I - ' - .... I f " ' '- - ' " - -- j O : - I 2JS3GJ?t-sar.ev.i.!-v---- - : THE WILSON -ADVANCE: JUNE 4, 1896. llhe Wilson Advance, BY VI T THE PUBLISHING OCynPAHY j PUBLISHED.. E.V EKY THURSDAY. .Entered in the Post Office at Wilson, N. C as second class mail matter. a 3i dki ANij hanged isT tiik ; vote received by each candidate at ! S rATJK JJL3IOCHATlC CO.UMIT I isis. i' : , - - ; the precinct meetn. . ' ; j: ' ; 7. Each precinct shall be entitled " PRECINCT? ORGANIZATION. I ' . , J 4- .n I . ; to cast m; the county covention one .: i. The unit county organize j vote for every twenty-five Demoerat- tio'n shall be the voting precinct. ,.Ih votes and one Vote for fractions or The chairman and secretary-, of the' j elates or alternates so elected ? shall ;' be entitled to seats in said co n ven- ! . . . . .i tion : Provided, That every ; corinty j shall have at least one vote in said - i convention. - ! GENERAL RULES. precinct meeting shall certify to the ' township and ..county, conventions the t t . - 4.14- Inspire ncictiniP .4x7 w , 1 1 i 1 r ( i 1. - - t r For the wron?that needs resistance, ! each precinct there shall be an exec-? thirteen Democratic votes cast bv the Sd?he-fod lhat we SS??o ? jive committee, fp consist of five ac- j prccinct at the last p-eccedim; b,r- j----z I tive Democrats,, who shall he elected i " natoriai election : Provided; That SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : O'aiE Year 'Mk Months. $I.CO by; theDemocratic voters of the sev- J everyvotinrr precinct shall be entiled eral precincts m the meeting, first to cast at least one vote, and each Remit by draft, post-office order or j called by tn registered letter at our risk.. Always j Committee. "Aril said ccnrnittee ;is ;t may see t. giye post-office address in full County Executive j precinct may send .as. many, delegates' y so elected shall elect one tT its. mem- 8. The ' chairmen of the precinct -Advertisi:i- Rates furnished on j ners as cnairman wnrj sn.au piesiue atj committees-shall pride st all pre application. No communication will be printed without the name of the writer being known to the Editor. Address all cor respondence to : n-y : The Advancii., . . ! '".' ;-. - ; ; Wilson, N. C. all committee -meetings, i cinct meetings. in the:r absence 2. The chairmen of the several' :inv. 0thermernber" of said committee precinct committees shall compose j mav .preside. the ; County Executive Committee, j COUxtY and district conventions which shall meet Sat the snne time j Tle several county conven -and place as th.ejcpunty convention j ions shall be entitled to elect to their 1r-..r , first. held in each election year, and i Senatorial, Tudiciaf i:d Conression- jTKE River and: Harbor bill has j a chairrnan df said poimty com- j ai: conventions one deiete arul one passed the Kou-e of Representatives j mittee. who nee4 not be a i member.i aternate ir ;everyrty- iiemo-aiic and he shall pre- voters, and one '.delegate for.-fractions over the of the President. be played in State politics. One would Imagine. -that the Democratic leaders would arrange a new plan of campaign. . President Cleveland has ve toed the-River and Harbor bill. The bill carried with it $75,000,00. The President says he will not endorse any more bills ca'ling for the expen diture of money until congress has made some provision for the govern ment debts alreadv incurred. 1-- 4 Congress will soon . adjourned. The present congress has done noth ing: to end the financial strain. Both parties have talked a great deal about a :"non partisan"' financial bill, but talk-began and ended the business. Each seems t have been afraid that the other would gain some political advantage and hence nothing has been accomolishecl. nr suOernato Oi the committee, ' side at all meetings qf baidommit-.; Gf over twenty five Democratic vote tee and shall hold his place imtil his'j cast at the last Dreeedi ...,-.:'' -UI! U,-.LA'-.,r,A- ."ii .,..?'.,".' i ity of said precinci son or by proxy quorum. A . . 1. - ' ' i - ' shall likewise appxMnt a central com- J That every county shad have. at least n major- j rial election 111 their respective coun- chairmen, in per- ; ties, and hone' but delegates or alter shall constitute anates so elected shall be entitled to The ; county committee ; si-At in sid mnventionK ' PrOuided. mittee of five, w- 50 shall act in its j one vote in each of said conventions. stead when the county committee is At every precinct meeting- before not . in session. .