THE WILSON ADVANCE: FEBRUARY 25, 1897. The meeting at the 1 Christian church conducted by Rev. Mr. Pee tre is still in progress. Large crowds have been out every night to hear him. Ke preaches good l sermons and ones that are Calculated to do much good. The meetings will con tinue through this week. . t All. who h PEK30NAL MKXHON. Mr. C. V. Priddy spent iSuady in Wilson. i ' j Mr. W. M. Carter left fdr Winston Sunday. j ' . I Mrs- C. Barnes is visiting in S luth- port., N C. Mnrrfd. j Ilenrj Hlonnt. ave not gone out should make ai I SnPn,l effort to r!n .r - Mr- Ad oand spent Sunday in t Goldsboro. This morning at 1 1:39 o'clock a We clip the following from a spec marriage win take place in Oxford ial to the News & Observer last Frt the contracting parties being Miss day. Mr. Blount has a wide reputi Nettie Hunt, of that place, Snd Mr. tion and each nlace he visits sneaks ... r in high tone of his lectures. -Rockingham, N. C, Feb: iS I he olaiform at the passenger de pot been thoroughly overhauled and 1 j new planks put in the placei of those which were decayed. It would be a ! great convenience if the authorities VebratCMl-for its groat lcaveuin strensrtli'j could be prevailed upon to build a uiii health fulness. Assures the t'oud against 1 11 . , . . . - 1 . . . jlum and all -forma of adulteration coimnou snecl over the lower platform. I his to the cnoap owms. I : f A , hoyai; BAKtNij powDEii co., xew york. is one 01 the mam points lor chang ing cars and in rainv weather it is Absolutely Pure WILSON LOCALS. S. T. DANIEL, LOCAL EDITOR. very disagreeable changing cars! to passengers A WKKK'jS NKU'S ISRIKFr.Y TOLD FOR - liUSY HEADERS.' Ho;!ii Matters Picked up on Our Streets .by our Reporter What, he Se s and Hears. Work has begun on Hackney Bros. Hew building. A large lot of 1 St.Timothj Churrh. ! The Right Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, Jr., D. D., Bishop of North Carolina, will, D. V., make his annu al visitation to St.' Timothy's parish, Wiison, on Ash Wednesday, 3rd of March,. at 7:30 p m. t The apostolic rite ot confirmation I Mr. E W. Simpson of iRir.ovvood is in the city. ' Mr. Jas. Lucas, is attending the Nevvberne Fair. ? Mr. Kinchen Watson is attending the Newbern tair. j Mr. H. F. Jones returned from Raleigh Saturday. 1 1 Miss Minnie VVyalt returned irom Elm City Monday, i Mr. George Morgan left Tuesday tor the Newbern fair. i brick have been hauled and the mor-! tar is now being mixed." - If the hair is tailing out and turning-gray, the glands of the skin need stimulating and color-loo J, and the best remedy and stimulant 'is Hall's Hair Renewer. The trees are showing the effects of the spring weather. If it contin ties as warm as it has been lor the past week they will soon be covered with dense toliage.- We call attention to the advertise ment of the Hamilton Chemical Paint Company this week. A barrel with the 'brand of this famous paint on the head- Mr. John Hutchinson is secretary and treasurer. Branch .&, Co's' Bank is having a new coat ci paint added to- the out ; will be administered at this service. ChiWtren't lJay. i The Woman's Exchange on Fri day and Saturday, February 25th and 26 will have articles on sale to please the eye of the little ones. Doll's . entire wardrobe, tops, kites and household furniture vill be shown. Other attractions in the way of eatables, fresh candy, pickles, etc. Let the little ones come out and en joy themselves. 1 . The M(lrn VVay Commends. itself to the well-inlormed to do pleasantly and effectually- what was formerlv done1 in the crudest manner and disagreeably as wcl'. To cleanse the system and 1 break up colds, headaches and fevers without unpleasant-: after effects, use the de- otav 1 iLii ui. mi pi w .iiiiuj luv. 1 . r 1 l " i 1 1 riouDtful whether r . r . , , ' ,., 01 rigs, ivianuiaciurea Dy aiuornia interior, it is v very a prettier banking house in the State. Fig Syrup-Company In another colunm:will be found a statement of the financial condition of the Wilson Home and Loan Associa tion Thi rivri n:mi' mlrHi an-pr celient showing". The officers are of the very best and jo". this fict is due iimch of the succesi of the Association. .A 'quantity 'of fertilizers. continue .to' b,e hauled out by the firmers.