' ' " 1 ft CASH IN ADVANCE. . $i A YKARTl ... V E XXV. W ileon A.CL vancc. : "LET ALLTHli ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S. AND TRUTH'S ' BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WILSON, N. C, APRIL 18, 1895. NUMBER 16. n n piy an ex. two un'ess tir.M v." Xj".SffjSgg : VHFW slRJNf. 'sTOfK ! I Went Mb : ALMIGHTY r ib i'vw Tnn mimv w MANY HAVE TOO FjEff AND j :. lit our arms, Octo- f J Never missing- a chance to reach lthe shark t0k the i I'as III c, and take in outof tho wt r - (J Never missing a chance to reach. KC, and take in out of tho i baliier)". anvtliino-thai-i u .ill " r3 uu;ulllj. Ula Can De soJcj a Acting on that principle we purchases. Among our daily arrivals! tore our people somp lanrldoW U . . POSITIVELY BEYOND THE WHISPER I rices that will teach vou in :j uuicrence oetween dea no- ,i:u i - ' - - 1 . . S men, oetween the cash and the credh-J tne right and the wronsr wav. SPP thH i Lot Ladies Hose, Fast Iila'ck, seamless, at ioc. yard. Baraj quality, 1. Anotha Sale, really a yard. ; 1 ins, ic. a paper, the best pins, c. 5 Papers Assorted Size Needles for 4c. 2sC. Sailors for t7o i i iron unina Lwer and Basin for 68c. - ine 24 Sheets Good Note so successfulV aper, 3c is that we bil and sell theri double price 1 in our vast stl White- Sp i values are fan package. Oxford Slippers, 50c. a &' J l I n n c- " 1 pi o v- kj i u u v a Calf Satin onoes, 98c. pair. Men's Fur Hats, Lined, 50c. ever. sell worth Till? fKiWMniyr c? . J. M. LEATH, T,,i.M:itll'l'i','1,e'1'- "There is one thin- the newspapers A what have failed to. mention, the teacher's under the tax. Kvcry teacher, n ...... !,,v kre(iuircd:indcompe filed t" ' he ran statu 1 ne u i'..v.. nina'.iuii as teae'u r. ,1 1 .1,. llertto priviU i;e your fore they welt,- a!Uw i u,. to of siandin an examination tyiry t ilk months uitlwut paying one com td t3 l.e N:!"inru at the retiular your on a sjt si lale not hack MasO t. your On. ,- is s.nd to he one editor m L 1 1 H.,,w he got ineic riier icf-ei; posiiiveTV known, but it is conjeci,. !d ,hat he passed himself off for a .:.,;. teoed in unexpectedly. WJifii the .l-Hl-ewasdiscoverea tnev , .1 l.,w r,f e 1CUV Wn Upturn. 1 he SUCCt searcr.eu-i.it:."" - : their length an id breadth lor a ww.j t,;lr:iw np the necessary papers lor hi, eminent,. hut they cou.dn t find . 1 UO bfld the iort. and, i course wlil-ky out of KiK. a - ;,mn'is ooin- the rounds of the ' , '.J -to the effect that whisky is now ,f...M,re,i out ot old-tags VVc tcturtn out -j-. . i,. AAi.-. Ql-iKiit this .,.,! lino re ii.u ..tiiv. l.-verv one knows that nearly all the ia raos ia the country are man ufactured out of whisky, and there is no apparent reason why. the. process f conversion may not work as well nne wav as another; from whisky to . ..,v.cw What a rags. rrom rags to i beautiful business it is! Ex.. If only children and tools te l .the truth there are not somany fools In the world as one might suppose. From earlv child ECIii hood until 1 grown my family i-ot a fortune . . v.u disease. TIIIIIV m .1 lS,J 'nV: and was treated visitea y ?- not , by the best W', all benemea. i-KUIVi f,llAd things naa g g and jn( built up ciLti. my , return Of ver had any return m , CHILDHOOD and I nave n llnA the disease, i hm- sine? recommenueu - sktn dis. - c S. to a number ot Tnenas f.;iureto i a never yei - -, eases. a -.fco. W. IRWIN, irwm, cure. .! n care. even - - onr " i Bkln Dlseae cvin THseases mallea SWlfT SPECIFIC UU., ftuanajw. Children Gryfoi "-Ni rat t n m ; 1 wt (J ide some re-cent havo 4 shall place be- LilctL ti COMPETITION! t logic of truth the ;V and with dead stem, between v4 iy lowing: fcing (lace)," 9c. 1 HI . Trilby, Jeilin?, eood yard. cial Torchon n, at only 5 c. for Infants. 1W hy we are Muslin C th our lines reasd them right heap. No t I anything k d s our itter than ,$ve can jpread, For $1 you a la at least Manage pn. c. m M ik Vr writer who he is talking bout,i wholesome advice good for any kind o which! a to "If you want your townj imnrmeit. 11 VOW wani town lively, in ke it. sleep but wake U( andlvork ii about it and U Ik f-iiorablv. nprovL ,t ., h-ivi- irooerlvn house, clean u yourl allev v vard. Make y ou rroti nd 1 1 igs win' feel better; pleasant and you property will e worth more in V.o .narket. It VOUl are rjoing reas. your! friends to ... 