu out: the Kansas City. V' rL Scott and Kirmingljaui LTout; the lUinois Central is out. Waco. Tex., March 0. The conven tion of Texas eottou growers I opened yesterday with 150 delegates in' attend ance. E. S. Peters, president for Tex as of the American Cotton Growers pro tective association, made an address anil was made chairman. J. M. Moller. of Galveston, read a pa per urging' better compressing and bailing methods. C. It. llotsford, of New York, .also read a paper on the same subject and argued for a cylindrical shaped bale and the new Uessonnette process of eonapress. Hon. Hector D. Lane, of Alabama. president of that state's association made a long address in which he stated" that the present rise in cotton was due tp the effort to deceive farmers iuto planting a large acreage. lie appealed strongly for a decrease of acreage. Five hundred replies from farmers. dealers, gin tiers, and seed men were canvassed and .shown a decrease of 29 per cent on acreage this year. An ap peal was issued to fanners urging a smaller acreage and detailing the ben efits. The opinion of the delegates is that the convention will have little ef fect on the Texas crop beca.nse of its late date but all advices indicate" a gen eral reduction of 20 per cent. The pro gram of the convention was curtailed and it adjourned sine die last night. 1.1 Hung ( hang Rapidly (Setting . Well. Loxdox, April 1. A Tokio dispatch to the Central I News ' says that. Dr. Seriba, of the Imperial University, yes terday examined '"Li Hung Ch:tng'a wouud and found that the patient wm making excellent progress His pulso and temperature were normal and ho was able to walk about his rooms. Latest U. S. Gov't Report O (5? AZZSQUDTEW PURE The Birthday tJslebration of the Ex-Chancollor Gloriously On. EYES OF ALL GERMANY ON TEE PRINCE. -;s.jS? ig w 1 JSC WfMWm savc a'TLe old-fashioned andal- v.-ars reliable remedy for .'Sai- ctn'.v;fli rlisnrders. One c--tue iias KH1CQ OI4 wuiins. Thousands of people living to-day eve their.. life to this medicine. Ths same good medicine FOR CHILDREN that it wis fifty years agf. Tf vor.r -lr-jS!st or storf ke per does pot kem it. -en.i 25c. for one bottle to Our hetter halves say thev could not keep house without Chamberlain's Cough remedy. It is used in more than hnlf the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leeds, Iowa. This J shows the esteem in which that remedy is held 1 whe it has been sold for years and is we'd known. Mothers have learned that there is aothing so good for colds croup and whooping cures these'anments qui manei fly. and that it is A North l"arilin Mnnlcrer, Arrteii In Pennylanla, Mnsl Hetnro. Rai.eiok, N. C, March 28. Governor Carr yesterday made a requisition on Governor Hastings, of Pennsylvania, for Valtcr,Joh:ison. who for years has been wanted for murder. In 1S89 he killed Warren Davis, of Northampton county and Governor Fowle offered gi00 reward for him. He fled and has never been heard of since until his ar rest in Pennsylvania a short time jo. WANTS ANOTHER NOMINATION. The ImireKs'in Uladrt by Mr. i'levi-lau.l n J-hrewU I' itieian-4. . WAsmxoroy, April 1. Mr. Cleveland lias managed to impress some of the shrewdest politicians of Ids party wUh the idea that he wanlsuintthcr nomitia : tion. As strange as it may seem this is not one held alone by idle gossiper but is seriously enterlahied by many of the leading men. Gorma n, as praciic.il a politician as he is. is quoted airs pressing the firm ctwiviclion'thut C'loie- I land intends to be a candidate, and there are others,' as active as the Mary laud senator in the management of tho I party's affairs, who express a similar ! opinion. , . I They attribute to Mr. Cleveland feeling that he has a mission still un fulfilled, and the belief on his part that ouce more before the people he can get a complete victory over those who have defeated his plans before congress. THE COMBINE OF CAPITAL. Ia This 'TWAS A COSTLY EXPERIENCE. Instance a Great ieneral Trade. lleni-fit