r. THE WILSON ADVANCE: JULY 2. 1896, LOCALS. X. Birthday Party. Master Josh Branch gave a birth day party to his friends at the j resi dence of his mother, on Nash street, last 1 uesday evening.-. A crowd of young people attended all had a delightful time. arge and , Justice Roger A. Pryor's refusal the other day to believe the evidence of a private detective and the conles- Will Gn to Roeky'M'uiit. The Wilson 15. B.club will do up to Rocky Mount and play a gaiiie cf ball with the bovs at that place on the , 4th inst. These teams "have played'two game'", each winning one, so this one will decide it, consequent ly all who go to ; s je the game r.uy expect some good playing on both sides. It will !e strictly an amateur game, no' .' professionals playing; on either team. The Wikon. boys aie on their metal and if good playing wins the admirers ot "the natjonal game may confidently expect : to see our boys come backwith the laurels. Jt any rate it will not be their fault if they do not. ' .green tips. egro Arrested.' , On Monday niht last a negro named Harris was found on the pre mises of Mr. W. E. Warren, andj ar rested by the officers as a suspicious character and jodged m jail where he remained until Tuesday morning, vvhen his trial was held. It seems this negro hd made several threats against Mr. Warren about srpme small affii" and went up to his house. Monday night armed with a club, it is. thought with the intention of doing bodily harm to Mr. Warren. As it was Mr. Warren was on the lookout tor him and sent lor the police as soon as Harris was discovered roam ing around his premises. At the trial the negro was fined $10.00 and costs amounting to $1600 which being unable to pay he wras lodged in jail. Harris is a stranger here. i't ;C ill if ' -! ' i s . ' - .- A tobacconist from Wi'sorti N. C. srn s he does ri-M believe that planters .wiil save many green tips this year. A number of - planters threw them awav last year. . Well done, , He sion of a co-respondent in a divorce not only keeps the low pdces of such smt vviien their charges were denied frorn depressing the market,, but in. . .t- many cases they are not worth freight l,P0n cath b-v the the-v cost and trouble to save. Southern accused was characteristic ot him. Tobacconist. 1 ( f ; . The lawyers, who have from jtime :o The above article has been used : appeared before him say that it their by some patties against the Wilson ; client is a woman she is bound to maiket. Some" people have gone so ' get all' that the law allows" her in. tar oS to state that the warehouse-'court. Justice Pry or was one of a men here will not handle low grade number of Southerners who decid ub.iceo, We wish to deny this ; cd that New York offered a better statement most emphatically. . ! field for thepractice. ol law than the 5 Wilson will jhnndle all grades ot South, and his record : on t&e bench-tobacco,-from Rappers to the com- J has been filkd.-with instances of chiv monest scraps,? but our warehouse-! alrous treatment of women. He J .11 tali's Of In, "it. The tone ' 6f. a n. when the instruct"? wan. A red-hot ken . will s,t, , The Ijifl'ert m-. , ' - It makes all the difference whose ox is gored. . The Yankees fairly blub ber over witn pitying love for their Southern brothers in black so long as the said- broihers and themselves placed in contact. I hen the Yankee A street-sprinkl'iv nose soars zenithward, and the poor down ridden brother has another bur den added unto his miseries. Alar, the Yankee nose sniffs the Southern breeze with 'energetic zeal,- for ;any ir;i- retire' that .ma'v ihiu 1 ip i-(tf-H nn u . ' , , ' .Pe English are ibiv! rf v to him, but anear, the same said nose , , , A detests that fragrance which then Y -y .'060 t0ns year. . , . T r -; i , ' A tlap. baited with thes- Me., throwns width. About 350 -pourds cf quired to produ.e peppermint. n- cart 1 1 greets it in no unbroken doses. it is wanted uotv . Fitzgerald,. Georgia, is a town And or colony of "northern settlers. " A few 1 . . : r.PcrrnpQ ' '. hz-f f!"nnrt pm pafrons to sny hat they advise them .j nis contempt . tor a co-respondent wno , . , fail to catch the rod ted f men think it nqrhing but fair .to their ; never loses an opportunity to express- agamst - wasting time and labor on ; will go. on the stand and give evi ls. ob nployment ;The test freak i 'fashion .nE VCtionab3e.:!anci Is lor 1-V cy c'ici.s t(V ve : ! d They don't want the negro .with', pneels the same color as their Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proved to to be the very best. It effects a per manent cure and the most 'dreaded habitual headaches yield to its influ ence. We urge all who are afflicted to , procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of ha- bitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels.' Try it once. Fifty cts. and 1. 