THE WILSON ADVANCE: AUGUST 8, 1895. 6 TOBACCO REPORTS. " I5IG BREAKS AM) GOOD P6l.ES TOR THE GOLDEN WEED. The Growing Crop in Tine Condition and our Eastern Farmers Jubilant Over the Bright Prospects. J ! i v We copy the following from the j Women's Edition of the Southern Tobacconist: Reidsville Breaks for the week have been light with active, steady de mand for all tobaccos, and prices have been well sustained. Henderson The seasons ' of late have been favorable, we hope for much improvement in the growing crop, and that the outcome may be a large supply of good tobacco for the next season. . Rocky Mount- Market opened fairly well last week, prices and breaks both being good. The tobacco men here will whoop up the market at a lively rate this season, and expect to - sell 7,000,000 pounds of the golden weed. Warrenton Some very desira ble stocks are being held here by our dealers, and I think they will make some good profits before many moons, j Why? I think I hear you say. Well, because I look for a very ir regular crop this year. " Oxford We have had fine sea sons, and the growing crop of tobacco is doing very nicely. While the crop is not as far advanced as usual at this season of the year, we trust with good seasons from 'now on our buyers will have a nice crop to handle next sea son. Raleigh Receipts light, as old crop seems to be about exhausted. The growing crop is in exceptionally fine condition 'and promises an unu sual yeild of fine brights, if seasons are favorable for curing. The tobac co crop in our section has happily escaped injury from the recent wind and rain storms. Nashville Two big warehouses for the salei of leaf tobacco are now un der construction, and will be ready for the new crop. Nashville is situated in one of the finest tobacco growing sections of the State in fact in the very heart of the famous Nash county tobacco districts. These warehouses will be able to control a very large section of country. Tarboro As announced in a pre vious issue of the Southerner the to bacco market will open on the 4th day of September, 1895. It was great news to our people last week when it was officially announced that the Cen tral warehouse had been leased. Mr. George B. Hughes, the new proprie tor, has for several years been the proprietor of the Riverside Ware house, the largest warehouse in Louis burg. , Greenville- The present season opens auspiciously. Still another warehouse has been built, and anotjier increase in sales assured. The grow ing crop in the surrounding country is large and fine ; cures have com menced ; primings are already com ing in, and with live, - energetic men in charge of the market and fine fa cilities for handling the weed a pros , perous, season is confidently expected. The tobacco market opened here August 1 st. "The sales began in the Star warhouse which had the most tnhxrm and it sold well, next the Planters, then the Eastern and last, the Greenville. We could not get the number of pounds sold, but it was estimated at from 12,000 to 15,000 pounds, of which the Star sold fully half. The average price of tobacco on this market for the last four years has been 10 cents a pound. STICK TO THE FARM, A writer in the American Agricul- j turaiisi eives mis huvilc uj wiuh-ij about to retire irom active work : I "Did you ever notice how invari ably the farmer leaves the iarm as soon as he has it paid ior and every I thing in good running order, to go to the city to live? A bad mistake. ! I know several who have done this to their sorrow. Unless a farmer is rich enough to live on his income . . i.i i ii.. without won:, ne naa oetter remain on the farm, where he is pretty sure of a ffood living-. There are few farmprs nhif- to rarrv nn unv nther satisfkctoril when tired . s es p .. do well to rent the farm to their children. I have seen retired farmers who once enjoyed life and raised good crops, working hard in lumber yards, piling lumber at $1.25 per dav. making: iust enou&h to Dav jtheir board bilL Parents shouldof. fer inducements to their children to remain on the farm. Let them visit the city oftener, attend church, operas, etc., and balls occasionally and they would not be so fascinated with city life, Have your children educated as well as you can aftoid ; you will find it money well invested, Every young man who intends to farm should, if possible, take a course at an -agricultural college." The Poor Not Growing Poorer. While it is entirely true that the business methods of the past thirty years have tended to increase enor mously the fortunes of a few, and thus to widen the srulf between the 1 j very rich and the v'ery poor, it is j wholly untrue that the poor as a class are either absolutely or relatively poorer than before. Indeed, the number of small but comfortable homes in every part of the country, as well as the reports of savings-banks and building and insurance associa tions, prove incontestably that the poor have shared in the prosperity of the rich, and that the average stand ard of comfort was never higher than at present. Indeed the average workingman of to-day lives better and posesses more of the comforts of life than