4 .& fS ! ,,'v:ck"l hi) oji lur Str-ets i W i f it ti-V lives'. j . - nt rd! the local news ? (: -,t,v- Advance $i co. ;';..! "" ' ' ; V)r,,erne still hauling out ferti- : ' (( respects ibr a good crop m town this THE WILSON ADVANCE: APRIL 13. 1896. Mr. Alex Greene, is week. Miss Lucy Bryant, of Saratoga, was in town Tuesday.; ' .Mr. J. G. Rawlsi spe;: !! y v r: the best Bicycle Lamp . Search Li sht Lantern ! t t Privett, The Jjeweler.; " . v r ;.(-c ."i Hoys went out to Wip . . , a; I ;;T01)f,.y:e' ening to open r.vVnV reason! They, had a eve:v;;-Vs;)prt. . ' . . in' Granville' iasl wte'k Dr. I'eniun-t ui, of Knly, :was in the city last week visit mi relatives. . ... j . Mrs J I. Foust, of Qpldsboro, is r t a few jlas m tne city visiting Mrs derion. Messrs v.r-p. Creek Sunday. , lam maue a rivals t Albert An- Grirrm and Will ip to Black A -bond Cijiu-n Gi-. After as brave a''fi-ht as ever mor tal mad for lite, Maior E. M. Nadal ! died Monday afternoon a: 15 minutes. . to 7 o'cTo:k. . ' ''; j .. Major Nuld h-id just befpre hisi pj sickness received his commission Jl&zZ from Governor C.ATt V, T.W rA thJ ? VTY'IIJL Wff. rai??. iiuv our r I : OUI11T S. J!iliii eT 5ua it T. mam becond Regiment lived, a brave, generous man. Hon est in all t le walks of life, true to his iricnds and. devoted to the best inter-' est of the coaimaney, as he under-! stood them. bleedna, ecalv. crusted. rimDlv. or hlotpbv. t t j - 1 .- iiivi oiiu ,-;, r'.iunuum, ji uefcuiiaryi iroia -iv, vj.v-vj. 11 w." i:uauty w a?e. ara now tseaahv cured hv w . y J M H r 3 N k rj t3 r2 Th Iam mocks at M. T. Young's. li will pay you .to .see Young's Furniture. HaVe xpu seen M. -T. Young s Millinery? ; f; ? v " Now is the time, to buy shoes cheap. M. T. Young; ' " V tfllf WHTITITP $QO pairs extra pants at M. T. r,'i . ten. -m r;r M-ijon N idal is wide! v j ....v... L . 1.11: . w . I . irm-T ... . . . . - - . ' . .; A tfvL. ana cioca pn;ier of mcoraparablo prominent Druggist and M iSOll I lis purity and -curative power. "Purely wgetai V " f,i0 yc : , j " - , ' . -. eafe, innocent, an 1 pal atablc. : It appeals to oatt.e luri;Ine lasted- atKXUt tareer. all, and especially mctheri, curses, and children. Weekf. Without the S'Uphttk tremor Sld throusrhout the worli. Price, CrrtcrRA, jpc.!,- Messrs F. R orf fUria, nr'iha ,,1,, ,1;,, i. -.-v;..-! A.'JL:'!:,MJC."K. !ir:'P-1 L'.-fop- 1 .. -uu vUttuw vvuul-i" - v uuti.iov.u i.ic. uu)U.-iuii!iV; fco euro a.ooi aa Biun ilumors, xrse of reeavery and . after w4;ghin the - " ten spev-.t buiHiay. in -Wilson with their iaiher, .Mr V. P. VVro,t Mr. O W. Pierce, of vVeidon, 1.., . r ! . 1 i ' 1 . u) " wp-i a-j vv.n.. 1 cu. .t reuiaD'e- io iv 10 tion decided, as he expressed if, to! , ?entlem:in I to ''distnl-ute samples' and ' - " ' ' ' make a hi"!ise-tri-iiri::";e rnnvnee frr rnr i . t 1- . ( - - - - v,v-...t..j.. iyi V.'l I vvasr in the citv Sunday khe - eue-t cf - Q,:e cnaQce m ten-' 1 1( Vegetable Toilet nps. 4) trr -75 his fether-in-law- Mr. vi. E. Deans- W"e ae 0a :u:,der ;wh:cl1 Keel 1 8, 2"U 4 A,,i aT submitted to an operation lor perito- Chicago Hi. I of the Stan-- r t Piivett. 'he p weler, ken- bi- r-A? P)qks', enamel,; bt 1 , ce- .'-..'Miss Bet;ie Johnson, a nj i'i ''f-ici a genera! line i b-,- 1 to isur section, who has ben visit. .n-.r'V:iiP.i::s-.