THE WILSON ADVANCE: JUNE i 1896. The Wilson Advance. also of-n sanitary bajallion with chem ical deodorizers, disinfectants and ,'',,.v-v anesthetics to Drotect the decency BY THE ADVANCE PUBLlSiilJmuuJsnrAiHi 4 . ailU UC-UIUU1 Ul LUC dSSCLUUljr 11UU1 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered in the Post Office at Wilson, M. C.. as second class mail matter. , 'For the cause that lacks assistance, . For the wrong that needs resistance', For thefutur.e in the distance, And the good that we can do." SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ;: One Ye ar . ........ . 4 $i fOo rx Months. .. ............. ,50 Remit by draft, post-office order or registered letter at our risk. Always give post-office address in full. . 5-Advertising Rates furnished on application. No communication will be printed without the name of the writer being known to the Editor. Address all cor respondence to The Advance, Wilson. N, C. It is said the Panama Canal Co. violation by the most disgusting ruf fian that ever appeared in a repre sentative capacity among civilized people. I ' The ambulatory cage in which the "circus incloses its feral captive ought to be sidetracked outside the city limits as an ; appropriate hostelry for one whom no conventional inn would teel disposed to,house. What a contrast will be the leader of the opposition to the administra tion in the Chicago convention x of 1896 to that in the j Chicago conven tion of 1892 ! Tillman succeeding a Bourke Cockran, Silenus after Hy perion, the pitchfork supplanting the lute. j ' . Probably, however, enough 'keep ers" may be on hand to prevent Till man from being too much at large. A Gift to thM University. , , ,-,T . t " The are limits which even pitchforks has asked Wevler to send 3,000 pns-j . ( 1 oners of war to serve as laborers in the construction of the canal. are not permitted to pass. Th.3 tdgecmnbe Coivni ii'n. Mrs;; Frederick Baker, of New York has given $3,000 to equip Commons Hall, dt the University, and to provide board at cost for stu dents. The hall will be opened next September with accommodations for 200, and the. charge will be $8 per .month, which is hoped will be re duced .to $6 after a while.' There will be twenty student waiters, who will get board for their services.. ... . The Mason farm,, of 1. coo acres, located one I and one half miles from the university and recently bequeath ed to it by Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Ma son, will be used as a poultry, dairy, stock and truck farm, to supply the table in Commons Hall. ; President Winston says that Com mons Hall j will have Western beef daily, and the best food in the State by the best cooks.- ! ' This is a cgreat thing for;the Uni versity, and- a great thing for the hundreds of needy boys in North Carolina who are eager to go to col lege, but lack means. , Mexican Jury Syt?m The Detroit Free Press remarks, if the Democratic bank goes into the free silver business it will need a Teller. It will need a receiver. ' The annual report of the ' New York Cotton Exchange shows that the sales for future delivery in the year ending April 30th, amounted 54,690,000 bales, against 32,110,000 in the previous year, and sales of spot cotton to 343,000 bales, against 254,000 bales a year ago. DK3IOCRATS OK WHAT? Don't go too fast- The Demo cratic National Convention will as semble on the 7th of July, to formu late a creed and nominate a candi date for President. Don't be rash jri your utterances. It is your con vention which ;s to assemble in Chi cago. Let usj go there, resolved to ; stand by its action. '! V CAX'T liE KKLIEU UPON. No man can be relied upon who hasn't the courage to express his convictions, and the rule can be ap plied in all spheres of life without fear of contradiction. ftlr. Foraker, who assumes, to be close to Major McKinley, says the candidate for the Presidency from Ohio is for bimetallism, and yet when McKinley himself is questioned on the subject he gives the same old answer, "I have nothing to say." If it is a fact that he is in favor of bimetallism, for free silver, or trie sin gle gold standard, why does he not meet the issue like a man and say so? TJie people have a right to know where he stands, and if he really has any convictions