the average noble of six hundred years ago. The sins of wealth,! though many and grevious, have not generally been aimed at the oppression 01 the poor Justice H. B. Brown, in the August Forum. Goldsboro is to have a warehouse "or the sale of. leaf tobacco. The stockholders of the Tobacco Ware- hovse Company met at the Mayor's office Tuesday night and elected the following officers: Chas. Dewey, Pres ident; B. M. Privett, Vice;-President;. Chas. N. Edgerton, Sect etary and Treasurer. The Wake County Farmer's Alii- ance decided at its last meeting- to have a basket picnic and barbecue at Cary, on Thursday, August 1. It is desired to have a day of festivity and pleasure after the work of the session. There is said to be hybrid cotton growing in Harnett county that bears about three times as many bolls as the average stock of cotton. Its lint js of fine quality and resembles the Sea Island lint. Sanford Express. Old Captain Pace is hustling, as usual. We notice in the Greenville pa per that his house, "The Star," sold fully one half the entire opening break although there were three other houses. While in Chicago, Mr. Charles L. Kahler, a prominent shoe merchant of Des Moines, Iowa, had quite a serious time of it. He took such a severe cold that he could hardly talk or navigate, but the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured him of his cold so quickly that others at the hotel who had bad colds followed his example and half a dozen ordered it from the the nearest drug store. They were profuse in their thanks to Mr. Kahler for telling them how to cure a bad cold so quickly. For sale by E. M. Nadal, Druggist. CROSSROADS LOGIC. AN OLD LETTER FROM PETROLEUM V. NAS3Y. Cheap Money Wouldn't I3nj Slore Whis ky IIow Eascom Would Iiqtiallza blat ters The Corners Coulil Stand Diluted Currency, bat Not Weak Eiquor. Confederate X IIoads (Which i3 in the s.tate of Kentucky), Jan.. 22, 1878. I ain't bo certain that I want the sil ver bill to pass ez I wuz. The fact is, the thing don't work ez I s'posed it wood, and I ain't clear on to it. There is Buttle principles in these finanshel questions w'ich requires a great deel uv thought, and there is underlyin prin ciples w'ich a man has got to understand afore he is competent to set hisself up ez authority. One thing I am certain uv Bascom ain't no finanseer, nor never will be, and I told him so. "Wat is a finanseer?" asked he. "A finanseer," sed I, assoomin the look of Dan'l Webster, "is a man w'ich kin pay his debts with nothin a man' w'ich kin git suthin with nothin." "The Corners, then, is full of finan seers," he remarkt bitterly, castin a casual glance at his slate w'ich wuz jist full enuff to turn over and begin on the t'other side. But he hezn't any uv the science uv it I wuz argooin with him the other day in favor uv my noshun uv a leather currency, though I told him silver wuz much the same thing, and, for example, I would assoom that silver wuz to be the currency uv the fucher. "Now, don't you see, Bascom, that ef I hed twict ez much money, I .cood drink twict ez much whisky and pay for it?" "How much is twice nothin?" wuz the tmfeelin anaer uv the tyrant who holds the destinies uythe Corners in his hands. ' ' Tha fc's w 'at your capitloliez bin ever fierce I-knowd you." 4 4 Parson , " sed he, "I don 't pee w 'at earthly difference it's goin to make whether silver is currency' or anything else. How are youa-goin to git silver ef i it is. made legal tender? Ef silver wuz ez plenty ez bricks, w'at hov you rot to git any uv it with?" "Troo, G. W.,' "but can't yoo see wuz my anser, that to hev silver wood releeve the dettor class? Even now, afore it is legal tender, it's only wuth 92 cents on the dollar, and when the country is flooded with it it will go still lower. Then we, or rather sich uv us ez hev property to raise money on, kin pay off." ,4Eggsactly so," retorts Bascom; "you kin pay me for the good, honist likker uv mine w'ich you hev con soomed in coin w'ich is less than the dollar you promised. All rite. But look here- come in here all uv you. I want you silver men to know exactly w'at you are rushin into. " And this f eend led us into the back room that back room w'ich contanes the subsistence uv the Corners. There, in long rows, wuz Bascom 's stock. There, in barrils, piled one on top uv another, wuz the delishus whisky uv Looisville, uv different ages, . rangin j from that uv two weeks old. to that W XXZIX XiCU. Jiai) AVUli Lilt? BLllI iXUU. wuz. scarcely cold yit. There it lay, and ez my eye ranged affeckshunately over it I felt ef I cood hev the drinkin uv all that likker I wood be content to lay down and die when the last drop wuz gone. Bascom p'inted to an immense tank w'ich he hed erected within a few days, with a pipe runnin in from the roof. "I shan't raise the price uv likker in consekence uv bein paid for it in a de preshiatid currency!" sed he. I fell on Bascom 's neck in an extacy uv delite, while the others shoutid, "Rah for Bascom!" "G. W.," I remarkt. while teers suf- foosed my eyes, "I never placed you much below the angels, but this gener ous act has histid you a hundred per cent in my