-Wherever , a-' town- delegates to the . t'ovnshii convention ship contains twu; or more voting j and at every county convention, be- lore delegates to State, Congression al, Judicial, ; Senatorial or other conventions-are chosen, there shall be a vote taken for the different candi- 1IAI HIS ITTKS Oi'IiKI. precincts, the chairmen of the several precinct committe'es shall compose the township executive committee, whose' d at v it shall be to call " ail ne- cessary township conventions and-the dates r cfiice, whose names may be chairman of the township committee; presented, and the delegates ...-shall shall preside, at : ajl township conven-j vote their respective' precincts and tioris. V The township committee shall ! counties in accordance with this vote; elect its own chairman. Should any that is to say, each candidate shall township .. committee 'tail to call a j receive in the State; Co:;gres'sion'al','' township convention, when necessary, j judicial, Senatorial or other conven the chairman, of. tpe County Execu- j tioo, the proportion; oi the vope to tive committee sh4il call: the same. : j which the . county; may be entitled, ;'U3-,In case there ? shall be a.' failure i which he received hv the -ccamty cen- , Oil the Dart Of any precinct, to. e.CCt ! ver.Hort. andi'-in tnu-nlnn rnnve-ntinns - . ! ; "i - " I' - - - . '-r 1!. . ... .. . . . us executive- commiuee ior a ; period i he shall have his proportion of the A jsortliera 31 l!sut at the IlVubli ! can tjite C011 vent iV'i. The Favettevrille Ooserver!tells of a i-i -. -" Northern man's disgust at the recent Republican State convention in Ral eigh, and what he says his feelings ' were after calmly observing things. It says : jA Northern man and a Republican, . a Mr.' Baker, of iall River, Mass. arrived in the city Monday with his eyes opened. Mr. Baker was sitting in ifront of the LaFayette hotel, list ening to a number of. gentlemen dis cussing politics. He suddenly arose from his seat and said ; "Gentlemen y oil are ail strangers to me, but if you will allow it, Twant to unburden ; my mind of an humble thought. I was born and reared in Massachusetts, the hotbed of abolition, and have been taught to believe all my life that the Republicans and negroes were baddy treated by the Democrats of the bouth, in fact that they were still little better treated than laves. Last Friday I stopped in a Southern city, the 'city of Raleigh, for the first time in my life . T heard that there was a 'Republican State convention in session and I wrent, charged with sympathy jor the oppressed Repub licans. I stood and gazed at that howling, seething, cursing mob, and but a few moments was sufficient to convince me that if this was Republi canism in the South, then God deliver her from it. Boys, I am a Southern . DemociTt in heart and spirit if not by residence." " .. of thirty days, the county executive! precinct vote. The chairman and committee shall appoint said commit- j secretary of the Drecinct or count v r . 1 t-v 1 . .. . I tee irom tne democratic voters 01 said. -precinct. : , . J 4. The members of the precinct committee shah elect to any. vacancy occurring in said committee. ": 5. The County Executive Com mittee shall call all necessary county conventions by giving at least- ten day's' notice'by public advertisement in three public places in each pre cin.ct, at the coWt house' door, and in any Uemocraticjje-wspaper that may be published In said county,' request ing all 'Democrats' of the county to meet in their respective precincts on a common day therein staled, which said day; shall not be less than "three days before the meeting of the county convention for the purpose of elect ing their delegates to the county conventions from the voters of meet ing so held shall eject their delegates to represent the) precincts in the county conventions from the voters of the respective voting precincts. j How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for. any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. I F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him, perfectly honorable in all busines transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. . - . 