rjisH B ADVANCE, 0i v: xxvi. " LET. ALL THE EPS THOU AIMS!' AT E THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S AND TROTHS." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WILSON, X. C, NOV. 26, 189(. NTJMBEB 47. JO " . .. . ' ' - ' " ' : . . , , . Bis op of SigM Seein 7S - Impersonating Ministers. . ! One of tfie most peculiar cases in the history of our State has been re cently decided 4 by the Supreme Court. The case comes from Pen der county, where a man, Brown by na"rne, was indicted for impersonat ed1 to see sights that will please the eye- and suit ing a m,nisten Brown.impersonated i.f KnnL- urp rulvisp vnn fn 'tal-o IrwV it i a minister of the Missionary Baptist nuiu dim uiiucu in marriage Jos eph Smith and Mary Newkirk. The happy couple, not being aware ot the game played upon them and believ ing that they had been legally mar ried are at present Jiving peacefully ht 5? of Beirgii-q s m to you at the' CASH RACKET STQRES. re si'xhts worth seeing, worth buying. Not-confined to ; together. e line-of goods but all. "-', ;s store, in its whole history, placed before the people of He city such a variety of goods at prices quite sq BUS." FROM CURRITUCK TO CHEROKEE. REVIEW PF RECENT HAPPENINGS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. and Gents FMishings, Laces, Corsets, i"Yj A-l - TT....1..A J ions, oiauoiiery, -nuruwa.re uuu Tinware, Soaps, Brushes of all Kind. can knock competition clear out of sight. Come, see for yourself. , (Excuse the A JJ, LEATH, Manager r irnash and Tarboro Sts. 'The Cash Racket Stores, 1 J58 FT? 4 T OnrrrnTT-n-nikT -KT-riTTTri 1 lormfe. "Ae iiounts and JMcUoys now join V U JL HXjUT. IX X, VV i fnrRi-k mul threaten to take both the de ' I 1LLE- Kt., Nov. 0. An attemnt Wthis town was made early ves- ihe ex- R was driven from a livfirv stiil.! neA If the nen is caught he PSD, Ky., Xov- '21 "E.isfc luin nil JIlHl Ohirr-trjiin V. J. 'TVi u .:. Wcinihta tmasrv at th F;rt pins and inr.-intlv killed the Plnts Mr. Al Pollick, a yon nsr" ""i -Misses Lulu nml UjS.p Und. P'-f -the proprietor ot the VLi "d V'ais pl.K-e. The youn in'opl. iruin front an eveninur i?irtv C: ftt--' Nov. 17. AlexnntW f m5narcd. for.. Unite I Stnrc- ""ujxwjil John.IJ. Gor.loti lv l h Palmer and Buckner, the McKiri ley decoy dueled, gqt only 575 votes in North Carolina. Their vote .was not. as large as that of the ProhibitiQri andidates. ' -' Latham, Alexander and Co., the well known' cotton merchants, have made out an estimate ot the cotton crop for this. year. ' The number of bales for the South is 9,622,000 ; 434, 000 of these beinp; given to North Carolina. '-' . - Governor Carr has issued a procla mation appointing a new, election day in Jackson county, as the last election resujted ini a tie between the DemoJ cratic and - Republican candidates. This is an occurrence which happens very seldom. m , Dr. Eben Alexander, of North Carolina, Minister to Greece, whp has been home on a short visit has re turned to his post. He was formerly Professor of Greek at the University, and will probably J fill that position after his return to the Uuited States. . - - i .x ; - ' Southern Pines, in Moore county, probably themost noted winter re sort lor Northerners in North Caroli- j lip lid a Uttll many UJJCUtU 1UI I IlC I The reformatory lor youthlul crim iuals lor this State is reasonably sure. The pressure which will, be brought to. bear on the next legislature along thi line will be sufficient to cause them to take steps towards forming; such, an jnstitution, This will elimi nate a troublesome element in the ex- f ecution ol our legal cocTes. It will tend to make youthful criminals less because oi tne removal lrom a con stant contact with those who have be come hardened to crime. brown was tried Deiore a -mry. in Pender county and conviqted but the case was taken to the Supremej Court; and the verdict ot the lower court was reversed, judge Faircloth in. course of the opinion said : "Assuming, every, fact alleged 'to be true, we are unable to discover any criminal offence known to , the law. We are referred to no authori ty for the position of the State: We were referred to Code Section! 