D STATIONERY STORE-ENVELOPES 5 CENTS PER PACKAGE. P l I V i .A 1 111 5 v. It JO TO THE ADVANCE i Itain at tash. Vork. j Wb, 1 1 I A ilson Advance. ADVERTISING. . .(sti:t'?, , ii . . ; i Imismm -ss. , , .lull Inisitu'tts. i itwl liusiiitW. (!n ;i falliiiir liiisiniss. i - miiiy i Inw business. , , - i-.-ess in iinv business. Constantly Brings Success ;'s Drug Store fKerrmg w'lii !! NVxl Sunday. )(., A L. dvos .it I lai grave's. the Eg hunt Outlet! iMoiMlny Might. List Monday evi-uine aft.tr the boys had finish: i their drill the-, felt so '-hippy th it m i.nprnntu d.tnee w:n arranged. The . Wilson string hand wis secund anil ihe rrnwd gathered in the p!st olh;e building. Alter meeting it was fount! that no one present would lead the german, so tlie dance was changed into an old fashion "turn your partner", aft.tir, with Tim I ntnaenn uc pnrl nvin It ! call the figures. Our special artist was as usu il on hand and got a sn ip shot with his camera. When things got warmed up, thescene was truly festive and, although the calling of the ! figures was not truly orthodox the crowd seemed' to he at no loss to un derstand. Jim would call out. proma nade all, Jesse keep off of Miss Tay lers toes, turn vour partners, Ad Hol land bring them feet down oft the ceiling, 'gentlemen to th - front, and don't put on so many airs John i Tli.-v .iKVtioi; Miss M tyie Whitfield riltn ned Tuesday. Mr. IredWl Williams w.is in town this wick. Mr. W IS u rns, ol Elm City was 1HKI, Then ath of Mr M. C. Prilgeon at Mm City last week vvts a i k id the co imutmi y, Mr IVid;ei was-.i yoiiiii; r,ian ot- exemplary eh uaeter aricTthought wel of by a large circle t frieniis In honoring his memory his Odd Fellow companions did ' hut do themselves an honor. 4- 1 1 B 5 i o n; irmers! GAY'S CASH ST in town Tuesday. At tiie residence of his father, on i Mondav mornihy last. Charles Ashlev Miss Daisy Vick, ofSehna, is visit- . he infant .of M -p and LuJa ing her aunl Mrs. Deans. , y,. The funeral services were Miss Wimberlev, of Iiattleboro is held at the residence on Tuesday visiting at. Judge Connor's. j evening at 4 o'clock. 1 Hackney, of Rocky April nth, 1895. to attem Satnrda y . wis ih ild '. 1) Gold, Jr , has accepted a with Mr. E. R- Gay. .pes and paper cheap at the ci- Stationery store. i ,rce a number of new dwi 11 ,ng vp in difk-ient parts of the y-n si ' fail kinds for salt; at ;. fi-: Siati-uiery Store. . mis ha'Hs, nets, rackets, and supplies call at the A OVANCE i ry store. man who wants to sleep well p'iy his subscription. One year is a cheap cine for in i . i: is there a town like unto ii. Then make it better all move, ii we do not advance : fall back. ir,-. Woodard & Whitehead, .pul.ir insurance agents, have .1 lit it sign in front ol their of ! a boro street. I .reen, al hands to the centre and Mr. T. J Mount, was in town Monday. Mr. Thos. H. Battle, of Rocky Mount was in the city this week. Miss -Ella Foote, of Warrenton, is Wefttenittm Coining to Nm r.li Carolina. One day last week two car loads of excursionists from Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Dakota. - Idaho, Illinois and New York passed through Wil- WMbd's Plow Brand Peruvian Mixture Tobacco Guano Eclipse r T ITT' visiting her aunt Mrs. J. l. w iggins j son on thf.ir way tl) Chadbourne, N Mr. I. W. lliges, of Greenville. w,s C., where they go to make an mspec in town on professional business this i ),...'! botht r to vive -an trier 1o r bags whin vou can geL them . si.e or quantity you want at the , . vni.k Stationery store. Faster. e;gs -are out this year in en tirely new designs, some of tin" pret i L- ever seen are on exhibition at Hargtave's. Beaulilul painttd t nes Ol vir.-rv hilt1 l-UK-slhlf. Mdi!,iuik Oaailes iS: ManniiiL' had their opening of Spring hats last Thursday and Friday. Their dis play o! stylish head gear was such as to please the feminine eye. There will be three marriages in town within the next three weeks. For further particulars call at Rawls' e .ve'i: v store. He has some beautiful pieces ot iv suitable for presents. J uKcci a-hookin an a-hnokln." turn your your partner, and watch Dick Grantham squeeze his partners' hand and so on until the whole house was in an uproir of laughter and everybody having a good time gener ally. Among those present were Misses AddicHoIland, Jacksie Green, Jesse McLean, fame Roimtree. Mat tie Anderson, Georgia Stronach and Messrs. Richard Grantham, Junes TomasQD, Selby Anderson, Tyler Pace, H. W. McKay, Little Willie Churchwell and a dozen others whose names we failed to get. - The chaperons