1 onably, well, advise come and invest n earyou Work steadily for your ho me "de;ders. Keep your money at nom e as mUch as pos to htip y,,u in ssful Jowns have sible and lt 1S UKeiy " , , . been made oy prop erty.ow.ners pull- line together. Pub hc improvements is an investment tU hat pajs; . Don't ter quarrels, and waste your time ov hold back your aid for gofed objects workl for some Vrriioh SDite. but 1 rmrA and VOU Will ind youirself bener f" fitted." ' Kel Bu ler get relief, elier.:-.fte got six years in tht at $5,000 a year. Otho VVi! relief .in the shape of a six m as raiV- road commissioner at $2,o)o a year, These two got $42Uoo wo th of Tfr i;Pf hut where doe the rell :ef lor the people come in? In an increase 1 taxatu a, and i destru-tion'of theiri credit Neiehb .b Before givitiJy you;my daughter 1 oujiht to know lmething of your prospt ctsj jaGII a cervm schem I have 111 -- . , m nMHI I 1111 li.' . ' ' . w J . mil u:nll I t! all be rich man 4 Neighlx Win do y exPcct sclieme to ef ntualef pr a short engagement-!1 " t.- . nine Rid IT. 3- 1 M fe, Harri- r whoop- I. :" u.i-i,..,rlain st oi d;is ex,cii.n fyp jthe disease is itve'l of a. 'ousconp.e.ic I her. is 1 in tiving theremly to balh cjntains nothinj.i'ii?;- ' bottles fo-- sale K. M. Nad it frta.-4 ilaii;jv.r- 10 itang'-f es, aa,it 5 and 5 c il. - - - 1 t H 1 H great rl I tars' tel IMORTH- CAROLINA News for tho Wook Throusrhont tho State. i PREPARED TO USYEIL THE MONUMENT Thn.lucome Tax. A-ffocta lint Ifuw I'eople ' Ui 2forth Carolina. Vave the orpora- -tlooe Other luterostiuff K Tiirouijh the f tata. Ralkioii, April Vi. Today a prelim inary ineetinjr of the Ladies Monumen tal Afcsoc'iation, the chief marshal and the committee, was held to prepare the programme of exercises. May 20, at the unveiling of the confederate monument Tomorrow the plans will be prrfeeted. There will he 200 assistant marshals to Chief Marshal Carroll. All the troops in the state are invited and are to be under command of General John W. Cotten. Invitations have also been sent to the governors of all tho south ern states and to-all the surviving con federate generals. Mr. Kohert II. Jonc3, who li is charge of the collection of the income tax, went to Uurling-ton today. At the rev enue collector's oflice it' is 8uid the tax returns come in hlowly. Tho do cision of the United States supremo court affects the tax very little so far as North Carolina is concerned, for the reason that the bulk of the tax col lected here will he from corporations. TRAGEDY IN NORTH CAROLINA. Diruble Murder and Kncapn Np:ir Mnrpliy In Lower t heroin e. Muhphy, N. C, April 12.- In a flpht in the lower end of Cherokee county, two brothers named Cross were killed and Neal Newman was dangerously wounded. A dance was in progress at the Cross home. Neal and Mac New man were guests. Jake Cress, the head of the family, ordered the Newmans out of the house. They went out and we're followed by Jim and Will Cross, brothers. Jake Cross also -n;nt out and attacked Neal Newman, who stahbed- Jim Gross fatally. Mac New man shot t,nd killed Will Cross. Neal Newma.n.was sho in the back, hut ho was able- to escape with-his brother across the Tennessee, line.. --'-'! COTTON BLAZE IN CHARLOTTE. Ada Mills Warehouse Ilurned With Many - lialvtt of Cotton. " I CpABLOTTE, N. C, April 13 Yester day -at 11 o'clock fire was discovered in the warehouse of the Ada cotton mills. There were 84s bales of cotton in tho warehouse. The building' was brick, eighty by forty feet with corrhrate.l iron rtof. A , truckman going1 in for c'Dtfon discovered the fire. For two hours the firemen fought the fire, keep ing it in ,the building. The end walls were then pulled down and as much or the cotton as possiblerolled oui.' The amount of the loss -Jm 827,000, j-.ii i i s...ra"L. Carolina Lien tenant Under Court Martial. Wilmington, N. a, April li The court martial of Lieutenant Frank Wilkes, of the Charlotte division, naval reserves, began yesterday in the United Slates court room in this city and will continue several days. The charges are disobedience of orders and conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman. The Fireman and Engineer Killed. Ashevili.k, N. C, April 11. Last aight's extra freight on the Southern railway ran into a slide two miles west of Marion. . Engineer VV. F. Lee. was caught under a car and instantly killed. Fireman R. L. Early, died a few hours later from injuries. NORTH CAROLINA IN BRIEF. High I'oint will have a new opera house. A large addition to the High. I'oint union depot will be built. --Motel StTJohn" will ie the name of the new hostelry to be built at Hamlet. Yadkin county is entirely out of debt and has money enough ahead to pay expenses for a year. Secretary of state Coke has received a supply of copies -of the revenue la w, also of the new election law. "Mrs. J- R- Henderson, the wife of the repretentative from VM Ikes, -died of pneumonia at Wilkesboro last Thurs- dav. - Columbus Black was killed by acci dent at a saw mill in Moore county Several days ago. The main belt broke. throwing. M r. HlaeK- on the s-iw, . Mr. Alexander Wade, a farmer who resided near Wade's Station, Cumber land county, was lulled oy a negro man Thursday morning, .the weapon nsed being a' fcck. It -is S .id that an eighth Xorth Caro lina