BEST. ADVERTISING HEDIUil. OLUME XXVII. WILSON, N. C , FEB. 4, 1897. NUMBER 5. CUT OFF BY A HOOS1EK. TUEY WOt'Ll) liUrCHKIt III.U Capf, Burke Deprived lYeyler of a Supply 1 laiu. .. I i I I Co. REQUEST you to be present at their store on Tar boro Street on any day during the coming week to examine the most perfect Bicycle ever put upon any market in the world. Whe have secured the agency for the COLUMBIA WHEEL and will take pleasure in showing it to you. IVliy Senator Itutler Does ot Join the Democrats. y ' Key West, 'Jan. 3 1. -Op. Friday f Republicans havine said Senator ; one of Gen: Weyler's supply trains RttfIpr He anH ' t - frr - H was dynamited on the railroad f near forces with the. democrats Butler Cieze, north, of Cienfuegos. Two said lhere was nothing in the state bombs were exploded under jhe en- j mentt and that he knew if he.went to Sine and four under the train, being th, democrats they' would butcher fired by electricity as the train was : " ; crossing a trestle. The engine, was A republican assured me that Mar- u,un apart anu me ears were spnni- snaU Mott is now revolving in his ered. Thev rolled over the trestle' t - t rinnri nnni mkt iii rf infill iriiuuiiiviii ; WE ,ALSO CARRY A SELECT LINE OF Croekery, G 4 1 1 THE assware anfl Groceries. CALL AND SEE US AT MRS MS .T.0-S J. R. ARDY & CO., Tarboro street. JOINS 1MB INSURGENT. Ix-Mayor of Puerto Prloclpe Goes Over Weyler Fired at. ' Key West, Fla., January 27. Pas- pgers by the Olivette to-night re- tort that Uanzado Moreno, one 01 ine nost DrominesEt Citizens of Puerto ft ' 1. f : rincipe, for ten years Mayor of the ty and a rebel colonel m the. last rar, has joined the insurgents. - He ' . - . 1 . lecame indignant at tne outrages orhmitted by Spaniards in arresting istinguished ladies and gentlemen, as eported last week. ' Venancio Sorense, a Spaniard, ommanding a detachment of troops h Santiago de Cuba, has joined the psurgents, carrying the arms ana mmunition of the force he had in harge, consisting of 100 rifles and ,000 rounds of ammunition An expedition, is said; to have Hand- Ed at La Caleta, near Cape Maysi. It s also reported that Ruis Rivero ave a severe thrashing to General tfelgulzo, near Vinales, and inflicted heavy losses, the Spaniards losing hirty dead and eighty wounded. P"his is known at the Palace." but the - ct has not been given; out officially, pecause they still persist in making he people believe that there is : no fighting in Pinar del Rio, but that the rebels are all demoralized and scat- ered over the country. ' It is reported that when Weyler vas marchinof dowh Candela Hill, Wife too iM5tiitiTe, and Husband sets a Divorce. into the ditch, the fall completing what the dynamite had left undone. or cast his lot with the populists. Senator Grant was asked:- What Out of the guard of 100 soldiers on I y, the-repubUcan caucusdoregard it forty- fi ve. were instantly j killed or erribly injured. The others surren dered as a force of 200 Cubans " an- peared. The train was looted, the insurgents s icuring a small field piece that Gen. Weyler had just ordered from Havana. ! . After securing all the provisions and. ammunition the xrs were bu rned. The prisoners were released, and the Cuban captain sent Weyler a box of sweet bread with a polite note.' The Captain of this Cuban band was an American named Burket from Indi ana. - ' - r;-.V The famished condition of tHe peo pie in the JPinardcl Rio sectiQp, and especially at Aitssaxs San Cristobal, and Pinar del Uo City, is well Known. -ncracTecacj country people have flocked to tht cities yx obedi ence to the cruel crdzri oi Colos. Hernandez, San Martin, enc fnclan. At Ilrk!tn, ing Butler's ulftraatum.'' . He replied: "We will give no answer. The mat ter is now settled far as we are con cerned. . We haveW further terms to offer and no furthur terms to make Ex. - , ' han Franeisco'A New City Ha1. One of the exhibits in a suit for di vorce recently trid in Baltimore, in which, among other things, the wife was charged with reckless extrava gance, fead these items as a sample ot one weeks expenditures by the woman in "the case : Hat, $200 ; no tions, $50; chewing gum and tobac co, -$'24; brushes and paints, $10;- cologne, $9 75 .; ice cream, $7 75 ; oysters, $io, and cigarettes, $2.75 The jury decided that this sort of thing was a trifle too much to ask any man to submit to, and helped, rather more than anything