1 .... , ','. O. -.II-M-i-- j THE ? WiL?ON ADVANCE: JUNE 4,1896. t- t,e. numerous inexplicable ab'lh d 'Governor Ahgelci ; was '':,rJRC ,rt;on thai -Mexico is a country t'ie a55 i -i.,. thc United States t'i ihat in particular ran- r e ir oi i tab 1 e 1 n v est- if - npccsriry to republish sta- i tne Sute. and always took the yrecu ! this KIM) (u- ii:j?oi;iav iibiiv ! LONG D! 5T A NCE TALKING. w: o. ' 1 - ! est Dride in his croos. ..".'.., ; I iv suitiujgin comparison were i ' . . , . - - Costs 10 to l he dioloma, signea by tne omcers ! . nccci the remarks made by the Hon. Josiah Patterson in a sneech nplU-lrprl him in" Atlanta on Thursday nl- avvard is nja for puril'- The Vield on tw w,..,i i ! is 26 bushels oer acre. It: is lilustra- - ucamm, loj me re-j marks 61 Tillman and Bailey, in the same city, on the same subject, a few ct the Exposition, sets forth that the e fo per ! i tv 7- ."BTAVfc-fi'mTrtBfc'nr irwnr Thirrk Fire Minutes if the evenings before. ..T!t -l nave no venom on mi tftnaup i: t s .Yuia! sources which ap- fur any fellow Democrat' kaid he. , .: cohiiims ei the Imies- ., i V, rr.yt. time before Governor mat iC the Qiscoverv - . t.::; country for labor Those statistics i , V. u instead :'Ct --: making pro- not as well ofl in ;o i.s s '.(. (,.;n;i . respects as she wap la fact, the miserable n.-vt rtact:ea even a oc as- it is ' under- fp:e LA1 - ' n l"-C c anu piiysi- ;:rul barriers combine industrial and eeo- mei t extremely CI . Ii i - r u,a go treachery m my neart fur the Jarty to which I .belong. I 'am wed ded to the Democratic party for weal or Woe now and forevel." These were the opening words of Mr. Patterson's speech, anjl had he said nothing mo e there cquld have been no question oi his manhood and true Democracy. But he declared farther that Democrats could differ upon minor 1 issues, and i- . some greater jrincip . ted witli all the names bf the wheat producing countries. The medal is very elegant and beautiful, and 'North Carolina "s proud ot the distinction it confers. News & Observer. Frovn Chicago it is pcssiblo'to tel ephona farther than tha l,2Cp miles of -which l'ewr York is so protitl, for r man in Chicago can talk' with an other in Boston cr in Nowrport. Tho distance is considerably over that LURES UL SKm m from lew York to NashvilleJ .MRS r5 F? n'r - ; It;; net kn inspiring tliigjto tal j H j ' l-'l I I j i .J.Hlf AHf ! i over a long distance phone. ) Bisi- i k ia &s.Jt, np'-.a r-fm- 5f,nTl'1''it,,11-Ti't,'ht f OV ! : ttsu-isi.s cUt.r.H . P.. i". a a tp.e&d:i cot. Ji ftllce, ( Lt.jjU.Ul 3 l-.t biulia II cUl rigUT, IOl Mj sb4 n -ltat .-ticiioa for th carei cf ell I- and. et-ri upon Its 'of the party, but above them v all-was first to be to aiivvays in' Mexico, although rv. ktCoS.bujV eleven mints coined on an average for ten vcars between 525,000,000 and '$30, coo.000 in silver, only about 900 .-vM 'r.uhvav but" of a total "of 5',:-;: corr.viIes has been built by' Mexican wealth. whfch finds it inore profitable to coin silver for China. It is British and 'Aa-i'encan capital that has undcr-uh-n the-industrial development of Mexico." But it cannot be claimed to be a prrniable venture as a whole, ' r.ct;vi'thstanding' lavish concessions by the eoverninent and peon labor. The Mexican railway, which has f-st issued its report for the half year enclir,g- with 1S95, shows gross earn--" ings amounting. to 293.215, against . 1 ..003 for the corresponding pe riod last year: : This gam is not ex-r.ro'-neri'y.