Digest, by t otonel J. V. limslale enibracing from volume 101 to 115, in clusive, will go .press', early in the summer. ; The inblical Recorder favors taxa tion of church property, all I says it is a good and defeasible princibal. This point came up in connection with Ral eigh's new charter. Governor Carr makes requisition on the governor of Georgia for John Tier ney, the . hotel clerk who Is charged with having burned the Wayside Inn. near Henderson ville The governor honors the requisition of tlie governor of Kentucky for Rob ert Smith, who is in jail at Lexington, N. C, charged with horse stealing. At tlie commencement of Oak Ridge Institute (May 3'V, 27 28) President John C. Kilgo, o Trinit college, will preach the sermon, and Hon.. E. W. Saunders, of the Virginia state senate, will be or ator of the occasion. ; - Prjesident.Winston. of the University, accepts .the invitation to deliver the Guilford Battle Ground address on tho 14th of July. His subject will be "The , Life and Times "of Major Joseph Win- Uton." ; ;; -I.. Tho Stiinlv "Entern-ise Siivs of the ggven-pound, avoidupois nugget of gild which was found at the Ingrain mine Sti StAnlAv eounta.last MomliiV. "This Is largest piece t. gold ever found in the Seouiity nod' the third, if not the second larget in the state. The nug get found in ' 1803 at the Ee'ul mine -weighed " twenty-eight .'pounds. The Ingram,naine'has proven Jf le the lst pjrer peried in this section." RIOT -WHAT WE SAY, but what Hoods Sarsaparillla Docs, tliat tells tho story of its merit and sue- es remember HOOD'S CURES HE CALLED ON THE EDITOR The tMrector of ttm 1rt!i CnroUim Vontl ' bale Nn ty a Cltieu. CosoOHn, April 15. Early - yesterday morning Mr. li L. Emery, snperintentl ent of the Odoll in'dls, eallud upon Mr. G. Ed Keatlor, edhor of ia fusiou p per known "as tbi? Vatlbule. and re (ju'8tod him to K'truet ami ap.dogizd tor tlitj following iwiiui;Uoi which ap-ptui.i-uJ in hht popnir of lat wuttU : "rT4 d(nu kavM pn ua a lift) time rmKlirn for ciomm.noner in wnrd 3. Torhapa hm sacrfflsM h? party for the sal of a job. UoW d th dt-iM like tlw fusion tiek4 T" Mr. Emery was very indignant and some fan was expected, but Ivestler cavcd and promised to ripht the matter in his next issue. Mr. Emery is a na tive northern man, hut has been livinpr in the south for 34 years and has al ways, save one vote for one man. voted for and advocated democracy. 1I was one of the most prominent of our dem ocratic workers in the recent election ami is taking great, interest in the com ing municipal one. Mr. Rentier has made many remark alont our citizens, misrepresenting horn, which have ln-en. iifn.-r.'dby the public, but when lie jumped brofh'M- Emery h raised the lentmjra'ic ire and more m iy be heard of hi :n in' tho fulure. ' WASHINGTON MINE DISASTER. n story an Told li tun of U Two Only Viw-rl rran Nkw Whatcom, Wash , April 10. Few !etails except those received with the first news of the' mine dis.-istor are to be had. According to Kearns. one of the two survivors thus far known, who was working in one of the cham bers, tiie explosion occurred in a breast or working, about 1,000 feet from where the tunnel terminated in the gangway. As the main vertical air shaft pierced the gang-way close by the intersection of the tunnel, it could but poorly carry off the poi.-xmnus vapor .'ollowingthe ignition of the firedamp. The noise of the explosion warned the miners in the chambers to lit but they filtered the gangway only to be over come by the deadly gas. The shock v:ts slight where Kearns was working, as he claims his lamp was u'otputout, nor was" he thrown down by the con cussion. It is a mystery, however, tluit he should have bKn able to pass through the gangway - ti the exit pas sago in the fiecr of l (i5 poisonous, vapor: and he tells"a jvird K.tory of stum id i ng over bodies of victims and down falls of debris in getting ont. A TRAQEDY IN KENTUCKY. The ftinrd-r Claimed to bo Ftmtifhiltle. (nelHL Vrfmr FT'mweif Up at Onee. Covington, Ky., April 13. Yesterday afternoon Senator V. 1". Goebel shot and instantly killed Jn'hn L. San ford, cashier of the Frrmers and Traders bank of this city. The two men had been political and business enemies for years. r; Both men are prominent citizens of mJo senator from Kenton He is one of the best known county. politicians in the .".tale. Accounts of the details of the tragely differ. One Is to the effect that at half past one o'clock Gocbel was coming out of the First National bank when he met Sanford, who -drew a revolver and fired, the bullet striking Ooebel in the shoulder. The latter pulled his pistol and siiot three timf s in succession, all three taking effect and causing almost instant death, lioebel then gave him self up. -. ACTUAL GAINS IN THE SOUTH. Tnh t'oinlltlin .Malorlallr Iinm !, an KcporIi.il l.y llrUtrpt. Xkw York, April 13. llradstreets says : The feature In trado etrclcc- is found in the prices movement, more particularly those for rattle, drcssoJ beef, anil petroleum. Drouth, low prices anil "hard times" within two years have resulted ia a shorter supply of rattle, prospectively thirty per cent less than last year. Lives cattle are 1.