else, to influence the jury to give to the man the separation he had asked for. Yet the deiendant calmly a s i t d ( that there was not a purchase made in that list but was absolutely essen tial to her comfort. This guileless young woman positively prided her self on the fact-that extravagance was one sift ot which she was aisolutely guiltless. v . ' I London, Feb. 1. A disoatch to the Daily News from l Atheps, dated Sunday, says hal serious .newsr has been recSrromrilerakKcnrTU is stated that ten Christians were mur dered Thursday while outside the gate of the city,, and Ithat armed bands of Mussulmans leave the town daily for tfce rju rpose of plundering and burning the villages of the chris tians. The dispatch adds that these outrages are evidently iri accordance with hints received from Constanti nopie. ' : ' ' ) ' !' : The situation is so serious thai the foreign conusels have wired the Gov ernor General ofCanea, calling for the adoption immediately ot stringent measures looking to the protection of the people. .. Foreign, warships are now arriving at iHeraklioni with a view to offering protection' to the Christians there. - The Christians in the districts in the vicinity of Herak lion 'are 'arming and occupying stra tegic places for the purpose of preven ting influx of IVfbhaminedans ot the town and a serious collision! is feared in the near future. The new City Hall of San Fran i C Cisco, wtnen nas oeen in course 01 construction since 1872, a period of nearly twenty-five years, is now about completed, "the final touches being given to the great dome. - The build ing covers an area of four acres, and contains , twelve acres of floor space. The height Irom the curb to the top p -the balustrade which sqrmnts the uHohjr is ninety feet NThe Tower dome rises gracefully to a height ot three hundred and thirty five feejt wom the curb ; emerging from the roof of the main building with a diameter of one hundred and I fifteen feet, it diminishes gently into a colonnade of Ionic co utejh, this be inS surmounted by a Corinthian col bnnade!Tix& 00 (&ffiivm ivnnounted by a statue of 'Progress," twenty-two feet trom the base to the crown o her head and thirty feet to the top o the torch which she holds upraised in her hand. The dome was con strucled after the model of St. Peter's at Rome. The cost of the tower dome was $410,000, and of the en tire building, including the dome, $5,785,000. Ladies' Weekly. lie Sure to IXeatl lliii, I$ys. Most Wonderful City. The most wondertul city within the limits of the United States, and which has no existence whatever dur ing, the summer months, is Fi?h City, Mich. This municipal' oddijy is built on the ice of Saginaw bay regu- Isrlv pvprv winter and is occupied bv ear Guines, six shot were fired at I A ,u -r fQm;i:W who arp pn. IitV-li tiJvo. nn." , gaged in catching, cleaning and pack am by some party hidden in the rsuhes near by", wounding a Keulen- Lnt at bis side; and a orivate. It is i-so rumored that two of his adjutants ere wounded. . Cgnature 6f. mmm . . . Is ca TOT7 xappet. ing lake trout and white-fish for the market. Fish City is situated in the same cove nearly every winter and is built of rough pine boards. In the ' winter of 1893 94 it had a population of nearly 3,000 and in 1 894-95 al most twice that number, r "Aim to be kind," says Horace Mann, "generous, magnanimous.'' If there is a boy in school who has a clubfoot, dont let himjknow you ever saw it. It there is a poor boy with ragged clothes, don't j talk about rags in' his hearing. If there s a lame boy, assign him some part of the game which does no require running. If there is a huugry, one, give J him part of your dinner.' It. there is a dull one, help him to fearn fiis lesson. If there is a bright one, be jibt envi ous of him : for if one boy is! proud of his talents and another is envious of them, there are two great .wrongs, and no more talent than befpre. If a a bigger or stronger boy has injured you and is sorrv lor it,. forgive him, and request the teacher: not jto punish him.- It is much better to have a kind heart than a great, fist. :;- '') PICH RED DLOOD is thefoun- dation of good health. ,That is why Hood'ff Sarsaparilla, the One" True Blood Purifier, gives HEALTH. DIRECTORY. DEPARTURrOFTKAI,S. 1. LOCAL trains: U N. Bound. S. Bound. A Between Florence and Weldon. No. 78. No. 23. 