- . nsv '.uis. . o ll, us. re ni n"i ro ner home Saturdav :: v.)th"-M: worthy of rote in. tobacco ;wee"c'; States have continued but ;uve,!rn very . srnalP occupying a u i'ti.ae e:i-.;h cl iy. V) , Wncr. the hnir ha s f dl"en out, leav hrthe nead bald it - the scalp is not i y't'ere is i c' a .ce cf regaining ' I i T ! V T T . T u-uil' nail s riHir ivenevv- Mr. F. M. Wintead W formerly, of lis.ori, now toc.ttea at piewhern, vvas nitis. His was the directing hand;' that has so ' suecesyfu'iiy guided the VVilson Home and Loan Association to its present. prospcrou4 conditioiv. He was a sne nber of the Cpm;nand- ! ery,K. lights of H .:i ir, S ipt vPresby I he nret'iest line Shirts in tnu-n ' ' j ; ' ' ' i ' M.lTJ Youne. : Have vou seen our Straw Hats? , M. T. Young. !; .:! i Big line Summer Clothing at M. T. .Young's. -. . ! New line Neck Wear at M. T. i oung s. . ' ; .. i - Lace Curtains and Scrim at M. T. Young's. i . (Trunks and Bags at M. T. Youngs. Inirniture, ail kinds. M. T. Young's. Pant Patterns at M. T. Young's ;r r i- : I : I H ' -V 1 C5 1 1 a i a A Dress. Rehearsal' Ay. M. A toniorrow ngljt- It youno ladies of the in the city '-this week.! -J(l.e was called' te.rian'Suhday : School and Secty and here on accuat uf ihe sickness of -his ! Treas. of Wilson Home and Loan - i i - Association. All trusts imposed by ; them have: been efficiently aad faith- : fully discharged. ' lie leaves to . nd cherish ? his ! faihcr. ' Master. Malconi Rawungs came d o w a t ro ai .Richmond Sa t u r da y night to spend Sunday with Ins' grand and .'promises to be a very en- local ed !tor lias been sick for mother, arrs. Susan ILawiiiigs, re turning Sunday night. R. L Wyatt left S-nid iy night j for Dariington, S. C. J where he will i open a branch of his business Mr. Wyatt is a . yo'un'j-" mah of ous'n and mi riiJiir. I-.Olil, i oOO; :''' - .1. j : J : energy a ll'vJ f ci we wis a '-niur success in iek and our local col-'umus fins venture. irhred' iia coasequence. We j Amonc. the visiting . - . 1 " " 'I P- i 71 r i-i fill-- . I Knights mourn nis; cle memory a devoted wife and son, a mother and uncle and the', family ot Mrs. N tdal, all oi whom seeYri in their devotion to havevbelongtd to'his im inediate family. Kis death has. cast a gloom -over the -place and : his vir tues are n the lips t all men. Maj ir Nadal. Was buried froni the Picsb terian church yesterday at io o'clock. ' : i 4 1 "j? T " - - f - j A 'fi We call your attention to our very .attractive Sine of Ladies' Shirt Waists. ; Hamburg anc all over Embroidery; Valencines and Torchbii ILaces. v Fast Black Hosiery. ;! h mticipHted in Maj. Nadals h.nera ?hc " ervices a; the cdurch; were tj :o j nrpqrlpn Slll-c vere : Messrs. I. I. Whitaker, C. E. 1 read by Rev James Thomas. At the 1 erS1-n reSClCn kS . M v. T. Farmer has been work- i ;) j McG vvegan, H C. A kinson, F. L. -rjteid -Ivonihis d-iirv until he. has i r'Ppen L.vAkA ; : Ul iiarte!l.U: . l ight lz a a to .'.a high state of p-ir- r t t I j - f ' ' tie lias an tie inoacrn nn- jvements and is. turning our i,oob cign h ; A. C. -MaynarU, Richmond and j. J. F iber, "Norfolk Mr, John A. Greenj a a ideal dairy Jor soaie nionths, rak The work on the sewers is prog re, i ,rec-.. courser in .plumbing; and fitting.' He s;r rapidly, mis wet a The 'won of I ha? thoroughly equip tiie ak-is over now. All the deep-1 sanitary p.umping an ditches vet,eeen cut. P rom this i l extcme HU C1sseb i ' - . - . 