8 THE WILSON ADVANCE: JUNE 11, 1896. 189C E. 1896 Sf Mo. ' Tu. '.Ve. Th. Fr. Sa. "l 2j 5 6 ?: 8 ' 9 10 11 12 13 Ta 15 10 17 j 18 19 20 21 22 23 ' 24. 25 2G 27 28 29 . 30 j ' ' MOON'S PHASES. Third o 2:18 J First: 1 fc. Quarter O rru. V Quarter .New i I 3:39 ! Full &,Mocn xl c:.i. 1 x.Mociv. 13 25 6:56 &..VO, 2:11 a. m. GENERAL SOUTHERN NEWS Memphis, June 5. Vestibule limited train ,Xo. 3. of tho Cheipeake and Ohio and"' Southwestern railroad, collided with a freight train at Wingo, Ky., curlV in the Ttiominsr, completely wrecking both en gines and killing Fireman Ed Dean and Robert Packer, a tramp, of Jackson, Tenn. Raleigh, Juno (. Minister Matt Ran som arrive ! here vesterdav from Mexico on his way to his home in Northampton county on important privatebusiness. He Riys that h3 - will' prob?&'bly- be in Xorth Carolina all this month, but may return to Mexico before July 1. Tlxi minister is now in good h?alth. His family is at Blowing Rock, 2v. C. FOP.T RoYxVL; Ya., June 6. Representa tive Smith S. Turner, of the Seventh Vir ginia congressional district, has addressed an open letter to his constituents declin ing to be a candidate for renomination. He feels certain, he says, that the district - convention will adopt a. platform ."in fa vor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1," a policy that "would be ruinous1 to the best interests of our people. " pRAFTOX,W.Va.,June 2. While Charles L. Magill, the 25-year-old son of Lewis Magill, a leading lumber dealer, was standing in front of a Latrobe strest busi ness house Frank Powell, colored, IS years old, with whom he had previously had some words, came up. A few more words passed, and the ne ;ro pulled his revolver and fired. The .shot passed through Ma gill's heart, and he died in: ten minutes! . The murderer was arrested. Nashville, June 3. Notwithstanding the unpropitous weather, tho centennial demonstrations of Monday wre immense ly successful, and with better weather ' yesterday they were cohtinued with re doubled enthusiasm. The fe ituro venter-. day mornih? was th? military parade of federal and state troops through the streets of the city, which are thronged with people, from all parts 'of the state. In 1 the afternoon there was a sham battle, which was witnessed by a vast crowd. Tampa, Fla.. June 2 General Fitzhugh Lee, the new consul ge2ieral to Cuba, ac companied by his son,, Fitzhugh Lee, Jr., and Thomas Alexander, of Lexington, Va.', arrived here last evening. The Con federate veterans, a few G. A. R. meij and a number of prominent citizens met the party at the depot and escorted them to the residence of Rev. W. 'W. Denart, where dinner was served. After two hours the party left for Cuba. General Lee stated that his family would follow him in the fall. He has no apprehension about yel low fever. Columbus, Ga. j June 2. At 10:45 o'clock yesterday j forenoon a mob of 600 armed men broke into the "Webster building dur ing the trial of Jesse Slay ton, charged with assaulting 18-year-old Mrs. Howard Bryan last Thursday , and took the prisoner from the officers. 