THE WILSON ADVANCE: JULY 2,1896 AVordr.f Wisdom. Cleverness is a sort of genius for instrumentality. It is the brain of the hand. t.e finger nails are dry and I'iions is for fair weather; ir&e'- ' fnncrh and pliable and cut without DreaKin, i - -n.v. wty . pn r . ... ... . . i i w i' m nfi m nna Mif 4-1 1 . ,V W 1 l 1 ..L.M E.A . w . . . V V . 1 I I L 1 I lilt III 1 " I I I .ihor m in w--"- - 1 f n the floor furnish a tolerable tpr When a storm is about - tbe threads contract with ?h force as sometimes to tear the Str or drawout the tacks. .... mnnn m uetween ' .',, ten a. m, in the summer. Kn rainy it will become fair ; tnT nas ueen ujc. i uit. , be, a change to n it .,re will probably rain When the new moon comes be- . 1 V 1 . rht and ten D. m. tne maica- con is ia summer time for rain, if the is from, the south or southwest ; 3 t'i C winter, rain or snow, if the . . thp direction indicated. f::iQ 3 in 1" ; I:i summer time if the new moon 5 between six .anu cjiu u. m., un -:n' ;nrohnhh PiwiiP in trip wintertime the weather w;i!Ibe fair 1a frntv. provided the wind is from north or northeast. first Thins in United States. The first tuTn pike road was laid be- The first night watchmen were ' li censed by the New York common council in 1697. '.; . Erass pins were first made in New York by English machinery in the year 1S12. ' ' -: T!i href tliA rntipnr ninr? in thf i iH, ill IHUJ - -A V A y i X i V AAA Mass , in 134. '. The first, temperance society or ganized in - the United States was ' or ganized in Saratoga, N. Y.,'in 1S0S. The first religious journal . in' this counjf was the. Recorder, at,Chiii cothe, 0., in 1S14. - Philadelphia was the first, city to issue a directory, its first edition coming out in in 17S5. . i ' The first patent was issued to Sam Hopkins in 1790, for making ;pot or pearl ashes." . The first fire engine used in this country was brought from England to Xe-vv York in 1731. The first agricultural newspaper was the American Farmer, begun at Baltimore in 1819! ; ;' The first " iron nails made in this country were hammered into shape at Cumberland, R. I., in 1777. The first Sunday paper in this country was the Sunday Courier, be gun at New York in 1825. I copy after. 1 " An old truth stated in a new way will hit and stick where it has often missd The injuries we do and those wesuffer are seldom Weighed i in the same balance. I i ... i If idleness does not produce vice or malevolence, it commonly pro duce melancholy. Nurture your mind' with thoughts ; to believe in the heroes. When we stop looking toward the wrong place we will not find it so hard to stay in the right pi ace J You never know hovv dear; things are until ' you buy them, nor how cheap they are until you sell them.- Exchange. . ; r"". " v' Wi r iiiuiies i nam Tiiar Hon Aileii should live at high. At tho top of this fasten a the upper end of the street. 'This crosspiecea foot long and about 1 1-2 ! circumstanco comnels him to rass - .. i great heroic A European statistician who lias been figuring on it informs us that .32,214,000 human beings die annual ly! or 98,780 every day, 3,020 an hour and 67 a minute. This- would be somewhat alarming if ha didn't assure us that the births number 6-, 792,000 a year, an. average of ioqr Soo a day, 4,200 an hour or 70 a minute.-so that thg .hunian family is immediate danger of becoming extinrt while this condition of affeirs lasts. Ex. ' J inches wide; on this tack the mus lin in plaits, iierfectly flat and spreading out vvitler . at:-the bottom, to each extreme end of the table back, extending down in fan shape. This will givG a background taadd other draijery and flounces at dis cretion. In the center of this at a convenient height 'hang a full sized mirror, the frame of wrhich may be covered with plush of a dainty color. Of i course the body cf the table should be covered with flounced lace to the floor and the table top itself covered with a plush mat of the same dainty color as tho frame. . This should exactly cover the top and bo edged with a neat colored cord binding, with tassels to match at the corners, or a full lace flounce finished at the corners with bright ribbons. Ribbons of the samo color should hold in place the overdra pery of tho upper part, as the taste of the fair owner shall dictate. .These simple suggestions and a fair amount of good taste and skill in arranging should offer opportuni ty- for very pleasing results, and when all is artistically completed the dainty appointments of the toilet artistically and neatly arranged in their rjlaces "my lady" has some thing that- has cost her but a com paratively smali amount of money, and her reward for the time and in genuity expended will be derived from