V THE WILSON ADVANCE: JUNE 4, 1896. ) LUUrLJ. ;'. nmV uKiKrr.v TOLD FOR tlK UUSY READERS. 0O!i SO, 1' rs rjfkod i!P Our'.Stwetn H1,1 Uars. Rocsv a: --.m-ir didn't think- wc d'd." ' ' , j -'t hilt we ..:n uu . . - .. ..nroinn tine; ivpfl: find a ..t ic in rr,c?iv-- - :cro na we ----- . V.V-nn's new warehouse is L no vm' rapidly and will be ' '. w holiness- by the first of the Veare now ready for the finest :' Vup State at our new eallerv Cunt House. Uau ana st'e Engle & Lund. For the benefit of one of the young gentlemen m Wilson we. would inform him that the -laundry phone is Number iYiNE.' I ' . We regret that we were unable to accept "an invitation jto attend the ice cream party given at the W- M, A. last night under the management; of Messrs. Best, Bradley A pleasant time is reported by who attended. and Fulghum. all Lumber has been hauled in !the courthouse yard to erect a fence i feet high around the jail. It is to. be ten feet from the builcjing on ail sides V':,r r v rieiiinnuy a new sici.ii n nVno- up very fast and wnl ready tor operation in time for the tfit tdtocco season. -. k'hatever may be the cause 'I Echini?, the hair may be restored L Ahninnl r.'ilrrr bv the use ot that fOk - Ui:h"m' Uf remedy Hall's Vegetable Sici- il'-iir Rene wen ; ast Saturday being Decoration bo: was closed at 3 p. nr. While it is! national holiday it is not gener- obsejve'd in. the South. Several of our young people went , to Sianhope last week to attend coram encement exercises of the at that ijiace. A pieasant e is reported by all -who' went. k gentleman from one ot our s sis- tea.rowns alter usm 1 one ot our tele pines remarked' that "they were mach better than the. svstem n his pit.'-. . 1 1IC1L O 1 JiJV, W 14UV1I 1.A w V . disanVthirig' half-way. 'he Wilson' L:gfc't Infantry- will colne out to-morrow afternoon on a piDic Gnu, ihe lust one they nave summer The Company f We Won. I , On Saturday last the boys from the "Queen City" came down to Wiison to . cross bats-with our team and with the determination to just i "wipe the eanh" with us but wheth er they did will be seen by referring to the score. ? While the game-.was-tull of errors, there was some verv good individual playing on both sides. It was clear ly seen by the vvork of our : boys on the diamond that they necd( practice and team work, and need it badly. ; Rocky Mount was first to the bat but were cuicklv . retired. Thev and will make it impossible -for-Joutj could not bat Moore's bills out of siders to have any tHing to do with ! the diamond. Wilson managed i6 the prisoner in the jail. 'This is a make one run in her half of the first, good move on the part of County j In the second both teams failed to Commissioners and should have been j score. Rocky Mount agained failed done long ago. The contract f for jto score in her half of tlie third, while building the fence was given to Irvin Wilson brought in two more runs,-on !a two baggei by Applewhite with . Moore on second. In the fourth. things began to look serious for our boys, when Rocky Mount by? timely batting and errors on the part of the home team brought four men across the home plate. But alas ! this was their first and last run, for afterwards they failed to score. Wilson made one in the fourth, three m the fifth and the same .nuinber in the eighth making the score 10. to 4-jn favor of the home team. s . All of the Wilson boy: played very fair ball, and with good practice we can have a team that will not be afraid .to challenge any one. We have the material and now why not have the team ? Moore, foi Wilson, pitched a splendid: game and kept hits well scattered. The 'batteries were-: Moore -and Wilkins, J., lor Wilson. Overton, Hmes and Tho mas, for Rocky Mount. Umpire; E. Deans Score by innings. ! Rocky Mt., o o 0 4 o 000 04 t T T 1 Wilson, 1 o 2 1 300 3 x-10 ; 1 : -' ' 1 : 1 ca 3 h Bovkin. The Sheriff of Halifax Co. passed l through VMson Tuesday with- four prisoners for the penitentiary, v We were informed that two go therefor stealing and two for murder. Three of them were lere Jboys while; the other was a young fellow.! One isent up for murder did over 12 years old at our State find some thein to a . place where they are turned out worse criminals than . when they went in. Clothing rrt -half price at lM.T. Young's. It will pay you Furniture. . to It is so because it strikes ht the caune of the Clogged, Irritated, Injlamtd, Sluggish, Ot Ocerworlced 1011 E. Sold fhroushouttht!"orH. ?ottt.r Dsuo iso CniM- ICAi OonitjRATlON. Sole Proprietory Hotitun. t How to i'ruvuat riiai'lcsj-' (X pages, Ulus., free. see Young's T. Young's o buv shrjes Have vou seen M. Millinery ? Now is the - time cheap. II; T. Young. 