'Slay ton's trial had al ready begun behind locked doors. He was taken from the officers and was promptly lynched. Then the mob went to the , jail, overpowered the jailer and took out Will Myers, a negro charged with assaulting Mrs. Albright, and hanged him alongside the dangling body of Slayton. Nashville, JuneS. Though rain storms had disfigured and bedraggled the ornate decorations with which the city had been adorned, though flags and bunting bad : lost their colors, and though rain at inter vals fell all during yesterday forenoon, ' forcing the postponement of the grand pa- ' rade, tens of thousands of people from all portions of the state held their places on the line of march waiting for the pro cession which celebrated Tennessee's cen- ( tennial as a state. Though set for 9 o'clock, it was 12 before the procession moved. By that time the rain had ceased. The parade took two hours to pass a given point. Key "West, June 4. A passenger on the steamer Mascotte by the name of Lopez was arrested and taken ashore by the, Spanish officials just before the departure of the steamer from Havana. , A fewmin utes before a small boat came alongside the Mascotte, and one . of its passengers . handed a paper to Lopez. Whatever was contained in the note caused him much agitation, and he hastily destroyed the t paper and cast it overboard. This action, it is supposed, caused his arre-t. Maximo Gomez, at the head of a large force, is now at Hoyo Colorado, about fifteen miles from Havana. General Collazo has suc ceeded in crossing the trocha. Staunton, Va., June 5. The platform adopted by Virginia's Democratic, state convention instructs the delegates to vote "for a platform declaring for the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the ratio of 16 to 1, and for candidates for president and vice president' who openly advocate that principle." The unit rule was adopted and a resolution passed de claring that the Democrats of Virginia would hail with enthusiastic delight the nomination of Senator Daniel as one of the candidates of the party on the national ticket. Delegates-a-large were elected as follows r John W. Daniel, W. A. Jones, Claude A. Swanson and H. S. R. Morri son ; alternates, W. O. Hardaway, Roger Gregory,' George - B. Keesell and Frank ' Hume ; electors-at-large, W. B. Mcllwaine of Dinwiddie, and J. W. Marshall of Craig. Peter J. Otey was chosen for na tional committeeman. A WEEK'S NES CONDENSED Tuesdny, June 3. : Roanoke, Va.. elected a .sojid free silver delegation to the Democratic state con vention. " The national houfp passed the Phillips bill providing for aji industrial commis sion of twelve members. The cyclone which; passed, over St. Louis last Wednesday caused $12,K)0,0''X) damage and 256 deaths in St, Louis and East St. Louis.' - : . ; -4 . Hon. J. H. Manleyj announces that un der no circumstanced would Thomas B. Roed accept second place on the national Republican ticlcefc. j , The Johnson-Stokes election content, from the Seventh South Carolina district, ' 'has' resulted in the national house declare ing the seat vacant. J ' . Wednesday, June 3; . Ex-United States Senator O. P. Stearns, of Minnesotta, died at Pacific Beach near j San Diego, Cal., yesterday of pneumonia, j Gold standard Democrats of Indiana are organizing for an asrgresive campaign. . The silverites claim that the battle is won. ' At Avoiidale, Ala.j an old building was blown down and lr-year-old James W; , Hartley was fatally and three