'line t:iic out $ie grades will require, now j 'aeo-GigiMiig. i atr. aiaynara nopes t ) be read v to turn the work over to tie towu W lune ist ! WHether on ; pleasure " ' j ress, take on every .trip a "Girden Sass" is just now in order Svrup of Figs, as it acts most ? pleas -and the average man who. owns i antly and. effectually on the kidneys, yard w. II go io work and raise a : ijver anj K)Vve!s, preventing Severs, ssa ill-garden and spend on it just two headaches, anci other forms of sick- gave- the beautiful .and - impressive b u r i a I s.e rvice o t t h e Knight- Te i n r phirs was read. .The reuiains were loiiovved to the grave 'by j Wilson Commanderv oi Knifht Temnlar.J has returned I t--'i t V . '.t , t r 1 r T ' 1 ! t.i..ivyij J-it til j. ii ilxii x.i y,.: i 1 Jiy I .l lull u.ia.!in..u uai-vvu . iii.iivu..- ; irom iew l orK. wnerie ne nas Deen T -"5" S if J 1 w A" .-. 0- i te k n t A ffiDvlfXv ng a scientific ed himself in u is prepared ot work in his Sunday School and citizens. Vi'heii 'ft ;iv-ii hie bent or busi- bottle of A inrs for every dollars worth that he ! ness For sale in 50 dent and $1 hot- gets therttrom. i his occurs every i tes by all the leading ; druggists vr .but stiibthey will try and raise j Manufactured by : the vegetables instead oi buying tfiem . Syrup Company only fro;h the markets. .- I Iu- (al lso 'o Dram-ilie f'. Tli" Uiuwvvk v Jjurtt '-Vekj, Mrs., W. J. Davis and Miss Marga- California Fig i'iin Hee Hive j f' ' l.' ' ' Offers special bargains.to the. ladies in embroideries,-.plain white lawns, checked nainsooks, etc.; 125 kid gloves for only 83 cents. These ! goods are fresh and new and were bought at a big discdun$ and will be sold at wholesale pjices . Visit 'the Bee Hive E. N Mercer's old stand.. ;: Tarboro street. . , ! ' R i Table Damasks from 50c to $1.00 per yd. Cents' FiifosstoogB, Clotliing, Etc Moved to Tarboro St., tvyo doors from Nash St. ' i 1 -i i 1 1 - ; : . - I - Best line of Men s all Wool Suits at $6.00, $8.00 and $ 1 o.1 ever offered in Wilson. Will give an entertainment at then ; rct parker had a narrpw escape from OJera House on Friday evening next serious accident la.t week. They sh street when April 17th: : The piece selected, j were driving along 'Among the Breakers', is a realistic one C:f tie shafts brpkeand struck drama in - two .acts representing a te.i,6rse's heels, giving htm a ttrri- jcene.froni life on the-sea Coast. The j hje fright, and starting him oft at his Dav'iS and Miss : im: - ;: New line ot Soft, Stiff and Straw In all the new shapes. HATS. BANISTER'S FINE "SHOES. ' 1 KNOX' FINE. HATS: . SCRIVENS ELASTIC SEEM T RAWERS. clup:tt, COON .& CO 'S COLLARS AND CUFFS. MONARCH AND PEARL SHIRT$. ! ... V -..!,- - No better line of Gent's Furnishings to be found any where. Gladness Gomes X7ith a better uiidcrstariuing' of the f W tranyient nature of the many pays- - j ieal ills, which vanish before proper ef- i forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts ! rightly . directed. There is j comfort in j the kaowledg-e, that so many forms of j sie.ki-oss are not duo to anyj actual d is play -'is fall of Iifend fun. ,rThe com- ( highest