$1 A iiiR C,ir. LVflihliiXt. " LET ALL THE EKD3 THOU AISSI' AT BE THY OBNTRY'S, THY- GOD'S- AM KUIiii." y OLIJME xxvii. WILSOK 1ST. C J AX. 28, 1897. BEST ADYERTI3ING 11EDI0M. XU3lBER;:4t.: " if Si A-- Si : J I f I) HaMy; & i.a-ukcien r j.ka kii.lko V i r. ! -Vl V I' 1- P rv- w s i-y7 1 l 1 BO T 3EOUEST you to be present at their store on Tar--- boro-Street on any day during" the coming1 week to examine the most perfect Bicycle ever put upon any market in tile world. , Whe have secured the aencv for the COLUMBIA WHEEL and will take pleasure in showing it to you. DIRECTORY. Ciiisoo RuporM lliir Otltliti a Pinnf N'Mhliiff t Ho Puis- A' o it Cuba Uiit il -tlif Drl tUo.-kin-sixli. f I li-f.ma'erswr Trl.il. " ' Havana, - Jan'. 21 Gen, Gnj-co,'? ' NoVhiri; will be done, either by' while ieconnoiU;r::j in the province-' Congress or Jn- the State Departniint, .f Pinar del-Rio, has killed in a sklr-i re.iidiiij; Cula prior to the incom niibh the vvell-kno-.x n local Vnsuroer.t in of ihe new. administration. Ths leader of Guanaiiv, Lesiiia, form- ' h the urcle'rrxlir. which has been erly manager 'of iheRo-alado Lai;o .reached by v5crctary 0!ney and by and ?vodaiz. both insurgent leadeis Secretary to be hherman, the prom who .took up anr.s at Poza-j since-the' ie f the latter bein qualified, -hoiv-ombr.?ak of .the prestpt insurrection, j ever, bv the statement that he will do Sevtril other irsrrrint ofneers are H-in his po-.ver to 'prevent a.ction. also said to be anions i the killed. It Spain is to be u en a chance to res is reported that thJir bodies have lore peace -in. Cub 1 threuh the me been identified. - f 1 -Ulium ot the. liberal reforms,-which she -Col. Vara del .Rev, durin- . three has promised this country will be pro-J reomiH)iteiin in trie north of mu'ated within the next Jbrtniht. om Scandel! to Secretary Ohiey has agreed - that Gran Pitdra, P. ovince of Santiago there will be no interlt rencs or any de Cub-i, has had akirndsh with the '" Action whatever taken uhich will, in insurgents who- lost the field. The any w ay, embarrass the new adailnis- tiW'A m r nr. or ri: iins s LOCAL LAINSI X. Ubimd. S. Pound. IletVi'tui Florence r.n.1 WeSwon. Xo. 7S. 1:42 P. M. . Leaves -Wilson AO. 2$. :o V. M. P'Ctwic-a WilTv.intnn a":-.d Norfolk: X'o. iS. No. 49. 1 4 M- Leaves Wilson. 2:12 P. M. davs' Sierra ?aaestro, ,. -?.? Uo-y.14 ''Sli;-, Fly" Wihv.ii'toa to .Rocky .. .' Mount: .' Xo. 40. '- - . Xo. 41. 10:23 P. M. Leaves Wilscn. 6:15 A.. M . THROl'CIi TRAINS. . Between I'M'ireac.e anJ Wcldon: Xo. 2. .; Xo.' 12:22 A. M. LeaU-s Wilson, ir.ili Al. -- troops a'so destroyed 200 huls. The loss oi the government iorce was in sinillcant. A detachment of .insurgents ves leiday attacked the laborers at work on the jolas estate, this province, 'kill-' ipfT two fjueril'as and tvo iaboiers tration on the. cendition that nothing is done by Con.'.res;s that would ttr.d to strain the. relations between the United States' and Spain. In other words, .Presiaent C.'evekit.'d's' policy will continue to be one of noivinter fcrence as lony; as . Congress reroains ( crs ! v tj t ic HOARD Dv COMMISSION L-IRS: R. S. Clakk, Chairman' 'i "lIOS. Ft'lLiON. j. I INl-WSOM. John C. Hadlf.v, SlIADL Iri:LTON, WE ALSO CARRY' A SELECT LINE OF T h -nor VV-C11 Cj and wounding ten more of the latter, qescent. . , Gen. Mi-qulzo, while rfccunnoittr- ;' While Secretary Olney and Seria ino at the San Carlos i farm, at Metu, tor Sherman may boih hae dpubts land on the heights of V.iroinia. has as to -the acceptance by the insurjr- destroved an insurgent camp.