J THE WILSON ADVANCE: NOVEMBER 26; 1896: 5 TOBACCO. lit-porJH ' of Iiffer-iit 'ortH Carolina M rkt, Iurin Last We-k Takn fioin Tobec J.iarusi!. I FROM TIIK TOUVCOO TUB lUlNKFIl ((I .-THE TOUAtTO FA KM Kits -'One of the newly elected members Raleigh- -Our receipts this week ! A WEEKSITEWS CONDENSED ' Tuesday, Nov. 17. Ex-CongM.ssmaQ Formah, of -Illinois, Tiave been the largesLfbr this season Jas been niiedmtmipner of in- : ...... I ternal revenue by .President Cleveland. our prices are firm on all lower i - "E. W. Pettus has been choseri to succeed . i tu., cr.,.,., i . .u" aie on tne advance. Iar ,;St tobacco grower in thedJnitcd n,cf wraPPers on our sales Uhis week , ';:'. ' ; which commanded good prices. I Henderson Our receipts have been largely increased this week, IC- James L. Push as United States senator Akftuvma. He is an ' ardent silver man. A lyBwtm pie to Follow. I 'e co.nm; .tro end to, our planter pa- sap. nf lh, North Carolina State Legisla-? 2rades' Wrappers and bright colors axe vjij iuc auvance. vv t naa some in Joseph Se!t2 was sentenced in Philadel phia to two months' imprisonment and four years' disfranchisement", after "plead ing guilty to procuring an illegal votelas't February. ' ; "Bryan's official plurality in Virginia in s - at the warehouses " lastincr ,r.. i?.,.. . m .- ; r,.r;ui .h .,.!.,, i r ' " r ' o tuuiin.i. aha j.vj uie Y a iiiui.uui in the article on. the formation of lhrouehout lhe day We haue had Chicago, . 5y.l55. Tanner's plurality in V institutes in Maryland, u " - - " , 1 Chicago. 1,018? i h . . .. . V-Xine; stripping seasons, and sales to- Wednesday, Now 13 way win L.vucu any oi Hie v.eeK. paaies .... sovereign was re-ejecreu jieii-- '. era 1 master workman . or the jKiughts or' , Labor, at ihe Saratoga convehtikm. , lion. Joseph il. Llanley, of Maine, an nounces that under ho j- cirauinstanees would he accept an olUcial posi Hon-. Hon. A. S. Clay was1 yesterday formally elected United States senator from Geor gia, succeeding: Senator Gordon. " . Edwin Gould has purchased a" factory at Kankakee.- Ills., for the Continental Match Tr oris for Infants arid Children; Castoria is so well adapted to children that I reeoaimend it 23 superior to any prescription knowni to me." HA. Archer, II. D., ' . : , 111 So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, X. Y; in A'iroinuv, North, ahd South Iore od wrap ers i r i. J i - i. - - 1 are now being oackeci . ; rjm.u itu ibau oflered. " Prices deeidly slifler on the : n hogsheads, none is sold .i;,,.;, j k,, ! Durham Increased receipts is to ' b ogsheads, none is ' sold io-, b:i: intelligent grading would grluVoe greatly the value of loose to- V-.-iv ner as there. "If this were be jioted ior this week's market, but ul the tobacco more safehr samc coP"sing largely medium and ibfy re ordered the bright to- loer- gra3es,; with 'scarcity of any of; company, 'and 'he proposes to . enter ac- Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, ' Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, dti'ls "Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di - . gestion, M . V ' .. . Without iiijurious medication. "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and its merits so Veil known that it seeras a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the , intelligent families who do not keep Castoria .results, within easy reach." Carlos ITartyx, D. D., ' .r KewYorkCity "For several year3 I have recommended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, cs it has invariably prbduced beneficial EDwrs F. Parda:, 31. D., 12Stb. Street and ?th Avd, The-Centaur Cojipaky, 7 Mcrray Street, New York Citt. , New York City. i . -a : : i j bi,v planters ".cbuHHsliip to any , Lilc iinpiovnut-, ,ad market and realize more mana 13 lo De teu -ana . prices on h- cropsbesides it would be." a Pter grades are firm. The , low, . I . . . w,. iranpis art o?lr in mnrlpnitp HprnasiH hpp w "J i on xl: :.-c;l on, -,-! savin tr m cuarsres, etc. apMnts the planter should educate are selling at previous pric Southern Tobacconist, j Rocky IVIqunt Our sales have, ; been Very large all the week, block-' j r ' "r . - : 1 - ing; Tuesday. The quality has nn- J improve i,, ..1:.wu:.h;..-, i;, ,.