others seri ously injured. ! William B. Bement, a multi-millionaire of .Philadelphia, 80 years' old, was married ; in New Vor'i yesterdlay to Miss Mary Q. Stearns, aged 2.2. . j Miss Julia., eldest daughter of Vice Pres ident Stevenson, wu-j married in Washing ton last ni'xht to liqv. Martin D. Hardin, son of" the Kentucky Democratic leader. : Thursday, June 4. ". .. . Kansas' Democratic state convention elected a solid free silver delegation to the Chicago convention. Chicago's board of trade ncqnitted.PD. Armour and his two-sons of Alleged grain elevator irregularities. Consul General Fitzhugh Lee has arrived at his post in Havana, and has taken charge of our consulate there. The Prince of Wales' colt Persimmon won the English Derby yesterday, the first time in 108 years that the heir apparent, has won that event. ' The steamship Anerly left New York in a very mysterious manner last night, and it is believed that she carried a cargo of ammunition and a'bbdv of men for Cuba. I " Friday, fjnne 5. Mrs. Cleveland anther children nre now at Gray Gables, Buzzard's Bay, for the summer. Sir Walter, won the great Brooklyn handicap, beating Clifford,: the favorite, by only a head. , . The national senate passed the filled cheese bill by a vote) of -7 to 13. .'. It luul al'readv i'ias?ed the haiuso.-' In a letter to a prominent' Alabama Democrat Governor Matthews, of Indiana, predicts a free silver victory in . Indiana's Democratic coavention. TheUnitcd State S Church Arm v has Crisp's Vietory in Georgia. -.' Atlanta, June s. Democi-jitic primaries vere hjdd in nearly all of the 137 counties of Georgiii, and it looks jis if the adminis tration had not carricdmore than fifteen counties. Wherever thei'e has been a con test the silver men have won; They have carried several counties "which they did not expect to win. About seven counties held primaries to allow Democrats to ex press a choice for United States senator. Crisp his won all al m r the lin3. Not one county has i nsiruoted- f or" Dubignon. Th j state convention, which jiites in Macon on June 25, will s ri 1 a'i instiai-.-ted silver delegation to Chic.i'j . - Gapa Fear and Yadkin Valley Ry, John Giil, Receiver. i CONDENSED SCHEDULE In effect ilcc. X, 196.. XORTir BOUND. No i riAiLY. Char-ed with Wife Mti-!er. " New B::l;nswick, N. J., Jnne-8.--The little village of New Market i greaTlv ex- c1ed over th? niysterious death of Mt- j Charles H. Jack son." who.' was found in her IjedAvith two bullet hoi:? in her ho id. ; The annoiiuccmeatfjf her death was made I by the woman's husban;l, who rushed ; from the house at daybreak, arousing the neighbors and telling them th it his1 wife j had committed suicide. Jackson, who is j a reporter on a New York . newspaper, is . under arrest, hut the general opinion is tnat nis stoT;, ot tne traeily is a true one. Jackson's statement is corriiborated by that of his litie son. . V? v. Leave Tvilmihgtou,5- .- .. .,.7.25 a in. Arrive rayetteviile . .;. . . Leave Fayetteyilie-! -. - . . . Leave Favetteville junction. Leave SaiUord . J. . i . ... V Leave Climax. . rj. . j ........ .'. Arrive Greensboro.!! .... .V Leave Greensboro, . . w . . . Leave Stokesdale.J . .... . Arrive VV alnnt Cove. . . . ... . . Leave Waltutt Cove. - ; Leave Rural H.al! . I . .. Arrive h. Air v.!.