- and ems ui the new reforms, tney agree captured 100 firearms, The insure: that it is m the interest ot peace and ents left two men kilkd and. retired oi ail parties concerned that the ex- i ' ; penment shcivld be tried. As a mat- --i ; ter ui self-preservation they beiieve with their wourded. . an d Groceri 1 . - . ' l ) 1 -. ! Ay'er's Hair yikor ;is certainly a re- matkahle preparation and nothing like I it has ever been pio-.hictd. ; Xo matter I I iow- -wiry and ' . u n anajre bl e ' the hair ' may' l)e, under th:V iniluence of this 4 v THE CALL 'AND SEE US AT 11 n:omnaraV)le d I- soli:, si 1 ky. ana that Spain is in earnest in her prom ises to. make liberal concessions to the insurgents, and that if the re lorms as at first promulgated do not -Lecomes operate to re tore, order their scone. W. J.-Chf.ru v, Shet iff, L I).' ISakdln, CK-fk oi J-'.a.n-, rior Court. j. H. ( jKiri-iN, Register of-Heeds, S. fL Tvsun, Treasurer, Wm. Hauuiss, Coroner, J. T.' Revel Surveyor. . 'ioavx u- rirKi aldermen: J. D. Leiv J. A. 'Clark, IL' II. Co, ART, Geo. Hackney; J.Tf Ellis. 1st Ward. 2nd " 3rd . K . O .Sth- " o'tliocom'Tj'''w-iiivj FfT n T5 FT 1" and brush enlarged Y P. P. Deans, Mayor; Jno. R. .Voor!:, Tou ii Clerk; W. E. Deans, Collector. re.r.the. require: i jJ'KJ .RfJL'lCE; .D. P..Ciijustman, Chief. m II a '.:;;' l. !: ank Kir.aos, i m:nts of the situation -Post. j AMES'ol ARSJi iloCfvNK. J. R. HARDY & CO., Tarboro street. Tit- ltM. 1 h mil rj '9 ;li i jibn ihli n;;. III II MOjS .'oINES IN i riiA . Arrow sJi(s ( oi'.sui Hyatt on t! K 1 j ' r 1 11 o s : s Itt's'ou rc: p s of' t!f IsIhikLs. In answer to vvhat he-conceives, to j There is ' one consolation about a real mean man everybody . - finds I him out. It marvelous what a number ot The pist can claim, with reason, ! . . : . r , 1 h , ' American, shio-vards have today, crateiui remembrance on our part, 1. ,. '' . 1 . 4- I, . 1 ! 5 " 1 according the to Cleveland Marine Re but continually to dream over it, and T worry even that we cannot unmake ' view' $16,269 343 worth of naval some ot it, is worse than foil v. It;work Ada the two Japanese battle . ;:.',:.'... . o.,' ,.o ..- ' oflnrH lie little oirl i ,l,p n,n,MVi MJiJV MJC lb UVCl JJU.UJU.UU'J. conditions ic; or by suggestion, by example or by J . . 1 thewritino ol a book, leads us 10 be and ".ttl,;re even-ten years ao the un ami dnino not nrnne anri ,lrr:,n.. 'i l?'Jlldinr ol battieslp WOu'.Q have r ""'vm j-- ........ an attord us Jittle aid,' tne world s ! ' ' v . v v. . "w'ww' onditions change so rapidly and rad-: On-thrd of this total, or $7,665,000, :al!y. and h4 who, whether by acts i iS at Newport News, which twenty be a popular demand on the part of the , " ' - - j A iss'ffii-"in .Aur.r-ila nr i ri f r ti i M f ! n rf lie i. o, 'aL ' ,fr,,h, ! relatives a man has alter he becomes , iutr, does the world a service. Such 'see,"ed ,m;ll,le- At Present rates United Suites Consul Hyatt, at Sunti-. retlt- a one becomes the successful general U1 llw ul(llc" WiUJ P""- can.organiz ation, it will not oe long", 4m .ifp n,.mrt.: Did von ever notice over what an of a battle of far ther-reachim- conse- I d litii i 1 . t : : v.t Lit'.- uiiiv j j i.-i . . . , t , . . raent witn ah 'interesting report '"de- ' important space a paper of tacks can ' quence than he wots ot. ... Wheihcr speaking,- before the voted entirely to a concise, yet com - spread when spilled ? world' ; heroes or the humble.t ol ail hum- : tt U11U 5 l!lumi; gaaLes 10 i the shorts ot the United States. plete, description ot tiie enormous j i nere are- a great-many people v1 ,,cv 11 vvl" lv- r.