were Messrs B. W. Hargrave, J. T. Wiggins and R. S. Harm s. Read Gay's new advertisement iiieh appears in this issue. He has my handsome and attactive dress ibrics in silks and white goods, Inch must be seen to be appreciated. I'un't forget that the Plate Glass ..;it tm M.tsh street (epposite the lart t louse) is the place to get is, penc ieties. you need in the way of s, paper inks, in endless week. - Mr. B. T. Eagles was in the city last week visiting his son Mr. Joseph j Eagles. Mrs Cohen, of' Sm it hfield. ps in town this wet k on a visit to her p i rents. Mr H.iles, of the firm of Males & Edwards Rocky Mount was in town Tuesday. Miss Noha Gardner is visiting her sister, Mrs Oscar Swineford of Rich mond, Va. Mrs. Ida Breden, rBennettsville, S C, is visiting her mother Mrs. Cai rie King. Dr. anil Mrs. George West were in the city this week visiting Mrs. John Corbett. . IF F Brewer, the-clever and en ergetic broker, of Rocky Mount, was here yestei day. Miss Bettie Bynum, daughter of commissioner Bynum, of Saratoga was in town Tuesday. Misses Saliie and Mary Ruffin left yesterday for a visit, to friends and relatives- in Washington. Mrs. J. R Allen is on an extended visit-to relatives and friends in Rich mond and Washington City. Mr. F M Winstead, formerly of Wilson, but now living at Newlern, N. C, was in town last week. Mr B. B Rhodes is- visiting his his daughter Mrs E. L. Applewrfite ol Applewhite, Columbus Co., N. C. Mr. C. W. McLean, of Nt wbern, was in the citv last week visiting his nfece, Mrs. Roberts, at Alnan Park. - Read Leath's new advertise ment on our first page. He has just received many new and attractive bar gams in Spring goods and "The Al inighty Dollar" goes a long ways at the Racket Store. Don't forget that the town election L. be held soon.. Think the matter over carefully and vote for the man you want in. your ward. Don't stay away irom'ihe polls and then com piam ih-.n the wrong man wasselect-ed. Th ward politician goes his mis terioiis round and whispers to Jones 'that S mill won't do to trust" and in Iba.fan 'm.'jr he is tel'ing Sjnilh (in Strictest confidence) that Jones is a rascal and the world goes , merrily on jut the same. Some one bioke in the bek door of Mr. ii I) Walker's shoe shop be twe'en Saturday night and Monday morning -and stole .a pair of shoes. The theif was easily satisfied as there were a number of good shoes in the shop, and he only took an old pair. Very considerate thief. The Wilson county Teachers' As sociation will hold its regular month ly meeting Saturday- April 12th at the Graded School building. An at tractive programme has been ar ranged. The meeting will be of special interest to teachers and those J i rested in. schools. The public is ci.uhii'ily invited to be present at t : s ) a. in. I'lie Alnan Tfnnis Club. At last Wilson is to have a tennis club. This most attractive of all out door sports has been the fashion every where, except Wilson, for some seasons past. It is with pleasure that we hail the new club. Nothing is quite so charming to witness, as the graceful movements of an expert ten nis player. the. Alnan club starts out with evety promisHjl'a "success Mi-season. Mrs. Mena Branch Roberts, has constructed a court at Alnan Park, and the first meets will be held there. Every detail has been arranged in a business like manner. The club will meet on Tuesday's and Thursday's at 5 o'clock, business meetings will be held on the last Thursday in each month. rriaay evenings will he -'visitors day." All tne members names-are not in yet but we give below some of them Officers r Mrs. Mgna Branch Roberts President, Budge Weaver Secretary, George Stronach Treasur er; W. I. Skinner Business Manager. . "members. Mrs. A. Paul Branch, Mrs. Edgar Richard Gay, Mrs. Mena Branch Roberts, Misses Estelle Brodie, Nan Branch, Minnie Deans, Ella Green, Bessie Harriss, Lizzie Pace, Olivia San ders and Messrs "A P. Branch, E R. Gay, T. M Anderson Jr., Ed. Barnes, C. G. Hutchinson, C. T. Harriss, J. A. Long, E. F. Nadal, James Lipscomb, G. T. Stronach, W. I. Skinner, Da vid Woodard, R.G. Briggs, and Gra h mi Woodard. It is rumored that a dainty lunch will be laid on ' Thursday evenings but this is only for those who take an active part, as poor appetites will not be tolerated. The clubs colors will be pink and blue. Tin- FfSllve !ojf. All day long these kindly brutes play and spoi t on the Court House green. To see their merry antics, one would hardly suppose that a sen tence of death was hanging over their a bapdsOme residence on the shaggv heads, and