jTalEAR, CASH IH ADVAMCE. "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIMST ATETH COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S AND TRUTHS." VOLUME XXVI. i , . . . , WILSON, X.. C oi Sight Seein Yes! Well to see sights that will please the eye and suit the pocket book, we advise you to take a look at'the . 55 of E ar geiir s BRYAN SPEAKS., He - Claims Tliat Bl-m&alism Has Not Heen Crushed, But O rcomi . to a mininum. NO GRIEF EOR DEFEAT. I hereby express mv personal Mr. Bryan feeling thkt as the cham- gratitude to the individual members pion ofbi-metalism lie should give as well as to the executive officers of his opinion of the ottcome of the National Committee of the '.Demo- presidential election. the following addred; to the friends J their efficientuntiring and unselfish Xow open to you at the CASH RACKET STORES. Thev are sights' worth seeing, worth buying. Not confined to anv, one line of goods but all. . KEBR BEFORE has this store, in its whole history, placed before the people of this little city such a variety of goods at prices ' quite so ridiculous. and Gents: Furnishings, Laces, Corsets, Notions, Stationery, Hardware and Tinware, Soaps, Brushes of all Kind. of bi-metalism : To the Bimetallists f the Country Conscious that mil hearts are- saddened defeat' Ibeg to offer and encouragement, had supporters more and devoted than thole who have es pouse the cause of bi j They have fought and have fought wi which conviction in Ladies We can knock competition clear out of sight. (Excuse the slang.) Come, see for yourself. ' T T wrong, riaving don they saw it, they, hav gret. ; - BIMETALLISTS NOT The Republican BEST. ADVERTISING MEDIUM. XOV. 12, 1896. NUMBER 45. He gave out cratic, Populist and silver parties for labors. ' They have laid the fouhda tiqnTor future success and will be te nons of loyal j rnembered as poineers when a victory by temporary is at list secure. a word of hope No personal or political , friend need No cause ever grieve because of my defeat.' My brave, earnest ambition has been to secure immedi ate legislation rather than to enioy hetallism. the honors of Office. Therefore de- rom coviction, feat brings to me no feeling of per hall the zeal sonal losss. Speaking for the wife pires. invents who has shared my labors, as well as will prove whether thhy are right of for myself, I desire to say that we :0 J. M, LEATH, Manager 'The Cash Racket Stores, Corner nash and Tarboro Sts. i r sbutn or trie piers, ami. then alienor was J M & W f l V ... i W ....1 i V . 1 V V ' j a mile from shore at dark. The engineer and fireman of the city pumping station watched the lighW until 9 o'clock. Satur day nightwhen they'disappeared. Shortly afterwards wreckage began coming in, and nothing can be seen of the lost boat above the water where she was anchored. All night long the wreckage continued to come up on the beach, and five bodies have been recovered. The 'names of the dead cannot be learned, as nothing about the clothing will identify them. The sur- on Lake Michigan, Results in the Drown- vrvmg hanur "as '00 him. The Waukesha is one of the old fleet of "canalers," and true to all tradi tion, she has taken almost her entire crew down with her in her last disaster. ScLooner Bun Down and Sunk bj a Steamer at St. John's. THIRTEEN LIVES ARE SACRIFICED The Wrecking of the Schooner Waukesha, on Lake Michigan, Results in the Drown ing of Six Men One of the Crew Washed Ahore Unconscious. St. Johxs, N. F., Nov. 7.1 An awful ttarine tragedy occurred here last night. Tha cr.'U it " j : Tf7t11i.ini KJorX..3Xtl'SwI STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS twenty-three persons aboard, was struck by the steamer Tiberj Captain, John De iisle, which was steaming outward at full speed. The schooner sank f romthe force 01' the collision, rarrvino- doAvn with it thiiir duty as have been amply repaid for all that nothing to re- we have- done. . In the love of millions of our fellow conquered. citizens, so kindly expressed in know- candidate has ledge gained by personal contact been heralded as the. advance agent xf with the people, and in broadened prosperity. If his policies bring real sympathies, we find lull compensa- prosperity to the Ahencan people, tion for. whatever efforts we have put those who have opposed him will forth. Our hearts have been touched share in that prosperity. If, on the by the devotion of ft lends and our jes prove an in- lives shall, prove our appreciation jury to the people -geherally, those of which we prize as the richest reward his supporterswho dd not belong to which this campaign has brought. or to the privil- In the face of an enemy rejoicing eged classes will suffer in common in its victory let the roll be called for with those who opposed it. ' the engagement, and urge all friends The friends of bimetallism have not of bimetalism to renew their allegi been vanquished they have simply ance to the cause. If we are right, been overcome. 1 They believe that as I believe 'we are, we shall- tri the gold standarc is a conspiracy of umph.