V E WILSON ADVANCE' J. CASH Hi ADVANCE. " LET ALL THE ENDS THO 0 AIMS ' AT E THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S AND TROTHS." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. 0 yZ XXVI. WILSON, X. C, OCT: 22, 1896. NUMBER 42. i of Sight Seein Well to see sights that will please the eye and suit L oocket book, we advise you to take a look at the Sit " of Bar 'oV Open lO you ctt uic uajn vn.vi.ii l oiwrvJCO. .... cLrht-c; worth seeinsr, worth buying-. Not confined to ..one line dt gooas uui lui.. - EVER BEFORE . AKtocK speaks. r ;.or;;.i .tA.;u i.v.-uiuiu(.uuai 1211U1U&ICS anuuiu r , - , i : , not stand in the way of our voting: flakes a Telling Talk on the Isaeg of the j J & Day-strong . Presentation of the Silver for ur Champion, William J. Bryan. Problem-Electoral Fusion. j Our candidate, Sewall, is an honora- The crowd were very anxious to hie man and a man who has the cause hear the champion of free silver Ben .oi the common people at heart. But Aycock, of Fremont. The people dn't let this stand in the way of elec- know Mr. Ay cock's recorder! the toral fusion. . Mr. Bryan is fighting silver question and were very anxious or your interests. He is an advo- to hear the " issues discussed bv him. cate and an exponent of an income The speaker said in part : .:' The pres- tax ree silver,; and the interests oi em campaign is the most significant the agricultural j masses of our land, in our history. It is the duty of every Our condition is bad and yearly it is man that he take' enough interest in getting worse and worse. I warn you the campaign to study the. issues and to wrest this country from the bond- : . . . . I . . . r t i i f i ' r ' ik " " vote lor that party which seems aSe OI ngianu ana a iew Americans, to him to be for the best interest; of This is the land for Americans and his country. As before in our po- should be preserved by them, litical history, all parties have met . If there is a man who should be a ana set forth their principles. Is silver man it is the ; farmer;" The there anything' in these principles that prices: we get for our products should opinion that, owing to the short time before the election, satisfactory ar rangements and alignment could not be effected on either side; and, there fore, would not receive such hearty and loyal support as would make success an assured faqt. I ' "Third -We entertain no hope of being able to make you a propose tion which , would be acceptable and at the same time be sustained by the; lull force of both political parties. But we venture a cuggestion here, which, if adopted by you, would ehm inate at least one of the dangers, which you declare is. menacing the State, the election of the Republican nominee for Governor. ! This sug- i gestion is the withdrawal of your i nominee for Governor, and the con- i centration of the Democratic forces' on the nominee of the People's party for Governor. We aire encouraged; to make this suggestion by the fol- lowmgi declaration in the State Dem- . i "'"' r i . . Is little city . sucn a variety oi gooas at prices quite so fculous. : " . and Gents FaraisWngs, Laces, Corsets, lotions, Stationery, Hairdware and Tinware, Soaps, Brushes of all Kind. offers prosperity to the man who determie, on what side of the fence ocraUcttforrn.to-wit:, 'We declare J. M, LEATH, Manager , ' 1 . : Cash Racket Store orner nasn ana i arooro pts. , j oi jofiu i-ouasivi uu;i me !nuu5u imaae tneir ioriunes uy grinumg j .j j . j upou ' fiitai injury of John. Greal and Frnk j , are' the same men' Mr. Aycock then went in patch Walker. The men were engaged in blast- aCVn me people are Ilie bame men -j , Jleve- ing when a portion of the roof fell and who ore to-dav promoting the cam- cussio-n ol btate matters. , xi of McKiriley golcbigism. Oatbarst of, Inrtisuatio:i from .Ma Iril .Newspaper. Madrid. Or-r. 