'West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally,1 acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75 cents peg bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. If you want the best machine buy the Standard : Rotary sold by J. J Privett, the Jeweller. which delegates, or such of them as shall attend, shall votefie fulbDemo cratic strength" cf their respective voting precincis on ailuestions that may come before's-ald county conven tions. In case no meeting shall be held in any precinct in pursuance of said call, or no election shall be made the precinct .executive committee shall appoint such delegates. PRlif ARY. " At 1 o- At every j-precinct meeting there shall, before "delegates to the county convention; are "elected be a vote, taken for tHe different candi dates for office, whnse name may be presented and the delegates shall vote in the township and county con ventions their respective precincts in accordance with this vote ; that is to i say, each candidate shall receive in the township and county conventions that proportion of the precinct may I theypte to which be entitled, which convention and another instruction shall'be given : Provided, That where only one candidate is presented it shall be lawfnl to instruct for him. At all State and .district, county and township conventions the dele gates from the different-counties' and voting precincts may disregard the vote of their resoective counties ; or voting precincts to any, candidatet provided two thirds majority of all his votes from the county or .voting precinct consent thereto. 2. The chairman, or, in his ab scence, any member of the County, Senatorial, J udicial or Congressional committees, shall call to order their respective conventions and hold the chairmanship thereof until the con vention shall elect its chairman. . 3 The executive commttice of ihe Senatorial, Congressional and Ju dicial districts, respectively, -shall, at the call of their respective chairmen, meet at-some time arid place in their respective districts designated in said call. And it shall be their duty to appoint the time and place for hold ing conventions in their respective districts, and the chairmen, of said respective committees shall immedi ately notify the chairmen of the dif ferent county executive committees :of the said appointment, and the said county executive committee shall forthwith call conventions of their respective county in conformity to said notice, to send delegates to said respective district conventions. STATE CONVENTION. The State convention shall be com posed of delegates appointed by the several county j conventions. Each county shall be entitled to elect one delegate and one alternate for every one . hundred and fifty Democratic votes, and one delegate for fractions over seventy-five Democratic votes, cast therein at the last preceding gub- 4J M - V 1 1 1 - - 3"An " W itii ! careiu crops and : fiben cotton lands will shall be elected, as near as iuay be, application of : i . At. all conventions the delegates from the friends and supporters of j .sh often "..makes the r;indid;ife; ''V.:to.-.l of absent deleoates-as may be pre: faiiure- SC fcr saiQ convenMon. Ail Demccra'ic. executive co Actual Potasl sented at any Democratic convention U1 Sha!l be allowed to; cast ( the wliole j vote to which their precinct or ccun j ty may be entiiled. ; - -' " 3. In ail conventions provided for j y this system, airier a. .vote is ; cai,t I uere sr.an ue no caange-in-sucn votci i nul tne nnai result of the b:ili -t shall be announced by ! the chairman of I icrtiii improve. proper; d srncient the fKh- 1 i CiUD i - con 6 o 4 - - rvanlit us a cor O'ir '-.;r-: V-.:o ! ! .. ' i onm.iA I I I . - I- .. littees shall have any vacancies occurring m taier- re 'specti've bod ves. the ix'iwc r to V . 1 -.. x i:tr LiK-iii.i.xc! t.-i . liic -.Uiiiri cm- county, conventions shall- "cert-ifv the Professiod 1. ; B. DE.AXS, A.TTOSX " AXD:GOr Office, in rear of 1 - . V- US' 1 1 1 - - ' I ... 7 st of delegates and alternates to the 1 P.-'O. .Box 182 corn-eii-'3 i.cl del;-- iherent oisinct and 'btae: tions, and a certified list of. ' . V- . ' . . A Vi UJ . V . lilt IV. (.W I. j. . V , i. J llllV, V- ' 1 1 ention shall be sent to the Secietary of the-State central :coi n rn itte'e.' - 6. It shall be.