(41 higher per enc huu dreil pounds last year and 1 hicher than the lowcnt point this year. Dressed 1-cef is !:H cents hig&er than the average last year, the highest since 185. Amonf? more important soutborn cities re porting actual pains in the movement of mer chandise are Atfanta. Augusla. Savannah and Galveston, but improvement there is slight. The outlook is regarded more cheerfully at New Orleans, where suRnr bounty disburse ments arc expected soon, out at Jacksonville and UirminKhatn penoral trade is quiet and in some lines slow. Nashville and Memphis re tain improvement prrvlou-ly recorded. Im proved weather heips trade at Charleston. At Chattanooga dry ifoods and hardware are rela tively most active. REV. MR. DIXON'S NEW CHURCH. It P.eg-tn Kxistenoo Sn.ula; la tho Ac.idcmy of Masle, ami !any Were There. Nkw York, April 10. Rev. Thomas Dixon Sunday inaugurated his People's church inhe Academy of '"-Music. Ho nlle.l the geat anuaurium wan a con gregation in which were hundreds who used to sit under him in Association Hall. Mr. Dixon has associated with him Sydney H. Cox. who will bo ordained as a Congregational minister. The congregation sang well known hymns. , I led by a piano, a cornet aiid two vio lins. The sermon was on Christian unity. Iext hunday morning he will preach on "Dr. Parkhurst as a Chris tian minister. . WILL SMITH RUN FOR SENATOR The Secrcarr Will Not I alk of the Talked of (ieorgla Slate. WA8niXGTOjf, April 13. Secretary Hoke Smith did not care to discuss the report from Atlanta, Ga., to the effect that a political combination had been made by which Senator Tlordon would run for governor and Secretary Smith make the race for the U ailed States senate. He stated, however, that Sen ator Gordon would not be a candidate for the governorship. I Ureal Limn d I i.e l air instate. San Fmancisco. Cal., .'April va. liai four, Guthrie & Co's. warehouse at lie nicia, in which was 6tored a large quantity of wheat belonging' to tho Fair estate, burned yesterday morn ing. Loss $150,000. Tannlll Released on flail. LnfCHBTTRQ, Va., April 11. Robert H." Pannill, who abetted W. C Hamner, the embezzler, waa released yesterday on giving a bond ot 910,000. A lady at Toolevs, was very sicW with bilious cdic: wlu-n M. C. Tis'er. a prominent nierrhan! of the town gave I a hot.!,. ,,f Chamlx Tlain's Cot j s-ys w.r u.(. , f(ir.v. i;i.,1s af.r taking the first dose. For sale b E. 'U Na,,ai- HILL'S AT THE FRONT The Senators Name Again the Subject of Presidential Gossip. OUTCOME OF A VISIT TO WASEI5GT0S. The Present Incumlmut Not I'ar From the ' Uaee The Spirit of Vindication a Pradomlnant One-Tho Kiiut tlo From the CupictU. Washington, April 15. Senator Hill has been spending a few days' quietly in Washington studying the political 8it,pation. He was one of the most con spicuous spectators in the supreme courtroom when the income tax deci sion was- handed 'down, and the result has proven how right was his fight against the measure when it - wus. be fore congress. The .senator, however, has not been doing much brao-giug. Senator Hill's visit here has. like Gov ernor lUcKinky's last week, started some presidential gossip, and the events of the week have oerlainTj' brought Senator Hill to I he front once i:io re. There are ai.., iid!eations that (rover Cleveland is not so far out of the nice as many w.,u'ii supi..s..; hisa. The al leged failure of th-.t present adininistra tion have disturbed Mr. Cleveland con siderably, and uieii who are authorized to speak for Mm say thai a vindication is needed and that the democratic party inut again nominate (lie only man who has carried their p.'irly to success in the last quarter of a century. Indica tions of a desire for this vindication have been so plain to those wiio are watching the political horizon that it is almost aveepVd as a fnct here in YVnshingtua tii.it the president would accept the nomination in msfi if he could get it. .Within the last month or so the pesl dent has adopied what Senator liriee has denominaie.i a pilky :f concentra tion, lie is uiaking'. up 'with the old loaders in the various States who" have hitherto been antagonistic to him, and it has been noticed that fciinturs who during the session-of congress refused to call at the white hoiiRy, are now seen ' frequently . wen-ilng ti.eir way thither. - The ur.