- Until convinced of his errot, the money-changers against the wel- let each advocate of bimetallism keep fare of thehumai, race and until con- up the work. Let alsilver clubs vinced of their error will cotinue the retain their organization, hold regu warfare against ill - ' Iar meetings and circulate literature The contesf has been waged this theroies to be tested. year under great embarrassments and Our opponents have succeeded in against great odds. . For the first their campaign arid must? now put time during this generation public at- their theories to the. test. Instead of tention has been centered upon the talking mysteriously about "sound money (question as the paramount is- money" and an "hoariest dollar" they sue, and this has been done in spite must elaborate and defend a financial, of all attempts uponj the part of our system. Every step taken by them opponents to prevent it. should be publicly considered by the The Republican Convention held silver clubs. Out the delusive hope of international Our cause has prospered most bimetallism, while Republican leaders where the money question has, been labored secretly for gold monomelal- longest discussed among- the people lism. Gold standard Democrats During the next four years it will have publicly advocated the election be studied all over this nation even shielded them from dire disaster and pointed out to them the way of peace and '.happiness. Nor should they -ever refuse to acknowledge with con trite hearts, their proneness to turn away from God's teachings to follow , with signal pride their own teachings. 4To the end that these .; thoughts i raay be quickened it is fitting tharon a day especially appointed we should " join together in approaching the Throne bf Grace with praise and sup plication. ' : ' . ' ' ' j "Therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, President of trie United States, do . hereby designate and set apart Thurs day, of the present month of Novem ber, to be kept and observed as a day of thanksgiving and prayer throughout the land: "On that day let all our people forego their usual work and occupa tion and assemble in their accustomed .places of worship; let them with one accord render thanks to the Ruler of the Universe for our preservation as -a nation and our deliverence from every threatened danger; for the peace that has dwealt within our boundaries; for our defense against diseases and pestilence during the year that has passed; for plenteous rewards that have followed the la bors of our husbandmen, and for all the other favors that have been vouchsafed. "And let. us, through the medita tion of Him who has tought us how to pray, implore forgiveness of our sins and a continuation of heavenly blessings. "Let us not forge on this day of thanksgiving the poor and. needy ; aud by deeds of charity let our of ferings of praise be made more ac ceptable in the sight ol the Lord. "Witness my hand and the seal of the United States, which I have caused to be hereto affixed. '"Done at the city f Washington, D. C, fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, and of the Independence of the United Slates of America the one hundred and twentv first. (Seal) "By the President. . "Grover Cleveland.,, "Richard Onley, "Secretary of State.'' thirt Closing Quotations of the Xew York and Fhiladelphia Exchanges. New York, Nov. 6.The stock market to day, while less sensational than in the fore noon boom on Wednesday, displayed great eeu persons. Four of these were j strength, and the volume of business, which women, one the wife another his sister of .the captain and A voung married cuple named Power and a. brother and sister named Hollow. v are anions those. . T " gowned. The crew numbered nine and the pas angers fourteen; the latter beins all very conspicuous rifionlp.--residing on Bona- ista Ii;iy. These people were coming to t. John's to procure their supplies for e winter before navisration closed. The iggie had aboard 1,000 quintals of rock tsh of this , season's Labrador catch, Dearly all belonging to the captain, who vessel and cargo, valued at $7,000. ihere was much more money aboard among the remainder of the men, some having over $1,000 each. Everything was lo, even.the clpthing. ihose -Cvho escaped being sucked down by the vortex created by the sinking ves It k?pt afloat by 'the aid of planks from jne schooner's decks aud were picked up by the stealer's boat arid brought back to port by the pilot boat which had the Iiljer in tow. The Tiber then continued n her voyage, . . SIX SAtLORS DROWNED. B7 the Wrecking of a Schooner on Lake Michigan, Mcskegox, Mich., Nov. 9. The schoon er Waukesha broke up while trying to out the .?ale at anchor near bere on -aturtlay night, and only one survivor of her crew of seven has been rescued. He 15 still too weak to talk. The vessel had a oad of salt and armies, which was taken 0n at Manistea Satnrdav morning. At 2 0 clock Saturday evening she was sighted -""iung with the gale under a torn mam Bail. An attempt was made to enter Muskegon harbor, but, tho cMir.M. drifted a mile was better distributed, did not fall far short of that day's record. Closing urns : Baltimore & Ohio. llA Lehigh Valley...... 3234- Chesa. & Ohio . 174 - ew Jersey Cen . . 10, Del. & Hudson. . .126 N. Y. Central J5 D., L. & W. - loSii Pennsylvania. . Erie . . '-. . .'