SING A SONG OF SILVER, Sing a song of silver, A pocket full of rye, Four and twenty blackbirds ' Baked in a pie. for Infants and Children. Ur. Wrtu U. Wilson Pullman, TV. V. Bottor ThanJFor Years Mood's Sarsaparllla Demonstrates Its Merits. A scrofulous or catarrhal condition of the intestines is often the prime cause of chronic diarrhcea, and when the tissues are built up. and healed by the pure blood made by Hood's Sarsa parilla, a cure Is effected, Kead this: "I belirrrit my duty to tell what bene it I hare revived from Hood BrafP jilla. I was afflicted with ehronie diar Thcea for four jm, and ; Oovoro Pafns In the Da ok f niy head aad also is my side. I was trtftWd by two MljieteBB.' P foond ao relief. I wa adrised by friends 7m laf to try Boodi CamparilH. I eoiamencod take rrer seren bottlea. X found relief mfter taking the first bottle and now feel better than 1 have for years." William M. WlLeow, Pullman, West Virginia. Hood's PUIS are the best after-dinner Tills, assist digestion, prevent constipation. The best wearing, most stylish, and the greatest value of any $3.00 Men's Shoes on the continent. Best calfskin, dongola tops, solid leather soles, with all the popular toes, lasts and fastenings, and Lewis' Cork Filled Soles. Each pair contains a paid-up Acci dent Insurance Policy for 100, good for 90 days. Wear Lewis Accident Insurance Shoes once and you will never change. The insurance goes for ' full measure." Talk with your dealer who sells Lewis Shoes. Sold by 25-28-lv C. B. RUFFIN. . . T. "vl SURE A ITa-w rr.fl fonip'stfl Treatment, oor.sisting ol SUPPOSITORIES, Carpus bf Ointment, and two Boxes oi Ointment. A never fi-iMng Cera for Piles of very nature ami dearoe. It ihjkps an operation with the knife or injections of carbolic acid, which are painful and peldora n permanent rpre, and often re sulting in death, nr. necessary. Why endure this terrible diserse? We puararitse 6 boxes to euro any case. Yon only p-y for tenants re ceived. 1 a bos, c for to. Savt by m&il. JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT, 25c. a Box. CONSTIPATION tSSSfSA the great LIVES rnid STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. Froall, rail! and pleaeant to tke, especially cdapted for children's use. CO Dosea 25 cents. For sale by Hargrave. Wilson, N. C. r -ii. Tobacco Growers Wanted. I have several farms of excellent tobacco land and I would like to rent -to men who have had experience in making tobacco. Liberal terms will be offered to experienced , cultivators. No one need apply unless he has here tofore been successful in tobacco cul ture. I have also several small farms for sale, on long time, and very cheap, o which the best grades of tobacco can be made. JASVSES H. POU, Smithfield, N. C. 25 40 4t Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- Rheum, Scald JPead, Sore Nipples, Chapped ilands, Itchir Ples, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO EOP.SEOWNEES. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the srstem, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents ner rackai:e. For sale by drugjjists. if . . . 4 ..... . t, 3 . - r 4".-? v . ' ' r '. T's n. p:; Ti; ;i' '! ( ' ui! a :, no to'-, work M Compiet. ro.'idy ior . ' . v.u Lm imt up by iiiiy fiie, 1 ::- rfTAi.-in;:, Lists n life '''!" d.' A money mer. Write rjof. Co.. Ciei K 10. CoiumLua. Q THE CODPER MARBLE WORKS, in, 113 and 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA.' Large stock of finished Monuments, Gravestones, &c Ready for shipment. Designs free. r cures uuuu SUDDEN DEATHe Sing a sang of silver, Poorest kind of money, Dollars worth but fifty cento. Wouldn't they look funny f When the silveritea get in Prices will be high, Everybody kicking then When they go to buy. Sing a song of silver, Thirty-two to one, Filed up in the treasury What ia to be done With the useless metal? Isn't Uncle Sam Just a little bit ashamed Of the silver sham? lui-eioa Superstition. Although nominally converted to Christianity in the same century as the Irish, the Sein islanders continued many of the practices of Druidism down to quite modern times. In the seventeenth century, when Pere Mannoir undertook their reconversion, the paganism of the old Celtic "world