- Atrer. oavment oi interest on the debenture stock there rem one -'"half percent per annum f)r. first preference stockholders. ; ; iiV) -r ia--;.iexico oemor wortn . iur 6 to 10 considered the party, and he would not turn his back uoon it for such: causes. Neither could he find it in his heart to abuse his brother Demq cra!s who happened to hold different views from his oWnbn -abstract " prin ciples of the par.ty, but preferred to try. to show them the error of their ways. . These are strong, manly sentiments and are in striking contrast with the vituperation and denunciation' em-i ployed by Tillman andj Bailv in speaking of Democrats iho difler with them upon certain' questions now before the country. -There is nothing too bad for then; ard the -orst they can say, "is in their jud- who ' differ shame to ment too good for those with them. It is a ereat railroad construction from day, and in silver, the roaas sav so, but such is the fact Ex. Latham, Alexander & CJo., bank-; ers and commission merchants of New York, have issued a circular re lating to the cotton acreage of. the cu rr en t year. Th eir es ti i n ates are based upon 2,521 replies Irom plan ters, commission merchants, brokers. and bankers, from every cotton grow ing country m the South, and their finding- is that the acreage is increas ed 2,737,000 or 14J;; per cent, over last year. The planting, of the crop was about one week earlier than last year in all the' Stares excepting 'Texas' and Florida, where it. was one or two weeks later than last year. Eiom North Carolina these gentlemen had 230 replies, from which they learn chat the increase , in acreage for this: State is 16 per cent. They gather that in. all the States the condition of the plant upon the whole is favora ble, but in many places there are complaints of drouth, excessive rains, cold .weather and damage by worms, and fears, tfiev sav, areifih tertained that the crop in those sec tions will be seriously curtailed.. The circular .is interesting and derives ad- ----- . dirional value from the reliability o the 'people who put it out. Charlotte Observer. e tacir mint! s are tun ci ctiier matters, r?rrSi -VrfSssHi butto one who coes. into tho thing -j J'l simply for tho cxperienco and that E$1 s ho may sar that he .has done-it th:o ; eiiect is crushing. it loaves one j & hifh HWi&rM nvcea ana oisinroea Dvine incncnu or 1 hii5 own in significance and the great ness of tuings.1' . ; ! . But the telephone girls sedrn to bo fvfYnlY!nl - lb- t rt sn r-1i ' Minn ct1t2 ' Ar. prently isy experience no ' awo E;icli one 1$ bnsy answxr- whaf over, injr those o shriek -wildly .for con nections' vfith some fai;away vaxt of :s the eommy and keeping a watchful- yrfi ZJg&H eve oil the second hand of the clock' Sl lrM piSl before hoi). That second hand means -.':;,J:fe? consiueraila to her. TliOT.-elI .worn " S 4 "vTti' fef ""7 5 kj'S othw--k is cheap" an- & tit Beware of that constant cough 'and1 loss 'of flesh '-which indicates' deciine: and sure consumption. Help yourself .while. there is yet time by tjaking Johnson's--. Emulsion of Cod j Liver Oif. Pleasing to the taste. Pintibottle, 1.00 at Har's! rave's. - i 1 ve mi a irieud i friend an plies in no way to talk over the long Uistanco' mione. ' rates' conversation with Boston,:. even an intimate d using short words,: is worth in jrho. estimation cf the tele phono company 10. The same with a friend ip New York, if it is possi ble 'for a Chicago man to find a friend in New York, comes to $9. If the friend happens to be in Yv'ashirig-' tcn, the talker gqts off with a pay ment.of enly 87.50: It has been sug gested that this scale of prices is dictated bv the fact that Boston talk Ladies X7bts-iyr-iems sr3 pohore-iLni boia ia la 'IF V ' :U.4l& ht - r eT :fefl lis llg 2 .v- a sip g f n py Ti it, th ioni: xos.i:xcK fijo A newspaper publishec: it the country. furnished traffic ought to-niake money, especially 4 with. their government;' grants. Except, how ever, for the' silver mine monopolies