-.1.; ' . l tic act ill c, vvtiii utuuiu livciy kjii t,tij and everybody should try their l)cUcr Rrad. We are celling some 1 ; a.. .1. wuntr, bo lon. biiiiu vcry good wrappers that are bringing' Morton county, X. ii, was m Tue.-dn.v locked up, is ioDsened ; .those i Verv fair Dnces We have had verv ni-'nt sentenceJi to the Bisniark penhen- have been hoarding itwant in- fine leather for handling; tobaccall I T II i.-int .-ssil list Impiovn.' :';v are nany' reason why . -i t -" ' co business should lively into competition with ihh Diamond Match company in the west. Thursday, Jiovi l5. ' " ..-Eli H. Greene, e-governor of iKentucky, died at Bowling Green, Kj , yejsterday. .Count. .Vorontzoff Dashkoff has been .chosen -foreign minister by Ruia's czaf, to. succeed the late Prince LobahoiT. . Complete election returns from Wyomr ing givy the three Bryan electors major ities of 100, 3S0 and' 400.' V " f At Lancaster, PjW, Richard Re'dnontV 'was ' sSntencuJ to the Eastern pfnifentiary for sdx years and a half foi. stealing chic::--ens. ; ' ' ; , " Myron R. Kent, who has; been thrice or dered hanged 'for the nuirdec of his wife in K HERE ILoe V.Ti! t-ct on it ; those who have businers the week but it has turncd very cold tu cb;or in prospect can ge.t at money ; nQW .; We j. expect' full sales 'next .Ianhi icturers ' and dealers j TiO'-.V.- who hive been idle andwho. have let week', with favorable weather. tiary for life bv Governor Allen : ' I rltlay, Nut, rJOu '; t . . Mrs: ;.Seotl-Siddons, famcms... as a dra matic reader a number of year-. 'ago, "tiled in Franco recently. i ' ;', John li Gentry, the'fampus pacer, with a record of 2 00,4. sold at auction in Xe;.v York for 19,900 to Lewis Jf Tewksbury, a well known L anker. ' t ' - At Xew iS-.nvrna, Fla., T. If. Roberts, hearing -that O. A. llownei w;is intimate" ritix him ueen on . : : r ; : , : : ,i , with his wile, lay in wait tor Downo Wit The bid- a double barreled thotgun and Ikilled hi 1 stooks run low' will all want to replen- -Oxford During the present week ish the same. Those who see busb ! tne tobacco market showe.d the largest -ib fi r ibmmnK' iiipnmplvpq m " breaks of tobacco that have been on p.dvance for trade. No one will sufier-Thts market: for some time, ; his neighbor to buy all the bargains, ding in ull warehouses was , spirited, iagr;ins bclieMJ:Xcw York Business must .-pick up in general and i and ail grades ruled . nigner, tne the tobacco trade is sure to revive wrappers selling especially high, with it'. Southern Tobacconist. . ; some of which brought $46 per hun- Ll. dredi The liirmers are greatly en- ' I t . i window glass workers a nd inaiHifacturers Tnii-wi. in . Easti-ni i in Cai oj i nu ami 'couraged by the , brighter prospects ; adjourned without reaching I an arrce- M- IF you have not already purchased' you' are just in time. I have just received a new shipment of Hats in al! tbe l.-.test styles, not hats alone lint in fact a COMPLETE LINE OF MILLINERY, and as . 1 bought"-them ; at a great reduction . I am p'repated to sell them at e.: tremely io-.v prices and for the ne.yt 30 days the, bargains" :l 'offer will astonish you. Call early, secure bargains ai:d avoid the rush. ; Thave also received a new line of ' ; i . ' ;: - Stamped Linen and Embroidery Silrfs All fresh and new designs, which. 1 .also offer at very reduced rates ; : Thanking- you for past patronage and soliciting the same in the future I ain, .' Very respectfully, '" ' ' ' . : that b P. Aidraekie, the Colorado million aire found dead in a vacant lot in thnt V - I city, was drugged to death by thieves. Four nien r.ro under nrrestl ( ' ' ! The conference in lMtt?hur? between . -.South Ciirelitia i'nssiW f ft. cts 01 iVioy. Ittults bum tbe lJ:00 Crop, : The tobacco growers in the new bright secibns of Eastern Carolina . and South Carolina, says a Southern exchange, hive:met with their, first -serious disappointment in the cultiva- ' (s!:x 01 tobacco in the present crop, which will, together with the increase nient. Iherxi are 15.000 worker.4 idle. Fac- i ories may rosuine iioii-union. I t . . . '-!' featurctsy, niov. 1 ..for-the sale, of their crop.. " Wiknn Wp have hvid the leavi Ttin ! )cf 1rf rruv "f f-TT' 1 1 -flirt cf nf c est sales of the season during the j ofXew York will soon be esUihlished in past week, and the breaks blocked for i ll:"10.