- lount'' committee, qian, to furnish sue the cluty of the and of its chair 1 intorroatioh ar.d make such reports to the chairman of the State committee as he mav'de . Adopted by the Executive, Committee at Raleigh, I. C, April 9th, 1S96. James H. PouCbairnian. . - Wiley Rush, Secretary: State Democratic snieii Baby was Bictz, vre :ave herastoria. she was a Ciiild, slie cried for CastcVi. "VHien she became liss, she claftg to Castovia. When she had Childrpu, she gave them ''Caster!. 1 I.OK, ATTOSNEV. AND COl 'i 'V. A t'W v't ' n t -t - Practices. in Nash, F , Pitt and Haul Court. H , i - r hgeco:"!)-; x -counties; Vcr,.: .; ! Attorney tit Law, - ! - WILSON, Offjre! Branch & Co J. 5IMMS A, J. Sim S 8: CO. : GENERAL1 INSURANCE AfL .KEAL tESTAXE A Olace 111 rear of Court Moid P. O. !Box 162. W'i JACOB BATTLE, Counselor axd At TO rvod :-ur Wilson The Democratic .voters of Wilson county are hereby called to -assemble at their respective precincts Saturday jane 1.3th at 1' o'clock, for the pur pose' of 'electing delegates to the county convention which will assem ble at Wilson June 20th at 1 o'clock to elect 'delegates to the Congression al and State conventions. The precincts will elect in their first convention an' executive commit-l tee' consisting of five. The . chairi men of the several precinct com rniti t es shall compose the Countr Execn utive committee, which shall meet at same time' and plae as the county convention and elec: a chairman.: . . J. D, Buj.loci;, Ch'm Co. Dem. Ex. Com J (me 3rd, 1S96. P :'. .: . - r Proved by the statements of Iead- WUi vd in'r drnrrist1 pvpr-i-v.-liprp show that the people have j an abiding confidence in Hood's Sarsaparilla. ' Great ' : . r - i - " . yv proved by. the voluntary state Sl twJ ments of (thousands of meii and women show that IIoou s Sarsaparilla ac tually does possess j '-. . j nW(r Ver dIsfase by purifying, en V W. yi riching 'and invigoratiTig the blood, upon which nt cnlydieaKh but -life itself depends. The great I; SEp of IIood"3 Sarsaparilla in wiuvW&JO curing others warrants you in believing that a, faithfiil use of Hood Sarsaparilla will cure you if you suffer from any trouble caused by impure blood. K3 &m arsapanlla the One True Blood Purifier. All drageists. $1. Prepared only by C. I. Hobd & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills y a.ie easy to take, easy operate. 25 cents. 1 Executor's Notice. . i - - I Having: qualified as executor of the list will and testament of Alley Page, deceased, late of Wilson county, North Carolina, this is to j notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Alley Page, deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned i on or before ,the 28th day 'of May, 1897,,, or this notice will be plead in bar of their, recovery. 11 persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. j- JOSEPH D. tAl MAIN, Executor. InvM T? KuiTTnv ' Attnrnpv he received in the precinct meeting. 1 ernatorial election, and none but del- This May 27, 1896. J 2i-6t. ' n . Wearejnow preju ses' Of ..collections a; the sale, purchase, of real estate both country. - L . -;! Vl IVOR S r. Dwelling cornet Tarboro and 16 rooms. prden, and lULl-'Ut- u'eil ui I IT ' - enine: on lsreoro streets, containing iouiKimgs, a good water. . -.'". 2. Four room dul streetj above Lee . v ui.a:iL juc on t-prK a ven u el. 41 ;i -w o iarg-e- aweiamgs oirbpiin-: adjoining the residence of E. G. Roe. u"". goou reiair ana nave croju garaens ana water. - - i- 5. One nine room dwelling, -itll o.ut- buildings, everytiuni new and v ri-t-dass condition; ,sani.he'ing:'situVted on t ender street ana hak-ing 19 acr iann in rear 6. Another plot of Xo. 5 on Jwhich is v necessary outbuiidin rejhave on hand stores, dwellings a ;ars regarding whicH on application to . T. H. PEA 25-5o-tf : V - liar. j ni red to do p Ci " Mi SO; iOii-.-k -'i:-e or t-xch in the-1- v,-,i ALL:- j be reau 'Whs b!and!i to'iw Latent 1 1 him 11 Las' ay,, a See v;; s an: bev i : - OVEi.' scboc utae- A tert prion iinnd 1 dots T coin pb and anc 7 . acres., ausou.iij ... rfooci nouse und ha. bs. , - v i number 01 id 1 ir?i. parti: i:- will be L:r::ihcd cqck:& CO. po: ty ne ne vl 11 -P a r s 4 I year o . 1 O ',.1 A A 3 Tears old i yearl 'oKI WE HAVE A FIX LOT-pF STAXDAfcD WAli D i P'rom f broke a one to fmh years id- fresh. "A ;f-rst-v Calves. For ply to 1.1 V. T. When' you want! cool drink, of i-o a full pa! air view: Gairy, G 0. I T Mi FARM ERJ Prep- a nice,' Lemonade OR T nriQ water -CalP at- 1U. "Up-to-Date News ! EVERYTHIXG fieat, Clean 1 i and J. H, CHE Attractive. 45-iY-