there is little profit for capital in Mex'r. i:o ii ) to the present time. The 'Mexicin' Central Railway, largely American, is about to start a cotton iactory on its route in the hope, of using soaie of the cheap labor. This 'iii .scarcely be deeific 1 an adequate '.anient;.' by American cotton ope ratives tar reducing their wages to the Mexic i:fleeel by putting; finances: of the U jited States on the Mezicm sil ver basis. - . ' . The prosperity of Mexico always excepijiinr the silver monopoly- is a wyth for purposes of . comparison with other; countries. Chicago Ti aos-Hcrald. ' ' ; , riioi-i: againt iUiiHiir., End r. this caption the Jackspn- ville' Time-Union says that .there is : no doubt of the fact that there is for in -,'.ng among the nations, off Europe an nfagonibtle to the United States. Every threat of trouble with a Euro pean. p?j.wor',-has stiown that the sym- "P'tines of jother- European nations niv- been with that power. It recalls the fact that our relations' with Italy a f-'v years ago were strained, and that Europe sympathized- with Itahv 1 v nea ou r Govern m en t took the part f Venezuela againkt England to Jth e extent of demanding arbitration and reasserting, the Monroe docctrine, ip -almost every country in Europe the sentiment -was well nigh unanimous that European nations would not cognize 'that doctrine, and that its assertion was distasteful to them. In I aa f thequestions of disputes which have ' arisen between Soain and the 1 - . United Stales of late the sentiment of European nations have been Ciearly in favor of Spain as against uls country, and our contemporary t?ls good cause for its conclusions.' VlrRinian. . in Havana is clamoring for an immediate decla ration of war by Spain Liinst the United States,, and argues that "at -.'' 1 the breaking out of hostilities the Southern States would secede, and Mexico- would invade Texas to re- cover the territory lost in the war of fifty years ago. J This is one of the most ridiculous things ever uttered by any newspa per, and it is Only noticed that the people of this country may get an idea of how we are regarded by the Sp?hiards in' Cuba, who ought to know better, but don't, j As -to the action of .theSouthera States in event of war between Spain and this country, why, the best troops would come from the South land,; and --almost any; one of the States of the South could clean Wey ier and his gang off the Island, in? a short time,' while- Texas alone . could do a plenty for Mexico but the proposition is ridiculous to think of. -Norfolk Virginian. Rheumatism and scrofulous diseases find ho home where there is a. vigo rous circulation of pure blood, John son's Sarsaparilla and Celery makes pure .Wood. Note the price, large bot tles, 40 cents at Margrave's. OilTn CAUOLINA LEADS THIi WOULD. The World's Exposition, acting under the act of Congress, has award -ed a beautiful gold medal and diplo ma to the late ex-Qov. Thos. M. Hp.lt tor the best -wheat exhibit at the t '- . . -- - World's Fair. . It : is a jreat compli-1 ment to North Carolina to get the prize when its wheat was in competi tion with the whole world, and espe cially with the great wheat growing countries of the Argentine Republic, Russia, Austria, England, France, Belgium and Germany. To . beat them all, as , well as every State in the Union, is no mean distinction for North Carolina. ; The wheat that took the first prize was grown on Governor Holt's fa mous farm in Davidson Co., known as " Linwood . Farm.' ' ' . ' Governor Holt was one of the best farmers in rv. i ;raofful A k.noiv-isx;neii't s; ' - Sulisburj. World. . ' ; Salisbury, N. C , April 23, iScc. The indirect benefits which results to the public from patronizing home institutions has been brought home to us recently in such a way .that We desire to call attention to a special instance of it. The Southern Stock-Mutual Insur ance Company of Greensboro, N. C, has been doing -business here a little more than a year, and.