'v,i r.fv.nr.ipntino- statement contained in a disp. OjB Wash in -"-nil fli-if Pvocii!nr. V. aiktcmU r,.' int,m-0na tn r.iiW n a-' tons of ruck covered them, it took an aaner taiimnionnt tn th rmitinn of hour tc reach the victims, and Greal and p.lgn eindepehdence of . the in?ur"ents,.-.The ' Walker were removed from the debr;s ter- i They feared to declare against silver, pparcial glares: that Spain ou-rht to de- ribly crushed 1 n rnvered their tracks bv r utti 1T in a urn espliinatioii.cf tho Washing- '. unsm was uiuukucu wuu. - x V ' "eoTercnit-nt. r- - ' the clause about .bimetallism. , vv nen aeca3:i,ir lnnV ,-thtnrPr' Irsane from Cigarette Smokinsr. ; r u eadZ-c.tiinTheiroikl. "'even New fiizuxswiCK, N. J., Oct. 19. -Harry toreion nations lavoitu u. ;i3 n uau- lav: Bv what riohr do the Schnltz, 20 years old, was removca to tne ; . i .u the country trom wliich we wtedStatisi"-:iao the tlrnc for Spain to Trenton insane, asylum on Saturday. Me i . .-,A i u for' of twenty years was very effective acuMi,,,, in.n:.v .wirvo-rt.i had become insan3 from excessive cigar- iwvc iitu iiwo rJ . - 1 :, We can knock competition clear out of sight. (Excuse the puppet of Mark Hanna, the great oil .. .. . r ir ; irusi : Kintr. nis digs his living. out of the ground? yu are. You must tarm even it Will you trust your interests and you know that your returns will not those of your family to McKinley more than overbalance your expen- and his combine ? McKinley, should oitures. you must live,, out tne. he desire to help you in your distress ropes of oppression are tightening would be powerless to do so. Even about our necks every-day. there his own nomination or his subsequent has been temporary relief offered by actions have not been determined by the Bland, Allison and bherman acts, his own will. Should he be elected but we have now brought you into he will not determine the policy of a contest for a decision of the final his administration- The same man issue, inese aistressmg enects are who has ruled him for years will de- more onerous to the larmer because, termine this policy. Mcrvinley is iJja uuf WU1 yUL ""w i-ywi, w""c not to- day a free man, but he is a the returns of most other labor is con stant. bo when the hard nme comes it hurts 'the farmer more than any The farmer then should trust king. His nomination was ! ; - . t bouo;ht and the same methods of otner. man fraud are being used in promoting his j wake up and fight for that principle campaign. Even the plaUorm On which will bring him relief more than which he stands is not an expression 1 anY lher class of men. When you J . . r . . J. Of the will of the people, but it- was nave tne encouragement oi a reiurn 'luJrrA rr 'Hantw anH PUtt Thp for your labor by the means of the our belief that the peace, prosperity and happiness of the people of North Carolina depend upon the defeat of the Republican State ticket in the coming election.' " ' ' bryas's Chances. i Cliairnan Jones Gives Oat a Fall Table Showing Bryan' strength Fusion Genuine in Many Donbtlul States -liryan'ri Chances Brightening. t Senator Jones, chairman of the National Democratic party vhas given out a-table showing possible states that will go for Bryan. In thirty-two states he says genuine fusion be tween Populists and Democrats has been effected. Chairman Jones gave o t the following table showing the votes of- the respective candidates in the electoral college. v j ' McKin.. Bryan. Doubt. ii . I .V ! Crushetl Under Tons of Hock. i Reoublicaris representing the farmers lrt: -ver policy you win jeei muic po! thTWes like putting forth a renewed f energy; plank be put into this platform but as in order that your returns may be in other cases this was decided by ; greater. The question to the firmer the same combine. In their platform then, is will he let a few men who dig there is no advocacy of income tax, j not in the ground; rule the price, of nn nrnmlse nf financial relief" nor a his products at will. All your inter- t - . A VERY DEFIANT- SPANIARD. CAi:imAiE, Pa:, Oct. 19.