THE WILSON ADVANCE: JANUARY 21, 1897 Hie Wilson Advance. men, cattle everything - (movable. Ave ! . more, Wie BY THE ADVANCE PUBLISHING COMPAKT PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. W. L. Cantwell - Proprietor. Entered in the Post Office at Wilson, N. C. as second class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : One Year. . ... . .7. ........ ... . . fi.oo ixv Months. . ... . . ........ . . . . . 50 Remit by draft, post-office order or registered letter at our risk. Always give post-ofhce address in lull. E"Advertising' Rates" furnished on application. ' A1J HnilJ The extracts that jyilow are from an editorill in the Wilson Advance of this week. ' 1 Not a man in North Carolina politics J - No communication will be printed without the name of the writer being known to the Editor. Address all cor respondence to - . The Advance, - Wilson.. N. C. The heathen were not back ward in admiring ability in their adversaries. Can we do less? . - verv hills are rent and hue boulders, join in the madderi incr flood. " r t,, ,rvoc tV InKnQtnnm ! has passed as many trying tes - vixv. 5.jv..u-w,,.. j cesslully'dunng the last lew years as flood, in which hundreds OI ; has Mr. Butler. At presient he strength lives and thousands of dollars in property were swept away, almost in the twinkling of an eye. '-V- : - -"p. Two weeks after this flood J the writer arain passed through the valley, but what a chang-e; Hvhere all had been beautiful and prosperous, ail' was how desolation. 1 he stream bubbled o'er its rocky bed: with scarce a ripple changed, but the road- along its bank . was heaped high with debris of every description, rocks, trees, "houses, all com bined to make its course im passible while the very brid- a lew days THE (KM MltXL'UKNr. tesLs suc- enS his hold ' upon the regard of the people of North Carolina. , His course with regard t& the senatorial fight has beenan admirable one. -While we are not of Mr. Butler's par ty, yet we feel that in him North Caro lina has in many respects the type of man that will stand at the head in the future. . . .,.,:L.-. j This is another step in the process of evolution. Four years ago and two years ago the abuse of Mr. But ler was unstinted. This abuse evolv ed into mild criticism and then criti- Iffu. Frel. A. Yolsv!t if N'ori ! Carolina Oini of h Spt-aUers. t Washington, Jan- 16. Most of this 'day in the House was devoted to oratorical tributes to the late speaher Chas. F, Crisp, of Georgia, who died during the recent sessiono'f Congress. T F tavi or . ... r . 1 r V J .,.1, '. 1 t;. Professional Cards. B. DEANS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office in rear of Court House. P. O. Box 162. WILSON, N. C The speeches were , listened to by I ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NASHVILLE, N. C. Practices in Nash, Edgecombe, Wilson Pitt and Halifax counties. G. CONNOR, i Attorney at Law, N.C. Bank Buildint . 1 .1 T o-es tnat naa V 7 The Wilson ' Blade is" the name of a new negro paper published at this place. Its editor is S. C. Smith. A. VV. Jones is the businessMiianager. j a 0-0 3 The legislature has been so much occupied, with the sena torial problem that little atten- f . , raised by reticence, mdo.e matters. Vrom now onward vr , - . ; , 1 h inn fnict in t hr-i r fir we may look for some inter esting reading. ; Senator Pritchard was yesterday elected to suc ceed himself by a majority of eieht on joint ballot. Mis victory is the first serious de feat that Butlerdias supered in some years." May the Demo crats earn the next. served to brine travelers from bav.k to bank now joined- thir timbers to the o;eneral block ade. . -. Such a flood has passed over North Carolina politics. For twenty years the Democratic strea'm wandered amoncr the hills, i and democrats along; its ruro-lincr shore rested in fan cied isecurity. 7:rustnig" -their all to that dam which had been blind trust in; their leaders' ofood faith, and a creneral feel-, inrj of unwillingness to raise a V - ro w, which i s cha rac te r is tic o f the. American voter. But a voice from the wilderness of Sampson is heard, bewailing their wretched condition, - he asm ceased. ! The next step is lauda tion. The Advaxe .1 is just a little in advance of its corilerres -that is all. . r : - I- '';lV . The object of this 'adulation was rotlen-egged in the town ol Wilson two years ago. Yet lie is the same man now that he was then. He hcpds and teaches the kime doctrines He has no1" re-cantcd. I lie has not unbeiit. He has compromised noih- nig. iic uskcu iijU iorgj venes, .j -has modified nothing bor made- any concession to his enemies. 