THE WILSON ADVANCE: JULY 2, 1896. AM if LOCA Several days ago a white named Floyed Hinton : Irom man ! i near ! PERSONAL MENTION. FK'5 " :U S BBIEFr'V TOLD FOR W ill's Y HEADERS. rter Wliat lie Sees Lucama, was loed n j ! for fight- Saturda ing. Hmton has always been consid-1 - ; ered a very tough character, and one 1 Miss Armstead left Monday for 7 : f ; day last week as the jailor was feed- ;Richmond. j t : otters I'KKeu h WM. xwS me puBuiias, raiiuun maue a f iurs. i. &. stronacn lelt Saturday break for liberty but was caught" by for Raleigh. ! the negro who after calling in assis tance and having a free fight, over powered him. He was put back in the cell, but not until he had bitten the jailors' thumb very badly. After this H intOn was examined and found to be insane so Deputy Ri B. White- the city last week. head carried him to the! asylum at Raleigh. i,v our"- ami Hears. -'' Lartje. crowds have passed through this week oing to Richmond. The Post Office will be closed on t Ur itK 'q6 Sunday hours will be f'Jiy -t 1 J observed. : : . Mr. Geo. D. Green left Monday for Ringwood. Miss Edwina Barnes lelt for Ral eigh Saturday. . Mr. Will Carr oi Castoria. was in Capt. E. M.- Pace, a lormtr tobac conist of Wilson but now located in Marion, S. C, is in the city this week. Mrs. Gulick and Child, of Golds boro, who has been visiting Mr. Geo. D. Green, relumed home Saturday. Messrs. L. D. Kiilette, R. j, Tay lor and C. B. Ruffin returned Mon day from a week's fishing at More head. They report a fine time. Misses Linnie Alderman, Ethel Barnes and Annie Taylor, three of Wilmington's most popular young ladies, are visiting Miss Eva Ander- great time is anticipated at the (been City on the 4th and all who -f'end are Pmised a &ooa- time. to be norse anq Dicvcie There i- racing, baseball, etc. Oa Tuesday last the quiet of the town was disturbed by the fire alarm, The cold drink counters are doing and as; usual, a large .crowd ' was out ; Miss Mary Hadley returned from . son Nash street. ' .. Tarboro Monday. j Mr. Whit Wells, of Columbus - Airs. Ivey and children left Thuis- ! count came Wilson last week day for Asheville. V ; t0 sPend a w- d ith friends here. At last ac:onnts Mr. Wells Tom Hadly made a flying trip to was thinkine seriously of making Wil- a rushing business this warm weather in hot one can hardly think of do- jn anything except to devise some plan for keeping cool. The infant of Mr. Will Hales died in this place last Thursday night. The remains vere carried to Elm City for burial. To the bereaved pa rents we extend pur sympathies. in a few minutes. The fire was lo cated at the residence of Mr. Cicero Culpepper on the upper end of Green street, and was caused by (a defective flue Before the fire company ar- Goldsboro Sunday. Graham WnodarH wpnt H.vuit tr - town Black Creek Tuesday. , Miss Gertie Blount returned from Wilmington Monday. " son his home. "He is stuck our rived some one had extinguished the ' Mrs. J. G. Ravvls is visiting rela blaze. Very little damage was done, fives in Richmond, Va. "Doily ami her Master. The Neals, of Lunenburg county, .Va'., were large slave owners once. The hundreds they had are scattered. Mr. , Colin Neal tells of meeting ' Dolly," a family servant unexpect edly "near the old market in Rich mond lately. She carried a lot of bundles, but when Mr.vNeal met ; her. ej-e and said "Dolly" she dropped every thin g exclaiming in great ex citement ot undisguised and unalloyed joy, and enough to attract attention . "Lord, heres my master, my master. I 1 a .'en't seen him for fifteen years ;" with which she hugged him as only the " genuine outburst" of affection would satisfy in her race. Both wept before many witnesses-just so glad to see each other. i . Such is the undying bond of sym pathy and affection seen! now, and then exemplified between master and slave proof of the previous relalive status of life.- Ex. . ; ! The University. Mr. S. R. Alley, of Tarboro, spent a few days here last week. j This institution is steadily growing , The farmers still continue to haul in popularity, patronage and effkieri- Mrs. W. toba:co flaes out by the' wagon load, cy. The enrollment this ' year is the "ora Wilmington Monday. " which is a good sign that the acreage largest in its history. We would like j jvi iss McKay is visitin d tob.icco has not decreased in this to aid some needy boy; to get its ' and relatives in Richmond. section, 11 anyinin 11 nas increaseu. j aavantages oi scnoiarsnips ana loans. . , w , - , ' See ad. ; beverai cl our people spent last P. Wootten returned friends Thursday and Friday at Wilming ton and Ocean Vievvr going down on .the excursions run on- those days. Both of them carried large crowds The Discovery SaA-ed His lAfe, Mr. G. Cailoute, Druggists, Bea versville, Til., says : "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe myXlife. Was : Several of the young men of. the j taken with LaGrippearid tried all the town have employed . Prof. J. Louis Murphy to instruct them in the art of bag-punching and boxing. The headquarters are in the old Club Room over, the "Star." Ail who' WISH 1U JU1I1 Cdll UJ aJ UV CCtlllg Prof. Murphy and paying the; neces sary fee. The dates for the appearance of Annie Abbott to night and to-mor-: 1 1 11 j roiv nigm nave Deen caiiceiicu uu ac count of sickness. The people of Wilson regret that she was unable to come as she is undoubtedly a great wonder and would probably have had good houses each night. We hope she may decide to come later. Excursions are the order of the day now We may expect to hear ot several more from different points in this section. With the thermome ter at ioo- in the shade, the mere mention of a trip to the sea shore puts one in the notion of braving the trip in crowded cars to have one whiff of the refreshing sea breeze and a plunge in the surf. On Thursday next there will b3 some good racing at the track near town. Several horses have been en teredsome with great speed.Tn addi tion there will be a mule race partici pated in by four of the best mule? in the county The managers will spare no effort to make the day one of nleasure tn all who p-o out. For L a full particulars see bills. New nhones are : being: put in every day now. The Wilson people know a good thing when they see it and are taking advantage of the lux ury of having a phone by sending in their names. Wilson is to be con gratulated oh having such a good system, and excellent manager. While all the instruments are used very much, one or two are kept go ing all the time, No. - in particu lar. - . - .' . Several cars passed through Mon day laden with people on their way to Rich m ond. One was decorated with evergreens and had a large sign on the side of the car marked "Camp HamptDn, U. C. V, 382, Sumter, C," and was filled with old veter ans on their way to the reunion where 11 is to be hoped they may meet some of their old comrades, who tought so bravely with them for the "l3t cause." -Mrs. A. . N. Daniel has returned from a visit to Rocky Mount. Prof Geo. W. Connor, wife and child lef Friday for Chapel Hill, v ; Guy Wiiistead who is now located in Newbern, was in town Monday; Mr. and; Mrs. Louis Hales, of Rocky Mount were in the city this week. Wilson Light Infantry. . . The W. L. I. went out to the cir cus '. ground ' Friday afternoon ! frf o cVirmKri 4 rill A ftct- n-Vkmn- aw - UiVli liiltJll Ui ilia A. X.I LV-1 JUill th-ough several maneuvers from one end of the field to the other, they were marched back through main street, a tired dusty looking lot of boys. Possibly they will have only one more public drill before go ing to camp, which will be about the 15th. They will go in camp at Camp Latimer and a glorious time is expected a time-such as only a large crowd oi young men can' have. Wilson now has a very strong com-, pany, and we hope they may carry a full company with them to represent the headquarters of the 2nd regiment. Policeman I!. H. Kountreej Kills John Capps for Resisting Arrest. physicians for milee about, but of no avail and was given up and knd told I could not live. Having: Dr. Kind's New Discovery in my store, I sent j John Green is at Ring wood this for a bottle, and began its use and week doing; some plumbing at that and' from the first dose began to get place. better, and after using three bottles J Mr . t h fhfem rrn.H T',1M. was up Bnd out again. It is worth day from a visit to-his home in Hen its weight in gold. We won't keep derSon store or house . without it." Get a " . : free trial at Hargraves Drug Store. Mr Fra?k Daniels, ot Goldsboro, : - ' . " spent Sunday in Wilson visiting his another homicide at lucama: ; ui other. I - . 1 i Mr. Rom Owens, who has been spending; some time in Texas is at On Saturday last Lucama witnes- . UUU1C iam r sed another encounter, this time be-j Ben Selby, a former Wilson b6y, tween a policeman and a disorderly now located at Washington City tar citizen. ! ! rived Saturday. It seems that one John Capps was jyIiss Vick. who has been visiting drunk and creating a 'disturbance , , . u when policeman B. H. Rountree at- in gdma Tuesday, tempted to arrest him, calling to his aid John Hjll, who was standing1 Messrs. Albert Kerchau and Har- near by. Capps resisted and was rV Latham, of Wilmington, spent seconded by , his brother George Sunday in the city. Capps. The officer at the time was j Mr. Jno. A. MoOre, associate edi- unarmed and was forced to give up tor of the Tar Heel Chapel Hill, was the struggle for the time being, but in the city Monday. immediately went; homd secured his ! Misg AIary Wilkins who has been pistol and returned to the scene-of visiting reatives in Norfolk y& . re. trouble-where he called, upon aby-; home Saturday stanaer namea iowry to assisr nim BABiES WITH SKINS ON FIRE from itchiDg and burning eczejnas and other ekin and scalp tortures. None but parents real ize how these littlo ones suffer. To know that a warm bath with Outicup.a Soap, and a single application of Cuticuua (ointment), the great akin cure, will in the majority of cases afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure, and not to use them without a moment's delay ia to fail in our duty. X 8old thronshout the world. Price, CuTictrBA, SOci ; Soap, 25c.; Resolvent, 50c and $1., Fotteb Dbuq A3TB Cbem. Cokp.. Sote Props.. Boston. 