-A terrible word of condemnation of trusts and ests are m ine DreaKing up oi tnee accident occurred at the Erie mine at May- . , . ' T, m . hn y. trusts and monpolies and this is what field, which resulted in the instant death Combines. 1 hObe meil WHO have . , , ' P, . of John Poliuski and the serious if not made. their tortunes by grinding is promised by the Democratic party. into a dis- e showed i . the difference between the vile.vindic tive principle represen'.ed by 'Russell and that represented by Cy Watson, the exponent of anti trust laws I and free silver. His disussion of j . the Democratic government of the! last U;iwi,m f h. ?t.M.".l- M.nr.iTi.-: had become msan3 irom cire.ne It hmt be ;;ffirnvHl before the ette. smoking. ; borne days he -consumed , arms-WOuld at anv tima be Willing to 'toievvorU t'v.t tho a r.u-.Ti frm-crn-"' as much as twelve package?, and threats; , , ' u i i ' cannot hnLrvrfltm n anu entreaties, failed to convince him of ; promote our prosperity by declaring the error or ms va. Dix uiuuuis i nolicv which will prove mvaiua- - i i Af; ier anuncinjf the United States' r doctors told him if he did not stop he "0 FUSION. ill l4 . V - - ened him, but he continued to smoke. -OP.." ! which Is today crushing the lite out ; Should the gold stand ard be fastened on us the cry lor Hb Jeaa :u:-l i, All Fron'Si ions OflVred by Deuiocrats must he sent to the asylum. This fright- bie to ils' r iir.s is ine same counuy ,- uav Been lWni.-ihe Kxecutive ' . - - - : i . ... . . .. . ill 1 1 let win inn imieiiiuuirij .uwri- ! ins:. J. T. Ii. Hoover Favored the "Lnsion. Lying at the Toint of Jiea,tn. ; 1 Q Ireland WAsnixoTox,- Oct. 19. Chief Justice vminivi A. Uich:irdson. of the court of r-Vrims-.U lvinsr at the point of death at crtv will rise v.: , u. ? tT- TTe suiltn'injr from . " . , i loi-ti inn- trrt rsTAirllxr "m th- titf -?7 I co" ong to from Ireland. i nose wno are up- j-s V "7 r .v?shmgioa. ; .J.accod a- 74 years, has been un- pressing us do not for a moment con- thought it advisable, to make, an at. ; Dumped into thte Sea. ai.ie to stay tneir. pro-re.. , . , looking to their tempi to nave complete -msion-wmi m was sei-rBtiii.y ui , . " . ,. I L . ; fopunsts. ine terms were mat tne St'".:! r-.-il':.- ' .Thn Tmn irri"! mil. as .fulb-,-s:''The. conduct of ,the "Uuc.s'will arouse crejieral indig xl ihi should reiiiain alone in -W.-t" U"irH-. tit. "iT'.:-.i v:?-.. Ja-' i-n- ' '.tatr-.r (avii eHortS.' will know how. u-iKi? bet we the noble The Democratic! Executive i Com- trom America as well as mittee thinking that Russelhsm was i...i:st.u.: l r. -t.lKS Jll'Uiie xxiciiiluc .U.lUjUWl.W.!U - ct, HmA" Which TJOSl- Inforoctc tne treasury iui it wit t jv u iijiv.h-io ; l I - t, - - .i. . nun was one oi ine ucar ------ . , . rtr,a ho nnw trs.n r r-r-v t.t.1 fi-m he resigned to accept the one lie now -- ..u xmi uascosue, wnicu ui- Hv::n;.y-He cjiues to this' country . holds." " ; .j xmu.u''u tin iinuriuetci. . . . si,ot iir Sell ueiense. i tIie massacre. of "Armenians. j c.r-. t nt 10. David n are ere si .U-;1S i -rautiixopl. - during: . three ' in Aujrust last. During U'J.O-X) Arinmiinns. he said. ! What was done at Chicago? The Fopunsts be- qiven -Lieut. Umernor I n!fnrm adonted in contrast to the 1 'uid a fair divisions of all other State i r' " 1 ' ,.- ne at St. Louis was written bv the c.mces people. .Even the little town of Lu- included in the agreement The; V,!!'1 V'!.''clv'cl throughout the' empire. ri..i. . P ontrrpsmen were also con- "a i 1 n i i ri i . .t-K i r 1 1 t . '.i-jv- ; ii i r i i iiv i:t. v---.." - " . f : ri.'ul lkj x c. u. -i.. Pearl, a mulatto, was shot and killed at Pondtown, few miles lromerca.ai- , r ,. , po , f CnmvnUe e held r.irht.hv Hannan Calamau, and.jonn cama naa. a voice hi inc.. mwuj m . . -fr-- , . - single u Kaieign i nursaay ior ine,.purpose Only dav a meeting Beidelman, Pearl s companion, a en- ""'ii With nil i,'.i,uwffnn;f!i.nt: T'.. . . -m.. " t.. V.