1:42 P. M. Leaves Wilson 2:oi P. M. Between Wilmington and Norfolk: No 48. No. jo. 1:48 P. M. Leaves Wilson. 2:12 P. M. "Shoo Fly" Wilmington to Rocky ' . Mount: No. 40, .. No. 41. - 10:23 P M. Leaves AVilson,- 6:15 A..M THROUGH TRAINS. Between Florence and Weldon: No. 32. No. . 12:22 A. M. Leaves Wilson, ii:iS P. M. . COUNTY OFFICERS. , BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. R. S. Clark, Chairman. John C. Hadley, Thos. Felton. Shade Felton, . I. H. Newsom W.J. Cherry, Sheriff, J. D. Bardin, Clerk of Superior Court, J. H. GRiFFiNj Register of Deeds, S. H. Tyson, Treasurer, . Wm. Harriss, Coroner, - J. T. Revel, Surveyor. town officers, aldermen: J. D. Lee. J. A, Clark, v UHCozartv Geo. Hacknbv, J. T. llis, ; 1st ipd 3rd 4th 5th Vard. - Be Courteous. ' Never economize politeness. To be courteous is a divine injunction. Courtesv should flavor every act of the most ordinary day. Its practice would garland the rough place and soften- the hard ; . and be soothing balm to the sensitive, so often need lessly wounded. The Home Vegetable Garden and its Pest?. The Experiment Station", at Ral eigh, N. C, is now issuing a bulletin by the above title (No. 132) which, as its name indicates, is a treatise for raising vegetables in the home garden, and was prepared by W. F. Massey, Horticulturist of the Station, and Gerald McCarthy, Botanist 'and Entcmplogist. The fungous and in sect diseases are carefully treated by the latter and a variety of formulas are given to destroy these pests. It is believed that this publication is the most practical oi any-ever is sued upon this subject by any Station, especially to meet" conditions in ihe South. It will be sent free to parties in North Carolina who apply for it to Dr H. B. Battle, Director.- . The Boston Journal says that an eminent authority on topography, the Rev. Sam Jones, assured us all the other day that Boston .was not far from hell. Mr. Moody, an equally eminent authority, believes that Bos ton is within speaking distance of Heaven. The city seems to be cen trally and conveniently located. . P. B. Deans, Mayor; Jno. R. Moore, Town Clerk; W. E.. Deans, Collector. police: - ' D. P. Christian, Chief. Ephriam Harrkll, Frank FsltOn, :, ; James Marshboune. ...... 7 St. Timothy's Episcopal church, Rev. F. C. Baylies, Priest-in-charge. Services: Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday School at 3 p. m., Week Jays Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 p. m,. Holy days at 10 a. m. Celebra tion of Holy Communion on, 1st Sun day in each month at 11 a. m., other Sundays at 7:45 a. m. ' Methodist Church, Rev. J. B. Hurler Pastor; services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 5 p. m., J. Bruton, Supt. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7:30. Disciples Church, Rev. D. W. Davis,. Pastor; services on Second, Third and1' Fourth Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 pi rn. Prayer meeting every Thursday' night. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, p m., Geo. Hackney, Supt. " Presbyteriah Church, Rev-. James Thomas, Pastor; services on the First, Second and Third Sunday in every month and at Strickland's church every Fourth Sunday Sunday 'School at 5 o'clock, P. M. Baptist Church, service as! follows: Preaching Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock and 8:30 p. m. Rev. J. A. Rood Pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday School at 5 p. m., D. S. Boykin Supt. Primitive Baptist Church, preaching on 2nd Sunday by Elder Jas. Bass; on 3rd Sunday by Elder Jas. S: -Woodard; on the 4th Sunday and Saturday before bv the pastor, Elder'T. D. Gold. Ser- vicesbeginatiia.m. LODGES. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. 117 A. fc & A. M. are held in their hall, corner of Nash and Golds bora streets on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights at 7:30o'clock p. m..each month. J. I). Bullock, W. M. Regular . meetings of Mt. Lebanon Chapter No. 27 are held in the Masonic J Hall every 2nd Monday night at 7:30 o clock p. m. eacn momn. Lat Williams, II. P. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Commandery No. 7 are held in the Masonic hall every 4th Monday night at 7:30 o'clock each month, i W. H. Applewhite, E. C '.- Regular meetings of Wilson 'Lodge, K. of H. No. 16514 are held in their hall over the ist National Bank everv 1st 1 B. F. Briggs, Director.

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