tho satisfaction of possession. ---Philadelphia Times. To Ilfnder Tif1 icc II.ii mls-i. Dr. Gautrelet directs to steep a peice of cotton vvool in a 5 per cent, solution of pyrogallic acid ahjd insert it into the pipe and cigarette I holder. He claims that this method will neu tralize all possible" - ill effect of the nicotine. Such- ill, etlectsf as head ache, furring of the tongue.'and mOre serious ills he claims can v thus be avoided. Exchange. i .1 The Urn in Politic ' A newspaper in "Oklahoma ce'e brat ed the victory of ; the women in a recent town election by coming out with a hen at the head of its political c'olumri in place of the customary rooster; -Ex. I Blood-purifiers, thoutrh gradual, are radical in their effect. Ayer's Sarsapa n'la is intended as a medicine only and nt a stimulant, excitant, or beverage. Immediate results may not always fol- - 113 use, uui auer a icasuiiduic JWe permanent benefit is certain to be realized- A Oueer Explosion. , . The Fayefteville Observer reports aqieer kind of explosion in that pl,aG!:) something we never heard of before. It was a pneumatic tire. ' It Aas a pneumatic bicycle j tire. It sa'3 : Monday morning i about 11 0 clock a report like a gun shot sounded in the direction : cf King's ruS Store, and it was : heard all Ver the business portion of the city, Wlld rush was made from' all quar rs,and great excitement prevailed ; . , ... . 1 When Bapy was sick, we gave her Castorja. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she elung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. 1 tit. 1 UJLfcTf I AtJLt. To the ho astonishment of everybody- expected to see the bullet ' rid cu"Ddy of one , man at least a Recked bicycle lay before them. fhe bicycle had been placed in the ' n m front of the drug store and ne of the tires had exoloded. wreck - the wheel and shattering other Parts. Children Cryfoi How to Tioild and Appoint a Dainty Ued rcora Fnrnishinjj. ' . Every "lady in the land' is fond of dainty and artistic equipments, not only for her personal and home adornment, but in the little every day appointments of her dressing table as well, and that this should be is but the evidence of a refined and 'cultivated nature. j ' What could be prettier in a dainti ly decorated chambor than the rich ly draped toilet table, with its glit ter and sparkle of silver and crystal appointments1-its air of refinement and luxury so dear to the heart of every trye woman? J That daintiness and refinement may be expressed in the simple ev eryday' appointments of a modest home is unquestionably true. A littio time and judgment spent in se lecting tho necessary fittings of the toilet" tablo of the plainer sort .will reward the buyer to the fullest ex tent, as in theso grades there are great variety ancj, wide' range of price. . j . To be sure, tho glass need not be cut crystal nor the finish solid sil ver, but pressed glass comes in great variety of pretty and useful forms, and aluminium has the brilliancy of silver and needs but little care to bo kept bright and attractive. As a basis for the toilet table on which to display these dainty appointments an average sized kitchen table may be used. The unvarnished sort will cost. but $1.25. ) We will simply offer ai few sug gestions as basis on which to work. Screw securely to the back of the table a pine hoard about U inches Pitcher's Castoria. The First English. SMIlins Magazine. As we all know, Alexander ; Iiac m ill an was the first to .project a shil ling 'magazino in place of the old quarterlies at 5 shillings and masa zines at half a crown. The new ven ture, Macmillan's Magazine, was made in tho autumn of - 1S30, soon after the establishment of the London-business in Henrietta street, with Professor Ma sson as the first editor. A name for tho new period ical was a long time under consideration.- .Tennyson's " "Idylls of the King" t'h-o first volume was then fresh in men's mem pry and admira tion, and a title in somo way arising out of the "idvlls'.' was scriouslv contemplated. King Arthur and The Rou;d Table were Hwo suggested, 4nd no or the other was very near ly adopted. ' . The present writer well remem bers being one cf a party of friends of tho'firm assembled in Henrietta street on the evening when Profess or Masson's counsel was finally ac cepted that tho' periodical should bear only the naine of its. founder. A trace of the original suggestions is still to be seen in the design on the 'cover, whero "the blameless king" appears in the center medal lion at the top, the other three com pleting the design , being Chaucer, Shakespeare and Milton. Macmil lan's Magazine. each cf the various houses in turn, and his fellow travelers have been in the