- They are "making hay while the sun shines." No doubt we will have . - - i- -.. some more wintry weather and our country people are making the best of the present warm spell. The theatre goers of Wilson are to have the pleasure of a visit from James -.--. . Young. Che tragedian. He needs no recommendation as all know his abil ity as an actor. Manager Anderson has billed him Hor the 4th of March. Doubtless a packed house will greet him.- The three stores occupied by J. & D. Oettinger and the one used by ' M. Baker, have had very much ad ded to their looks by a fresh coat of .paint. These men,, are Wilson's lar gest dry goods merchants and are always improving the appearance of iheii places of business.. Last week in the notice of a seizure of some whiskey from Mr. B.C. Liles, we neglected to state that it was no Violation of the revenue law on the part of Mr. Files but the fault of the house the whiskey came from. We are glad' to learn that he loses nothing by the seizure. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Miss Ella Howard to Mr. Charles W. Gold, of Wilson, at the . residence of the brides' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas T. Howard, near Cone toe, N. C; on March 2d. Mr. Gold 53 a young man of sterling qualities. He is one of the editors of our con temporary, the Wilson Times. Miss Howard is one of Edgecombe coun ty's' most accomplished daughters. Ia'te of the IJXiiistrel. If nothing unforseen happens the minstrel composed of amateurs will make its' appearance in the Opera Honse on March 12th. It! was hoped when steps were taken to organize it that it cquM be given before Lent, but it has been found impossible to do so. The boys are going to give a show that the people of Wilson may feel proud of and for j this reason wish to have plenty of practice. They have gone to work with the right spirit and will make a success of their undertaking. All they ask from the people is to honor them with a full house. an'try held at he ar- W. Li. I. The Wilson Light In their monthly inspection mory on Go Idsboro St.Monday night A very good number were in ranks to answer roll call. No busines meeting, was held as Captain -'jobbitt was out of town. Next Monday is the usual time for meeting so busi ness will be transacted then. More ' - .'. '.'! interest is being manifested in the. company, and as the summer comes nn ihere wilt nrobablv be oublic drills i j - , once or twice a month. Old People. Mrs. Ella Brodie returned from Whitakers Saturday. Representative J. J Sharp returned from Raleigh yesterda'y. i Mr. Alex Greens returned from Whitakers on Saturday. , Mr. Chas. T. Elliot of Rocky Mt. spent Sunday in the city, i Mr. S. R. Alley was ;in Wilson this week visiting relatives! "'"""- ' ' !'' Mr. M. T. Young left Sunday for Dunn. " He returned Monday. Mrs. W. P. Rose! and j little child left for Mount Olive yesterday. Miss Sadie Granger, of Kintton, is visiting Miss Margaret Hadley. Misses Sallie and Cora Farmer left yesterday for the Newbern fair. . : -1 ! :" ' . Mr.- i'eter Jones, of Edgecombe county was in the city this1 week. 1 1 . Mr. La Fayette Nolley and wile went to Rocky Mount Saturday. Rev. M. T. Move left Saturday tor Kinston, where he held services. Miss Sallie Herring has returned from a visit to Washington, N. C. -I'- : i ; !.. Mr. F. A Daniel, of Goldsboro, 1 1 spent a short while in Wilson on Sun day. f " j j' Miss Fannie Brodie kftj for Rocky Mount Friday. She returned Satur day. - I i j i Mess. Geo. P. Bryantiand Robt. I - - I Clark returned from Raleigh Satur day, j . Mr. P. D. Gold, Jr , wlio is attend ing the University', came home Tues day. . ; 1 i i Mr. S. G. Mewbo-ne, one of ouri attorneys is attending Green county court.