1812, which Qnly prescribes what is a valid marriage; also to Code Section 11 12 which imposes a penalty and declares it to be a misdemeanor for any: officer to fail to returnprocess,N&c, br for auy person, or for any person, who is not authorized by law, to presume to act as any such officer. j "So the case is that of a private cit- - - !...r . i izen unofficial, celebrating a marriage between a man and woman with their consent and they are not com-! season. A northern. Capitalist has plaining, and are presumably satisfied spent millions in fitting up the place. and enjoying their new relation. We M now has the appearance, ot a nma are not aware of any statute or pric-:j lowrV ciple of the common law declaring j The Caucasian, Mr. Butler's organ, the action of the defendant a criminals has had some trouble duj'in the. last offence. We are not cqnsideririg the, Avcek. . Judgments .amounting' . to validity or- invalidity or tfiect of the $224.24 were obtained aeainst it action of the several pafties. Affirm This money could not be raised, so The court did not, pass on the vj fae vote W;is: CLiy, 05; How. --'Us, Xorwood, 5; alsh. :i: r.""--l r TTr ....Li r - wj,:i)!s and some unplcnsaiir r.Ls teen k,,i j- -u. He -l WUli foroery. anI embezzje- n"T'X- the certificate;3 of fche 5 d flci''iv and register upon a 'fom a hj A;'hieh he obtoined . -A- L. Richardson, of New Irnij'. "'"Vi-iue-ia l ov. 1.7. The Republican nUlnher -of TjpnTOinQt P.O. Preseiit. While the nrn ' one- u "(s understood rn session in 0A f. i. i. f "U.1S to msenss t;ho hest, kn-P011? the frauds prac--titlc Section officers in the queans, aimed that, if a fair u m nve west Ten- :s 11 would cive the state to if. k "A ov- 18. Last Satur Md PPers dragged Harry A fro,ls hwsekeeper, Mrs. AUce vi f lr bed - and whipped - di Y V11 were charged -Vvith ' Jrderly house. The white- rppreSSetl in wmen' s . attire, i.Vrk?mzedf among them be NtttgW ?- lud of Mrs- Harrison. th SWorn out' but the only Us far are James Meyers tectives and Hatfield from the jail and! lynch them. -The Hatfield, however, in case such an effort is made, will defend the jail. ' J Sai.isiicryX. C, Nov. 19. A disastrous wreck occurred Tuesday night at Old Fort, on the Western North Carolina di vision of the Southern railway. - The Chat tanooga and Norfolk vestibule limited collided with a 'helper engine, which was backing -down the mountain. Jobu How Aru, fireman, and Engineer Wtfliam A James, of the limited, were killed. Postal Clerk William Henderson (colored) had his leg cut off. "The accident Was caused by Engineer Terrell, of the helper, disre garding an order. ,t - - ;. . Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 17. The Demo cratic legislative caucus last night on the first ballot nominated General E. W. Pet tus.for United States senator, to succeed Senator Pugh. The vote stood : Pettus, 67 ; Gates, 2o. General Pettus is now 7i years of age, but is still vigorous mentally and physically.. He has served as circuit judge, and had a tusnnguisueu. warrewuu in the Confederate army,, coming out a brigadier general: In 1874 'ha was "offered the United States" seiatorship, but de clined- He is an ardent tree silver man. t TTTc.vTT t p. Nov. 20.' Secretary Gus mjM AW f -m-M - - - Richardson, of the sate Ddmocratic' com mittee, announces that his party has defi nitely decided to contest the election oi the eleven -MctUnley electors in Ken tucky The Democrats concede- the. el:c--tion