estimashun. Bless you, G. W., bless you!" "But I'll tell you w'at I shell do. Do you see that tank?" sed he. "May I ask w'at that is for?" I sed. 4 'That tank will fill with rane water, " sed he. "The moment you git to payin me in silver I shell take out uv eech uv them barrils jist eggsactly three and one-fifth gollons uv likker and fill it with water. " "Merciful hevihgs !" we all exclaimed, 4 4 and your Kkker so weak now !" "And when silver gits down to 75 cents on the dollar I shell take out 25 per cent uv whisky and fill her up with 25 per cent uv water, and so on down. Ef silver goes up, I shell add whisky eggsactly in proporshen. In short, my whisky is jist a-goin to f oiler currency and nothin shorter. You fellers w'ich work for wagis may swet, but I won't. " 4,Bnt you'll increase the size uv your glasses?" sed I. "Not any. But you may drink twice ez many times to git the same amount uv drunk ez before by payin for eech drink." And Bascom stalked hawtily back and took his posishen behind his bar. Ther wuz consternashun in the Cor ners sich ez I hev never seen. Ther wuz a hurried consultashen at the Deekin's house, and I sejested that we emanci pate ourselves from the dominyun uv this tyrant by startin a grosery uv our own on the joint stock principle, w'ich ;gy .tn.. pnh. man asTeein to con- Children Cry for tribbjt j$10 to tv capjtle stock w'ich j 7uou Du entiU to'vaj a'ear'i or two ior a bcgimiin. We wuz errhoes5sst!o till we corns to ballotin for the man to keep the place, when it vrdz found instid uv my bein j 1 chosen yccrt.miitusiy, ez 1 egspectea to be, that every man- hed votid for hisself. Ez not a soul' uv 'eu would recede, the skeem wuz blocked lite there and fineily hed to be ab:ndoned, and wo. went back j to Bascom s and subinitiid. That tyrant J hez us. 1 Uv course we can't staid likker di lootid in that manner. We are willin enuff to diloot the currency wifh w'ich we pay for likker, but we want our lik ker full strength. We coodent help it, butthat nite we signed and sent to our representative a remonstrance agin the silver bilL The Corners is now for a honest currency. Wood, O wood that we hed some uv it I Petroleum V. Nasby, Finanseer. KILLED BY HIS OWN BOMB. An Anarchist Kills Himself, by Avoidant, After Shooting Ills Victim. Paris, Aug. 5. News has been re ceived here of a dastardly attempt to murder M. Vuillemin, the managing director of the coal mines at Aniche, eijrht miles from Douai, in the depart ment of Nord. A monster banquet had been prepared for the celebration yes terday of the completion of the fif teenth year of M. Vuillemin's connec tion with the mines. After mass had been celebrated in the morning, M. Vuillemin surrounded by a party of en gineers and share-holders in the mines, was standing under the church porch, when an Anarchist miner, named Ca naille Decoitx, who had been dismissed from the service of the company after the strike of 1893, approached and fired five shots from a revolver at him. Three of the bullets took effect, one striking M. Vuillemin in the cheek, another in the hand and another in the back, inflicting serious, but not dan gerous wounds. After emptying his re volver Decoux was preparing to throw a bomb which he had concealed about his person, when by some means, the infernal machine exploded pre-mature-ly, disembowelling the would-be mur derer and hurting his writhing intended victim. Ten bystanders were . slight ly injured by the explosion. Deeoux was carried to the Mayoralty house, but died immediately after . he arrived there. TRIED TO END HER LIFE. A Birmingham Woman's Unsuccessful Attempts at Suicide. Chicago, Aug. 5. A woman giving the name of Louise La Bond, and her home as Birmingham, Ala , made two attempts to take ber own life yester day. She swallowed a quantity of co caine, and when it did not have the de sired effect she jumped into the lake Officer Downey witnessed the last act, and succeeded in pulling her out of the water before life was extinct. She is now at tne county hospital, and the physicians say she will recover. She said her husband was a traveling man for a Philadelphia boot and shoe house. Asked why she attempted to take her life, she said she had received a telegram announcing the death of her mother, and that she did not have, money to enable her to attend the funeral. ANOTHER COMPLICATION. Possible Suit Against Great Britain by the United States. Satt Francisco, Aug. 5. A suit has besrun in the United States district court upon the result of which a dam age suit afciinst Great Britain may be begun by the United States. The suit is to declare the American schooner Sophia Sutherland forfeited to the gov ernment. On a recent voyage to Beh- ring sea some of the hunters on board the schooner killed ten seals in the area closed to hunters by the treaty between this country and Great Britian. The captain of the schooner says the seals were killed in violation of his orders. John G. Mauger, editor of the Sun beam, Seligman, Mo., who named Gra ver Cleveland for the Presidency in Nov.. 1882, while he was Mayor of Buf falo, N. Y., is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says: " I have used it for the past five years and con sider it the best preperation of the kind in he market. It is as staple as sugar and coffee in this section. It is an ar ticle of merit and should be used in every household. For sale by E. M. Nadal, Druggist. A lady had been looking for a friend for a long time without success. Fi nally she came upon her in an unex pected place. 