to Xorth Carolina Family Pays Heavily for Reining stamped Fackagea. Washington, March 80. Secretary -Carlisle 3-esterday compromised tho case against U. O. Jenkins, of the Fifth North Carolina district for ' re-filling stamped packages, etc., and failing to pay tax, by the defendant paying gOlO. J. F. Jenkins of the some district, son of the former, for aiding and abetting the father, was fined $290. t Carl I'.rowne Springs a Sensation. Massilt.on, O., April 1 A sensation was created yesterday by the arrest of j City Engineer Borton, Councilman Seg- j uer ana warier Jiouuin, cnargea by Carl lirowne with intent to cause riot and with having sought to break up his meeting by throwing bad eggs. They pleaded not guilty. Inheritance lax llleifil. Cincinnati, O., April 1. The direct inheritance tax levied by the last legis lature was yesterday declared uncon stitutional by the circuit court, which held it was art excess tax upon the right or privilege of succession to prop erty, and that it was not uniform. Life Imprisonment for the AnsasMn. London, Apjil T A dispatch from Tokio to the Central News says that Koyama, the young Japauese who shot Li Hung Chang, the Chinese viceroy, has been sentenced to imprisonment for life at hard labor. The M6t Klaliorate Oceaiilon of tho Kind In the History or the World The Story of the FestlvitieA and in What They C onsist. TRADE MUCH IMPROVED. liradstrectl Veek!- Kcvlcw Keirt ttu Situation Knpoiirnfin Nrw Yors. March 80. Hradstrects' weekly review of tra.le says: General trade for the. third week in succes sion couliuues to xlmw evidence f Impiove menu In no other direction is this so plainly indicated as in the tendency of prices. A week apo eneouraiirement had been obtained from a ceneraliy unexpected :idv;iiv e in cotton and wheat. Following their siilit reaction, the week has witnessed a liriti cotton market. A moderate impro'ernent is announced from Mertfphis. Nashville, liirntinham, Atlunt:t and Augusta: i'rv pwHls, groceries, hardware uid plantation supplii s leelmn the chnnse mut At Chattanooga and Savannah tho trade Is quiet, hut at .fucks-uville tliere has been a de crease in volume. T:ie Movement iu dry poods at Now Orlean has u;lt some increasi-d de nriand, but sliippiuft tmorosts eout uued dis turbed. The season is backward at. Calvi-ston, with trado only fair. John O. Thompson's Widow Dead.- Cor.UMBrs. O., March 29. Mrs. Fan nie Thompson, widow of John G. Thompson, sergeant-at-nrm of the house of the forty-fifth, forty-sixth an4 forty-seventh congresses, died at her home here this morning, after a linger ing illness, aged sixty years. Steel Wurka Keduc-iilfr the Fore. BRAni,ocK,,Pa., March 29. Superin tendent Morrison of the Edgar Thomp son steel works, is reducing his force. Six draughtsmen, six inside earpenters, ten mechanics, ten machinists, ten patternmakers, and the entire paint ing force were laid off yesterday. NOW SENATOR BACON rS SUED. safe for children to taktL 25 and 50c bottles for sale bv E. M tfough, that it ckly and per- pleasant and Nadal. Minister Iiansnui Off to li s Poat. W'ki.don, N. C. March i9. Senator Ransom left for Washington yesterday, lie will leave for Mexico tonight. His son Robert will .accompany him. . S. FREY. Baltimore, Md Oil! Gil! Kool'n the Keeper. 1 A humorous old suburban farmer tells the following story of how he once fooled a toll-gate keeper: "It was when I was a drummer, he saiu.i anu-n selling gcxxls around through country towns in these parts. 1 was goin' through one of these old gates, and I slowed up a bit and asked of the old fellow at the door: 'Ah, my friend, do preachers pay to go through your FP'-M 'sK!R OH PaU'?' , 'Xo' &ir,' said he; and with a iVliVVOIlN 1 Wil profound obeisance he waved me on just set your can out wliere Lean see itand it will be filled. 1 make the roinuls daily, aftd. will sell you oil at ri-t.Mil.ir. urices.