-4, - t'- - iQ-35 " io.55 '. - IP '57 " i2i9p m 2.25 4 '2,50 v " , 3 05 " ' 3-59 " '4-31 " .. 4.5S S.i " 6.45 " SOUTH BOUXl. io 1 : DAILY. (4 - Qnayitcs Defeated Hi AlleTjeny County. v Pitts!:;t;k;; June s. The Alletheny county. '.IteiJubHcan pi-hiKU'ic "held on Saturday aiteh -ion were the hotfe-t in the hist-ory of t h:- county. The remit shows thattli'.i Quayite wore .; badly beaten, fhy. .-aired four meniiers of the r:;gi4ature in Allegheny Citr, two in the Seventh --district and one iheElgfith'.. The regular j; win two senators and eight menibers of :th ' legisiatu re. and probably all of the cojiiifv offices. There seems to be some little doubt about controller' and judge.' '."-: I' S -:'" , :.:'.-;,'.p:''.-' Leave Mt. Airy. . Leave Rural Hall Arrive Walnut Cove- Leave W ainut Love .". Leave Stokesda'e. Aarive tjreeiisbQfd. . leave Greensboro j .;. . Leave Climax Leave Sanford. Arrive Favetteville Junction jArrive Favetteville. Leave Fayettevile j 4 . ... . Arrive Wilmington. . ... . . ."V . 9 35 a m - ii-05 4 1.4-5 " 1212 pm ..I2.5S:" .1,03 ' 'it 3 2 3.M9 4.50 4-33 -4-45 7-55 A TL ANTIC COAST 77 il i Wilmington and Weld.,- . s . i - yJ KailRoad TIJALX (iOI.XC, v .r ; n DATED A. M. . . . Lv WeMon. . - ... ,11 r." 4 1 Vr Uot'ky "Mount. 1 00 lK ;t LvTrbw. 12; 12.; Lv liocky Mount. 1 tfi Lv-Wilson'.-.:-..:.. 2-. "! Lv Selina.. ...... ... Lv FayetteyiUe.. 4 '-V. At ir" lorence.........1 7 t" : - :-': ; ; P. .'; Lv'ColdsIjOrp.....! 10 ::'.'. J 'lv 1 (7 . ; u V. 'Si ll 1 1" - ;.vis. 1 i DAT PD Ayril roth, tm i"c"5 - - -:!- . ; : ! ; a. m. Lv Florence . . 40 Lv Fayetteville..: H 10 Lv-SSelma.. J -12 37 A r Wilson .-;.!. ...... i 1 20 - 7 iy '. :;(! "NORTH: BOUND j No 4 DAI LV le. A lIosv Kiot TIuit Was Not lieported. Vi K-?or a , J u ne 8. A ccordi n g to a Polish Galician paper there was a riot -it St- Pt-tersburg on the evening of coronation day. A drunken crowd, if is aljeged,, filled Newski Prospect and became uu mauaseablej whereupon Cossjicks galloped into the crowd, which responded by throw- ing stones. The Cossjicks, it is further stated, thereupon used their sabre-; right and left, and finally fired into the crowd, of which 250 persons were killed and wounded, and 50j were arrested. Leax'e Lennettsvi An ive Maxton. . Leave Maxton . . . Leave. Red Springs Leave Hope Mills. . Arrive Favetteville. 2va ni 9.23 9-29 9-55 10.35 10. 5 z 1 SOUTH BOUND. No 3 DAILY Leave Favetteville.!... Leave Hope Mills.. L..; Leave Red Springs... Arrive Maxton., . . Leave Maxtpn. v. .!. . . Arrive Bennettsville: 4.3S 453 542 612 72 p m . NORTH BOUND ' No Tp mixed dailv except Sunday. STOCK AND PRODUCE -MARKETS. Closin: O.uotations of the New York ami Philadelphia Kxelianges. New Yohk, .Tune 5. Although the dealinjrs j in stocks today were ta. th. sumo nnKlest scale j as usual recently, sps.-culnt ive seutinient was "chwrful and eoverin of. shorts was a resulting ! feature. Closing bids: . ' ' ' i EalUraore & QUio.-le "Lehigh Valley .... 32 Leave Ramsuer.-.: Leave! Climax ...... Arrive Greensboro. Leave Greensboro. Leave Stokcsdale. . Arrive Madison ... been founded in Newj York city. Colonel ; Clu sa. & Ohio.'. . Del. & Hudson. ; D.,L. & Vv...;. . Erie. Luke Erie & W Lehigh Nay. . . . . . : 127 ,.IV H'.I . . Li New Jersey Oeu. .10!V4 N. Y. Central.. "Peu'nsy 1 vau ia ; . . Reading, ;'. . . . 