4 4 Well," she said ; "I've been on a perfect wild goose chase all day long, but thank goodness, I've found you at last- Chicago Tribune. The difference between Pills and Simmon's Liver Regulator, is just this: Pills don't go down very easy with most people, and you feel them after wards. While Simmons Liver Regu lator in liquid or powder is very pleas ant to take, and the only feeling that you have afterwards is the great relief tnat it gives irom Constipation, Bilious ness, Sick Headache and Dyspepsia. it is a mua laxative and a tonic. Pitcher'o Castoria. People should realize that the oeI true and permanent cure for the condition 13 to be found in haviD 00 3 Because the health of every organ aaj tissue of the body depends upon tin purity of the blood. The whole worlj knows the standard blood purifier i Sarsaparilla And therefore it is the only true and reliable medicine for nervous psocl It makes the blood pure and healthy and thus cures nervousness. nukes the nerves firm and strong, gives sweet sleep, mental vigor, a good tppetita, perfect digestion. It does all this, and cures Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Rheum and all other blood diseases, becaoae U ftlakbo Results prove every word we havs said. Thousands of voluntary testi monials fufly establish the fact that Hfood's 8aroa- re, HrV. ruless to Get Hood's S "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for scrofula and the result is that I am Sjrmanently cured." Claude K. otson, Richie C. H., West Virginia. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, constipa tion, biliousness, sick headache, indigestion. 25a, TOWN WIPED OUT. Fire at Sprague, Washington, "With a Pop ulation of Four Thonsand.- Spokaxe, Wash., Aug-. 5. The busi ness portion of Sprag-ue, Wash., forty miles west of Spokane, burned and the town is practically wiped out. The flames started ia the northwestern portion of the city and destroyed sev eral building-s, the Northern Pacific machine shops, round house, a .score of engines, ice house and depot. The fire then crossed the trapk to the business portion of the town. Facilities for fightincr the fire were limited and nothing- could be done to stop it. Fifty stores, dwelling's, hotels and stables are in ashes. Special trains went from Spokane with hose, but ar rived too late. , The loss is estimated at three-quarters of a million. Mayor Sanderson, of Snrapue, communicated with Mayor Bell, of Spokane asking for food and tents for homeless people, which were sent immediately. Spra-gue has a population 01 4,000. . ' Exhibits From North Carolina. Raleigh, N. C, Aug". 5. jThe special committee of the board of agriculture unanimously decided to allow Drs. Day and Fernow, of the United States -geological and forestry departments, to take to Atlanta and exhibit all of the building stones, the best' specimens of the coal and iron and goliores, and the, forestry exhibit. It will be a very com plete display as far as ij goes and will cover 150 feet of floor space. It is to be in place at the exposition by Septem ber 18., ' I Call Accepted. Chicago, Aug. 5. The Rev. John H. Boyd, of Charlotte, N. C, has accepted a call to the First Presbyterian church at Evansville, and will occupy the pul pit made vacant by the resignation of the Rev. N. D.. Hill.; It is not yet known when he wiU enter upon hi new duties. ! Call for the Horse Brand, Johnson's Magnetic Oil, it has no equal for all ex ternal purposes for man or beast. Cures sprains, bruises, swellings, rheu matism and neuralgia. Large bottles 25 and 50 cts., at Hargrave's.-, Big QrdVr for Steel Kails. 4f The Pennsylvania Railroad compa ny has plaeed an additional order for 9,000 tons of steel rails at $24 a' ton, which makes a total of 56,000 Ions recently ordered. The order , will build about eighty miles of track1. ERGURIftL FOISOR Is the result of the usual treatment of blood disorders. The system is filled with Mercury and Potash remedies more to be dreaded than the disease and. in a short while is in a far worse jeondition - than before. The most common result is - RHEUMATISM for which S. Sw S. is the most reliable cure. A few bottles win anora renei where all else haa failed. I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial Rheumatism, my arms and legs being swollen to more than twice their natural size, causiDg the mostexcrnciating pains. I spent hundreds of dollara without relief, but after tak ing a few bottles of if I inDroved raDldlv.and t f 1 v am now a well man, completely cured. I meuu juur wuuuenai meuicine to nujuuc ws afflicted with this painful disease. fl W. F. DALEY, Brooklyn Elevated R. B. J vsur ireauH on itiooa ana bkih uise&ses maiieui j free to anr address. it SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, G. SQood BIUl