rrr- I The National Alliance's Address to the Friends of Liberty. THE HEED OF FUNDS FOE THE WORK Provincialism Cat Aftide and the National Demand of Ireland Again in the Ascend antComplete Independence by Any Means Competent with the Law of Nations. New OBKjOct. 7. The national officers and executive committee of the : Irish Na tional Alliance issue the following appeal to all friends of Irish independence : The oonrention which recentiy organised at Chicago the Irish National Alliance has placed its guidance and gbveriiment in the hands of the undersigned f or, the ensuing two years.- The -purpose Of. . the, 'alliance has already been sufficiently; proclaimed to .obtain, the complete independence of Ireland by any means consistent wltli the laws of nations.?- 6rganiiibhsVeygQV ernments, ' have io depend qu their revenue for, the successful accomplishment of their duties, The ' sinews of war for both are , abwlutely ! necessary, both' for organiza tion and propagaiida. , ""'. ' ' V , , - " England, the arch enemy of Ireland; lias; at her disposal Immense resouroesT-the ac cumulations of ..centuries of conquest and piracy. She" has it in her power to control or mould public opinion in her own interests. Even in free America the 'possesses " this f" e;-P power to an astonisMng extent- tter aiae ox . the lrUh queetioa has filled the American mind" for a quarter of acentury--ever since' - Aft-J A 4 ' i Ireland's friends at home and abroad olom-. mftied the eosttyfanli of trusting to par-1 liamentary atatlonito achieve the liberty of their motherland.'' -v V" Now; however a totally differebt policy has been inaugurated. - The absolute claim of Irtland.io a disti&cf nation! Iff has been placed before'ths world by the unan imous voice of the recent Irish national convention held la ' Chicago. Provincial ism has been cast aside, azfd the national demand: of ' Ireland, . which slumbered but did not die, is again in the ascendant. We are determined that it shall so remain, and ..... ; . . part, will be ' left untried or unperformed until victory crowns our sacred cause. "We appeal, therefore, to all friends of the independence of Ireland to aid us in this good work by placing at our disposal the means requisite for, its accomplish ment. You are asked to subscribe in ac cordance with your means, and to forward your subscriptions as speedily as possible to the treasurer of the Irish National Al liance, Hon! P. V. Fitzpatrick, 154 Twenty-second street, Chicago Plans of organization are being prepared, and will be issued in a few days. Onr Warships In China. Washington, Oct. 7. -Among the naval movements reported to the navy depart ment yesterday were the arrival, of the Monocacy at Shanghai and the departure of the Machais from Hankow for r Shang hai and the treaty ports. It is assumed to be a desire of the admiral commanding the Asiatic station to have them In south ern China, where they may be readily available in the event of trouble such as has been experienced during the past sum mer in the looting and burning of mis sionary property. Both the Machias and the Monocacy are of light draft, and adap ted for navigating to some extent the Chinese rivers. A Boy Frightfully Crushed. Shamokin, Pa., Oct. 7. John Richards, an 18-year-old boy, from Natalie, employed at the Patterson colliery, had one of :his hands caught between a revolving pul ley wheel and belt. : His body was raised from the floor and hurled against the en gine room wood roof with tterriflc force. Although the space between the pulley and the ceiling measured only five inches the poor fellow's body was pulled through this narrow opening before the machinery could be stopped. When released his head and body were horribly crushed and man gled. His limbs were fractured, and he also sustained internal in j uries that will prove fatal. . T Says the Missionaries Are Avenged. Shanghai, Oct. 7. The Chinese author ities are contesting every point of : the in-' " "" J . 1 t Af . quiry into ine massacre or c-nristians at Kucheng. They maintain that the seven executions of natives that have already taken place have amply avenged the mur ders of the missionaries and members of their families. The British vice consul has started from Fooehow. He will go to Pe kin with dispatches to Sir Nicholas O'Conor, explaining the hopeless situation and the futility of continuing the farce of inquiring into the massacre. King of Portugal to Visit England. London, Oct. 7. The king of 'Portugal will arrive in England on Oct. 31, seem ingly on a state visit. He will be received by the Prince of Wales. Later he will visit the queen at Balmoral. Upon his return to London a banquet in his honor will be given at the Guildhall, and after ward he will visit Manchester and Glas gow, where receptions will be tendered to him. A Little Girl Burned to Death. Hamburg, Pa., Oct. 7. Death in awful form was the fate of Annie Dresh. 