500 pairs extra pants at I M. T. Young's. : 1 The prettiest line Shirts in town. M. T. Young. Have you seen our t M. T.; Ypung. j Straw: Hats? not "look.: to be he most. Can't punishment for WANlkU. A. reliiable ladv or entieman to distribtite samples and ma Re a nouse-10-nouse convass lor our Ye4table Toilet Soaps 1 $40 to f 75 a mo.ntn easily macie. Aaqress droits x Reed, 842 to 850 j Austin Avenue Chidaso 111 Big line Summer Clothing at M. T. Young's. j j New line Neck Wear at M. T. Young's. :-"'.:'"" ' .'." '" Lace Curtains' and Scrim at M. T. Young's. I.- -1 '. " L . '.: ! I- . . -.rj; y .' - i ' I Trunks and Bags at M. T. Youngs. Furniture, all kinds. M. T. Young's. Pant Patterns at M.iT. Young's I'xctirsion to Kotsf vi lit. If you want your roof painted y can leave your order at Geo; D. Green's Hardware Store. references. Every knows what I have donis? in my line here. Best . of one in Wilson v Henry PAxnill Roof Paint' Co. Live added several new members, la will make a-very tine app ;ar- ance to-morrow." We are anxious to secure corres- pfmdents in every section of the coun sel would be glad to have our Bends send in the hnnneninp-Q of ... rr" .0 lileir ne!?hnorhood. Send in the is cif your section and let the neighbors know what you are doing. lr. Henry Pannill and. his crew of 1 painters will be here next Mon iV. and hts'timf will hp Hmitr-d. So i VO'J uant - hi:-.! to Hn -vnnr mot ijainting you can leave vour order 1 - - Geo, D. Green's Hardware Store. 5 to his work and: paint any one in l jt.fW it-i'1 liA': ..i l- r5rfomKr st' D leaks. Free Pills. r Send your address to H. E. Buck len & Co., Chicago.j and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will coyince you of their merits. These Pills pre easy in ac tion and -are particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache, -For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved in valuable .. ' They are guaranteed to to be perfectly free from every delete- ; June 4, 96. 11 KS. s to be purely veg i weaken bv their rious substance a.nd etable. They do no! action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem Regular size 25c. per , -box. Sold by B. W. I largrave. Wilson now has in operation one f' the 'best telephone svsterns in the t and '.our citizens should show leir appreciation of the effort ";Mr. 0nes is making to give them a tele phone system to be proud of by tak- FS.a phone. They are certainly a p'eat convenience, and after a person F-ce hss one they will, not willingly P'C it UP, . -;; understand that the people of Rodkv U r;ii i..iuv- .rjAn. u fourth" this year in eood style. Met-ting of the Nrw Hoaivl. . ... The new board of commissioners' met and organized j on Monday last. Mayor John F. Briiton was re-elected. The same police force was continued. The offices cf towri clerk and collec tor were divided .Mr. John R, Moore was continued as clerk,, .and Mr. E. B. Deans was made tax col- lector. SIt. P. impsou Paralysed. On Tuesday morning last Mr. W. P. Simpson, President of Branch's Bank, was stricken with paralysis. At the , time of the attack Mr. Simpson was on his farm near Ring wood, where he had been for a tew days'. looking after some' improvements.- v ;." ' ' : ,: ; The intelligence was a sad stiock to the entire community. Laer re ports are somewhat more hopeful. Just as we go to press a telegram is received stating that the condition of Mr. Simpson is much better. A Kai-Kai Silks,. 19 China ; 44 ,, 18 luDiter " 48 Swivel " 1 iSiiks for For instance, Waists .in.; wprtn 37c, now. 25c. in., l 30c, 4 2ic. in., . 44 1. 00, " 75c. 111,., . ! 