of the foremost 'McKinley elector, S. H. Ksish, who run 214 votes ahead ot vv. H. Smith; the leading Bryan elector, who in turn run ahead of his associates by over 2,000 votes, the other eleven McKinley electors receiving a greater number of votes than the other Bryan electors. ine grounds of contest are given as irregular ity and fraud in a large number of coun ties. - - " - ' Maccvs, Ga., Nov. 20. Thirty people, 30 000 bales of cotton and hundreds of teas of heavy timber all went down in one loud crash at 7 :S0 o'clock last night at tbe Central Railroad compress in this city Fourteen injured people, all employes of the compress, have been removed from the wreckage, buH it is thought others are be neath the cotton arid lumber, and if so i,-n- TO rionri m- will be before thrr can The importancev of one vote has been frequently illustrated in the elections . in thisx state aud in cither 5 , - states, and was illustrated in several instances in the late election in this state. In one countv Tackson there was a tie on the Jeeislative tick- et and in another Hyde the sue cessfui candidate had only two ma jority. ; In . thirty counties, nearly 4 1 S one-third of the counties in the state, the successful candidates had a ma jority ot only fifty or less.-Kinston Free Press. K '' the office was closed temporarily al- by the-sherifiV When the news reach idity of the hiarriage but asserted that' MiVBurr that his paper was in dis- Brown had done nothing punishable- tress he came to its rescue and paid ' S --'---",.-"- t by the laws of tne State. Until the off the bills. ; Legislature passes a law covering - A great many of the democrats such cases the joker may have this ol the State are sick and tired fun performing marriages. It would r o the political jnfiuences which appear that such a law is necessary R, . . . , , to see as such performances tend to lessen the conventins and headquarters tak- the sacrednes of the , marriage tie. en away from there. . Of course we aer. . v. Y Nov. 21. Detec- V'Ca. TV0re in il across the a w ,atllld, whom he cap k '?W(LlT8 TT. 1 1 Cscan- "oJ. -cio uau suit t LylnS the nursuit bv , the ine i.eg.saiu.c wU1,u would like to see them brought to together in Raiaigh, among its many CharWtet but .Greensboro-is more law makings, might .give us attention and they should be taken there. Observer. ! I It appears treit there is a conflict as to this fact. , Hr. WliiHtoii in North arnliiiH A?heville, N. C, Nov George T. Winston, late of our versity, and promoted last sum f tVp TTnIvfritir ril i - . r ederai Texas on a salary ot $5,000 a year 20 tDr". - . 4 - JNorth Cafrolina electors to .cast the vole tor rresident ana vice-rresident mer , . . . v- - . It is a connict between btate ana laws. The 7. former named .has been sent by the Regents of the, - the first Wednesday in December as - . . -r av in anuarv. Ine electors vvi institutions in "the Elist. . He ; . . ' , , . : f TnnA,T of R-n.-rt-inni Schnn and went on Tuesday to Columbia 7 7 I - - i f- It xiutier , the date ; the latter the second Tues ill meet bn the first named cfate, which One man here in town, known to have been a Democrat, was' slow about voting and an eye was kept on him. Finally a suspicious Republi can was seen to take him to one sicje and have a long talk with him. When they at last came out on the street a Democrat aoproached the, pair, but it was no good-the money' had been paid the Republican was seen to drop the money in the man's pocket. Plentv of these occurrences were noticeable but none so plain as this case Greensboro Record. As the conclusion of an elaborate editorial expressing regret at the de- -teat of Mr. Bryan, the Vatch ,Tower, ... the organ f rf the Disciple's church' in North Curolin.savs : "These are the leading causes of Mr. Brvan's defeat: . Such