9 years of ago, at her home in West Hamburg. While playing near a wood fire the child's dress ignited, and before the flames were put out the child had been roasted alive and died in a few hours. The child's mother was also seriously burned while extinguishing the flames. No people suffer so much from phys ical disabilities as those whose business requires little or no muscular exertion. The lack of exercise causes the liver to becme sluggish and the result is con stant Constioation. Indigestion, Bil iousness and Sick-Headache. To pre vent this take Simmon's Liver Regular tor ; it keeps the liver active and makes one's condition as comfortable as those who have much excercise. A PLEA m mm GENERAL SOUTHEBN NET78. Moukt Vrasotf, Ky., Oct. 3. The jury, after forty hours deliberation, gave Rev. C. W. Capps two years in the penitentiary for shotting his wife five times some three months ago. She had applied for divorce on account of cruel treatment. Chattanooga, Oct. 6. Neal Smith, a convict who recently outraged' a young white lady at Cole City, Ga., after beating her into insensibility, was taken last night from the prison guards by a mob from Tennessee and Alabama and shot to death. : Atlanta, Oct. 2. James F. Fagal and Harry Griffin have arrived at Atlanta,hav ing ridden a taadem all the way from Chi cago, a distance of over a thousand miles. They were on the road something over two weeks, but their actual riding time, bar ring stops, was nine and a half days. : XiYNCHBURG, Va., Oct. 2. A fatal runa way accident occurred on Sunday in Hali fax county, ten miles west of Brookneal. Miss ' Uaura Barksdale, daughter of Rev. Albert Barksdale, was killed and Miss Annie Mclvor was seriously hurt, being dragged over the ground for some distance. Columbia, S. C, Oct? 4. The" constitu tional ''convention, by an overwhelming majority, has adopted a clause forbidding the intermarriage of a white person with another f person who contains any negro blood whatever in his or her veins. This, in connection with the suffrage clause, will . have the 'effect of disfranchising mulattoes. : RiCHkONX), Va., 'Oct. 4. R. W. Card-welL-for many years bookkeeper . in the guilty yea- of j,.-fahie entries in his books. l . . e as to allow a depositor to overdraw his account: -He was sentenced to two years ln the'pehltentiary. The bant hi supposed to hare, lost at least 20,000. Card well is a married man, of first class social standing, and he returned to the city to stand trial. : Mxmfbxs, Oct. 1. Mrs. J. H. Aiken, a Christian science "healer," was yesterday placed ' Sshder bonds of $5,000 to an swer , to an indictment for murder. In July , last -Mrs. Aiken attended a Mrs. Wade In child birth, using only Christian science in the treatment of the 'case,' and, so the indictment charges, refusing to al low regular physicians to see the patient. Mrs. Wade died, and the indictment fol lowed. Chattanooga, Oct. 5. Mrs. Delia Tegue, daughter of W. A. Maloney, a wealthy stock raiser of Midway, Tenn., died at Dr. Hatcher's sanitarium at Tate Springs from the effects of abortion. Dr. Hatcher is missing, and $500 reward is of fered for his arrest. A prominent planter named Richard Hughes, of Moshiem, Tenn., is implicated. He is also missing. The interested parties are prominent in social and religious circles. Danville, Va., Oct. 2. Reports by mail and telegraph from Halifax, Henry, Pott sylvania and Franklin counties, in Vir ginia, and Caswell and Rockingham counties, in North Carolina show that frost of Monday night ' was general and very , destructive. Vegetation is blasted and' some damage to tobacco is reported. j However, but little tobacco was out, per ! haps a little less than one-fifth of the crop, but what was out was ruined. Atlanta, Oct. 4. Major J. C. C. Black, Democrat, defeats Thomas Watson, Popu list, for congress in the Tenth district by a majority of 1,641. The election was one of the quietest ever held in Georgia, a striking contrast to the one eleven months ago. At that time three prominent men were killed in the streets of Augusts. Watson claimed that the election last year was unfair, and Black, I in deference to Watson's views, resigned. The special election was honest in every sense. Atlanta, Oct. 1. The question of Sun day opening of the exposition was settled by an overwhelming vote at the directors' meeting yesterday afternoon.- H. H. Ca banlss, manager of the Atlanta Journal, moved that the grounds be opened and the midway closed on Sundays. Captain J. W, English moved that the whole mat ter be laid on the table, and this was adop ted by an overwhelming vote. It is not believed that any further attempt will be made to open the exposition grounds on Sunday. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 1. The steamship Margaret, of the Plant line, bound from New Haven, Conn., to Tampa, Fla,, while anchored in lower Chesapeake bay, wait ing for favorable weather, dragged her anchors during the violent northerly gale, and stranded about three miles north of the weatner bureau station at Cape Henry. The crew of seventeen men and a young lady, niece of : the pilot, were safely landed m toe steamer s boats.: The steam er's back is broken and her starboard side gone, while the furniture, wheelhouse and other wreckage is fast washing ashore."' Richmond, Va. , Oct. 5. The Liberty Bell reached this city on its trip to At lanta at 7:15 last night: It was received with demonstrations at Fredericksburg, Milf ord, Ashland .'and other stations be tween Richmond and Washington. Upon the arrival of the bell in Richmond a sa lute of twenty-one guns was fired by the Howitzers, and the escort was met by a committee of city officials. The gentle men accompanying the bell were' received by Governor O'Ferrall at tjie executive mansion soon after, their arrival. Resi dent members .of the governor's staff as sisted him in receiving the PMladelphians. The bell will arrive in Atlanta on Tues day next. ." Going Back to the White House. Buzzard's Bay, Mass., Oct. Presi dent Cleveland will probably leave Gray Gables for Washington sometime during the present week, after one. of the longest sojourns at his summer home here ever juaue Dy mm. - Mrs. Cleveland and the three children will remain for a week or two longer. ' -r. - Says Four Hundred Armenian Were Killed wxdox, uct. 7. A Constantinople dis patch to The Daily News says that the Ar menian patriarch has received a list of the rmmes of 400 , Armenians .who have been missing since last Monday, exclusive of vue.uiuefcy-wo Dwues which have eat to the Armenian hospital; .been THE REPUBLIC OF CUDA. aeverai -- !tm a FersMaeas Puerto Principe, Cuba, Oct. 6. At the recent meeting of the Cuban provincial delegates in this place the report of the special committee appointed to draft a constitution was adopted without debate,' the fundamental laws of the republic were formally proclaimed, and the independence of the island from Spain solemnly declared, j rm i . i i - x M rMmi.l xua pruTiBioiiat. jjuvcrumeui ux Masso gives way to tms permanenii organ ization: - President, Salvador Cisneros; vice pres ident, Bartolome Masso; secretary of war, Carlos Roloff ; assistant secretary of war, Mario Menocal ; secretary of foreign af fairs, Rafael' Portuondo; assistant secre- tary of foreegn affairs, Fermin V. Domia- -j guez; secretary or the treasury, teevera Pina; assistants secretary of the treasury, Joaquin Castillo; secretary of the in terior, Santiago J; Saninares; assistant secretary of the interior, Carlos Dubois; generaMn-chlef, Maximo Gomez; lieuten- t ant general, Antonio Maceo. ; fr registration officer, shall be filed, one copy .The provinces of Santa Clara, Santiago, .. with the clerk of court And one in the of Hayana, Puerto Principe and - Matanzas j flee of the secretary of state on or before are all represented in the new government, j Jan. 1, 1898, and such person shall remain and the organization seems to give general j during his lifetime a qualified elector, un satisfactlon to insurgents and to insur-'i less convicts of nm(iiuinoiifrinn,a gent sympathizers throughout the island. ' Father Wagiter Wed His Tlctlnu :ST. Joseph, Mo. Oct. 7. Father Domi nic Wagner, th priest who Is in jail here charged with having.; caused the downfall of, Maud Steidel, the 15-year-old girl who was rexntly arrested in Chicago,, whither, she was secretly taken by a relative of Father Wagner, was married to the girl gjsturdax Slight at the - home : of Mrs. Steldel. Aftwr1 the 'ceremony the priest was taken back ;-td the jail, where he now iaj. '" During the day he transferred to an unele of the girl all his property, to be held for her in trust. ; I Oeaaral MaJbrnae Awaltla g Death. : WAsmiroTOir, Oct 7. The condition of ex-Senator Mahone, of Virginia, shows no particular change He is simply clinging to life by a slender thread;' which his phy- sicians think may be severed at any time. He remains in a comatose condition, from which he is aroused only with an effort, and his digestive organs are also failing, which adds to the hopelessness of the case. r " Big; Fire and No Water. Wilaesbarbb, Pa., Oct. 7. The bor ough of Sugar Notch, which has been without water for some time, was the scene of a conflagration Saturday evening which threatened the destruction of the town. The fire engine from Ashley went to the rescue and the fire was gotten un der control. Loss, $10,000. The Taylor Brothers Secure a Stay. ' CARROLLTON, Mo., Oct 5 Yesterday was the dato set for the execution of the Taylor brothers, for the murder of the MaaIch fAtnlW. bnt -Tndof "RnrlrAr errantil a stav of execution nendinff an anneal to the supreme court. The appeal will not be heard before next April. Benefited by Hood'H. W. B. Flexer. of No. 4360 Mana yunk Avenue, Roxboro, N. C, writes as -follows: "I have taken, Hood's Sarsaparilla and it his done me a great deal of good." Hood's Pills are especially prepared to be taken with Hood's Sarsaparilla. WilsQH Military Academy ! WMWMIIIIHWI1lffin,V''?W'TBWWHilMni'iri!Ititr 1 m mmm In consequence of the removal of the LaFayette Military Acadeny from Fayetteville to Wilson, the name' ot this very popular institution of learning will hereafter be known as Wilson Military Academy. THE FALL With greater facilities; better accommodations and equipments, and, if possible, brighter prospects, the school enters upon its third year with, every indication of a much larger patronage . and more general usefulness. The most thorough instruaion is given in literary and commercial branches ; and moral culture and physical training receive due atttntion.'