-the-money our people have paid this company. for fire insurance has come back to us multiplied several times. This com pany has just made a loan of $4,000 to the Central Land Company of Sal-, isbury, of which the undersigned are directors, and with the proceeds of this loan many homes are being built on the Central Land ; Company's property to accommodate Salisbury's increasing population. .. . Here is a very practical demonstra tion of the advantage of fostering home institutions. The money which the people of Salisbury paid last year to the Southern Stock-Mutual Insur ance Company, has not been carried to New York or Liverpool ; but has come back to our doors increased four-fold. (Signed) . John S. Henderson, President. N. B. McCanless, Vice-Pres. P. H. Thompson, Manager. Asheville Citizen. -. Asheviile, N. C, Ma 26, 1896. Yv7e desire to cite below an instance of the benefit wdiich North Carolina enterprises, if encouraged ..and fos tered, can De to our public ipstitu) lions. -' ' - ' ': : . The Asheville Library Association has just secured a loan of 52,000 on its building and lot on Church street, and it happens that the lender of this amount-is the Southern Stock-Mutual Insurance Company of Greensboro, N. C. This company has been writ ing insurance in Asheville for more than a year, and new brings back in the form of this loan every dollar that has been paid to it by'Ashvilie 1 property holders. : Such institutions that tend to keep . among us the money that we pay out cannot be too well supported. (Signed) ; . George S. Powell. President. " Haywood Parker, Vice-Pres. W. B. Williamson, Treasurer. wears oujtf the phone quicker than any other, hut the mm parry states upon it honor that it . ?,s -imply bo caiise Boston is farthest "away. Ccnnedtion with Bcsion was called for, not because thero was any ne cessity or talkinq: with Boston, but simply to see what it is like to talk to soma one soma 1,300 "lils away. "Hello, Boston!" . ' . Tho speaker did not raisohis voice. He was strongly tempted to, but had been told' to speak in natural tones. "Hello, Chicago!" came the - an swer clearly ah?d distinctly. The man at the phono started.. The voice sounded as though the speaker -were close at his side. It seemed as though there ought to be some difti Vjulty in hearing at that . distanco, hut' therq was none. 'ITho words were even mpre distinct than w7hen heard over the short distance phone. "Did you say 'Hello?' " asked the Chicago man. '. Vi i Ha ". cl-.Wfne r"-ot.ertic-j cf'P. P. p., Prickly Ash, Fck Root : Proprietors,, JDrjggist3,LippinansElock, EAVASSAH.GA- Book on Blood , Diseases mailed free. . For sale at Hargrave's Ftariscy. ' ... ; ;' . i OF ' V. Foreign Literature, Science and Art. "The LiTKR.VTUJiE of the World." I8S6. Fiftv-seoond Y ear. "Yes." Children Cry fb I Pitcher's Castorla. "Then you outraged all precedent. You should have said oh, T don't Jrnow what! some long word." The Boston "central" 'laughed. The "'central" was a girl, and her laugh sounded remarkably interest ing. Tho Chicago man wondered what she locked like. you always wear a diamond th a colored shirt, and say kind talk about -pork packing. and get three divorces a year?" in- ouired the Boston end of the conver- sation. "No," said Chicago promptly. "I'm not married. Never have been. "Bo stud w 'waal,' 'We !- JiiHE' ECLECTIC MAtiAZlAE re- produces from Foreign Periodicals all those articles' vi$ ich are..