1 Tl ... Tv nearly an ci tne uem9crats ana a large contingent of. the Republicans while many Southern" people filled the galleries. All of the. members from Georgia and several leaders on , .. ,v,. ,AiLSON, - logies wnicn wre unusually unpres- j Offire Branch & Co's sive and wie listened to with m.ich " " . I - J A. J.. SIMMS.- A. "R. DEANf. more than the usual attention. : i : A. J, SIMMS & CO., Those wno spoke vtre Messrs Tur-1 GEXI,:;Af; INSURAXCE. ; ner, GeorK la; Catching, MissHsippi; j " and real "estate AGENTS. Dalzel), Pennsylvania;- Richardson, Office in "rt-ar or Court" House.' Tennessee; McMillih, Tennessee: O. Box .162. WIION, N. C Cumuiings, New York; " Swanson Virgi n ia : Bel ! , C 1 orad o; Mississipp oiina slum, uturgia, anu otners. At 6 o'clock the House adjou rned "" A COB RATTLE, pnia: Bel!, Colorado; Y heeler, 1 . ,r , , AT , -. Counselor and Attornerv-at-Law. ;issippj; Woodard, - North Car- V , Tr ., r . . Rocky Mount, N. C. i; ivic Creary, Kentucky: Living- f,Rn.1T: v.,,.i. T7 , , - ' ' s iKCLiT. Aasn, Ldgecoinbe and Wilson. The stone which thje.-builders re- I T- E. Mile Lqubet was Thnr.-day i tuseci nas line prospects ol becoinm4 re elected Pres IStuklfn's Aiiii,-a Salve. Hie best Salve in the wnrld'for Cut' ,. - the head "af the corner.! There wiil be sonic kicking, of! ccune, some holding nt the ncse and 1 some retching ; but judoinj -the . fu.-! ture by the past, the North' Gaolina j !D em oc rdcyA' i ! i , in the "main, be pre- " .Makes Obferver Senate, rectivin 205 ' .: - 1 TL"' -a iT' ever Sores, .letter, Clipped Hands, in 205 votes. tChiibiains, Corns aijcj al'l. Skin Erup tions. and positively cures Piles, or no ; payrequired. ..It is guaranteed to g-ive f perect. satisfaction or money refunded. ! Price 25c per box.. For sale by B. W i-iar-rave: The above comes to us as' a I. life misery to thpusaiuls of people. It manifests itself in many different ways, like goitre, spellings, , THK WILSON MAKKKf. double surprise. place we did not thiok that we could claim the attention, even r . A 1 tor a moment, otj so busy a j man as Mr, Caldwell is known j to -be. This, ; however, is by i u . - f. f irunniiiir sores, boils, sait nicuin. and 1 n, . . In. the ; first :J,. ;'t..:U-: ! P( d Dotted meats. H am , pimples ami -other eruptions. Scarce- 1 iy a inaiE; is wholly free ;from it, in ; Potted Tongue,, some form. It clinirs tenaciouslv until ; cans, the last,vestiprc of scrofulous poison is eradicated by Iloods Sarsaparilla, the I. )2 t SARDINES. One True Blood Puiier. -Thons.mii'T. of '-vohnitiinv foatifnotiiila no means so ereat.a surprise . , " , . -ten 01 suiienn irom scroiuia, oiten 5 Cts. jo " 5 cts. 15 " as is the fact that! one of his fans into 'flame :the sm.ouldiiig straightforward, nature should, fire of their resentment, until, ( even By inference, r - . r' r r ' i . . J . ..... We welcome to our ex change list the Andrews Sun, published at Andrews, Chero kee Co., N. C, and edited by J: B. Craigmiles. The - first issue is well gotten up, and shows, as the editor says in his salutatory, ''that he has got sense enough to keep out of the fire.". - The Advance wrish , es The Sun much success in the realms of Journalism. KKrjJOSPKClIVE. Some -Jea-rs .: ago .the.' writer ' passed through a beautiful" val- . ley,-'is 'eastern Pennsylvania. 13 e t ween J r ugge d hills arid pre-! cipitous, rocks v wandered a lit tle stream-' across whose dan c i n e , waters one miijht often yade,; tlien again and again it was; lor'idged that cou n try folk mighf the more readily reach th e surround i no- markets with their articles of trade. Thus, mile on mile, was tra versed,' the stream) winding among the hills, and along its banks the country road on the one side and a railroad on the . other, with here and there a garden, a farm, a mill or a vil lage, all. nestling along its mer ry rippling waters with every evidence of confidence and . love. . '' But what is it that we next behold, a dark- and threaten- in a perfect frenzv of fury they ; hurl themselves upon those he ! points out as enemies, nor do they stop to separate the good from the bad, all go down to gether, the just lie crushed be side the unjust, the sinner by the saint. But what of this man, of Sampson, has he, as the Samp son of old, died in reaping his revenge 'upon his enemies ? He has sown the wind ; has he reaped the whirl wind? Not he.