- ' i I - 1 ... ... j Major McKinley s election w'lll cause a the days. -The pounds will foot up j .''great movement in Hawaiif or annexation over 600,000 for the eek. Prices ; bTl;nittef ( v ' . j The United states monitor 1 error was have remained very firm, with some ' tented off Atlantic Highlands! on Thurs: advance onthe: -lower grades of leaf j 'day and proved satisfactory in every re- siect. GEO. D. GREE17, Pres't. LATi- Williams. ' - , ' THE GEO D GREEK BAIL'L HOTGES,' Sec'y & Trea RDWARE GO, (INCORPORATED JAN. 3, iSs6.) Successors to "A J GEO D.GR EE1N 1 LU. 0 in the. price oi. cotton, have the eftect, ancj smokers. .The proportion ol j -Canada is making activ preparation? " .61" persuading many plant-ers to aban don experimental tobacco raising and give their entire attention to the culti vation of tne -white boll. In the latter State the farmers were extremely un lortunate.' After waiting lor weeks for a planting season the bulk of the crop hacl to be set by artificial means of watering, which is necessarily slew and expensive, 'besides making veify 1 unsatisfactory stands, The planting two- or more weeks later met with such unfavorable - .growing seasons to render the plants weak and sus ceptible to 'the lavages of .insects, , which" resulted in harvesting a crop that is far -inferior to the first attempts at the cultivation of the w!eed in that . section. "V ' . .;'. . Such reverses are well calculated to discourage even the. more season ed tobacco growers, but with those . j-it embarking in a new departure', it is demoralizing. And it will not be surprising if a-majority of the twelve pr fifteen tobacco warehouses erected South Carolina during the last twelve cr eighteen in onths .will be utilized for other purposes than that -f 'selling tobacco, before another twelve months roll around. How tV(L there are "quite a number of large growers who have been suc ctrssiul m the cultivation of the weed? and !; ruling it equally' or moreproftV 'te .than cotton raisinp". even at the . " j advanced price,- will continue its cul 4 V Vll Xii U111U. V W w. -w www sons they make a, desirable quality of tobacco, ahd desirable tobacco always Proves renumerative, w hile the com -m,0ri sorts are invariably produced at actuol loss. Exchange. iseing fortified and Quebec' fortifica tions are being armed. . j 1 - . The jury in the c;ise of Colonel N-mcz and Ca.iJtain Dickman, charged with fili- blistering, in 2vcw xork, have declared rrrA nittPrntiH q t f m m i n cr rnn t i n 1 1 es: ! for war. The frontier of the Uiiited States w . U L L i wiiw ....... " ' " I " quite scarce,, while the low grades seem to get more abu'hdant. There hat been some inquiry tor some old smokers and cutters, and we "hear of i that they " could not come tolan agree- , , 1 - ! . ment in the case Of either of the defend- some saies, uui ujc supply ut,c-13"a3. quite small, most of the dealeirs hav incf closed out their stocks. ' - A cup of 'muddy coffee is hot whole some, neither is-a; bottle of muddy medicine. ' . One -way to know a relia ble and skifully prepared blood-purifier is by its freedom from sediment. Ayer's Sarsaparilla "r is 'always bright and sparkling because it is an. extract and not a decoction. . . South Carolina Coon. The counties of North Carolina whiclT border on the South Carolina line may be prepared to be overrun with negroes, indeed the immigration into these counties is said to have al- Fresident Cleveland has: enfered a per sonal pica with Governor Buddsf or the commutation of the sentences jjof .' Samuel H. "Worden, sentenced to hang ffor wreck--ing a train in Yolo County, Cal., three years ago - . ,j STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. ' - .," " , i I ... Closiug Quotations of tho -jVevf York and I'iiii;uleli-hia Kxchanaes. Isew Yokk, lov. The stbek fniarkot was under pressure from proi'cssio:!ai bears all day. The volume of businesf was ;the lightest that has been recorded on any full buiaess day in the past two wock.-i, and the distribution was very y ior. The movement I was irregular. Ciosint-b.ds: t 1 Ea-tinore & Ohio. 17' 2 Ijehir-h Villey.. . r 32'4 Che.sa. & Ohio. "... . . 10 ' .New .Jers4y Cen . . 1051 Del. & H.idson . . . :V27 N. Y. Central . . . . . 