- No txtra -charge, for delivering it at your door. M.HLV 6USINS. sr. rtf Boob! Books Tribly - - -Marcella - - -Heavenly Twins -Ben- Hur Fair God - - DremiEGnfc Addresses $1.75 2.00 1.00 .50 1.50 .50 and backed into his little room. "Well, after that I passed through some eight or ten times, when one day he accosted me as I drove up: "Good day, sir,' he said; 'what church do you preach at,- sir, may I ask?' . " 'None, my good fellow, none,' I replied. " 'What! Didn't you tell mo you wuz a preacher,' said he. " 'No,' I said, I only asked you U preachers had to pay. I was just a little curious to know.' Well, you should have seen that old fellow's facc as it dawned upon him where the jokt came in." National Tribune. Career Ilefore Her. "I suppose you loved your last hus band dearlyv" said Jilrs. Hunter, of Jer sey City, to Mrs. Lakeshorc, of Chicago. "I haven't married my last husband yet," was the reply. "If you mean to express a supposition that I loved my most recent husband, I can say that ) did." Town Topics, W ITU M ANY OTI 1 ERS AT ' THE Advance Stationery Store NASI I STREET. Hiii klen's "Aruiea ISalve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappe4 Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin erup tions, and positively cures Piles; or no pay required. It is guaranteed to gne perfect satisfaction, or money remnueo. inr-t in- nt-r nm. r or sate uv i. 11 . Hargrave... NORTH CAROLINA IN BRIEF. There are 170 convicts in the peniten tiary. 85 of them having arrived last week. ' Winston manufacturers shipped over 20'.). 000 pounds of plug and twist to bacco last week. . The cotton receipsat Raleigh to date this season by wagon are 32,400 bales against 24.000 to date last year. Mr. WTm. Fraley. an Iredell county republican, who was appointed a magi strate by the recent legislature, will not accept. A strong company has been organ ized at Lexington and dirt broken for the erection of a large f urn' tare fac tory near the railroad. The first carload of corn shipped from PlnevilFe since the war was shipped a few rays ago by Messrs. Rodman, Ilt ath & Nevin. The Aurora says that three carloads of uionnzite, worth $1,000, was shipped from Shelby last week one direct to Dresden via steamer from Charleston. During March -1.027,778 pounds of leaf tohfeco were sold on the Winston mnrket. This is an increase of S4S,325 pounds over the same month last year. Mayor Rodman, of Washington, and Professor Bowman, principal of the Washington graded school, had a fight last week over the graded school ques tion.! For forging an order of five cents on the Elkin and Jonesville Bridge com pany. Tom Claude, a Yadkin boy, has been sent to the penitentiary for one year. Arrangements have been made for the erection of three new factory build ings at High point this spring. Ground has already been broken for the mam moth building of company. Chicago. April 1. The Inter- Oceanic electric railway company, in corporated at Springfield Saturday, purposes to make some decided changes in the present method of freight trans portation. The company has a capital stock 01 S2O0,H)O.OU0 the largest ever incorporated in the west, and a number of Chicago, New York, and Sa n Fran cisco capitalists are interested in tho corporation. The intention is to con struct an elevated electric freight rail way between Chicago and New York for the transportation of coal and grain. Tho ptans and specilictitioiis have been drawn by a Chicago engin eer and the company will own a num ber of patents on eletrical devices used by the road. The Georgian n tefeii1ant In n Netixftt-onal Matter Now in Litis atlnn. Macon, March 28. A suit of more than local interest was' filed in the su perior court here yesterday.- The par ties to the suit are Major J. V. Hanson, one of the most prominent manufactur er in the south, who is and has been for years one of the strongest protection ists in the country, and United States senator elect A. O. Bacon. The senator is the defendant. The suit grows out of the fact that Major Hanson was compelled to pay a bond which he signed three years ago for one of Senator Bacon's clients, the amount of which was about . 