yet such indeed C( mer is the case. About a year ago our j . .. u city fathers made a great flourish 4 . i.ui44.t.. wnut .ratty. and passed sentence upon the poor Mr. . R. (V Br.iggs hail about a doggie and tne inoffensive gate, and, fl(Ven Q, J)1S wnist playing friends at like tne laws .f the Mcdes and Per- the Briggs I louse on Tuesday even sians their decree akereth not. It m to test tht.jr qualification as whist simply is not enforced. The collar- pjayers Twelve hands were played tion of certain lands that have been offered them for settlement. On their way down they stopped over at Mount Olive to go over the West brook truck farms. They , will be in Chadbourne about a month Some of the members of the party talked quite freely of their western homes, they were much pleased with what they had seen thus fir in the South. One fellow said that good horses, in his section could Jbought at $0 10 -'" roc The South and especially North Carolina is attracting attention just now from all over the world May the notice taken of us prove of lasting benefit. A Bntvumr. Something will always jtmm up if you do but wait for it. On Tuesday last were wesitting in our sanctum try ing to think of some item of interest, when along comes Woodard Bobbin & Co's old grey htrse dragging a broken buggy dowflt he street. It was just marivelous to see how quick ly the deserted street was populated with a live and energetic crowd Every thing was done to facilitate the the tired horse, he was cheered to re ; newed eff irts by a yelling .multitude, but no one offered to stop the poor creatine on the contrary spurred him on by their cries. No gre.it amount of damae was done. WHANN'S PLOW BRAND- Away back in the sixties W ha tin's Plow Brand was intro duced to the planters in this sjection, and because of its superi or worth and many excellencies as a fertilizer of ho-h grade, it has for thirty-five years continuously taken the lead of 'all fertilizers, until now it is recognized as the Kino of Guanos. During these thirty-Five years it has witnessed the rise and fall of many notorious and celebrated brands, but - these no torious brands were good lor only a few seasons, and be ing adulterated more and more each succeeding year tht soon became extinct COMPETENT JUDGES . ; SAY OUR NEW SPRING LIE OF DRESS FABRICS J t- and vou will make that Pkuv Branc For bright, yellow, flaxy tobacco Plow - Brand no mistal -y The oh always yield larg cotton planters say cotb n crops. ORINOCO. This justly" celebrated tobacco fertilizer is all that its many patrons claim it to be. Reference all. planters who have tried it, and they number among the thousands. PERUVIAN MIXTURE. This brand ol guano has been on the market for fifteen years and we have Net to hear a single complaint against it. It's friends also are legion. ECLIPSE SILK, WOOL AND COTTON surpass anything ever offered in this market. Our sales on 48-inch JUPITER SILK at $1 a yard, all colors, have been great, and still they go. China Silks, 25c. 50c, and 75c. per!yard. Llama Silks, blue and black, 48-inches, 75c. Satin Glace Silks, all colors, 36 inches, 50c. Novelty Goitre, all colors, 32 inches' 50c. a high class novelties in woolen dress goods for early spring wear in all the new weaves. White Goods, Wash Goods, l lamburgs, Laces, &c., in the greatest abundance. Samples sent out-of-town customers on application. R.&G. CORSETS ARE THE BEST! We were pleased to see that Mr. George W. Blount was out on Sun day last and that he is rapidly re covering. Mr., A J. Turnage formerly em ployed by Mr. J. G. Rawls has quit the jewelers trade and gone out as a book jigent. Mrs. Hritlgeman who has been vis iting her daughter. Mrs. Doane Her ring, left Monday for her home at Washington, N, C. J YV. Stalling, Esq., representing Ames & Burk's Music House, Nor folk, Va., was here Sunday on his way South in the interest ot his house. Prof J. E. Debnam, Principal of Saratoga high school, was in to see us Saturday. He reports his excel lent school in a most flourishing con dition. Mr. J. B. Etheridge was in town Saturday and paid us a pleasant visit Mr. Etheridge says all larmers are very busy just now getting ready for another oop- Mr. J. I). Bardin, clerk of the court, is going right ahead qualifying magis trates notwithstanding the fact that Governor Carr is in doubt as to the I. gality ol the claims. Mr P. B. Deans is making arrange ments to build on the corner of Nash and Spring streets.: He has moved the "tld Dr. Barnes" house to the back of the lot and 'made it face on Spring street. He has two