1 . . St. Paul.. -.'.'.:.. ij r, W. N. Y. & Pa. iHi'4-52!-. Iladlev is in eommankl, an 1 ex-Postmaster Thomas L. James is reasvirer, j Kentucky Democrats elected a solid sil- ver tlelegjitibn to St. Louis, and instructed them to vote for Senator Blackburn for the presidential nomination. Bland is a second choice. j Saturday, June G. . Christ Anderson, a saloonkeeper, and a Polish dock laborer (tied from the heat in , Chicago yesterday. Ernest Birkaman will die. j ' . While a large fleet of Vcsselsj was trying to reach the port of St. John's, N. F., live of them drove ashore at different iioints, and three men were drowned. i - D. B. Robinson, vice president of the Atchison, Topeka and .Santa Fe railway, has accepted the presidency of the St. Louis and San Francisco railroad. 1 -Hon. Joseph H. Manley will leave Au gusta, Me., tomorrow morning direct for St. Louis, meeting Hon. Henry Cabot Lodsre and- other Massachusetts delegates at Boston. General 3Iarkets... Fnitul)ET.p:if A, -'June 5. Flour weak : win ter sui'n-nue do. extra-s, -52.55 2.75: Pennsylvatiifi rosier, fear. $-3 1.25 : - do. do. straight, $3.;:3.5J; wastera winter, clear, $3a3.25. Wheat strong: M i , fit Pic." Corn quiet ; May, J n: Slonday, Jnne 8. cPhila Millinery at M. T. Young's at half price. George S,. Fox, for years a leading delphia banker, died at his residence ju that city yesterday, aged 65. The naval apademy board will recom mend making the ajge of admission, of cadets from 15 to IS years, instead of from 15 to 20. , Ex-Governor JosiahiAV. Begole, of Mich- ' fair, $ igan, long prominent in the Democratic politics of the state, died at Flint, aged 81 years. Oars Kt 'aly ; May, 25$ Hav dull for low grades; choice tim othy, U7(q I7.5J for large bale. Bv;f, steady ; city family, .J.oJV ia. Pork dull ; family, $10.50 (mil. Lard firmer ; . western steam, $4.45. But ter steady ; wstni dairy, 8'gllc. ; do. cream ery, lKS.lSc. ; Elgkis, lv 2C. ; imitation cream ery 10' 12c. ; New York dairy, 10: a 15c. ; do. creamvry, ll-al5?.c. ; Pennsylvania atf d Nvoteru creamery priiit.s, extra, 10c. : some fancy lots higher; do. fair to 'good, l.J'.oL?.tr prints. 'job-' bing at 17;c;20c." Chees3 quisr: iarg . o'vi'Pc. ; small, 4'it7c.;'part skims, 2ct!4'-s ; f ailVikliii v Vqic. Egg.s stea ly ; New Yovk aj I PeiiaLsyi vauia, 13c. ; wesrem fresh, 11! ai i " Live Stock 3lar!i t r. ' New. York,'- June' 5. Beeves quiet: and a trifle easier ; native steers, melr.im to prim el ?3.75'?45.i55 ; stags and oxen, ?2.8j ; J.8j ; ' bulls!, $2.50Ta3.40 ; dry cows. si.5;x2.8J. Sheep anl lambs active, but lower ;' po r. t .:nri.jji sheeoi ?-2.25:g,-4.50 ; commouto prinie la.iilM, 5.5ja7.2o. Hogs steady at ...oO.aJ.OJ. Calves -aetiyo .and higher; poor to prime veals, $3.50(0.4.75 ;-butter-miik calves, a:.25. . 1 East Liberty, Pa., Juno 5. Cattle steady ; extra, $4.46 a4.50 ; fair, $3.533.00; stags and cows, $2fi.50. Hogs arm ; prime light weights, $8.50(ft3.55 ; b-'.st milium, $3.45'; i.5 J ; common to. fair Yok.!rs, $3.40 . heavy hogs, $3.20 rf3.25; roughs, $2',3. ' SIrvep lower ; prime, $3.803.90; 20,0.3.50 ; common, i?2.50 a; J ; culls. W's ; choice yearlings, $4.50 $1.75; comihon to good yearlings, $3.25:4.25; spring lambs, $53. Veal Calves, $4.25-4.50. ,' . : :' ' . i .. v" j " 1 11 1 11 1 11 i n. n i i i 6.45 a 8- 35 9.20 9- 35 10.50 11.50 m Lv Wiltnington Lv Mami lia Ly (loldslioro. . , .tf- '.e.. :i'i i'fi i- i LvWilson...' ;. l"( ArUocky Mount.: 17 ! Lv Tarboro.; -. j ) 1 i - liv liocky Mount.: 217 . Ar Weldon .... ; j 3 32 i ; IP. M.l 11 i: ' M. vi:r. , '7 :.::' Hi..