speed.. Mrs, laiy, although an ametehr, is ex- j Parker were thrown out and the bug- xptionally fine. Our people still re- i try completely wrecked. Fortunate- . .1! .:. i i . i .' C . . . . .V- j i - . . m lin pleasure tne peiioiiiniuo the ladies : escapep witn a tew; ease, bat simply: to a constipated cndi- I ilA Box of Monkeys" . given here bruises and a bad scare ' ' ! tion of the system, which Ihe pleasant I ' " . c ; - I j ramily laxative, Syrup of L ig-s. prompt- ."v v.cxia jy j ly reniovesA inat is wiry is tne ouiy GolHhnro AT .inHprsrand that the I I I remedy with millions of families, andis r T.-ww.v. . v. ; iiio. present company is made up largely j yf members, of the old company- n 4 n y.ii v . - I -. Tx '.ft i .; Consolidation of Stocks. ; ; On Sunday last, a j Maple wbod Avenue,. : t oi i im of O ISioers . i every vheie esteemed so highly by all ! - v . -l i , . -r. -t . . 1 , , who value gooa liea it n. its Denencmi ner noaie on..- a tr t.i.nt. it.is th Nnnq. wit' nf! nna -remedv which Dromotes internal ; of Drv Goods 1 another tOWilat an . li t n . . j i Cieauiine&s. wiiuoui u.cuij.iidi.iijy uic ; G. P. Bryant.. MrsBryant had been orraris on which it acts. It I is therefore IVTr Rrv i all important, in order to "get its bene- i . , iieiai -enecis, to noxe wueu vuu uui t - , , - i , c ii i ant has the deep sympathy of tne 1 chase, that you have the genuine arti- Jnlantry on Monday night the follow- ' nky - this his great affliction. I winch is manuf acturedby the ;Cali-iao-nfiRrpr xrH ' i lorma Fig byrup Co. only and sold by -ig officers were elected Richard Winctead, T. M. Anderson, Jr. j r Captain, st. Lt, Lt. all renutable drugffists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of j Mrs O. K. Williams lul. ' On -Tuesday night last Mrs. O. E. i .... J The company is to be congratu- Williams passtu quieuy away, one toed upon having-such efficient offi- had been m bad health for .o ne time . , , . ' j u ;vnH was not nnexiwterl i well-informed everywhere, toyrup oi cers. Their Captain has been virtu-- and the eena was not unexpeelea. , Figsstands highest nd most largely lly in command of the company ever , bhe leaves io moum a sier, j since Captain Washington's accident. I Mrs. M. Ev Moye, and a son, M, During his probation Captain Win-' Lat Williams, of the Geo. D. Green stead has proven .himseli thoroughly Hardware yom competent to fill the place. services wUI .be held ns uK. Otir buyer beino- ever on the alert for o-oods at underrate to ! meet the demands of our trade, has just swept in a large stock --- O L' 1 used and gives most general satisfaction. Engle & Lund will open their gal lery over Penny & Co's. jstore May , i st. wait ior tnem : EKQilMOIJ BISCOXJNT, ; ' i Which we will ship to this place and sell at. astonishingly low prices. These goods are daily arriving, and consist of almost any thing , you nny want. We rqspectfully solicit a share of the town trade as well as the country trade. , i 2 balls of Sewing Thread for one cent. Note Paper 2 cents a. quire. - Envelopes 2 cents a pack. Suspenders 5 cents a pair.' o: Shoes a Specialty. j Big Drives in Every Line. Visit Us. Respectfully, ' fc Ieitliff , I ' - T? XT . UK: : .1 1 . 20 lt-omj - mciccr s yjia atana. "i

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