on the subject the country insists that he make them known. Of course no one believes that he is absolutely without opinions in the matter, and it is because of this belief that the country has begun to feel that he cannot be relied upon. What a sad commentary it is lo be sure that such a man is the possible nominee for the suffrages of the American people "for the highest of fice within their gift. The Democratiq county conven tion whigh met at Tarboro on Tues day, endorsed Dr. jW. P. Mercer for Congress. Nominated Henry John son, of Tarboro, for State Senator, and Major S. L. Hart, Penelo, and David E" Cobb, Mill Creek, for the lower house. The present incum bents, W. L. Knight and B. F. Daw son were nominated for sheriff, and Register of Deeds, and S. S. Nash for Treasurer. George Howard, Jr., J. L. Howard and ). B. Bradley were nominated for county trustees. The convention endorsed free sil ver, but rejected a resolution, pledg- 'i '.' . 1 ' ing the? convention to vote; only fdr free silverites. The convention was a harmonious one and there is no doubt but that their work will bring forth good fruit. 'The men nominated are first class and should win witn- "hands down" next November. Argonaut. jMexico has an .ingenious plan for facilitating verdicts in jury trials. Two supernumerary jurors are drawn to sit near the jury box and listen to the evidence and arguments. If any ql the regular jury falls ill or is other wise disqualified from going on, one of j the "supes" takes his place. In this way they avoid what is often seen in American courts a long trial rendered useless when it is nearly finished by' sudden illness or death of one juror. .' . G orn and re- ' ' - I Deafness Cannot Cured i by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one Way to, cure Deaf ness, and u that is j by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed ypu have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Peafness is the re sult, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will, be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by jcatarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the muctms surfaces! We will give One Hundred Dollars lor any case of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars free. F. J .CHENEY j& Co., Toledo, O, CSold by Druggists, 75c. McKinley at Home. ' ' j . In the first place, the man who stands a good chance of molding the destiny of 70,000,000 people lives in a frame house, for which he pays $40 a month rent. He keeps two serv ants. One of them cooks and washes; and does other work, and the other sweeps the house, lanswers the door bell and waits on Mrs. McKinley, who is an invalid. "Pitchfork" Tillman Coming to the Convention. Omens were plentiful enough al ready that the Chicago convention is to be animated, if not, indeed; violent. Anything lacking to eager expectan cy is furnished in the election of Till man, of South Carolina as the leader of its delegation to Chicago. L The platform upon which Tillman is coming contains various unsound and offensive ideas, but not one of them is as offensive or unsound as Tillman himself. His presence here will render prudent the attendance not only of an ample body of police to protect the right s of his fellow Democrats at Tillman's hands, but The major blacks his own shoes and shaves himself ev ery morning at 7 rj'clock. His wife loves flowers, and in the rustle bustle of getting a grip on the nomination the. major finds time every morning to put on a linen duster and an old straw hat and go put into the yard and attend to the flowers. Even the most pretentious could not dignify the' McKinley "garden by the high sounding title of grounds. The yard has a frontage of seventy-five and a depth of 1 50 feet. . j Te house, with its porches, is about forty feet wide, and that doesn't leave much room on either side. Louisville Times. ' TIRED MOTH ERS find help in Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives them pure blood, a good appetite and new and needed STRENGTH Mr. Thatcher's Medals. By a remarkable coincidence the announcement of the reception of the first medal for an exhibitor at the Columbian ; exposition was made in Chicago the $fery day the last shred of the exposition building was