- While the democratic leaders are blindly toiling along the littered roadway, trying in vain to overcome the obstacles so thickly strewn alone "its course, he marches -at the head of his triumphant connect us with an act which was .'without inherited and most tenaciou-s, positive ly, perfectly and permanently cured by ed by the community. i .ft 11: 1 aiono- a it "OUCffl -DUt even it, in which to Prepared only Ly C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. ' Be sure tr j?ct Iloon's and only Hood's. ANY 1 OOOa S"Fil5S pills, aid digestion. 25c. M. ORTGAGESALE, Domestio Imported ; V .CAKHq ACRACKERS. Soda Crackers, . ffanrvi j " M A - (XXX) Orange Blossom, per box, ; j Sweet Cakes, (plain) i "r (fancv assorted') C. Hams, "Fresh, V Shoulders, " " ' -Si ies, :: " flams. Smoked Shoulders " Sides, ; " - Cleaii Rib Sides Breakfast Stri" s Beef Steak . ' Roast " ' " Stew - Tii . Tl .. . I 1 f' m. i iuem r-iuiir per uoi. 5.oo to 5.50 Straight " ' " f "4.50- Clear " 3.75 Seed Oats a Feed - ;c' 10 cts i i ( " '4 50 10 6 6 10 8 S AYz 10 10 Meat Salt, 224 lb. sacks, 1-15 Coarse 110 ' so Dairy " 56 " " 40 Molasses, per gallon,. 20 to 40 Lard, per lb., '' 6 to 7 Granulated Sugrar. Brown per lb, 5K army pathway, of his own blasting. Men who can incite a mob to revolution are , many. Men who can control- a mob are few, but when a man can in fuse hatred and fury into the hearts of a people until they have accomplished his ends, '1.1 1 ! and then by his magic voice make them again : quite citi zens, then is found one whom his friends would call "a gen ius," his enemies, "a creature a4circumstance." ; - All this and more has been accomplished by Senator Butler, .who stands to day the most 'powerful ene my of "the Democratic party i n0t be c;ured b' Hall's CatarrhXure. -1 -1 - 4-i i F- J- CHENEY &CO-, Props., on his own ground we need exception depricat best people of our Nor can Mr. Caldwell cite one single uaraofraph, iin the col umns of this, paper under its present manageme abuse was addressed 1TRSON WHATEVER. " -t 1 r :tv it t . i iii spcciKing. ui :iii. Jjuuci . . ! Irish Potatoes, seed, per bbL 5io we simn v ca ed attention to! per ousnei his success in pointing our .ar gument, in the advocacy ol a change in the policy of our own party. . j We have yiewell with sor row the utter "disregard of our party leaders to- all e vidences of progress. During the last two 'campaigns they have per sisted in following the footsteps oi taeir loreiatriers, vhue an around them new; ideas, new Iconditions land neir influences were at work. 1 he result is too well kown to require an explanation at this late day. What alone remains to us is the chance to meet; the enimies progress by progress more marked, adapt ourselves to the 'times and ! ! " v certain m'ortjrase. to" Boyki-n & Co. by G. E. FV.rmer and wife, and recorded in the Register's office of Wilson coun ty . N. C, in Book 36, pae 294, we will sell on Thursday, Feb. 11th, 1S97, at public auction to the highest bidder at the ourt House door i.n Wilson, N. C, the . following described real estate : jest Creamery Butter -One house and -lot lying and being sit- Extra Dairy " -f t ' uate on 1 arbOro street in'town.of V il- 1 Flint Hides '' : 1 scn,i. aojoming tne ranus oi ri. pcat - :, H. Untchinson and G. ;E Farmer,-; st. q Pure Vinegar .bounded as follows : Beginnjng at H. j Kwther'n ! H. Hutchirson's corner on Tarl)oro ! Riverside Soap street;, north-east 210 feet to Hutchin- i0fn,; . ' son s corner, east 03 ieei to u. iv. far- Celluloid Starch nr lb' 210 feet to Tar bo ro street 1 j ot-iyt lj 111 uv.iiiuiu;, , ! i nomoson taining :2-s of an acre more or Jess. ; bnr The lot n"o'w.accupied by Jobn Snaken- f Arsn Hammer 'Soda, ,per lb. 8 per cake, ;t iu w.. x i- celluloid Starch, p-r lb" - t aruicr s une , White lump " " " et, with I arbo- , Mendleson's Lye, per bo, beginning, con- j Thompson's " " " 4? 