-sidenl .seems - to. have the fashionable fa,. I .of keeping quiet on the silver question, although hi record U pre' tv well known, but hia declination, of t he invention from the Chicago senrid jaoaty vj;u volition shows that he -,vi!l not say much on the subject at present. LIEUT. SMITH'S LONG RIDE. Afniy Circle f.vorr vrlipn: Tr.fcSn2 a plrltcl Int-rct In Ills Journey. WAPiiiNorox. April 15.- Army circles in Washington, and at any place where there is a post of regulars, will take n spirited interest in the movements of lieutenant Cornelius C. Smithy second Imlry, who has just started on a long rseback. He intends to make .orse, uaaeeorn- I .wjkwi t.hc cSSfflLBwngh which he i-.'T-sT--s,wTKo forhimlelf aftd ho-rsts. If.-. startct Jroat vifi. tigaw New MexiCi to cover the distance Xo fc.an Antooiot lex., within a month. The rout oVST.M&ich. he is to travel is wild and barren, and "tbe- ontlook is eo hazardous that old teamsters who have been over the trail doubt that he will accomplish the journey. Smith ia a master of the various Indian lan guages, and this will be a great help to him in his perilous trip, as he will be thrown among many tribt'S'ivho are not altogether in love with soldiersVTr""--. THOUSANDS ARE HOW! ELESS. The Dauntie River Uverllows Xnhiiiorslne Many 1 owns. Buba Pest, April 10. The affluents of the Danube have overflowed their banks in the South of Hungary.. The streets of many towns are submerged and the foundations of - hundreds of houses have crumbled and been washed away. In Semlin, two thousaixl peo pie are homeless and suffering from exposure, having lost everything, in cluding their clothing. THE POPULATION OF NEW YORK. Police Censes Upturns I'iace It at Nriir y Two Million. New Yokk, April 15. The police cen sus are nearly all in. The population of New York, according to these fig ures, is ',88,780, an increase since the census of the state board of health, taken in . 18J3. of jnst i?T,C41 This is considered a very conservalrJe estimate and there is no doubt that when vhe actual figures are all in it will be ma terially increased. W. JENNir.GS DEFOREST DEAD. The Well Known 1'ultllt.her and I'rolilhl tloniHt 2leil of IMkusiio:!!!. '- JSkw iojSv April lt.-lv. Jeniiuigo Demorest, the prohibition, leader an.! owner of Dcmoresfs -Magazine," died yesterday morniftgat his lioiue, No. 1 East Fifty Seventh "Street. Death re sulted from 'pleuropneumonia. Mr. Demorest was taken" ill last Tuesday but his death was a surprise to his fain- ny- - ' There In no Fenrjof C ompetition. lloeTOS, April 11. The omrnitffe on mercantile a fairs have made a long report in the senate on the condition of textile" manufactures in the south. They say there is no immediate fear of competition with the industries of ."i.iissachusetts. Governorship of New fouth Wales. London, April 13. Lord . Med way denies the statement that he has been selected for the governorship" of New South Wales. Carnegrle Steel IV Tka on full Tlmo. PiTTPBURO, Ta., April '15. I'.eginning today Carnegie's Hosndstead steel works went on full time, the first time for sowral weeks. Cori.natlou of the Czar. St. PKTKKSiicito. April 13. The O-ar has decided that h.s coronation shall be celebrated in Moscow next August. rnth of lTofi-Mor J me Otrlht Iaii isew iiate.1, conn.. April is. I'ro fessor James Dwight lana. author and scientist of Yale University, died very suddenly alout 11 o'clock last night. Will Hot Try for MeKUiley'g Chair. You.nostow.n-, O.. April 13. General A. W. Jones last night declared that he is not a candidate for the republican nomination or governor. . Children Cry for rjftpnnc - Kfl .-AH JAPAN-S TERMS .OF PEAC. J An..ikBll t . Seth. i::Kht TointH lM iiiaii,ltl of ( hin. V,-A.s.:iNt;-T.s. April 12. The cabled ) Ji'fineftnent t:.j,t smeii of Japan's j ei-!ii conditions have boon nccopU'd by Pe;..ce Commissioner Li Huntr Chang is verv gritifyirg to diplomaU liere. The j eigiit condiiioas wer : ' I- lu'1t-;. . a.-U u e ot Korua. 'L i'vuaititt i4 ForsaoVj' L'ert ir :..cr. 4. 5. War A'lUiisvioa of ma.-a'nerv !r,.i China ami pi;rtui.Kioa to fondtfuerx to eHtaltlUb' faeUn ie. . 8. M1iaeati.)njt the Likin tax and c-jt'.eu-KKD of t?. .syxuJia t.f lr; n-it pauses for im ports. 7. typenire r-rtaiB Chin-ne riverx to eom-acr'ena.-l.satiic -t.v Tarnr-Tse-Kinut,' to fhaup-lttaK. th Slain- from lloa-Kow on tho Yatr-Ts-v io .Kltmc-Tun-Kianif. the Canton n-vrv to 0-.ich-.n- ;a ! the Vx-.aa- and its ca ij:tls i tar u Sai-h.iw and lire-,-Ch;.w. ,-. It!iil.-a- i ri. san 1 sj mi lar concessions to.hipiinese :-,n : fs.rein i-i.;.i;;..lis(.s. 'i ll.' eo:,d,tii;:i wtiich it isih-mi'lith..s not yet in en aeee'-ii v, o JAMES W. St JTT" 13 DZAD. Ch!cssr :r:-.