re moved from Jackson Park. ' The massive structures have been scattered to the four winds, the mar vels of science and art which embel lished the scene - are disappearing from the face of the earth, even the memory of the prodigy has faded to a mere tint! but the Hon. John Boyd Thacher, of ? the citv of Albany, New York, like the mills of the gods, only a thousand limes slower ancl a mil lion times more persistent, goes on forever. He is the sole permanent creation of the fair. All else is m or tal and subject to death. He is bound by his official oath to survive until all the medals, certificates, dip lomas and! awards are distributed, and thus he is assured of everlasting life-. Chicago Times-Herald. The Editor not a Moial Monitor. There are many people who be lieve it the duty of an editor of a newspaper to try. to punish and ex pose those who, in their opinion, do not conduct themselves DroDerlv. 1 ...' When they see the law violated, they are too cowardly, frequently, to them selves lodge the complaint before the proper legal authorities, but at once rush to the editor, and demand that he shall become the judge, jury and executioner tb punish misdeeds of which they complain. Then there are fellows who, when they have a griev ance or spite against anybody, try to use the editor to ventilate their ill humor and punish their enemy. What a poor idea they must have of the editor, when they think he is anxious and willing to do theindirty work for them ! It is tne duty of the editorto publish the news, cham pion virtue and morality, and de nounce eyil, immorality and wrong ; but hex mistakes his calling if he un dertakes to become the especial guar dian and regulator of the conduct of every individual of the community Chanfield (Minn.) Democrat. Live Newspapers. x J ''The best advertisement for any town is the support it gives to its local nwspapers.v . Thus spoke. the editor ot the St. Louis Re public lately. In the newspaper as. a public institution .by which a town's enterprise and. energy mav be pro; erly gauged, he uttered sound con mjon sense. -Just as' a i town is to be judged by its public building, its streets, its manufactures andt its shops, so, indeed much more so is it tc be judged by its newspaper. An alert town won't tolerate a slow,news paper A live newspaper 'can't keep alive in a slow town. Exchange. is a vigorous feeder soonds well to lih ' 1 uuiza. tioriv Un corn lands the yi increases and the soil improves if properly treated with fer. tilizers containing not under 7 actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs, but little j and is sure to lead to profitable culture. Our pamphlets arenot advertising circulars boo-, " ing special fertilizers, but are practical works, coiS ' ing latest researches on the subject of rertili7a-;nr, j I GERMAN KALI WORKS ' .' -j ; 93 Nassau St., ewyork.. Professional Cards. ' "' !.- DEANS, f ATTORNEY AND COIN Si: 1.1, Office in rear of Court J P. O. Eox 162. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Vhen she was a Child, she Cried for Castoria. , When she became Miss, she cjung to Castoria. . Whenishe had Children, she gave'thern Castoria. Cl Just a Statement of Fact . .'. 1 : Vance, the mountainboy, was walk ing with Dr. Mitchell, the learned eologist, .one afternoon at the Uni- 2rsity. They came to an old mill itli a broken daml' There was talk f repairing: the dam. Vance paus ing tor a moment looked. at botii mil) ahd dam, and said to the good old WIl SOX. v. c AT LAW. I luust. . F. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW .NASHV1LLK, X. C. i " Practices in Nash, Edgecombe. Wilson ; Pitt and Halifax couptits. . H G. CONNOR, Attorney at Law, WILSON, - - N.C.