1 X) in patterns now at 20 per cent, reduction. $ i. oo grade now poc. 7.5 c grade now '6oc. 50c grade now 40c. 30c grade now 24c. Reductions now- on Figured Lawns, Dimities, Duck, Etc., 1600 yards moi o Shirting Prints at 3t cents. 500 Palm Leai ans at I cent each. Diol. Elisha Lee, infant son of Mr. and Mrs Applewhite, at their residence on Barnes street, aged 11 months, 28 days. The little sufferer had been sick about thirty days. To the be7 reaved parents the Advance extends its sympathies. Wilmington papers please copy. Remnants ot Mattings, 1 1 nn n o h. jm-.m. jfc. jk,- - also New Line Jast Received. U of all kinds now on ou See them J" r counters. arMns in 8te and Oxfords still Continue. Dropped I)rad. ht - .I II 1 .t i"TlT re -arp- K a Ki .m-Ip lews 01 tne suaaen cieam 01 mr Th races. base ball etc' : The Wilson s will cross bats with the "Oueen C;t' club and hope to make "two ltraight." Bntn ttc win hp i Wiley Stott, of Old fields township, was brought in yesterday morning. The onlv pariculars obtainable was tne mere statement mai Gladriess IT VI ' JIT ' 1 It' 5 ait fin AOiT a -O- SEE OUR LIKE OF 8 S AThinY 5 iderwear, Etc., Etc., in our Gent's Furnishing, Store on Tarboro Street. Fnces and Uuaiitv always sausiaciory. s -.. ioin teams win oe ----- - . - . .- : lengthened and good ball may ! dropped dead while walking .across ! ue XDPGtpd 1 I his field. 1 0m? i-ttle excitement was caused' Hurfey by a mule Irom the coun- j Needs assistance When iXatnre. it may be best to .hucbecl to a buggy, becoming ! render it promptly but one should re- k'ttfop-r.wA j - - ' . . ; ' momhor' to iKp - ftven the most ber- 0 "iu runmn g at a Dreali-s Uiv-U1""i ' r ntc sneed lhrr,, v.o ' lectly remedies only when needed i;onhetown. As-5sual, a yelling I The best and most simple and-rentle cro followed him which only i remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manu ;t por to increase the animal's speed! tured oy the Calitorma vi r,yrup. er Soing' a few blocks he was Company. . tt.i witnout much damage being Ail c d r r and nermanent are the. cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be by fotL. , . ' ! cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, local news on 6thpage life and health-giying. BLOOD. : K7iih. a better understanding- of the VV transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi- s tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all whoValue good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on-which it acts. It is therefore alf important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to nots when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which 1 is"manuf actured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. enly and sold by all reputable druggists.: - - If in the enjovment of good healtn, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may he commended to the most skillful Physicians, but if in nwed.cf a laxative, one should have the test, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup cf Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. o - . t - b a i ll . ustTHreei H K, PS p. ,Q A T'.TT. The house and lot on which 1 now live, on Tarboro street below Barnes street. For full particulars write or apply to me in person. yF y J. D. BULLOCK. , ODttlS Ag We landed in' this beautiful town strangers in a strange land, hut he'inr favorablv ininressed with city and p'edplie wt clech ded to nitch burl tent among you. The cloud of qompetitioii hung thick and heavy over the city ahd the road looKcd dark and eloomv. We raised the banner Oi Bee Hive, There was a rift in the clouds and the people began moving this way. Fail in ; Join the procession and get the benefit of the argains te imU tee. Cts V2.rG. i x aru wiue gc-i lbianu tts yu. Shirts iscts arid up.- : . Fants 25cts and up. , 2 balls sewing thread ic. Hats trorn 5ctsup. j Ladies'. Shoes, 49Cts up. Men's Shoes, 55Cts up. LOT OF CLOTHING JUST IN. Visit Us. ; ! Respectfully, - . . J j . . . . .R N. Mercer s Old Stand. rs ii-9m. - ; i . , i . i ll ' i! jf lr ; t i 5 w L r i ( : r ! i l l.;r C.!'.;-! 1 1 -

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