-.t 1. ralt- lislir 1'jm y Sixl.it-niy. 5 Mr. .T;iines V. Co Times-Herald, I ou:;- a t 3 o'clock '1 he eaus of his Nkw Yoi:k A pj-i'l Ser.tt,. of -:he (h:r; died at the Ji,.U::fi.l yesterday a fter:i -n. death was apopleAC. His djaih w.r as peicoful as it was unexpected. Mr. cott arrived In this city from Chic'.igo hi at Friday evening. He was accompanied by Mrs Scott, and their niece. Miss (.race Hatch. Mr. Scott was then apparently in the pink of health, lt was his intention to spend a few disys in New 'York and then proceed .to Cape May and after ward to Virginia bcvich. From there, the Scotts intendVl to return -to 'Chi cago. The trip was intended purely for recreation. - - ' . STEVENSON MORRISON? !ivllon l:i the or.ure lie! wren Silver and Ail in in .hi rut Ion M-n. - Wasiiixotos., April 11. The silver democrats are plo wed with the move ment for an. early convention i-n . Uii iio's and prei'lict that they will have two-liiinis of the national" convention, including Virginia, the Carolinas. Geor gia, etc. One feature of the situation just developed is the tendency of the silver me.n toward -Stevenson' Jind the preferc-r.ee of administration democrats .for Morrison, if the fij-ht is to bo con fined to the two. All thu signs point to "irreconcilable' differences between the factions arid the dependence of tho .majori-tyj if a'rupturc is made necessa rp, is upon the silver republicans of the west. ', THE SEABOARD'S LATEST CUT. Former t..m tin ten i:iicrii:y lt ilic-i l ' tjy the l.nnl sphp,1nl Norfolk.. Va., April 15. The Sea board air line has m rde another bi'r cut from their original cat to t-'i.et tlie reductions made.. by the Soutl:ernvrail way company to compsttilve idnts. lloth local arid through rats to all points rorth. and "south have been re duced." Tiie following schedule goes into afreet today. ' Phila-deipii UkJiew.. York . jn.oo to tu.oo -J.l in to io sn L'.altimore Wosiilrto'-. rv.ru.nic.uiti Norfolk Petersburg , "ii-RliHiif'Od lloston v'.r. iv'.-v.- Hl.'W to RSO to K.00 fSi . p.ifl to iM5t..l : w.i t. 1 7 8.) 8.W1 8.00 1 r0. EMIGRANTS AT MONROVI The Kegroes VI lit. Va-lr.l I ro:n Huvi.fi. i.-fj . Ilavo ArrlA-ei! In I ?;,-rSfc. Piiii.ADSLrniA, Pa.. Anril 15. Nmvs fnweeii received thai the stea nihip IIoraa::-wiu5Bi; i"ai'a lelphia some weeks ago for SaVat1 li and there took on board about two iiuhdreu emi grants for Liberia, had arrived at Mon rovia, and after landing her. passengers had proceeeed to Harlados. From the latter, place she will return here. The next contingent of emigrants will be shipped from this city. WHAT HAS N.ICARAUGA DONE? I he Answer to S-i!rlaiilK I'ttimittam Ap- parfntly Satinf aeif ory. Doxnos. April 15. An answer to the llritisli ultimatum to Nicarauga has been received at the foreign office. It is understood that the reply is. so satis factory that the action which the gov ernment threatened. to take will not be taken. . -- . ' ATkaasita I, crista! are A.ljonrnH. , Little Rock, Ark., April 11. The thirthieth general assembly of the Ar kansas legislature adjourned sine die at noon yesterday. Senator John A. I'innick, of Pike county, was elected president pro tempore, which makes him virtual iv liente:iant governor. 1 Want Coinage of Sllvc-r. K:tlo 18 to 1. . Nafhvii.i.k, Tenn., April 12. In the. senate yesterday the Stoval resolution requesting congress to enact a law 'or the free coinage of silver at a ratio of llito f, was adopted by a vote of 14 to 10, nir.e lift voting. The resolution was much discussed. The Amotnit of lh. n;fji!y fihortaii'i. Chtca.oo, April I'.i. The shortage in the supplies of cattle at Chicago, Kan sas City. Omaha and St. Louis, the principal "western markets, thus far this -year, amounts to nearly 170,000 head eompn red with one year ago. Tiot TSelleved They Will Come to Arms. Boston. April 11. M. J. Lootz, the Swedish and Norwegian consul, thinks that Sweden and Norway will not come to arms'; anu that it ls-absurd to believe that Russia and Germam;my may be in volved in the ' u spute. - . i.oi.-ra Abating at Makuiig. LoMioj,-; April 13. A dispatch to the Central News from the Pescadores, un der the date of April 0, says that the cholera is abating at Jiiakurtg. where there are 54" cases, new ones and 84 deaths. . Seuittor irfctor flan ItoccvceiL KxuSVIi.lj-!. iVr.li.. April 10. Senator 'Yoetor. of .Yi-j-iiiint. who has 1-een-i'.iile i'.i i:i this. Las tuireiy recove.il. Tlu n is est Sn.Jve in tiie world fyr Cuts, . Fores, Ulcers, Salt Rlteuni, Fever-Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands '"hiiolaiii, Ci 'ions, and pos iay rt-.jiiit e.l. rns. ;.nn a:r .k!ii crup lively turf s l i'??, or no Hi n'.i.ir.'iikfd to giv oi-r'Vrt salisfa-ti-it or ti.nncv rffiinl?tl For s-ilc l.v H: Hargravi-. ' . , . . 1 Pitcher's Castorls THE FATE OF CUBA UP Tho Battte at Hand That Doeido tho Qusstion. May EXCITEMENT 05 THE LITTLE ISL.OD. LatvKt Newit in rarKrahs From the Seat of Jn.nrr"-ti;i 1 he Cabana Thought to Uold the VauUe Ground, and VVIJl Trlamph. Tampa. Fla., April 1R. News from Cuba t-odaj' is to the effect that there ia a big uprising iu the province of Puer to Principe, that nil laborers, sugar fieid hands and sympathisers are in arms, and that a battle is at hand "that" will probably decide the fa'.e of Cuba. The uprising in Puerto Principe is general and will seriously, effect re sults. Macco is on the island, hasten ing to the front with 11. 