- OOire Branch & Go's. Bank uUnv A. J. SIMMS. ;.'Ta. B: DEANS A. J. SIMMS & CO., 3 GENERAL' INSURANCE r i AND REAL ESTATE AGEXlS, Office in rear of Court House. ; P. O. Bok 162. WIlisON. X: C. pctor, with; a straight face : " Doc- r, that mill aint worth a dam !" lj he doctor; thought that was just habout the size of it. Exchange. '- . . The Democratic voters of AVilson CDiinty are hereby called lo assemble ait their respective precincts Saturday J jne 13th at I o'clock, for the pur pose of electing delegates to the county convention which; will assem ble at Wilson June 20th at 1 o'clock to elect delegates to the Congression a and State conventions. The precincts will elect in their first convention an executive commit tee consisting of five. The chair men of the several! precinct commit tees shall compose the County Exec utive committee, which shall meet at same time and place as the county convention and elect a chairman. J. D. BuLLOCKt . Gh'm Co. Dem. Ex. Com. June 3rd, 1896. ? v; Asheyille aldermen are considering an ordinance to prohibit expectorating on the street, What are We all com ing to ! The judges are prohibiting us from going without coats and now we are to be estopped from spitting. One by one the liberties which our fathers "fit and bled for" are being taken away frbm us. StatesvilJe Landmark. Editor Religious Opinion, Baltimore, Md., writes : We take pleasure in say ing that your Japanese Pile Cure has been used in our family with good re sults, and we will do all in our power to promote your interests by highly recommending your medicine to our friends and readers. Sold at Har grave's. " .. ... Makes life misery to thousands of peopie. It manifests itself in many different ways, like! goitre, swellings, running sores, boils, salt rheum and pimples and other eruptions. Scarce ly a man is wholly free from it, in some form. It clings tenaciously until tjie last vestige of scrofulous poison is eradicated by Hood's Sarsaparillay the One True Blood Purifier. Thousands of voluntary testimonials tell of suffering from scrofula, often inherited and most tenacious, positive ly, perfectly and permanently cured by JACOB BATTLE, C O ITN S E LO R AN D AtTO R N 'A R Y - A T- L A W. I ; Rocky Idunt, X. C..; . Circuit: Nash, Edgoinbe and Wilson. ' Real Estate liifiirv I ' and well of. on Tarboro We are now prepared to do ail clas ses of collections and also lopk after the sale, purchase, lease or exchange ot real estate both m tk'e town and' Country. : : FOR SALE. 1. Dwelling corner Tarboro and lee streets, containing rooms, all oit- buildings, a good garden water. 2. Four room dwelling street above Lee. v 3. Vacant lot on Park avenue. 4. Two large dwellings OnSprinSt. adjoining the residence of E. G. Rose. Roth nrt ir crrnr rAno ir nnr Vini-o rrnnd gardens and water. 5. One nine room dwelling, all out- uuiiuma, t v Ct y LHJilg 1ICV jdllU 111 mai class condilibh, same bein: situated on Pender street and ha ving io alcre truck farm in rear. y " 6. Another plot of. 7 acr;s, adjoinin? No. 5 on vuhich is a good house and ail necessaxyoutbuildings. We have1 on hand a number of other stores, dwellings and farms particu lars regarding which will' be furnished on application to I t 11 TfTTArrrir & rri. 25-50-tf wIlson, x. c. GLT& (d c 0 1 year old 2 years old 3 years old 14 years old L T N El Fl 9 'W frb n (& Sarsaparilla Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., towel!, IMass. Be sure to g3t Hood's and only Hood's. riOOUS flllS pills, aid digestion. 25c. . . ; 1 Executrix Notice Having qualified as executrix of the last will and testament of W. P. Simp son, deceased, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them for payment on or' before the 10th day of June, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their; recovery, and all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This June 10th, 1896. Anna R. Simpson, Executrix. WE HAVE A FIXE LOT OF STANDARD BRED COLTS : From -one to four year. old. Both broke and fresh. Also a fjvv full strain jersey Calves. For full pairriculars ap- 1 ply to ; Fair View Dairy, . ' : . ' ". W. T. IAKMEIrupr- Executor's Notice. Having qualified as-'exe'Aitof 61 t"e last will and testament of All'"' Pag deceased, late of Wilson county, Carolina, this is to notify all ierson having claims against the estate ot s' Alley Page, deceased, to 'ejxhibit them to; the I undersigned on or1 before tne 2Sth day of May, 1897, or, tins nonce will be plead in bar of their ..recovery All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. JOSEPH D. E ATM AX, Executor. Jonn F. Bruton, Attorney This May 27, 1S96. .;( 2 i-6t. Ribbons, a big line. M-i T. Young Repairing ol watches, clocks afl jewelry a specialty by.oJW. 'Mr nard at J. J. Privett.' the Jeweler. t

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