was still strong upon this rock. It was after his mission that the church was built. Even now there is a current of Druidism that runs side by side or mingles with the fervent Chris tianity of the people. They imagine that they hear their dead speaking to them by the voices of the waves, and the fancied messages that they thu3 receive from disembodied spirits tinge their in terpretation of tbe doctr:no of the com munion of souls sanctioned by their mis sionaries with a superstitious mysticism that is. only tolerated by the Roman Catholic clergy, bocanso any violent at tempt to correct it might do more harm than good. This habit cf living with the dead and looking forsign3 from them is to be especially observed among the women, who fall so under the sway of it that most of the time that many of them spend in prayer is in the cemetery, not in the church. The men attach great importance 10 birds as omens of weather. There is a beautiful sea bird with black and white plumage and an orange col ored beak, shaped much like a parrot's, which in their belief always brings fine weather. The notion is probably war ranted by the bird's habits, but the name which they give it; Doueic, .."lit tle god," is a distinct legacy of pagan' Una. Temple Bar. Iaflun of Mule. In the investigation of the influence of music on man and animals Professor Tarchanoff of St. Petersburg used the ergograph of Mosso and found that, if the fingers were completely fatigued, music had the power of making the fa tigue disappear. It appeared that music of a sad and lugubrious charaoter had the opposite effect and cculd check or inhibit the contractions. The author is inclined to suppose that the voluntary muscles, being furnished .with escito motor and depressant fibers, act in ref erence to . tiie music similarly to. the heart that is, joyful music resounds along, the -'excitomotor .fibers and sad music along the depressant or inhibi tory fibers. Experiments on dogs sliovred .that music was capable of increasing the elimination of carbonic acid by 16. 7 per cent, and of increasing the consumption of oxygen by 20. 1 per cent. It was also found -that music increases the func tional activity of the s:rin. The author claims as the result f his experiments that music may fairly be regarded as a serious therapeutic agent, and that it exercises a genuine and considerable in fluence over the functions of the body. Popular bcience Monthly. Evil Enough. There is evil enough in man, God knows ! But it is not the mission of ev ery yonngman and woman to detail and report it alL Keep the atmosphere a3 pure as possible and fragrant with gen tleness and charity. Dr. John HalL Children Cry for Sing a song of silver, Fiat monej, too. Populists want both kinds, Neither worth a sou. .Every man with savings Sees them melt away, And of all debts only The Devil is to pay. Sing a song of silver, A song is all it's worth, Greedy silver baron3 Thought they owned the earth, B -z the honest people 1 .owned sixteen to one, An 1 the silver shouters 2 jw are on the run. Whidden Graham. "How Would That Help You?" Free coinage would make the silver mine owners rich. How would that help yon? Fifty cent dollars will enable debtors to pay their creditors in depreciated money. As you are an houest citizen, how wcuid that help you? , The adoption of the silver standard, which is what the free coiiu'se advocates really want, would drive C00,000,000 of gold out of the country. How would that help you? Putting the couutry on a silver basis would double the price of everything you buy. How would that help you? The first result of free coinage would be a widespread panic, through the call ing in cf leans by lenders who were afraid of cheap mouey. A panic means business depression, bankruptcy and poverty. How would that help yon? The agitation for cheap money is hampering trade and industry by mak ing owners of idle capital afraid to in vest their money in business. How does that help you? If you have money in the savings bank, or loaned out at interest, the val ue of your depositor loan will under free silver be only half of what it is now. How will that help you? Adopting the silver standard of China and India would unsettle our trade rela tions with the leading commercial na tions, which are all gold standard coun tries, and would diminish our foreign commerce. How would that help you? The Tea Habit. 