14,000. It is for this amount th.nt he sues. CnrliNle at IIln llrother'n IVilaUle. Covinoton, Ky., April 1. John O. Carlisle, secretary of the treasury, ar rived at his home here Saturday. The secretary came west in answer to a telegram announcing a change for the worse in the condition of his brother, George Carlisle. Fmfcm-.K'iTSKi; im. April . 1. The eyes of all Germany are turned towards the - . veteran mince today, and the tnti-m looked for mid arranged for I'.iMuareh -ian festivities are on. A beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon brought thousands of people to the cas tle gates, where they vainly sought admittance to the park in the hope of catching Bight of the ex-chancellor. Dr. Chrysander, in view of . the great crowds that have recently thronged the park, was firm in his decision not to admit the public. Prince Bismarck did not take his customary walk yes terday, but haxl a short stroll around the park to gather strength for today. Palisades have been erected behind the park to prevent marauders from in truding upon the privacy of the ex chancellor. Beer and champagne booths have been up on the right and left of the station fo-- the accommoda tion of visitors. Along the triumphal way to the caslle gates fire numerous beilagged poles surmowtnted by gar lands of fir. Nuruheriefs presents of all conceivable kinds continue to arrive from all parts of the world. Prince lism:irclc will rest until 10 a. in., when he wMI Irtfce breaUfitst alone with his family. At noon lie will receive the Cuirrassiers of Madgebnrg, the rectors of the univcr.dtiesand other oiikials who will come to offer eon 'gratuhitioiis. Jle will not in:iki: an ad dress, but one of the .del- galion of stu dents will deliver a iong oration for the prince's edification. After 7 o'clock no one will be received. At 8 o'clock the torchlight procession will ttik'e up its march. ' Count Herbert and Count William, Prince Bismarck's sons, with t heir fam ilies, arrived Saturday night, and Dr. Schweninger came yesterday. MORE SIGNS OF PROMISE. The Iron Trade Keview Looks at the Fu- ture With General Fvor.' Cleveland, Om Mareh 29. The Iron Trade Review says : ; The )! advance iu tho Toniuillsvllle ro Kum anil the consequent tvnneo In the price of coke.- htis been followed by .several develoi-nientxconti-ibutlng to the suppert of the move ment toward a, better baKW. Within the week tiie producers of Standard Lake Superior Bes semer ores havo acquainted their customers wil.li the new price basis, that 1 to be mnin tuined on these ores in 189.V-an advance of 15 cents a ton from the opentnij prices of 1814, and some ore r-as been sold In the past few days at the higher price.- Simultaneously, as tne. - rt suit of h move'aioat started before the bcrin-.irr,' c,f til1-' .voar, -o.t -rn bar Iron manu faeivrers care u't toirpthor to try to cuec-k some of -the dcmoraUzina practice that havo made thut eau of the finished material market a v.-etvrtness to an ronnyrton wua n. ouwmti it UW iren lrdt moreover, the ptvst fortnight his trmirTit. more sinus of promise than have come together in any etjiiul period in months. Tho demand for money has increased and ex parulinff commercial loans havo caused a har dening In the rate. The first half of March shows an improvement In railroad earnings over the corresponding period in 1H94 very slight, to be sure, but a reversal of tho record of proceedinR months. ARMISTICE AS EST ADLI5HED. Principal I'olnts A creed Upon la the hlna fMpufl Negotiations.: London, April 1. A Tokio dispatch to the Central News says Ihatln tho established arruiKtiee the - principal points uitroed Upon are as follows : - The locality of the enforcement of tab armis tice comprise Femr Tien. Ctii Ui Ti und Shiiijf Tuiw. Tho t)pptsin.f nrniieM are to niatmtdn Hie pohilious hitherto oei-upied and are sot to advance ht-yond tliem. Neither government is precluded from makhitc' any new