- vf v uvau-, , . . . ... Ty : j iwtur?l reyuurefs of the Oacca of the! who stint themselves to help the carmg loss lo: t.u- past, and concern-. . . Antilles - 'heathenbut refuse a tramps cru.to. niore-ui.h .h, jreK-nt. Mike .Spbmdmg lie 1VS that Cuba should rank U,read. .' . ' -' ' : history, mn i.ily worship that, which , W Dock Co rnformed tne I . . j Woe- 't-n ' ,-.,a- ''-twu t , f ! Manntacturer s Record a . kw weeks M-i-.An. v, i1 -wr-o o- rrn-mi-n t s oti a- i ii 4. j :.v tias oeeii paaoe ov? tjtiiers. le not; , . among the ioremo community ot j A good many men wnl trade with ,-.'! , i ao-that it had an arrp-refraft-. of - mere nei o-worsmoutrs, out content-!- .- ' -w 1 to know th u. while we cannot all he 00'000 oi work Gn har'd' " 1 hls one bap ?erVICC as ,0,10U'S i .. , i - , , .. .-Southern shin-vard. therefore, has 1 Teaching iunoay morning at n; neroes, no me is so jokiv piaceci tnat . 1 ; , . ' : i o'clock and S:3o p. m: lcv. J. A: R it may -not be 1-eroic Charles C. ' "'"""" v" Pastor. Praver meetin- Wedm the world, and he believe she will ;a .merchant (mtil they get heavily in soon attain this distinction, whenever ;debr. to him; then they will go some a stable government and cheerful 1 wheie elsei obedience to the oowers that be pre- L " V . i : sent to the home-seeker and investor) cm item;. St. -Timothy's . Kpiscopal church, -Rev. F. C. liayliss, Priest-incharge. Services: Sundays -&t 1 1-a. m. and 7:30 p. m., 'Sunday School at 3 p.-. m., Week das W-erlnesdays and Fridays at 4 p. . m. Holy days at 10 a. ui. Celebra tion of Holy ' Communion on 1st Sun day breach month at 11 a. m., other Sundays at 7:45 a. m. " - Methodist Church, Rev. J. P.. Hurley Pastor; services l 11 a, nr. 'and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 5 p. m., J. F, Bruton, Supt. .Prayt-' meeting Wed nesday night at 7:30. f Disciples Church, Rev. D. W. Davis, Pastor; services on Second, Third and Fourth Sundays at 11 a m. ana. 7:30 p m. Prayer meeting every Thursday, night. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, p. in., Geo. Hackney, Supt. Presbyterian Church, Rev, James Thomas, Pastor; serviced on the First, Second and -Third Sunday in -every month and at Strickland's church every Fourth Sunday. Sunday School at 5 o'clock, P. M. . . 7);m;j;t'8 lur h miu's Oe till. Abbott, in February j Lippincott's. j the country now on hand, and even if the two Tananese contracts be ..incl.ud- conditions that will make ho oe pleas- j The s,,it brouht aoainst the Win- " o,,!,r iixva his children . ' d ifstjI h JS , one-half. This .1 tie iron 1 . ct.. c(,f D-,;i.,r. r,, SlOlJ JtCdill vJUttL luiivva -,.J ill pcinjr ant and capital secure. mines, overshadowing in importance j . T Wilson, Secretary' and another industries m tne eastern, ee-; T,;,(:rpr r vv;nnn for-thp dpadi tion of the island, constitute the only industry" that has made any pretense strndingup against the shock of the present insurrection. Sli'Jtiia lie ilie Ilul. of his little son in September, 1895, was concluded last week by thejury returning a verdict allowing the plain- . tiff" $3,000. Mr. , Wilson sued for $10,000".. So far from it being a novelty for an American President or a well dressed American citizen to be clolh- L ed in home-spun , wooiens, it should be the rule, and it would be so it our woolen manufacturers advanced as they should have advanced under the Gen. Wheeler,' ot .Alabama, "Fight is illustration of the'South's pro ingJoe"of the Confederacy, is able Rre.ss I d"ns equally as significant to boast of a unique experience in the :ouId, be iven and vet there are peo rearing of .a large faridly on his South- ' PIe who reflJS-e 10 alize t)ie 'reality em plantation, which probably few j and magnitude of the development of members of the present House have thc South Manufacturer's Guide. shared. "I raised J a family of six ! children," said the General, recentiy, Indian's Awful Condition. :oo ood jsdav evening at S o'clock. Sunday School at 5 p. m., D. S. Boykin Supt. Primitive Baptist Church, preachinir on. 2nd Sundiiy b Elder Jas. - Pass; on 3rd Sunday by IClder Jas S. Woodard; on the 4th Sunday and Saturday before bv thfc pastor," Flde'rl P. D. Gold. Ser vices begin at 11 a. iti. 1 ?ie fac of "and never locked a; door or fastened : . i . ', - ,,T 1 , , t i of . British Indies to-day is appalling, a window. We were surrounded by . . rr erery ; , . t It is beyond comprehension for the yCcU44 Trajper. large numbers of negroes, but in i J ' . r' , , ''-! ' - , ! reason that we have nothing in all warm weainer aiways siepi wmi me j is ca Mr. Cha? E. Butters, ol Hub, has door 0 d... rhe General sa he onv experience wuh which to corn rent ;d Governor D. L. Russell's re- . ,rfW (rnr ai. i In the districts most heavily sidence on Second Street, between hold by theft, .except in a few cases ! afflicted a population, of 40,000,000 i - , - - i",' ! Hnrk and Grange streets, and mov-1 11-1 -y ! . -is starving; other districts with a pop- high protection given to them. We, dock anu uidiihr aucua, anu uv wien.jls i,.. wasiabsent. General , v. - . . v ed.ins lamuy u.e.c. uua Wheeler had confldeucenn the color-. ,ou"" will be here to superintend the rice . hhrpn ahnilf him anH f. v - ; sharp privation of food. The deaths plantation in which his father, him- d w his i own.-Washing-i are counted-or uncounted-by have abundant capital ; we have the best skilled labor, and produce the .-finest machinery in the vyorld; with the highest' protection given to wool en mannfarturprc in anv COUntrV. " ... J - . -. - . ' nnHMIIAIIM TT 1.1 .1 . J. ... i . r ' pc Kbnd anrl across riruns- 1.11 Cl VUUO aiyuuies are uue tu ana yet our woolen manuiaciurers o - IU imnoveriahed blood. Hood's Sar- wick, county. .Wilmington Aiesscn- eaparilfa is the Gne Trae Blood seiianu uuvciuui ivuaacu xi- iiiti- o post I ested. They have? about 1,000 acres . themselves wear foreign woolens Philadelphia Times. ger. Purifiei and NERVE TONIC. famine. Boston Post. i the thousand daily: And along wifh this goes, the pestilence of the "black death" ravagings and depopulating those districts yet unswept by the . xhursd ay eveni nffat 3:3o o'clock p. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon I Lodge Xo. 117 A. F. & A. M. are held in their hall, corner of Xash and Golds boro streets oh the ist and 3rd Monday 1 nights at joo'clock p. meach month. : J. I), Pullock, W. M. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Chapter No. 27 are held in the-Masonic flail every 2nd-Monday night at 7:30 o'clock p. m. each month. Lat Williams, H. P. Regular meetings of Mt, Lebanon Commandery Xo. 7 are held in , the Masonic hall every 4th Monday night at"7:3o o'clock each month. W. II. Applewhite, E. C. . - Regular meetings of Wilson Lodge, K. of H. No. 1694 are held in their hall over the 1 st National Bank every ist m. B. F. Briggs, Director. I

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