! i 81 if 1 4 THE WILSON ADVANCE: JANUARY 28, 1897. o The Wilson Advance. bene humatiity more than to r - . I pass -laws- making it a misde- bythe:ad7angs publishing compaki I meanoiv punishable by irnpris; i ...r-: :zzrrzizinir I onment, to make or use a ci- ' published every Thursday. orarette. True, attempts have - i been made to stop this grow- Proprietor. !in but so far have proved I unsuccessful. : Cet our statesmen get to gether and try to devise some means, by which this habit can be permanently stopped. When this is done other ibrms of to- W: L. Cant well Entered in the Post Office at Wilson, N. C, as second class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : One Year. .. ... . . . . .1.... $i.co ix Months.....,..-. ...... 50 Remit bv draft, post-office order or registered letter at our risk Always j Dacco wfl. be used which will eive post-office address in lull. 1, V . . 1 j . I be less injurious, and the 1 o- KS-Advertisine Rates furnished on i bacCO TrJSt Will Still be able application. No communication will be printed I known to the Editor. 'Address all cor respondence to The Advance, Wilson. N. C. The Norfolk Landmark calls attention to the fact that Virginia, with the s;ime to oav dividends, and Wilson will still be the leading- tobac co market. L.vt it. Ha Stopped. LITERARY NOTFS. The . public seems never to grow weary cl hearing about Rudyard Kipling and his achievements, though much of what is said in print about him is sorry stuff indeed. It is re freshing to find in! the February Re view of Reviews a candid and unpre tentious, but not the less ex baustive, critique oi Kipling? which really does justice to trie - author's personality 'without "gush" and f without the senseless exaggeration so common in articles of this kind. The writer, Mr. Charles D. Lanier has given us an interpretation pi Kipling, which s frankly sympathetic and at the same time irresistibly attractive. The tobacco planters of this coun try raised last year 8 500,000 pounds more of tobacco than they did the year '.lit fore last and it brought them , Professional Card s. 1 B. 1 DEANS, ' . . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ,T ' . . : 1 . v ; Office in rear of Court House P. O. Box 162; . r 'WILSOX v r B. F. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR T , NASHVILLE, N. C. Are the Messengers of Sense, the Telegraph Nerves elte,UUrom U)e bra, to every part '1 of the bodv and reacn every organ. wuuucs. A blot upon the good name oi North Carolina- is the existence ia and about Albemarle Sound of a band of women. who call themselves no nil -' . . . ' lation, pays $1,000,000 more ; : . .. . .. . " ' 1 ' . V- i guise ot religion, are practicing iree- per year to run the btate than , . , 1 .i- , J, r v. T . . ; loveism and other things contrary to North Carolina. In this, as in ! , ; . , . ; , , n I .... , . ; uie laws Ui luc 3iaie ai;u uuu. i Jicy many North pie. other things the Old r , . . . , 0 & , profess to be sinless. Iberr.doc-. btate sets a orood exam-: r . ' , t tnnes will allow a husband , to leave his" wife to tike a "sniritual" wife, or ; a wife to leave her husband to take a ' spiritual husband. Mormonism, as bad as it is, is respectable beside lhe ways of the "Lynchites," it we have been correctlv informed. There is only one kind of law that will reach this evil and that is the civil law. If there;, is no law to reach it, there should be one made. A delay in Senator Butler in his ef fort to control the election of the other Senator from NortH Carolina j has been turned down. It j is not our fight, but the Advance will observe that Butler is treadino; in the foot steps of his predecessors to nnlitirnl nhlivinn. 5enatnr; X - . 1 ,1,:,. ,.k,;nr. nKnnt ofU,,, and Representatives should j. . , J t. 1 : 1 . 1 evil a harvest of violence on the have nothing" whatever to do, ' . 1 rr 1 -i 'to ! part of outraged communitiss. N. . 