-- valuable ' to. American Headers, Its field of selection embraces all the leading Foreign! Re views, Magazines and Journals,. ;and the tastes of jail classes of. intelligent readers are consulted in the articles presented. Articles from the I . Ablest Writers in the World will be found in its columns. . ! ; : : J The foIioM-iri list give? the rmrieiple peri odicals seleetei't frpm,'an0. tlie names of tome of the .' well-kjiovn authors Avkose articles ap peared ia the Eclkctic. I'eriodi.cals. W"ctrriinster Review Come iiii rary Ilevie Fortrii'htlj- lieviev, Nineteenth Century. Science Kevie?:. lJiackvoers ag-ar.ine Coriihili :ag-azine,: y aemiiia n s M agazine. National Review, ' -Chamher's JotiiTial, ' Temple Har, ! TLe Acdcnij", ! The 'Athcnajum, Public 0i".ion, Saturdny lievie'.v, -: The Sptx-tator, . The Chicago man stepped to' think. l5e should not have done it. It costs j-ust as much to think with the re ceiver it one's ear. as to say words like '"rerjrehensibility: ", The five minutes were up, and he was cut off. Tho occurrence was unfortunate. It might' have h'een a romance. To exoenses, 810. Chicago .'Trib une.'- A Tootlipicli To-ra, ; Only one" characteristic distin guish c s the little village. cf Strong, Me., from ihd; .thotisands oi - others that are scattered all rVer 2Tew Eng land. That is the peculiar. industry which serves to support the 'entire community. Strong is famous for nothing but toothpicks, but it i3 known in th'o trade as the place from which come the majority of ;he toothpicks that ar"e used in the United States. ' PICH RED BLOOD is thefoun- m. dation of good health. That is why Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True' Blood Purifier, gives HEALTH. Save Your Money. Oneboxof Tutt's Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills They will surely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. -No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS Authors. Ion. W. E. Gladstone. ndrevv Lanjr, j . f'rof. :.!ax Mueller. 1. Norman Lockj er, Fames ilryce. .M.U '., -.' "iliam lllack, V. 11. Mai lock. evh(HT sj ''i'lcer. T. P. Tabaffy, Sir Ko" ert Ball, I Prince KropotKiu, Archdeacon i arrar, 'St. George Miva it, itev. H. K. KavrtK Frederick Harrison. Mrs. Oliphant,: ivarj li.iiKl. . t tc, etc., j - etc., etc. The aim of the ECLECTIC is !to be instructive and, not sensational, and it commends itself particularly to Teach"-' ers, Lawyers, Clergymen, and all Intel- ligent readers who-desire to keep in formed of the intellectual progress of the age. . j '..-'. .." : Tf TTTC Single copies 4-"- cents: one copy one lbliao . year; :-r,M. Trial sub-seritkrt--for ;L months ?rl-00. f The Eclkctic and any .i.G0 Magazine to one a14reg's-C8-0P. : j With the Eclectic and one good Ameri cal Monthly the reader will U fully abreast sf the times. : . . . t 1 sit i kiiiUHt i Utwiii i El diMiiufcU ti i Wanted-fin Idea Protect your ideas; thpv ir.ay rlng you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEXEURN St CO.. Patent Attor neys, Washington, I. Cfor tbeir $1,800 prize offer aid list &f two fcundred. wauteJ. ' NOTICE. I wakt every man z.vA woniaii in the UniteJ States interested in the Opinm and 1 Whisky habit3 to have one of my books on these dis eases. Address B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Ga., iox 332, and one viii,be sent yon free. - - :-" I . " - , , . -y ! ' Chergman's. Suits at M, T. Young's See our Dress Goods M. T. Young. ; - t. 1 Lumiier Wanted Cat Accurately and Rar- T; fSS idly, on the " 4 FARQUHAR V A :M Variable Friction V orrA nidi v. -.-.. reoa saw ivnn v fi.tl . ; .v, t 1 4 and JSoilers from IZ toi40v liorsa Power. For fall descriptiye catalocroo address, 1 . 1 A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., YORIC, PA, Vf V ... v u -' j M' ! X li I 1 . i. t ri i .1 "t f ' f