1 "The tea habit is growing on the law abiding people of this peaceful com munity, ' says the Philadelphia Record. "The victims drink this beverage as the hardened drunkard drinks whisky. This is the opinion of a local physician of prominence, who has made a study of the matter. "The intoxicating effects of tea,' said he, 'are not appreciated as fully as they should be. Cheap or im properly brewed tea is known to have caused many functional derangements of the grayest character. Many of the victims, not knowing that their troubles are due to tea drinking, sutler from headache, md often from persistent diz i ziness and indigestion. Despondency and palpitation of the he.ut are also among the complaints. Lastly, that dread enemy of every man, insomnia, has many victims among iho lot. These are certainlv a batch of troublesome symptoms of which any . pcrrrieious drug should be proud. There if a great dif ference in the physiological ei.ect of tea5 on the system. 'When it has been used to excess for a considerable period, well defined symptoms supervene." -There can be added to the list already given hal lucinations, -nausea, anorexia, prostr" ticn and anxiety and a peculiar kind ux intoxication, ending, t;i!ter hours of Vigil, in a torpor from exhaustion.' " The Public Mind. J Let but the public ruind once become I thoroughly corrupt, and all attempts to I secure property, liberty or life, by mere I force of laws written on parchment, will be as vain as to put up printed notices in an orchard to keep off canker worms. - H. Mann. Pitcher's Castoria. " Castor I a Is so well adapted to cWldren that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cutios Xabxyx, D. Dm New York City. Th CwTAtns . . . , i. NEW MEN! NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES! Wilson Crockery ALTHOUGH New to Wilson we are Old in the Business. Wis know that to catch the trade we must offer New, Attractive Goods at Startling Prices. We are offering to ladies and gentlemen of Wilson and surrotinding country Glassware, Tinware, CMnaware, Hardware, at Bottom Prices. We have no Special Leaders, but our entire stock goes at Leading Prices. ' -NOVELTIES IN EACH AND EVERY DEPARTMENT! Seeing is believing. , r You can be convinced by calling on G. V. MeKAY & SON 25-35 Corner rJash and W. P. SIMPSON, President. BRANCH & GO., TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS IN ITS FULLEST SCOPE. SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OF THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. 25-27-tf . WE WILL yx APo inter on i a uonei WHEN; IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN - THE WAY OF- . txSTATIONERY! EITHER PRISTED OB BLANK CALL OK US. i- The Advance Publisliin'g Company, I Plate Glass Front, Opposite Court House. 1 "" Tee years' use off 1 Mexican Mustang Li n i m ent ne a Livery Stable For Sprains, Stiff Joints and Harness Galls. Ill llrillPA l.i a a Mr. Hill cures HtAVa with mexiean Mustang Lmiment in 8 Castoria cures Colic, ConstipatlOi, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructatfion, Kfli Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. For several years 1 have n commended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably product xl beaeflcial results.'1 Edwin F. Pakdzx, M . 125th Street and 7th Are w York City. Compact, 77 Muwut Strxxt, Nkw' Yosx Cm. 31 3 Tarboro Streetn. J. C. HALES, Cashier. GIVE YOU Vr - V t X irs, Read His Positive Statement. Washixgtox, X. C, Feb. 11, 139-j. Lyon Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, X. Y. Gentlemen: I have used Mexican Mus tang Liniment for ten years in. mv livsry stable, and find that it is the best thing in tho world for a Heave y Horse. Put three taLIt -spoonfuls of Mustang- Liniment in a pin, of cold water and give it to the horse and it - wll stop the heaves in 6 hours. I can also rec m menditfor Sprains, Stiff Joints, Harness OaUs and as a first-class Liniment for Family uw. Yours, heading Sale & Livery Stable; G.H.H1X- Store! - - ?!

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