1 1 r .1 1 ' C. Christian Advocate. are not eiectea ior mac pur- pose. 1 ne constitution owes ; ;vrunt Ki!e'ati as !.. ,t.Tr-. Ndrve are like lire good servants but hard masters. - . Nerves are fed by the blood and are therefore like it in character. ' -N erves will be weak and exhausted if the blood is thin, pale and impure. Nerves will surely be strong and steady if the blood is rich, red and vigorous. ; Nerves find a true friend in Hood's Sarsapa- rilla because it makes rjch, red blood. them no such rights. The Leo-- islature elects the Senator and I Dr. John C. kilo, president ot it is nothing less ; than impu- Tr,nity Col!ee' has addressed Pos' dence for any Senator to inter-1 tals to fnends of the college, inviting -ere j them to send young trees to be plan- Senator Butler : Let other's j ted in the coHe?e grounds. Dr. Ki! shipwreck be your sea mark I dte that one thousand trees will . j be planted in the name of the send- Kuow the "Small Graces" f Life. Young men should not get the idea that to know the Vsmall graces of life" is useless or frivolous. What we call the "social- graces" are very valuable to a young man. That is the great trouble with young fellows wo are earnest : they are too earnest and upon all occasions. They can have a high aim in life, a lolty pur pose, and yet not close themselves up to all social pleasures or ameni ties, Girls feel uncomfortable, anJ pardonably so, when tiey go to a concert or any other form of enter tainment with a 1 young man who constantly makes! mistakes in little things. The small rules and laws which must be observed on all social occasions are not to be frowned down they are important, and a young lei low makes a great mistake when he considers them beneath him or un worthy of his attention. Edward W Bok in February Ladies' Home I J( urnal. TT G. CONNOR, Attorney at Law, . WILSON, - - N. C, ' Ofrire Branch & Co s. Bant Buildm. A- SIMMS- aTT; A. J. SIMMS & CO. ' .Nerves l their work iiatura.lly and weri, GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AOfyt, the brain is uueloudod. there are no neuralgic intins, appetite and diges tion are good, when you take - KM LfU td" SarsaparilSa The One True Blood rurifier. All dnigists. $1. 1'repared only hy I. Iloort & Co., Lowell, Mass. , , , , - tho bo.it f:iuvlv cathartic HOOd S PlilS and liver stimulant. 25c P. O. Box 162. WILSON, X C I JACOB BATTLE, Counselor and Attor'ni:rv-at.j Rocky .Mount, X. c Circuit: . Nash, EdgeconVbe v Wilson. i I W. ? M ORTGAGE SALE. Hucklrn's Arnira alf, The best Salve in the world for (; Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Klu-ur,' h ever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Ha-v' Chilblains, -Corns -and all Skin Pr,,! Hons, and positively cures PileQ '" Bv virtue of the p ver contained in a pay required. It is guaranteed to nv certain mortgage to Boykin & Co. bv perfect satisfaction or monev refnnHJ G. E. Farmer and vi4e, and recorded Price 25c per box. For sale by B in the Register's oflice 'of. Wilson coun- Hargrrave. " I THK WISUN 1U.1KKET," CorrMted Wekly by lJoykm & . POTTED MEATS. Fotted Ham, Potted Tongue, li cans, 14 t i SARDINES. 1. Hf II:iln't1S:iv Sill lie . The cigarette habit is ruinning more of the boys and young men of the land than many suppose. Recently in Salisbury a boy thirteen years old died from the result of cigarette smoking His sudden sickness baf fled the physicians at first but the learned before his death, which fol lowed in a few days, that the disease was the result of ciaiettee smoking. Though quite ybung he had been .' s mol:ing for years We saw three small boys at a railroid station a few days ago smoking a cigarette togeth er. One ay dlil d vvbif and then the other. Thev were testing : skill at swallowing the smoke. -- Surtlv the effects of the cigarette are dangerour and ail prudence. ought to be used to keep boys irom using them. i The above, taken from the Scotland Neck Commonwealth of last week, is only too true. In this civilized land of ours many a young man's future is being ruined by the cigarrette. Take a boy who has naturally ra bright mind and let him con tract the habit, what do we see ? To. all outward appearances there is no damage, yet the poison of the arsenic and nico tine slowly but surely puts in its deadly work, and as he grows to manhood, should the habit be continued this long, we find one wrhose constitution is broken down and whose mind is dwarfed. Of course there are exceptions to this, and some smoke them all through-life. Any one. who has ever smoked cigarettes to excess knows that it is next to impossible to usethem in mod eration, as one would other forms of tobacco, ; and for this reason they are made more injurious than would otherwise be the case. .The different legislatures are.; meeting throughout . the country- now and there could be ho bills passed which would ers. " It is desired that trees from all parts of the State should be planted, so that Trinity students may see North Carolina trees growing around them. For this reason each friend