Uistribution and iti-raiK'uineiit of tr.top nut lntendtwi to aUKmt-jtt tho aruilen actually In the fleltt but at sea tr-.insjxirts ecmveyiii! troops or material contraband of war are subject to capture. Term of anUvt ice Is tnrtw woeks and rxplrett with-, out iioocj at .mitidav on Apill 0. provUhnit the jK-aee ueicoi imio m thett are not btolten off iu the meantime. The ronvenUtm was RUrneil yesierofcy. Li tinnicOliiinK tiinained the. sig natures of the Japaneso ,plen irKtenti rlo and Count, Ito obtataed tU-i n;m;Uura of Li Hum,' Oiiuit'. Tnoai oiist io dX!i not apply to. places net Ni.et-lll' d in Uie t-oavi ntlim. , : 5 , THE DEBS PRESIDENTIAL IDEA. Cleveland Reward av Kiraer. London, March a. I'resident Cleve land, has awarded the captain of the Itritish steamer Durham City a pair of marine glasses with a suitable inscrip tion in recognition of his rescue of the crew of the American schooner Alice T. lioardman, last October. ' PAN N ILL REMAINS IN JAIL. MINING ENGINEERS. AT OCALA. Will Hold Two Sessions of the American Institute and Tour tho State. Ocala, Fla., March 28. Members of the American Institute of mining en gineers arrived at Ocnla yesterday. Two sessions of the institute will be held here and the phosphate mines in this section inspected. Friday the en gineers will leave for a tour of the state which will include Tampa, Lake Worth and other points 0 interest. Friday April 5, the party will reach St. Augus tine and on Sunday April 7, will leave for the north, via Atlanta, where they will inspect the exposition grounds and buildings. MEMPHIS STARTS THE BALL. He 1-t U.inblo to (itve a Il-vy Bond and Is Jiot Making Anything. Ltnciihi ro, Va.., March '30. At the request of Mr. Montague. United States district attorney, the judge yesterday in the United States court 'set the re hearing of the case of the government againt Robert H. f'annill for aiding and abetting in the embezzlement of funds from the First Mational bank for the extra session 01 tne court whica con- Commercial Hank, Cincinnati, AsslRiies. Cincinnati, O., March U8. The Com mercial bank, located at 133 Main street, assigned yesterday afternoon to W. II. Campbell, its cashier. . The decision to go out of business was reached but half an hour before the assignment was made. : l'ensacotn'x Delegation to Mobile Congress. Fk.nsacola, Fla , March 28. Mayor Andersoa has appointed delegates to the grain and trade congress, which meets at Mobile, April 4, as follows: K. K. Mallory, F. C. Urent, T. E. Welles, John Cosgrove, and C. C. Yonges. Locl Legislative Assemblies.' . "-' London, March SO. The house of commons passed by a vote ot 128 to 1(52 venes in this citv on the 23rd of April yesterday evening J. II. Dalziels resig next. Pannill's bail was fixed at 810 000 but his friends were unable to raise the amount. SWELLED THE LIABILITIES. the -& Several Large Failures Heported for Tirst Weeks in Mareh. New York, March 30.- li. G. Dun Co., reports failures as follows: I Several large failures this month havo swelled the aggregate of liabilities for three weeks of March to $11,271,1:1, against 10,065.091 last year of which Si5.41 1.3! were of mami;oo turinii concerns against $4,400,113 last yeir. and $4.8 --4.779 la trading concerns against ?4 2).0S2 last year. The failures this week have been ?84 la the United States against 83S last year, and 4Z in Cm da i against 30 last year. But the recent in-.-rt a o iaUioates past rather than recent eomlition;i of unsoundness. JOHN Y. M'KANE NOT INSANE. Her ltuglnes Men Arranging for a Con vention of Financiers iin-1 Eeonootlsts. Mkmphis, Tenn., April 1. A joint conference of the cotton and merchants exchanges and other commercial or ganizations of Memphis has been cnlled for Thursday to arrange for a conven tion of financiersjand economists to be held in this city soon to discuss mut ters relative to sound currency and better banking facilities. The conven tion is intended to be largely of a southern scope, but the authorities on currency and political economy from all over the eountr- will be invited. nation aillrtning that it was desirable to establish local legislative . assembles for England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. '' I ' Dominion Cabinet rials Ended, Ottawa, Ont., March SO. The Do minion cabinet crisis is ended. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper has returned to work in the cabinet, the difficulties between himself and I'remler Bowell having been amic-iblv settled. Republican Convention llavdly Divided. Madrid, March .30. The republican convention which has been in session 6ince the beginning of the week closed yesterday. It was very inharmonious and ended with a division of the party. (.lose Confinement Has Affected lllui, 15nt lie Is Not I.oiliiK Ills Mind. Sing Sing, N. Y., March 28. The Sing Sing prison , officials contradict the report circulated in New York City that Convict John Y. Me Kane had be come insane. During the winter Jc Kane has been kept more closely con fined than he would have been had there been outdoor work for him. This has affected him some,' but there is no danger of his losing his mind. Cho'.era Aiii 'ng Jnpanene Troops. London, March 28.- A dispatch to the Star says that cholera has broken out among the Japanese troops at Port Arthur. Thicty-eight cases are report ed in one day. WILL MAKE ANTI-TOXIN E. rEHSVtieVAL PILLS iti't-" KnMiib Diamond Rrani cr!!fsl end Onto Genuine safc. aiavs rcliaoie. laoies 2f i'i ii:;s for pn.rticili ft Drasciwii, or aid 4r. i icMrr. t.v return tf ft'iiL ).Oit' T --aimouiaia. name Hnpcy. . Lota; It .-t'i,:.--tr- i'hUiiiL., I. Seven Duels Arranged Without Anns. Huda Pest, March 80. Seven of the eight duels arranged between the elec tion officer Turnoczy and deputies have been settled amicahly. Mutual apolo gies were offered for the abusiv-e lan guage which provoked the challenT.u I leyeiaud Firm tiets the I ontrao. Washington. March 20.-The con tract for furnishing the heating appa ratus for the Jacksonville, Florida, public building, was yesterday awarded .Chafer & Uecker, of Cleveland, Ohio, at .. Invites leveland to hieafro. Chicaga,- March 30. Half a dozen representative Chicago men left this city yesterday afte-noon for Washing ton on a mission which is destined to be complimentary vo I'resident Cleve land and result in ihe presence of the chief magistrate in this city, according to the expectations of the delegation. the Snow lumber Children Cryfoi Pitcher's Castoria. Ore it the foreigners Iylnsr. London, April 1. General Sir George Thompkius Chesner. lv. C 1?., member died Kud- Sir -:;s Of the of the Metholist church of Lex- ' Miils. Daron HlllinLrd.m. dL-ii in ingtou prcachetl a sermon against capi- London yesterday of pneumonia. y Z : . The Statesville- Landmark under- .... -i . i - J Xi. stands that on tne next rumtay aivcr . . ,.,: m.,nt .()xfrii the SMiemwelt-i ayne trageuy tne pasir . , , -t ,,. lav tal punishment. Saturday Mr. Thomas W. Mason sev ered his long connection with the rail road commission. Monday S. ,Otho Wilson took tht; oath before a justice of the supreme court isnd the seat vacated by Mr. Mason. W. M. Smith, of Cabarrus, says he was the power behind the throne in the matter of the assignment b ll. He pre pared it sate the clause "exempting mortgages for cash advance ! at time of execution." nl sayn Smith, of Slaulv, introduce I the biiL Governor Morton Sia;n the liltl l'rovldlngr For Its Manufacture. Albany, N. Y.