- , j i 'Miss Ellen Branch left Monday for Raleigh to resume her studies at St. Mary's. - " v - . Miss Mary Wilkins who has been visiting relatives in Norfcjlk, has re turned. . t Miss Annie Elliot of-iFayettvillee who has been visiting in jWilson, left yesterday. Miss Addie Harlee, of Florence S. C. is visiting Miss Green Stree. Mrs. Tom Person, anfl daughter, 1 i . Miss Sallis, left Tuesday if 'or Newbern to attend the fiir; 1 J. II Cheatham, of -Wilson. ' Mr. Cheatham has only been in business here a short time Vtf he is quite popular and has many friends j who will extend their best wishes for a happy journey upon the sea of mat rimony. To the couple the Advance ex tends its congratulations. Connor, N. C Feb. iS, 1897, On Wednesday evening Feb. 16, at the bride's father, Mr. A. B. High, in O'd Fields township, Miss Dorcha High and Mr- Jesse S Fiilghum were unit ed in the holy estate of matrimony.. After the: marriage a hosti of young people drove to the residence of the groom's father where they en joyed a fine supper.' After the sup per was over the then participated in a regular . old fashioned sociable which was enjoyed by all that were present. Many wishes for the happy couple. - ' . ' S. E..H. The citizens ctf our town ei j )ved a rare treat in the way of a lecture lrom the renowned, popular and inimitable Henry Blount. His sot Jeci, 'Bevor.d the Ales lies Italy," uas handled as he dnly could handle it. Its variety, depth, breadth, width and height cannot well be esti mattd. He showed how every man who had . reached the "Italv of success" had first to climb the rugged 4Alps which lav in his pathway. For oratory, humor, &c, Henrr Blount has no equal- "He'll make you laugh and make you cry or else he'll know the reason why." " "V Mrs. Copeland I)ed. Mrs. Hattie Copeland, wife of Mr. A. S. Copeland, died yesterday mOin irig at 7:45 o, clock, aged 25 years. Her body will be taken to La Grange today for burial She was a daugh ter of Mr. Shade Wooten, and sister of our townsmen Mess. A. S. Woot en and bhade Wooten, Jr. Mrs. Copeland was a most estimable lady and her death causes sorrow to a large number of friends, who esteemed her most highly. The bereaved hus band and relatives have the sympathy of a large number of friends. We copy the above from the Kins ton Free Press ' of last , Saturday knowing that there are many who Arill learn of her. death with deepest regret. Mr. Copeland and his wife were for some time residents of this, place, and she, by her lovable disposition made many friends who -will sym pa- I all reputable drug-gists, tbize with her family in their 'afflic tion.'' ' ' C-A.STOHTi. Tiefse siailo of ia ea every vrappe?. uiadness uomes With a better understanding1 of the transient nature of the many ph3-s-icalills, which vanish before proper f-v forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledg-e.' "that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the S3'stem, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt-, ly removes. That is why it is the only . remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that itis the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acS. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur-, chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Oo. only and sold i by 1 refutable druggists. a If in the eiiiovment of good health; and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in. need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of. Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. SI One dollar and thirty cents buys Advance Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will kind the "true remedy in Electric Bitters. This, medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the or gans, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Elec tric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need. ' Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at B. W. Hargrave's drugstore, r McKay on AND The: Cosmopolitan, S i .00, Munsey's, , - - fill 5 1 .00, S i do, or Mc'Clure's, - - i .-.. Godeys Magazine, $1.00, For one Year. si. 30 Timples, blotches, blackheads, red, rough, oily, mothy ekin, itching, scaly ecalp dry, thin, and falling hair, and baby blemishejs prevented by Cuticuka Soap, the most effectve skin purify, ing and beautifying soap in the tj orld, as well aa purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. mil sura Isold throughout the world. PottzbD. atoC. Corp., Bole Props., ostoa. ea-"HowtoBeaatifythe Skin,"free BLOOD HUM0RSTill7dDiEy9. Don't let this ppportunity escape you. The offer will not be left open. Call Early. Tlie Advance PublisliiDg ComDanv:

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