of the college is asked' to take up two or three trees from the forest and ship them to Trinity College by the first of Februaryviso they may -be planted out on arbor day. Every friend can j mike this small contribution to heir great oouese1. r When Sam Joiies was speaking w j -inxiXUTOR'S NOTICI Town Creek, Ga., ne said among J2j - ty. N. C, in Hook 36, pae.2Qj. we will sell on 'fhursday, Feb', nth, 1S97, . at public auction to the highest bidder at the ( ourt House door in Wilson, N. i C, the following described real estate : 1 One house and lot lying: 'and; being sit uate on Tarboro street in town of Wil- son, N. C. adjoining the lands of H. H. Hutchinson and G. E Farnier. bounded as follows : Beeinnina: at H. 11.. Hutchinson's corner on Tarboro , sti&et, north-east 210 feet to Hutchin- Domestic ! son s corner,-east 88 feet to G. E. Par- lniported j 210 feet to Tarboro street, with Tarbo- U rr-H &ffRAC1LRS- I ro street SS feet to the beginhihy,- coil- SJ1 Crker ( ; tmning 2-5 of an atre mor, or less. 0ran-e Blossom, pefbov, ' ; l he lot now accup.edbv John Snaken- Sweet Cakes, (p ain) burs;. Tcnii o s.-. e'CASH. : 14 .. . - 4 ,s - , 4 ' Pavi tv - fn - (fancy assorted) f - 2-4t.- . , . i. 10 KIN (A. CO. r Hnmc T..U . Shoulders, ' Siies, . ' 1 laiiK I Having qualified as Executors of the ' Shbnlder r ! last will anti , testament 01 l. A. voung, Sides i other things : 1 lhe curse oi beauty is tatal. 1 . dee d this is to notify persons Clear Rib Sides had rather that a! daughter of mire ' indebted to; the estatate of said de- . BreakfastStri s , , I , , . . ceased to make lmnudiate payment, Reef Steal- be scarred from. -her. fbrhead to her j and all persons having, claims' against, . .. Roast ' chin, than that she should have a I l,le said e1 to present them for pay-: beautilul face." ! I1 . 5 ct?, 10 " 5 " 30 " 5 cts. 15 " 10 cis 2 SO io .. 15, S" 6 6 16 8 8 -43;',' - 10 10 8; . 5 Smith Carolina Ahead, Now comes the Charleston News and Courier claiming that South Car olina raises more cotton to the square mile than any other State. The pro duction in that' State is put at 25 bales to the square mile; in Georgia the production is 18 bales, m Missis sippi, 2 1 2i bales; in Alabama, 12 3-5 bales, in Louisiana, 10, and in Tex as, 716 bales. The table shows nothing of considerable importance, probably, says the Savannah News, except that South Carolina is devot ing more attention to cotton than she ought to, and that if Texas raised as much cotton to the square mile as South Carolina does her crop would be nearly .7,000,000 bales Atlanta Journal. Ilv'rt This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's CatarrlVCure. F. J. CHENEY & CO-, Props.', Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F- J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions ' and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Trailx, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. .. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin. Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken .inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and. mucous surfaces of the system. Price,; 75c. per bottle. -. -Sold by all Dnrggists. Testimonials free. - . Mr. Jones paused j and looked steadily in the faces pi thefsilent audience, adding: 1 ....t W1I ui .cuic ne yi i May 01 ic- Patent FoUr ner hhlCc t?f; ber 1897, or this notice will be pleaded cf mit ' . ".. J " ?J 3 44 But I don't women need have think '4-5( 3-75 4o 35 f any of you 49-6t.t any alarm on this score. It was just at tjliis juncture that a his- sweetheart - re- lover sitting next marked tondly : , "I'll bet he a in' c in oar 01 tneir recovt-rv. 1 . - c&r H G Connor, Seed Oats ; E.I:.oung, .Feed 44 1 nis l ec. gtn, 1597. Executors, Trish Potatoes r um Meal, per bushel c0 - - 11 . -' n m r . - . ' J MORTGAGE SALE. .;Veac fH 224 U sacks' fri5 Coarse 5 no 50 ; 4( 20 to 40 6 to 7 By virtue of power of sale contain- aS,- 5 ed in mortage deed made bv Gray J155' per llo Watson to me on April 10th 1S94 (same rl l',ota, pSr 1D- beimrdulv registered in hnot Granulated Sugar, 190 in the office of the h For Infants land Children. Thefac- per lb, esrister of t .-. Deeds of Wilson Coimtv) I wi Lll '.t "c:l 'fm creamery muter, saw!; yoii, Saliie.'' I tlie court house door n Wilson to the pf? hI' ;; " ; ."; v j :i97. one -tract or parcel of land ; in j pring mil towrtsmp containing..