00 at Hargraves Drug Store. To the Democratic Yoters ol Wilson Co. : The Democratic party must suc ceed because Democracy represents the organized patriotism our of coun try. To insure success the most avail able candidate must be nominated for thedifterent offices. . Black Creek township has ever Ter mained loyal and given a Democrat ic majority. To no one man's work is the suc cess of the Domocratic party more largely due than to Wiley Barnes. Therefore, we present ' his name to the Democratic voters of Wilson county as a suitable candidate for the office ot Register of Deeds. If capa city, true merit, party fealty, and work weigh in the balance he should be nominated. Mr. Barnes is' a man in close touch with the people and ' his name would add strength to the ticket. He would perform the duties of the office efficiently and satisfactor- ily. :.V ;, - , Nominate Wiley Barnes'for Regis ister of Deeds and equally as strong men for the other county offices and the success of the county ticket will be assured. X. X. X. Black Creek, N. C, June 24th, '96. Wliat One Sjlan Hid. j .. Dr. .William Moon, the famous blind philanthropist, who has just died at Brighton, England, lost his sight when he was twenty-one.' He at once set about learning the systems ot reading for the blind then in vogue: but finding tf em all imperfect, he in vented a new pystem, which is now widely used iri institutions for the blind. The alphabet in this system consists of only nine characters, placed in various pcs:tionF. They are composed lit t.e simplest ;geo-. metrical figure?.! Dr. Moon's success in this .direc tion determined him to devote -his life to the welfare of the blind. : Lan guages were his special study, so that he might giye all. nations the ad vantage'of his alphabet. During his fifty-five years of blindness he adap ted his embossed alphabet to "476 languages and dialects, and his books have circulated all over the Avorld. The number of volumes issued in his type up to the close of 1892, was 194,993. ' He also wrote music for the blind, 2nd drew embossed geo graphical and astronomical maps, as well as pictures. I He established nu merous free lending libraries and home teaching societies for;the blind. The Household. r ' tume. have resoluted that Fitzgerald - is a 1 The veto power is net -.VV LAC (411iUI. W ' V- A VIV i 1 " " fT. tnPtn ann ?nv ;o n bink- I huv i iv. lii v iij iti ui y uiov-J v.u: LO o ul.1I v, v i - aer.ee and always makes iu.di wit ; , . , , , r. ucl posstf U'mrP man j rnwn nnrl npornc mncf DV inP anvprnnrc r f D 1 , . feel uncomfbrtable.--N. Y. " ' , . V " ? , : a 7 X U not be emoloved therein. The fa Delaware. Virpm;-! v.,r,u n ; ,. j vonte brother in black must go. lhey don't want him and will not have This shows how short a time it nesses Sun. Tohnson's Emulsion of Cod Liver; Oil is invaluable in all pulmonarv af- him. fections arid consumption. It enriches takes the average Yankee to become ' Young s. i i ' i i ' i 1 . a t i . - . I me oiooa, resiores lost ussues, duiios extremely Southern, - and tht the up the appetite and makes sound nesn.1 ' c4.i,Q,.a ' A," u . r -; .i ' . , - Tt : boutherners are the best friefids to and Ohio. Ex. ; Rugs. ; A new lot iust in . ... j . If vour system is closed and vour ; tbe neroes. Yes, the Yankees want circulation sluggish, it will cause dis- .."Social rights accorded the negroes.! ease. Do not delay but take Joheson's j until they have to give it themselves. Sarsaparilla - and Celerg. , It will j Then it is "excuse us, for you, but th-a dloob and pure blood i3 ; a safe-'! r , ; ,, n t , 1 , : T . ( not for us. But the negroes con- guaru against disease. Large bottles, ! . " ' 50 c-nts atHargrave's. ' v ;J ducr lfem ana woric against every interest that is best for them. Greenville Weekly. ' Horses Frightened Tl Toints for Fair Sex. YALE M N Ali'L VUDED; i . Plain a pt'g of Ivy Crom a Union 3Iu's Grave, Too," Saitl Wallace. ''Take' the ivyj that is growing over the grave of Theodore Wfnthrop, one Of the very first j Yale- men who fell for the Union, plant it on our canipus by the side of the ivy sprig from the grave of General Robert E. Lee, and let the two entwine in loving embrace as this nation will do in centuries to come. Such ;were the words ol Wallace Bruce who addressed the Yale students and an j immense audience yesterday, and the applause that they elicited was simply thundurous It ! broke out time and again and - the - i. whole town rang! with cheers of ap proval. It h more than likely that the sug gestion will be adopted and that the two ivies will grow together on the campus. : Mr. Bruce was a loyal Union man He was graduated in 1867, and ; has been American Consul at Glasgow. The gift of ex-Governor Chamber lain ol South Carolina, of $200 for a memorial to the Yale men who died during1 the civil war, was formaly ac cepted in a speech by President Dwight, at the alumni dinner. -New Haven Dispatch, June 25th. K everybody else is dancing then '; a bride may' dance at her own . iing. i A bridesmaid, especially at an at ' . . - home wedding, should wear a high neck bodied . . When calling, a gentleman removes his top-coarand hat in the hall and leaves them 'there. ' In writing-to an intimate friend it would be quite proper to begin the letter "My Dear Mr. Gray." : Pale blue and pale gray note paper are liked by some people, but clear white paper is always in -good taste. On the street the lady bows first. It is not in good taste to . ofter your hand to a man with