00i. M inuel deli (Vvzand family reach ed here front Havana last venin'.. He is t"he author of s. rerl works on Cuba i.rj.i is an intense pai riot. He was compelled to eoinii here or . suiTVr Sanish tyrany. lie is confident that rubans will triumph if their leader remain firm, lie says the troops in Ha vana arc dying by hundreds and those in the mountains are .lying and desert ing. .' The onllook is very brigt for Cuban success, he thinks. Near Santiago, thirty-six Spanish soldier lost their way, and that a band of Insurgents wenp near by .they went and joined them, taking their gnns and accoutrements with them. A letter was received hrre from Ha vana today saying that Spanish officer, riding on a train with some ladies, be--gan to take liberties with them. On the same car was a duelist by tlie name of Mendieta, who when he saw what was iK'iiip done, ' i'rew his revolver, and killed the officer. He then left the train. I Manuel Siingnilly arrived from Cuba yesterday evening. He is the brother to Julie Sanguilly. now eenflned in Cas tle Morro, charged with treason. He says that the report of Gomez death is not true. The Spanish government, he says, is in concilliatory in spirit, but the Cabans do not meet any advances for peace under Spanish domination. Yellow fever is raging In Havana, especially among the unncclimnted Spunish troops.- The infantry are most aClieted. The cavalry, unaccustomed to precipitous mountains, are fairing badly. - - DIXIE BAPTIST MAY DIVIDE. Southern !tallt onventlon lii-ttl.ij to ba too l.arp.. An Orcnnlxntlon, Haltimoisk, April 15. Rev. R. II. Pitt, D. I)., of Richmond, Va., and J. li. Gambrill, of Macon, (ia.. have hignod n call urging each church in tho Soathrn Baptist rssoclation which embraces everything south of the Mason' and Dixon line to send delegates to a meet ing to be held in Washington, on May vi n. l ne otgccyoT the convent to consider the n a Southern ISa -"Voples union, and it J JKkcly that the meeting 1 jrni upon some lly I ! iintn in to two camps, f JLti i atP fAON EASTER i n c cm n i n tS V' vr;ly Shaken. ft ;rtnioiii .effnia. h:Z. Anril It. Several districts of " -ote shaken serpr -?y V-y oaxl-lif,.1 -.WAsniKOTOJT, ApriW 3Qe - Coin m - jts.uir.tHV. The '.hoei. -ere-'i- ri ln lron Wp' . "'"' "rp. will T i.ient --in tht, wuv; ici: if Nvm- ! uv; ici i Syra- c I a Mouteiv.isso Alu,- f.ic facade of a .ehuich ami hevei-iS 'i,jr.'-.eS r-ere laid in ruins, and many, other .building were diimnged. The dragoons k the barracks were alarmed after tin; hrst shock and was marched out in hustu as the waTls"Tvere cracking. Tlie people of the town are badly fxiyhtened and refuse to stay 1 in..' doors. No "Jlptftfi!! have been reported. THE LATEST FROM THE EA 1 eel lug lliat the Treitlif. In Simonoftekl May l'rove AlM.rtlvc - - London, April 16. The Times cor respondent in Kobe says: The feeling that the treating, in SimouoHeU'; will prove alwirtive coutinuo: to increase. The Chinese nccuse the Japanese of attempting to ga in time by a policy of1 delay. The Mikado is expected to leavo Hiroshiine today for Kyoto. There are more thnn forty cases of cholera in the vicinity of Hiroshima, despite the strict quarantine. MR. CLEVELAND DECLINES. Wrlten a l ong Letter to the Chleatro Com-mltt-e Alonj; HIh I'nual Line. Chicago. ApJil 1!5. Mr. Henry Rob bins, received from President Cleveland last evening a letter declining the in vitation of a number of business men of Chicago to attend a public reception to himsel and Mrs. Cleveland. The president wrote :i long letter de clining the invitation. His usual poli cy way clearly onunciated. Another Kreord of th 1 ate War. Wasiiisoton, April 15. General lenry V. Hoy ton, the veteran news paper correspondent and soldier, has ust issued his book on the Chickatnau- ga National Military park, and it will rove one of the most interesting and valuable records of the late war. Fhoe Trade Improving. IlAVKTSHni., Mass., April 15. The shoe shipments last week exceed by hundreds of cases any . former hhitr- ment. Since last Fridav J0.WU cases have been sent out from this city. against 8,1 17 cases for the correspond ing week of last yar. The North Carolina liail Storm. Fayettf.vii.i.k. N. C, April 15. Tlie heavy hail storm along the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley radroad Satr.rday afternoon 'd considerable dairuige to the voung crops. rbffoc (Inthrcak In China. IIcko ICo;f.. pril ).. The outbreak of the plague ia Ma.