-. - - A. .M.l'..v- : " SOUTH BOUND , No 15 mixed Daily except Sunday Leave Madison ...14... Leave Stokesdale J -. . . Arrive Greensboro. . . . Leave Greensboro.. i..,.5. Leave Climax. . . . . I . . . Arrie Ramseur. . . ... . 1225 pm 1. 28 2- 35 " 3: 10 'V 3- 55 5 5o " Western Railroad CONNECTIONS NORTH . BOUND ! CONNECTIONS at Fayetteville vvith t Atlantic Coast Line for all points North and East at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line at Greensboro with The Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk &; for Winston-Salem. SOUTH BOUND at Walnut Cove wjth the Norfolk & Weston Railroad for Roanoke and points North and West, at Greensboro with the Southern j Railway Company for Raleigh, Richmond and all points North and East, at Fayetteville with the Atlantic Coast iLine for all points South, at Maxton With Seaboard Air Line for Charlotte, Atlanta and all points South land Southwest. J. W. FRY, j W. E. KYLE, Gen'l Manogjer. ,Gen'; Pass. Agent '' paily except Monday. iDailyeM( j t c Train on Scotland Xcck braiicli real lo,v; Weldou 3:55 p mHallfax 4:13 p m- a 11 til, U)? land Neck at 5.05. (Jreen ville fal n ni K n ",t" 7:45 p m Returning leaves Ki " V ? Greem-i le 8:2 a m, arriving at -HaW-li tm a m, V eldou 11:20 a m. dailv exc ept urd-v Irams on Washington bVancli h-avev-u, inton 8:00 a , m and p m. arriv' i h:o0 a m, and 3:40 p niY.Tarboro !t.4: am lv turning leave Tarboro o.: p m. Pannele n) a m and 6.20 p m. arrives Washington n-' and TdOprn, daily; except 8undav. ( iuS with trains on Scotland Neck branch i Train Jeaves Tarboro dailv, at 5 ho 1. m arrives Plymouth 7:35 pm. lieturnimr ivav' Plymouth 7:40 a m, arrive Tarbowla , t Tram on Midland N. C. branch leaves ,i,:: boro daily except Sunday, : a m. anivinit Smithheld 7:20 a m; returning leaves rdA tield :o0 a m: arrive at Goldshoro .f-r, a 111 ' Tr,a.5,ls Qn -Xashville branch leave UockrMt ?.v,4:8 P m: Nashville 5:05 pm; Si.rin.r iV.iie o:-0 p.m. lieturniiiK leaves Si-riim-" Ho e .MO a m Nashville :35 a m., arr ve at 1 , k? Mount 9:05, daily except Sundav ' T . Train on Clinton branch leaves War-;-.? for tlmton daily except -Sunday, at'lbia a.Ta ana h.:,0 p.. m. Keturning leaves iinto: at 7:n am. and 3 00 . m. Train No. 78 makes close connection at V"el clou tor ail : poiints north -daiiv. all i;ii;! via Lichmond.-and daily except Suinlav via jtiFt-i mouth and Hay; Line. Also M Kcn-kv Vim;;! with Norfolk and Carolina rail road "tW Xnf tolk daily, and all points north via V.r,H: T o i-OH:n" F- KIVIXB, Gen i a-upt. J R. KEN LY, Gen'l ranajrer. .- T. M. EMEjiSON Trailic Matia-vr. JOHN GASTON, Fashionable Barker, i Nash St. WILSON, N C. Easy chairs, razors keen;" Scissors sharp, linen clean. For a shave you pay a dime Only a nickle to get a shine; Shampoo or hair cut Pompadour Y6u pay the sum oftwentv cents more. I Buy your laces and ribbons at T: Young's, i Hammocks at M. T. Young's. M. Seaboard Air Lini'. Route of the Famous SL'-?VS Briwppn, New York, Washington, Norfolk & Atlanta, New Orleans, Southwest. Also the S. A. L. EXPRESS. 