fine lots tin Nash street and will shortly be The ta itmirt-; All arrangements have been com pit ted ami enci m aging rKits are coming in from every side. Wilson will once more blossom as the rose, a large crowd of visitors have already accepted invitations and will be on This is a fertilizer peculiarly adapted to. cotton, grain etc., and we would urcre upon that class who discard the idea of 1 buying old brands and who b lieve that new brands of fertili zers art1 generally the best goods to pay us a call and let us supply them for this season. Remember that the above named brands are only to be had at J. C. Had ley's' where he will be pleased to book your or ders for the present season at prices to suit hard times: We handle also OUR STOCK hand to take part in the festivities The several committees made excel lent progress at home and abroad. Every indication now points to one of the grandest entertainme nts ever given in Wilson. If any of you have a dancing friend that has not already been invited send them word at once and let them come and enjoy themselves. l.0 Yrds and Water in :;' Second. The colored fire company, Ed mund Poole Captain, had a litttle reel practice the other night. They started at Hadleys corner and ran to the corner of Nash where they con nected a section of hose to the hy drant and showed a stream of water in thirty-two seconds. This will do very well indeed tor amateurs the State recoid being something over twent-nine seconds. Poele expects to bring his time down to twenty-nine seconds before he stops. Yesterday one of the strangest of sights was witnessed on the streets of Wilson. It was a farmer carrying away enough bagging to covet 160 bales ol cotton It inay be hard times but when fanners can lay in a supply of bagging before the cotton is planted, there should be no immedi ate danger of starvation in -the land. It:l- It. ill. The opening of the bise ball sea son in Wilson will be game between the Goldsboro an I Wilson, colored, teams on Monday afternom i the Diamond Park. The coons '.vner ill v put up a good game and as it is the first match game of the season there will doubtless be a large crowd out to witness it. AGIB PHOSPHATE, KA1WT. COTTON SEED MEAL In large quantities and will be glad to quote you prices when desired. -. Clothing, Shirts, Hats, Kid Gloves, &., &c. is all that can be desired. I J nd erwear, N eck wear, Our styles are the latest. Jacob Reed's Sob's Fine Clothing to measure. Suits $15 to$.0 perfect fits or no sale. TTrese are sold strictly for cash. Best makes of Shoes and Oxford Ties for Men, Women and Children. China Mattings just received an entire new lot direct from importers. NOTM K ' "" CORNER NASH AND TARBORO STS. 1 At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of the town of Wilson, held April 1st, i8q5, the fol lowing registrars and judges of elec tion were appointed to hold the elec tion for town commissioners, to be held in said town on the 1st Monday in May as follows: tST WAR!). Registrar R. L. W-yatf; Wyatt's shop. Poll Holders G. 1 1. Wainwnght, L. R.Jordan; voting place, Wyatt's shop. 2ND WARD. Registrar E. N. Mercer, office Mercers store. Poll Holders A. P. Branch, E. F. McDaniel; store. voting place, Mend's LI) WARD. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court made in the civil action wherein Calvin Williams et ais were Plaintiffs and K.. W. Wyms was Defendant. 1 i. ill c.-ll O it,.. IJ,.,, 1.,,., ;.. ! Wilson on Monday the 13th day of May, 1895 the following described property in ilson county,Toisaot township: one tract ol lanci adjoining the lands ot John Dawes and Catherine Cobb, con tairung tweniy-fivt acres more or less, it being the land ot w hich Lucy Ann Wynn died seized. One other tract o! land, adjoining the lands of John Sharp and Kinchin Edwards, contain ing thirty at n s more or less. It being the land' of which Nancy Stith Vyn11 died seiied. Terms: One third cash balance payable November 1st, 1895 with 6 per t ent, interest. S. A. Vo .DARD, Commissioner. V. A. &S. A. Woodard,'. Attorne s. less dog wrestless gayly with th i and then the purp adorned by a bespangled strap cnanoed cards and the same twelve around ds graceful neck, and the rq repeated in reverse or- same old g vte rises up, in the dark, (jer and butts the weary pedestrian as he The highest score was made by plods homeward, after a few sweet Messrs. T M. Washington and Sid hours with boon companions down j,,!, . Kastt.r Kkh Hunt. The ladies of the Aid Society will give their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday afternoon April 13th at the residence of Mrs. James T. Wig- opposing partners j ginS- - The children enjoy these hunts and should be allowed to attend. town. 1 But such things are likely to hap 1 r,eso:ne Bl was in town last : ft,.. u. r..ii1:U.d towns. At l ... - - . or an expert in hogol- ! teiJtion ts Hed to tbem, that some of ...uing for his man he tnKie arc. thinking of office af which he accomp- Ljjould know that it is not all bliss to rfter the war. He said: ; (H. an alderman. ' verythinff was scarce; Ortml I tall -l NHratojpt. There will be a grant! ball at Sara toga on Friday May 3rd. The gen- . ;,t them times, and I die, and had none nor which to make it. By After the game the guests were in vitcxl into the dining room where a most smnpteous repast was spread. 'I'll. I') vii! 11 1 ion Of medical agents is gradually rele gating tht; oltl time herbs, pills, Oet 11 ( Another Cliih. One tennis club is a good thing but it would be lots more interesting if there were two or three so that we might have an occasional match game. Theie is nothing like competition for! keeping things in a lively state. Registrar B. T. Amerson: office Wootten ec Stevens shop. Poll Holders R. T. Stevens. W. D. Hackney; voting place WoOtlen cc Steven's shop. 4.TH WARD. Registrar A. . Simms; A. B. Deans office. 4 Poll Moldeis jno. A. Corbett, J no. Y. Moore; voting place, bid Metho dist church. 5TII WAR!). -Jno. D. Gol Pmid- Registrar mark office. Poll Holders D. D. Nolley, L Moj-e; voting place, old Foundry. Jno. R. Moore, Clerk. W E A R E N( ) W R EC E I V 1 N( ) DAILY ADDITIONS TO OUR STOCK OF Millinery g Fancy Goods Atxi solicit the patronage ol our friends We also have with us the cele brated M:s Parks, who has had 1 3 years ex perience in Fashionable Dressmaking t x T ( a 1 1 llvl EY'S H'mh Grade TOBACCO G uui guarantees ail work line t "ive in her With thanks lor patronage. past MRS. E. A. HiNES, & CO. i Successors to Mary ! lines & Co.) All KilMrT It.inii. . Mrs. E littir This hat is a perlect poem. Editur All the more reason I draughts and vegetable extracts to should decline to pay for it. Ex. the rear and bringing into general . use the pleasant and effective liquid ; tor 1 1 j. 1 c . ,1 ... win',- I findlv struck tlemenl who have it m ctiarge are o,u laxative yiup o. r i-s - , .... . , . , will no true remeuy see mai it i - ' J nd after .,. hard work ! hands at the business anu d in makina one from an old doubt give all those who attend a tip tured by the C alif.rnia I I . XT 1 I t ! ..11 and ? top tune. The managers are: 1. in. cv. omy. ror satt oy an Shelton and Jno. R. Dildy I : To get the is manuf.ic rig Syrup ''a steel, using a tx nviur is tools." id ax lead i ik druggists. Mr. F. S Roystkr, Tarboro, N. C. I realized 404 from sale of 790 lbs lobacce made by our Orino co Guano J. O. Bryan, Battleboro, N. C. For sale by J. C. Hadley. -. ? P KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live hot ter than others and enjuy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting tha world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presontinr: in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a ;erfect lax ative : effectually cleansir.tr the system. dispelling colds, headaches and fevers j ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical ! profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ' ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by ail drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it ia man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also tL? name, Syrup of Fig' , and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Tari 010 street. O O O DRESSMAKING I have opened a dressmak ing establishment in the rooms over the old Young Store, on Nash street and will he pleased to have those wishing dresses MADE OR CUT call and give me a trial. .All littinjr done TAILORING SYSTEM. Mrs. Edith Laatenschlager. .OPPOSITE BUIGGS ilOCSB. BY USE AN!) LOT FOR SALE II Five Roonisand Pantry; lot high and dry; well drained, good well of water. For inform;:'.; in, apply to Al; VNCE OFFICE. Do not risk your crop on cheap guano in buying Tinsleys you are sure to make bright tobacco and it enriches your land permanently. While it costs more in price it is the cheapest. One sack will do more good than two sacks of any other kind. It has the same ingre dients in quatity in one sack that any other kind has in two sacks. Farmers who use it never fail to make Bright Tobacco, AM B. YOUNG. I;-ovs hoots Young's. a p-nr at M. T, Trunks, trunks, trunks, all kinds at Young