6 25 20 4 10 10 5 .8 6 10 "Trust no future, how7 e'er pleasant. Let the dead past burjf its dead; Act, act in the living present, Heart within, and Godlo'er head." - - ; I- " ; ." - We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward or any case df Catarrh that can- burg. Term ol Sale CASH 27 2-4L B-OYKIN & CO EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. al-soda 2 Having qralified as Executors of the lasrAvil! and testament of C. A. Young, i e deed this is to notifv 'alt--'persons ! Klo'(.est)- Old Dominion B'g Pdt y2 lb. caii 5 Good Duck Roy-al . ,( Moqha and Java Coffee Arbuckles Roasted indebted to Site estatate of said de- I ceased to make im'm'cdiate (Green) IMancabp immcqtate payment, i Vr - f having claims against ! Ancan.lava '(Best) . present them for pay- i 0 1 J nbothy Hay, j and all persons inesaiu esiaie 10 present inem lor oa meat on or before the 9th day of Dec- ! p - ' hpr iri7 nr this nnfirp! hii 'r --i Hcrl i 1I 2n in bar of their recovery. ,, - - 'T-T rt-.'-rx-vo Cotton Seed Meal - E K YoucvG. 4 25 35 20 25 25 25 per ton, $20.00 1S.00 19x0s i ft Executors, orn' j Gunpowder Tea - i rieno ' ? j Wung Lung J;" Whole Grain Rice per bushel. have ho hope of retrieving; our ing cloud is gathering, the j losses . of the past few years. thunders mutter, Hhe lightnings . Nor can our ends be p-ained flash, the awed inhabitants by "trades" or "compromises;" crouch within their dwellings , an open and manly fight must to await, the passing of he f and wilP be made ere victory storm. Hark ! whence comes ..again perches upon our ban- that, awtul roar, as ot rusning iner. waters. Alas, when it is too late the warning comes. The dam far up the; valley, "which has' for so long withstood the i element's blast, has burst. 1 he mad waters, writh devilish glee, are rushing . down the narrow gorge, bearing in their own ward flight fences, trees, hous- T'his Dec. 9U1, 1897. . 49-6t.-JORTG AGE SALE. " By virtue of power of sale 'contain- j Cracked v ed 'in mortage deed made by Gray I Kggs, per dolen, -Watson to me on April roth iSc.4 (sanie Cheese, Tarbll's, being duly registered in book 3P, page ! V ivew.Yo'rk State, G A T R A For Infants and Children. 1 The fac simile Signature 'Of is oa erery Trapper. I Toledo? O- 1U. ' -. 1 1 ' 1 1 , ' u e, LI,e unuers.gneq, nave" Known ,QO ;n th; offire .ilf the :Rpcr-; ' r v CannecLTomatoes F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and .-Deeds of Wilsoir County) . f will selL at I Corn believe him perfectly honorable in all I the court house door ,m Wilson to the j 'V .. Cherries business transactions ind financiallv'i highest bidder, on Monday; January; iS Fresh table peaches 1007, one tract or parcel ot land 111 :,IJC - Spring Hill tbwfiship containing fifty Corned Beef, acres more or less. More particularly described in deed above referred to. 1 Chip '," '.-.-: J. T. Rf.VELL, w . - , 'Mortgagee; uecemDer 17,1596. : 4t 22.50 5.00 55 50 75 '40 5 2 12 IO able td carry out any .obligations made j by their firm. -West & Traux, Whojesale Druggists, Toledo, O. : .' - j . Walding, Kinnan & Marvin. Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, -Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure , is taken inter nally , acting directly .upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle, j Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. 1 . i n ( 4 3 lb Can, S1, 15 20 15 Vi la 20 15 25 S 1 1 lb can 2 " 1 (4 JXECUTOR'S, NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor,. C.'T. CUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executors of the last will anrl tfata A., of the estate of Emily Womble, to alL persons having claims against deceased, this, is to notify all persons : the estate of Said deceased to nresent r : - : . R. G. Galloway, one of Mount J Airy's leading , merchants, has . as signednaming J. J. BeltQa trustee; assets or liabilities not given. iudebted to the estate of said deceased to make immediate payment, and. all persons.having claims against said es tate to present themTor payment on or before the 24th day of December, 1897, or this notice will, be pleaded in bar of tneir recovery. W. D. P. Sharp, - Executor C. T. A This Dec. 24, 1896. 5I-6t" therh for payment on or before the ;th day ot December, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. And all parties indebted to said estate wilt please -make immediate payment. Nathan Sullivan, Wm. T. Sullivan, ; This Dec. 9th, JS96. Executors. 49-6t