a. man can,survfve such a de--feat. He is enilironed in the hearts- of the people, a.nd his sun is by no means set. The people will yet call; - him to gu de the ship ol State. There are not enough forces on earth to; t ' " : keep Mr. Bryant out of the White. House. . Be patient and the day wilL, - come. Governor Carr has, at the request? of the Governor of Florida, appoint ed the following delegates to attendt N a Congress to be held at Tampaj;Fla:. January 20th, for the purpose of dis cussing methods lor he proper de fense of ths Gult and-South Atlantic - -.... "seaports, and to devise means- for . for their betterment, viz: Messrs . James Spfunt, Wilmington ; : Dr, W. G Curtis, Sbuthport ; Jas L Fowle, , Washington ; Maj A J '"Galloway, Goldsboro; Col R B Creecy, Eliza- City ; 'W- S ' Battle. Rocky- beth- Marion in a recent letter Colletre, South Carolina, for ihe Spec- i iilpurpose of intervieivin . Dr. letter says tha Mr. Bryan will not be ulists t the. next election unless he disowns Democracy; It will be re- TTnfrlUVi for the Umveriitv ot! lfexas It Prof. Wood waid is movable, vfhich is probablrnot the case, he will per- memberedy thar Butler, will be old haps" have the position offered ' to .enough fpr the, Populist nomination him as Dr Winston is looking for by :that tinie. . He has begun to kick the best teacher of English jinj the South for the vacancy in the - Texas University, moted last $u lr.t.r veVy proniinrtit t. earlyi The long. pole always gets the 'summons, and from the present out Dr. Winston waB I prp-look Butler is reaching for it. be extrioiited. no .wrecked ; x-iaUoiin covers several acres of .ground, and pre sents an appaUing sight. The hunt lor dead bodies supposed to be buried beneath the wreckage was betru.l this f orouoon, , rI. B. . B'afcer, a Graves co;inty (Ky.) farmer, killed his wife and himself be cause she refused to live with him. R. Oshina, of -"Japan,-' is at Scran ton, Pa., studying methods ot mining coal for application in the Island Empire. In "a fiffht at Jonestown Pa., Morris Spuey chewed off the upper lip of Jacob Ve WnsSlCdiS: I Swanser and escaped to the mountains ii.in from . . of tlie pr.j;rt '.v 1 it had to Ck -:):: to the to, his I 7 present a lame Apropos of the section of the elec tion" 7 law which requires statements Mount ; D Price, Aden. CH Wm.E B E Pogue, Raleigh Peter Greensboro ; Dr J H Mc arlotte ; Wm M Cooke and AsneviUe. reese, -7-: ' 7 7 . 1- A Land .-a'r.t Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 20 Robert' T.,Gray, cornrnissionee. under the couit, sold here today 17,000 acres of land in Dare county. This em braces the entire part, save what are known as the "banks" along the ocean shore, ot Durants Island, and ail of Roanoake Island, the latter be: ing the one on wnich Sir Waiter Ral eifih's colonists made the first Eng- place; under oath as to campaign cen5es ) lish settlement in this continent. The- - d Union, a prominent Democrat ' remarld to- t ; r.'irnbsiye ' day that it effected the Democrats in .S - u tli. tqday , Juriously ; that they got all : their f And unds from within the State, and that 1. jr. , 1 . mari. for the tendency was to'cut off contribu te.!' Wef tions ; while the Republicans got land was bid off by "the trustee lor the note holders Who are New Yorlc bankersthe price paid being $106, 000. This is'the "greatest land sale ever made in North Carolina. predict a great impclu iduoatioq nearly ail their lunds lrom outside f ' Hf ON DERpUL are the-cum by TWs thr u i Dr; ;on's iif 'th State, and hence had to make no V W HoocTs Sarsaparilla, and yet' they - ' 7 -''7 r . r . , , are simple and natural. ; Hood's Sarsa- stVumentality.- -NevVS:and O -jr. acting for them-Obseryer. ; J parflla Wkes PURE; DLOOdJ!

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