1 1 i Scliedulo in -Efifapt ufLpril Stli, 1696. We H ave Opened Up. and will be glad ito have you call" and see if our prices suit you. ; . . . . - - - - . We have increased our space and can accommodate you. Try us and you will "find that ADVERTISING PAYS. Advance Publishing Company. .... I -?-'? r.t i t x t i :: : : i t : 3 50 pm 5 15 7 31 8 40 12 30 am U SO ; 1201 nftl KORTHBOUND. 9 00 Dm 12 05 amj 4 30 9 05 9 00 915 Lv Atlanta via S A L,.Cen- xrai nine, Athens, " Elberton, . . J Abbeville, i u ' GToenwood,'. " . Clinton, '" 3 05am1155anr tester, j 4 32 j 1 S9 v mj Lv Charlotte,via S A L t7 32a m! 4 09 p m' v Monroe, via S A L 5 20 pm 11 00 a m i Hamlet, i J-i 'Utwt- foutnern lilies, ; o4pm, . Kaieij . 4o I Ar Durham, via S A L ?S :I'.v Durham , . : X01 J Ar-Wehlon, via S A L 8 55 Kichmond, j " lOSOnm' Washington, via Pa 11 LI lpm; 10?2pm- ; Fhiladelnhia k ifipm una ! Xew York, i si " !amiAr Portsmouth, " 3 38 421 50 11 451 ay 1" 1 2 05 pra 11 4" 4 m . 1.12 45 i V. 2 15 :', Li, $5 55 a m 7 14 8(0 8 f 0 9 52 ' 10 40 a m 11 35 a m 2 3 300 4 00 5 10 ;i:; --.in i ru ii ' southbound; 403 - Xv NewYork via Penn; R lk i'hiianeipina Baltimore , " LvYVashington " Richmond ; Lv Norfolk via SAL Portsmouth. " Lv Weldon, via S A L Ar Henderson, I At Durham, via SAL Lv Durham ' Ar Raleigh, va SAL Sanford. 4 Southern Pines, " 1 Hamlet, - ' ! . Wadesboro, ' ; Monroe, ' ; Ar Charlotte, via S A lJ Chester via S A L j Clinton, V ; G reenwood, " ! Abbeville, ; ! Athens. '7' I 510 3 38 ' j; ' ' I inaer, , " ' j . Atlanta, S A L. (Union Depot tpent. Time.) ' No 403. "The Atlantsi Snpfial " Snlirl "Pnllman VoiiKi Ti,jj T',,t t S'tJCF" ' . . 7 1 vcuuuic UUUICU Alillll. Willi .. n ersand Coaches (no extra fare,) Washinsrton to Atlanta. "rnnin-eir.nai r.imitc.l." I'uhman Parlor and Dining-Cars. New York to Washington. Pullman Vc'tibuled Draw insr I' Sleepers, Richmond, to Monroe, also Portsmouth to Atlanta (onen to Richmond and !' mouth 9 n. m.) v . i No;i1' '7? A-p-fpres'"lld Tral? of oilman Sleepers and Day Coache?. T'rtf mouth and vveldon to Atlanta. Pullman Sleepers New York to Weldon and Cape h,l,t-h" ro. 4us, --ine Atlanta &.peciav fcona Pullman Vestibuled Limited Train with 1 nn--Buffet Drawing Room Sleepers and Day Coaches (no extra fare). Atlanta to Washing Pullman Sleepers, Atlanta to Portsmouth, also Monroe to Richmond. Pullman Parlor ar washington to New York. !- r- i , 10. da, ine. a. u. express." soiiaarain with Pullman Sleepers and Day ifai.1: :. xorK, Atlanta to Portsmouth, Cape Charles to 6 45 5 (HI 5 :t '25 . 7:J!i h 20 yrn 9Jl5 piji lfl::5 11-1 T :i2ii in '--i i'i fu am : 0 4'! . 10 45 . 12 ii'.. I;;;. 2-0 j in 4.j 7 3il 7 50 - ,rt;- -i. yr- 00, . j tiu o. -.1 1 j iiA;ico3. Atlanta to Weldon, Weldon to .New Daily. t Daily. except Sunday PeKlrmaLdFST Orleans TeS, Meiico, California. H'- F i t NO. EXTRA FARE ON ANY TRAIN , v' For Tickets; Sleepers, and Information, apply to Ticket Agents, or to ".- tt w " v t vi' J-Anderson, General Passeager Agent. E. St. JoHN,vVice-President and Gen'l Manager ; - V. E. McBee, Gen'l Superintendent. H. W. B. Glover, traffic Manager- n,nc,RAL;.y ICES, PORTSMOTTH,WA.