-sto. iu the Portu gese seltU-iiiiiiit in China, is officially announced. IIi:iv: t cf r.'.I in Leaveir., O O I ST. ABdO WTSE.V;-: PURE ' A UZW DSCEPI1CN which the people of the South ere resenting, ia the efforts of some to sell them imitations for the real Simmons Liver Regu lator, because they make more money, by the imitation ; and they care little that they swindle the people in selling them an inferior article. It's the money they are after, and the people can look out for themselves. Now this ia just what the people are doing, and merchants are tiaying a hard time trying to get people to take the stuff they offer them in place of Simmons Liver Reg ulator which ' is '. the ' King of Liver Medicines," because it never fails to give relief in all . liver troubles. Be sure that yon get Simmons Liver Regulator. "You know it by rCDSu! the same old stamp ISfcivjJ of the Red Z on the package. It has Ji!nVI never feik cd y o, K4M and people who have S5SIl3r been per suaded to take something else bave always oomo back, again to, The Old Friend. Better not take rtT thing else but that made by J.H, Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSEtX Krkrls Will Not Rralffn. WAsniMiTor. April 11. Comptroller of the Currency Eckels denies tho re port that he is to resign his position to become bank examiner for New York. Ho says such a change could not take place unless he were to appoint him self, for bank exarqiners are appointed by the comptroller and confirmed by tho secretary of state. Jn1; OroKucnp Rapidly Slnble. ' CniCAOo,' April 15. A sjeclal from Redlands, Cal., soys : Judge Grosscuj tho famous fedeial district jndg-e fa Chicngo, who came to Redlands some weeks ago in the hope of throwhijr off a severe attack of the grip, is very low ami fears are entertained tJtat be may not recover. Strike Anm G1&M Wortrn. PTTTSTirfRO, Pa., April 10. One atra dred export glass workers era ployed m Atterbnry's factory struck yesterday on Bccount of tho polishing mnchinea used by the 'flrtn. The men claim tbe work done by the machines is Inferior and that the ware dame god ia charged up afjaiiwt their salaries. ' Corner Stone Stone Will be L4kld tm tM4S Richmond, Va., April IL At a raeeV ing last night of the board of director of Iho Jefferson Davis monument asso ciation, it was decided to lay the cor ner stone of the monument in the uprinff of IStlO. Mrs. Davis and Miss Lsr-rt mrrived here last night. Watson Tikn Blarvtt'B BeM. Dover, Del., April 1 1. Williams T Watson, speaker of the state sewatev took the oath of office of pown". called by the death of jrovernor Mar vil. Watson will stiU be senator but will not act. . To HnlW the Torpedo noats. prora. ' ' - ' 'tor- pedo ?joitsr . J-JflJ.'fioo for th tv, lowest bi-Uig t) Ilerreh-.. fled j-liirif. i.t . 41,650. K".nririi Helena.. I l Jp Manag-ca, -.Nicarnarwa, "April to. AH prisoners charged with po'i' Wl t-rimntt iave been releas;d and man-?- hav bee!- . The appQialS5? (len. Reuben Alonsoas Minister of War has created ill-feeling among the army olllcers. - tteased by the Ad ranee ot Darttta. St. Lons, Mo., April 18 Represen tatives of the large pitching houses at the stock yards say that the advance in the price of dressed beef is legiti mate and caused by the advance in oaV tle. . ' The Iowa Republtean (on rent ion, Dksmoinks, Iowa., April lS.-r-The re publican statu central committee yes terday decided to call the state conven tion for July 10, in Dcsmoines. The late date is regarded a a victory for Secretary of State MeParland for gov ernor. " ' . The Woman' nalldlua; Culler Way. Atlanta; April 12. Yesterday morn ing at 10 o'clock the ground was broken for the woman's building of the exposi tion. The corner stone will be laid with Masonic ceremonies next Thurs day. . Invites I'rnteiitanta to Join the CathoMcak Romk, April 15. The Pope's encycli cal inviting - protestants to join- the Catholic church and direct Catholics to pray for their conversion Is expected to I appear today. i - : ; - - - - . Editor Bam Kmall Qnlta the "Pilot," . Norfolk, Va., April .15. Rev. Sam Small has tendered bis resignation aa editor of the Norfolk Pilot. The cause of his leaving the paper is said to ba conflict of authority in its management. The Rebellion Condemned. Madrid, April 10. The Cnbanhorae rule party here has issued a manifesto condemning the rebellion in Cuba, ex pressing loyalty to Spain and proffer ing assistance to crush the rising. Thnrston Sella for Honolulu. Sax Francisco, April 10. Ia JL Thurston, Hawaiian minister to the United States, sailed yesterday for Honolulu. He stated that the data oi bis return was uncertain. There is no vrtlied reason why the lilies nr( roses ot courtship should not orow in the wider field of matri mony. -Detroit Free Press. rower. - -Latest U. S. Gov't Report O r3 TT7 R -il Pitchcr'35astori M - s-. i :- . ? - 1 . 3 - -