-, March 28. Governor Morton has signed: Chapter 165, Sen ator Wolffs bill, providing for the making and use in .New York City of diphtheria anti-toxine and other anti- toxines. Klve Vale Stuiltnts M Inline- New Haven,' Conn., March 30. A local paper has a rumor that a party of five Yaie students on Saturday hired a boat of a local boatman, and neither the boys nor the boat have since been seen. ' No liefer iit-f to Minister Thurston. San Francisco. March -28. Honolulu pd vices per steamer Aust ralia coutain i:o reference whatever to Minister Thurstoti's recall. THE SOUTH'S THE PLACE. Itemarkiible Increase In Manufitel urinK Knterprines Over n Yenr A(;o. Kaltimokk, March '.). The new man ufacturing antl mining enterprises in the southern states -for the first qlsr ter of 1S!)5. its reported to the Manufac turers' Record, shows a a aggregate of 891; a gain of 22'.) as compared with the. first three months of 1504. The largest increase is shown in cotton mills,, of which forty-two were organized duriiii the last three, mouths, :grtinst nine for the same period of s;l ; of miscellane ous enterprises there were 455 against 293; mining and -quarrying companies increased from fifty to sixty-two ; Hour mills from twenty-four -fo thirty -seven, and cotton compresses from one to seven. In addition to these enterprises the Manufacturers Ivecord is advised of railway projects embracing the con struction of about three hundred miles of new line in Florida alone. l liliji lte'ntr r'ormed A I Over Iuil!an for tlte l'arpiiM4f i os.ilun lllm. , . La I'oitTK 1ml., ' April 1. Unless prescwit plans fail nf m;i teriali.atlon, Kngene V. Debs will be the choice of Indiana us' the candidate 'of the pooples party for president in ISJuV Debs clubs, having for their object the capture of the "Indiana delegation : to the uationul eonventiou, are leing organ ized throughout, northern Indifcrja. The . promoters of thu movement to"" bring about an anuilg.iuiation of the indus trial organization in the Interests of .tht labor .leader are prominent mem bers of the ivnights of Labor, " whoso chieftain. - !rand . Mawter Workman Sovereign, in an intervie w at Columbus O.,- l'l ithiy, nominated Debs for; tho presitb'itcy. ? " - ' " THE MONETARY CONFERENCE. SPANISH REPORT ABOUT CUBA. Official News Wliteh Indicates Complete Demoralization of tho llehels. M Adkid, Spain, April 1. The pre fects of the Cuban provinces have all resigned their oihees and will be re placed by military officers. The 'gov ernment has information that Maceo has arrived in Jamaica; that the rebel leader, Henry Brooks, has left Cuba Jar New York ami that the insurgent lead ers. Caiman and Garcia, are trying to get away from the island. The officers of the army and navy and the volun teers and the inhabitants of Cuba have all congratulated the government upon the appointment of General Martinez de Campos to supreme command in Cuba. Au lull illusion tlutt Ceruinuy'a I'ropokttlon Is ot Seriou. Washington, Mifrch 'iO.-It is said thnt President Cleveland has received an intimation that the proposition of Germany for a monetary conference should not be'takeu too seriously and that the German government, 'will probably not even carry the matter so far as to issue invitations to other na tions. The matter has gone thus far, it is said, only in deference to the agra rian agitation in Germany, and tho understanding of this administration is that the adoption of a resolution by the reichstag was only a temporary, nolilical expedient. ' - v i- .. y THE APPOINTMENTS MADE. FAILURE OF A BRISTOL BANK. Ll- Utali Will Adopt tlie Woman Suffrage Bill. Salt iLake City, Utah, April . Twenty-two speeches were delivered in the constitutional convention yesterday for and against the adoption of the j jit will be an agreeable surprise to persons subject to attacks of bilious cpU" to learn that prorrpt relief may be had. by taking Chamberlain's Co!tc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In Droutli In the Wet llroken. CntcAGo, April 1. The drouth which has prevailed for a number of weeksin Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Mich igan was broken yesterday by a heavy rain fall. Ihe lielfiuit at Total Wreck. Hei.fast, March 28. 'A- Tho steamer Belfast, from Berien for this . port, which went ashore on Jona Island, is a total wreck. The crew have landed at Colonasa. 