. J" Reading. ... Lake Erie & W. . . 19 St- Paul T.hiVh Nav. ....... 43 W.N.Y. & Pa. All a-ss'ts paid. Ml General Markets. Philadelphia, Nov. 6. Flour steady; win ter super., 2.702.05; do. extras, 3.053.20; Pennsylvania roller,; clear, $.8J(a;l ; do. do. straight, ?4.154.35;' western winter, clear, $3.8Xg.4.10. Wheat strong; November, 82 83c. Corn firm ; November, 30304;c. Oats ac tive ; November, 23J423&c. Hay steady for Kood; choice timothy, 13.5014 for large bales. Beef quiet. Pork dull. Lard easy; western steam,' $4.50. Butter steady. Cheese, quiet. E-"-s firm ; western fresh", 14(;21c. live Stock Markets. New York, Nov. 6. Steers active, higher; rough stock firm ; native - steers, $3.60(g;4.70 ; stags and oxen, $34 ; b'olls, 22.40 ; dry cows, $1 102.75. Calves firm; veals, ?o7.75; grassers, 753.25 ; western 'calves, .$3.75e; 4. Sheep and lambs slow; sheep, $23.50; lambs, $4.255. Hogs firm at $3.804.25. , East Liberty, Pa., Nov. 6. Cattle steady; prime, ?4.4U4.50;; common, 2.803.30; feeders, $3.604.C5; bulls, stags and cows, g-l.oO. Hos active ; prime medium weights, 6. 1 ; best Yorkers, $3.7y3.73; common to fair York ers, 3.603.65; heavy hogs 3.503.65; roughs, $2.503.25 Sheep steady ; prime, $3.403.50; fair$- 6a3; commons, $1.7o(g;2.2o ; culls, 7oc. 5:ciSSlanibS,$4.404.60; veal calves, 6.25. Tiefae timila glgaature ' Of : ; . Is ca etery of the Inianapolis ticket while they labored secretly for the election of the Republican ticket. - ALMOST A TRIUMPH. . The trusts and corporations have tried to excite a fear of lawlessness while they have been defying the law, and American financiers have boasted that .they were the custodians of na tional honor while they were secretly bartering away the nation's ; financial independence. Bat in spite of the efforts of the Admininistration and its supporters , in spite of the threats of money-loan -ers at home and abroad ; in spite of the coercion practised by corpora- tions and employers ; in ssne ui trusts and syndicates ; in spite of an enormous Republican campaign fund, and in spite of the influence ol a hos tile daily press bimetallism has almost triumphed in its first great fight. The loss of a few States, and that too by a very small plurality, has defeat ed bimetallism, for the present, but bimetallism emerges from the contest stronger than it was four months ago, T desire to commfnd the work of three National Committees which have joined in the management of this campaign. Co-operation between more than it has been studied in the past. The year 1900 is not far away. Be fore that year arrives international bi metallism will- cease to decive ; be fore that year arrives those who have called themselves gold standard Democrats will become bimetallists and be with us, or they will become Republicans and thus open enemies; before that year arrives trusts Will have convinced still more people that a trust is a menance to private welfare and to public safety ; before that year arrives the evils of a gold standard will be even more evident than they are now, and the people then be rneed to repent of their action is the ready to demand an American finan-j bigdose of negro that they are sche- cial policy for . the American people, and will join with us in the immedi ate restoration of the free and unlim ited coinage of gold and silver at .the present legal ratio of 1 6- to 1 without waiting lor the aid and consent of anv other nation. . ' v . W. J. Bryan. THANKSGIVING PKOCLAMATIOX. ' gro Ms;itrate Galore.' A special in to-day's paper from . Tarboro gives the information that not a single white man was elected magistrate in Edgecombe county on Tuesday. The additional informa tion is conveyed that by the next election, when the. terms of the ap pointed magistrates expire, Edge combe will not have a single white magistrate. THc people are very- soon- getting an object "lesson of the . result of Tuesday's election. All the white people who voted with the Fusionists duled to get. Nothing else will ciTre them.---News and Observer; President Cleveland Set's .Apart .Thursday, Nov. 26th, and Asks all People to Join. Washington, Nov, 4. The Presi dent to-day issued the. following : "Thanksgiving Proclamation. By the members of distinct political or-, the President of the United States : ganizations is always difficult, but it has been less so this year than usual. Interest is in a common cause of . "Tlie people of the United States should never be unmindful of the gratitude they owe to the God of na- great importance. has reduced friction tions for His watchful care which has Drug Store. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous sys tem to a healthy vigor is Electric Bit ters. Thismedicice is purely vege table, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres Li the stomach, gently stimu lates the) Liver and Kidneys, and aids' these organs in th. owing off impuri ties of the blood. Electric fitters improves the appetite, aids, digestien and is pronounced by those .who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c. or $1.09 per bottle at Margrave's

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