-. .,1-1 1 thU . nlattorm. Is there VV110 strccts of- Constauti- an5 he shot in self de- : r;ank in that platform,; which would of acting on this proposition. w -Uo;iu after Cartload T)f J these ; 1 " -I .! ., . r twn nf tKp'rnmmltfte favnred .- i.cjic. i nnt iitfl Tne lariimi' Udsaca ui uui , - " "- . fy, v,y;"-dumped into the sea, fr..,i , . "i Tho the wounded for release 'vu coming, from the carts, but lV Utterly unheeded. . ' accept Those who: opposed cur i mg ; tnis proposition., . une oi mese Mr. J. T. B, Hoover, ol Elm liark roanderea, Twenty Drowned. ; . . , T34,r hniiincr from this nlattorm have taken their stand with. as port, which Vailed froin -Cardiff on Oct.il j . Q osition - The standard bearer ! City. After a lengthy discussion the for Lisbon, foundered, in a -ale on Ocfci9 j . . ! following: : answer was olven out to X l uutj v. . , ( yj l L. L lUlin r .turned ou the Lake. u c ij.VY.- Wic Oof. 10 Thft "hicr ci-nm Tland . 7 , -M.V. . 0 uu - - . i . 0rir ,v ' ' ownea u dlulies f urowneu. mo cuu!i. - t- - i fa0m early boynooa snows uiai hc is 'biu .: '.'I il. us ourneu oaiui- tons register.. . j ; . , mn- Knf a " iu;e . iichiffiin. and now lies - r . a menu iu m. ,xw& f. White Fish bay., The t rantaiu Hart to Stand Trial. Viducil iftlfiaiV jiii'l was ! , ". " - , . 4. cir 17 n-iTit.'iin John Not a doliar'was spent in his nomination Alabama Arkansas California' . Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho I Illinois! Indiana Iowa I Kansas . Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan - Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montanna Nebraska Nevada New Ham p. New Jersey- New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio ! Oregon Pennsylvania 32 Rhode fsland 4 South Carolina , South Dakota Tennessee Texas - . Utah . Vermont 4 Virginia Washington West Virginia .Wisconsin Wyoming -. ii... .-.8 4 13 3 24 15 13- 4 10 13 8 15 . I" .'" T.. 9 - r 17 - 8 ' 1 1 3& 4 9 9 12 15 12 4 6 tt')ni ,f uca at 5-oJ.uou, ana was -pTT itttt TnT Oct. IT. uaptain ooau . , . . , . , n;;:UJV:i -of -000 tons of coal i T,erdav held in $2,500 by he was chosen Dy tne miueu vc ui Wj.lUilCco- When the lire st;irtod the LttU; cint! Commissioner Edmunds '.on (,.. r nr nnlitical Darties. The the neutrality- .. ' . . t ..iiuoi. 1 Wp nf Km character is his love tor his fellow man for that man who makes his living by brawn and mus- en,.,... elv the crew ii men, in slornfe ot lanu. ., f.K.)T.,. rvf violatimr l.-iws bv settino- on foot a military expeai tion against the Spanish government His case will be called for trial the third mt - X 1 i wmrr ATnndnv in November. J.ne miiiii.y v.-.'i- effortmade j in the mean- terrific flo-l-if-. nmiinist; the atk L Mloal water was rea-cneu ing crew arrived at the 1 tfal!,-a soon afterward sank. The . Kltaigoarcatotallos )SS. expedition upon which the charge is .baser?, j . Both his public and private rec was that oi the Laurada, which sailed j ' . .. . ;. .. , t from this port for Port Antonio on Aug. ord shows - that he is on tne .me Oi 5 last I the people: The confusion over, our Chairman manly : - . ! 1 "First When the proposition lor electoral co oporation was -submitted to our chairman by your committee in August, our commit! ee submitted a counter - proposition, looking to complete and compact union of the silver forces ; but said proposition was ignored- ! i "Second Should such a co-operation as is suggested and contempla ted be! favorably considered by our Totals Si. 279 87 Senator Jones, added that thou sands of Democrats in Connecticut and New Jersey had informed him that those States would cast, their votes for Bryan, while the Demo- . cra:s oi Iowa looked upon that State as safe lor Bryan by a large majority If vou want to buy' a irood watch committee at this time, we are of the I cheap go to J. "J- Privett the Jeweler.

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