95 D.KL ..... .loS l-ennsyivaaiia. Erie lb- Lake Erfe &.W . . . 19 Liehigh Xav... ., 43 All asVta paid... ' Iveaaing. : 1 ..... . St. Faul. V.N..iY. & Pa. .;ii General 31 arkets. j PHiliADEiiPHi A,2n ov. 5J.-5"JrTir weak;winter readv beo-un. The coon is a mighty supernae, $2 8a.io; ;do entras . f 3. 103.30; luuy ui.huu xi j j peUKSylva;,ia i-oiler, clear, JfUa;f30; do. doi, Small potato and monStrOUS lew. ana straight, H-) x;4 '. 'J; westeiir winter, elear,4. . - . tv' r iV I toO. 7hoat weak; November, SS&SSe. C03 cettuisr fewer in a hill in the raimetto -ut. Nov,,nlh2r4 23 ww,. :Oatsqaiet; n V "The Geo. D. Green Hardware Company" was Incorporated January rd, 1896,, and as successor to the late firm of Geo. D. Green & Co,, will conduct a general hardware business in the town of Wilson,' N. C, at the; stand formerly occupied" by said firm.' Will deal i-n . ; - Hardware Agricultural Implements, Builders' Materials, utlery. Lime. Paints, Oil, Plumbing M aterials and House l Furnishlnof. Goods. ' . -. .- . , - . . r r . ;- ; ' Mr. Geo. D. Green, senior member, as President, and Mr. Lat. Williams, the junior member of the late firm, will continue to give their personal atten- . tion to the. business. Mr. Samuel Hodges, Sec'y- and Treasurer, will join thern in the conduct and -manageme.nt of the business of the corporation.5 - ' Ver' Respectfully, .: 6m : . 1 Geo. D. Green Hardware Company.; H. G. COSNOR, President. . BRANCH & J. C. HALES, asWer.- GO TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS IN ITS FULLEST- SCOPE SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OF THE, TUBLIC GENERALLY. '-25-2T-tf -:' : ,; .--'"'" . -:' - - getting State. In North Carolina he is king compared, with his same self in the sister State Here he can v6te and do any thing else under heaven wfnch he wants to, gent election and since the new. string laws of South Carolina are in operation he is simply going to move over the line. 'We heard a Republican remark that there were negroes Irom South Carolina travel ': -,.Qr Qm nHv Rid ere and Tackson,. UVtl wun". . - ?4.10 Corn vemher, 4 ctiy-ja. llay dull J ; ehoica timothy , $13.5014 for large bales. .. Beof quiet ; city family, 9.o5:313- iork dtl11 linnily, $10.ftl0.50. mt "steadv :. w:-tera steaiu, 4.10.. B itter steady ; western dairy, Sa,i:ie. ; do, creamery, i?.U.';-22e.r do. factory, 7ro,I2e!. : Elgin 22c: i imitation creamery, IO.V2S 15c. ; Nef York dairy,' 1 llralOe. ; do. creamery, V6-i p2lc.';f fancy state andrwe.-vtern vrhats, wholesale,) liocf ; prints job-bin"- at 2H-7c '- Clieese steady New York lare, 7.'afii.4C.; ' snialI, faneyj, 7g,103.; part skims, bV..':,7c. : run sxims, oc. s t,ggs una; Ne w .York 'and Pennsylvania, Jc. ; western, fresh? 15U'5. . ' ins: township in the last campaign telling ma mum As bright as Silver. As pure as Gold. As cheap as Brass. While North buying Silverware . we selected n full line of orna ments in . . ALUMINUM .. Pine Rnptlae Pintnrfl UrflTtiftR - Mfltnh.. Safes Live Stock Market?. I liliJi lUUiilUU A 1UIU1U X lUiUVUi ILlUtUll WKXUU New York, Nov. 20. Ste-rs quift; common j ...- ' . - - : ' : - - " . ; " ?ciSK ! And- a hundred othor . articles. Every article sold under abso- tive steers, $a.75:g;4.(o; s ana seiu 3; i 1nta oilarantPP not to tamisll. AlSO a lull line 01 bulls $2.50u,.7o; ury cows-, wj.jKxtj.AOj. waives j," . :. r, . - the negroes - - -. i.oriT- iviit Flow: veals, grraasers, o if the Democrats got into ;tern calves, ?i sheep steady, power it would be here like it is South.Garolina. Monroe Journal. in CASTORIA. is 03 ever Trapper. Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to cash check No. 9071 drawn in favor of lones Beaman by Ander " son & J ones, Wilson, N. C: J desirable weight lambs firmer; ; heavy weight sheeo, $'23.55; lambs, $14.75. jHogs ti-ifie firm at fiatXg,!. - : i v ' East Libekty, Fa Nov. 2J.-Cattle steady; crime $4.40 4.60; bulls,. stags; and cows, J 3 40 Ho-s steady ; prime medium weights and Yorkers. $3.50Ta3.55; choice light YorK- OT a tCVMoM: common to fair Yorkers, $3.45 j Co t0 heavy, 3 25(0.3.40 ; roughs, $25ti?3. SShcep Seidy prime, 3.40r&3.60; fair, KSSyctxa mon, $2Ca2.50; common to good lambs, $3.25 8.45; veal calves, $6(at5.75. ':i ' i - ClocRs h Sily' erioPare .- Plate Glass Front. Nash Street;