whom your ac quaintance is slight; In inviting even one's nearest or dearest friend to visit one it is proper to state the length ol time the visit is to cover. Any lady may accept flowers from a gentleman; When ttiey are sent to her she should acknowledge them by a note of thanks. "One of my sick headaches," you will hear people frequently say, as if the complaint was , hopelessly incurable. As a matter of fact, Ayer's Pills not only relieve sick headache but effectu ally remove the cause of this disressing complaint and so bring- about a perma nent cure. Not Too Fanny. A Chicago inventor has filled a long felt want. It is a fish pole which the fisherman plants in the ground, baits his hook and throws., out his line. There is a spring attachment which, when the fish bites, releases a Spring and ' lands the unsuspecting biter high "and dry on shore. It is one of those adj ustibles which will land any kind of a fish from the suck er to avwhale. Star. Children Cry for . Wa nine to Some Women. Joseph Reucker, of Muskegon, Mich., kissed a pet dog five years ago and contracted germs of disease which resulted in enlargement of the liver. The physicians madea post mor tem examination and found Reuker's liver weighing twelve pounds. It was so enlarged, as to cover his stom ach. Ex. j - - . Pitcher'cCastoria. A Pessimistic View. We do not agree with the bilious tempered individual who takes, the pessimistic view of human nature pre sented below. Says he. "The more numerous the favors are that ou do for others the less they re spect you and your interests. It seems strange that the kindness you do lor the good of others almost in every instance turn the one you as sist against you." There are some people of this kind we know, but 'if they were the rule and not the ex ception wet would have less faith in human nature than we have. , Yes, thank Heaven, the qualities ot grati tude and appreciation yet remain in the hearts of men and women, whether the writer of the lines quoted above has come in intimate contact with them or hot, Exchange.. Dr. Walker,, who recently tv- him . At the . first Indian vi;l,;.vJ CI i dren dropped their rude playthil and fled crying, into, the hu;s. m eh and women stood their ffro'l although in Open-eyed wonder. ia niuui muuceiiieni iney were 3 ally prevailed upon to approach -'horses, and- their wonder knev bounds. . No amount of persui-f would induce them to n:ount. Ti were the first horses they had seen. -Ex. . . Law. rill Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, col easily and tlioroughly. Best after 'dinner pills. ,25 cents. All druggists. Pill Perfect. Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS It doesn't pay to be too funny. A man who formerly boarded at a Maine hotel used always to call for "old hen" when he saw chicken on the bill of fare.. The table eirl and ! Pation' sour stomacI' digestion, are pmc: , , . K cifred by Hood's Pills. They do their cook mereupon preparea tor mm, arid whenever chicken was served an old hen was provided, and , this par ticular boarder go', a generous, supply of that. After this order of ; 'things had continued for three months without the boarder susnertino- thp Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., LoweUM , 1 , 11 j 1 " The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsapar-i jut.c, uiic ucty ijc caiieu in.e waitress to him and told her he was getting sick of old hens, and he'd like to have a taste ot chicken. "Very well," was. the reply, "you can have it, but you ordered old hen regularly, and as this house al ways pleases its guests when possible we've been giving you what you ordered Ex. . j f f 0 N D E R F U L are the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood's Sarsa parilla makes PURE BLOOD. ENMYROYALflU Original nd Only Genuine. l .c ...lUliip LADIES " Drugs'"' tor Chichcsttrt ,7j' jA monol Jfrana in kcu "" hfixea. scale! with blue ni.!"n. i .l I?.r,.i, Jinntntil""'' tion, ai,d imitation. M ''"-"S' Itellei - fr I.h.IIi V ' Sola t all Locs.1 Urut'SiEls. . 1 ""-"l Chit Ladie's Hats, trimmed and un trimmed. M. T. Young's. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, in, 113 and 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. Lar2:e stdckk)f finished 'Mnniimonfi! dra VPCfnneS. &l Ready fori shipment. Designs tree. GEO. D. GEEEN, Pres't. LAT. WILLIAMS. SAM'L HODGES, Sec'y.i' GEO. D. GREEK mm CO . ....... (INCORPORATED JAN. 3, 1S96.) Successors to GEO. D. GREEN & . WILSON, N. C. ine ueo. u. ureen iiaravvare company was lncgijj1" . iqb, ana as successor to the late hrm of Geo. D. ureen cc uu ... general .hardware business in the town of Wilson, N. C, at the stan occupied by said firm. Will deal in . utlery, Lime, Paints, Oil, Plumbing M aterialsan4f .Furnishihp- Goods. - O .-... . ' ... , . ..." : ' ... .' ..it:-'' TVTV Ctan T Clrcon ,.1 . r 'ZAr. onrlMf. h'' the iunior member of the late firm rntiniV tn jnve their Pe.r? tion to the business.; Mr. Samuel Hodges,' Sec'y and Treasurer, u i in the conduct and -management of the business of the corporation. Very Respectfully, 6-23-6 m. - Geo. D. Green Hardware

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