1 , Miners Strike at Liege Kxtendinir. Bhvsski.8, March 2S. The miners' strike at Liege is extending rapidly. The government has called out the militia reserves as a precaution against violence. Recount of the otton Ptock... Liverpool, April 1. A recount of the actual stock of cotton shows a de crease, in the total amount of 31,730 bales, and in Americans of 31,837 bales. Assets Over 2.,OUO, More Than the btlit ies Depositor Lose Nothing. BinsTOL, Teen., March 30. Thi Bris tol Bank and Trust company assigned yesterday. Assets, 50.159; liabilities, S '4,720; due to depositors ?ltt,000. The Hanover bank, of New York City, with claims for 5,100, pushed the bank to the wall. It is the second assignment of the bank in fifteen months, and it is Kexpected it will pay in full easily. Demoerntlc fo-tmter to Take Charge of Cincinnati and Cleveland Oflloes. - Washington. March 80. The recent activity of Senator Brook,' ex-Governor Campbell "and lion--. Torn Johnson, of Ohio, regarding the '.appointments of postmasters at Cincinnati and Cleve land, O., hasrbrought matters to an in teresting stage and the republican in cumbents who have been held over somewhat longer than usual for such prominent positions will " very likely within the next twenty-four hours hear, of their successors being appointed. On authority of Secretary Thurber, it was said the appointments would be mat! o today. ' ' - Will Marry a Tennessee Lady. Ottawa. Ont., March 29. The en gagement is announced of Hon. A. 1 J. Marjoribanks, aide-de-camp to the gov ernor general an brother of Lady Aberdeen, to Miss Mysie Brown ol Nashville, Tenn. Miss Brown is ex pected here next " week on a visit to government house. Children Cry for WILL REPORT FOR TURNEY. In- 1 he I'rospeetive Kesult of the Fraud vrs; li;!t Ion In the t.ovvmorslitp. - Nasiivii.i.k, Tenn., March 80.- Tho investigation into the charges and counter-charges of fraud in connection with the Kvans-Turney gubernatorial election has progressed so far that yes terday it was pssib'le for the first time to make an estimate of what the result would be. The action taken by three sub committees at work in different parts of the slate shows that the gen eral com mittee report to Yhe general assembly a majority between 4,000 and o,0t)0 vote in favor of Turney whereas the face of the returns gave Evans a majority o fjy0. j Pitcher's Castoria E Auks For a Heavy Cohan I edit. Madrid. Mareh SO. Navarro Rever tea. minister of finance, asked the dep uties yesterday for a Cuban credit of L200.000 pesetas. - female suffrage clause. Those in favor nnv instances the attack may be pre- heavilv predominate and there" is no doubt of the adoption of the clause by "a heavy majority. vented by taking this remedy as soon as the fir-d symptoms of the disease ap pear. ?s and 50c bottles for sale by E. M Nadal. Have you seen them? No? Then go at once to the Advance Pub. Co. Printers and Stationers. No one white envelopes, any size, for stle at the Advance Stationery Store it 5 c per. pack. What the Loss Will Aggregate. St. Augustine, Fla., March 30. The people are yet viewing the ruins of Thursday's fire and countining the cost. The loss is fully 8200,000, with small insurance. - ' The St. Paul's Meeond Trial. Philadelphia., Pa.. March 30. Man ager Iligbee, of the International Nav igation company, says that the Cramps vill launch the 8L Paul in ubout ten tiays. . . thrive on Scott's Emu'sion when all the rest of their food seems to p,, to waste. Thin Babies and Weak Children grow strong, plump and healthy hy taking it. iCOtt'S si on overeonnK inheritcl weakness find all the tend' ncie3 toward ICtiiaciiition fir Oiiisuinpiiou.: Turn, weak babies and growing children and all persons s'lfTerii!? .from Loks of Flesh, Weak Luna. Chi'oiiu! Coughs, :itid W.istiii Diseases -will receive untold benefits from this gr'r;:it 'nourishments -. .The formula ,.fsr intttiug Scott's Emulsion hits been endorsed by tho ined-. ical woild fcr twenty years. Xo secret about it. - SJkJ for pamphlet J Scott & Bowne, tt. Y. All Druggists- 60 cents End $ f .

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