- tilrv ! acres more or less. . More particularly described in deed above referred'tb. .. j , " . : J. T.' k kvkll, . j ' - -; ; r fl- i December 17, 1S96.. Lift O It signature XECUTOR'S NOTICE. STATEMENT OFTHE CONDITIQX . : . t V :-: Branch & Co. fBankers, WILSON, N. fc., ! : '-...'. " " J- 1' ' . ... . j ; , : ' ' At the Closk or Business, Thurs- ;Sa.l N. C. Pure Vinegar Northern .' .Riverside Soap, per cake, Borax " ' . " .Celluloid Starch, per IIS, White luniD " " . " Mendlesdn's Lye, per bo Thompson's " V' " ; Star " . " Arm 8c Hammer Soda, per lb. ai-soaa . ' " " 5 Old Dominion Bg P'dr 4 lb. can s E Having qualified as Executor. C. T. A., of the estate of. EmilvWomble. deceased, this is to notify all-persons iudebted to the estate of said deceased to make immediate navment. and all persons having claims against said es- Iocha and Java Coffee tate to present them for payment on or ..AfpucKies Koasted before the 24th day of December, 1897, Rii (Rest) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of " (Green) their recovery. W D. P. Sharp Mancabo Executor C T. A. Incan. Java (Best) 1 .02 4!4- 25 6 5H 25 20 '4 lij. 10 . 5 8 6 10 S Good Luck Royal " 14 I ( I 1 1 day , Dec! 17'ni, 1896. Condensed from thd lieort to the State Treasurer, : RESO This Dec. 24, 1S96. .-. gALE OF LAN IX S 25 35 20 25 17 25 25 5i-6t. No 1 Timothy Hay, per ton, 20.00 2 Bran Mill Feed ( c t ? ti a t 1 URCES. Loans & Disc'ts 5224,028.59 btocks cc bonds, Overdrafts. .... 1,600.00 4.243-75 Banking House. Furniture. . . : 5,000.00 (1,964.45 Due by Banks 38,530.09 Cash & cash items 22,522.23 By virtue of the power contained in a Cotton Seed Meal decree of the Superior Court of Wilson ' 4 4 4 4 . " 44 county, rendered bv the Clerk thereof Corn, per bushel, in the special proceeding entitled N. J. Gunpowder Tea Mayo, guardian of George Brown, and Heno 44 Lou Mavo Brown, I'x parte, approved Wung Lung 44 229.b72.34 v3erior Court for the third Fudirinl dU- Cracked 44 ' trict in North Carolina, I shall sell be-. Eggs, per dozen 6 061 i- 'fore the Court House door in Wilsons Cheese, Tarbell's,; , 4.43.1 N. C, at public auction, on Monday, f 44 New York State, 1 uie nrst uay 01 3iarc.h, Ji.vQ7,"the land tanned 1 omatoes 61,052.32 1 described in the petition Itiled in saio! I.''.' ' Corn ; i ucreuiugs, 10 wit : certain tract ot - ' tnernes f 18.00 1 8. co 19.00 22.50 5-P 55 ,50 75 40 ".. 7 ''' 5 12H 12 10 3 lb. Can, Si '5 LIABILITIES. Capital . . ..... . .-. ! Surplus. . . i. . .. .. f.. Undivided Profits,; Bills Payable..... L ...:.L. Certificates. . . . . 32,75.00 Due to Banks. 16,038.93 Indv'IDeposits, 161,327.10 297,889. 1 1 $ 50,000.00 7,500.00 10.28S.0S 20,000.00 210,101.03 XT 1 ' ' 5297.S89.11 North Carolina, ) Wilson County. . ; - ,''- !'.' ' . I, J. C. Hales, Cashier of above named Bank, do solemnly! swearjthat the fore going statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. . JVC. HALES, Cashier. Sworn to before me this, the 25th day ui jun. 1097. land lying and being i-n Wilson county, Fresh table pea N.. C, adjoining the lands of . V. Pie names, v.. v . Harr.es, M. R. Boy- horned Beef, Kin ana otners, known as the ohn S.. J -B05 kjn land, containing 327 acres, . Chip more or less, upon the followmy terrrts: C 44 The purchase pri. e is to be paid in six f eaches 44 i it 1 lb can 2 44 H T 20 15 Sh 10 '20 15 25 equal installments,, evidenced bv the T7XECUTOR'.c; NOTIPF sealed notes or bonds' of the purchaser v t to the commissioner, all bearing inter-4 . Having qualified as Executors of the est at 6 per cent per annum, due and last will and testament of Lemuel Sul payable respectively on January first, Hvan, deceased, notice is hereby given 1898, 1809, 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1903. jto al 1 persons having, claims against title reserved until all of said bond ' the estate rf ca!H AA rnl - - - 7 - - . - vi w wC.T Jk L KJ . -1 - 1 ' . 11. ... . r - - . - . ! -J-IX Bardin, C, S. C. ir 'iwl .-, r ... 1. pcuvj, aim ujjuii ueiauii m payment inem jor payment on or before the 71" of any one of said bonds.-at maturity, day. of December, 1897, or this notice all saidibonds to become due immerli- will be. nlpnrl ; r U& W Lll 1.11 XVVW-J- ately and said land to be resold for the payment thereof. N. J. MAYO, This Jan: 28th, 1897. Commissioner. ByStaton & Johnson, . .. Attys. ' . . 27-4-51 And all parties indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ; Nathan Sullivan, . " Wm, T. Sullivan, This-Dec. 9th, 1S96. Executors. . 49-6t

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