habit cf eating their breakfast with their eyes fixed upon the win dow. ' . . " . ' . When tho familiar form goes by the door with its measured, military stride, each man knows that the su preme moment is at hand. There is a general and immediate exodus from all the houses on the row, and by hurrying a trifle the belated ones are able to overtake Pop and catch the train. : ; This universal dependence, upon; his movements was not .lost on tho old gentleman, and one day lio con ceived the mischievous idea of giv- ing tho "boys" a surprise. The in- ' nocent victims of his plot found to their astonishment that they were able to come much nearer than usual to finishing their breakfasts that.;- morning. Two or three' even in-; dulged in a second cup Of coffee, and still Pep had not appeared.. But ' their suspicions v; ere slow to arovise, for tho' clock was known to be ir- j regular compared with their modeL At last the watchers . beheld him! striding by and rose with relief to I follow. The ' procession was well underway with Pop still in tho lead ; and tho others gradually gaining when they arrived in sight of tho station. The vounccr commuters!; couki not believe their eyes. The 5:0? was just -pulling out. Looks of -i mingled amazement and indignation too deep for words were turned upon 'Pop Allen, who seemed not in tho least ruffled by the occurrence. "Why, boys," he said, 'looking j & S0 IB F: CURES ALL 5KIN AND BLDDD DI5EA5E5. rtTjinaLS aurs F, P. f. & tp4eul:d euinl!nat!oo. wid jrercrbe Ittruh ft &tifction for tb cnr cf all f-nnt nod ttxpv of Prfmav. Sfnlrr mnd Tert!rT CTDiiUis, SypMln'ic lChtsuuiaiteci, txToi-jtimi t;li' and ChrorJc Uu- thst ha-'rtU4d oil trtsteerl. CaUrrh, 1 p frpteB Umafin 141 r u a ft i ll I U . t ra J fa I csiO J.'itsi.-es, liczemi, Caroiiic i-cu.a, Couip ia.ts, blat- " P. . F. t? ppwerf-.-l t raio, nnd m rrfc!!ent s-m?l'sar, liiiMiil eimu.jR up tst; sy!fn rspi.iiy. . Luites wtiuss Systems are poisoned .a3 hote bopd Sa In en bp ccoiit'onv ArtK to we-wtTtial lrr(r!rttlB. ara 00 Ei 3 IRIA cleaiiiing ' prrpertiea cf P. P. P., I'tiukly Ach, l ck Hoot ana Poj ;!uni. around from one to another, as if just then conscious of their pres ence, "aro you all going to take the later train this morning? It's queer,1 but I just happened to' miss the 8:07 mvself. " 1fHV Ynrlr Trihnr.n. ' i 1 iftf jvitr'jiiirtiva'Tr t in mni'""rinufir' 'f-'-ij LIPPMA1T BSCS., Froprictors, ' JJruggists, Lippman's Blcci:, SAYASSAH, GA' Book on Rloo.d Diseases mailed free. For sale at Hargraie's Ftaramcy. Curious Crater. bout 40 rkyilcs from. Flagstaff, 'A.; iiitho midst, of a great nlain ' thco is a saucer shaped hollow; about three-quarters cf a mile across' and GCO feet deep. The rim,of this strango crater lises between 150 and 200 feet above the surrounding plain. Rocky fragments are scattered for several miles around the crater, de creasing in number until they dis appear. Among these recks, many fragments of meteoric iron, some containing minute black diamonds, have been found. The inner walls show that tho crust of the earth-was broken wh en th 0 crater was f crmed, yet: no -volcanic rocks exist there. Geologists have recently proposed several theories to account for this singular phenomenon. One theory is that an immense meteorite made tho hole, and that the meteoric frag ments just mentioned are remnants of the falling star. Another theory ascribes tho origin of the crater to a tremendous .explosion" of steam in the rocks beneath, and a third corn- important correction, j Dines tiio List . two oy suggesting Under tho terror in Franco people that tho blow of a- failing meteor, ECLECTIC MAGAZINE. i' - . OF , ':. . Foreign Literature, SeieikG and Art. "The Literature, of the World." V .896. : 5;- Fift -second Year. learned to be excessively cautious in all they' said and still more cau tious in what they wroto. , . An old letter is said to bo in exist ence of the revolutionary period, in which the author had at first writ ten to a friend, "I write under the reign of a great emotion." Then, apparently reflecting that it was dahgerjeus to speak of "reigns" at such an' opech, he amended the sentence thus: "I write under the republic of great emotion. Youth's Compan ion. POP ALLEN'S LITTLE JOKE. How He -Abused the Confidence of 'Com I maters' Row." In a suburban town about 15 miles from New York there is a street the real name of which does not matter, for it is rarely mentioned by the residents. Owing to the fact that the men of nearly every family along this thoroughfare are engaged in business in the city and spend a part of their lives traveling back and forth-with ceaseless and monotonous regularity the street itself was long ago rechristened " Commuters' row. " At the head, of the "row" and far thest from the railway station lives a man who is' the veritable father of commuters. Old residents can scarcely remember the; time when Pop Allen, as he is irreverently re ferred to by the younger men,, was not actively engaged in catching trains. Long experience has enabled hini to reduce tho matter to an exact science. He reaches the station each morning just as the 8:07 pulls in, having not an instant to spare, but never missing the train. The younger and sprier inhabit ants of ''Commuters' row" have al wavs considered it peculiarly fortu- striking the earth's crust at a point where subterranean water had accu mulated in the neighborhood of heated rocks, was the cause of the explosion. Philadelphia Press. Repartee. Cleverly and Dryly were sitting in the cafe over cocktails when young Eichly entered. He nodded to Cleverly and passed on to. another table. Cleverly, turning to Dryly, remarked with the inflection . of which he is proud : "I wish that, fellow Richly would swap his money for my brains, but he doesn't know enough to make the exchange." "He does not, I suppose," answer ed Dryly, "but you do, don't you?" New York Sun. v -! : : : - 1:-' Inexperienced. ? ' Butcher to young housekeeper), I have nothing left, munir-but a hind quarter of lamb and deer. Young Housekeeper' Very well. You may send me a small hind quar ter of liver.--Texas fc'if tings. A fabric made or pine ana spruce wood pulp is made into overcoats' in Leeds. Encrland. It inolcs like JIjHE ECLECTIC MAGAZINE ; re- produces from Foreign Periodicals all those, articles which are valuable to Am erie an Headers. Its field of selection embraces all the .leading Foreign Re views, Magazines and Journals, " and the tastes of all classes of intelligent readers are consulted in the articles presented. Articles from the .; Ablest Writers in the World will be found in its columns. i The following' list gives the principle peri odicals selected from, and the names of some of the veil-known authors whose articles ap peaieu in the EcLtCTic- , , leri-dical. I Anllmrs. 'lion. W. E. Gladstone. 'Andrew Lan;.-, i . . Prof. .Max Mueller. J. Norman f.ockyer, James liryce. M. P.. i William Black, K ' !W. H.Iallock, f Ilerbert spencer. T. P. Mahaffy, Sir Iiobqrt Ball, Prince Kropotkiny Archdeacon J"arrarT ' St. George Mivart. f Kev. H. K. Kaweis, Frederick Harrison, . Mrs. Oiiphant, Karl Blind, , etc., etc. ; li si t ' M IL yi ANI ITS cimu To the Editor : I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to send two bottles free to those of your readers who have ODrisumptkn,Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write, me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 183 Pearl St., Hew York. ffy The Editorial atfd Bosineu Management of this Paper 'Aiarantee this generonj Propositloa r- Westminster Review. Coutemparary Beview Fortnightly Kevie'.v. Nineteenth Century. Science Iicview. Blackwood's Majrazine, Cornhill Magazine, '1 acmillan's .Mag-azine, Xewr Keview, National Keview. Chamber's Journal, Temple Bar, The Academy, The Athen.eum, ' Public Opinion, . Saturday Review, The Spectator, : ? . etc., etc. 1 The aim of the ECLECTIC is to be instructive and not sensational, and it commends itself particularly to Teach ers, Lawyers, Clergymen, and all intel ligent readers who desire to keep in formed of the intellectual progress of the age. i ; TpiMTliI ' Single copies 45 cents; one copy one 1 CI 1110 . year.f5.0O. Trial subserition for 3 months fl.OO. The Eclectic and any $4.00 Magazine to one address 8 00. . ; With the Eclectic and one gocd Ameri cal 'Monthly the reader will be fully abreast of the times. E, R, PELTON, Publisher, 14 Eighth Si. 1 7. Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some simple thine to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring yon wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEKBURN & CO.. Patent Attor neys. Washington, D. C, for tbelr $1,800 prise Offer and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. . ' NOTICE. . ' . I WAJfT every man and woman in the Unitetl States interested in the Opinm and Whisky habits to have one of my books on these dis eases.' Address B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Ga., Box 382, and one will be sent yon free. Chergmah's Suits at M. T. Young's See our ' Dress Goods. M. T. Young. : ! Lumber Wanted n A v Cut Accurately and Rap idly on the - " FARQUHAR Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with Quick Receding Head 30.000 feet, with Engines and Boilers rrqna. iz to 40 Horse rower. For full descriptive catalogue ' address, A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., YORK, PA. n