1 JB3"" How to Care Skin Tortured Babies,"mailed free. in carrying Capps (John) to the Mrs. Bonner, of Washington, N. C. lockup, whereupon John Capps as-, is in the city called here by the illness saulted Rountree with a knife. Geo. ' of her mother, Mrs. Hare. Capps prevented Lowryj from caking ! Ashe Hines left yesterday for Wil any hand in the affray. Rountree Hamston.. where he will pitch a game was for a time able, to avoid the knife of ball for that team today, of the enfuriated Capps, but finally he I . , . , received a bad gash across his hand 4 and a severe cut in the Shoulder, the . bus county m the city visiting her latter having beenr inflicted ; after the unde Mr' Applewhite. : . atal shot was fired. ; I - Miss Whitten, of Florence, S. C, Immediately after the shooting who has been visiting Miss McKay Rountree came to Wilson and gave let Thursdayor Richmond. himself up to the Sheriff. . - . Mr. win viarK, iormeny oi vvu son, now traveling for the Dispatch, was in town Saturday on business. Miss Bessie Harriss, who has been tt c i j ' . . . . air. ner iorm giows wun neaun ana taking a course ; m tne Conservatory her face blooms with itsj beauty. - If of Music at Boston, returned Friday her system needs the cleansing action night. ' of a laxative remedy, she uses the j - ' gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, ! Miss Eva Anderson and guests ac- Made by the California Fig Syrup two of our young gen- j . tlemen spent Tuesday afternoon in Company. i t . , v . . J - -- j ; B ack Creek. We are now ready .for the finest 'W. L Skinner, who has been vis work in the State at our new galfery in Danville, has returned and will be opposite Court House. Call and see 1 with the Richmond Maury Co. here us "Engle S.Lund. for the coming season. ' Gladness Comes With a better understanding- of. the' transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed, xnere is comiori iu the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, syrup oi v lgs, prompt lv removes.1 That is why it is the only j-emedv with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so nigniy uy an who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which! promotes internal t cieanimesjs witiiouu ucuunatiug organs on which it acts.' It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. . ; ' If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with ' any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. WANTED.. A reliable lady or gentleman to distribute samples land make a house-to-house convass for our i Vegetable Toilet Soaps. $40 to $75 a month easily made. Address Crofts & Reed, 842 to 850 Austin Avenue, Chicago 111. Clothing at half price at M. T Young's. . ; It will pay you to see Young's Furniture. Have you seen M;. T. Young's Millinery? Now is the time to buy shoes cheap. M. T. ' Youngr. 500 pairs extra pants at .M., T. r Young's. ' The prettiest line Shirts in town. M. T. Young. ; X : lTfMi corn 'mif 'Qjfi r M. T. Younof. . Big line Summer Clothing at M. T. Young's., , ! New line Neck Wear at M. T. Young's. T-iirp Curtains and Srrrm af M. T. Young's. " trunks and Bags at M. T. Youngs. Furniture, all kinds. M. T. Young's. Pant Patterns at M. T. Young's gibbons, a big line. M T. Young. FOR SALE. The house and lot on which I now live, Ion Tarboro street below Barnes street. ! For full particulars write or apply to me in person. ; ' j J- D. BULLOCK. Just Tte Months Ago The Modern Beauty. Thrives on good food and ! sunshine with plenty of exercise i in jhe open We landed in this beautiful town strangers in a strange land, but being favorably impressed with city and people we deck ded to pitch our. tent among you. The cloud of competition hung. thick and heavy over the city and the road looked dark and gloomy. We raised the banner of Tlie 13 ee Hive , There was a rift in the clouds and the people began moving this way. Fall in ; Join the procession and get the benefit of the Big Bargains GoiDg at iDe Bee flive Plaidj'3cts yard. Shirts 1 5 cts and up. 2 balls sewing thread ic. Ladies' Shoes, 49cts up. Yard wide Sea Island 5cts yd. Pants 25cts and up. Hats from 5cts up. Men's Shoes, 55cts up. ' LOT OK OLOTHTNO JUST IN. Visitljs. Respectfully, , 26 101. i ' E. N. . Mercer's Old Stand