. : : : ' The Third Annual-Announcement, VQQreSS " -r. - . . " ; Mai J. THE RIGHT OF FRANCHISE. EdtteattewiaA and Trop-Tly QnalffroatSoM Prapesed la Somth Carolina. Columbia, 8. C, Oct The report of the suffrage committee of the constitu tional convention was made last night. It provides for the registration of qualified voters. The qualifications of electors given in the following section are re garded as practically disqualifying the majority of negroes on account of the edu- . -- cauonai ana property requirement; "The person applying for registration must be able to read and write any section in this constitution, or must show that he ewns and pays taxes on 1300 worth of prop erty in this'state; provided that at the first registration under this constitution, and up to Jan. 1, 1898, all male persons of vot- ing age who can read a clause in the con- stitution, or understand and explain it . wiiou reau to iuem Dy tne registration o ni cer, shall be eligible to register and be- iome electors. " A separate record of every illiterate person thusf redsteredL sworn to hv the The certificate of the clerk of, court or the secretary . of state shall be sufficient evi dence to establish the right of said class of citizens to registration and the franchise." Appointed! by Governor II aetlag.. 1 . Harrisburg, Oct. 7.- Governor Hast-' ings has oppointed Miss Cora Stuchfleld, of Allegheny, and Captain M. N. Baker.of Corry, deputy factory inspectors. - ..Baker was originally appointed by, Factory In spector Martin when the department was organized six yeans ago, and has been re tained, by every succeeding inspector - Croup is a terror to young motherst To post them concerning the fiis. symptoms, and treatment is the object of this item. The first indication of croup is hoarsenes In a child who is subject to croup it may be taken as a sure sien of the approach of an attack. . Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough remedy is given as soon as the chiid becomes hoarse or even after the rough ; cough has appeared it -will prevent i the attack. It has never been known to fail. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by E. M. Nadal, Druggist. Elevator Weight Kill Two, Hartford, Oct. 7. John Farr, elevator boy at the Batterson building, in Asylum street, stuck his heal through the netting into the elevator well and wfis struck by the weight. His skull was fractured. Jan itor Melvin Barber, a short time later, was showing how it happened, when he was struck by the weight and killed. He leaves a widow and family. I Confusion as to the choice of a blood purifier is unnecessary. There is but ! one 1 est Sarsaparilla, and that is vyer s. 1 nis important iact wasre cogr nized at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. being the onlv blood-purifier ad mitted to be pUced on exhibition. St. John Kirkham shoes M. T Young. - Zeigler Bros, shoes at M. T. Young's. BEGINS WEDNESDAY, . 'Illlfi containinp; full particulars, will be mailed to . - - " W. TTVTTTrT TtTvriTi Brings comfort and improvement and tends to : personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than otheraand enjoy life more, with less ei.ptUxivue, ujr muxc fJiuuipvjjr adapting the world's best products to. the needs of physical being, will attest ; the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Svrup of Figs. - Ite excellence is due to its presenting in the form' most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers, ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver arid Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every obi ectiohable substance., r ' oyrup or Jb igs is tor saie oy aii arug- gists in 50c and bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also tt& name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if onered. n. ii. 1 UuiiJuU (X DRU., DEALERS IN Granite, Marble, and Brownstone, Monuments and Headstones. v Building ? Work Furnished at Short Notice, of Granite, Marble, Brownstone, : and Sandstone. nnnRQ wTTsinnw qtt t Q t tm. A.J, WAA-W.. -" TELS AND STREET CURBS j ALWAYS ON HAND. 310 N. Front St.. Wilmington. R. C. - . W 4 NOTICE. ; I WAirr every man and woman in the United States interested in the Opim and Whisky habits to have one of my books on these dis eases. Address B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Ga. Sox S82. and one wUl be sent you free. SEPTEHER 4, 1895. any address upon application. Z.-f - QhUdronCiyfof : j?ItcriQt!o.OhotoriQ. Mia 25-26

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